This year, we're celebrating the birth of Christ with all the angels! Your time, talent and donations are vital. It enables the Archdiocese to provide vital services to our local community and our greater Church! A Family. Thank you for your generosity enabling us to improve our Church and School for the years to come! 90 0 obj
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Welcome, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, greetings of peace and joy! Proudly created with It enables the Archdiocese to provide vital services to our local community and our greater Church!
1-807886-1127. A Community. Your generosity is critical to our ability to assist the thousands who depend on us annually. Sincerely yours in the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor: Fr.Henryk Augustynowicz P.P
Stay connected with us during the week with all your favorites like parish news and events, livestreamed Masses, our Sunday messages, and even a prayer wall! hb```e``*a`f`tMge@ ^r``p("V \ 647u302s3dc ,t'fN fg`Zf`"U
Everyone needs friends in faith. The Best In Catholic Blogging. Let us change yours, so that you can change the world and put love to work. May God our Father be with us all. Historical Evidence for Jesus Resurrection, Effects of Holy Communion, and More Great Links. Church is not a building. The Appeal unites us in mission and ministry.
1-807 887-3153 We come to church to find something we needa connection, prayer, healing, a deeper faithbut leave with a desire to give back. Sun: 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Tue - Fri: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. | Closed Mon, Sat.
E-mail:, P.O. Allow me to welcome you to The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Hilary Parish Web Site. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. hYnGb#1o X'Z`$R {N(K05k9utHLrI3wQmRD5]Jk\J(?t0_X,$Y<8tt.B'tEe(+c rjrtxs=~]|?.to^M/f 2020 by St. Hilary of Poitiers. Your generosity has a tremendous impact on many lives. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be.". This is a series about how to grow in your faith by making and sticking to your commitments. ;cVS^ MOgpw9Xun1_.o"wpCw)?8. Anonymous, White Angel or Myrrhbearers on Christs Grave, Mileseva Monastery, Serbia, ca. It is vital to our mission, and it is integral to the health and growth of our Catholic family in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The Appeal unites us in mission and ministry.We extend our deepest thanks to everyone who has supported the Annual Appeal over the years. endstream
We have a place for your inspiration and growth, regardless of age and faith background. All Rights Reserved. 200 Director of Outreach & Media: Ms. Jennifer Ely, ext. It is our prayer that The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and St. Hilary becomes an effective renewal center and a community of Christian communities and families. Check out all the features by downloading the App today! Credit: We sojourn with the holy angels on our path to Tito Edwards 1-807-3153, Bookkeeper: George Seargis |. Tel. Hopefully this site will enable you to know about The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish and St. Hilary Parish. Our members, gifted with faith and Baptized in Christ, see the Eucharist as the center of our lives. Give donations online, give your time and talent through a volunteer ministry. For more information click below. Thus to achieve this we need an active presence and participation of the people, especially the families. The Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and Praise of Brazil features a 130-foot-tall Marian statue and a 164-foot-high cross. We extend our deepest thanks to everyone who has supported the Annual Appeal over the years. Sign up as a regular adorer or a sub using our new AdorationPro software to reserve your time and receive reminders and updates. There are nearly 450,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and the Annual Appeal is a unique opportunity to come together as one and provide critical assistance to those who need and depend on us. St. Hilary's Diamond Jubilee Capital Campaign. 103 0 obj
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Weekends: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday at 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 5 p.m. Daily Masses: Mon - Fri at 11 a.m., Saturday at 12:00 p.m. 761 Hilary Drive, Tiburon, CA 94920-1421(Near the corner of Rock Hill Drive). endstream
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The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Hilary Parish are a welcoming multicultural and closely knit community serving in the English language. Our beliefs need to be reflected in social action, thus allowing an avenue for utilization of our unique gifts to serve the Lord and one another more fully. Fax 807-887-3473 Rusty Bruce, ext. There are nearly 450,000 Catholics in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and the Annual Appeal is a unique opportunity to come together as one and provide critical assistance to those who need and depend on us. Growing spiritually is more important than your job, your career, your relationships, your friendships, your marriage, or your kids, because it can assure your success with all those other areas of your life.
Saturdays 5pmSundays 9am & 11am(Summer Schedule, Starting July 3), Saturdays, 4-4:45pmSundays 11-11:30am (during Lent). Cell. Mary Mother of God and St. Hilary pray for us. 1-807-887-4645, P.O. 1-807889-0864 You can give as a Guest or sign in to yourE-Giving account. Cell. Cell. Dome of the Holy Sepulchre Photo Get updates and news, straight to your inbox. 204 Director of Youth Formation: Mrs. Sarah Salinas, Pontifical Missionary Union of Priest and Religious, Tel. It is vital to our mission, and it is integral to the health and growth of our Catholic family in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.Your generosity has a tremendous impact on many lives. E-mail:, Secretary/Bookkeeper: Louise Dupuis TEXT HILARYCONNECT TO 84576 or signup via flocknote. St. Hilary of Poitiers Parish is a group of individuals with varied backgrounds and interests who share a desire to worship God and are striving to build a unified community. 2022 St. Hilary Church. COVID tried to steal Christmas last year but failed. %PDF-1.5 % Box 369 26 Second St. NIPIGON, ONTARIO, POT 2J0 Any donations in excess of our goal goes directly back to our parish! Click Here for St Anthony Church in Gheens. 1230 203 Deacon: Deacon Timothy Vedros, ext 202 Pastoral Staff Executive Director of Administration & Safe Environment Coordinator: Mrs. Diane Melancon, ext. 1-807-889-0482, Communicator: Jeannine Seagris Note that you must log in to ParishGiving or create an account if you would like to schedule installment payments. Mon - Fri 11:00 AM | Sat 12:00 PM (Indoor Only), Sat 5:00 PM | Sun 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 5:00 PM, A Message Series About Spiritual Growth Through Commitment, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" The Marian shrine 2022 Steubenville Youth Conference Information, W & J Newman Center (when school is in session), Immaculate Conception Church (during the school year), Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, The Holy Angels Through the Eyes of Eastern Christians. hbbd```b`` "d_"%k@@rsD2H{@OL@3_%@ : It is Movement of People. We understand that the world does not offer real peace or true happiness. And we grow spiritually by the commitments we make. Box 283 Red Rock P0T 2P0 MASS TIMES Sunday Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Weekday Mass Times Monday: 5:15PM Tuesday:5:15PM Wednesday: 5:15 PM Thursday:5:15PM Friday: 7:00AM Confession Times Saturday:3:15- 3:45PM 30 minutesbefore allMasses By Appointment, CONTACT US Website Facebook Office Hours Monday-Thursday:8:00 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00-4:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Telephone p (985)537-6002 Physical Address 333 Twin Oaks Dr. Raceland, LA, 70394 Established 1965 Families 1,500, PARISH STAFF Clergy ParochialAdministrator: Rev. Your generosity is critical to our ability to assist the thousands who depend on us annually. %%EOF Cell. Proverbs 27:17. Or drop in any time (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) for an oasis away from the busyness of the world and a quiet place for some peaceful meditation. You were created to experience life with other people, and thats why, at Saint Hilary, we encourage everyone to get into a small group. Click the link below to donate to the Diamond Jubilee Capital Campaign. Any donations in excess of our goal goes directly back to our parish. A small group is three or more people who gather each week to talk about important issues, pray, and just do life together, all in a relaxed, informal, and safe environment. Our church is in the business of changing hearts.
1-807886-1127. A Community. Your generosity is critical to our ability to assist the thousands who depend on us annually. Sincerely yours in the Lord Jesus Christ, Pastor: Fr.Henryk Augustynowicz P.P


Saturdays 5pmSundays 9am & 11am(Summer Schedule, Starting July 3), Saturdays, 4-4:45pmSundays 11-11:30am (during Lent). Cell. Mary Mother of God and St. Hilary pray for us. 1-807-887-4645, P.O. 1-807889-0864 You can give as a Guest or sign in to yourE-Giving account. Cell. Cell. Dome of the Holy Sepulchre Photo Get updates and news, straight to your inbox. 204 Director of Youth Formation: Mrs. Sarah Salinas, Pontifical Missionary Union of Priest and Religious, Tel. It is vital to our mission, and it is integral to the health and growth of our Catholic family in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.Your generosity has a tremendous impact on many lives. E-mail:, Secretary/Bookkeeper: Louise Dupuis TEXT HILARYCONNECT TO 84576 or signup via flocknote. St. Hilary of Poitiers Parish is a group of individuals with varied backgrounds and interests who share a desire to worship God and are striving to build a unified community. 2022 St. Hilary Church. COVID tried to steal Christmas last year but failed. %PDF-1.5 % Box 369 26 Second St. NIPIGON, ONTARIO, POT 2J0 Any donations in excess of our goal goes directly back to our parish! Click Here for St Anthony Church in Gheens. 1230 203 Deacon: Deacon Timothy Vedros, ext 202 Pastoral Staff Executive Director of Administration & Safe Environment Coordinator: Mrs. Diane Melancon, ext. 1-807-889-0482, Communicator: Jeannine Seagris Note that you must log in to ParishGiving or create an account if you would like to schedule installment payments. Mon - Fri 11:00 AM | Sat 12:00 PM (Indoor Only), Sat 5:00 PM | Sun 9:00 AM | 11:00 AM | 5:00 PM, A Message Series About Spiritual Growth Through Commitment, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" The Marian shrine 2022 Steubenville Youth Conference Information, W & J Newman Center (when school is in session), Immaculate Conception Church (during the school year), Thursday of the Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time, The Holy Angels Through the Eyes of Eastern Christians. hbbd```b`` "d_"%k@@rsD2H{@OL@3_%@ : It is Movement of People. We understand that the world does not offer real peace or true happiness. And we grow spiritually by the commitments we make. Box 283 Red Rock P0T 2P0 MASS TIMES Sunday Mass Times Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM Weekday Mass Times Monday: 5:15PM Tuesday:5:15PM Wednesday: 5:15 PM Thursday:5:15PM Friday: 7:00AM Confession Times Saturday:3:15- 3:45PM 30 minutesbefore allMasses By Appointment, CONTACT US Website Facebook Office Hours Monday-Thursday:8:00 AM-12:00 PM, 1:00-4:00 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Telephone p (985)537-6002 Physical Address 333 Twin Oaks Dr. Raceland, LA, 70394 Established 1965 Families 1,500, PARISH STAFF Clergy ParochialAdministrator: Rev. Your generosity is critical to our ability to assist the thousands who depend on us annually. %%EOF Cell. Proverbs 27:17. Or drop in any time (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.) for an oasis away from the busyness of the world and a quiet place for some peaceful meditation. You were created to experience life with other people, and thats why, at Saint Hilary, we encourage everyone to get into a small group. Click the link below to donate to the Diamond Jubilee Capital Campaign. Any donations in excess of our goal goes directly back to our parish. A small group is three or more people who gather each week to talk about important issues, pray, and just do life together, all in a relaxed, informal, and safe environment. Our church is in the business of changing hearts.