For example, PowerBuilder can use result sets to populate the data windows. This behavior differs from that in the source application. PL/SQL tables can have one column and a primary key, neither of which can be named. The Oracle RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement allows the user to customize the error message. To create a function in your own schema, you must have the CREATE PROCEDURE system privilege. The additional DECLARE CURSOR, OPEN, FETCH, CLOSE, and DEALLOCATE CURSOR clauses are included in T/SQL. Procedures that become invalid for some reason should be recompiled explicitly using this command. For example consider the following T/SQL statement: Convert the above statement to the following PL/SQL statement in Oracle: Temporary tables are supported by Oracle9i and Oracle8i. The variable @@trancount is a runtime environment variable. The PL/SQL procedures generated by the Migration Workbench indicate the manual conversion required by adding appropriate commands. In Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, transactions are explicit by definition. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle follow similar rules for declaring local variables. The Migration Workbench does a one-to-one mapping when converting Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server transaction commands to their Oracle equivalents. @@error is converted to StoO_error, which contains the value returned by the SQLCODE function. This section provides the following tables for the schema object Procedure : The CREATE PROCEDURE statement creates the named stored procedure in the database. Make sure that the functionality remains the same, as the transaction models may differ in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle. No manual changes are required. To create a package in your own schema, you must have the CREATE PROCEDURE privilege.
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle can all pass data to the client using output parameters in the stored procedures. Making the transaction-handling statements a part of the client code serves a two-fold purpose; the server code is more portable, and the distributed transactions can be independent of the server code. In Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, transactions are explicit. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures can return data to the client by means of a Result Set. The transaction is committed with a COMMIT TRANSACTION or rolled back with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement. You can use the same procedure to return the results of a SELECT statement to a calling client program. For information on parameter-calling conventions, see the Schema Objects section in this chapter. These tables and the table for which the trigger is written have the exact same structure. You must have the CREATE PROCEDURE system privilege to create the stored procedures. Not all those variables are listed here because they do not play a major role in the conversion process. Logical transactions are handled differently in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle. Most of the T/SQL DDL constructs give syntax errors. An UPDATE with a FROM clause cannot be converted. You should have the EXECUTE privilege on the function to execute the named function. The SQLCODE function returns the server error code. An Oracle PL/SQL procedure ideally has only one exception block, and all error conditions are handled in that block. However, the nesting is only syntactical. Records have uniquely named fields. For example, if an UPDATE statement updates multiple rows of a table, a row trigger is fired once for each row affected by the UPDATE statement. The user need not have explicit privileges to access the underlying objects referred to within the PL/SQL procedure. The control is returned to the calling routine. The actual_parameter is defined in the local block which calls the procedure supplying the value of the actual parameter for the respective formal parameter. For example, if a SELECT statement does not find any row in the database, an exception is raised. If an error occurs, control immediately jumps to an exception handler. In Oracle, only IN parameters can be assigned a default value. For code examples, see the @@Rowcount and @@Error Variables topic. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures can only return integer values to the calling routine using the RETURN statement. Oracle allows DDL statements as part of the dynamic SQL. In Oracle, the parameter data type definition does not include length/size. It is recommended that you just use one result set, that is, one cursor variable per procedure, if possible. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle all provide stored procedures. For more details about how transactions are handled in Oracle, see the Transaction-Handling Semantics topic later in this chapter. schema. Named notation: For more details on how Result Sets are handled by the Migration Workbench, see T/SQL and PL/SQL Language Elements section in this chapter. The examples discussed here do not return multiple rows to the client. For example, consider the following procedure: This procedure returns two different result sets. In Oracle, the client can issue one or more SQL statements on the same network connection, and the system global area (SGA) stores all the data retrieved from the database. You can optionally specify the parameters passed to the procedure as OUTPUT. No manual changes are required. To implement isolation level 3, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server apply HOLDLOCK to all the tables taking part in the transaction. where sal_ok is a function that returns a BOOLEAN value. The parameters passed to the PL/SQL procedure can be specified as IN (input), OUT (output only), or IN OUT (input and output). If you omit BODY, Oracle drops both the body and specification of the package. As a standard, a RETURN statement must appear after the RAISERROR statement in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, so that it can be converted to the Oracle RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement. Because of the difference in the way the two databases handle transactions, you may want to consider some reorganization of the transactions. Since the Migration Workbench does not currently look up the data types on the Oracle server, it sets the default data type to VAR1CHAR2. The @@error variable has a direct equivalent in Oracle, and that is the SQLCODE function. The Oracle9i and Oracle8i ODBC Driver release and later releases support result sets. This chapter includes the following sections: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server store triggers and stored procedures with the server. Triggers typically need access to the before image and after image of the data that is being changed. Returns the last identity value generated by the statement. In Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, you need not check for errors after each SQL statement. For example, consider the following T/SQL statement: Convert this statement to the following PL/SQL statement in Oracle : Use the subquery in the WHERE clause for all other UPDATEFROM statements. You must make manual changes to ensure that rows are unique to a particular session and all the rows for that session are deleted at the end of the operation. schema. Isolation level 3 prevents phantoms. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server can return only the numeric data type, while Oracle can return any of the server data types or the PL/SQL data types. For examples of Oracle triggers, see the Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals, Release 1 (9.0.1). Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server introduced cursors in T/SQL. Considerable differences can be found in the following areas discussed in this section: This section also considers various components of typical Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures and suggests ways to design them in order to avoid conversion problems. This means that triggers are fired after the specific operation is performed. Also, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server require that transactions in stored procedures be allowed to nest, whereas Oracle does not support transaction nesting. This coding style is required only to simulate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server behavior. The transactions can be named. For example I will create a table for customer details. This section compares the following Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle schema objects: Each schema object is compared in separate tables based on create, drop, execute and alter, where applicable. In Oracle, transactions are implicit. You can write standard routines to add and retrieve error messages to this table. =p_name,GENDER=p_gender,ADDRESS=p_address, How to Migrate (P2V) Physical to a Virtual Data Center - Convergence VMware Virtualization Concepts, Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core 6 Web API, Getting Started With Angular Electron Application Development, JWT Token Authentication In Angular 14 And .NET Core 6 Web API, Why SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Is Best for SharePoint Development, Basic Authentication For Azure Functions (Open API) .Net 6. Failure to do so may result in erroneous results. PL/SQL provides similar functionality with RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statements.However, it ends the execution of the stored subprogram and returns the control to the calling program. If a procedure is converted to a PL/SQL function, make sure to assign the RETURN value to a variable when calling it (see the call to RecordExists in Table 3-22 above). These two tables exist during the execution of the trigger. The SQL%ROWCOUNT variable in Oracle is functionally equivalent to @@rowcount. You can migrate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures to the Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures or packages in different ways, as follows: Examples of these different Oracle solutions to the result set problem are presented below: The following SELECT statement becomes part of the client code: The following PL/SQL code shows how to migrate the make_loginid procedure to Oracle by using PL/SQL tables as output parameters: The package body definition is as follows: This procedure updates the PL/SQL tables with the data. Functions can return an atomic value to the calling routine using the RETURN statement. Other global variables are converted with a warning message. Manual changes are needed to convert this type of SELECT statement. A SQL statement belongs to a logical transaction if the transaction explicitly initiated by the user with a BEGIN TRANSACTION (or BEGIN TRAN) statement is still in effect. In the absence of these keywords, the parameter is assumed to be the "IN" parameter. It denotes both the set of rows and a current row in that set. The number of rows affected by the most recently executed T/SQL statement. A DBO can drop any procedure. Stored procedures use the RAISERROR statement to notify the client of any error condition. The status information resulting from the last FETCH statements. A logical transaction begins with the first executable SQL statement after a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or connection to the database. You can declare a variable to be of type RECORD. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server do not have composite data types. The Migration Workbench copies the error code and error message from a RAISERROR statement and places them in the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement appended to the error message. Oracle applies ANSI-standard implicit transaction methods. The implicit transaction model prevents artificial nesting of transactions because only one logical transaction per session can be in effect. The OR REPLACE keywords replace the procedure by the new definition if it already exists. Functions that become invalid for some reason should be recompiled explicitly using this command. Parameter passing is almost the same in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle. PL/SQL local variables can be any server data type including the following: PL/SQL local variables can also be either of the following composite data types allowed by PL/SQL: See the Data Types section in Chapter 2 for a list of Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server data types and their equivalent Oracle data types. The following example illustrates the nested transactions: When BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION statements are nested, the outermost pair creates and commits the transaction while the inner pairs only keep track of nesting levels. Isolation level 2 prevents un-repeatable reads. The user need not have explicit privileges to access the underlying objects referred to within the stored procedure. ", Error Handling within the Stored Procedure, Results Sets: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Method of Sending Data to the Client, Oracle: Cursor Variables for Returning Query Results, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server: Multiple Results Sets, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server: Cursors, SELECT Statement as Part of the SELECT List, Result Set (Converted Using a Cursor Variable), Exception-Handling and Error-Handling Semantics, DDL Constructs within Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Stored Procedures. For code examples, see the @@Rowcount and @@Error Variables topic. The statements appear commented in the output with a message "statement ignored. The transaction is not committed until the outermost COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is executed. If the trigger fails, the operation is rolled back. To convert Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server multiple result sets to Oracle, pass one more cursor variable to the stored procedure to open a second cursor; the client program then looks at both cursor variables for data. The problems are described in detail below. Functions become invalid if the objects that are referenced from within the function are dropped or altered. schema. This requires recompilation of the package and any objects that depend on its specification. Many Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server applications rely on the SQL Server-specific stream-based data return method called "result sets". The Migration Workbench writes appropriate comments in the output PL/SQL procedures and the subqueries are omitted. The Migration Workbench automatically adds what is necessary to simulate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server functionality.
To create a procedure in another user's schema, you must have the CREATE ANY PROCEDURE system privilege. See the Data Manipulation Language section in Chapter 2 for a discussion of Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle operators. The user should have the EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure. This is the external or public part of the package. This requires that you add an extra column to the table definition and the value of USERENV('session_id') for all the rows inserted. Therefore, it is converted to a SELECT INTO WHERE EXISTS clause and an IF statement as shown in Example 3 above. The conversions of the following constructs are discussed in detail: Listed is the syntax for the Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server constructs and their Oracle equivalents, as well as comments about conversion considerations. The Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server SELECT statement with a subquery as part of the SELECT list cannot be converted to PL/SQL using the Migration Workbench. Oracle allows you to define a cursor variable to return query results. If you omit schema, Oracle assumes the package is in your own schema. In the absence of these keywords the parameter is assumed to be IN. This variable contains the number of rows affected by the execution of the SQL statement attached to the implicit cursor.
This command causes the recompilation of a function. Therefore, it is converted to a SELECT INTOWHERE clause, as shown in Example 4 above. You can customize error messages with the help of a user-defined table. Try to design client/server applications so that the transaction-handling statements are part of the client code rather than the stored procedure code. The DELETED table holds the before image of the rows that are undergoing change because of the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation, and the INSERTED table holds the after image of these rows. The function must be in the schema of the user or the user must have the DROP ANY PROCEDURE system privilege to execute this command. One solution when using ODBC drivers is to identify the code that produces the result set, and move this code online in the client program. The name of the local Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server server. This method serves a two-fold purpose: it ensures that the system is more portable across different types of database servers, and it gives the administrator centralized control over the error messages. In Example 1, the procedure returns a single row result set to the client which is converted to a PL/SQL procedure that returns a single row using the output parameters. This section discusses the following T/SQL and PL/SQL language elements: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server. The named and unnamed inner COMMIT TRANSACTION statements have no effect. These languages differ to a considerable extent.
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle can all pass data to the client using output parameters in the stored procedures. Making the transaction-handling statements a part of the client code serves a two-fold purpose; the server code is more portable, and the distributed transactions can be independent of the server code. In Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, transactions are explicit. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures can return data to the client by means of a Result Set. The transaction is committed with a COMMIT TRANSACTION or rolled back with a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement. You can use the same procedure to return the results of a SELECT statement to a calling client program. For information on parameter-calling conventions, see the Schema Objects section in this chapter. These tables and the table for which the trigger is written have the exact same structure. You must have the CREATE PROCEDURE system privilege to create the stored procedures. Not all those variables are listed here because they do not play a major role in the conversion process. Logical transactions are handled differently in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle. Most of the T/SQL DDL constructs give syntax errors. An UPDATE with a FROM clause cannot be converted. You should have the EXECUTE privilege on the function to execute the named function. The SQLCODE function returns the server error code. An Oracle PL/SQL procedure ideally has only one exception block, and all error conditions are handled in that block. However, the nesting is only syntactical. Records have uniquely named fields. For example, if an UPDATE statement updates multiple rows of a table, a row trigger is fired once for each row affected by the UPDATE statement. The user need not have explicit privileges to access the underlying objects referred to within the PL/SQL procedure. The control is returned to the calling routine. The actual_parameter is defined in the local block which calls the procedure supplying the value of the actual parameter for the respective formal parameter. For example, if a SELECT statement does not find any row in the database, an exception is raised. If an error occurs, control immediately jumps to an exception handler. In Oracle, only IN parameters can be assigned a default value. For code examples, see the @@Rowcount and @@Error Variables topic. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures can only return integer values to the calling routine using the RETURN statement. Oracle allows DDL statements as part of the dynamic SQL. In Oracle, the parameter data type definition does not include length/size. It is recommended that you just use one result set, that is, one cursor variable per procedure, if possible. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle all provide stored procedures. For more details about how transactions are handled in Oracle, see the Transaction-Handling Semantics topic later in this chapter. schema. Named notation: For more details on how Result Sets are handled by the Migration Workbench, see T/SQL and PL/SQL Language Elements section in this chapter. The examples discussed here do not return multiple rows to the client. For example, consider the following procedure: This procedure returns two different result sets. In Oracle, the client can issue one or more SQL statements on the same network connection, and the system global area (SGA) stores all the data retrieved from the database. You can optionally specify the parameters passed to the procedure as OUTPUT. No manual changes are required. To implement isolation level 3, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server apply HOLDLOCK to all the tables taking part in the transaction. where sal_ok is a function that returns a BOOLEAN value. The parameters passed to the PL/SQL procedure can be specified as IN (input), OUT (output only), or IN OUT (input and output). If you omit BODY, Oracle drops both the body and specification of the package. As a standard, a RETURN statement must appear after the RAISERROR statement in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, so that it can be converted to the Oracle RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement. Because of the difference in the way the two databases handle transactions, you may want to consider some reorganization of the transactions. Since the Migration Workbench does not currently look up the data types on the Oracle server, it sets the default data type to VAR1CHAR2. The @@error variable has a direct equivalent in Oracle, and that is the SQLCODE function. The Oracle9i and Oracle8i ODBC Driver release and later releases support result sets. This chapter includes the following sections: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server store triggers and stored procedures with the server. Triggers typically need access to the before image and after image of the data that is being changed. Returns the last identity value generated by the statement. In Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server, you need not check for errors after each SQL statement. For example, consider the following T/SQL statement: Convert this statement to the following PL/SQL statement in Oracle : Use the subquery in the WHERE clause for all other UPDATEFROM statements. You must make manual changes to ensure that rows are unique to a particular session and all the rows for that session are deleted at the end of the operation. schema. Isolation level 3 prevents phantoms. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server can return only the numeric data type, while Oracle can return any of the server data types or the PL/SQL data types. For examples of Oracle triggers, see the Oracle9i Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals, Release 1 (9.0.1). Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server introduced cursors in T/SQL. Considerable differences can be found in the following areas discussed in this section: This section also considers various components of typical Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures and suggests ways to design them in order to avoid conversion problems. This means that triggers are fired after the specific operation is performed. Also, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server require that transactions in stored procedures be allowed to nest, whereas Oracle does not support transaction nesting. This coding style is required only to simulate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server behavior. The transactions can be named. For example I will create a table for customer details. This section compares the following Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle schema objects: Each schema object is compared in separate tables based on create, drop, execute and alter, where applicable. In Oracle, transactions are implicit. You can write standard routines to add and retrieve error messages to this table. =p_name,GENDER=p_gender,ADDRESS=p_address, How to Migrate (P2V) Physical to a Virtual Data Center - Convergence VMware Virtualization Concepts, Onion Architecture In ASP.NET Core 6 Web API, Getting Started With Angular Electron Application Development, JWT Token Authentication In Angular 14 And .NET Core 6 Web API, Why SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Is Best for SharePoint Development, Basic Authentication For Azure Functions (Open API) .Net 6. Failure to do so may result in erroneous results. PL/SQL provides similar functionality with RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statements.However, it ends the execution of the stored subprogram and returns the control to the calling program. If a procedure is converted to a PL/SQL function, make sure to assign the RETURN value to a variable when calling it (see the call to RecordExists in Table 3-22 above). These two tables exist during the execution of the trigger. The SQL%ROWCOUNT variable in Oracle is functionally equivalent to @@rowcount. You can migrate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server stored procedures to the Oracle PL/SQL stored procedures or packages in different ways, as follows: Examples of these different Oracle solutions to the result set problem are presented below: The following SELECT statement becomes part of the client code: The following PL/SQL code shows how to migrate the make_loginid procedure to Oracle by using PL/SQL tables as output parameters: The package body definition is as follows: This procedure updates the PL/SQL tables with the data. Functions can return an atomic value to the calling routine using the RETURN statement. Other global variables are converted with a warning message. Manual changes are needed to convert this type of SELECT statement. A SQL statement belongs to a logical transaction if the transaction explicitly initiated by the user with a BEGIN TRANSACTION (or BEGIN TRAN) statement is still in effect. In the absence of these keywords, the parameter is assumed to be the "IN" parameter. It denotes both the set of rows and a current row in that set. The number of rows affected by the most recently executed T/SQL statement. A DBO can drop any procedure. Stored procedures use the RAISERROR statement to notify the client of any error condition. The status information resulting from the last FETCH statements. A logical transaction begins with the first executable SQL statement after a COMMIT, ROLLBACK, or connection to the database. You can declare a variable to be of type RECORD. Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server do not have composite data types. The Migration Workbench copies the error code and error message from a RAISERROR statement and places them in the RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR statement appended to the error message. Oracle applies ANSI-standard implicit transaction methods. The implicit transaction model prevents artificial nesting of transactions because only one logical transaction per session can be in effect. The OR REPLACE keywords replace the procedure by the new definition if it already exists. Functions that become invalid for some reason should be recompiled explicitly using this command. Parameter passing is almost the same in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle. PL/SQL local variables can be any server data type including the following: PL/SQL local variables can also be either of the following composite data types allowed by PL/SQL: See the Data Types section in Chapter 2 for a list of Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server data types and their equivalent Oracle data types. The following example illustrates the nested transactions: When BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION statements are nested, the outermost pair creates and commits the transaction while the inner pairs only keep track of nesting levels. Isolation level 2 prevents un-repeatable reads. The user need not have explicit privileges to access the underlying objects referred to within the stored procedure. ", Error Handling within the Stored Procedure, Results Sets: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Method of Sending Data to the Client, Oracle: Cursor Variables for Returning Query Results, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server: Multiple Results Sets, Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server: Cursors, SELECT Statement as Part of the SELECT List, Result Set (Converted Using a Cursor Variable), Exception-Handling and Error-Handling Semantics, DDL Constructs within Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server Stored Procedures. For code examples, see the @@Rowcount and @@Error Variables topic. The statements appear commented in the output with a message "statement ignored. The transaction is not committed until the outermost COMMIT TRANSACTION statement is executed. If the trigger fails, the operation is rolled back. To convert Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server multiple result sets to Oracle, pass one more cursor variable to the stored procedure to open a second cursor; the client program then looks at both cursor variables for data. The problems are described in detail below. Functions become invalid if the objects that are referenced from within the function are dropped or altered. schema. This requires recompilation of the package and any objects that depend on its specification. Many Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server applications rely on the SQL Server-specific stream-based data return method called "result sets". The Migration Workbench writes appropriate comments in the output PL/SQL procedures and the subqueries are omitted. The Migration Workbench automatically adds what is necessary to simulate Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server functionality.
To create a procedure in another user's schema, you must have the CREATE ANY PROCEDURE system privilege. See the Data Manipulation Language section in Chapter 2 for a discussion of Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server and Oracle operators. The user should have the EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure. This is the external or public part of the package. This requires that you add an extra column to the table definition and the value of USERENV('session_id') for all the rows inserted. Therefore, it is converted to a SELECT INTO WHERE EXISTS clause and an IF statement as shown in Example 3 above. The conversions of the following constructs are discussed in detail: Listed is the syntax for the Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server constructs and their Oracle equivalents, as well as comments about conversion considerations. The Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server SELECT statement with a subquery as part of the SELECT list cannot be converted to PL/SQL using the Migration Workbench. Oracle allows you to define a cursor variable to return query results. If you omit schema, Oracle assumes the package is in your own schema. In the absence of these keywords the parameter is assumed to be IN. This variable contains the number of rows affected by the execution of the SQL statement attached to the implicit cursor.
This command causes the recompilation of a function. Therefore, it is converted to a SELECT INTOWHERE clause, as shown in Example 4 above. You can customize error messages with the help of a user-defined table. Try to design client/server applications so that the transaction-handling statements are part of the client code rather than the stored procedure code. The DELETED table holds the before image of the rows that are undergoing change because of the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operation, and the INSERTED table holds the after image of these rows. The function must be in the schema of the user or the user must have the DROP ANY PROCEDURE system privilege to execute this command. One solution when using ODBC drivers is to identify the code that produces the result set, and move this code online in the client program. The name of the local Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server server. This method serves a two-fold purpose: it ensures that the system is more portable across different types of database servers, and it gives the administrator centralized control over the error messages. In Example 1, the procedure returns a single row result set to the client which is converted to a PL/SQL procedure that returns a single row using the output parameters. This section discusses the following T/SQL and PL/SQL language elements: Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server. The named and unnamed inner COMMIT TRANSACTION statements have no effect. These languages differ to a considerable extent.