[100] Ward, who had been tried for murder three times, was the leader of a criminal gang involved in a variety of activities such as drug dealing in the Niagara peninsula.
They are violent people who are a danger to society. "[4], In 1995, Stadnick had the Angels' puppet club in Montreal, the Rockers, set up a puppet club in Winnipeg called the Redliners. [95] Harris called Stadnick "a hard guy to nail. [56], As national president, Stadnick immediately appointed Boucher his Quebec lieutenant and informed him that he would largely run Hells Angels operations in Quebec, while Stadnick focused on expanding the Angels into the rest of Canada. [153], In 2018, it was reported that Stadnick was employed as a construction worker. [142] In July 2002, the Angels' new national leadership consisting of Gerald Ward, president of the Niagara chapter, and Billy Miller, president of the North Toronto chapter, summoned the Coates brothers and Georges "Bo-Boy" Beaulieu, president of the Sherbrooke chapter, to a meeting in Toronto to tell them to end the violence as the Ontario market was large enough to share with other gangs, and the negative publicity was attracting unwanted attention. [121] The Indian Posse has since emerged as one of the Hells Angels' major rivals in western Canada. [48] Despite the fact that Stadnick spoke no French and Boucher no English, forcing them to use translators, the two men became friends. [155] Peter Edwards, the crime correspondent for the Toronto Star described the Hells Angels in 2016 as the most powerful organized crime group in Canada, saying "In Ontario, you had the Hells Angels and the people the Hells Angels let exist. [59] On 23 August 1988, Stadnick was arrested at the home of Douglas Freeborn, a former Satan's Choice member and a prominent drug dealer in Hamilton. prisoner serving time for manslaughter dead: Correctional Service Canada, Bonnyville man charged with child pornography, Oversized load hits pedestrian bridge in Fort Saskatchewan causing traffic delays: RCMP, Why Maskwacis? [113] On 7 September 1998, Stadnick persuaded the Rebels outlaw biker gang of Saskatoon to "patch over", allowing the Hells Angels to enter Saskatchewan. "The showhome itself was originally built in this particular location to attract traffic, and was not built to make money from the sale but rather the purpose was to build exposure and promote themselves.". Papalia, even though he was 73 when he died, he wouldn't have put up with that". [5][11] On 6 January 1971 when the preliminary hearing was held to decide whatever Stadnick's case would go to trial or not, Stadnick's biker friends showed up and misbehaved in court, leading the judge to expel them from the courtroom.
[119] On 22 October 1999, in a drive-by shooting, a pro-Hells Angels Loner, Davie "Dirty" McLeish, and a Hells Angel from Sherbrooke, Philippe "Philbilly" Gastonguay, opened fire with a shotgun on Kellestine, who was sitting in his truck at a stop at the only intersection in Iona Station. [81] Stadnick offered them the possibility of selling cocaine, which required less work and was more profitable than auto theft, to the two Winnipeg outlaw biker clubs. [37] Stadnick's face was badly burned, leaving him with what were described as "horrific" scars to his face.
I'm kind of a quiet guy". They were trading patch for patch the legendary Hells Angel patch for some of the lowest of the low". [124], On 21 July 2000, Stadnick promoted los Bravos, headed by Ernie Dew, up to "prospect" status from the "hang-around" status they had been granted in October 1997. [141] When O'Neill asked Stadnick if he remembered Dany Kane of the Rockers, Stadnick stated he knew him, but not very well as he does not speak French. [75] Besides for Lenti, Stadnick stayed in contact with Guindon in attempts to persuade the Satan's Choice to "patch over" to the Hells Angels. [154] On 18 August 2019, he attended the funeral in Delta, British Columbia of a murdered Hells Angel, Suminder "Allie" Grewal. [139] He did not contest his extradition to Canada, returning on 10 April 2001.
Youre in luck!
[52] On the night of 2 September 1987, Melanson went to the hotel to hand over the money to the Hells Angels. Officer Don Bell of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)'s Biker Enforcement Unit said of Stadnick: He's been pretty good at eluding prosecution. [88] However, Guindon was an intense Canadian nationalist who had rejected offers from both the Outlaws and the Hells Angels in the 1970s and 1980s to "patch over", and was still opposed to having the outlaw biker club he had founded in 1965 absorbed into a larger American club. [33] Enraged, Parente and the other Outlaws proceeded to shoot up the bus when it stopped at the Mr. Mugs coffee and doughnut shop in Wawa in an attempt to kill the two Hells Angels. It isn't so much in your face. [35] It was around this time that Stadnick started wearing a "Filthy Few" patch that the police say is awarded to those who kill for the gang. [94][81] After attending Boyko's funeral, Stadnick was denied permission to enter los Bravos' clubhouse in West Winnipeg as feelings in the gang were much against the Hells Angels.
Just out of curiosity wonder if anyone knew anything about it.
[81] In October 1996, Kane reported to the RCMP that Stadnick had offered him $10,000 to kill Magnussen.[94]. [121] In a phone call that was recorded by prison officials, Wolfe was heard to say: "We just told them [the Hells Angels], 'Hey man, we won't fucking stand in front, we won't stand behind you'. Typically Hells Angels use the number 81 as a representation for their group. [40] A nurse recalled: "It was crazy; most of the day there were these big, burly bikers outside his room.
""[3], On 28 March 2001, as part of Operation Springtime (a police crackdown on the Hells Angels), a warrant was issued for Stadnick's arrest for 13 charges of first-degree murder. [49], In 1987, Stadnick went to Toronto to try to persuade an outlaw biker club, the Vagabonds, to "patch over" to become Hells Angels. [88] Even though most Satan's Choice members favored joining the Hells Angels, Guindon would not hear of it throughout the 1990s. [126] The vast majority of the Ontario outlaw bikers clubs preferred to join the Hells Angels instead of the rival Bandidos as Stadnick allowed them to maintain their dignity with his "patch for patch" offer. [2] The records showed that Stadnick's codename was Gertrude and that between 30 March 1999 and 19 December 2000, the Nomads had sold $111.5 million worth of cocaine and hashish all over Canada. [106], On 7 April 1998, Jeffrey LaBrash and Jody Hart, two leaders of the Outlaws biker gang, were gunned down leaving a strip club, the Beef Baron, by two men known to be associated with the Hells Angels in London, Ontario. [91] Stadnick had created a drug distribution network under which all Hells Angels chapters in Canada had to buy cocaine and other drugs from the Nomad chapter. [66] In turn, Ward and Miller were believed to acting on behalf of Stadnick. [101] It was agreed at the "crime summit" that henceforward Ward would only buy his drugs from the Hells Angels, thereby establishing Angels' influence in the Niagara peninsula. He worked in the depths of criminal activity and kept himself one step away, which made it difficult to collect the necessary evidence and charge him. [126] Outlaw biker clubs operate in a very authoritarian, hierarchical manner, and patches are extremely important for the self-image of outlaw bikers with those having obtained "full patch" status jealously guarding their status and expecting the "prospect" and "hang-around" members to defer to them at all times. [58] Harris stated: "He got it by default. However, it does offer an open concept layout, and a simple change in colour scheme could make the rooms feel much larger.
[131] Unlike the rival Bandidos, who required that new members join as "prospects", Stadnick allowed the Ontario outlaw biker gangs to all join the Hells Angels "patch for patch", which was most unusual. [33] On 17 July 1983, while riding through northern Ontario, Parente happened to see two Hells Angels from Montreal, Michel "Jinx" Genest and Jean-Marc Nadeau, on the bus to Vancouver to attend the ceremony. [51] After remortgaging his house, Melanson contacted the Hells Angels to say he had some $50,000 in cash of the $80,000 that he owed and he would meet them in a room in a hotel on Yonge Street to hand it over, promising he would pay off the remaining $30,000 soon. [70], Stadnick was known in the 1990s for his flamboyant way of dressing, wearing a full-length coat made from wolf's fur and a snakeskin belt with a solid gold belt buckle in the form of the Hells Angels' winged death's head that was hollowed inside to allow him to carry cash. [14] Unable to join Satan's Choice, Stadnick instead joined the Wild Ones outlaw biker club in 1977. [38] Harris was opposed to the police guarding Stadnick, saying: "I didn't like it. I think that's the way Walter does business". So we put the container back where it was found and kept an eye on it".
A new piece of real estate has hit the market in the Elmwood community at 8116 159 Street, and it could be yours at the modest price of $289,000. [36] Stadnick was on his way to attend a memorial service for Buteau, who was killed on that day in 1983, when a Catholic priest who was speeding on his way to Montreal to see Pope John Paul II, who was visiting Canada, led to the traffic incident.
[10] In the 1970s, outlaw biker clubs were very much subordinate to the Mafia and other organized crime groups like the West End Gang, who employed outlaw bikers to do "dirty work" that they did not wish to do themselves. [53] However, the offense was merely drunk driving, for which he was fined $750 dollars. Read more about cookies here. [150], Stadnick was paroled in June 2014, lasting less than a month on probation due to suspicion that he was associating with people with criminal records as well as the biker club. [17], One Satan's Choice biker, Cecil Kirby, who first saw Stadnick at a bikers' convention in Wasaga Beach in 1977, recalled that Stadnick seemed to be trying too hard to pass himself as a "hardcore" biker, remembering: "I didn't like him. [144] The Crown Attorney prosecuting Stadnick was Randall Richmond. He had a country-wide vision. An appealing spot for a first-time home buyer.
[120] The Globe and Mail reported in 2004 about the Hells Angels' push into south-western Ontario: "From 1999 to 2002, when the conflict reached a peak, beatings, brawls and shootings became common". [95] When Harris dismissed the call as a prank, Stadnick became very angry, saying: "Yes, it's Walter Stadnick. [108] In June 1998, the Spartans gang disbanded themselves after their leader Darwin Sylvester vanished without trace. I didn't even know he was a biker he always drove a car up here".
Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Edmonton SUN, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. "Most people don't know. [78] Charges were dropped when he settled on forfeiting the money. In 2009, police said there were three outlaw motorcycle clubs operating in Alberta. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. [42], By 1986, Stadnick was living in a trailer park in the Hamilton suburb of Carlisle. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. [123] Sher stated: "[Stadnick] is part of that key cocaine industry that turns the Hells Angels from basically gofer boys of the Mafia into powerbrokers who are sitting down with the Mafia and negotiating the price of cocaine". I believe there is an Edmonton chapter that regularly uses 51, Edmonton Angels. [3] In August 1992, Stadnick and Magnussen were involved in a brawl with two off-duty Winnipeg police officers that led them to be charged with assault, but the charges were dropped. [110] After the Spartans disbanded, the only other outlaw biker club in Winnipeg other than los Bravos were los Montoneros biker gang, whom Stadnick had declared to be unfit to be Hells Angels. [86] As a puppet club of a puppet club, the police reported the "triple insulation" made it difficult to tie Stadnick to the Redliners. Dont know anything about it specifically but theres a ton of hells angels activity in this city so not surprising Ok, I didnt think there was - in the sense that I dont think Ive ever seen a vest my entire time here growing up . "[156] In 2016, it was estimated the Hells Angels had about 450 members with chapters in almost every province, giving them a level of dominance that no other organized crime group in Canada could match. [101], In July 1997, Stadnick persuaded the Grim Reapers gang of Calgary to "patch over" to become Hells Angels, while also opening a new Hells Angels chapter in Edmonton, establishing the Hells Angels as the dominant outlaw motorcycle club in Alberta. [4] As a result of the mass "patch-over" in Montreal, with 168 outlaw bikers becoming Hells Angels, the greater Toronto area went from having no Hells Angels chapters to having the highest concentration of Hells Angels' chapters in the world. [113] Stadnick and the rest of the Hells Angels favored some of the bikers at the "rodeo" with their company while snubbing others. [101] Ward was not an outlaw biker, but he was the leader of a locally powerful criminal gang, and Stadnick wanted to do business with him. They wanted control. [46] One Hamilton police officer stated: "He had an office in the back, through the kitchen. But all of those roles were part of the overall picture, which was to take control of the drug market and get rich". Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy | Accessibility, Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:43PM MDT, ALERT investigating Hells Angels in Edmonton-area, Six Hells Angels members facing ALERT investigation, More details released in crackdown on Hells Angels, Evacuation order issued because of Alberta wildfire, Another festival kicks off today, here's a taste of your weather, Things 'unravelling' for Riders; Harden signs 2-year deal, Alberta woman shares WestJet travel nightmare, Alberta drops proposed changes to insulin pump program, Wildfire evacuation order issued for Nordegg area, RCMP searching for man attempting to lure children in northern Alberta, Alta. The west ridge chapter CH is pretty obvious though. "[2], One police officer told Langton about the mass "patch over" in Montreal: "They [the Angels] were truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. [100] Murdock was arrested for the murders in 1998 and turned Crown's evidence, making a plea bargain where he pledged guilty to the murders in exchange for testifying against his employers. And you know what? [74] Although the Loners refused to "patch over" to the Hells Angels, Stadnick is reported to have become their chief supplier of drugs from 1993 onward and to have been behind the rumors that Lenti was stealing from his own club, which led to Lenti being expelled in 1994.
[102] A number of the Outlaws together with most of the Rock Machine's Ontario members led by the Rock Machine's Kingston chapter president Paul Porter also joined the Hells Angles in the same ceremony. [98], In early 1997, the Loners split into two factions, with one staying loyal to national president Jimmy Raso and another loyal to Frank Grano breaking away to join the Para-Dice Riders. Theres even a Harley-Davidson sign on the outside of the garage for the motorcycle enthusiast in your life. Its not necessarily COVID-19 friendly right now, but one day the backyard and garage could be used for weddings, parties and even grad celebrations -- or as the listing states, could serve as great storage for all your toys.. [82] In the summer of 2000, Stadnick made an offer to most of the Ontario outlaw biker gangs that was too appealing for them to refuse; namely they could join the Hells Angels "patch for patch", allowing them to enter the Hells Angels with patches equivalent to their current patches. The seller doesn't want this to deter you. But, theres a catch. [35] The leader of the Papalia family, Johnny "the Enforcer" Papalia, one of the most feared man in the Canadian Mafia, was well known for his dislike of outlaw bikers, and made it clear he did not want a Hells Angels chapter in Hamilton. [12] Outside the courtroom, Stadnick's biker associates began to swear at and threaten one of the policeman scheduled to testify against him, leading to a brawl in the hallway. [88] He also went to Thunder Bay to woo the local Satan's Choice chapter. They only become dangerous when rival gangs target them. [5], For a time, Stadnick was friendly with his future archenemy, Mario "the Wop" Parente, the president of the Hamilton chapter of Satan's Choice outlaw biker gang, but the two reportedly fell out when Parente vetoed the 5'4 Stadnick's attempt to join Satan's Choice under the grounds that he was too short. [56] Harris noted when Stadnick became the Hells Angel national president, he started to own a Jaguar automobile with Quebec license plates, which stood out in the working class city of Hamilton. I know where we'll be, but I don't want to tell you verbally". [38] As a result of the burns to his body, Stadnick lost much of his nose and half of two of his fingers. [87] A Rocker, Stphane Sirois, travelled with Stadnick during his trips to Winnipeg, serving as his bodyguard. [85] Regarding the Quebec biker war, the prosecutor at Stadnick's 2004 trial, Randall Richmond, stated: "This was a highly sophisticated war engaging many people, a lot of planning, preparation and money. [83] On 29 January 1994, the Demon Keepers rode out from Montreal to Toronto, renting a luxury apartment in the Yonge and Eglinton district as their collective home. [46] Stadnick used the Rebel Roadhouse as a place to conduct his business.
[10] Stadnick named the gang the Cossacks as a reference to his Ukrainian heritage. [3] Detective Harris stated about the failed plot: "When Parente was running the show, they would had done it; but after he went to prison they didn't have the guts". He does know his way around the system, and he's got the money to afford decent lawyers.
[56] At the time, most of the Angels' chapters were in Quebec, although there were also three chapters in British Columbia and one chapter in Nova Scotia. [45] Stadnick did not own, but was described as running, the Rebel Roadhouse bar in Hamilton. For Edmontonians by Edmontonians! [73] Stadnick continued to offer Lenti a chance to "patch over" several times in 1993 and 1994, but he declined, instead offering Stadnick a chance to join the Loners. [144] Greenspan and Gold were able to delay the trial by demanding that the Crown translate all 500,000 papers of documents and ten CD-ROMs worth of evidence into English, a request that the Quebec government refused as it would cost more than $23 million.
They are violent people who are a danger to society. "[4], In 1995, Stadnick had the Angels' puppet club in Montreal, the Rockers, set up a puppet club in Winnipeg called the Redliners. [95] Harris called Stadnick "a hard guy to nail. [56], As national president, Stadnick immediately appointed Boucher his Quebec lieutenant and informed him that he would largely run Hells Angels operations in Quebec, while Stadnick focused on expanding the Angels into the rest of Canada. [153], In 2018, it was reported that Stadnick was employed as a construction worker. [142] In July 2002, the Angels' new national leadership consisting of Gerald Ward, president of the Niagara chapter, and Billy Miller, president of the North Toronto chapter, summoned the Coates brothers and Georges "Bo-Boy" Beaulieu, president of the Sherbrooke chapter, to a meeting in Toronto to tell them to end the violence as the Ontario market was large enough to share with other gangs, and the negative publicity was attracting unwanted attention. [121] The Indian Posse has since emerged as one of the Hells Angels' major rivals in western Canada. [48] Despite the fact that Stadnick spoke no French and Boucher no English, forcing them to use translators, the two men became friends. [155] Peter Edwards, the crime correspondent for the Toronto Star described the Hells Angels in 2016 as the most powerful organized crime group in Canada, saying "In Ontario, you had the Hells Angels and the people the Hells Angels let exist. [59] On 23 August 1988, Stadnick was arrested at the home of Douglas Freeborn, a former Satan's Choice member and a prominent drug dealer in Hamilton. prisoner serving time for manslaughter dead: Correctional Service Canada, Bonnyville man charged with child pornography, Oversized load hits pedestrian bridge in Fort Saskatchewan causing traffic delays: RCMP, Why Maskwacis? [113] On 7 September 1998, Stadnick persuaded the Rebels outlaw biker gang of Saskatoon to "patch over", allowing the Hells Angels to enter Saskatchewan. "The showhome itself was originally built in this particular location to attract traffic, and was not built to make money from the sale but rather the purpose was to build exposure and promote themselves.". Papalia, even though he was 73 when he died, he wouldn't have put up with that". [5][11] On 6 January 1971 when the preliminary hearing was held to decide whatever Stadnick's case would go to trial or not, Stadnick's biker friends showed up and misbehaved in court, leading the judge to expel them from the courtroom.
[119] On 22 October 1999, in a drive-by shooting, a pro-Hells Angels Loner, Davie "Dirty" McLeish, and a Hells Angel from Sherbrooke, Philippe "Philbilly" Gastonguay, opened fire with a shotgun on Kellestine, who was sitting in his truck at a stop at the only intersection in Iona Station. [81] Stadnick offered them the possibility of selling cocaine, which required less work and was more profitable than auto theft, to the two Winnipeg outlaw biker clubs. [37] Stadnick's face was badly burned, leaving him with what were described as "horrific" scars to his face.
I'm kind of a quiet guy". They were trading patch for patch the legendary Hells Angel patch for some of the lowest of the low". [124], On 21 July 2000, Stadnick promoted los Bravos, headed by Ernie Dew, up to "prospect" status from the "hang-around" status they had been granted in October 1997. [141] When O'Neill asked Stadnick if he remembered Dany Kane of the Rockers, Stadnick stated he knew him, but not very well as he does not speak French. [75] Besides for Lenti, Stadnick stayed in contact with Guindon in attempts to persuade the Satan's Choice to "patch over" to the Hells Angels. [154] On 18 August 2019, he attended the funeral in Delta, British Columbia of a murdered Hells Angel, Suminder "Allie" Grewal. [139] He did not contest his extradition to Canada, returning on 10 April 2001.
Youre in luck!
[52] On the night of 2 September 1987, Melanson went to the hotel to hand over the money to the Hells Angels. Officer Don Bell of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)'s Biker Enforcement Unit said of Stadnick: He's been pretty good at eluding prosecution. [88] However, Guindon was an intense Canadian nationalist who had rejected offers from both the Outlaws and the Hells Angels in the 1970s and 1980s to "patch over", and was still opposed to having the outlaw biker club he had founded in 1965 absorbed into a larger American club. [33] Enraged, Parente and the other Outlaws proceeded to shoot up the bus when it stopped at the Mr. Mugs coffee and doughnut shop in Wawa in an attempt to kill the two Hells Angels. It isn't so much in your face. [35] It was around this time that Stadnick started wearing a "Filthy Few" patch that the police say is awarded to those who kill for the gang. [94][81] After attending Boyko's funeral, Stadnick was denied permission to enter los Bravos' clubhouse in West Winnipeg as feelings in the gang were much against the Hells Angels.

[81] In October 1996, Kane reported to the RCMP that Stadnick had offered him $10,000 to kill Magnussen.[94]. [121] In a phone call that was recorded by prison officials, Wolfe was heard to say: "We just told them [the Hells Angels], 'Hey man, we won't fucking stand in front, we won't stand behind you'. Typically Hells Angels use the number 81 as a representation for their group. [40] A nurse recalled: "It was crazy; most of the day there were these big, burly bikers outside his room.
""[3], On 28 March 2001, as part of Operation Springtime (a police crackdown on the Hells Angels), a warrant was issued for Stadnick's arrest for 13 charges of first-degree murder. [49], In 1987, Stadnick went to Toronto to try to persuade an outlaw biker club, the Vagabonds, to "patch over" to become Hells Angels. [88] Even though most Satan's Choice members favored joining the Hells Angels, Guindon would not hear of it throughout the 1990s. [126] The vast majority of the Ontario outlaw bikers clubs preferred to join the Hells Angels instead of the rival Bandidos as Stadnick allowed them to maintain their dignity with his "patch for patch" offer. [2] The records showed that Stadnick's codename was Gertrude and that between 30 March 1999 and 19 December 2000, the Nomads had sold $111.5 million worth of cocaine and hashish all over Canada. [106], On 7 April 1998, Jeffrey LaBrash and Jody Hart, two leaders of the Outlaws biker gang, were gunned down leaving a strip club, the Beef Baron, by two men known to be associated with the Hells Angels in London, Ontario. [91] Stadnick had created a drug distribution network under which all Hells Angels chapters in Canada had to buy cocaine and other drugs from the Nomad chapter. [66] In turn, Ward and Miller were believed to acting on behalf of Stadnick. [101] It was agreed at the "crime summit" that henceforward Ward would only buy his drugs from the Hells Angels, thereby establishing Angels' influence in the Niagara peninsula. He worked in the depths of criminal activity and kept himself one step away, which made it difficult to collect the necessary evidence and charge him. [126] Outlaw biker clubs operate in a very authoritarian, hierarchical manner, and patches are extremely important for the self-image of outlaw bikers with those having obtained "full patch" status jealously guarding their status and expecting the "prospect" and "hang-around" members to defer to them at all times. [58] Harris stated: "He got it by default. However, it does offer an open concept layout, and a simple change in colour scheme could make the rooms feel much larger.
[131] Unlike the rival Bandidos, who required that new members join as "prospects", Stadnick allowed the Ontario outlaw biker gangs to all join the Hells Angels "patch for patch", which was most unusual. [33] On 17 July 1983, while riding through northern Ontario, Parente happened to see two Hells Angels from Montreal, Michel "Jinx" Genest and Jean-Marc Nadeau, on the bus to Vancouver to attend the ceremony. [51] After remortgaging his house, Melanson contacted the Hells Angels to say he had some $50,000 in cash of the $80,000 that he owed and he would meet them in a room in a hotel on Yonge Street to hand it over, promising he would pay off the remaining $30,000 soon. [70], Stadnick was known in the 1990s for his flamboyant way of dressing, wearing a full-length coat made from wolf's fur and a snakeskin belt with a solid gold belt buckle in the form of the Hells Angels' winged death's head that was hollowed inside to allow him to carry cash. [14] Unable to join Satan's Choice, Stadnick instead joined the Wild Ones outlaw biker club in 1977. [38] Harris was opposed to the police guarding Stadnick, saying: "I didn't like it. I think that's the way Walter does business". So we put the container back where it was found and kept an eye on it".

[10] In the 1970s, outlaw biker clubs were very much subordinate to the Mafia and other organized crime groups like the West End Gang, who employed outlaw bikers to do "dirty work" that they did not wish to do themselves. [53] However, the offense was merely drunk driving, for which he was fined $750 dollars. Read more about cookies here. [150], Stadnick was paroled in June 2014, lasting less than a month on probation due to suspicion that he was associating with people with criminal records as well as the biker club. [17], One Satan's Choice biker, Cecil Kirby, who first saw Stadnick at a bikers' convention in Wasaga Beach in 1977, recalled that Stadnick seemed to be trying too hard to pass himself as a "hardcore" biker, remembering: "I didn't like him. [144] The Crown Attorney prosecuting Stadnick was Randall Richmond. He had a country-wide vision. An appealing spot for a first-time home buyer.
[120] The Globe and Mail reported in 2004 about the Hells Angels' push into south-western Ontario: "From 1999 to 2002, when the conflict reached a peak, beatings, brawls and shootings became common". [95] When Harris dismissed the call as a prank, Stadnick became very angry, saying: "Yes, it's Walter Stadnick. [108] In June 1998, the Spartans gang disbanded themselves after their leader Darwin Sylvester vanished without trace. I didn't even know he was a biker he always drove a car up here".
Sign up to receive daily headline news from the Edmonton SUN, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. A welcome email is on its way. "Most people don't know. [78] Charges were dropped when he settled on forfeiting the money. In 2009, police said there were three outlaw motorcycle clubs operating in Alberta. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. [42], By 1986, Stadnick was living in a trailer park in the Hamilton suburb of Carlisle. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. [123] Sher stated: "[Stadnick] is part of that key cocaine industry that turns the Hells Angels from basically gofer boys of the Mafia into powerbrokers who are sitting down with the Mafia and negotiating the price of cocaine". I believe there is an Edmonton chapter that regularly uses 51, Edmonton Angels. [3] In August 1992, Stadnick and Magnussen were involved in a brawl with two off-duty Winnipeg police officers that led them to be charged with assault, but the charges were dropped. [110] After the Spartans disbanded, the only other outlaw biker club in Winnipeg other than los Bravos were los Montoneros biker gang, whom Stadnick had declared to be unfit to be Hells Angels. [86] As a puppet club of a puppet club, the police reported the "triple insulation" made it difficult to tie Stadnick to the Redliners. Dont know anything about it specifically but theres a ton of hells angels activity in this city so not surprising Ok, I didnt think there was - in the sense that I dont think Ive ever seen a vest my entire time here growing up . "[156] In 2016, it was estimated the Hells Angels had about 450 members with chapters in almost every province, giving them a level of dominance that no other organized crime group in Canada could match. [101], In July 1997, Stadnick persuaded the Grim Reapers gang of Calgary to "patch over" to become Hells Angels, while also opening a new Hells Angels chapter in Edmonton, establishing the Hells Angels as the dominant outlaw motorcycle club in Alberta. [4] As a result of the mass "patch-over" in Montreal, with 168 outlaw bikers becoming Hells Angels, the greater Toronto area went from having no Hells Angels chapters to having the highest concentration of Hells Angels' chapters in the world. [113] Stadnick and the rest of the Hells Angels favored some of the bikers at the "rodeo" with their company while snubbing others. [101] Ward was not an outlaw biker, but he was the leader of a locally powerful criminal gang, and Stadnick wanted to do business with him. They wanted control. [46] One Hamilton police officer stated: "He had an office in the back, through the kitchen. But all of those roles were part of the overall picture, which was to take control of the drug market and get rich". Use of this Website assumes acceptance of Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy | Accessibility, Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021 2:43PM MDT, ALERT investigating Hells Angels in Edmonton-area, Six Hells Angels members facing ALERT investigation, More details released in crackdown on Hells Angels, Evacuation order issued because of Alberta wildfire, Another festival kicks off today, here's a taste of your weather, Things 'unravelling' for Riders; Harden signs 2-year deal, Alberta woman shares WestJet travel nightmare, Alberta drops proposed changes to insulin pump program, Wildfire evacuation order issued for Nordegg area, RCMP searching for man attempting to lure children in northern Alberta, Alta. The west ridge chapter CH is pretty obvious though. "[2], One police officer told Langton about the mass "patch over" in Montreal: "They [the Angels] were truly scraping the bottom of the barrel. [100] Murdock was arrested for the murders in 1998 and turned Crown's evidence, making a plea bargain where he pledged guilty to the murders in exchange for testifying against his employers. And you know what? [74] Although the Loners refused to "patch over" to the Hells Angels, Stadnick is reported to have become their chief supplier of drugs from 1993 onward and to have been behind the rumors that Lenti was stealing from his own club, which led to Lenti being expelled in 1994.
[102] A number of the Outlaws together with most of the Rock Machine's Ontario members led by the Rock Machine's Kingston chapter president Paul Porter also joined the Hells Angles in the same ceremony. [98], In early 1997, the Loners split into two factions, with one staying loyal to national president Jimmy Raso and another loyal to Frank Grano breaking away to join the Para-Dice Riders. Theres even a Harley-Davidson sign on the outside of the garage for the motorcycle enthusiast in your life. Its not necessarily COVID-19 friendly right now, but one day the backyard and garage could be used for weddings, parties and even grad celebrations -- or as the listing states, could serve as great storage for all your toys.. [82] In the summer of 2000, Stadnick made an offer to most of the Ontario outlaw biker gangs that was too appealing for them to refuse; namely they could join the Hells Angels "patch for patch", allowing them to enter the Hells Angels with patches equivalent to their current patches. The seller doesn't want this to deter you. But, theres a catch. [35] The leader of the Papalia family, Johnny "the Enforcer" Papalia, one of the most feared man in the Canadian Mafia, was well known for his dislike of outlaw bikers, and made it clear he did not want a Hells Angels chapter in Hamilton. [12] Outside the courtroom, Stadnick's biker associates began to swear at and threaten one of the policeman scheduled to testify against him, leading to a brawl in the hallway. [88] He also went to Thunder Bay to woo the local Satan's Choice chapter. They only become dangerous when rival gangs target them. [5], For a time, Stadnick was friendly with his future archenemy, Mario "the Wop" Parente, the president of the Hamilton chapter of Satan's Choice outlaw biker gang, but the two reportedly fell out when Parente vetoed the 5'4 Stadnick's attempt to join Satan's Choice under the grounds that he was too short. [56] Harris noted when Stadnick became the Hells Angel national president, he started to own a Jaguar automobile with Quebec license plates, which stood out in the working class city of Hamilton. I know where we'll be, but I don't want to tell you verbally". [38] As a result of the burns to his body, Stadnick lost much of his nose and half of two of his fingers. [87] A Rocker, Stphane Sirois, travelled with Stadnick during his trips to Winnipeg, serving as his bodyguard. [85] Regarding the Quebec biker war, the prosecutor at Stadnick's 2004 trial, Randall Richmond, stated: "This was a highly sophisticated war engaging many people, a lot of planning, preparation and money. [83] On 29 January 1994, the Demon Keepers rode out from Montreal to Toronto, renting a luxury apartment in the Yonge and Eglinton district as their collective home. [46] Stadnick used the Rebel Roadhouse as a place to conduct his business.
[10] Stadnick named the gang the Cossacks as a reference to his Ukrainian heritage. [3] Detective Harris stated about the failed plot: "When Parente was running the show, they would had done it; but after he went to prison they didn't have the guts". He does know his way around the system, and he's got the money to afford decent lawyers.
[56] At the time, most of the Angels' chapters were in Quebec, although there were also three chapters in British Columbia and one chapter in Nova Scotia. [45] Stadnick did not own, but was described as running, the Rebel Roadhouse bar in Hamilton. For Edmontonians by Edmontonians! [73] Stadnick continued to offer Lenti a chance to "patch over" several times in 1993 and 1994, but he declined, instead offering Stadnick a chance to join the Loners. [144] Greenspan and Gold were able to delay the trial by demanding that the Crown translate all 500,000 papers of documents and ten CD-ROMs worth of evidence into English, a request that the Quebec government refused as it would cost more than $23 million.