Now that we have added the OnInit after implements the TypeScript intellisense will underline the class declaration in red, giving a warning that ngOnInit was not found.
We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. ngOnInit() is better place to start - its where/when components bindings are resolved. Wrong!
Setting up the dependencies in the constructor makes those available for initialization work in the class.
In this example, we use the constructor to inject Angular's HTTP client. If you are doing so, ngOnInit is a great place to do that.
A good example of this is dependency injection as show in action below.
According to the Angular docs, components are easier to test and debug when their constructors are simple and all real work (especially calling a remote server) is handled in a separate method. Available Lifecycle Hooks covered in this series: OnInits primary purpose, according to the Angular Docs is to Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive/components input properties. When Angular starts change detection the components tree is constructed and the constructors for all components in the tree have been called.
In Angular we create components, which render a template.
When you create a new Angular component via the Angular CLI, the ngOnInit() method is included by default.
Lets build scaffold out of two components, GithubReposComponent which is our parent component and GithubRepoComponent which will be our child component.
The constructor is a Typescript feature used to instantiate the Typescript class.
First impressions are interesting because, going by the name alone, you would expect the OnInit hook to be executed first when the component is mounted. ngOnInit() will still execute regardless of whether or not implements OnInit is included in the class definition. Now, when the GithubReposComponent is rendered, the repos will be limited to the limit input being passed in to the parent component. Lets start with a most obvious difference that is related to the language itself. Angular manages a lifecycle for each component, which goes through many stages from creation to destruction.
ngOnInit is just a method on a class which structurally is not different to any other method on a class.
One of the most popular Angular questions on stackoverflow is Difference between Constructor and ngOnInit with over 100k views.
It's essentially the first thing that can happen to a class instance.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This article aims to clarify how the virtual DOM is actually implemented in React and set the stage for future writings that will expand on different virtual DOM features and behaviours.
ngOnInit is called only once during the lifecycle of an Angular component. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience.
Use ngOnInit() whenever you want to execute code when the component is FIRST initialized.
Using the appropriate approaches described above will make your tests safer and more easy to test, for example you can invoke the ngOnInit method yourself and test the outcome. The question is just: Is the constructor method body run before the property inits or after?
Love podcasts or audiobooks?
The ngOnInit function is one of an Angular components life-cycle methods.
It automatically gets called when we create a new instance of our class. ngOnInit() executes after data-bound properties are displayed and input properties are set. Life cycle methods (or hooks) in Angular components allow you to run a piece of code at different stages of the life of a component.
The constructor should only be used to initialize class members but shouldnt do actual work. On seeing the above problem of placing the initialization logic, it is required to know when the Angular component completes the initial setup. This means ngOnInit() will execute if you refresh your browser or first initialize a component but not when other events occur.
The constructor is a method in TypeScript whereas ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook method provided by Angular framework.
So when this process is finished Angular ends up with the following tree of component views: Only then Angular runs change detection and updates bindings for the my-app and calls ngOnInit on the MyAppComponent instance.
Its just that Angular team decided to name it that way but it could have been any other name: And its completely up to you if you want to implement that method or not on a component class. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that Angular recommends the following: Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive/components input properties. How to add a loading spinner to Angular Material button, The complete guide to testing Angular HTTP Services, The Complete Angular Performance Guide For 2022. The constructor creates an instance of the component class. You should note that in Javascript, the constructor method name is constructor only, it is not given a class name.
There's no drawback to putting it here instead of in the constructor.
In most Angular projects about the only thing that should ever be done in the constructor is to inject services.
Setting up the dependencies in the constructor makes those available for initialization work in the class.
We are ready to make your Angular development an innovation solution that satisfies your desires. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
Now, lets proceed with creating our Observable property and wiring up the call to the service: Great!
Keep your skills up-to-date
He is specializing in front end frameworks such as Angular, and React. Which allows us to finish initializing the component however we dandy-well please.
ngOnInit method is triggered once the initial setup of the component gets completed.
And these are available at different stages of Angular bootstrap process. Hopefully youve been able to glean some good advice on why and how to use OnInit logic in your applications. Here is why? In ECMAScript 6, (ECMAScript is a standard for JavaScript) the classes were introduced in which the constructor method is used to initialize the properties of the class.
Lets explore the service a bit further, that has been provided to us. Here is why?
ngOnInit is a method provided by Angular while the constructor is not an insider of the framework.
A class provides a default constructor for me.
This is because the constructor is called to initialize the class and not the component. Yes, that happens all the time.
Well the answer, in short, is that we should place our initialization logic in ngOnInit. This is because a typescript class constructor is transpiled into a JavaScript constructor function: To create a class instance this function is called with the new operator: So if you omit the constructor in a class, its transpiled into an empty function: That is why Im saying that a constructor is called regardless whether you implement it or not on a class.
However, the usage of a constructor is not limited to DI. The logic to be executed when the component first renders on the view can be placed in ngOnInit.
This article explores the difference between Constructor and ngOnInit lifecyle method in Angular. It is called as soon as Angular has finished initializing our component.
Then again: The property init simply can't be executed before the constructor injects this.someInject, so Typescript seems to take care of that. Heres a typical component without any lifecycle hooks: Our first change is to import OnInit from Angulars core and then create a contract with implements OnInit: Fun Fact Time: Technically its not required to implement the interface, Angular will call ngOnInit regardless, however, its very helpful for type-checking, and to allow other developers to quickly identify which lifecycle hooks are in use on this class.
`, ` A class constructor in Angular is mostly used to inject dependencies.
If youre like me youve asked the question; should I place my initialization logic in the constructor or should I place it in ngOnInit? Lets ensure this with an example. ngoninit vs constructor angular 4 angular constructor example.
Angular provides this ngOnInit method especially for initial work to be done once the component is initialized. Lets explore together how to wire these two components together to complete a simple Github Explorer feature as requested. Lets make a small tweak to the component to utilize OnInit so that we can ensure our defaultDescription Input has a value before building the form.
Integration of technology into offerings by financial services companies to improve customer services and revenue, reduce costs, and Financial Governance. Then the router can be accessed as this.router
This article is one in a series of articles inspired by my latest hobby which is explaining Angular (Angular 2+) concepts in short articles, avoiding all the mumbo jumbo.
Integrated approach for innovative healthcare delivery across the value chain. Constructor can be generally used to initialize properties as well. [githubRepo]="repo">
So here you have all the required information available which makes it a good place to perform initialization logic. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies.
` `, ` So you should use constructor() to setup Dependency Injection and not much else.
It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.
`, Manual Subscriptions in Tandem with OnDestroy. So to wrap things up, while coding your components, inject your dependencies into the component class constructor method but put all your initialization code in your ngOnInit life cycle method. Its a common practice to use ngOnInit to perform initialization logic even if this logic doesnt depend on DI, DOM or input bindings.
You should note that in, Then the router can be accessed as this.router.
To inject dependencies that are available outside the component can be done in the constructor.
This exercises good code manners as other developers have a common place to find component field assignments. Lets imagine we are tasked with building a GitHub Repository Explorer. One might ponder over the execution order, as it seems that the property init editing:boolean = this.someInject.isEditing(); in the second example comes before the constructor has even injected the private someInject: SomeInject dependency. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Just as with other lifecycle methods, with ngOnInit you can add async in front of the method name to make use of the async/await syntax in modern JavaScript/TypeScript. The @Input communication mechanism is processed as part of following change detection phase so input bindings are not available in constructor. ngOnInit() executes once when a component is initialized.
Tips and tricks, motivation, courses and exclusive discounts. So it calls MyAppComponent constructor. Using this knowledge we can now look at best practices with these two methods, what to put in each, and what not to put in each.
The only time to use the latter method is if you need access to an injected service when initializing state.
They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. You can read more about change detection in Everything you need to know about change detection in Angular and how Angular processes inputs in The mechanics of property bindings update in Angular. Join 78,277 developers pushing their limits. After constructor, ngOnChanges will be called that binds the input properties and invokes the ngOnInit.
Learn the fundamentals of a blockchain starting from first principles. Implementing OnInit was a simple two-step process.
As we walk through ngOnInit we will fix that. The output shows that the DOM is rendered and input data is set before ngOnInit is invoked, indicating the component is ready for initialization.
Getting back to our example, one of the original requirements of the explorer was that we must give the user the ability to limit how many repositories are returned..
More often than not, our form fields rely on the data being passed in through Input properties. 2022 Agira Technologies, All Rights Reserved.
Take up ideas from vision to reality. First, it's a lifecycle method, meaning it is called when the component is constructed, so, therefore, it has an important purpose in that if you want specific code to run at a certain time (during construction) then this is the right place to do it. You will notice that buildForm is creating and initializing the form: FormGroup with a field that has defaultDescription set as the initial value.
Have a look at the example to have a better understanding.
Details Lets imagine the following component needs to setup a manual subscription to a keydown event and log to the console on each event.
The first step to implementing OnInit is to add OnInit after the implements keyword on a component or directive. We will get a closer look at the OnInit method in this tutorial. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ngOnInit() executes once after the first ngOnChanges.
We can make a call to this service, get back our list of repositories and render them to the browser.
Mostly we use ngOnInit for all the initialization/declaration and avoid stuff to work in the constructor.
So be careful in this case.
Once unpublished, all posts by thinkster will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. What is the difference between Singleton and static ?
For a more in-depth architectural insights you can read Constructor Injection vs. Setter Injection by Miko Hevery. After reading this article, you'll have a solid foundation upon which to explore platforms like Ethereum and Solana.
Our defaultDescription may be undefined and therefore incorrectly initialize the description field on the form.
Then it proceeds to creating a host element for the child-comp and calling ChildComponent constructor. Confused between Constructor and ngOnInit in Angular? and only accessible to Joe Eames. Angular bootstrap process consists of the two major stages: And the constructor of the component is called when Angular constructs components tree.
ngOnInit is called right after the directives data-bound properties have been checked for the first time, and before any of its children have been checked. Now please imagine the following scenario: It is my understanding that these two approaches are pretty much equivalent. How to place initialization logic in OnInit?
This is because by the time ngOnInit fires, the Input properties are available to the component. Shouldnt we be able to just set a public class array property repos to the return value of getMostStarredRepos and loop over that value in our html template to render repository details for each item in the repos array? To ensure your initialization code runs, simply put it in the ngOnInit function which guarantees you that the component has already being created. In this article, we'll break down when to use each method, and why, and what to put in them, and what NOT to put in them. On many occasions when using Reactive Forms in Angular, we need to construct complex FormGroup objects using the FormBuilder service. First we use the private keyword so that we retain a reference to our actor service. Second, we type the "actorService" variable with the "ActorService" type to let Angular know which service we want. Looking to develop your idea with Angular?
Well, to quote our in-depth writeup, the JavaScript engine calls the constructor, not Angular directly.
While the former works fine, the latter results in an Angular gotcha when you realize that all your initialization code placed in the constructor body is not executed.
The constructor function comes with every class, constructors are not specific to Angular but are concepts derived from Object oriented designs. Please refresh this page to activate it.
During the invocation of the constructor, DOM is not rendered as well as the input properties are not bound which may result in null or undefined. To perform certain logics in different stages of a component, Angular provides lifecycle hook methods such as ngOnChanges, and ngOnInit. All lifecycle hooks including ngOnInit are called as part of the following change detection phase. We have got one parent and one child component in which some data is passed from parent to child.
It is not recommended to place the initialization logic in the constructor.
2022 All rights reserved.
Whether this is making HTTP calls, making calls to dependent services, or other similar items. And now lets see the difference from the usage perspective. The user should have the ability to navigate to a repository detail page. Its good practice to do this in the ngOnInit so that observables are initialized at a predictable time in the component lifecycle.
onChanges method is triggered whenever theres a change in input properties. Lets explore this further through an example. So a quick rule of thumb honestly is to consider code in the constructor to be a code smell, and look at it closely to make sure that it shouldn't actually be in your ngOnInit method.
You might notice the null and undefined in the output which clearly shows that DOM is not rendered as well as the input properties are not bound.
As with other Angular lifecycle methods, adding the actual hook for OnInit is relatively simple.
Even though the constructor name is the same as the class name in languages such as Java and a few other languages. We can even put our initial state initialization here and it's just fine.
DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. As you can see, with just a small tweak to our component, we have corrected a potential bug. Initialization, on the other hand, happens after that when the component is fully initialized.
The Reactive Forms example above also follows the principle of using ngOnInit for accessing properties, Ive seen many code examples that dont follow it. It should be called with any custom finalization like loading data for your component to display.
Why cant I just put my initialization logic in the class constructor?
One of the most confusing things when building an Angular component is deciding what to put in the constructor and what to put in the ngOnInit method. Top 7 Types of Applications To Build With Angular Framework, How To Hire An Angular Developer?
Construction is first, but happens when the component isn't really a component yet.
Hes the founder of community and one of the top users on StackOverflow (70k rep). Continuing with our Github Repository Example, we need to subscribe to the return of the GithubService.getMostStarredRepos method so that we can iterate over the result and render a list of repositories, passing each GithubRepo object to an instance of the GithubRepoComponent child component. To meet that requirement, lets add an input property to our GithubReposComponent component. To perform certain logics in different stages of a component, Angular provides lifecycle hook methods such as ngOnChanges, and ngOnInit. When executing a component constructor Angular resolves all dependencies that are injected into MyAppComponent constructor and provides them as parameters.
We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. ngOnInit() is better place to start - its where/when components bindings are resolved. Wrong!
Setting up the dependencies in the constructor makes those available for initialization work in the class.
In this example, we use the constructor to inject Angular's HTTP client. If you are doing so, ngOnInit is a great place to do that.
A good example of this is dependency injection as show in action below.
According to the Angular docs, components are easier to test and debug when their constructors are simple and all real work (especially calling a remote server) is handled in a separate method. Available Lifecycle Hooks covered in this series: OnInits primary purpose, according to the Angular Docs is to Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive/components input properties. When Angular starts change detection the components tree is constructed and the constructors for all components in the tree have been called.
In Angular we create components, which render a template.
When you create a new Angular component via the Angular CLI, the ngOnInit() method is included by default.
Lets build scaffold out of two components, GithubReposComponent which is our parent component and GithubRepoComponent which will be our child component.
The constructor is a Typescript feature used to instantiate the Typescript class.
First impressions are interesting because, going by the name alone, you would expect the OnInit hook to be executed first when the component is mounted. ngOnInit() will still execute regardless of whether or not implements OnInit is included in the class definition. Now, when the GithubReposComponent is rendered, the repos will be limited to the limit input being passed in to the parent component. Lets start with a most obvious difference that is related to the language itself. Angular manages a lifecycle for each component, which goes through many stages from creation to destruction.
ngOnInit is just a method on a class which structurally is not different to any other method on a class.
One of the most popular Angular questions on stackoverflow is Difference between Constructor and ngOnInit with over 100k views.
It's essentially the first thing that can happen to a class instance.
This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This article aims to clarify how the virtual DOM is actually implemented in React and set the stage for future writings that will expand on different virtual DOM features and behaviours.
ngOnInit is called only once during the lifecycle of an Angular component. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience.
Use ngOnInit() whenever you want to execute code when the component is FIRST initialized.
Using the appropriate approaches described above will make your tests safer and more easy to test, for example you can invoke the ngOnInit method yourself and test the outcome. The question is just: Is the constructor method body run before the property inits or after?
Love podcasts or audiobooks?
The ngOnInit function is one of an Angular components life-cycle methods.

The constructor should only be used to initialize class members but shouldnt do actual work. On seeing the above problem of placing the initialization logic, it is required to know when the Angular component completes the initial setup. This means ngOnInit() will execute if you refresh your browser or first initialize a component but not when other events occur.
The constructor is a method in TypeScript whereas ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook method provided by Angular framework.
So when this process is finished Angular ends up with the following tree of component views: Only then Angular runs change detection and updates bindings for the my-app and calls ngOnInit on the MyAppComponent instance.
Its just that Angular team decided to name it that way but it could have been any other name: And its completely up to you if you want to implement that method or not on a component class. At the beginning of the article, we mentioned that Angular recommends the following: Initialize the directive/component after Angular first displays the data-bound properties and sets the directive/components input properties. How to add a loading spinner to Angular Material button, The complete guide to testing Angular HTTP Services, The Complete Angular Performance Guide For 2022. The constructor creates an instance of the component class. You should note that in Javascript, the constructor method name is constructor only, it is not given a class name.
There's no drawback to putting it here instead of in the constructor.
In most Angular projects about the only thing that should ever be done in the constructor is to inject services.
Setting up the dependencies in the constructor makes those available for initialization work in the class.
We are ready to make your Angular development an innovation solution that satisfies your desires. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.
Now, lets proceed with creating our Observable property and wiring up the call to the service: Great!
Keep your skills up-to-date
He is specializing in front end frameworks such as Angular, and React. Which allows us to finish initializing the component however we dandy-well please.
ngOnInit method is triggered once the initial setup of the component gets completed.
And these are available at different stages of Angular bootstrap process. Hopefully youve been able to glean some good advice on why and how to use OnInit logic in your applications. Here is why? In ECMAScript 6, (ECMAScript is a standard for JavaScript) the classes were introduced in which the constructor method is used to initialize the properties of the class.
Lets explore the service a bit further, that has been provided to us. Here is why?
ngOnInit is a method provided by Angular while the constructor is not an insider of the framework.
A class provides a default constructor for me.
This is because the constructor is called to initialize the class and not the component. Yes, that happens all the time.
Well the answer, in short, is that we should place our initialization logic in ngOnInit. This is because a typescript class constructor is transpiled into a JavaScript constructor function: To create a class instance this function is called with the new operator: So if you omit the constructor in a class, its transpiled into an empty function: That is why Im saying that a constructor is called regardless whether you implement it or not on a class.
However, the usage of a constructor is not limited to DI. The logic to be executed when the component first renders on the view can be placed in ngOnInit.
This article explores the difference between Constructor and ngOnInit lifecyle method in Angular. It is called as soon as Angular has finished initializing our component.
Then again: The property init simply can't be executed before the constructor injects this.someInject, so Typescript seems to take care of that. Heres a typical component without any lifecycle hooks: Our first change is to import OnInit from Angulars core and then create a contract with implements OnInit: Fun Fact Time: Technically its not required to implement the interface, Angular will call ngOnInit regardless, however, its very helpful for type-checking, and to allow other developers to quickly identify which lifecycle hooks are in use on this class.
`, ` A class constructor in Angular is mostly used to inject dependencies.
If youre like me youve asked the question; should I place my initialization logic in the constructor or should I place it in ngOnInit? Lets ensure this with an example. ngoninit vs constructor angular 4 angular constructor example.
Angular provides this ngOnInit method especially for initial work to be done once the component is initialized. Lets explore together how to wire these two components together to complete a simple Github Explorer feature as requested. Lets make a small tweak to the component to utilize OnInit so that we can ensure our defaultDescription Input has a value before building the form.
Integration of technology into offerings by financial services companies to improve customer services and revenue, reduce costs, and Financial Governance. Then the router can be accessed as this.router
This article is one in a series of articles inspired by my latest hobby which is explaining Angular (Angular 2+) concepts in short articles, avoiding all the mumbo jumbo.
Integrated approach for innovative healthcare delivery across the value chain. Constructor can be generally used to initialize properties as well. [githubRepo]="repo">
So here you have all the required information available which makes it a good place to perform initialization logic. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies.
It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.
`, Manual Subscriptions in Tandem with OnDestroy. So to wrap things up, while coding your components, inject your dependencies into the component class constructor method but put all your initialization code in your ngOnInit life cycle method. Its a common practice to use ngOnInit to perform initialization logic even if this logic doesnt depend on DI, DOM or input bindings.
You should note that in, Then the router can be accessed as this.router.
To inject dependencies that are available outside the component can be done in the constructor.
This exercises good code manners as other developers have a common place to find component field assignments. Lets imagine we are tasked with building a GitHub Repository Explorer. One might ponder over the execution order, as it seems that the property init editing:boolean = this.someInject.isEditing(); in the second example comes before the constructor has even injected the private someInject: SomeInject dependency. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Just as with other lifecycle methods, with ngOnInit you can add async in front of the method name to make use of the async/await syntax in modern JavaScript/TypeScript. The @Input communication mechanism is processed as part of following change detection phase so input bindings are not available in constructor. ngOnInit() executes once when a component is initialized.
Tips and tricks, motivation, courses and exclusive discounts. So it calls MyAppComponent constructor. Using this knowledge we can now look at best practices with these two methods, what to put in each, and what not to put in each.
The only time to use the latter method is if you need access to an injected service when initializing state.
They can still re-publish the post if they are not suspended. You can read more about change detection in Everything you need to know about change detection in Angular and how Angular processes inputs in The mechanics of property bindings update in Angular. Join 78,277 developers pushing their limits. After constructor, ngOnChanges will be called that binds the input properties and invokes the ngOnInit.
Learn the fundamentals of a blockchain starting from first principles. Implementing OnInit was a simple two-step process.
As we walk through ngOnInit we will fix that. The output shows that the DOM is rendered and input data is set before ngOnInit is invoked, indicating the component is ready for initialization.
Getting back to our example, one of the original requirements of the explorer was that we must give the user the ability to limit how many repositories are returned..
More often than not, our form fields rely on the data being passed in through Input properties. 2022 Agira Technologies, All Rights Reserved.
Take up ideas from vision to reality. First, it's a lifecycle method, meaning it is called when the component is constructed, so, therefore, it has an important purpose in that if you want specific code to run at a certain time (during construction) then this is the right place to do it. You will notice that buildForm is creating and initializing the form: FormGroup with a field that has defaultDescription set as the initial value.
Have a look at the example to have a better understanding.
Details Lets imagine the following component needs to setup a manual subscription to a keydown event and log to the console on each event.
The first step to implementing OnInit is to add OnInit after the implements keyword on a component or directive. We will get a closer look at the OnInit method in this tutorial. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ngOnInit() executes once after the first ngOnChanges.
We can make a call to this service, get back our list of repositories and render them to the browser.
Mostly we use ngOnInit for all the initialization/declaration and avoid stuff to work in the constructor.
So be careful in this case.
Once unpublished, all posts by thinkster will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. What is the difference between Singleton and static ?
For a more in-depth architectural insights you can read Constructor Injection vs. Setter Injection by Miko Hevery. After reading this article, you'll have a solid foundation upon which to explore platforms like Ethereum and Solana.
Our defaultDescription may be undefined and therefore incorrectly initialize the description field on the form.
Then it proceeds to creating a host element for the child-comp and calling ChildComponent constructor. Confused between Constructor and ngOnInit in Angular? and only accessible to Joe Eames. Angular bootstrap process consists of the two major stages: And the constructor of the component is called when Angular constructs components tree.
ngOnInit is called right after the directives data-bound properties have been checked for the first time, and before any of its children have been checked. Now please imagine the following scenario: It is my understanding that these two approaches are pretty much equivalent. How to place initialization logic in OnInit?
This is because by the time ngOnInit fires, the Input properties are available to the component. Shouldnt we be able to just set a public class array property repos to the return value of getMostStarredRepos and loop over that value in our html template to render repository details for each item in the repos array? To ensure your initialization code runs, simply put it in the ngOnInit function which guarantees you that the component has already being created. In this article, we'll break down when to use each method, and why, and what to put in them, and what NOT to put in them. On many occasions when using Reactive Forms in Angular, we need to construct complex FormGroup objects using the FormBuilder service. First we use the private keyword so that we retain a reference to our actor service. Second, we type the "actorService" variable with the "ActorService" type to let Angular know which service we want. Looking to develop your idea with Angular?
Well, to quote our in-depth writeup, the JavaScript engine calls the constructor, not Angular directly.
While the former works fine, the latter results in an Angular gotcha when you realize that all your initialization code placed in the constructor body is not executed.
The constructor function comes with every class, constructors are not specific to Angular but are concepts derived from Object oriented designs. Please refresh this page to activate it.
During the invocation of the constructor, DOM is not rendered as well as the input properties are not bound which may result in null or undefined. To perform certain logics in different stages of a component, Angular provides lifecycle hook methods such as ngOnChanges, and ngOnInit. All lifecycle hooks including ngOnInit are called as part of the following change detection phase. We have got one parent and one child component in which some data is passed from parent to child.
It is not recommended to place the initialization logic in the constructor.
2022 All rights reserved.
Whether this is making HTTP calls, making calls to dependent services, or other similar items. And now lets see the difference from the usage perspective. The user should have the ability to navigate to a repository detail page. Its good practice to do this in the ngOnInit so that observables are initialized at a predictable time in the component lifecycle.
onChanges method is triggered whenever theres a change in input properties. Lets explore this further through an example. So a quick rule of thumb honestly is to consider code in the constructor to be a code smell, and look at it closely to make sure that it shouldn't actually be in your ngOnInit method.
You might notice the null and undefined in the output which clearly shows that DOM is not rendered as well as the input properties are not bound.
As with other Angular lifecycle methods, adding the actual hook for OnInit is relatively simple.
Even though the constructor name is the same as the class name in languages such as Java and a few other languages. We can even put our initial state initialization here and it's just fine.
DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. As you can see, with just a small tweak to our component, we have corrected a potential bug. Initialization, on the other hand, happens after that when the component is fully initialized.
The Reactive Forms example above also follows the principle of using ngOnInit for accessing properties, Ive seen many code examples that dont follow it. It should be called with any custom finalization like loading data for your component to display.
Why cant I just put my initialization logic in the class constructor?
One of the most confusing things when building an Angular component is deciding what to put in the constructor and what to put in the ngOnInit method. Top 7 Types of Applications To Build With Angular Framework, How To Hire An Angular Developer?
Construction is first, but happens when the component isn't really a component yet.
Hes the founder of community and one of the top users on StackOverflow (70k rep). Continuing with our Github Repository Example, we need to subscribe to the return of the GithubService.getMostStarredRepos method so that we can iterate over the result and render a list of repositories, passing each GithubRepo object to an instance of the GithubRepoComponent child component. To meet that requirement, lets add an input property to our GithubReposComponent component. To perform certain logics in different stages of a component, Angular provides lifecycle hook methods such as ngOnChanges, and ngOnInit. When executing a component constructor Angular resolves all dependencies that are injected into MyAppComponent constructor and provides them as parameters.