At first glance, you might think we showed you the same rare dog breed twice. There are many interesting kinds of dogs out there, and if we tried to feature all of them, wed be here all day. The fetch a hefty price but they are full of character and have a distinct appearance. There are only a few thousand mudis worldwide, and the breed is rare in the United States. Youre not likely to see a BMSH hailing a cabunless its to get out of the city. One of only three breeds to have a split nose (the others include the Pachon Navarro and the Andean Tiger hound), Catalburuns are unlikely to be seen outside of their native country and are known for their agility, hunting abilities and strong sense of smell. They might look like their Aussie (American) cousins, but these small herding dogs originated in Hungary. The book is much easier to find than the dog, though. When groomed in a certain way, this terrier looks decidedly like a little lamb. Check out these facts about the Westminster Dog Show! One big word of warning: PIOs are sighthounds and may see small pets as prey.
The Bergamascos long upper eyelashes keep the curtain of hair out of its eyes, preventing snowblindness. These are thesmartest dog breedsranked. If you've decided to buy a pet from a breeder, be sure to choose aresponsible breeder, and always avoid puppy mills. The exposed skin on the Peruvian hairless can be solid colored or mottled with white or pink spots in shades of black, gray, blue, brown, and blond. Find out how to get rid of your dogs bad breath. Originally bred to hunt rabbits, this canine is quiet, and good with kids, but requires a home with high fences. They would make an excellent city dog, but they can be hard to obtain. Nope, were not talking about delicious Italian meat-based saucealthough the Bolognese breed was developed in Bologna, Italy. Its large, athletic build, and strong work ethic made this canine ideal for herding, hunting, and guarding. Heres how tostop your dog from barking. The Xolo, which has been around for thousands of years, is one of the world's oldest and rarest breeds. You do not see dogs like this every day.
Prized as a companion and a guard dog, Xolos are calm, attentive and intelligent. Mary Jo DiLonardo has worked in print, online, and broadcast journalism for 25 years and covers nature, health, science, and animals. Rhodesian Ridgeback This dog has a stripe of fur along its back that grows in the opposite direction of the rest of its fur, giving it the appearance of a mohawk. How Much Fresh Food To Feed A Dog (Guide To Fresh Food Diet), How To Make Fresh Dog Food (Tips For Beginners), Homemade Dog Food For Puppies (3 Recipes For Growing Pups), What To Feed A Pregnant Dog (Dietary Tips For All Stages Of Dog Pregnancy), Homemade Weight Gainer For Dogs (Recipe For A Better Doggie Body). This shaggy-coated Hungarian sheepdog is known for its long, tassel-like cords of fur. Find out thesigns your dog is secretly mad at you. Youll be tempted to snuggle up on the couch and run your fingers through its tousled coat, but the Laekenois will probably put some time limits on it. Why & How to Make Them Smell Better, How to Raise a Puppy: Recommendations from a Vet, Satos are Puerto Rican Street Dogs, and You Can Adopt One. Graceful and deer-like, the Ibizan Hound is distinctive. Theseare thehuman foods that are good for your dog. We always recommend adoption as a first choice. 9. Bred to hunt primarily How to Puppy Proof Your Home Without Sacrificing Your Aesthetic, Back to Basics: A Comparison of the English Springer Spaniel and the Welsh Springer Spaniel, Girl Dog Names: The Top 500 Female Dog Names of 2021, Boy Dog Names: Top 500 Male Dog Names of 2022, The Best Cat Names: 300+ Unique, Cute & Funny Cat Names. Hard-working and spirited, this spaniel is a seasoned hunting companion. 20 Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don't Shed Much, Beneficial Insects: Meet the Bugs That Will Help Your Garden, 10 of the Easiest Dogs To Add To Your Family, Pariah Dogs: 9 Ancient and Wild Dog Breeds, 9 Cats That Act Like Dogs (But Still Have Kitty Traits), Mostly Blind and Deaf Dogs Meet for a Puppy Party, 9 Bunny Breeds That Are Too Cute for Words. Dont let this dogs low-maintenance look fool you. Fleas arent the only source of itching for dogs. How is that hair even natural? . With their love of social life, they dont do well when theyre in kennels, consistently tied up, or isolated from their people. With many Leonbergers weighing over 120-lbs., they naturally believe that theyre the boss.
Playful and mischievous, the breed can be stubborn and experience separation anxiety. Chines Crested dogs are willing to please, devoted and are good with pets, other dogs and strangers. Maybe its all that exercise that keeps them healthy because they usually live well into their teens. A proud, intelligent breed, the Brussels Griffon is easily recognized by their expressive faces and Muppet-like beards. It would be incredibly rare to see a Thai Ridgeback outside of Thailand. Borzoi (Russian Wolfhound) Some do not believe these Russian Greyhounds are very intelligent, but they actually are just easily bored and choose not to listen to commands.
Additionally, lifewithdogs.tv participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.
The English Springer and Welsh Springer Spaniels are completely different breeds, not "varieties of Springer Spaniels. When it comes to herding sheep, the Australian Kelpie is the blue-chip candidate for rounding up the herd, whether the herd consists of sheep, other dogs, or kids. According to the AKC, the old saying Youre barking up the wrong tree comes from this type of hunting. These small and spunky dogs love to be close to their owners and dont enjoy spending time alone. The flocks on the Bergamasco Sheepdog always get a second look. How about a muzzle snuggle from this cute scruffy face? When it comes to appearance, some might be looking for a hairless companion, while others are more interested in a canine with an impressive coat that can reach the ground. Looking for a dog breed thats excited to see you when you get home yet independent enough not to make you its entire world?
Their superior sense of smell and hearing can identify non-family members from a considerable distance. The Pyrenean Shepherd comes in two coat varieties: rough-faced and smooth-faced. Spunky and lovable, these dogs are outgoing and friendly with kids and family pets when raised together. Surprise! Their small piercing eyes and pointy ears are all located on the dogs egg-shaped head. Find inspiration in this list of 400 cute, unique and creative cat names. The gracious dogs are almost always silent, and though athletic, are said to be couch potatoes. The dog's felted hair will form loose mats that continue to grow throughout its life, eventually reaching the ground by the time the dog is about five years old. 10. So while it can be sweet and quiet, it can also run at high speed when in pursuit of small prey.
12. Bred to protect sheep, the Komondors trademark double coat consists of a coarse outer coat and dense wooly under coat, making it blend in with the livestock it protects, and requires extra care in both bathing and separating its cords. A small number of these dogs have coats, but they are the minority. The hairless variety only has tufts of hair on its head, tail, and feet. The first dog above, the one with spots, is named Puck. Well at least he has proper grammar Their waterproof coat and webbed feet come in handy on the trails or in the water. Surprisingly, the flocks dont shed and arent as hard to maintain as they look, ONeill says. Peruvian Inca Orchid These dogs vary so much in the looks department that you might not even think theyre the same breed.
And Pomeranians are really beautiful and unique, common but still.
The breed requires plenty of daily exercise and regular grooming to maintain its coat.
These skilled hunters are able to climb trees to catch their prey. A single litter of puppies can produce both varieties. There are two types of Chinese Crested dogs: the hairless, and powderpuff. With origins in the Italian Alps, the Bergamasco was used primarily as a herding dog. The unusual coat helps the komondor blend in with the sheep this working dog helps protect. Thats downright bullying. The Komondor Club of America makes a helpful but challenging suggestion for keeping up the komondors coat never allow the dogs coat to get dirty. Oh, and those waves of fluff dont shed much at all, but regular grooming is a must for the full-length cut. A natural herder, the breed is alert, intelligent, and enthusiastic. Jessica is a managing editor and spends her days trying not to helicopter parent her beloved shelter pup, Darwin. Learn about the Ojos Azule cat breed and read up on their personality, size, and history. For that reason, the Kelpie isnt a breed for a first-time dog parent or a family with young children. Ready to make your home a dog-friendly space without sacrificing style? The hairless variety of the breed requires a sweater or coat for walks in cool climates and cold weather. This large, muscular breed also known as the Hungarian sheepdog is also noted for its corded white coat. They need an alpha at all times, but theyre great with other animals after a good amount of training and socialization, says ONeill. Today, its affectionate manner makes him an excellent therapy dog, or childrens companion. According to the AKC, Biewers are also the first breed to be recognized as a breed of its own (purebred) using advancements in science rather than the traditional process of pedigree documentation. That said, Biewers arent fully recognizedby the AKC yet. Brindle Greyhound Lots of breeds can be brindle pit bulls, boxers, bulldogs but some of the most unique ones are Greyhounds. At first glance, you might think the Saluki missed a few meals, but its slim and leggy appearance is naturally adept for swiftness and agilityskills needed thousands of years ago as the favorite hunting hound of Egyptian pharaohs. The breed's name in Turkish is derived from "catal" meaning fork and "burun" meaning nose. The Mastiff-type dog has some unique features, including a black mask, a hook at the end of its tail, and small ears. An effective herding dog, the mudi is active, intelligent, and immensely trainable. A Kelpie named Abbie Girl won the World Dog Surfing Championship in Pacifica, California, two years in a row!
With a high maintenance coat that resembles dreadlocks, this shaggy dog is thought to have originated in Hungary more than 500 years ago. Devoted to their pet parent, the Pyrenean has an intuitive sense about their owners desires and does particularly well with clicker training and positive, reward-based methods. We may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. This muscular dog has a sense of humor and its sweet and friendly temperament makes it a great family pet.
Long haired dog breeds come in all shapes and sizes and make excellent companion, working or show dogs. Just be prepared for second looks wherever you go. Which breeds are known for having the best sense of smell? Sharing ancestors with the Maltese, and Bichon Frise, this happy-go-lucky pup historically served as a royal pet. The breed is a great candidate for agility, rally, obedience, dock diving, freestyle work, and almost any fun dog sport. The most important part of finding the pet for you is committing to a critter who will become a true part of your family. The mop head look achieved with a shorter cut is easier to maintain and equally adorable. They require a gentle, consistent hand in training and require plenty of exercise in an enclosed area. This pint-sized Portuguese Podengo is the smallest of Portugals three Podengo breeds; its just eight to 12 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs about 13 pounds. Read up on thethings that can give your dog anxiety.
There are lots of beautiful and unusual looking dog breeds, with mixed breeds being the most interesting of them all. We think that he is a red-heeler/Pitt mix, but of course are not 100% on that as he was picked up as a stray by animal control. This rare pointer native to Turkey is recognized by its double nose, which is split right down the middle, according to Schade.
The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound, which is originally from Germany, has a superior tracking ability and can differentiate between a wounded animal it is hunting and other animals of the same species. With a compact, sturdy body, Brussels Griffons are driven and enthusiastic. But the one thing most have in common is a strip of spiky hair on their heads. A working terrier with a long, short build and a large head, the Dandie Dinmont Terriers bouffant makes it look fresh from the beauty parlor, Schade said. Clever and affectionate, the Lundehunds other distinctive features include an elastic neck that stretches back, so its head can touch its spine, and ears that go forward and backward at will or even shut. Powered by Mai Theme, Unhealthy Dog Poop Chart: 7 Color Meanings And More. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The Teddy Roosevelt Terrier is a lively, friendly, affectionate dog with his family but often will latch onto one person, in particular. These dogs sport either a wire or smooth coat, both of which require a little grooming. LMAO!!! Almost extinct in the 1980s, the breed is now making a welcome comeback. A Presa Canario definitely belongs on any list of coolest-looking dogsway ahead of many of the dogs youve picked. Schipperkes are talented escape artistsa well-fenced yard, and on-leash walks are a must. A walk or low-energy game is all this faithful and affectionate dog needs. The breed is small but not dainty, lovable and playful but still tough, and amongst the most docile of the terriers. 5. This inquisitive breed is smart and trainable. In fact, they were so highly esteemed that Salukis were often mummified like the bodies of the pharaohs themselves. Find out why your dog freaks out during thunderstorms. They have a great expression and are very active, she adds. Harlequin Great Dane Many might wonder what the difference is between harlequin and merle. People might believe they have a harlequin Min Pin or Dachshund, but theyre merles only Great Danes can be Harlequins!
Theyre no slackers and wont be satisfied with sitting around the house or being left alone in the backyard. The contemplative eyes and distinguished beard of the Czech Republics Cesky Terrier conveys a stately and dignified vibe. A Pomeranian is by no means a rare dog at all. It has six fully functioning toes (not dewclaws) and extra paw padsfor rock hoppin. The catalburun is a Turkish pointer known for its distinct double nose. Mudis have been described as having the looks and temperament of both the German shepherd and the miniature poodle. They may be common but they can still be absolutely buitiful. We recommend our users to update the browser. Even with all that long hair, these friendly and intelligent dogs don't need brushing and only need baths a few times a year. These dogs are seldom found outside of Turkey, but there are two other breeds known to have split noses the Andean double-nosed tiger hound and the Pachn Navarro. lifewithdogs.tv does not intend to provide veterinary advice. It also keeps it warm out in the elements and protects the dog from prey. Either way, you might be surprised you never heard of them until now. Next, check out thepet care tipsveterinarians wish you knew. Here are all the waysdogs are smarter than you think. Learn why dogs stick their heads out of car windows. There are many factors that people consider when choosing a dog temperament, activity level, cuddliness, and looks. Many people find them distant or aloof, but those who own the breed know how loyal and sweet they can be. This sighthound from Africa used to chase gazelles across the searing sands of the Sahara, but these days the Azawakh favors sidewalks over sand and fancies running with its human. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. This canine boasts a proud French pedigree. Check out theworlds largest dog breeds. Biewers have that swoon factorinnocent (I didnt chew your shoe), adorable (Im as cute as a button), friendly (I see the good in everyone), and a dash of spunk (I love being the star of the show). This energetic and smart breed is friendly and affectionate and enjoys frequent walks and a lot of play time with its human family. Yet the Cesky is no stuffy politician. atalburun These dogs, native to Turkey, are said to have even more potent sniffers due to their nasal deformity, which may be true. So here are 13 of the most unique looking dogs we could find! The rare and wonderful Otterhound could be the perfect match for youif you can find one.
The Bolo, as fans call it, is a five- to 9-pound lapdog who relishes a low-key and leisurely lifestyle, meaning that pet parents dont have to worry about providing too much exercise. A dog behaviour expert reveals how to tell what your dog is thinking. Another hairless or naked breed, the Chinese Crested has delicate skin that can be susceptible to sunburn, Schade said. Here are 11 of the most interesting looking dogs in the world. 11. The breed was named in honour of President Teddy Roosevelt, who appointed these rat terriers to combat the rat infestation in the White House.
At first glance, you might think we showed you the same rare dog breed twice. There are many interesting kinds of dogs out there, and if we tried to feature all of them, wed be here all day. The fetch a hefty price but they are full of character and have a distinct appearance. There are only a few thousand mudis worldwide, and the breed is rare in the United States. Youre not likely to see a BMSH hailing a cabunless its to get out of the city. One of only three breeds to have a split nose (the others include the Pachon Navarro and the Andean Tiger hound), Catalburuns are unlikely to be seen outside of their native country and are known for their agility, hunting abilities and strong sense of smell. They might look like their Aussie (American) cousins, but these small herding dogs originated in Hungary. The book is much easier to find than the dog, though. When groomed in a certain way, this terrier looks decidedly like a little lamb. Check out these facts about the Westminster Dog Show! One big word of warning: PIOs are sighthounds and may see small pets as prey.
The Bergamascos long upper eyelashes keep the curtain of hair out of its eyes, preventing snowblindness. These are thesmartest dog breedsranked. If you've decided to buy a pet from a breeder, be sure to choose aresponsible breeder, and always avoid puppy mills. The exposed skin on the Peruvian hairless can be solid colored or mottled with white or pink spots in shades of black, gray, blue, brown, and blond. Find out how to get rid of your dogs bad breath. Originally bred to hunt rabbits, this canine is quiet, and good with kids, but requires a home with high fences. They would make an excellent city dog, but they can be hard to obtain. Nope, were not talking about delicious Italian meat-based saucealthough the Bolognese breed was developed in Bologna, Italy. Its large, athletic build, and strong work ethic made this canine ideal for herding, hunting, and guarding. Heres how tostop your dog from barking. The Xolo, which has been around for thousands of years, is one of the world's oldest and rarest breeds. You do not see dogs like this every day.
Prized as a companion and a guard dog, Xolos are calm, attentive and intelligent. Mary Jo DiLonardo has worked in print, online, and broadcast journalism for 25 years and covers nature, health, science, and animals. Rhodesian Ridgeback This dog has a stripe of fur along its back that grows in the opposite direction of the rest of its fur, giving it the appearance of a mohawk. How Much Fresh Food To Feed A Dog (Guide To Fresh Food Diet), How To Make Fresh Dog Food (Tips For Beginners), Homemade Dog Food For Puppies (3 Recipes For Growing Pups), What To Feed A Pregnant Dog (Dietary Tips For All Stages Of Dog Pregnancy), Homemade Weight Gainer For Dogs (Recipe For A Better Doggie Body). This shaggy-coated Hungarian sheepdog is known for its long, tassel-like cords of fur. Find out thesigns your dog is secretly mad at you. Youll be tempted to snuggle up on the couch and run your fingers through its tousled coat, but the Laekenois will probably put some time limits on it. Why & How to Make Them Smell Better, How to Raise a Puppy: Recommendations from a Vet, Satos are Puerto Rican Street Dogs, and You Can Adopt One. Graceful and deer-like, the Ibizan Hound is distinctive. Theseare thehuman foods that are good for your dog. We always recommend adoption as a first choice. 9. Bred to hunt primarily How to Puppy Proof Your Home Without Sacrificing Your Aesthetic, Back to Basics: A Comparison of the English Springer Spaniel and the Welsh Springer Spaniel, Girl Dog Names: The Top 500 Female Dog Names of 2021, Boy Dog Names: Top 500 Male Dog Names of 2022, The Best Cat Names: 300+ Unique, Cute & Funny Cat Names. Hard-working and spirited, this spaniel is a seasoned hunting companion. 20 Hypoallergenic Dogs That Don't Shed Much, Beneficial Insects: Meet the Bugs That Will Help Your Garden, 10 of the Easiest Dogs To Add To Your Family, Pariah Dogs: 9 Ancient and Wild Dog Breeds, 9 Cats That Act Like Dogs (But Still Have Kitty Traits), Mostly Blind and Deaf Dogs Meet for a Puppy Party, 9 Bunny Breeds That Are Too Cute for Words. Dont let this dogs low-maintenance look fool you. Fleas arent the only source of itching for dogs. How is that hair even natural? . With their love of social life, they dont do well when theyre in kennels, consistently tied up, or isolated from their people. With many Leonbergers weighing over 120-lbs., they naturally believe that theyre the boss.

Additionally, lifewithdogs.tv participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links.
The English Springer and Welsh Springer Spaniels are completely different breeds, not "varieties of Springer Spaniels. When it comes to herding sheep, the Australian Kelpie is the blue-chip candidate for rounding up the herd, whether the herd consists of sheep, other dogs, or kids. According to the AKC, the old saying Youre barking up the wrong tree comes from this type of hunting. These small and spunky dogs love to be close to their owners and dont enjoy spending time alone. The flocks on the Bergamasco Sheepdog always get a second look. How about a muzzle snuggle from this cute scruffy face? When it comes to appearance, some might be looking for a hairless companion, while others are more interested in a canine with an impressive coat that can reach the ground. Looking for a dog breed thats excited to see you when you get home yet independent enough not to make you its entire world?

12. Bred to protect sheep, the Komondors trademark double coat consists of a coarse outer coat and dense wooly under coat, making it blend in with the livestock it protects, and requires extra care in both bathing and separating its cords. A small number of these dogs have coats, but they are the minority. The hairless variety only has tufts of hair on its head, tail, and feet. The first dog above, the one with spots, is named Puck. Well at least he has proper grammar Their waterproof coat and webbed feet come in handy on the trails or in the water. Surprisingly, the flocks dont shed and arent as hard to maintain as they look, ONeill says. Peruvian Inca Orchid These dogs vary so much in the looks department that you might not even think theyre the same breed.
And Pomeranians are really beautiful and unique, common but still.
The breed requires plenty of daily exercise and regular grooming to maintain its coat.

With a high maintenance coat that resembles dreadlocks, this shaggy dog is thought to have originated in Hungary more than 500 years ago. Devoted to their pet parent, the Pyrenean has an intuitive sense about their owners desires and does particularly well with clicker training and positive, reward-based methods. We may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. This muscular dog has a sense of humor and its sweet and friendly temperament makes it a great family pet.
Long haired dog breeds come in all shapes and sizes and make excellent companion, working or show dogs. Just be prepared for second looks wherever you go. Which breeds are known for having the best sense of smell? Sharing ancestors with the Maltese, and Bichon Frise, this happy-go-lucky pup historically served as a royal pet. The breed is a great candidate for agility, rally, obedience, dock diving, freestyle work, and almost any fun dog sport. The most important part of finding the pet for you is committing to a critter who will become a true part of your family. The mop head look achieved with a shorter cut is easier to maintain and equally adorable. They require a gentle, consistent hand in training and require plenty of exercise in an enclosed area. This pint-sized Portuguese Podengo is the smallest of Portugals three Podengo breeds; its just eight to 12 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs about 13 pounds. Read up on thethings that can give your dog anxiety.
There are lots of beautiful and unusual looking dog breeds, with mixed breeds being the most interesting of them all. We think that he is a red-heeler/Pitt mix, but of course are not 100% on that as he was picked up as a stray by animal control. This rare pointer native to Turkey is recognized by its double nose, which is split right down the middle, according to Schade.
The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound, which is originally from Germany, has a superior tracking ability and can differentiate between a wounded animal it is hunting and other animals of the same species. With a compact, sturdy body, Brussels Griffons are driven and enthusiastic. But the one thing most have in common is a strip of spiky hair on their heads. A working terrier with a long, short build and a large head, the Dandie Dinmont Terriers bouffant makes it look fresh from the beauty parlor, Schade said. Clever and affectionate, the Lundehunds other distinctive features include an elastic neck that stretches back, so its head can touch its spine, and ears that go forward and backward at will or even shut. Powered by Mai Theme, Unhealthy Dog Poop Chart: 7 Color Meanings And More. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The Teddy Roosevelt Terrier is a lively, friendly, affectionate dog with his family but often will latch onto one person, in particular. These dogs sport either a wire or smooth coat, both of which require a little grooming. LMAO!!! Almost extinct in the 1980s, the breed is now making a welcome comeback. A Presa Canario definitely belongs on any list of coolest-looking dogsway ahead of many of the dogs youve picked. Schipperkes are talented escape artistsa well-fenced yard, and on-leash walks are a must. A walk or low-energy game is all this faithful and affectionate dog needs. The breed is small but not dainty, lovable and playful but still tough, and amongst the most docile of the terriers. 5. This inquisitive breed is smart and trainable. In fact, they were so highly esteemed that Salukis were often mummified like the bodies of the pharaohs themselves. Find out why your dog freaks out during thunderstorms. They have a great expression and are very active, she adds. Harlequin Great Dane Many might wonder what the difference is between harlequin and merle. People might believe they have a harlequin Min Pin or Dachshund, but theyre merles only Great Danes can be Harlequins!
Theyre no slackers and wont be satisfied with sitting around the house or being left alone in the backyard. The contemplative eyes and distinguished beard of the Czech Republics Cesky Terrier conveys a stately and dignified vibe. A Pomeranian is by no means a rare dog at all. It has six fully functioning toes (not dewclaws) and extra paw padsfor rock hoppin. The catalburun is a Turkish pointer known for its distinct double nose. Mudis have been described as having the looks and temperament of both the German shepherd and the miniature poodle. They may be common but they can still be absolutely buitiful. We recommend our users to update the browser. Even with all that long hair, these friendly and intelligent dogs don't need brushing and only need baths a few times a year. These dogs are seldom found outside of Turkey, but there are two other breeds known to have split noses the Andean double-nosed tiger hound and the Pachn Navarro. lifewithdogs.tv does not intend to provide veterinary advice. It also keeps it warm out in the elements and protects the dog from prey. Either way, you might be surprised you never heard of them until now. Next, check out thepet care tipsveterinarians wish you knew. Here are all the waysdogs are smarter than you think. Learn why dogs stick their heads out of car windows. There are many factors that people consider when choosing a dog temperament, activity level, cuddliness, and looks. Many people find them distant or aloof, but those who own the breed know how loyal and sweet they can be. This sighthound from Africa used to chase gazelles across the searing sands of the Sahara, but these days the Azawakh favors sidewalks over sand and fancies running with its human. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. This canine boasts a proud French pedigree. Check out theworlds largest dog breeds. Biewers have that swoon factorinnocent (I didnt chew your shoe), adorable (Im as cute as a button), friendly (I see the good in everyone), and a dash of spunk (I love being the star of the show). This energetic and smart breed is friendly and affectionate and enjoys frequent walks and a lot of play time with its human family. Yet the Cesky is no stuffy politician. atalburun These dogs, native to Turkey, are said to have even more potent sniffers due to their nasal deformity, which may be true. So here are 13 of the most unique looking dogs we could find! The rare and wonderful Otterhound could be the perfect match for youif you can find one.
The Bolo, as fans call it, is a five- to 9-pound lapdog who relishes a low-key and leisurely lifestyle, meaning that pet parents dont have to worry about providing too much exercise. A dog behaviour expert reveals how to tell what your dog is thinking. Another hairless or naked breed, the Chinese Crested has delicate skin that can be susceptible to sunburn, Schade said. Here are 11 of the most interesting looking dogs in the world. 11. The breed was named in honour of President Teddy Roosevelt, who appointed these rat terriers to combat the rat infestation in the White House.