Lucy is remembered as a courageous young woman who was determined to devote her life to God. The Church of Santa Lucia was demolished in 1860 to make way for a railway station, and her remains were sent to the Church of San Geremia. Babilonia Italian courses in Taormina, Sicily. Her primary aim was to help the poor. Absolutely devoted to the tradition of St. Agatha, and frustrated with the suitors persistence, she tore her eyes out and offered them to the rejected suitor.
Il 13 di ogni anno a dicembre Santa Lucia viene festeggiata con speciali messe, processioni e grandi ricette tradizionali che includono pasta fatta in casa e vari altri piatti italiani. (1910). It was in the year 303, during the fierce persecution of Diocletian. Santa Lucia una santa venerata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Italia. In another version, Lucia's would-be husband admired her eyes, so she tore them out and gave them to him, saying, "Now let me live to God". Another version of the story suggests that while being tortured, Lucy had warned Paschasius that he would not go unpunished. The candidates (girls and boys) challenge each other in singing performances in private or public places, such as squares, theatres or hospitals. She is one ofeight womenalong with the Blessed Virgin Mary who is commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass. Moreover, the prophecy was not realized, if it required that Maximian should die immediately after the termination of his reign. Fino al 1861 le reliquie di Santa Lucia erano venerate in una chiesa a lei dedicata a Venezia, dopo la sua demolizione, le reliquie sono state spostate nella chiesa di San Geremia. According to the traditional story, she was born of rich and noble parents about the year 283. Nihil Obstat. With regard to her relics, Sigebert (1030-1112), a monk of Gembloux, in his "sermo de Sancta Lucia", says that her body lay undisturbed in Sicily for 400 years, before Faroald, Duke of Spoleto, captured the island and transferred the saint's body to Corfinium in Italy. This he does in prose in the "Tractatus de Laudibus Virginitatis" (Tract. The story of St. Lucys martyrdom is one of the most inspiring tales from early Christianity. Since then, every year in every city of Sweden, on 13 December the most beautiful Lucias is crowned. The oldest daughter of each family had to bring breakfast to the bed of her own parents. St. Lucywas a martyr of the Diocletian persecution against Christians, one of the most severe during the Roman Empire. In the second part, Purgatorio, St. Lucy carries the sleeping Dante to purgatory. St. Agatha then appeared to Lucy in a dream and told her that her mother had been healed.
She has a shrine in Catania, Italy, which is 42 miles from Syracuse, where she died, and there is an ancient Catholic church in Rome dedicated to St. Lucy, called The Church of Saint Lucy in Selci.. The Story of St Lucy, a Virgin Martyr from Syracuse. Thence it was removed by the Emperor Otho I, 972, to Metz and deposited in the church of St. Vincent. In commemoration of her, the oldest daughter of the family will traditionally rise before dawn, dress up, and wake up her family members serving them baked sweets. On their capture of Constantinople in 1204, the French found some of the relics in that city, and the Doge of Venice secured them for the monastery of St. George at Venice. Her mother, Eutychia, was unaware that she had pledged herself to God and arranged for St. Lucy to be married to a pagan bridegroom. In Sweden, St. Lucias Day signals the beginning of Christmas celebrations. Nonetheless,she grew up a devout Christian., Celebrities Who Look Beautiful Even Without Makeup, The Hottest Male Celebrities With The Best Abs. #6 Saint Lucys Remains Are in Venice, Italy and Syracuse, Sicily The remains of St. Lucy are spread between two cities. The oldest story that mentions Lucy was part of the 5th-century Acts of the Martyrs. The only part that such accounts agree upon is the tale of the angry suitor and Lucys subsequent execution in Syracuse. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Janet Grayson.. Imprimatur. In un'altra versione si sostiene che l'aspirante marito ammirasse i suoi occhi, cos lei se li strapp e glieli diede dicendo: "Ora lasciami vivere per Dio". This tradition has its origins in the XVIII century, thanks to some aristocratic families. St. Lucy was born in 283AD to a noble family in Syracuse, Sicily, and her father, of Roman origin, died when she was only five years old. Also Known As: Lucia of Syracuse, Saint Lucia, Spiritual & Religious Leaders In The Catholic Encyclopedia. The largess stirred the greed of the unworthy youth to whom Lucy had been unwillingly betrothed, and he denounced her to Paschasius, the Governor of Sicily. The governor thus sent his guards to take Lucy away and send her to a brothel, as punishment. She was born in Syracuse, Sicily, in 283 AD, and was the daughter of a rich nobleman, who died when she was still a child. St. Aldhelm (d. 709) is the first writer who uses her Acts to give a full account of her life and death. * Valid with purchases 60 and above.Shipping costs not included. She tried many treatments but none helped. Learn Italian in Genoa and Online - Centro Studi Italiani (Ex Scuola Tricolore). There are different versions of her story, one claims that the guards sent to punish her were miraculously unable to move her or burn her, took out her eyes with a fork. In the pre-congregation years, a bishop would often make someone a saint by moving the saints remains from the grave to a church. Stay connected to Italy and get the best news, culture, language, recipes, and more directly to your inbox each week. #8 Saint Lucy Has a Country Named After Her Aside from the churches which house her remains, the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia is named after St. Lucy. #3 Saint Lucys Veneration Is of a Virgin Martyr In Sweden, St. Lucys feast day is said to mark the beginning of the Christmas celebration. The first of these is Venice, Italy, where her remains are currently in the Church of San Geremia (Saint Jeremiah). But before she died she foretold the punishment of Paschasius and the speedy termination of the persecution, adding that Diocletian would reign no more, and Maximian would meet his end. In 1927, a famous newspaper of Stockholm launched a competition: its readers had to choose the most beautiful Lucia in town.
The guards gathered wood around her, but even this plan failed, as the wood did not burn. Vincent. However, claims suggest that pieces of her body can still be found in Italy (Rome, Naples, Lisbon, Verona, and Milan), Germany, Sweden, and France. Once, Lucys mother fell extremely sick due to a bleeding problem. The winner, together with damsels and page boys, has to march with a crown of candles upon her/his head, singing Christmas carols bringing light and offering saffron-flavored sweets. Santa Lucia (283-304) era una ricca ragazza giovane che viveva a Siracusa in Sicilia ai tempi delle persecuzioni di Diocleziano e che si consacr a Dio, rifiutando di sposare un pagano e divenendo una martire cristiana. Sigebert, who was a monk of Gembloux, had written sermo de Sancta Lucia, which stated that Lucy's body had remained undisturbed in Sicily for 400 years, until Faroald II, Duke of Spoleto, conquered the island and sent her remains to Abruzzo, Italy. Under the rule of Emperor Diocletian, soldiers tried to arrest her, but God made her immovable as a means to protect her. Il suo aspirante marito la denuncio' come cristiana al governatore di Siracusa, Sicilia.
. There she was in fact cured, and Lucy, availing herself of the opportunity, persuaded her mother to allow her to distribute a great part of her riches among the poor. Bridge, James. She is sometimes depicted holding a palm branch (symbolizing martyrdom), with a lamp, a dagger, or two oxen. xliii, P.L., LXXXIX, 142) and again, in verse, in the poem "De Laudibus Virginum" (P.L., LXXXIX, 266). Among these, the place and time of her death can hardly be questioned; for the rest, the most notable are her connexion with St. Agatha and the miraculous cure of Eutychia, and it is to be hoped that these have not been introduced by the pious compiler of the saint's story or a popular instinct to link together two national saints. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Lucy thus became a martyr in the year 304. The candidates (girls and boys) challenge each other in singing performances in private or public places, such as squares, theatres or hospitals. My email address is webmaster at The Pagan man who had proposed to Lucy was furious when he heard that Lucy was not only committed to being a virgin but had also given away her dowry to the needy. She was recognized by the early Christians because of her martyrdom, and by the whole Catholic Church by the 6th century. Eutychia was therefore persuaded to make a pilgrimage to Catania, in the hope of being cured of a hmorrhage, from which she had been suffering for several years. If you would like to honor St. Lucy, you can take a look at Savelli's religious medal dedicated to the Saint Patroness of the Blind. Her remains rest in the Basilica of St. Lucy in Syracuse, where the beautiful Caravaggios painting Burial of St. Lucy is housed too. This recurrence is accompanied by the procession ofSankta Lucia. On December 13th, the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Orthodox Churches celebrate the feast day of St. Lucy. They were left in the Church of St. Vincent.. In 1927, a famous newspaper of Stockholm launched a competition: its readers had to choose the most beautiful Lucia in town. In the end, she persuaded her mother to respect her firm resolution and to let her devote to suffering and needy people. In Sicilia si prepara un dolce speciale di grano cotto nel latte chiamato "cuccia". The remains were later moved to Metz by Emperor Otho I in 972. On the 13th of every December Saint Lucia's day is celebrated with special masses, processions and large traditional recipes which include home-made pasta and various other Italian dishes. St. Lucy is most notably the patron saint of the blind, eye disorders, virgins, the poor, and the city of her birth, Syracuse, Sicily. Ecclesiastical approbation. On December 13th, Sweden celebrates the Luciadagen, the Feast of St Lucy, during which Swedish people are used to light on their candles to fight the long obscurity of the short winter days. Ci sono diverse versioni della sua storia, si dice che le guardie inviate per punirla fossero stati miracolosamente incapaci di prenderla o bruciarla, cosi' le cavarono gli occhi con una forchetta. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910.
This recurrence is accompanied by the procession of. Her feast day is celebrated on December 13 every year. Finally, they tortured Lucy and wished to burn her to death. Lucy." The eldest daughter of the family is seen dressed in a white robe and wearing a wreath decorated with candles. Were so pleased that you enjoy our exclusive Italy intel. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Her father was of Roman origin, but his early death left her dependent upon her mother, whose name, Eutychia, seems to indicate that she came of Greek stock. Wearing the lights on her head allowed her to see and also kept her hands free to carry more provisions. This tradition has its origins in the XVIII century, thanks to some aristocratic families. The tradition of wearing a lighted wreath as a crown is because St. Lucy would wear a wreath lighted with candles on her head when she brought food and supplies to the impoverished Christians hiding in the dark catacombs from persecution. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Romans 6:23 Meaning of for the Wages of Sin Is Death, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. They both prayed all night at the shrine. When the governor enquired about the reason behind her strength, she claimed it was a result of divine intervention. Candles, and light sources in general, along with the eyes, are the main symbols of St. Lucys worship*. October 1, 1910. In 1988, Duomo di Siracusa (Cathedral of Syracuse) received the left humerus bone of St. Lucy. Lucy also appears in Italian poet Dante's Inferno and in one of John Donnes poems. You learn & speak Italian! Her mother's name was Eutychia, which suggests that she was of Greek ancestry. #9 Saint Lucy Appeared in Dantes Famous Poem, Divine Comedy St. Lucy appears in all three parts of the famous poem, Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri. In the first part, Inferno, St. Lucy was sent by the Virgin Mary to prompt Beatrice to send Virgil to Dantes aid. On hearing this, an angry Paschasius ordered the guards to gouge her eyes out. She carried food and drink, but also comfort and relief to the persecuted.Unfortunately, the pagan man to whom Lucy was betrothed heard of her activities, and denounced her to the Roman governor as a Christian.
+John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York. In some Catholic cultures around the world, the mass on St. Lucys feast day will feature one lead girl dressed in a white robe with a red sash, wearing the crown wreath with candles, and the boys will dress as Star Boys. Though, she valorously resisted to every cruel attempt to annihilate her inner strength. Santa Lucia is a saint venerated allover the world and, especially in Italy. The oldest daughter of each family had to bring breakfast to the bed of her own parents. In her teenage years, she decided to consecrate her virginity to God and to devote her life to the service of the poor. Lucys mother recovered and then distributed their wealth among the poor, on Lucys request. This relic now lies in a silver reliquary on the second altar in the nave of the cathedral. In addition to St. Lucy, St. Felicity, St. Perpetua, St. Agatha, St. Agnes, St. Cecilia, and St. Anastasia are the only female saints mentioned during the Eucharistic Prayer I. Another account, however, states that the head was brought to Bourges from Rome whither it had been transferred during the time when the relics rested in Corfinium. Remy Lafort, Censor. Subscribe to our newsletter and geta10 VOUCHERfor your first purchase.Stay up to date about the latest articles, exclusive sales and inspiring stories of faith.. #7 The Location of Saint Lucys Famous Statue Is in the Vatican There is a 10ft 4in statue of St. Lucy holding a palm branch on the North Colonnade of St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican. Saint Agatha also informed Lucy that she would be the pride of Syracuse, where she lived. I grandi chicchi di grano tenero sono rappresentativi dei suoi occhi e sono una delizia da gustare una volta all'anno. The Most Influential Catholic Women of All TimesSt Rita of Cascia: Patroness of the Impossible CausesSt Cecilia: Patron Saint of Music. #2 Saint Lucys Canonization Date Is Unknown The specific date of when St. Lucys was considered to become a saint is unclear. Paschasius was devoted to the Roman gods of Olympus. The country also has a major shrine in her honor. It is believed that since Lucy was a pious Christian, did not wish to marry a pagan man. Italian Women, place of death: Syracuse, Western Roman Empire. As Lucys reputation quickly increased in Syracuse, the emperor Diocletian began the last and worse persecution against Christian of all times. La sua festa si celebra il 13 dicembre e dato il suo martirio e il suo nome (che deriva da lux, lucis "luce") il patrono di coloro che sono hanno perso la vista e, nelle raffigurazioni artistiche, i suoi occhi a volte appaiono su un vassoio che tiene in mano. Lucy is also revered as the patron saint of Syracuse (Sicily), virgins, and sight (or the blind). They were first put into the Church of San Giorgio (Saint George), before being moved in 1313 to the Church of Santa Lucia, a church named in her honor. The Basilica di Santa Lucia al Sepolcro (Basilica of Saint Lucy at the Tomb) was built in 110AD, on the spot where St. Lucy was martyred. #5 Saint Lucys Feast Day Celebration Is on December 13th Her feast day is December 13, the date of her martyrdom. St. Lucy never renounced her faith, nor denied Jesus.St. Therefore, she is worldwide venerated as thepatron saint of the blind, and as an example of moral courage, integrity and purity of heart. However, exhausted, they soon fell asleep at the tomb. Some of her remains are in her home city of Syracuse, Sicily. Unable to move her, the soldiers tied her to a team of oxen and attempted to drag her away. Early bird fee available now for January courses. #1 Saint Lucy Was Stabbed in 304 AD Because She Refused to Marry When St. Lucys rejected suitor discovered her giving her dowry to the poor, he reported her to the Roman authorities, accusing her of being a Christian. One version of her story suggests that Lucy had presented her eyes to the pagan man, and had then asked him to leave her alone. By the 6th century, she was being revered by the entire Church. Legends claim that when her body was being prepared for burial, it was found out that her eyes had been restored. It is also by where St. Lucy was buried. That did not work, so the soldiers then decided to burn her alive. Bridge, J. Her name spread to Rome quickly. Receive special offers for the bestVatican jewelryand Italian religious articles.
The Catholic Encyclopedia. However, when the soldiers came to take her away, they could not move Lucy. The large grains of soft wheat are representative of her eyes and are a treat only to be indulged once a year. St Jude: the Saint we pray to for impossible causes and desperate situations. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. According to legends, Lucy had captivating eyes, and the pagan man who had proposed to her loved her eyes. Following this, Lucy asked her mother to visit Saint Agathas shrine with her. Since then, every year in every city of Sweden, on 13 December the most beautiful Lucias is crowned.
And it was from this shrine that an arm of the saint was taken to the monastery of Luitburg in the Diocese of Spires--an incident celebrated by Sigebert himself in verse. This beautiful story cannot unfortunately be accepted without criticism. In the year 1513 the Venetians presented to Louis XII of France the head of the saint, which he deposited in the cathedral church of Bourges. She lived in a time called pre-congregation, which was before the creation of todays formal process of canonization where the Catholic Church decides whether someone is worthy of universal veneration. A special devotion to St. Lucia is present in the Italian regions of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, in the North of the country, and Sicily, especially in her hometown of Siracusa. After her mothers blindness was healed through prayer to St. Agatha, St. Lucy secretly pledged her life to God and to remain a virgin for life, in the tradition of Saint Agatha. However, the story also suggests that God had restored her eyes later. 9. The other account is that St. Lucy tore her own eyes out after her rejected suitor, intent on engaging in a relationship with the chaste St. Lucy, made a comment about the beauty of her eyes. However, her mother did not do so initially. With us you don't study. This is because she lost her eyes during her lifetime, but when she was being buried, people say that her eyes had been replaced and restored. The fame of the virgin-martyr Agatha, who had been executed fifty-two years before in the Decian persecution, was attracting numerous visitors to her relics at Catania, not fifty miles from Syracuse, and many miracles had been wrought through her intercession. However, ignoring Lucys promises, and worried about her daughters future, Eutychia arranged her marriage to a young, rich, and pagan man.Young Lucy, who was renowned forherbeauty and her sparkling eyes, refused to marry the man and followed her own spiritual calling. And why is she venerated as the patroness of the blind? She also asked her mother to distribute her dowry among the poor. Her early existence can be evidenced by two churches dedicated to her in Britain prior to the 8th century, when the kingdom was mostly pagan. Yet, what is Saint Lucy known for? She will dress in a white robe, for purity, a red sash for martyrdom, and wear an evergreen wreath on her head lit with candles. She was first of all condemned to suffer the shame of prostitution; but in the strength of God she stood immovable, so that they could not drag her away to the place of shame. Here isthe true story of Saint Lucyand other amazing facts we might be interested in. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Janet Grayson. Jacobus de Voragine's Legenda Aurea was a popular version of the legend of Lucy in the Middle Ages. . In those sorrowful days, fearless Lucy helped Christians hiding in the dark underground catacombs. They gathered sticks and twigs and placed them around St. Lucy and set the wood on fire. She is one of those few female saints whose names occur in the canon of St. Gregory, and there are special prayers and antiphons for her in his "Sacramentary" and "Antiphonary". Save your FREE seat on our next 3D Italian Bootcamp and fast-track your progress! Like so many of the early martyrs, Lucy had consecrated her virginity to God, and she hoped to devote all her worldly goods to the service of the poor. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99 A virgin and martyr of Syracuse in Sicily, whose feast is celebrated by Latins and Greeks alike on 13 December.
In the case of St. Lucy, we do not know when this was done or when the first bishop otherwise recognized her as a saint. And in the third part, Paradisio, Dante portrays her besides Adam.
So, strengthened with the Bread of Life, she won her crown of virginity and martyrdom. John in Syracuse. As his revenge, he reported about Lucys faith to Paschasius, the governor of Syracuse, Sicily. St. Lucy. Contact information. Transcription.
In addition, she assisted other Catholics hide in the underground catacombs to help them avoid being persecuted. In Sicily they prepare a special dessert of wheat cooked in milk called cuccia. The winner, together with damsels and page boys, has to march with a crown of candles upon her/his head, singing Christmas carols bringing light and offering saffron-flavored sweets. As a teenager, Lucy was already committed to a life of celibacy and service to God. #10 Saint Lucy Is One of Only 7 Female Saints Listed in the Roman Canon of the Mass After the consecration of the Eucharist in a Catholic mass, the priest will often mention the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, the 12 apostles, and 27 saints. On December 13th, Sweden celebrates the Luciadagen, the Feast of St Lucy, during which Swedish people are used to light on their candles to fight the long obscurity of the short winter days. Who Is The Greatest Female Warrior In History. In fact, her name (Lucy, Lucia) comes from lux, the Latin word for light. USA: +1 919-249-5055 / 243 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road - Po Box 9000 Edgartown MA 02539, Great Foods of Italy: Parmigiano-Reggiano, 2022 Language Immersion Program in Puglia. Bundles of wood were then heaped about her and set on fire, and again God saved her. Her mother was not so single-minded, but an occasion offered itself when Lucy could carry out her generous resolutions. St. Lucy remained unharmed by the flames, even as they grew high around her. The oldest archaeological evidence about her existence can be found in the Greek inscriptions of the catacombs of St. Not much is known about the whereabouts of her body after it was moved to St. A victim of the bitter rule of Emperor Diocletian, she is a powerful reminder that ones religious faith can survive even in a society that tries to crush it. Her story teaches people that they should stand their ground even when they are criticized for holding a particular belief or faith. The governor seized this opportunity to demonstrate Romes greatness and power. The details may be only a repetition of similar accounts of a virgin martyr's life and death. Lucys mother wanted Lucy to get married to a rich pagan man. She is also commemorated in the ancient Roman Martyrology. #4 Saint Lucys Symbol and Iconography Focuses on Her Holding Her Eyes in a Dish The symbolism around St. Lucy focuses on her eyes. She finally died when her rejected suitor stabbed her in her neck with a sword. Her feast day is celebrated on the 13th of December and given her martyrdom and her name (which derives from lux, lucis "light") she is the patron saint of those who are blind and, In art, her eyes sometimes appear on a tray she is holding. The subsequent history of the relics is not clear. Until 1861 relics of Saint Lucy were venerated in a church dedicated to her in Venice; after its demolition, they were transferred to the church of San Geremia. Lucy grew up with her sickly motherEutychia, a woman of Greek descent who wasnt Christian. It is believed she would wear a wreath made of candles on her head to find her way through the dark tunnels, as her hands would be full of food and supplies for the people. They arrived in Venice in 1204 after being stolen from Byzantium by Enrico Dandolo, the 41st Dodge of Venice. One account of how St. Lucy lost her eyes was that the Roman governor, Paschasius, had his guards seize St. Lucy and gouge out both of her eyes after she told him that he would face punishment by God because he was a pagan. Her small brothers, the Star Boys, will follow her, wearing white robes and cone-shaped hats with gold stars on them, and carrying star-tipped wands. The story, such as we have given it, is to be traced back to the Acta, and these probably belong to the fifth century. Her father was of Roman descent and died when Lucy was 5 years old. The helpless, but very courageous young girl was arrested, tortured, and humiliated. Her would-be husband reported her as a Christian to the governor of Syracuse, Sicily. MLA citation. She has been mentioned in early Roman sacramentaries. Back then, many Christians were being persecuted for their faith. Paschasius, also, is a strange name for a pagan to bear. Instead of marrying, she planned on distributing her dowry to the poor. Finally, she met her death by the sword. Thus, they pierced her neck with a sword. Vol. Though left without a father at a tender age, Lucy had inherited a huge dowry. Una particolare devozione per Santa Lucia presente nelle seguenti regioni italiane Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, nel nord del paese, e in Sicilia, soprattutto nella sua citt di Siracusa. APA citation. Lucy was executed in Syracuse in 304 AD, on December 13th. It is believed that Lucy was born in the year 283, into an affluent Sicilian family. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. Though they cannot be regarded as accurate, there can be no doubt of the great veneration that was shown to St. Lucy by the early church. Lucys name could mean "light" or "lucid." Following him, the Venerable Bede inserts the story in his Martyrology. Saint Lucy is an example of a woman so strong in her faith that she pulled her own eyes out before she was martyred. Saint Lucy (283304), was a wealthy young girl who lived in Siracusa, Sicily, at the times of Diocletian persecutions and consecrated herself to God, refusing to marry a pagan and becoming a Christian martyr. However, since there is no other evidence by which the story may be tested, it can only be suggested that the facts peculiar to the saint's story deserve special notice. In medieval art, she was shown carrying a golden dish with her eyes on them and holding a palm branch, which is a symbol of triumph over evil. "St. This makes the country one of only two in the entire world to be named after a woman. Though most of her life appears only in legends, it is believed Lucy had most probably died due to the wave of persecution of Christians during Roman emperor Diocletians reign. Her name also appears in an inscription in Syracuse, dating back to 400 C.E.
Painted depictions of St. Lucy often show her holding a golden dish with her eyes in the dish. Lucy means light or lucid. Here are ten fascinating facts about St. Lucy, a martyr who inspired classic literature and Renaissance painters, and is a model for virtuous men and women everywhere.
Il 13 di ogni anno a dicembre Santa Lucia viene festeggiata con speciali messe, processioni e grandi ricette tradizionali che includono pasta fatta in casa e vari altri piatti italiani. (1910). It was in the year 303, during the fierce persecution of Diocletian. Santa Lucia una santa venerata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Italia. In another version, Lucia's would-be husband admired her eyes, so she tore them out and gave them to him, saying, "Now let me live to God". Another version of the story suggests that while being tortured, Lucy had warned Paschasius that he would not go unpunished. The candidates (girls and boys) challenge each other in singing performances in private or public places, such as squares, theatres or hospitals. She is one ofeight womenalong with the Blessed Virgin Mary who is commemorated by name in the Canon of the Mass. Moreover, the prophecy was not realized, if it required that Maximian should die immediately after the termination of his reign. Fino al 1861 le reliquie di Santa Lucia erano venerate in una chiesa a lei dedicata a Venezia, dopo la sua demolizione, le reliquie sono state spostate nella chiesa di San Geremia. According to the traditional story, she was born of rich and noble parents about the year 283. Nihil Obstat. With regard to her relics, Sigebert (1030-1112), a monk of Gembloux, in his "sermo de Sancta Lucia", says that her body lay undisturbed in Sicily for 400 years, before Faroald, Duke of Spoleto, captured the island and transferred the saint's body to Corfinium in Italy. This he does in prose in the "Tractatus de Laudibus Virginitatis" (Tract. The story of St. Lucys martyrdom is one of the most inspiring tales from early Christianity. Since then, every year in every city of Sweden, on 13 December the most beautiful Lucias is crowned. The oldest daughter of each family had to bring breakfast to the bed of her own parents. St. Lucywas a martyr of the Diocletian persecution against Christians, one of the most severe during the Roman Empire. In the second part, Purgatorio, St. Lucy carries the sleeping Dante to purgatory. St. Agatha then appeared to Lucy in a dream and told her that her mother had been healed.
She has a shrine in Catania, Italy, which is 42 miles from Syracuse, where she died, and there is an ancient Catholic church in Rome dedicated to St. Lucy, called The Church of Saint Lucy in Selci.. The Story of St Lucy, a Virgin Martyr from Syracuse. Thence it was removed by the Emperor Otho I, 972, to Metz and deposited in the church of St. Vincent. In commemoration of her, the oldest daughter of the family will traditionally rise before dawn, dress up, and wake up her family members serving them baked sweets. On their capture of Constantinople in 1204, the French found some of the relics in that city, and the Doge of Venice secured them for the monastery of St. George at Venice. Her mother, Eutychia, was unaware that she had pledged herself to God and arranged for St. Lucy to be married to a pagan bridegroom. In Sweden, St. Lucias Day signals the beginning of Christmas celebrations. Nonetheless,she grew up a devout Christian., Celebrities Who Look Beautiful Even Without Makeup, The Hottest Male Celebrities With The Best Abs. #6 Saint Lucys Remains Are in Venice, Italy and Syracuse, Sicily The remains of St. Lucy are spread between two cities. The oldest story that mentions Lucy was part of the 5th-century Acts of the Martyrs. The only part that such accounts agree upon is the tale of the angry suitor and Lucys subsequent execution in Syracuse. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Janet Grayson.

This recurrence is accompanied by the procession of. Her feast day is celebrated on December 13 every year. Finally, they tortured Lucy and wished to burn her to death. Lucy." The eldest daughter of the family is seen dressed in a white robe and wearing a wreath decorated with candles. Were so pleased that you enjoy our exclusive Italy intel. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Her father was of Roman origin, but his early death left her dependent upon her mother, whose name, Eutychia, seems to indicate that she came of Greek stock. Wearing the lights on her head allowed her to see and also kept her hands free to carry more provisions. This tradition has its origins in the XVIII century, thanks to some aristocratic families. The tradition of wearing a lighted wreath as a crown is because St. Lucy would wear a wreath lighted with candles on her head when she brought food and supplies to the impoverished Christians hiding in the dark catacombs from persecution. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons, Romans 6:23 Meaning of for the Wages of Sin Is Death, 50 Biblically Accurate Facts About Angels in the Bible, 50 Most Profitable Youth Group Fundraising Ideas for Your Church, 250 Ice Breaker Questions for Teen Youth Groups, 25 Important Examples of Pride in the Bible, Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears, 25 Different Ways to Worship God and Praise the Lord. They both prayed all night at the shrine. When the governor enquired about the reason behind her strength, she claimed it was a result of divine intervention. Candles, and light sources in general, along with the eyes, are the main symbols of St. Lucys worship*. October 1, 1910. In 1988, Duomo di Siracusa (Cathedral of Syracuse) received the left humerus bone of St. Lucy. Lucy also appears in Italian poet Dante's Inferno and in one of John Donnes poems. You learn & speak Italian! Her mother's name was Eutychia, which suggests that she was of Greek ancestry. #9 Saint Lucy Appeared in Dantes Famous Poem, Divine Comedy St. Lucy appears in all three parts of the famous poem, Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri. In the first part, Inferno, St. Lucy was sent by the Virgin Mary to prompt Beatrice to send Virgil to Dantes aid. On hearing this, an angry Paschasius ordered the guards to gouge her eyes out. She carried food and drink, but also comfort and relief to the persecuted.Unfortunately, the pagan man to whom Lucy was betrothed heard of her activities, and denounced her to the Roman governor as a Christian.
+John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York. In some Catholic cultures around the world, the mass on St. Lucys feast day will feature one lead girl dressed in a white robe with a red sash, wearing the crown wreath with candles, and the boys will dress as Star Boys. Though, she valorously resisted to every cruel attempt to annihilate her inner strength. Santa Lucia is a saint venerated allover the world and, especially in Italy. The oldest daughter of each family had to bring breakfast to the bed of her own parents. In her teenage years, she decided to consecrate her virginity to God and to devote her life to the service of the poor. Lucys mother recovered and then distributed their wealth among the poor, on Lucys request. This relic now lies in a silver reliquary on the second altar in the nave of the cathedral. In addition to St. Lucy, St. Felicity, St. Perpetua, St. Agatha, St. Agnes, St. Cecilia, and St. Anastasia are the only female saints mentioned during the Eucharistic Prayer I. Another account, however, states that the head was brought to Bourges from Rome whither it had been transferred during the time when the relics rested in Corfinium. Remy Lafort, Censor. Subscribe to our newsletter and geta10 VOUCHERfor your first purchase.Stay up to date about the latest articles, exclusive sales and inspiring stories of faith.. #7 The Location of Saint Lucys Famous Statue Is in the Vatican There is a 10ft 4in statue of St. Lucy holding a palm branch on the North Colonnade of St. Peters Basilica in the Vatican. Saint Agatha also informed Lucy that she would be the pride of Syracuse, where she lived. I grandi chicchi di grano tenero sono rappresentativi dei suoi occhi e sono una delizia da gustare una volta all'anno. The Most Influential Catholic Women of All TimesSt Rita of Cascia: Patroness of the Impossible CausesSt Cecilia: Patron Saint of Music. #2 Saint Lucys Canonization Date Is Unknown The specific date of when St. Lucys was considered to become a saint is unclear. Paschasius was devoted to the Roman gods of Olympus. The country also has a major shrine in her honor. It is believed that since Lucy was a pious Christian, did not wish to marry a pagan man. Italian Women, place of death: Syracuse, Western Roman Empire. As Lucys reputation quickly increased in Syracuse, the emperor Diocletian began the last and worse persecution against Christian of all times. La sua festa si celebra il 13 dicembre e dato il suo martirio e il suo nome (che deriva da lux, lucis "luce") il patrono di coloro che sono hanno perso la vista e, nelle raffigurazioni artistiche, i suoi occhi a volte appaiono su un vassoio che tiene in mano. Lucy is also revered as the patron saint of Syracuse (Sicily), virgins, and sight (or the blind). They were first put into the Church of San Giorgio (Saint George), before being moved in 1313 to the Church of Santa Lucia, a church named in her honor. The Basilica di Santa Lucia al Sepolcro (Basilica of Saint Lucy at the Tomb) was built in 110AD, on the spot where St. Lucy was martyred. #5 Saint Lucys Feast Day Celebration Is on December 13th Her feast day is December 13, the date of her martyrdom. St. Lucy never renounced her faith, nor denied Jesus.St. Therefore, she is worldwide venerated as thepatron saint of the blind, and as an example of moral courage, integrity and purity of heart. However, exhausted, they soon fell asleep at the tomb. Some of her remains are in her home city of Syracuse, Sicily. Unable to move her, the soldiers tied her to a team of oxen and attempted to drag her away. Early bird fee available now for January courses. #1 Saint Lucy Was Stabbed in 304 AD Because She Refused to Marry When St. Lucys rejected suitor discovered her giving her dowry to the poor, he reported her to the Roman authorities, accusing her of being a Christian. One version of her story suggests that Lucy had presented her eyes to the pagan man, and had then asked him to leave her alone. By the 6th century, she was being revered by the entire Church. Legends claim that when her body was being prepared for burial, it was found out that her eyes had been restored. It is also by where St. Lucy was buried. That did not work, so the soldiers then decided to burn her alive. Bridge, J. Her name spread to Rome quickly. Receive special offers for the bestVatican jewelryand Italian religious articles.
The Catholic Encyclopedia. However, when the soldiers came to take her away, they could not move Lucy. The large grains of soft wheat are representative of her eyes and are a treat only to be indulged once a year. St Jude: the Saint we pray to for impossible causes and desperate situations. Regrettably, I can't reply to every letter, but I greatly appreciate your feedback especially notifications about typographical errors and inappropriate ads. According to legends, Lucy had captivating eyes, and the pagan man who had proposed to her loved her eyes. Following this, Lucy asked her mother to visit Saint Agathas shrine with her. Since then, every year in every city of Sweden, on 13 December the most beautiful Lucias is crowned.
And it was from this shrine that an arm of the saint was taken to the monastery of Luitburg in the Diocese of Spires--an incident celebrated by Sigebert himself in verse. This beautiful story cannot unfortunately be accepted without criticism. In the year 1513 the Venetians presented to Louis XII of France the head of the saint, which he deposited in the cathedral church of Bourges. She lived in a time called pre-congregation, which was before the creation of todays formal process of canonization where the Catholic Church decides whether someone is worthy of universal veneration. A special devotion to St. Lucia is present in the Italian regions of Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, in the North of the country, and Sicily, especially in her hometown of Siracusa. After her mothers blindness was healed through prayer to St. Agatha, St. Lucy secretly pledged her life to God and to remain a virgin for life, in the tradition of Saint Agatha. However, the story also suggests that God had restored her eyes later. 9. The other account is that St. Lucy tore her own eyes out after her rejected suitor, intent on engaging in a relationship with the chaste St. Lucy, made a comment about the beauty of her eyes. However, her mother did not do so initially. With us you don't study. This is because she lost her eyes during her lifetime, but when she was being buried, people say that her eyes had been replaced and restored. The fame of the virgin-martyr Agatha, who had been executed fifty-two years before in the Decian persecution, was attracting numerous visitors to her relics at Catania, not fifty miles from Syracuse, and many miracles had been wrought through her intercession. However, ignoring Lucys promises, and worried about her daughters future, Eutychia arranged her marriage to a young, rich, and pagan man.Young Lucy, who was renowned forherbeauty and her sparkling eyes, refused to marry the man and followed her own spiritual calling. And why is she venerated as the patroness of the blind? She also asked her mother to distribute her dowry among the poor. Her early existence can be evidenced by two churches dedicated to her in Britain prior to the 8th century, when the kingdom was mostly pagan. Yet, what is Saint Lucy known for? She will dress in a white robe, for purity, a red sash for martyrdom, and wear an evergreen wreath on her head lit with candles. She was first of all condemned to suffer the shame of prostitution; but in the strength of God she stood immovable, so that they could not drag her away to the place of shame. Here isthe true story of Saint Lucyand other amazing facts we might be interested in. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Janet Grayson. Jacobus de Voragine's Legenda Aurea was a popular version of the legend of Lucy in the Middle Ages. . In those sorrowful days, fearless Lucy helped Christians hiding in the dark underground catacombs. They gathered sticks and twigs and placed them around St. Lucy and set the wood on fire. She is one of those few female saints whose names occur in the canon of St. Gregory, and there are special prayers and antiphons for her in his "Sacramentary" and "Antiphonary". Save your FREE seat on our next 3D Italian Bootcamp and fast-track your progress! Like so many of the early martyrs, Lucy had consecrated her virginity to God, and she hoped to devote all her worldly goods to the service of the poor. Includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more all for only $19.99 A virgin and martyr of Syracuse in Sicily, whose feast is celebrated by Latins and Greeks alike on 13 December.
In the case of St. Lucy, we do not know when this was done or when the first bishop otherwise recognized her as a saint. And in the third part, Paradisio, Dante portrays her besides Adam.
So, strengthened with the Bread of Life, she won her crown of virginity and martyrdom. John in Syracuse. As his revenge, he reported about Lucys faith to Paschasius, the governor of Syracuse, Sicily. St. Lucy. Contact information. Transcription.
In addition, she assisted other Catholics hide in the underground catacombs to help them avoid being persecuted. In Sicily they prepare a special dessert of wheat cooked in milk called cuccia. The winner, together with damsels and page boys, has to march with a crown of candles upon her/his head, singing Christmas carols bringing light and offering saffron-flavored sweets. As a teenager, Lucy was already committed to a life of celibacy and service to God. #10 Saint Lucy Is One of Only 7 Female Saints Listed in the Roman Canon of the Mass After the consecration of the Eucharist in a Catholic mass, the priest will often mention the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, the 12 apostles, and 27 saints. On December 13th, Sweden celebrates the Luciadagen, the Feast of St Lucy, during which Swedish people are used to light on their candles to fight the long obscurity of the short winter days. Who Is The Greatest Female Warrior In History. In fact, her name (Lucy, Lucia) comes from lux, the Latin word for light. USA: +1 919-249-5055 / 243 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road - Po Box 9000 Edgartown MA 02539, Great Foods of Italy: Parmigiano-Reggiano, 2022 Language Immersion Program in Puglia. Bundles of wood were then heaped about her and set on fire, and again God saved her. Her mother was not so single-minded, but an occasion offered itself when Lucy could carry out her generous resolutions. St. Lucy remained unharmed by the flames, even as they grew high around her. The oldest archaeological evidence about her existence can be found in the Greek inscriptions of the catacombs of St. Not much is known about the whereabouts of her body after it was moved to St. A victim of the bitter rule of Emperor Diocletian, she is a powerful reminder that ones religious faith can survive even in a society that tries to crush it. Her story teaches people that they should stand their ground even when they are criticized for holding a particular belief or faith. The governor seized this opportunity to demonstrate Romes greatness and power. The details may be only a repetition of similar accounts of a virgin martyr's life and death. Lucys mother wanted Lucy to get married to a rich pagan man. She is also commemorated in the ancient Roman Martyrology. #4 Saint Lucys Symbol and Iconography Focuses on Her Holding Her Eyes in a Dish The symbolism around St. Lucy focuses on her eyes. She finally died when her rejected suitor stabbed her in her neck with a sword. Her feast day is celebrated on the 13th of December and given her martyrdom and her name (which derives from lux, lucis "light") she is the patron saint of those who are blind and, In art, her eyes sometimes appear on a tray she is holding. The subsequent history of the relics is not clear. Until 1861 relics of Saint Lucy were venerated in a church dedicated to her in Venice; after its demolition, they were transferred to the church of San Geremia. Lucy grew up with her sickly motherEutychia, a woman of Greek descent who wasnt Christian. It is believed she would wear a wreath made of candles on her head to find her way through the dark tunnels, as her hands would be full of food and supplies for the people. They arrived in Venice in 1204 after being stolen from Byzantium by Enrico Dandolo, the 41st Dodge of Venice. One account of how St. Lucy lost her eyes was that the Roman governor, Paschasius, had his guards seize St. Lucy and gouge out both of her eyes after she told him that he would face punishment by God because he was a pagan. Her small brothers, the Star Boys, will follow her, wearing white robes and cone-shaped hats with gold stars on them, and carrying star-tipped wands. The story, such as we have given it, is to be traced back to the Acta, and these probably belong to the fifth century. Her father was of Roman descent and died when Lucy was 5 years old. The helpless, but very courageous young girl was arrested, tortured, and humiliated. Her would-be husband reported her as a Christian to the governor of Syracuse, Sicily. MLA citation. She has been mentioned in early Roman sacramentaries. Back then, many Christians were being persecuted for their faith. Paschasius, also, is a strange name for a pagan to bear. Instead of marrying, she planned on distributing her dowry to the poor. Finally, she met her death by the sword. Thus, they pierced her neck with a sword. Vol. Though left without a father at a tender age, Lucy had inherited a huge dowry. Una particolare devozione per Santa Lucia presente nelle seguenti regioni italiane Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, nel nord del paese, e in Sicilia, soprattutto nella sua citt di Siracusa. APA citation. Lucy was executed in Syracuse in 304 AD, on December 13th. It is believed that Lucy was born in the year 283, into an affluent Sicilian family. The editor of New Advent is Kevin Knight. Though they cannot be regarded as accurate, there can be no doubt of the great veneration that was shown to St. Lucy by the early church. Lucys name could mean "light" or "lucid." Following him, the Venerable Bede inserts the story in his Martyrology. Saint Lucy is an example of a woman so strong in her faith that she pulled her own eyes out before she was martyred. Saint Lucy (283304), was a wealthy young girl who lived in Siracusa, Sicily, at the times of Diocletian persecutions and consecrated herself to God, refusing to marry a pagan and becoming a Christian martyr. However, since there is no other evidence by which the story may be tested, it can only be suggested that the facts peculiar to the saint's story deserve special notice. In medieval art, she was shown carrying a golden dish with her eyes on them and holding a palm branch, which is a symbol of triumph over evil. "St. This makes the country one of only two in the entire world to be named after a woman. Though most of her life appears only in legends, it is believed Lucy had most probably died due to the wave of persecution of Christians during Roman emperor Diocletians reign. Her name also appears in an inscription in Syracuse, dating back to 400 C.E.
Painted depictions of St. Lucy often show her holding a golden dish with her eyes in the dish. Lucy means light or lucid. Here are ten fascinating facts about St. Lucy, a martyr who inspired classic literature and Renaissance painters, and is a model for virtuous men and women everywhere.