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This is a handout about how to write an introduction using the ABC's of introduction writing: A. 22 0 obj
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Use this concrete framework to teach students how to write a introductory paragraph for expository writing. Students fill in the framework with their HOOK, BRIDGE, THESIS, and ROADMAP. x]{s6U
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Claim / ThesisIt introduces students to writing an introduction, including how to write a hook, background information, and a thesis. The introduction establishes space for the "hook/bridge/thesis" model, and the conclusion encourages the writer to reference the introduction to create a solid, well-rounded and engaging essay or speech.In addition, a 1-10 Roman numeral key is provided. 6 0 obj
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"Feature the other sideAffirm with evidenceUnders, Teaching high school students to make outlines has been a struggle for many of us, but this handy outline provides the basics they need to get started. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br
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As a 7th grade ELA teacher, I have always observed the struggle with writing an effective intoductory paragraph to an essay. <> <> x=X_1T@2>J2#On[pZXG`=ciLB({02{PC-KPGB06)0AB[v)q\0 20 0 obj endobj