The Canon T3i 600D is the first Digital Rebel camera to feature a flexible LCD screen. The crispness of the display makes even slight image blur immediately apparent. The best part about an LCD that's this clear is that you can instantly tell when there's motion blur in your photo or when your focus point is off. On the Rebel, you can digitally zoom in 5x or 10x with the top-right thumb-control button. I'll sum up [p. 157]. Describing the clarity of this LCD in words and pictures really doesn't do it justice for maximum effect, you should get your hands on a demo model at your local camera retailer and see for yourself. If you want a more advanced set-up, then you can look into "follow focus." The explosion of filmmaking since its democratization in 2008 has meant increasingly cheap ways of exploring the possibilities of motion pictures. The Autel EVO Nano+ drone weighs less than 250g, includes advanced features, and gets extra points for privacy. You can't use both at the same time - when you're in live view mode, the viewfinder is blacked out. I also focused manually if I was walking with the camera and following a moving subject. Bear in mind that you can only change the actual volume level in this menu by using the "Rec. Sorry for the noise, ISO 3200 will do that. - Burnnie* Any opinions expressed may not reflect any common sense, logic, or reason. When shooting in dim light, ramping the ISO up to 800 or so doesn't tend to significantly impact the look of the video, especially if you can add a light pass of de-noiser in post-production. The Full High Definiton 1080p video is - as you might expect - pretty spectacular, especially when played back on a High Definition television set. So long as there is a line of sight between the pop-up flash and your external flash unit, the other flash will go off every time you take a picture. Login with username, password and session length. You can't capture videos in any of the photography modes - you have to turn the main mode dial on the top of the camera to select Movie Mode. The Digital SLR Guide 2005 - 2013 All rights reserved. If you're serious about video, you need good audio, and the only way to get that is by ditching the internal mic and plugging in an external microphone such as the Rode VideoMic, currently starting around $150. If it's in manual exposure and you're in 1080p24 or 1080p25, set your shutter speed to 1/50th, and if you're in 1080p30, set it to 1/60th. If you are into closeup or macro photography, then the T3i 600D has a feature that will help. Hit SET, and switch it to "Manual." To set manual exposure, go into the menu and literally the first option is "Movie Exposure." Today, I'm going to take a look at the basics of getting your Rebel rolling, and provide some ideas on how to improve and develop those first attempts. Since image noise is managed so well with the Canon 600D I really wasn't too worried about the camera using ISO 1600 for any of the shots that I took. You can apply a creative filter to any photo that's on the memory card inside the camera, and the 600D creates a duplicate image so that the original image is preserved. Over the years that I've used digital SLR cameras, I've always set my ISO value by hand. Would you like to provide feedback (optional)? It will take a few seconds and hunt, and by the time it's done - you may have missed the action. This may seem expensive, but unless you're just making home videos, it makes no sense to spend $700 on a camera to create nice-looking video, but the only thing the audience perceives is tinny, crackly, fading audio from the built-in mic. I had to do the same thing when taking movies since the movie mode ONLY functions when the camera is in live view mode. You can also select from a variety of Scene Modes (depending on your subject matter), including Portrait, Landscape, Close-up, Sports and Night Portrait. This method is a little slow, but accurate. The LCD screen flips out to the left side of the camera body (when viewed from the rear) and it rotates so you can view it from high above or well below the camera.
This setup is used by most filmmakers, who often have separate camera and sound people to ensure both are getting recorded properly. A little trick to help with focusing on the T3i before shooting if you're not in too much of a hurry is to put the lens on AF, move the focus box over your subject, and half-depress the shutter button. You can scroll left and right here, or you can hit SET to see all the options for WB. The built in mic is not very good, either, so you'd want an external one. Sharpening can be added in post if/when necessary. That's true. The t5i has continous autofocus - but it is intended for minor adjustments - like a subject that is already in focus taking a step back or a step forward. If you continue heavily with the video side of things, you may wish to invest in a follow focus, which is a geared knob that attaches to the side of the lens and grips the focus ring to allow for easy, precise focus pulling without the possibility of jerking the lens. Cancel any time. This means you can use the screen to judge exposure, but I like having a visual indicator of things I may otherwise miss. You can't turn the ISO down below 100. easier to turn. If you're just going to use the raw videos straight out of camera, then I'd recommend the Faithful style. "Amp up and amplify! You can use the pop-up flash on the Canon Rebel T3i 600D to wirelessly fire other Canon flash units like the 270EX II, 430 EX II or the 580 EX II. Since it was hard for me to tell if the flower petals were in focus, I used the zoom feature and then lightly tweaked the focus manually to get it right.
In continuous drive mode, you can capture 3.7 photos per second by pressing and holding the shutter release button. And how do I manually focus if I also want to zoom at the same time? I read that auto focusing is slow and noisy and it does not work when zooming. There are two autofocus modes in live view, and neither one is perfect. I forgot about CDAF. These would then need to be edited out. The Canon EOS Rebel T3i 600D packs a lot of features into a relatively small frame. Is this correct? One thing I will say: there is an improvement if you try to set your shutter speed to double your framerate.
kyrcy wrote:How limiting are these factors? The disadvantages include the depth-of-field effects of the super-35/APS-C size sensor are significantly reduced, and there won't be full color information because of the mechanics of the Bayer pattern filter. I had PDAF in mind (Quick AF).--"Amp up and amplify! Having made the investment in lenses, I have continued to own Canon digital SLRs over the years, but I rarely upgrade my cameras because they suit me fine. While I still prefer composing my images using the camera viewfinder, I appreciated being able to hold the camera at waist level for some unique photo opportunities . I'm a brother with a furious mind!". First, set your focus before shooting and maintain the same camera-to-subject distance at all times. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality. Then use a more expensive mic (the Videomic would be fine) and external audio recorder like the Zoom H4n (which does have a headphone socket) to get the "real" audio. If you enable AF with shutter button during video, you can half-press the shutter to engage the AF mechanism (you can also change this to back-button if you're used to shooting photos that way). So what should you be thinking about, and what can you do to improve this first video you just shot? Needless to say, I spent the better part of the morning twisting the main mode dial from photo mode to video mode and back to photo mode again. Personally, I like to shoot with everything on-screen, including the histogram for continuous checking of exposure levels. Never miss out on learning about the next big thing. There is no internal image stabilization. 1/50th for 24p, 1/60th for 30p) to get the "correct" amount of motion blur. If you're shooting to edit and color grade, the best built-in picture style to use is a custom variant of "Faithful" with -4 Contrast and -2 Saturation. The two images below show the different types of looks you can achieve without having to adjust 10 individual menu settings. He's a good subject for this sort of thing he never stops moving, and when he runs, it's at top speed.
While you CAN capture still images once in video mode, you have no control over settings like aperture and shutter speed. See more of the photos that I captured for this guide. Your privacy is respected and your information is NEVER shared with anyone. But is it enough to outclass the competition? If you'd like some more creative freedom without having to learn a bunch of SLR jargon, you can use "Creative Auto" mode or CA for short. This is where neutral density (ND) filters come in. Picture styles are important in video because DSLR video isn't RAW, and can't be pushed and pulled all over the place. Using the hyperfocal distance as a guide, I generally managed to keep pretty well everything in focus, but you have to set this up before you start to shoot. Hello, I'm about to make a short documentary for a project and I figured I use my 600d. And what a flexible LCD it is. It's best to manually focus on the 600D. If you want a cinematic look, go with 24. The camera automatically selected ISO 100, since nothing higher than that was needed to achieve shutter speeds fast enough to prevent blur. Let's get the on-screen stuff sorted out first. Using the histogram on the on-screen display really helps give a more empirical idea of your exposure levels than just guessing from how the video looks. Even if you don't imagine yourself taking pictures from all sorts of strange angles , you might start to once you have a flexible LCD to use. I never recommend turning up the sharpness from zero on any HDSLR, as it will increase the effects of moir and aliasing. What are our initial impressions? Usually this is going to be either 1080p24 or 1080p25/30 (25 in PAL-land, 30 in NTSC-land). This audio-only track can then be synced up in the edit to the scratch audio from the camera (this is partially what the "clack" from a slate is for, too). option to "Manual," so that you can set the appropriate audio levels for your recording environment. The caveat is, and I mention this in the video, that the 18-55's focus mechanism is somewhat looser, e.g. How do you add production quality? Why it's a particular problem for me is because I often want to switch quickly from shooting stills to video and then back again. Press the same button again, and the camera starts recording video, regardless of the setting on the main mode dial. If you're not comfortable with manual focus, this is the easiest way to focus. Bear in mind the button is a toggle; it goes 5x, 10x, 0x, in order. In this guide we've chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media. When in doubt, I just stick by the rule of holding the highlights and letting the shadows fall where they may. Really, the video produced by the 600D looks the best when you treat the camera as if it were shooting a motion picture. Compared to other SLRs I've used, it's small and lightweight, The camera controls are intuitive and easy to access, The camera offers plenty of creative control to create unique-looking images, The flexible LCD is exceptionally clear and bright, It's possible - with some planning and practice - to capture movies that look professional, High ISO images are remarkably free of image noise/grain, If you'd like to see how this camera stacks up against comparable models, check out the comparison of the, To see what other cameras Canon offers, see the complete list of. Largely, I'd say it's best used for distance-limited things like wildlife, sports and wedding videography when combined with, say, a 70-200mm lens. If you try and switch between two totally different objects and expect an instant change in focus - forget it. The 9-point autofocus locks on quickly to all kinds of subjects, whether they are stationary or running by. Even if I manually trigger auto focusing before start recording, I understand that the camera will not continue focusing and I will have to trigger auto focus again every time I think I have to refocus resulting the blacked out parts in the video. I've found that the video looks naturally good in this style without being too contrasty or having horrible sharpness artifacts. In live view mode, you compose photos using the camera's LCD screen instead of the viewfinder. Defy! This allows critical focus on wherever you put the zoom box on screen. As a beginner, you can just use the normal focus ring, or maybe attach a ziptie or jar opener or something to make more precise movements with it. What about if it's too bright, though? Overall, it creates a lot less wear and tear on the main mode dial for those of us who jump back and forth between stills and video a lot. Weighing in at a little over a pound (18.7oz or 530g), the 600D can be easily carried aorund for a day of shooting, provided you attach a modest lens to it. In the camera's flash menu, you specify that you want the pop-up flash to act as the commander for the other external flash units.
After you've captured a few sharp, well-focused images, you'll be able to tell if other photos aren't 100% sharp. Could someone advice on the use of Canon 600D for video recording? If you only take video of non-moving subjects you will be fine, but otherwise you may soon get quite skilled at shifting focus manually. The four creative filters available on the Canon 600D are: grainy black and white, soft focus, fish-eye, toy camera and miniature (diorama). Most modern cameras will shoot video to one degree or another, but these are the ones wed look at if you plan to shoot some video alongside your photos. Rob is an English artist and writer living in the US, in the process of transitioning out of his comfort zone of nature photography towards more commercial work. To give this system a good workout, I tried it out on my dog chasing his ball in the backyard. For example, I was taking pictures outside in my backyard where there was plenty of light. If you want that back, you have to turn the main mode dial to a photography mode. When shooting video, I often held the 600D at chest level or below. This allows you to create movies that look quite dark in broad daylight or you can also over-expose for a washed-out look. Defy! As long as the subject is mostly static, it should be ok. With moving subjects, manual focus is a necessity.
Since most people probably won't immediately use this feature of the camera, I left it for last. If you never want to adjust your camera settings by yourself, then you can leave the camera in A+ mode, also known as "Scene Priority Auto". If you're moving the camera into the outside from an indoor location in a single take, they get around the limitations of no aperture control with modern lenses or clicky iris rings in older lenses, and can save your footage from completely blowing out. In order to focus this way you'll need to enable "AF w/ shutter button during video" which is on the first tab of the menu. If you want to use your 600d and expect it to perform like a camcorder when it comes to focusing - forget it, it just can't. Older LCD screens have between 300,000 and 900,000 dots. I have only used it for photographing, so I'm not really sure on whats the best way to film with it. The catch? I've already talked about the LCD flexibility in this Canon T3i 600D guide now let's talk about how amazingly clear it is. There are two final options that you should be aware of before I sign off; white balance and picture style. High resolution, weather-sealed bodies and wide dynamic range are all important. You may find - as I did - that it's faster and easier to focus manually to track subjects moving around. You can't punch into 5x and then use the Exposure Lock button to punch back out again. That said, I wouldn't recommend using AF while recording. I'm a brother with a furious mind!". The other option is continual manual focus, regularly used in filmmaking, where frequently both camera and subject are moving around. However, if I had shot the same from a few more feet away, both of the objects would have been in focus. You can even do it while recording, although you'll lose a few seconds of video while it brightens the scene and the lens hunts back and forth. Specifically, variable ND filters. Etiquette, expectations, entitlement@autoexec_bin | #magiclantern | Discord | Reddit | Server issues. First, let's talk about live view mode. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this little dip into the waters of basic Rebel filmmaking, and now know the important menu options you should be using and why while shooting. This is most useful for interview-type scenarios, where the subject is sitting and the camera is locked on them. The bad news is that the LCD keeps going dark, making it hard to track a moving subject. It will sound much better, and your audience's ears will thank you! Shedding some light on the sources of noise, DPReview TV: Best camera under $500 in 2021. Review: Does the Canon Rebel T8i DSLR make sense in an increasingly mirrorless world? One thing you could do to minimize the amount of times you need to refocus is to use a smaller aperture (larger f/stop).--"Amp up and amplify! While I started out shooting stills, their reactions to some of their gifts (and their comments) were best captured with a short video. In live view mode, you can zoom the display, increasing the size of the image on the LCD. It's a quick and easy way to get off-camera flash - and once you get used to the look of off-camera flash, you'll never go back to on-camera flash again. In general, it's a great portable option for photographers on the go, and an excellent choice for "family" photographers who are looking for something that can capture all of life's little moments. This menu will also allow you to change the recording size and picture style without going into the main menu. In addition to the manual control over audio volume, the 600D also has a setting to cancel out wind noise which can be easily picked up on a blustery day by the microphone placed on the front of the camera. Yes, you are correct, you can but there will be parts that are blacked out. Now your camera is in fully-manual mode, just like M mode in stills. I gave up trying to use AF some time ago, for the reasons already stated. Happy shooting! Everything's set, so hit the Live View button to start and stop recording and you're rolling! We dive deep to find out where it excels and what it's like to fly. How limiting are these factors? While my compositions left something to be desired (it's hard to figure out which direction the dog will go next) the T3i 600D had no problem capturing him in full motion. Continuous AF during video isn't possible. I've found that unlike my older 40D, the T3i is fairly amenable to ISO adjustment and it can be used to complete the exposure triangle quite happily. You can zoom during video recording, but when you are done zooming, you will need to manually focus. Just a beginner? Nikon has announced the Z30, an entry-level Z-mount camera aimed at vloggers and other content creators. For example, I used the 600D to capture my children opening their holiday presents. The flexible LCD also makes a huge difference if you want to use the camera for movies. Now, if you haven't used the video mode before, it should be set to auto-exposure in video mode, so you're ready to roll immediately. The camera immediately clicks into live view mode, and the default or last-used settings are up. The 600D is capable of taking excellent videos, but only with careful attention to settings, a tripod and manual focusing. The focus zoom option helps if you're trying to zero in on small non-moving subjects, but it's not much help if your subject is jumping about. But in the end I decided to buy an SX Powershot camera which records video effortlessly with everything in focus, and I use it solely for video shoots and my T3i for stills. I'll even toss it up on YouTube or something so you can see what it does. When this is on "Auto" the camera tends to ramp the levels up and down, making the audio sound strange. The only thing to remember about this feature is that it is not taking the zoomed in photo you see on the LCD - that view is just so you can adjust your focus.
This setup is used by most filmmakers, who often have separate camera and sound people to ensure both are getting recorded properly. A little trick to help with focusing on the T3i before shooting if you're not in too much of a hurry is to put the lens on AF, move the focus box over your subject, and half-depress the shutter button. You can scroll left and right here, or you can hit SET to see all the options for WB. The built in mic is not very good, either, so you'd want an external one. Sharpening can be added in post if/when necessary. That's true. The t5i has continous autofocus - but it is intended for minor adjustments - like a subject that is already in focus taking a step back or a step forward. If you continue heavily with the video side of things, you may wish to invest in a follow focus, which is a geared knob that attaches to the side of the lens and grips the focus ring to allow for easy, precise focus pulling without the possibility of jerking the lens. Cancel any time. This means you can use the screen to judge exposure, but I like having a visual indicator of things I may otherwise miss. You can't turn the ISO down below 100. easier to turn. If you're just going to use the raw videos straight out of camera, then I'd recommend the Faithful style. "Amp up and amplify! You can use the pop-up flash on the Canon Rebel T3i 600D to wirelessly fire other Canon flash units like the 270EX II, 430 EX II or the 580 EX II. Since it was hard for me to tell if the flower petals were in focus, I used the zoom feature and then lightly tweaked the focus manually to get it right.

kyrcy wrote:How limiting are these factors? The disadvantages include the depth-of-field effects of the super-35/APS-C size sensor are significantly reduced, and there won't be full color information because of the mechanics of the Bayer pattern filter. I had PDAF in mind (Quick AF).--"Amp up and amplify! Having made the investment in lenses, I have continued to own Canon digital SLRs over the years, but I rarely upgrade my cameras because they suit me fine. While I still prefer composing my images using the camera viewfinder, I appreciated being able to hold the camera at waist level for some unique photo opportunities . I'm a brother with a furious mind!". First, set your focus before shooting and maintain the same camera-to-subject distance at all times. These capable cameras should be solid and well-built, have both speed and focus for capturing fast action and offer professional-level image quality. Then use a more expensive mic (the Videomic would be fine) and external audio recorder like the Zoom H4n (which does have a headphone socket) to get the "real" audio. If you enable AF with shutter button during video, you can half-press the shutter to engage the AF mechanism (you can also change this to back-button if you're used to shooting photos that way). So what should you be thinking about, and what can you do to improve this first video you just shot? Needless to say, I spent the better part of the morning twisting the main mode dial from photo mode to video mode and back to photo mode again. Personally, I like to shoot with everything on-screen, including the histogram for continuous checking of exposure levels. Never miss out on learning about the next big thing. There is no internal image stabilization. 1/50th for 24p, 1/60th for 30p) to get the "correct" amount of motion blur. If you're shooting to edit and color grade, the best built-in picture style to use is a custom variant of "Faithful" with -4 Contrast and -2 Saturation. The two images below show the different types of looks you can achieve without having to adjust 10 individual menu settings. He's a good subject for this sort of thing he never stops moving, and when he runs, it's at top speed.
While you CAN capture still images once in video mode, you have no control over settings like aperture and shutter speed. See more of the photos that I captured for this guide. Your privacy is respected and your information is NEVER shared with anyone. But is it enough to outclass the competition? If you'd like some more creative freedom without having to learn a bunch of SLR jargon, you can use "Creative Auto" mode or CA for short. This is where neutral density (ND) filters come in. Picture styles are important in video because DSLR video isn't RAW, and can't be pushed and pulled all over the place. Using the hyperfocal distance as a guide, I generally managed to keep pretty well everything in focus, but you have to set this up before you start to shoot. Hello, I'm about to make a short documentary for a project and I figured I use my 600d. And what a flexible LCD it is. It's best to manually focus on the 600D. If you want a cinematic look, go with 24. The camera automatically selected ISO 100, since nothing higher than that was needed to achieve shutter speeds fast enough to prevent blur. Let's get the on-screen stuff sorted out first. Using the histogram on the on-screen display really helps give a more empirical idea of your exposure levels than just guessing from how the video looks. Even if you don't imagine yourself taking pictures from all sorts of strange angles , you might start to once you have a flexible LCD to use. I never recommend turning up the sharpness from zero on any HDSLR, as it will increase the effects of moir and aliasing. What are our initial impressions? Usually this is going to be either 1080p24 or 1080p25/30 (25 in PAL-land, 30 in NTSC-land). This audio-only track can then be synced up in the edit to the scratch audio from the camera (this is partially what the "clack" from a slate is for, too). option to "Manual," so that you can set the appropriate audio levels for your recording environment. The caveat is, and I mention this in the video, that the 18-55's focus mechanism is somewhat looser, e.g. How do you add production quality? Why it's a particular problem for me is because I often want to switch quickly from shooting stills to video and then back again. Press the same button again, and the camera starts recording video, regardless of the setting on the main mode dial. If you're not comfortable with manual focus, this is the easiest way to focus. Bear in mind the button is a toggle; it goes 5x, 10x, 0x, in order. In this guide we've chosen a selection of cameras that make it easy to shoot compelling lifestyle images, ideal for sharing on social media. When in doubt, I just stick by the rule of holding the highlights and letting the shadows fall where they may. Really, the video produced by the 600D looks the best when you treat the camera as if it were shooting a motion picture. Compared to other SLRs I've used, it's small and lightweight, The camera controls are intuitive and easy to access, The camera offers plenty of creative control to create unique-looking images, The flexible LCD is exceptionally clear and bright, It's possible - with some planning and practice - to capture movies that look professional, High ISO images are remarkably free of image noise/grain, If you'd like to see how this camera stacks up against comparable models, check out the comparison of the, To see what other cameras Canon offers, see the complete list of. Largely, I'd say it's best used for distance-limited things like wildlife, sports and wedding videography when combined with, say, a 70-200mm lens. If you try and switch between two totally different objects and expect an instant change in focus - forget it. The 9-point autofocus locks on quickly to all kinds of subjects, whether they are stationary or running by. Even if I manually trigger auto focusing before start recording, I understand that the camera will not continue focusing and I will have to trigger auto focus again every time I think I have to refocus resulting the blacked out parts in the video. I've found that the video looks naturally good in this style without being too contrasty or having horrible sharpness artifacts. In live view mode, you compose photos using the camera's LCD screen instead of the viewfinder. Defy! This allows critical focus on wherever you put the zoom box on screen. As a beginner, you can just use the normal focus ring, or maybe attach a ziptie or jar opener or something to make more precise movements with it. What about if it's too bright, though? Overall, it creates a lot less wear and tear on the main mode dial for those of us who jump back and forth between stills and video a lot. Weighing in at a little over a pound (18.7oz or 530g), the 600D can be easily carried aorund for a day of shooting, provided you attach a modest lens to it. In the camera's flash menu, you specify that you want the pop-up flash to act as the commander for the other external flash units.

Since most people probably won't immediately use this feature of the camera, I left it for last. If you never want to adjust your camera settings by yourself, then you can leave the camera in A+ mode, also known as "Scene Priority Auto". If you're moving the camera into the outside from an indoor location in a single take, they get around the limitations of no aperture control with modern lenses or clicky iris rings in older lenses, and can save your footage from completely blowing out. In order to focus this way you'll need to enable "AF w/ shutter button during video" which is on the first tab of the menu. If you want to use your 600d and expect it to perform like a camcorder when it comes to focusing - forget it, it just can't. Older LCD screens have between 300,000 and 900,000 dots. I have only used it for photographing, so I'm not really sure on whats the best way to film with it. The catch? I've already talked about the LCD flexibility in this Canon T3i 600D guide now let's talk about how amazingly clear it is. There are two final options that you should be aware of before I sign off; white balance and picture style. High resolution, weather-sealed bodies and wide dynamic range are all important. You may find - as I did - that it's faster and easier to focus manually to track subjects moving around. You can't punch into 5x and then use the Exposure Lock button to punch back out again. That said, I wouldn't recommend using AF while recording. I'm a brother with a furious mind!". The other option is continual manual focus, regularly used in filmmaking, where frequently both camera and subject are moving around. However, if I had shot the same from a few more feet away, both of the objects would have been in focus. You can even do it while recording, although you'll lose a few seconds of video while it brightens the scene and the lens hunts back and forth. Specifically, variable ND filters. Etiquette, expectations, entitlement@autoexec_bin | #magiclantern | Discord | Reddit | Server issues. First, let's talk about live view mode. Well, I hope you've enjoyed this little dip into the waters of basic Rebel filmmaking, and now know the important menu options you should be using and why while shooting. This is most useful for interview-type scenarios, where the subject is sitting and the camera is locked on them. The bad news is that the LCD keeps going dark, making it hard to track a moving subject. It will sound much better, and your audience's ears will thank you! Shedding some light on the sources of noise, DPReview TV: Best camera under $500 in 2021. Review: Does the Canon Rebel T8i DSLR make sense in an increasingly mirrorless world? One thing you could do to minimize the amount of times you need to refocus is to use a smaller aperture (larger f/stop).--"Amp up and amplify! While I started out shooting stills, their reactions to some of their gifts (and their comments) were best captured with a short video. In live view mode, you can zoom the display, increasing the size of the image on the LCD. It's a quick and easy way to get off-camera flash - and once you get used to the look of off-camera flash, you'll never go back to on-camera flash again. In general, it's a great portable option for photographers on the go, and an excellent choice for "family" photographers who are looking for something that can capture all of life's little moments. This menu will also allow you to change the recording size and picture style without going into the main menu. In addition to the manual control over audio volume, the 600D also has a setting to cancel out wind noise which can be easily picked up on a blustery day by the microphone placed on the front of the camera. Yes, you are correct, you can but there will be parts that are blacked out. Now your camera is in fully-manual mode, just like M mode in stills. I gave up trying to use AF some time ago, for the reasons already stated. Happy shooting! Everything's set, so hit the Live View button to start and stop recording and you're rolling! We dive deep to find out where it excels and what it's like to fly. How limiting are these factors? While my compositions left something to be desired (it's hard to figure out which direction the dog will go next) the T3i 600D had no problem capturing him in full motion. Continuous AF during video isn't possible. I've found that unlike my older 40D, the T3i is fairly amenable to ISO adjustment and it can be used to complete the exposure triangle quite happily. You can zoom during video recording, but when you are done zooming, you will need to manually focus. Just a beginner? Nikon has announced the Z30, an entry-level Z-mount camera aimed at vloggers and other content creators. For example, I used the 600D to capture my children opening their holiday presents. The flexible LCD also makes a huge difference if you want to use the camera for movies. Now, if you haven't used the video mode before, it should be set to auto-exposure in video mode, so you're ready to roll immediately. The camera immediately clicks into live view mode, and the default or last-used settings are up. The 600D is capable of taking excellent videos, but only with careful attention to settings, a tripod and manual focusing. The focus zoom option helps if you're trying to zero in on small non-moving subjects, but it's not much help if your subject is jumping about. But in the end I decided to buy an SX Powershot camera which records video effortlessly with everything in focus, and I use it solely for video shoots and my T3i for stills. I'll even toss it up on YouTube or something so you can see what it does. When this is on "Auto" the camera tends to ramp the levels up and down, making the audio sound strange. The only thing to remember about this feature is that it is not taking the zoomed in photo you see on the LCD - that view is just so you can adjust your focus.