But not as much as Sherlock's drive to prove his superiority over the entire human race, only further exacerbated by his attempts to show off to John in this scenario. Why did I do this? Elevated pulse and dilated pupils indicate sexual arousal, not genuine emotional attachment. However Jane also will be more emotionally invested in this case, since his own wife and child were killed by a serial killer he has a particular distaste for them. Best Holmes ever! I'm just glad you didn't say CBS Sherlock. Based on the number of times that Teresa has saved Patricks life, The Mentalist turns the popular premise of damsel in distress on its head. Press J to jump to the feed. During the season five series, Lisbon and Jane have grown closer. He is always, always, always very observant and his deductions are perfect. Some spoilers ahead: For memory, he made a list of every person he ever shook hands with since he started working on red john's case over the span of years. So here is my reasoning that Patrick will win again [I do believe they are both somewhere close to equal overall, but I really don't think Sherlock could contend with RJ]. Holmes need not save the world from a terrorist plot every time. You are indeed where you belong. Once you realize this, the similarities become glaringly obvious. Great company and great staff. Lisbon had pointed out one time that they were partners, and in doing so, Patrick must be honest with Teresa. He can tell in an instant who is telling the truth and who is not. I say Patrick, he has way more feats in that area, each week he's squaring off againt above average intelligence criminals - highly intelligent criminals and it's rare a character will even come close. He does not need to fight 10 guys in a hand-to-hand combat. ", 1041 Redi Mix Rd, Suite 102Little River, South Carolina 29566, Website Design, Lead Generation and Marketing by MB Buzz | Powered by Myrtle Beach Marketing | Privacy Policy | Terms and Condition, by 3D Metal Inc. Website Design - Lead Generation, Copyright text 2018 by 3D Metal Inc. -Designed by Thrive Themes | Powered by WordPress, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, Vertical (Short-way) and Flat (Long-way) 90 degree elbows, Vertical (Short-way) and Flat (Long-way) 45 degree elbows, Website Design, Lead Generation and Marketing by MB Buzz. He can recite the complete works of Shakespeare in alphabetical order. But this takes time, patience and creativity. Both can contend with a Joker level intellect in my opinion, [TDK Joker, comics would take them longer] and catch him, but I think Sherlock's relative lethargy in the first case will be none existent here, whereas Jane [without Lisbon] will not have the same level of interest as Sherlock, though still more than round 1. Hmmmm.
Right now I'm reading all the stories/novels of original Sherlock Holmes, and I have still not found what's the big deal about all of Holmes' abilities-nothing big deal, it's all average, if you ask me. We specialize in fabricating residential and commercial HVAC custom ductwork to fit your home or business existing system. How is Sherlock Holmes smarter than Hercule Poirot? This is some serious investment by big production companies and they are not even worried that everyone is using the same idea. Cant exactly recall Sherlock doing those stuffs , but then thats the problem with comics and TV shows, at least in comics you can scan and keep feats for future use :p. The Irene stuffs was created to make her Sherlock equal. The guy has the whole street of London mapped, going around checking pulse to know if someone is lying, know that something is wrong based on 1 mere word whispered by a person, BBC Sherlock seems a lot more impressive, at least to me. Jane relies on people way too much to figure it out, Sherlock would be much faster with a single crime. Well, book sherlock is already on a different level than both to me. The Mentalist is streaming on Amazon Prime. or telling rigsby to put the cupcake from the crime scene back :p. or driving a car when blindfolded, and reading people's reactions.. By the very nature of their purpose they attack each of their respective protagonists differently; when Holmes begins suspect a master puppeteer behind half the crimes in London and investigate it Moriarty tries to kill him and forces Holmes to flee to Continental Europe. As such I'm tempted to give this to Patrick since if you were to tally up all their feats he would probably have more impressive feats of perception. Because Patrick Jane had imbibed the best qualities of Sherlock Holmes. They hired a couple of writer who would translate the actual events from the book, into a story more fitting of the modern age. Lisbon is very protective of Jane and him vice versa and cares about him. Patrick wns round 1 8/10, either way they'd both catch a generic serial killer in under 24 hours in my opinion.Patrick probably takes about 10 hours, Sherlock 14 due to lack of real, committed interest and less experience/feats than Patrick. Heres my theory. Heroes vs Villains Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Let me start with the worst series, Elementary. In one episode, "War of the Roses," Patrick helped her escape incarceration, but they were later met by her in a case where she is revealed to be the murderer. Usually, Patrick initially would do most of his scams without telling Lisbon, but in later episodes, it's shown that Jane trusts her more than anyone, mostly confiding with her and Lisbon confiding in him. Our shop is equipped to fabricate custom duct transitions, elbows, offsets and more, quickly and accurately with our plasma cutting system. For instance, he does not do violence. An expert in human behaviour. The only person that can match Mentalist is Hercule Poirot. I'm not sure if Holmes is knowledgeable about any works of literature other than those that he stars in. If you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit then welcome home, my friend. Like all elite chess players, he can play chess in his mind without a board. So both men seem to have similar abilities, what if they wanted to outdo the other? The only person that can match Mentalist is Hercule Poirot, Prince Aragorn detecting Moriarty was not really a big thing, however Poirot in the Curtain met the perfect murderer which Holmes would never be able to identify! Mmm, lets say TDK. Afterwards, I found myself rewatching the episodes again and again, something that I have not done even with Breaking Bad. (Yamahama, its fright night! You are using an out of date browser. Jane is well cultured, with knowledge one would expect of a connoisseur. Hate! Can someone shoot me in the head, please? Sherlock probably would take less time but would find out who Red John was in a different way than Jane. The guy isn't human, it's almost like he's some sort of reality warper.. From solving a crime by harpooning a pig, to being able to solve a crime by looking at video once of the crime scene Sherlock has shown some commendable abilities there, but the only problem is Sherlock himself has shown with many character flaws, who enjoys the game rather than trying to solve it quicker. I'm just saying jane doesn't have any notable disadvantage in the memory department.. Sherlock identified a Guy to be gay, looking at him, but then shame it turns out Moriarity was playing him, Patrick did the same thing, in the very first episode. Jane, like many others, was based off Sherlock Holmes, and while Holme's deductions and acute observations were amazing for his time, people have been trying to out do him ever since then. Too awesome to do so.. Sherlock also identified a guy as a military man looking at him, even deduced his entire details, in the first episode. Patrick Jane vs Sherlock holmes (moffat series), Sherlock Holmes vs Patrick Jane vs Shawn Spencer, Mickey O'Neil (Snatch. Jane has spent his entire life training to con others. Thanks for the inspiration ;), @rogueshadow: @princearagorn1: Sneaky sneaky. He routinely wins hundreds of thousands of dollars at poker. Or check this scene out (well, it's from season 1, so not that great of a spoiler, just wanted to share the amazing acting on both sides): He has even seen a group's relations, the moment he met them. Hate! Apply them. When Arthur Conan Doyle created the detective, forensic science as we know it today did no exist. He even says, The game is afoot, in one of the episodes. ", "Very reliable company and very fast. And he always relies on his strong intuition that guides him in the right direction. Moriarty was invented as a way to kill Holmes and end the series, where as Red John was invented as a way to string along tv show and keep it going. As such characters like Jane, House, Batman, Monk, Shawn Spencer, have all had way more feats of impressive deduction to try and impress audiences who are already familiar with the archetypal Sherlock Holme's character. Sherlock would be better at searching for evidence, but Jane would have an easier time using some form of trickery or ruse to get Moriarity to reveal himself or to record Moriarty talking about his crimes. The writers of these movies and TV series are nowhere near the caliber of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Then again, some people love Paneer Makhani Pizza. Another comedy movie starring Will Farrell as Holmes is being released this week. I mean, either one of them is world class at pissing people off. Much easier to just add a bit of James Bond, a pinch of Jack Reacher, combine with a terrorist or supernatural plot, add Irene Adler and Moriarty in any combination and the new reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes is ready. The writers seem to be under the impression that the more they deviate from the original premise, the better. Who discovers Dexter is the BHB before the other? But yes, Robin is much better than Martin Freeman. He can hypnotize people and is familiar with many typical conning acts. Nothing sherlock did really put him on patrick's level. Goldfinch: No Holmes is not smarter than Hercule Poirot, and Poirot is the only one matches Mentalist in all abilities, especially psychology! Thanks for the inspiration ;). Holmes had his arch nemesis in Prof. Moriarty, Patricks lifelong enemy goes by the name Red John, a serial killer who murdered his wife and daughter. When Rigsby and Grace were secretly dating, Jane never revealed their relationship to Lisbon, In season four, Grace, one time, asked for advice about a necklace she owned that Craig had given her and asked what she should do with it. But I don't see anything bbc sherlock did that patrick cannot top. or as for deduction, correctly told a man was a psychopath, by looking at his medicine cabinet. Our capabilities go beyond HVAC ductwork fabrication, inquire about other specialty items you may need and we will be happy to try and accommodate your needs. And I wouldn't say Robin is better than Martin Freeman.
Many scientists, investigators, forensic experts admit to being inspired by Sherlock Holmes in childhood. He can get chummy with an Italian mafioso, a Russian drug czar or a Mexican drug lord within minutes of meeting them. I am just a massive Sherlock Holmes fan what can i say :p. Sherlock has the whole London Map memorised with every turning, every light and what times the light turn red and green, as shown in first episode. Many people always say BC Sherlock's a lot smarter, which is just outright false. @rogueshadow: @princearagorn1: Sneaky sneaky. 2022 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A third one is expected in 2020. When Grace and Wayne were married, Jane secretly attended and smiled during the reception. Hell, he caught that the cook was guilty from the amount of butter he used in his food. If you want to see the good old fashioned detective solving crimes based on clues, there is nothing better than The Mentalist. The whole series is a slow journey towards catching Red John.
Indeed, Holmes himself keeps on encouraging Watson, You know my methods. Jane advised her that it was her call. Sure Holmes, is extremely observant-more observant than other mentioned fictional detective including Adrian Monk, and his deduction and knowledge of pretty much everything is truly awesome, but Poirot solves crimes without visiting crime scenes, without using science, Poirot just makes several conversations, and Poirot thinks and solves the crime. they both are assigned to find the Bay Harbour Butcher. Red John and Patrick have been enemies since Red John killed his wife and daughter. Only time patrick ever lost, or made mistakes, was when red john was involved. Throughout most of The Mentalist, Teresa and Patrick playfully banter with one another. But you can't, because it's the opposite, Poirot is brighter and smarter than Holmes; Poirot through conversation and psychology knows who the killer is, while Holmes needs to visit crime scenes, observation and science (clues, evidences, fingerprints, footprints, chemistry, biology, geology, botany, anatomy and etc. This could be beneficial, but Partick's real weakness are his emotions, protecting Lisbon over catching RJ, shooting a man that there was really no evidence he was RJ. Whenever the CBI conducts a raid, he hides behind to watch. I definitely prefer Sherlock though. Freeman's pretty beastly.
"Highly skilled sheet metal fabricators with all the correct machinery to fabricate just about anything you need. That being said this usually occurs over incidents involving RJ, so he would have to feel particularly engaged in the case for it to cloud him, though it is possible. After years of doing this, he finally finds one who is faking a disability and solves the crime. I first watched The Mentalist because my back was out of order and it was the only thing to do while lying down waiting for the muscle spasm to heal. And yet, I faithfully stuck with the show, all seven seasons of it. Jane secretly attended Rigsby's and Van Pelt's wedding, and smiled during the reception. Sherlock might get him eventually, but not easily. Rigsby and Jane first met each other when he went looking for the Red John files. Patrick Jane is the best creative remake of Sherlock Holmes in recent times. Maybe Mrs. Hudson is actually a Martian who wants to extract Holmes DNA to clone him. The Rigsbies attended Jane and Lisbon's wedding. In that area Poirot is superior to Holmes, plus this very fact 100% proves that Poirot is much smarter than Holmes, smarter than even Mentalist, because Mentalist can be fooled, while Poirot cannot be fooled. Coupled with his more hands on approach than Sherlock [where people are concerned] unlike Sherlock who can sometimes give John the actual interpersonal relations aspect of the job. So Sherlock' strengths - Physical deduction,and forensics as mentioned, though this will be less prevalent since the time limit is 24 hours, his fodder haven't been s intelligent as some of Patrick's, Irene Adler, Jeff Hope etc they were supposed to be genius' but didn't come off as such. So John Watson becomes Ms. Joan Watson, with Asian ancestry. Lisbon then went on to commit in a romantic relationship. Where as Jane dislikes cold, high-tech forensics, preferring to use his wit, Sherlock actively cultivates it and uses his own forensic analysis using the latest science alongside his insight. Yes, patrick has a lot more screen time than sherlock, hands down. If they could do a 90 minute armchair detective piece I would consider Gatiss/Moffat superb writers. Holmes can disguise himself without make-up so well that Watson can't identify him, even misjudging his race and age, even at close and while looking for Sherlock and carrying on a conversation with the disguised Sherlock. Holmes is a talented burglar, and picks locks and cracks safes in his spare time. I have never chosen anyone over sherlock, not shawn spencer, not spencer reid, not hercule poirot, not will graham, I like him to the point I consider him a rival to cal lightman (ok, that'll be pushing it a little). Almost. You must log in or register to reply here. *Runs upstairs stamping feet*. World Chess Championship : Magnus Carlsen Triumphs Again. @princearagorn1: I know what you mean. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Mentalist and Hercule Poirot are the smartest and the best when it comes to psychology! The show is quite predictable, always starting with the CBI team arriving on the crime scene and the inevitable question, What have we got?. @iheartzombies92: I'll get around to round 2 later. He also looked at a case thru webcam and said its not a murder its an accident, merely based on something in his hand. How the hell can he even know things like the crime scene was going to have cup-cakes and rigsby is going to pick one up? The episode Red Hot (Season 3, Episode 7) is clearly based on The Norwood Builder while The Red Ponies (Season 3, Episode 5) reminds one of The Adventure of Silver Blaze. Dr. Watsons wife, Mary Morstan turns out to be a secret spy and she married Watson to get to Sherlock. I say Patrick, he has way more feats in that area, each week he's squaring off againt above average intelligence criminals - highly intelligent criminals and it's rare a character will even come close. Which at least to me seems just as impressive. or knew in which book of home-library a man would have hidden a note, without knowing the man, or having been to the home itself. I will say that in cases 1) and 2) both of them have a strong homefield advantage since their respective foils are always trying to actively contact them and watch over them. Like Holmes, Patrick observes the minutest details, and draws his conclusions based on trivial matters. If you are a skeptic, you may say that The Mentalist is like any other crime series, with few differences here and there. But i suppose Patrick is going to have had done a whole lot of stuffs then him, given his various appearences. Hate! As I watched the show, I realized that Patrick Jane is based on the most celebrated detective on the planet : Sherlock Holmes. His overall physical deductive abilities are posibly slightly inferior to Sherlock's, but is psychological insight into people, and moral core equilibrates this in my opinion, since he will have genuine desire to catch a murderer, though he does mask it with good fun, it's evident he genuinely despises the killers, unlike Sherlock who quite enjoys them. So round 1 is basically who can deal with fodder better? Even his name, Jane, is that of a girl and he often introduces himself as Jane, like the girl. This can be a tricky character and Simon Baker has played it with great style. With Holmes, the superpowers seem well within your reach if you just try hard enough. With Batman or Superman, you admire them but you can do little else. Jane without Lisbon's presence probably wouldn't be as motivated by the addition of Lisbon [Who I ship and I'm pretty sure he loves her] He has never been in a position where he might be outdone deductively or in general really aside from with RJ, unlike Sherlock who has had Jeff Hope, Irene Adler, Mycroft and Moriarty. He can read what someones writing by following the movement of the pen. He wins Round 2 again, not least because when he's going all out he's simply better than Sherlock in my opinion. @killemall: @princearagorn1: Regardless, they all kneel before Only because Patrick is a bad copy of Shawn Spencer. Neither have any contacts/friends in that area, Both have to find an average serial killer in 24 hours, Both know that someone else is trying to solve the crime, Both have to find a mass murderer (Joker-level intelligence) in 24 hours. Holmes had a hobby of memorizing every street of London, Patrick checks the shoes of every person on a wheelchair. I think that there feats are moe or less equal, but Doyle's Sherlock seems less intelligent due to his slower speech, which makes him appear to have slower thought processes, whe it's actually just borne from the faster, more streamlined modern age. .
Unlike Mentalist, Poirot does not use his tricks and his mental traps too often (but he does from time to time), what Poirot does is that he makes other people underestimate him, and he makes people to talk to him and he makes people/criminals to confess him the crime they committed; unlike Holmes who underestimates criminals and because of that he had his failures, Poirot is perfect he has never made a single mistake, and never failed to solve any crime whatsoever! Remember, the best Holmes stories always started with trifles, like an abandoned goose and a hat in The Blue Carbuncle. He hypnotizes witnesses of a crime to help them remember things they did not know they had seen or heard. He will, because he detected and defeated the Big Four! He solved his cases by luck, dumb stupid luck and the stupidity of the criminals. Apply them.. And of course he didn't slip patrick his number :p, which is actually in line with the book, where Moriarity could see exactly what Sherlock would see on a scene, which allowed him to plant evidence that would make Sherlock see what Moriarity wanted him to see as opposed to what actually happened, he later lost because of his own ego because he was too bored with Sherlock seeing him so easily duped. Usually, Rigsby, Jane and Cho would do stuff behind the bosses' back. He only threatened to reveal their relationship once, but probably never went through with it knowing Rigsby would keep up with a ruse. Sherlock will be an awful lot more enthused/intrigued by the Joker than a generic serial killer. It has been well over 100 years and the Baker Street detective is still going strong. Moriarty would just kill Jane, and not let him hang around for years trying to unravel his network of crime, whereas Red John may see Holmes as a worthy opponent and try to play with him and end up being caught. Or as I already mentioned, deducing people's password by looking at the paintings in their office (unlike sherlock, he hadn't met the person at all till then), or telling which book in home-library a dead guy hid a note in, without previously visiting the house. The Holmes in movies is doing so many things that he has little time left to be a real detective. Its like Superman suddenly started shooting spidey webs. I'm not sure, but they are going to have to clear out an entire city to prevent collateral irritation fallout. They later married. No way would Patrick ever be able to get anything out of him through a slip of the tongue, unless that's what Moriarty wanted. The Rigsbies attended Jane and Lisbon's wedding. I'm just saying jane doesn't have any notable disadvantage in the memory department. He was slightly attracted to her. Actually that's not in line with the books. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Other people read books, he reads people. Goldfinch: The only one who matches Mentalist in that department is Poirot! His primary weakness is that he won't be as driven to stop the next murder as Patrick will be, in raw deductive analysis, he equals, if not exceeds Patrick, but his inability to take fodder seriously will be his downfall, however it may be his saving grace against the Joker. The movies have a different problem. This was so bad that I could not even finish the first season. Sherlock, both rounds.Only because Patrick is a bad copy of Shawn Spencer. Jane cares for Lisbon and always put her first before Red John. Jane is the king of his world and whilst generally secure, if that was threatened he might want to show Lisbon he's still the biggest brain. He reads phone books for mnemonic exercises. he has never needed to check the pulse, except for the episode when he was blind. The lack of interest in these great shows is disturbing.. Let's call out.. @killemall: @yourneighborhoodcomicgeek: @madeinbangladesh: @princearagorn1: It's true, these threads don't get enough attention. JavaScript is disabled. Just like Holmes, he goes to the local bar/cafe to hear the gossip that contains valuable leads. His overall physical deductive abilities are possibly slightly inferior to Sherlock's, but is psychological insight into people, and moral core equilibrates this in my opinion, since he will have genuine desire to catch a murderer, though he does mask it with good fun, it's evident he genuinely despises the killers, unlike Sherlock who quite enjoys them. he was concerned for her whens he was shot by Craig O'Laughlin. Coz, why not? He was able to operate without Sherlock or Mycroft (who is smarter and has the entire British government and intelligence services at his back) being able to find him. I shudder to imagine some sort of resonance annoyance effect coming into play. ), Poirot solves crimes without anything mentioned, read the Cornish mystery, read the Curtain, and there are many, many other stories/novels where Poirot solves crimes without using Holmes' methods-Poirot is much brighter than Holmes, Poirot by this category beats all other fictional detectives, including even Mentalist. For a detailed explanation, please visit About Me page. Edit: Some other notes. @iheartzombies92: Jane's feats are really crazy.. Like he guessed a man's password by looking at the paintings in his office. ". In contrast, Red John delights in toying with Jane, letting Jane poke around his case for years and even giving Jane clues about him and contacting him multiple times. As this is the BBC version, I can see Mr. Mentalist taking both rounds, specially considering they have to catch killers.. Out of curiosity, which other Sherlock do you think would fair better? And judging by the huge popularity that these productions are getting, its obvious that I am in the minority here. Wayne later saved Patrick and Grace from being nearly killed by the Heibach siblings. Hmmmm. A cerebral superhero, to be precise. He has the same love of drama that Holmes has, where he sets a trap and reveals the killer in a flourish. And the reason for it is quite simple. Sherlock is also probably mechanically smarter, though both are very talented. I would recommend them to everyone who needs any metal or Fabrication work done.
And you still need to prove that Mentalist is superior to Poirot when it comes to psychology-read the Curtain: The Last Poirot's story. Wrong. When Rigsby and Grace were secretly dating, Jane never revealed their relationship to Lisbon. But he also has the feats to keep up the intensity.. he understands minds better than anyone. Well BS or otherwise, its a TV series, and that part was cool :p Dont be a hatter man. There are a lot of adaptations of the book, but none compares to actually reading the book.. Of course it's equally impressive. Comic one might be a little too much. He doesn't count as human in these matters.. And catching people lying? Meet Patrick Jane, a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the lead character in the TV series The Mentalist. Also, he has proven himself adept at catching this type of killer with Moriarty, an insane super genius [I'm assuming that the killer is psychologically similar too, though I could be misinterpreting]. (S5E20).
Its not path breaking the way Breaking Bad or Seinfeld was, but its good, solid entertainment.