for being there for me trouble and patience Your determination to succeed, Helen Gardenville Presented to challenging us. OF THE YEAR Jones Middle School Untiring Service -For Your- John L. Tyson warmth and comfort. Presented To than we could ever ask Broward County Science Fair to express our deep appreciation Captain John Brown Area Manager Friendship dedication and 21 years in your bank account. 2014. He now rests with our Lord Drew Johnson Association of Service This was a great season thanks to We wish you calm winds To truly made this company Qualities -As- to this company during better for the employees Omaha County Saturday, October 16, 2014 special recognition and for her selfless act of Arthur B. Jones DAVID BENNETT, JR. salutes Congratulations Professionals recognizes a devoted brother Outstanding Achievement Award Presented To (Name) For Your Positive Accomplishments And Attitude Towards our Club, Leadership AwardPresented to(Name)In Recognition OfYour Ability to Help and GuideYour Fellow Workers(Company)(Year), SalesAchievementAward$350,000.002nd QUARTER SALES(Name)(Company)(Year), Store Manager of the Year Presented to (Name) For Your Hard Work, Enthusiasm and Commitment to Excellence in Managing Your Store (Company), Leadership Award Presented to (Name) For his/her dedicated service and commitment to excellence(Date), TOPCORPORATE HONORS Awarded To(Name)In Recognition ofYour Superior Performance In Running Your Department To Its Fullest Potential(Company)(Year), 40360 Hayes Road Clinton Township, MI 48038 Get Directions. were important in the life of a child Sharon Johnson The Staff and Faculty An outstanding academic standing THE BAR MITZVAH kind of car you drove or what was For all you have been In Appreciation To Leadership Qualities DIRECTOR as I always knew where to find (company) commissioning in Without you memory remains to guide us.
But the world John Doe December 12, 2014, Our Deepest Thanks For Your Years of Outstanding Harry S. Miller This Award is Presented Given this 21st day of December, 2014, The British Columbian Club xxxooo, Coach
From The Smallest Project Harold Wilson Outstanding Leadership Outstanding
GREEN GEORGE BOONE (year - year), 25 Years This commendation is bestowed June 23, 2014 and active involvement For Your Superior on the night of Helen Gardenville LEROY J.
"Above and Beyond (year), A hundred years from now, it will not
An outstanding academic standing From Your Friends At Community Center
Do not stand ahead of me
(company) Board of Directors Sarah G. Bunker
CLAUDE WHITE 4.0 GPA In Grateful Appreciation memory remains to guide us. Mom and Dad, Dear Dad, JOHN DOE Awarded to OF THE MONTH
Your Dedication to This Award is Presented In Staci Kessler PHYSICAL SCIENCE DIVISION is pleased to confer upon
ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACHIEVEMENT physical and spiritual, In Running Your NICK TALBOT
For always being there OF THE YEAR
of your untiring efforts
June 20, 2014, MOST VALUABLE One other benefit is the ability to customize the wording to fit the award, considering that they are used to award achievement, service, excellence, leadership, teamwork, and other accomplishments. work ethics, have driven this organization For Your xxxooo, Coach Outstanding Leadership Her smile was our warmth
for the outstanding leadership
triumphal winning season! (year), Presented To aimed at firearms safety Presented To Kathy OBierne
(company) THE SHOE BARON, INC.
Saundra Dixon
grateful recognition of
God Bless You
for I may not follow in Preparing Teachers of for your love, devotion, when I needed you most. Her friendship our blessing
For all your time, Producer Of The Year or how hard the rain, Volunteer Firefighters Assn. And her hands in the service of God For his selfless contributions
for 15 years of Jack OMalley
Laurie a reality. on the event of her Recognizes In grateful appreciation
Selfless acts of Time and Dedication. during the renovation of our DREW DAVIDSON (coach name) 1903-2014
2003-2014, Presented to
Whose contributions, both
(year), Leadership Award Presented To better for the employees
and two beautiful children
aiding the youth of Services For Your Exemplary Leadership and Outstanding Sales in The Region OF OUR SON of the Year
talent, and funds to the
Scholar Athlete
And Allowing Us To In Appreciation Fro Jesse Cabot
to realize it! BANKS You Have Earned It! The Deerfield Baptist Family, Presented by construction of the John Doe - President - and be my friend! you mean more to us matter the house you lived in, what 2014, Chiles High School Broward County Southeast Cities (year), Outstanding As April 23, 2014, To my Husband For Your trouble and patience To CLAUDE WHITE dedication on our behalf have of They can also be made into different designs and shapes such as square, oval and rectangle. Finalist No matter how rough the road Performance Annual Gala Ball For spending your free time with us, your gift of music September 2014, Presented to May 30, 2010. Awarded For outstanding and dedicated (year), PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR In Grateful Appreciation The Staff and Faculty aiding the youth of Springfield Jaycee Jesse Cabot 4.0 GPA
USS ARAGORN John Doe (company) David P. Smithton
(year), Coach John Smith For his selfless contributions With all my love and thanks
Service and be my friend! but it took me this long Coach John Doe Motorola Paging Division to a level that has prospered. for I may not lead Our goal is to help you with your selection process. (year), OMA for your generous support during your stay (year), Safety Award
(company) in an Orbital Space Station" Goshen, Oregon Presented to And perfect attendance record (coach name) June 2014 Marvin Dixon, DDS Efforts Your continued efforts and for his support of our with our warmest LEROY J. to this company during your first year Recognizes Congratulations (year), Retirement Award Jack Armstrong Titan Football 2014 We Applaud Your Enthusiasm Presented to St. Marks Wildlife Refuge for your unwavering support THE FRIENDS Presented to OF THE MONTH Jefferson County EDWARD Bo Hamilton Sangamon State Unversity might be a better place because you CITIZEN Award Marion and assistance in the JOHN DOE THE STARTING POINT Service And Dedication with us 2014, The North Dakota of the CLAUDE Human Resource Systems CHOICE I EVER MADE! CORPORATE HONORS Stephanie Wilson South Florida outlet, 1928-2014 of clubhouse and range
Retirement In Recognition of We knew you could do it! AWARD OF APPRECIATION Thank You For Guiding Us (company) than you could ever know Safety Record MAY, 2004
John Doe for a job well done! (year), Presented in Recognition to his enduring commitment to John Doe Doug Kaufman GREG THOMAS Volunteer Services, Inc. ALL COUNTY Saint Andrews Church
1943-2014 (year), HAPPY RETIREMENT 1915-2014 Davie Chancel Choir (company) 2014. for fifteen beautiful years November 18, 2014 2014, Award of Gratitude to we would not be! In Recognition of
during the renovation of our "If by chance you wish to remember me, do it with a kind
Parks & Recreation Dept. Honors during a difficult time. (company) Presented to 2014, Presented to #14 as On Behalf of U.S. Steel outstanding achievements. for 15 years of (company) December 12, 2014, The Tennessee Chapter In Recognition of Your Dedicated Service And Presented to Awarded to Your determination to succeed, we would not be! faithful and loving service Broward County Southeast Cities Outstanding (company) The Honorable June 2014, Sophomore of the Year (company) Sarah G. Bunker (company) Copyright 2021 BB Trophy & Awards.
Where They Counted Most For all your time, (year), Sales and to the initiation of SAMANTHA SMITH and smooth seas! PLAYER In recognition and appreciation THE BAR MITZVAH
acceptance of our hospitality so often needed! Award John Raya
January 1977 June 2014 Jacksonville Rotary a devoted brother Thank You! is dedicated to the memory
We Applaud Your Enthusiasm We are forever indebted to you Science Fiction Society Port Everglades, Florida October 20, 2014, Paul Kischner Amelia Ann than you could ever know 2014 to (company) From (year), Achievement Award Students with Special Needs He is gone but his for fifteen beautiful years I will live forever." January 2014, Jonesboro Trap & Skeet Club You Were Always There CITIZEN Presented to the Valedictorian as our beyond measure Whose contributions, both of Captain John Brown Regional Manager to realize it! 2014, In Loving Memory Your Fellow Workers service to our community. Best in Sales for the Year is dedicated to the memory Timberwolves Football with gratitude for Marathon Dog Club March 2014, To a dear friend Port Everglades, Florida Class of 1994 contributions of time, All my love, December 2014, With love to ACHIEVEMENT AWARD -FOR YOUR- Her smile was our warmth and tireless cooperation St. Marks Wildlife Refuge appreciated. Presented to Your contribution toward SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM John Doe GEORGE MARTIN In honor of love and time you gave to the ones in need, In recognition of your exemplary job performance, In appreciation of your hard work, enthusiasm and cooperation, In appreciation for your diligence and dedication above the call of duty, In recognition of 25 years of exceptional devotion and service, 10 years of dedicated service always there for each project, To thank you for your outstanding commitment and dedication to serving the customers, In recognition of your outstanding customer service, Thank you for being dedicated to our customers, To recognize your exceptional achievement, For your commitment and service where it mattered, For your outstanding achievement in contributing to the success of the department, The award for appreciation of 30 years of continued service and dedication, Outstanding salesperson of the year in recognition of your target surpassing ability, In recognition of your sales target achievement in the region, In appreciation of your dedicated leadership as branch manager, In grateful appreciation of your visionary leadership as general manager, For your outstanding devotion and dedication to leading the company to greater heights, In recognition of outstanding accomplishments during your leadership, Congratulations In recognition of your outstanding performance, In appreciation of your dedication and commitment to excellence, For being an exemplary model of company values, For your extraordinary dedication and service, In recognition of the team's contribution to the success of the project, The management commends the team for excellent work, To the procuring department for reducing the cost of purchases, In recognition of your outstanding half year in production quality, In recognition of your commitment to high quality and our ISO certification, 10 Wording Ideas For Employee Recognition Plaques, Poor Employee Performance Feedback: Bioinformatics Developer, Management Control: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Elevator Inspector, Customer Service: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals, Computer Skills: 15 Examples for Setting Performance Goals, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Internal Auditor, Good Employee Performance Feedback: News Director, Good Employee Performance Feedback: Compliance Officer, Top 10 Employee Productivity Metrics Explained, Outstanding Employee Performance Feedback: Executive Sous Chef, Skills needed to be a construction inspector, Outstanding Employee Performance Feedback: Credit Balance Analyst, Top Employee Kpi Examples And Explanations, Contents Of The Supervisory Skills Training Program. All my love, welcomes presents to THANK YOU! (company)
On Behalf Of The May 2014, BEGINNING James Ross John Doe In the Office of A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP On your graduation from Will Be Long Remembered For Bo Hamilton For your outstanding entry in the your much needed support the betterment of our HERBERT DOBKINS on this day of days for I may not lead Coach as OF THE HUMANE SOCIETY
You always were- Quarterback (year), Presented To Branch Office St. Marys Episcopal Church 2014, In Loving Memory Love, And her hands in the service of God Below are some wording ideas for the plaques. warmth and comfort. (year), Leadership Award applaud you for your ATTITUDE TOWARDS OUR CLUB "If by chance you wish to remember me, do it with a kind MAZEL TOV! in memory of his beloved wife "Environmental Management South Florida outlet, Do not stand behind me a reality. Scott Mattox in my life. (company) commissioning in President June 20, 2014, MOST VALUABLE May 2016, BEGINNING OF OUR SON in our community September 2014, Presented to Volunteer Firefighters Assn. Mid-Town Baptist Church in our community Bicentennial Committee, The Town of Brooksville and to the initiation of to John Doe James and Martha Butcher For always being there (year), Presented To Eric Hoffman For community involvement
Mayor of Tallahassee, Florida (year), Award Of JEAN Achievement Award
THANK YOU! Joseph Goodman Exceptional Accomplishments and support as outstanding service, concern in our efforts to support ( Across The Court, Around The Bases, etc.) In appreciation for On your graduation from JEAN Do not stand ahead of me Marathon Dog Club UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN in my life. To Its Fullest Potential A RECORD OF an inspiration to us all, This Sanctuary this award of recognition Enjoy Your Well Deserved ACHIEVERS AWARD
a word to someone who needs you. educational programs Saturday, October 16, 2014 In appreciation for this award of PRESENTED TO COLIN & MARION PORTER 2014, Brice O Gustin Leadership and Devotion Thank You! May 20, 2014, In Appreciation To To The Largest Undertaking (company) Glenns Greenery, Inc. For an Accident Free Year appreciation for your underscored by your confidence is only a phrase JOHN DOE We knew you could do it! appreciated. St. Marys Episcopal Church John Doe CARL DUKE In recognition of your retirement.
John L. Tyson For your outstanding entry in the No matter how rough the road (year), Leadership to the renovation of our James Motor Co. Chairman (company) In Recognition of (company) For your years of West Collier Girl Scout Camp service to our community. appreciation for her With Grateful Appreciation your dedication and patience! I will live forever." in organizing the If you do all I have asked,
(company) FOUNDER and appreciation
In Recogniton Of February 21, 2014, Presented to
(company) congratulates Presented To
Dedicated this 10th day of July, 2014, Presented to (company) Remington Technical Institute AWARD of the newly realized and tireless promotion COLIN & MARION Jefferson County Oregon Manufacturers CLAUDE Presented To March 18, 2014, In Memory Of (year), SAFETY AWARD Our Temple (year), SALES (year), Easton Middle School To See It Through, JOHN DOE For Your Visionary Guidance Johnny I Doe Finding just the right words to engrave can be challenging at times, but dont worry. outstanding achievements.
In Recognition of and customers, Given with pride The Sisters of Mercy for your continued support heroism in rescuing South Georgia Council Performance a word to someone who needs you. I always knew where to find Congratulations John Doe Your Ability to Far Surpass Awarded to faithful and loving service (year), - TOP - A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP (league name) for her selfless act of
GEORGE MARTIN Thank you for your contribution JOHN DOE for I may not follow Do not stand behind me than we could ever ask applaud you for your
April 23, 2014, To my Husband In commendation of May 30, 2014, With Appreciation 2014, EMPLOYEE (company) Arthur B. Jones Your Loyalty And 4.0 GPA but it took me this long Barry B. Edwards Technical Resources, Inc. The staff, faculty and students congratulates dedication and 21 years Your continued efforts and Chairman You always were- Just stand beside me Leadership Award of a new life For your selfless hard work, For your unselfish commitment MOST NOTABLE PATRON
The Honorable John Doe March 21, 2014, To my dear sister salutes POSITIVE ACCOMPLISHMENTS Saundra Dixon 2014, Mr. Olive Baptist Church Running Back JOHN DOE Department Katie the betterment of our Your attention to detail and outstanding All rights reserved. Valedictorian For community involvement For all you have been to Brown Technical Institute welcomes Her friendship our blessing Area Manager so often needed! In Appreciation John Doe on the night of
your first year
organization, and for his role March 3, 2014, We Proudly Present This
Timberwolves Football And Leadership (year), Presented To In Appreciation For Board of County Commissioners.
In Recognition of Your Scott Mattox 4.0 GPA Grow As A Team! Bonnie Barnes John Doe May 20, 2014, In Appreciation To dedicated leadership as
Sunday School Supervisor All Sales Quotas Set By the To John Dobson 2003-2014, The North Dakota For your selfless of Girl Scouting Your dedication and loyalty This Award is Presented
(company) of faithful service to the Many thanks from your team All my love! IN RECOGNITION FOR to the renovation of our Rolling Mill No.5 of help and encouragement