His definition of a blessed church: "Blessedness is more than just happiness, but alludes to blissfulness when in God's kingdom to the envy of others. This article is now fully available for you, Please verify your e-mail to read this subscriber-only article in full. 1636 0 obj
From 1986 to 1990, he served as a preacher in Batu Pahat Saving Grace Church and was subsequently ordained as Senior Pastor. Pastor Xin Hui has spent her entire life in Singapore Life Church, having grown up within the community of faith. His personal motto to live by is Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts. Ng's father is Teochew while his mother is Hokkien. No. The ministry motto which Rev. hb```" 67Q{!{! A107o&-F9H.9dbN>S|iPs88N* iApe8"! %
He has attempted to run for President thrice, most recently in 2011 via a party he founded, the Fresh Democratic Party. Blogpastor keeps a running list of pastors, preachers and professors, based locally, across the Causeway, and abroad. Preacher Cecilia is a third-generation Christian and grew up in Singapore Life Church. He was so able to preach the Word of God that the group grew to more than 100 students strong. Rev. It has a significant following in the United Kingdom. She loves spreading Gods love and training people for the global harvest fields. Information on his family life is unclear - it is not stated on his biography on his church's website, but reports say he is married with at least one child, a daughter called Serah who graduated from the London School of Economics in 2012. Rev. He also administers to funerals and other sacraments. After struggling for three months to make a decision, he finally responded to the call as he was deeply touched by God. Growing up in SLC, she accepted God's calling in her sophomore year. As a visionary, he is not easily fazed by the challenges he faces in life and ministry. He is also leading the team behind the church's website and information content management, the training of follow-up mentors as well as the gospel classes for seniors. The pastor has a healing school, and is a television host and author. They have five children. MCI (P) 031/10/2021, MCI (P) 032/10/2021. Comprising of majority independent directors, the Board is responsible to ensure the church is compliant to legal requirements and regulations. Between 1984 and 1986, he read Master of Theology at Singapore's Trinity Theological Collegethrough a. partnership with The South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. Like some of the other top-grossing Nigerian pastors in this list, he too is a tele-evangelist with his own television channel, and his ministries focus on healing, prophecy and deliverance. Engaging & integrating theology, ministry & culture in the 21st century, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Follow Skillful Shepherds on WordPress.com, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS). It reportedly has more than 40,000 members across five continents. In May 2007, Reverend Yeo joined the ranks of full-time staff in SLC serving as director in the Creative Ministry. He enjoys relaxing over a cup of coffee, great movies and basketball. Andrew Ong @ Bethany Trinity PC Pastors Blog Please enter your email address. Seng Lee, Chua Give me this mountain, Seow How, Tan @ Heart of God Church PastorHow.com, Siow Hwee, Wong @ Jubilee Church latria, Tim Gibson @ Church of Singapore (Bukit Timah) Eternity Talk, Tony Siew @ Trinity Theological College Revelation is Real, Wilson Tan @ Jubilee Church The Inklings Cafe. In the years between, she worked as a social worker for families and individuals within the community. Rev. Situated in College Park, Georgia, the church has about 30,000 members and has many other branches across the United States. After graduation, he spent six years at Hewlett-Packard as an engineer. Her pastoral motto is "trust in the Lord's might, striving with one's utmost", while her hope for the church is for her to be "rooted in God's wordloving God and loving people; holistic and unitedrecipient of God's blessings". Pastor Cecilia is married. He split with his second wife in 2012, citing "irreconcilable differences". 1660 0 obj
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He is also an author, a conference speaker, and has a television programme. Preacher Francis enjoys movies and travelling. An Israeli-American, Benny Hinn said he received a vision in 1974 where he saw people "falling into a roaring inferno" and he heard that if he did not preach the Gospel, every "soul who falls will be your responsibility". Rev. 6 Ubi Road 1 #01-01 WinTech Centre (408726), Mailing: Toa Payoh Central P O Box 114 (913104), Place of Worship: 1 HarbourFront Walk #02-30 Golden Village Vivo City Hall 2 (098585), Mailing: 77 Lorong 19 Geylang #05-00 Wing Yip Building (388513), Place of Worship: 77 Lorong 19 Geylang #05-00 Wing Yip Building (388513), 60D Kallang Pudding Road, #02-01 Ingolstadt Centre (349321), 60D Kallang Pudding Road #02-01 Ingolstadt Centre (349321), Place of Worship: Concorde Hotel, Concorde 3, 1st floor, 100 Orchard Road (238840), Office/Mailing: 5C Guillemard Road, Wing Fong Building (399685), Place of Worship: 5A & 5C Guillemard Road, Wing Fong Building (399685), 101 Eunos Ave 3 #06-09 TSL Building (409835), Mailing: Bedok Central P O Box 826 (914615), Mailing : 101 Kitchener Road #02-44 Jalan Besar Plaza (208511), Place of Worship: 101 Kitchener Road #02-34 & 44 Jalan Besar Plaza (208511), Office/Mailing: 3 Gambas Crescent, #10-04 Nordcom 1 (757088), Place of Worship: 3 Gambas Crescent, #10-01/02/03 Nordcom 1 (757088), Mailing: 1 Queensway, Queensway Shopping Centre #03-09/10 (149053), Place of Worship: Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium, Level 3, 317 Outram Road (169075), Mailing: Yishun Post Office P O Box 143 (917605), Place of Worship: 1 Orchid Club Road, Orchid Country Club (769162), Place of Worship: SMYRNA ASSEMBLY @ TUAS, 2 Tuas South Ave 2, #01-01 TUAS VISTA (637601), Place of Worship: SMYRNA ASSEMBLY @ PASIR RIS, 6 Loyang Besar Close, Riverlife Church (509026), Mailing: Singapore Post Centre, P O Box 797 (914027), Place of Worship: 203B Henderson Road #04-06 (159546), 37 Jalan Peminpin #05-08 Mapex Building (577177), 8 New Industrial Road #04-01 LHK 3 Bldg (536200), Mailing: Singapore Post Centre Post Office P O Box 616 (914021), Trinity@Paya Lebar 247 Paya Lebar Rd (409045), Trinity@Bukit Batok 1 Bukit Batok Central Link, West Mall, Cathay Cinema Hall 1 & 2 (658713), Trinity@Adam 21 Adam Road (289892) (under redevelopment), Assemblies of God Singapore 2018 / All Rights Reserved. The church was founded in Nigeria in 1987 after Prophet Joshua said he received a vision, was in a trance for several days and saw the Apostles named in the Bible. During his four years in university, he participated in the varsity fellowship then known as Campus Crusade for Christ, and it was there that he addressed his faith seriously and thought about the gospel mission. Her hobbies include swimming, travel and cooking. Tan's pastoring motto is "Rejoice in what the Lord rejoices in, grieve in whatever grieves the Lord, be burdened by what the Lord is burdened with, and love whatever the Lord loves". He has also written several Christian books. I have been attempting to start a evolving list here of pastors in Singapore that actively blog. After graduation in 1996, she became a primary school teacher. He preached his first sermon just after he turned 22 and has been an evangelist ever since. Rev. His businesses include bakeries and petrol stations. His wife, Ruth Graham, died in 2007. He then completed his Master of Divinity in Trinity Theological College and graduated in 2016. is married to Sis Ai Yue, and blessed with a daughter Sophia and son-in-law Bryan. His areas of focus are the Teochew-Mandarin Service, pastoral care for the Seniors Fellowship and Women's Fellowship, the Seniors Activity Centre, and the SLC Choir. However, he did not respond to Gods call. You have reached your limit of subscriber-only articles this month. Yeo completed her studies at the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan (majoring in Theatre Arts and Film), and the Shanghai Theatre Academy (Master and Doctorate in Theatre Arts). The couple have two daughters. Rev. Currently, she is responsible for Mandarin Service 2, Seniors Fellowship, Sisters Fellowship and Adult Sunday School Ministry. Besides pastoring, he is also an accomplished worship leader and musician. Preacher Lin Weizhen is born in Chaoshan region Jieyang, China. Although he retired in 2005, his sermons continue to be broadcast over radio and television. Having accepted Christ as his Lord at the age of 13, he began to participate actively in fellowship and choir. You will receive mail with new password. The gift link for this subscriber-only article has expired. With twenty-odd years of practice and experiences in ministry, he strongly believes that church pastors need to possess vision and far-sightedness, stance and vigour, commitment to love, and team spirit. 8 (tie). Goh graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic in 1982 and obtained his degree in facilities management in 2008. However heavy the costs we pay, by following Jesus, you will find genuine happiness joy and hope.". All rights reserved. Rev Tang was born in a Christian family and grew up in a traditional Chinese family where both his parents are Teochews from China. Pastor Astrid's main areas of service include the 1520 Ministry and Young Adults Fellowship, as well as the administration of the church's Fellowship-Cell Group Ministry. Vast experience in leading cross cultural talented teams supporting design centres and factories in Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and the US. In 2016, he graduated with Master of Divinity (MDiV) from Trinity Theological College. Soo's areas of service include evangelism, pastoring and theological education. One must also be willing to accept and work with people of different gifts. Billy Graham has evangelised in 185 countries and territories and more than 215 million people have responded to the Gospel as a result of his preaching, says website Inspirational Christians. Towards non-believers, we must strive to proclaim the gospel especially in equipping saints to evangelise; God will surely add the saved to our ranks. He accepted Christ in 1977 when he was 16 years old, at one of the church camps. The church's congregation grew quickly over the years and was later renamed to World Changers Church International. Later in 2008 he obtained his Master of Divinity through part-time studies. His experience in serving includes Children Sunday School Teacher, Chairperson of Young Adult Fellowship, Cell Group Leader, Deacon, Fellowship Chairperson, Sunday School Teacher for Young Adults, Evangelism Explosion Leader. Tan experienced three separate callings from God: the first was during his time in Young Adults Fellowship (1981), the second was when he was studying in NAFA (1982-83), the third, when he began to work (1984-85). Ng has been pastoring churches since 1995, first Chen Li Presbyterian Church, then Bartley Christian Church, and most recently Providence Presbyterian Church (formerly the Mandarin congregation of Orchard Road Presbyterian Church). Gohcame to the faith in Christ in 1984 and was baptized into the church (Chen-Li Presbyterian Church) in 1985. He now owns three television channels. Kevin's areas of service in SLC includes Mandarin Worship, 1520 Fellowship, the Young Adults Fellowship, iRock Fellowship, Evergreen Fellowship, Sunday School for adults, pre-marriage counselling, and Family Ministry. There were a couple more instances that God prompted him to serve and be a part of His work. Bishop T. D. Jakes is the founder and senior pastor of The Potter's House, a church in Dallas, Texas that was established in 1996. Rev. She would often be invited to assume roles of theatre advisor and film lecturer. She is married to Brother Benjamin Tam since August 2020. 202120748H. Rev. By the grace of God, his parents, sister and brothers all became believers subsequently. She was confirmed and baptized in 2009 and responded to Gods calling in 2012 to come to Baptist Theological Seminary, Singapore to be theologically equipped. -- PHOTO: ST FILE. Kevin obtained his Master of Divinity in 2002, and thereafter returned to serve in SLC. Preacher Beng Tian came to faith in the Lord during his teenage years and was baptised in 1989. All rights reserved. His passion is to see Gods people grow in loving God and people. They were blessed with two sons and a daughter: Samuel, Leona, and Sean.
Thanks Dave for dropping by. According to the church's website, the American received a vision as an undergraduate and started a Bible study group. All rights reserved 2014 | Privacy Policy | Site map, Rev Tan Gark Chye, Rev Dr Yeo Peck Chan, Rev Dr Liew Yook Kiang. Her present areas of service include the Youth ministry (English Service), Life Care Society (social arm of the church) and Family Ministry. Do share with me your favourites and/or links Ive missed out or am just not aware of. He is married with three daughters and a son. Chris Oyakhilome is said to have been in ministry for more than half his life, having started his church Believers Loveworld Ministries - also known as Christ Embassy - as a university student.