Is it because they are members of the right club or group of people? Thats understandable. In Sight is The Washington Posts photography blog for visual narrative. Bendiksen has worked in journalism his whole career. And Bendiksen is far from the first person to raise the alarm.
Jonas BENDIKSEN travelled to Veles to explore this unlikely hub of misinformation. 2016. The project It is both a reckoning with Bendiksens own background as a classical photojournalist as well as a look at where technology might lead journalism in the immediate future.
You can find out more about The Book of Veles here. Many articles have been written about this phenomenon. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Books, Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- You may also like, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. 2016, Signed Magnum Editions Poster: The entrance to the seed vault. People are and have been talking about the perils of misinformation. I accept the privacy policy. Something went wrong. Thank you. If you do an Internet search, youll find them all over, including this story by my Washington Post colleague Abby Ohlheiser. Format: Hardback In Veles, Bendiksen has used that reputation to turn all of the tables in the photojournalism world upside down and inside out. And the world is full of people who let those desires and ambitions steer them into lies and fakery. Through this project, Bendiksen seeks to pose critical questions around photography, trust and the representation of reality.". The cookie technolgy provides a good user expierence. Third printing available to pre-order here, 220 x 165 mm, 148 pages As he says of Veles in the introduction to his book (which was created using AI technology, by the way) : The largest single source of income for the town of 60,000 is from its thriving fake news industry. They have the same desires and ambitions as everyone else. What he found reinforced what he had already read in articles like BuzzFeed Newss seminal report How Teens in The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News.. In many ways, his reputation is tied to the sense that the work he presents is anchored in reality. If a narrative (I shudder at using that term) doesnt fit into some neat little preconceived idea, then it is dubbed fake news. I dont need to point out where this is happening because its so evident everywhere. If you are interested in submitting a story to In Sight, please complete this form. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia, 2015, David Shayler watches a solar eclipse. "The provincial North Macedonian town of Veles placed itself on the world map as an epicentre for fake news production during the US presidential election of 2016. View cart for details.
Pages: 148 The answer to that question has very real implications for what course life on this planet will or can take. documentary photography We know that Bendiksens Veles is fake only because he told us. macedonia Fake news has a direct impact on the countrys economy. In this book, 'The Book of Veles' by Magnum member Jonas BENDIKSEN photographs of contemporary Veles are intertwined with fragments from an archaeological discovery also called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of 40 ancient wooden boards discovered in Russia in 1919, written in a proto-Slavic language. During the 2016 US presidential election, the town became a hub for Fake News production. Bendiksen pulled the wool over his own colleagues eyes, even at one of the most venerated photojournalism festivals in the world. 2010s, OXID Online Shop - All about watersports, sportswear and fashion. 978-1-910401-61-3, Press: Collector Daily, Petapixel, UOL, Oslobodenje Creative Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Magnum Photos, Washington Post, Wired, Le Monde, El Pais, Les InRocks, Liberation, Codastory, CBA Radio Blind Magazine, Psychology Today, A Small Voice Podcast Buzzfeed News, Imitative Photography, Forhanna, France Culture, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Respekt, Weekendavisen, NRK Radio, Information, Marianne, NRC, Journalisten, Klassekampen, LFI Magazine. After all, Bendiksen isnt just some teenager in Veles using a few keystrokes to bring in a steady flow of cash. One thing is certain. This website uses cookies.
Abject poverty breeds a sense of helplessness. But its certainly not surprising weve been hearing about deepfake videos, as an example, for a while now. Its also terrifying to think about. norwegian photographer
You can read a more in-depth description here of how he created a fake body of work and duped the photo industry. Its both fascinating and terrifying to read about. 1st edition 3rd printing published by GOST, 2021 The photographs of contemporary Veles are intertwined with excerpts and facsimiles from a 1919 archaeological discovery called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of forty ancient wooden boards discovered in Russia by an army officer, written in a proto-Slavic language. Veles is a provincial town of 40,000 inhabitants which has lost much of its economic base in recent decadesan enormous steel smelter, a porcelain factory and other industry lie abandoned.
And, yes, when I first saw an announcement about the new book, my first thought was Great, cant wait to see it! and not Hmm, I wonder if its real? Even looking at sample images, all I could think was: Yep, that looks just like Bendiksens work to me; fascinating new book and I cant wait to see it.. And Bendiksens book highlights that worry. This platform showcases compelling and diverse imagery from staff members and freelance photographers, news agencies and archives. In short, Bendiksen used artificial intelligence along with youtube and internet research to help him create fake people that he could insert into photos that he took in Veles, North Macedonia. It seems this explosion of fake news was largely fueled by our incessant use of social media. His effort proved embarrassingly effective. You dont have to look far, or even all that hard, to find instances of fabrication in the news business, from Jayson Blair and his made-up articles, to the fabled fakes and alterations of National Geographics pyramid cover, to Newsweeks too bright O.J. Jonas Bendiksens exploration of the North Macedonian town of Veles mixes fake news and documentary photography with ancient Slavic mythology. Social media has been nearly indispensable to our lives over the last few years. Condition: New, "Jonas Bendiksens exploration of the North Macedonian town of Veles mixes fake news and documentary photography with ancient Slavic mythology. Be the first to know about recent Magnum Shop drops. Its always been around, but it has really amped up in the last few years. And he has used his own rarefied position as a highly respected and decorated person in photojournalism to make the point. Writer, photographer and educator Jorg Colberg also recently tackled manufactured reality. Every character in Bendiksens book, is a digital 3D model avatar inserted into otherwise empty pictures. Bendiksens book seems to make those ideas sort of laughable. As Veles fake news articles were spread to millions of people via social media algorithms, many of the news hackers made substantial sums of money, and the sites are often regarded as having contributed to the election of Donald Trump. Know when our quarterly 7-day square print sale is coming. Interestingly enough, Bendiksens Veles is all about the manufacturing of fake news, which really seemed to start in earnest around the time of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Through this project, Bendiksen seeks to pose critical questions around photography, trust and the representation of reality. But its most important question may be, do we even care? We recommande you to accept this technolgy. It was claimed to be a history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himselfthe pre-Christian Slavic god of mischief, chaos and deception. Americans generally agree that misinformation is a problem. europe Geography and Nationalities of Photographers, About the Norwegian Magnum photographer, Jonas BENDIKSEN (b.1977). An exhibition and a book showcase this photographers fantastical and magical images, This photographers images explore the mysteries of northern Arizona, This book is a poignant document of a fathers relationship with his sons, with a backdrop of North London, How Teens in The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News.. Emmanuelle Andrianjafy - Nothings in Vain, Dan Wood - Black Was The River, You See (Signed w/prints), Jess T. Dugan - Look At Me Like You Love Me (Signed), Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa - One Wall A Web. 65 images, 19 reproduction of historical pages, Cover with satin silver foil on a fake leather material Register Your Interest to Receive More Information About Magnum Photos Box. Tracked Worldwide Shipping - Paypal & Card Payments Accepted. male photographer By clicking send, you accept our Privacy Policy. Klicken Sie hier, um Google Analytics zu deaktivieren. Once considered to be an ancient history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himself, the text has since been debunked as a forgery by scientific consensus.
Monthly updates on the latest assignments, photographer projects and collaborations with brands. According to the Macedonian Ministry of Economic Development, the fake news industry generated around $2.1 billion in 2016. The Internet even holds out a promise that it will bring you financial spoils if you just generate enough traffic. Ukraine: Updates from Magnum photographers in the Field, Watch: Susan Meiselas Carnival Strippers Tell Their Stories, Interview: Gregory Halpern on Documentary Sur/Realism, Explore our selection of fine prints online, What's on at our London & Paris Galleries, Picturing Place: Workshop with Mark Power in London, Street Photography Workshop with Richard Kalvar in Sirmione, Creative Documentary and Photojournalism with Magnum Photos and Spos, Christmas pilgrimage. I know its hard to believe, but journalists are actually just mortal beings. Fakery is gripping the national political conversation in the United States, as well. When you feel helpless, you are prone to do all kinds of things you never would have thought possible including lie, cheat and steal.
In this new The Book of Veles by Bendiksen interweaves these two different Veles stories, representing historical and current efforts at producing disinformation and chaos. Photographer Jonas Bendiksens newest book, The Book of Veles (Gost, 2021), raises some really tough questions. Every image in the book is a manipulation. The question of veracity that underpins the book is a multifaceted one. I havent even gone into the technical underpinnings of how Bendiksen made such a convincing body of fake work. Its unfortunate, but true. Learn about online and offline exhibitions, photography fairs, gallery events, plus fine print news and activities, on a monthly basis. Travelling to Veles, Jonas Bendiksen discovers the landscapes and people that make up the unlikely hub of misinformation. As intelligent as it is visually compelling, Bendiksens book examines historical and current efforts at both producing and guarding against disinformation and chaos.
As the Veles fake news articles were spread to millions of people via Facebook and Twitter algorithms, many of these news hackers made substantial sums, and the sites may have contributed to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Bendiksens new book is a fabrication.
Its no wonder that people have turned to churning out fake news if it can be so profitable.
Svalbard, Norway.
It is trying to terrify us, to wake us up. If Bendiksen can make a book that his own colleagues and some of the biggest titans in the photojournalism world will believe at face value, how secure can we feel about our ability to suss out the truth? I think the scariest question this work brings up for me is whether we care? It seems as if everything we do is tethered to it, from finding lost connections to buying cars its all possible on the Internet. For all we know, this has been happening with regularity. 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 6 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 39 product ratings, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 366 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 14 product ratings, 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 554 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 140 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 39 product ratings.
Update: The first edition of The Book of Veles has already sold out but a second edition is now available. Should we question even those we believe have all the right credentials? The Book of Veles is fascinating, beautiful, heartbreaking and, ultimately, terrifying. At its most basic level, it asks us to contemplate how we know when something is real or fake. Get fortnightly tips and advice articles, find out about the latest workshops, free online events and on-demand courses. Tech-savvy local youth created hundreds of clickbait websites posing as American political news portals and may very well have contributed to the election of Donald Trump. Many people in photojournalism swallowed his conceit hook, line and sinker. Its fake. And thats partly (okay, mostly) because I dont fully understand it myself. Fascinating work by Magnum's Jonas Bendikson that will change the game forever! It was claimed to be a history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himselfthe pre-Christian Slavic god of mischief, chaos and deception. While popular among Slavic nationalists, the text is debunked as a forgery by most scientists. european photographer It was this last little bit of seduction that transformed a fairly obscure town in North Macedonia into an epicenter of fake news. Thats because Veles, in the center of the country, was once prosperous, but after its industry faltered and failed, it became a place racked by poverty. Interestingly enough, this is fully intentional to prove a point that has become incredibly urgent right now. From new books and limited editions, to special offers, you can find it all on the weekly Magnum Shop newsletter.
Im just a little worried that its not enough. Bendiksen wanted to investigate this manufacturing of fake news for himself, so he set out for North Macedonia. Tech-savvy local youth created hundreds of clickbait websites posing as American political news portals with the intent of earning quick money from viewer ad clicks. This is precisely what Bendiksens book is doing, or trying to do. magnum member Simpson teeth. By creating a book of photojournalism that would not be questioned on its face by some of the most stalwart people in the business, Bendiksen is asking a very tough and necessary question several questions really. Does truth matter? None of this is a secret, but that doesnt dampen any of the danger it has caused and will cause. I was surprised to find out that the fake news industry is one of the main sources of income for the people of Veles. Is it because they have won the right awards? color photography But creating fake news sites that capitalized on the extraordinarily contentious 2016 presidential race gave many people in town, mostly teenagers, a way to pull themselves out of dire financial straits.
In this book, his images of the town are intertwined with excerpts and facsimiles from a 1919 archaeological discovery also called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of 40 wooden boards discovered in Russia by an army officer, written in a proto-Slavic language. The provincial North Macedonian town of Veles placed itself on the world map as an epicenter for fake news during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, when the towns tech-savvy youths posed as American political news portals and flooded the internet with clickbait articles. There have always been fakers in the news business. political topic I would argue thats yet another question the work brings up: Why do we give certain people a pass when it comes to believing what they do is valuable? Svalbard, Norway. here.
Stay up to date every Thursday with Magnum photographers activities, new work, stories published on the Magnum website, and the latest offerings from our shop. I would like to receive news and special offers from Magnum Photos. Your preferences have been saved. Bendiksen travelled to Veles in 2019 and 2020 to photographically explore this unlikely hub of misinformation. ( Gost books, 2021), social landscape When and if utter fakery becomes the norm, you wont be able to say the warning signs werent there.
In his photo volume 'The Book of Veles', Jonas BENDIKSEN weaves together two different stories about the Macedonian city that both currently - in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign - and historically represents efforts to create disinformation and chaos. Yorkshire, England, 2015, Magnum Contact Sheet & Magnum Editions 810 Pairing: Altai Territory, Russia, 2000, Contact Sheet Print: Satellites, Altai Territory, Russia, 2000, Magnum Editions Poster: The entrance to the seed vault. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Jonas BENDIKSEN interweaves these two different stories in his own 'The Book of Veles', representing historical and current efforts at producing disinformation and chaos."
Jonas BENDIKSEN travelled to Veles to explore this unlikely hub of misinformation. 2016. The project It is both a reckoning with Bendiksens own background as a classical photojournalist as well as a look at where technology might lead journalism in the immediate future.

Pages: 148 The answer to that question has very real implications for what course life on this planet will or can take. documentary photography We know that Bendiksens Veles is fake only because he told us. macedonia Fake news has a direct impact on the countrys economy. In this book, 'The Book of Veles' by Magnum member Jonas BENDIKSEN photographs of contemporary Veles are intertwined with fragments from an archaeological discovery also called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of 40 ancient wooden boards discovered in Russia in 1919, written in a proto-Slavic language. During the 2016 US presidential election, the town became a hub for Fake News production. Bendiksen pulled the wool over his own colleagues eyes, even at one of the most venerated photojournalism festivals in the world. 2010s, OXID Online Shop - All about watersports, sportswear and fashion. 978-1-910401-61-3, Press: Collector Daily, Petapixel, UOL, Oslobodenje Creative Review, Los Angeles Review of Books, Magnum Photos, Washington Post, Wired, Le Monde, El Pais, Les InRocks, Liberation, Codastory, CBA Radio Blind Magazine, Psychology Today, A Small Voice Podcast Buzzfeed News, Imitative Photography, Forhanna, France Culture, Suddeutsche Zeitung, Respekt, Weekendavisen, NRK Radio, Information, Marianne, NRC, Journalisten, Klassekampen, LFI Magazine. After all, Bendiksen isnt just some teenager in Veles using a few keystrokes to bring in a steady flow of cash. One thing is certain. This website uses cookies.
Abject poverty breeds a sense of helplessness. But its certainly not surprising weve been hearing about deepfake videos, as an example, for a while now. Its also terrifying to think about. norwegian photographer
You can read a more in-depth description here of how he created a fake body of work and duped the photo industry. Its both fascinating and terrifying to read about. 1st edition 3rd printing published by GOST, 2021 The photographs of contemporary Veles are intertwined with excerpts and facsimiles from a 1919 archaeological discovery called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of forty ancient wooden boards discovered in Russia by an army officer, written in a proto-Slavic language. Veles is a provincial town of 40,000 inhabitants which has lost much of its economic base in recent decadesan enormous steel smelter, a porcelain factory and other industry lie abandoned.
And, yes, when I first saw an announcement about the new book, my first thought was Great, cant wait to see it! and not Hmm, I wonder if its real? Even looking at sample images, all I could think was: Yep, that looks just like Bendiksens work to me; fascinating new book and I cant wait to see it.. And Bendiksens book highlights that worry. This platform showcases compelling and diverse imagery from staff members and freelance photographers, news agencies and archives. In short, Bendiksen used artificial intelligence along with youtube and internet research to help him create fake people that he could insert into photos that he took in Veles, North Macedonia. It seems this explosion of fake news was largely fueled by our incessant use of social media. His effort proved embarrassingly effective. You dont have to look far, or even all that hard, to find instances of fabrication in the news business, from Jayson Blair and his made-up articles, to the fabled fakes and alterations of National Geographics pyramid cover, to Newsweeks too bright O.J. Jonas Bendiksens exploration of the North Macedonian town of Veles mixes fake news and documentary photography with ancient Slavic mythology. Social media has been nearly indispensable to our lives over the last few years. Condition: New, "Jonas Bendiksens exploration of the North Macedonian town of Veles mixes fake news and documentary photography with ancient Slavic mythology. Be the first to know about recent Magnum Shop drops. Its always been around, but it has really amped up in the last few years. And he has used his own rarefied position as a highly respected and decorated person in photojournalism to make the point. Writer, photographer and educator Jorg Colberg also recently tackled manufactured reality. Every character in Bendiksens book, is a digital 3D model avatar inserted into otherwise empty pictures. Bendiksens book seems to make those ideas sort of laughable. As Veles fake news articles were spread to millions of people via social media algorithms, many of the news hackers made substantial sums of money, and the sites are often regarded as having contributed to the election of Donald Trump. Know when our quarterly 7-day square print sale is coming. Interestingly enough, Bendiksens Veles is all about the manufacturing of fake news, which really seemed to start in earnest around the time of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Through this project, Bendiksen seeks to pose critical questions around photography, trust and the representation of reality. But its most important question may be, do we even care? We recommande you to accept this technolgy. It was claimed to be a history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himselfthe pre-Christian Slavic god of mischief, chaos and deception. Americans generally agree that misinformation is a problem. europe Geography and Nationalities of Photographers, About the Norwegian Magnum photographer, Jonas BENDIKSEN (b.1977). An exhibition and a book showcase this photographers fantastical and magical images, This photographers images explore the mysteries of northern Arizona, This book is a poignant document of a fathers relationship with his sons, with a backdrop of North London, How Teens in The Balkans Are Duping Trump Supporters With Fake News.. Emmanuelle Andrianjafy - Nothings in Vain, Dan Wood - Black Was The River, You See (Signed w/prints), Jess T. Dugan - Look At Me Like You Love Me (Signed), Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa - One Wall A Web. 65 images, 19 reproduction of historical pages, Cover with satin silver foil on a fake leather material Register Your Interest to Receive More Information About Magnum Photos Box. Tracked Worldwide Shipping - Paypal & Card Payments Accepted. male photographer By clicking send, you accept our Privacy Policy. Klicken Sie hier, um Google Analytics zu deaktivieren. Once considered to be an ancient history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himself, the text has since been debunked as a forgery by scientific consensus.
Monthly updates on the latest assignments, photographer projects and collaborations with brands. According to the Macedonian Ministry of Economic Development, the fake news industry generated around $2.1 billion in 2016. The Internet even holds out a promise that it will bring you financial spoils if you just generate enough traffic. Ukraine: Updates from Magnum photographers in the Field, Watch: Susan Meiselas Carnival Strippers Tell Their Stories, Interview: Gregory Halpern on Documentary Sur/Realism, Explore our selection of fine prints online, What's on at our London & Paris Galleries, Picturing Place: Workshop with Mark Power in London, Street Photography Workshop with Richard Kalvar in Sirmione, Creative Documentary and Photojournalism with Magnum Photos and Spos, Christmas pilgrimage. I know its hard to believe, but journalists are actually just mortal beings. Fakery is gripping the national political conversation in the United States, as well. When you feel helpless, you are prone to do all kinds of things you never would have thought possible including lie, cheat and steal.
In this new The Book of Veles by Bendiksen interweaves these two different Veles stories, representing historical and current efforts at producing disinformation and chaos. Photographer Jonas Bendiksens newest book, The Book of Veles (Gost, 2021), raises some really tough questions. Every image in the book is a manipulation. The question of veracity that underpins the book is a multifaceted one. I havent even gone into the technical underpinnings of how Bendiksen made such a convincing body of fake work. Its unfortunate, but true. Learn about online and offline exhibitions, photography fairs, gallery events, plus fine print news and activities, on a monthly basis. Travelling to Veles, Jonas Bendiksen discovers the landscapes and people that make up the unlikely hub of misinformation. As intelligent as it is visually compelling, Bendiksens book examines historical and current efforts at both producing and guarding against disinformation and chaos.
As the Veles fake news articles were spread to millions of people via Facebook and Twitter algorithms, many of these news hackers made substantial sums, and the sites may have contributed to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States. Bendiksens new book is a fabrication.
Its no wonder that people have turned to churning out fake news if it can be so profitable.
Svalbard, Norway.
It is trying to terrify us, to wake us up. If Bendiksen can make a book that his own colleagues and some of the biggest titans in the photojournalism world will believe at face value, how secure can we feel about our ability to suss out the truth? I think the scariest question this work brings up for me is whether we care? It seems as if everything we do is tethered to it, from finding lost connections to buying cars its all possible on the Internet. For all we know, this has been happening with regularity. 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 6 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 39 product ratings, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 366 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 14 product ratings, 4.7 out of 5 stars based on 554 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 140 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 39 product ratings.
Update: The first edition of The Book of Veles has already sold out but a second edition is now available. Should we question even those we believe have all the right credentials? The Book of Veles is fascinating, beautiful, heartbreaking and, ultimately, terrifying. At its most basic level, it asks us to contemplate how we know when something is real or fake. Get fortnightly tips and advice articles, find out about the latest workshops, free online events and on-demand courses. Tech-savvy local youth created hundreds of clickbait websites posing as American political news portals and may very well have contributed to the election of Donald Trump. Many people in photojournalism swallowed his conceit hook, line and sinker. Its fake. And thats partly (okay, mostly) because I dont fully understand it myself. Fascinating work by Magnum's Jonas Bendikson that will change the game forever! It was claimed to be a history of the Slavic people and the god Veles himselfthe pre-Christian Slavic god of mischief, chaos and deception. While popular among Slavic nationalists, the text is debunked as a forgery by most scientists. european photographer It was this last little bit of seduction that transformed a fairly obscure town in North Macedonia into an epicenter of fake news. Thats because Veles, in the center of the country, was once prosperous, but after its industry faltered and failed, it became a place racked by poverty. Interestingly enough, this is fully intentional to prove a point that has become incredibly urgent right now. From new books and limited editions, to special offers, you can find it all on the weekly Magnum Shop newsletter.
Im just a little worried that its not enough. Bendiksen wanted to investigate this manufacturing of fake news for himself, so he set out for North Macedonia. Tech-savvy local youth created hundreds of clickbait websites posing as American political news portals with the intent of earning quick money from viewer ad clicks. This is precisely what Bendiksens book is doing, or trying to do. magnum member Simpson teeth. By creating a book of photojournalism that would not be questioned on its face by some of the most stalwart people in the business, Bendiksen is asking a very tough and necessary question several questions really. Does truth matter? None of this is a secret, but that doesnt dampen any of the danger it has caused and will cause. I was surprised to find out that the fake news industry is one of the main sources of income for the people of Veles. Is it because they have won the right awards? color photography But creating fake news sites that capitalized on the extraordinarily contentious 2016 presidential race gave many people in town, mostly teenagers, a way to pull themselves out of dire financial straits.
In this book, his images of the town are intertwined with excerpts and facsimiles from a 1919 archaeological discovery also called the Book of Veles a cryptic collection of 40 wooden boards discovered in Russia by an army officer, written in a proto-Slavic language. The provincial North Macedonian town of Veles placed itself on the world map as an epicenter for fake news during the 2016 US presidential election campaign, when the towns tech-savvy youths posed as American political news portals and flooded the internet with clickbait articles. There have always been fakers in the news business. political topic I would argue thats yet another question the work brings up: Why do we give certain people a pass when it comes to believing what they do is valuable? Svalbard, Norway. here.
Stay up to date every Thursday with Magnum photographers activities, new work, stories published on the Magnum website, and the latest offerings from our shop. I would like to receive news and special offers from Magnum Photos. Your preferences have been saved. Bendiksen travelled to Veles in 2019 and 2020 to photographically explore this unlikely hub of misinformation. ( Gost books, 2021), social landscape When and if utter fakery becomes the norm, you wont be able to say the warning signs werent there.

In his photo volume 'The Book of Veles', Jonas BENDIKSEN weaves together two different stories about the Macedonian city that both currently - in the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign - and historically represents efforts to create disinformation and chaos. Yorkshire, England, 2015, Magnum Contact Sheet & Magnum Editions 810 Pairing: Altai Territory, Russia, 2000, Contact Sheet Print: Satellites, Altai Territory, Russia, 2000, Magnum Editions Poster: The entrance to the seed vault. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Jonas BENDIKSEN interweaves these two different stories in his own 'The Book of Veles', representing historical and current efforts at producing disinformation and chaos."