(Origin) (Origin), First Prime of Anubis, by all appearances. (Threshold), As of late sixth season, his symbiote was dead and had been replaced by the drug tretonin, after he and Teal'c had had to share Junior back and forth to stay alive in the aftermath of a massacre against the rebel Jaffa forces. The golden symbol is created by cutting the skin and pouring molten gold into the wound. (Affinity), Funeral pyre rather than burial. (Serpent's Venom), Jaffa don't celebrate birthdays, although they keep track of them. Rya'c was very angry at Teal'c after Drey'auc died, and beat the crap out of him with a staff weapon. (Maternal Instinct), Jaffa were forbidden to speak of it because the Goa'uld despised and feared it, but his father had told him tales of how some Jaffa had discovered it long ago and kept it secret from the Goa'uld.
The Temple of Dakara was sacred to all Jaffa, regardless of which Goa'uld they served. Teal'c was not happy. (Affinity), If the request isn't granted, 'a weapon is required', according to Teal'c. (Bloodlines, Family, etc. Ishta told him that he had to follow her leadership in this -- Teal'c agreed. (Lost City, part 2), He carried the word that Earth hadn't responded to the presence of the three advance ships, and on Anubis's command ordered them to begin the attack. Only the strong survived there -- the weak and disobedient were whipped to make them perform, and those who couldn't work hard enough even with that 'encouragement' were killed outright. (Family). (Maternal Instinct), Keln'reem is similar to hibernation or very deep meditation.
(Family), One of the Jaffa masters who were training the camp full of human boys meant to infiltrate the SGC one day. The practice is forbidden. In the search for the saboteur/assassin, he was paired with Jack and Malek. Cronus sent him into an unwinnable battle, then when Ronac failed to win it, killed him by removing his symbiote. (Endgame), The base and every Jaffa there was killed when the Tok'ra symbiote poison was released into the atmosphere. Teal'c said this to Jack, but it's never been supported anywhere else, and plenty of Jaffa have hair (although usually closely cropped).
How should we do boxplots with small samples? (see nitpick about this) (Birthright), Originally created specifically to help the Goa'uld blend successfully with human hosts, improving their odds from the original 50% to what appears to be effectively 100%. After seeing Teal'c and Drey'auc rekindling a spark or two, Fro'tak attempted to betray SG-1 to Apophis, but Jack killed him before he got the chance. (Serpent's Venom), When news of Apophis's death at Sokar's hands reached Chulak, Bra'tac hoped for celebration. (Threads), As the free Jaffa struggled to agree on a form of government, Bra'tac and Rya'c went out to negotiate with coalitions who hadn't yet declared their allegiance to one faction or another. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. (Threads), The fleet headed for Tartarus, where the Jaffa had word that Anubis was gathering his kull warriors.
(Bloodlines), With Teal'c gone, she divorced him and married his best friend, Fro'tak, to provide for her and Rya'c.
(Maternal Instinct), Nearly died at what was supposed to be a meeting of rebel Jaffa leaders, but was actually an ambush. (Redemption, part 2), Went with Bra'tac to recruit more rebel Jaffa.
They stayed there while the SGC looked for a new world for them. She didn't outright ask to be allowed to stay at the SGC, though, just waited to see if it would be mentioned by Jack (which it was, once he noticed everyone turning to look at him). Anubis's drones were slaughtering Olokun's Jaffa, and with the death of their master, they'd stop fighting, and have the chance to join the rebels if they chose. (Maternal Instinct), Formerly in the service of Heru'ur, and then Apophis after Heru'ur was killed (interestingly, he never changed his forehead tattoo). @eureka, thanks, While I did Google search, somehow I missed this article.
Daniel figured out that he was looking for the harsesis, hidden on Kheb.
(Avalon part 2), He was the First Prime to Montu, a minor Goa'uld in Ra's service who fell in with Baal when Ra was killed. (Homecoming), When Yu mistakenly ruined the plans to ambush Anubis by becoming convinced Anubis was somewhere else, Oshu went to the confined Teal'c and explained the situation, then agreed to work with Teal'c to bring another System Lord into the deal, knowing that what mattered most to Yu was the destruction of Anubis. As a result of this close call, the council agreed that the weapon was too dangerous and should be destroyed. Instead, they decided to throw all the Jaffa energies into finding and killing Anubis.
(Threshold), Outed himself as a rebel to Klorel, while he and SG-1 were attempting to escape Klorel's ship. Why had climate change not been proven beyond doubt for so long? He was taken down while attempting to defend the stargate against the small band of rescuers Teal'c, Hammond, and Bra'tac had brought, but it's not clear if he's dead or not. bash loop to replace middle of string after a certain character. He was hurt by Teal'c's refusal to bless the union, but refused to cancel his plans. ), He was intensely, and very personally, loyal to Yu, and it seemed to grieve him that Yu was slowly losing control of his faculties. rev2022.7.21.42639. She wound up being outcast and having to scrounge to survive, including having to beg the priests to come and perform a Prim'ta ceremony on Rya'c to save his life when he was dying of fever (scarlet fever, according to Jack). Starting to feel old by end of third season (Maternal Instinct), especially after his latest student dies, but gets new lease on life during the ep. He led a troop of warriors in a battle against Ra, but on seeing that they were hopelessly outnumbered, decided to retreat to get reinforcements. He greeted Hammond as 'Hammond of Texas', accompanied by brushing his hand just above his scalp this was his standard identifier for Hammond. Bra'tac convinced them that working together with the other races was the only way to beat the Goa'uld, and survive as a free people. Delnor had believed in Teal'c enough to burn off Rak'nor's serpent tattoo on the assumption that soon all Jaffa would be free of their masters. (Sacrifices). Bra'tac distracted the guard whipping Rya'c, and took Rya'c's punishment in his stead.
(Sacrifices), When Ishta was contacted by rebel Jaffa in Moloc's armies and asked to a meeting, Teal'c asked to come along, in case there was counsel he could offer. (Sacrifices), She traveled to the SGC with an urgent request for help when the Hak'tyl thought their location might have been compromised. (Serpent's Lair), He burned his bridges pretty thoroughly: after refusing to obey Klorel, he explained himself by saying, 'Because you are not a god. She originally intended to go with them, but Mala insisted on going in her stead. The Jaffa wanted a chance to form their own culture, under their own rule, and staying on the beta site meant taking orders from the SGC. High-ranking Jaffa have molten metal poured into channels dug in the shape of the tattoo on their foreheads ('The skin is cut with an orak knife, and pure molten gold is poured into the wound' [Teal'c, in Bane]). He set up an ambush on Ramius's planet with SGC personnel and rebel Jaffa, but when it went badly, he convinced everyone to surrender (to live to fight another day, on the assumption that Adal and his rebel Jaffa might mount a rescue). personal speculation -- Possibly a way of continuing to select for only the strongest, healthiest people? (Reckoning parts 1 & 2), First Prime to Ares (whom he called 'the great lord Ares'). Why would Goa'uld blood be both toxic and be able to neutralize itself? From this day forward, you shall both be known as blood-kin to all Jaffa.' @JaredTritsch: I assume that everything between pure black ink and gold represents an increasingly higher rank or specialisation. (Crossroads), Young Jaffa girl living in the renegade female camp led by Ishta.
(Death Knell), Still in contact with the SGC, however tenuously, even after official ties were broken. He and Drey'auc moved to the Land of Light to live, where they lived for some time, with occasional visits from Teal'c.
Teal'c gained control, though, and managed to shove Trelak's double-pointed knife -- in Trelak's fist at the time -- into Trelak's symbiote pouch. Possible that Jaffa pass along a slightly weakened immune system, which in turn helps weed out weaker Jaffa before the Rite of Prim'ta.
(Birthright), As priestesses, they had access to the stargates on Moloc's worlds to attend to missionary matters, so had no real difficulty carrying out the smuggling of newborn girls who had been brought to the temple for the Ceremony of Fire, bringing them to a world called Hak'tyl ('Liberation') to create a society also called (the) Hak'tyl. naquadria is an unstable element) is free to be used anywhere. (Hathor), (Pure speculation here -- maybe the baseline human immune system is a bit too strong for larvae to easily overcome, so destroying it in the process of readying a human to become a Jaffa would help guarantee a successful implantation. images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100715160747/stargate/images/0/, July 2022 Topic Challenge: Nnedi Okorafor. Later, Teal'c was ordered to destroy the very village where he'd told Va'lar to hide out, so wound up killing him anyway. Both bride and groom are dressed in silvery clothes -- she in a dress, he in slightly formal tunic and breeches. When Sokar was attacking the Earth using the beam, why didn't they obstruct the gate? Ishta was very, very pissed off. (Allegiance), (Obviously, he must have killed more people than that, but those are the only confirmed kills seen.). His house on Chulak was big, airy, and pretty well-appointed, made of stone. (Orpheus), He was the contact person for SG-1 and Bra'tac when they were coordinating surprise attacks against the System Lords. comments are my own unless otherwise noted. After Apophis attacked and slaughtered many of the people on Chulak, the remaining Jaffa were  more sympathetic to Teal'c's ideas. Jaffa religious belief includes concepts of sin, a soul, and an afterlife.
The Horus guard's beak glistens. Teal'c believed that destroying Moloc alone was effectively a waste of time, because another Goa'uld would simply take over his territories. But not all of them agreed -- some remained loyal to Apophis or even other Goa'uld. (It's Good to Be King), He led the troop that went to the planet where Maybourne had been left, to take it back in Ares's name.
The Final Challenge is the day in a warrior's training when first blood is shed, and the games become real. (Bloodlines), Old Jaffa saying: 'They do not make them as they once did' (Into the Fire), The Jaffa suffered a staggering loss when the Trust began its attempted genocide -- first a rebel Jaffa planet, then three Goa'uld planets, were exposed to the modified Tok'ra symbiote poison, which killed every symbiote it reached, and all the Jaffa who carried them.
(Within the Serpent's Grasp, Serpent's Lair, Cor Ai, Threshold). (Threshold), Va'lar and Teal'c both believe that Apophis is all-seeing and all-knowing when they serve in his personal guard -- Teal'c has to deliberately deceive Apophis before he's sure that Apophis isn't omniscient.
(Threshold), Possibly begin to feel effects of old age once past 130 or so -- Bra'tac feels that he's getting to the point where he will no longer be able to carry a prim'ta at about 135. (Lost City, parts 1 and 2), He was starting to feel his age again after the Jaffa won their freedom, and he'd fulfilled his life's dream -- he told Teal'c that he thought the great preemptive battle against Anubis and his kull warriors would be his last. They also passed along a device that allowed SG-1 access to the hidden base on the planet. He sent a group of Jaffa to do the job instead, less than 24 hours before the alpha site was attacked. According to Teal'c, Ishta believed in preserving tradition at all costs, especially in the face of oppression. M'zel wasn't especially interested. After Teal'c's very public break with Apophis, Bra'tac began working more or less behind the scenes, continuing to foment rebellion among Jaffa warriors, and also helping to train Rya'c.
', That last might have been specifically for Rya'c and Kar'yn, since both are warriors most Jaffa women aren't. Teal'c wouldn't hear of it. (Sacrifices), She and Teal'c were more and more at loggerheads over their different goals. (Sacrifices), It's possible to 'put aside' a marriage in order to remarry -- Drey'auc did this after Teal'c had been gone for some time, to marry Fro'tak. (Redemption, part 1), The rebel Jaffa aren't willing to sacrifice other Jaffa lives just to gain their symbiotes.
(Reckoning part 1), Rumor also had it that it was where Anubis returned from the dead. In this state, some communication with the symbiote, in the form of primitive images, can be achieved. Va'lar was horrified that he'd do this, since Apophis would know and Teal'c would be killed. (Affinity), Teal'c specifically replied with 'on Chulak' when Sam asked him how Jaffa couples handle their problems -- it's not clear if this custom isn't widespread among Jaffa in general, or if Teal'c was just being careful to answer only with knowledge he had firsthand about the particular part of the culture he grew up in. (The Warrior), Training staffs (wooden versions of staff weapons) are bashaak (The Warrior), Jaffa don't take vengeance from behind -- they kill face to face. Your basic Jaffa soldier will have the symbol of his System Lord tattooed to his forehead in black ink. In support of the 'traditional' idea, when Moac died, Bra'tac wanted his body to be burned. Do not republish or redistribute my work, in whole or This got him ribboned in retribution -- he would have died if Jack, Sam, and Teal'c hadn't come in to help.
(The Serpent's Lair). The remains of Apophis's personal guard beat Bra'tac and left him for dead. Before they could destroy the Prometheus, the Ancient weapon made up of small gold energy squids swept past it and began destroying Anubis's fleet. (Reckoning part 1), During the fight over Dakara, he was aboard the same ha'tak as Teal'c and Bra'tac, at one set of controls on the peltak. (Sacrifices), When Moloc's forces attacked the tent where the meeting was being held, Aron helped Ishta and Teal'c escape, and ran with them for the forest. @JaredTritsch Jaffa priests aren't ranked the same as Jaffa warriors. Eventually, the Jaffa who belonged to Sokar appeared to switch to having Apophis's mark on their foreheads. Ishta, Teal'c, and Aron  escaped -- but with no tretonin for Ishta or Teal'c. The Setesh guard's nose drips.') (Birthright), After a sparring match with Teal'c, she decided that tretonin was worth checking out, and agreed to send volunteers to Earth. (The Ties That Bind), A temple high priestess in Moloc's service (although, oddly, her forehead tattoo was black ink, not silver or gold). A direct demonstration of staff v. P-90 changes a few minds. She nearly died when she reached puberty, until some of the warriors procured her a symbiote.
(Reckoning part 1). (Death Knell), At a final meeting at the SGC between representatives of all three races (Hammond and Daniel, Delek and Jacob, and M'zel), after the Tok'ra announced that they were leaving the beta site and dissolving their alliance with the SGC, M'zel announced that the Jaffa were doing the same, for different reasons. (Family), Grew into his teens under Bra'tac's tutelage, and had the makings of a fine warrior. In a state of waking sleep, the subconscious mind of a Jaffa becomes one with the symbiote, which allows it to repair an illness. (Orpheus). (The Changeling).
(Thor's Chariot), Jokes are standard human, if in different cultural terms ('A Serpent guard, a Horus guard, and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. A Jaffa will probably carry 15-16 larvae during his life. Rak'nor voted as Teal'c's proxy, but Gerak's resolution passed by a slim margin: the Jaffa would be ruled by a High Council, with votes attributed to the various coalition representatives based on their military assets. Teal'c wouldn't hear of it. 'I am one hundred and thirty-three years old' as of Bloodlines [1997].
Teal'c kept his eye on the bigger picture, and when Aron continued to insist, he zatted Aron. (Avalon part 2), While Teal'c was on Earth helping out with the situation with Vala, the council held its final vote on governance. He swore he'd kill her if he ever saw her again. (Lost City, part 2), Over Antarctica, Bra'tac held the scout ship in place while SG-1 ringed down through the hole Jack's altered matter-stream-transmitter had blasted open, then peeled off to give everyone protecting him more manueverability. (Maternal Instinct), He brought Moac to the SGC, both in search of healing and to bring the word that Apophis was alive and had turned on his own Jaffa, massacring much of Chulak. Do weekend days count as part of a vacation? ), Betrayed Teal'c to Heru'ur as a result. (Sacrifices), Despite Teal'c's clear lack of trust, Aron went to help him after he recovered, arriving just in time to keep Teal'c from being captured by Moloc's forces.
When Teal'c returned to Chulak to try to raise an army in hopes of rescuing the rest of SG-1, Bra'tac vouched for him and tried to help.
(Death Knell), He was convinced that the Tok'ra had a spy high up in Olokun's ranks, close enough to the System Lord to be able to assassinate him, and was furious that the Tok'ra wouldn't order it.

(Family), One of the Jaffa masters who were training the camp full of human boys meant to infiltrate the SGC one day. The practice is forbidden. In the search for the saboteur/assassin, he was paired with Jack and Malek. Cronus sent him into an unwinnable battle, then when Ronac failed to win it, killed him by removing his symbiote. (Endgame), The base and every Jaffa there was killed when the Tok'ra symbiote poison was released into the atmosphere. Teal'c said this to Jack, but it's never been supported anywhere else, and plenty of Jaffa have hair (although usually closely cropped).
How should we do boxplots with small samples? (see nitpick about this) (Birthright), Originally created specifically to help the Goa'uld blend successfully with human hosts, improving their odds from the original 50% to what appears to be effectively 100%. After seeing Teal'c and Drey'auc rekindling a spark or two, Fro'tak attempted to betray SG-1 to Apophis, but Jack killed him before he got the chance. (Serpent's Venom), When news of Apophis's death at Sokar's hands reached Chulak, Bra'tac hoped for celebration. (Threads), As the free Jaffa struggled to agree on a form of government, Bra'tac and Rya'c went out to negotiate with coalitions who hadn't yet declared their allegiance to one faction or another. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. (Threads), The fleet headed for Tartarus, where the Jaffa had word that Anubis was gathering his kull warriors.
(Bloodlines), With Teal'c gone, she divorced him and married his best friend, Fro'tak, to provide for her and Rya'c.
(Maternal Instinct), Nearly died at what was supposed to be a meeting of rebel Jaffa leaders, but was actually an ambush. (Redemption, part 2), Went with Bra'tac to recruit more rebel Jaffa.
They stayed there while the SGC looked for a new world for them. She didn't outright ask to be allowed to stay at the SGC, though, just waited to see if it would be mentioned by Jack (which it was, once he noticed everyone turning to look at him). Anubis's drones were slaughtering Olokun's Jaffa, and with the death of their master, they'd stop fighting, and have the chance to join the rebels if they chose. (Maternal Instinct), Formerly in the service of Heru'ur, and then Apophis after Heru'ur was killed (interestingly, he never changed his forehead tattoo). @eureka, thanks, While I did Google search, somehow I missed this article.
Daniel figured out that he was looking for the harsesis, hidden on Kheb.
(Avalon part 2), He was the First Prime to Montu, a minor Goa'uld in Ra's service who fell in with Baal when Ra was killed. (Homecoming), When Yu mistakenly ruined the plans to ambush Anubis by becoming convinced Anubis was somewhere else, Oshu went to the confined Teal'c and explained the situation, then agreed to work with Teal'c to bring another System Lord into the deal, knowing that what mattered most to Yu was the destruction of Anubis. As a result of this close call, the council agreed that the weapon was too dangerous and should be destroyed. Instead, they decided to throw all the Jaffa energies into finding and killing Anubis.
(Threshold), Outed himself as a rebel to Klorel, while he and SG-1 were attempting to escape Klorel's ship. Why had climate change not been proven beyond doubt for so long? He was taken down while attempting to defend the stargate against the small band of rescuers Teal'c, Hammond, and Bra'tac had brought, but it's not clear if he's dead or not. bash loop to replace middle of string after a certain character. He was hurt by Teal'c's refusal to bless the union, but refused to cancel his plans. ), He was intensely, and very personally, loyal to Yu, and it seemed to grieve him that Yu was slowly losing control of his faculties. rev2022.7.21.42639. She wound up being outcast and having to scrounge to survive, including having to beg the priests to come and perform a Prim'ta ceremony on Rya'c to save his life when he was dying of fever (scarlet fever, according to Jack). Starting to feel old by end of third season (Maternal Instinct), especially after his latest student dies, but gets new lease on life during the ep. He led a troop of warriors in a battle against Ra, but on seeing that they were hopelessly outnumbered, decided to retreat to get reinforcements. He greeted Hammond as 'Hammond of Texas', accompanied by brushing his hand just above his scalp this was his standard identifier for Hammond. Bra'tac convinced them that working together with the other races was the only way to beat the Goa'uld, and survive as a free people. Delnor had believed in Teal'c enough to burn off Rak'nor's serpent tattoo on the assumption that soon all Jaffa would be free of their masters. (Sacrifices). Bra'tac distracted the guard whipping Rya'c, and took Rya'c's punishment in his stead.
(Sacrifices), When Ishta was contacted by rebel Jaffa in Moloc's armies and asked to a meeting, Teal'c asked to come along, in case there was counsel he could offer. (Sacrifices), She traveled to the SGC with an urgent request for help when the Hak'tyl thought their location might have been compromised. (Serpent's Lair), He burned his bridges pretty thoroughly: after refusing to obey Klorel, he explained himself by saying, 'Because you are not a god. She originally intended to go with them, but Mala insisted on going in her stead. The Jaffa wanted a chance to form their own culture, under their own rule, and staying on the beta site meant taking orders from the SGC. High-ranking Jaffa have molten metal poured into channels dug in the shape of the tattoo on their foreheads ('The skin is cut with an orak knife, and pure molten gold is poured into the wound' [Teal'c, in Bane]). He set up an ambush on Ramius's planet with SGC personnel and rebel Jaffa, but when it went badly, he convinced everyone to surrender (to live to fight another day, on the assumption that Adal and his rebel Jaffa might mount a rescue). personal speculation -- Possibly a way of continuing to select for only the strongest, healthiest people? (Reckoning parts 1 & 2), First Prime to Ares (whom he called 'the great lord Ares'). Why would Goa'uld blood be both toxic and be able to neutralize itself? From this day forward, you shall both be known as blood-kin to all Jaffa.' @JaredTritsch: I assume that everything between pure black ink and gold represents an increasingly higher rank or specialisation. (Crossroads), Young Jaffa girl living in the renegade female camp led by Ishta.
(Death Knell), Still in contact with the SGC, however tenuously, even after official ties were broken. He and Drey'auc moved to the Land of Light to live, where they lived for some time, with occasional visits from Teal'c.
Teal'c gained control, though, and managed to shove Trelak's double-pointed knife -- in Trelak's fist at the time -- into Trelak's symbiote pouch. Possible that Jaffa pass along a slightly weakened immune system, which in turn helps weed out weaker Jaffa before the Rite of Prim'ta.
(Birthright), As priestesses, they had access to the stargates on Moloc's worlds to attend to missionary matters, so had no real difficulty carrying out the smuggling of newborn girls who had been brought to the temple for the Ceremony of Fire, bringing them to a world called Hak'tyl ('Liberation') to create a society also called (the) Hak'tyl. naquadria is an unstable element) is free to be used anywhere. (Hathor), (Pure speculation here -- maybe the baseline human immune system is a bit too strong for larvae to easily overcome, so destroying it in the process of readying a human to become a Jaffa would help guarantee a successful implantation. images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100715160747/stargate/images/0/, July 2022 Topic Challenge: Nnedi Okorafor. Later, Teal'c was ordered to destroy the very village where he'd told Va'lar to hide out, so wound up killing him anyway. Both bride and groom are dressed in silvery clothes -- she in a dress, he in slightly formal tunic and breeches. When Sokar was attacking the Earth using the beam, why didn't they obstruct the gate? Ishta was very, very pissed off. (Allegiance), (Obviously, he must have killed more people than that, but those are the only confirmed kills seen.). His house on Chulak was big, airy, and pretty well-appointed, made of stone. (Orpheus), He was the contact person for SG-1 and Bra'tac when they were coordinating surprise attacks against the System Lords. comments are my own unless otherwise noted. After Apophis attacked and slaughtered many of the people on Chulak, the remaining Jaffa were  more sympathetic to Teal'c's ideas. Jaffa religious belief includes concepts of sin, a soul, and an afterlife.
The Horus guard's beak glistens. Teal'c believed that destroying Moloc alone was effectively a waste of time, because another Goa'uld would simply take over his territories. But not all of them agreed -- some remained loyal to Apophis or even other Goa'uld. (It's Good to Be King), He led the troop that went to the planet where Maybourne had been left, to take it back in Ares's name.
The Final Challenge is the day in a warrior's training when first blood is shed, and the games become real. (Bloodlines), Old Jaffa saying: 'They do not make them as they once did' (Into the Fire), The Jaffa suffered a staggering loss when the Trust began its attempted genocide -- first a rebel Jaffa planet, then three Goa'uld planets, were exposed to the modified Tok'ra symbiote poison, which killed every symbiote it reached, and all the Jaffa who carried them.
(Within the Serpent's Grasp, Serpent's Lair, Cor Ai, Threshold). (Threshold), Va'lar and Teal'c both believe that Apophis is all-seeing and all-knowing when they serve in his personal guard -- Teal'c has to deliberately deceive Apophis before he's sure that Apophis isn't omniscient.
(Threshold), Possibly begin to feel effects of old age once past 130 or so -- Bra'tac feels that he's getting to the point where he will no longer be able to carry a prim'ta at about 135. (Lost City, parts 1 and 2), He was starting to feel his age again after the Jaffa won their freedom, and he'd fulfilled his life's dream -- he told Teal'c that he thought the great preemptive battle against Anubis and his kull warriors would be his last. They also passed along a device that allowed SG-1 access to the hidden base on the planet. He sent a group of Jaffa to do the job instead, less than 24 hours before the alpha site was attacked. According to Teal'c, Ishta believed in preserving tradition at all costs, especially in the face of oppression. M'zel wasn't especially interested. After Teal'c's very public break with Apophis, Bra'tac began working more or less behind the scenes, continuing to foment rebellion among Jaffa warriors, and also helping to train Rya'c.
', That last might have been specifically for Rya'c and Kar'yn, since both are warriors most Jaffa women aren't. Teal'c wouldn't hear of it. (Sacrifices), She and Teal'c were more and more at loggerheads over their different goals. (Sacrifices), It's possible to 'put aside' a marriage in order to remarry -- Drey'auc did this after Teal'c had been gone for some time, to marry Fro'tak. (Redemption, part 1), The rebel Jaffa aren't willing to sacrifice other Jaffa lives just to gain their symbiotes.
(Reckoning part 1), Rumor also had it that it was where Anubis returned from the dead. In this state, some communication with the symbiote, in the form of primitive images, can be achieved. Va'lar was horrified that he'd do this, since Apophis would know and Teal'c would be killed. (Affinity), Teal'c specifically replied with 'on Chulak' when Sam asked him how Jaffa couples handle their problems -- it's not clear if this custom isn't widespread among Jaffa in general, or if Teal'c was just being careful to answer only with knowledge he had firsthand about the particular part of the culture he grew up in. (The Warrior), Training staffs (wooden versions of staff weapons) are bashaak (The Warrior), Jaffa don't take vengeance from behind -- they kill face to face. Your basic Jaffa soldier will have the symbol of his System Lord tattooed to his forehead in black ink. In support of the 'traditional' idea, when Moac died, Bra'tac wanted his body to be burned. Do not republish or redistribute my work, in whole or This got him ribboned in retribution -- he would have died if Jack, Sam, and Teal'c hadn't come in to help.
(The Serpent's Lair). The remains of Apophis's personal guard beat Bra'tac and left him for dead. Before they could destroy the Prometheus, the Ancient weapon made up of small gold energy squids swept past it and began destroying Anubis's fleet. (Reckoning part 1), During the fight over Dakara, he was aboard the same ha'tak as Teal'c and Bra'tac, at one set of controls on the peltak. (Sacrifices), When Moloc's forces attacked the tent where the meeting was being held, Aron helped Ishta and Teal'c escape, and ran with them for the forest. @JaredTritsch Jaffa priests aren't ranked the same as Jaffa warriors. Eventually, the Jaffa who belonged to Sokar appeared to switch to having Apophis's mark on their foreheads. Ishta, Teal'c, and Aron  escaped -- but with no tretonin for Ishta or Teal'c. The Setesh guard's nose drips.') (Birthright), After a sparring match with Teal'c, she decided that tretonin was worth checking out, and agreed to send volunteers to Earth. (The Ties That Bind), A temple high priestess in Moloc's service (although, oddly, her forehead tattoo was black ink, not silver or gold). A direct demonstration of staff v. P-90 changes a few minds. She nearly died when she reached puberty, until some of the warriors procured her a symbiote.
(Reckoning part 1). (Death Knell), At a final meeting at the SGC between representatives of all three races (Hammond and Daniel, Delek and Jacob, and M'zel), after the Tok'ra announced that they were leaving the beta site and dissolving their alliance with the SGC, M'zel announced that the Jaffa were doing the same, for different reasons. (Family), Grew into his teens under Bra'tac's tutelage, and had the makings of a fine warrior. In a state of waking sleep, the subconscious mind of a Jaffa becomes one with the symbiote, which allows it to repair an illness. (Orpheus). (The Changeling).
(Thor's Chariot), Jokes are standard human, if in different cultural terms ('A Serpent guard, a Horus guard, and a Setesh guard meet on a neutral planet. A Jaffa will probably carry 15-16 larvae during his life. Rak'nor voted as Teal'c's proxy, but Gerak's resolution passed by a slim margin: the Jaffa would be ruled by a High Council, with votes attributed to the various coalition representatives based on their military assets. Teal'c wouldn't hear of it. 'I am one hundred and thirty-three years old' as of Bloodlines [1997].
Teal'c kept his eye on the bigger picture, and when Aron continued to insist, he zatted Aron. (Avalon part 2), While Teal'c was on Earth helping out with the situation with Vala, the council held its final vote on governance. He swore he'd kill her if he ever saw her again. (Lost City, part 2), Over Antarctica, Bra'tac held the scout ship in place while SG-1 ringed down through the hole Jack's altered matter-stream-transmitter had blasted open, then peeled off to give everyone protecting him more manueverability. (Maternal Instinct), He brought Moac to the SGC, both in search of healing and to bring the word that Apophis was alive and had turned on his own Jaffa, massacring much of Chulak. Do weekend days count as part of a vacation? ), Betrayed Teal'c to Heru'ur as a result. (Sacrifices), Despite Teal'c's clear lack of trust, Aron went to help him after he recovered, arriving just in time to keep Teal'c from being captured by Moloc's forces.
When Teal'c returned to Chulak to try to raise an army in hopes of rescuing the rest of SG-1, Bra'tac vouched for him and tried to help.
(Death Knell), He was convinced that the Tok'ra had a spy high up in Olokun's ranks, close enough to the System Lord to be able to assassinate him, and was furious that the Tok'ra wouldn't order it.