We work together in a safe environment to practice skills that encourage self-confidence and team building. Students were introduced to math wall, writers workshop, readers workshop and CGI at a first-grade level. She is so excited to meet all of you! Mike Whitcomb has been a teacher in the Social Studies department at LAHS for sixteen years. We will practice and discover the love of creating by using our unique imagination and developing our technical skills. Students will be exposed to fundamental fifth grade math concepts in Number Sense, Algebra, and Measurement & Geometry to prepare them for a smooth transition to fifth grade.
My child was excited to share what she learned and thought the class was fun. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that in everything he might have the supremacy. He is also the Head Coach of Girls Volleyball. Students will learn how to use, create, and save a word document and a PowerPoint presentation. Sonya has been teaching voice, musical theater, and dance for the past eleven years.
In her spare time she enjoys cooking with her family, creating cheese plates, caring for a baby California desert tortoise and Zucca the puppy (Italian for squash). Jasmine is a substitute teacher at Savanna School District and Los Alamitos School District. After working in television news and law enforcement, Hilary decided her real passion was teaching. She received her masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Colorado Christian University.
Students will encounter daily activities that will prepare them for first grade success. Students will participate in C.G.I.
She joined Plaza Production One team in September 2006. Cheer-leading teaches teamwork. She hopes to continue to get involved in the Los Alamitos School District as she is an alumni from Weaver Elementary, McAuliffe Middle School, and Los Alamitos High School.Yesenia Quezada is confident that her educational background at Chapman University has well prepared her for the next step into her career as a school teacher. She is professional and highly trained in a wide array of artistic mediums. This was a life changing experience for her because it was then she realized she wanted to become a teacher. Jasmine is proficient in communication with teachers and students.
Students will do daily stretches and a warm up activity. Next, they will get into a sports lesson including skills, drills, and game play. Cool down stretches to conclude the day.. She spent 15 years working with teachers on professional development and implementing digital resources in their classroom. For the past year, Emily has been an Intervention Counselor working with students from McAuliffe, Oak, and Los Alamitos High School. Emily has a long history with Los Alamitos Unified as she and her husband attended school in Los Al, her mother taught at McGaugh and her three children attend school in Los Alamitos Unified. Emily has worked with Los Al graduates this year to adjust to online college, register for classes, declare majors, and helped them navigate financial aid and transfer guidelines. !, It was a privilege to join SEI as an educator this last summer, because it was a chance to teach subjects that I love and are close to my heart: Jump Start First Grade and Poetry. Brianne makes instant connections with her students through creative art activities. This class is a sure fire approach to assist all students in this very essential piece of their education success. We have attended Hopkinson, Lee and this year, virtual classes. This is the fastest and most reliable way to be considered for any of our positions. She earned her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal State Long Beach, and an Ed Specialist Credential from the Orange County Department of Education with English Language Learner and Autism Authorization. Children will make snacks and small dishes using fresh produce from local farmers markets and from garden harvests.
Youth experience a variety of activities aimed at strengthening their learning, character and physical health. 2020 LAEF4KIDS.ORG | All Rights Reserved. Madison is currently a Reading Intervention Teacher at Los Alamitos Elementary School. Spanish students will be exposed to a Spanish language program that engages children to learn through creative activities. It will also increase students ability to become beginners at computer programming. Devin is a motivated educator that has just completed the multiple subject teaching credential program at the California State University of Long Beach. Hilary McGilton is starting her 5th year teaching. She is a teacher in Colorado where shes taught 2nd and 4TH grade. Hilary grew up in Rossmoor; attending Rossmoor Elementary, Oak Middle School and Los Alamitos High School. This is a class for those that are hands-on and interested in modeling and art-making. If you love experimenting thenWelcome to the Laboratory! "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," Luke 2:52. Jasmine has shown an enormous passion for teaching and will be a great asset to becoming part of the team. ", I learned a lot in my art class at SEI. Monik began dancing at the age of 8 in church. Lesli Ayers is happy to be back for her 12th year teaching SEI for LAEF! It satisfies the Health requirement for a high school diploma. The mission of Mighty Oaks Enrichment Center is to provide fun, hands on,supplemental classes to assist families in the home education of their children. Thank you LAEF, we are so grateful to you all for putting together these amazing programs. Please note that each Jumpstart Class is the same in Session 1 and Session 2. She grew up in Long beach and went to schools in Long beach. The course will be completed in sixteen hours. They will also learn language basics such as introductions, colors, animals, and daily activities.. He coaches girls basketball, and is currently working towards earning a masters degree from Concordia University in Education Administration. While attending Los Alamitos High, she accidentally discovered her passion for teaching through an ROP program for preschool teacher assistants.
Using their hands as their voices and their smiles as their emotions, she found her passion for teaching.
Michele has camp counselor experience from the CSULB 49er camp. If you have previously applied to a position on our website, input your e-mail address and password below to login. They are a water polo family and that is what she does most weekends. This summer she will begin the Graduate Program at Chapman University to complete her credentials and MA in Teaching with Elementary Education Emphasis. Join the adventure in Creepy, Crawly, Science. He is currently the head freshman/sophomore basketball coach at Garden Grove High School.
Students will learn how to keep class schedules, upcoming assignments and assessments organized. Jasmine shows compassion towards her students and she is hardworking. Or that wasps make nests out of paper and that a grasshopper breathes out of holes on the sides of his belly? She recently earned her single subject teaching credential in Science. BONUS: mini-unit in cursive writing (to help students read cursive writing and acquire an appropriate signature). The class will cover the primary events, trends and influences of food production and consumption in North America (with a focus on California) from the 1600s through the modern era. ", "The Rights/Wrong class was very informative and my daughter really enjoyed it! Dave teaches PE and Health at LAHS.
2:8-10), The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God Who leads us and guides us into all truths. Young students will have the opportunity to be creative and explore multiple techniques for art expressions. She has also been named All GSAC for her college conference!
This will help students in writing, reading, speaking, and communicating. Chef Ollie will teach children about California food history, agriculture, gardening, cooking and safe food preparation. Children will be required to wear a properly-fitted (family-provided) face mask and practice social distancing while indoors. ", "As a first time kinder mom, I found the class to be a great tool to ensure my son was ready for kinder. Students will encounter daily activities, games, music and movement that will prepare them for TK success. Students will be exposed to the Soundabet phonics program and will engage in developmentally appropriate math activities like counting, number recognition and more! (Weekly fee = $100), Refer a friend who enrolls and receive a free ROC ED summer packet (t-shirt, personalized water bottle, backpack, and one reusable face mask), a $25 value, REGISTRATION FORMS: The best part was doing all the art projects. The ability to work with other people to achieve a goal is an aspect of cheer-leading that carries over into your non-cheer life.
Then join us in Dig It! These skills will be applied while participating in drills and lead-up games. (Eph. math problems with varying number sets and participate in Writers Workshop where they will learn to write, revise, edit and publish their own stories. Students will learn concepts of science that are present in their everyday lives. She is majoring in Liberal Studies in hopes of becoming a Kindergarten teacher! How will my child get to/from SEI? Complete the enrollment form below to be added to this list. Our condensed sessions still allow plenty of time for family summer fun and travel. Michelle is the head coach for the volleyball, basketball and soccer teams. (I John 5:4-7), All men have sinned which makes necessary a rebirth through confession and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ollie is a fully credentialed and highly qualified classroom teacher. She is a proud graduate of Long Beach State and a proud parent of a Los Alamitos High School Graduate. Free to Be Me Performance Academy provides quality performance training in a positive, enthusiastic, nurturing, and embracing environment. She is thrilled to be working with LAEF this summer!. She is a triplet and the youngest of six children. This French class will be using the comprehensive input method. We really love having classes on a virtual platform. Cheer is a sport involving the performance of organized cheering, chanting, and dancing. Youll learn about chemical reactions, acids, bases, the scientific method- everything from brain surgery to rocket science. She is extremely excited to begin teaching with LAEF this summer! Each job description includes a link for applying and submitting your resume to us online.
Students in this upbeat class will learn vocal technique, basic music theory, as well as how to perform a song. We want to provide an environment where students will gain a love for learning. Ollie is excited about teaching for LAEF again this summer! This will help students in writing, reading, speaking, and communicating. Growing up, Sara spent a lot of time at schools helping her Aunt, a teacher. What are the Summer Enrichment Institute policies and procedures? Since she is a collegiate athlete she knows what it takes to get to play college soccer! As a LAHS alumni, the Los Alamitos School District has opened a number of doors for her, and she hopes one day it will help her open the door to my own classroom.
She is learning to apply her imagination and creativity through painting and drawing.
Chloe, a senior at Biola University in La Mirada, CA is from Lemoore, CA.
When she isnt studying you can find her at Disneyland (pre covid) or with her dog, Mr. Sy.. The focus will be technique when passing (bumping), setting, serving, and hitting (spiking)! Students will be learning about different art styles and mediums, and experiment with a wide range of art materials. 2.6 months of math skills are lost over the summer, 2 months of reading skills are lost over the summer, An average of 4-6 weeks of school in the fall is spent re-learning old material, 2 months of subject-focused learning is all it takes to improve specific learning skills. It was so much fun., LAEF is doing great things! (Google form). Children will be required to wear a properly-fitted (family-provided) face mask and practice social distancing while indoors. Michelle prides herself on instilling the importance of good sportsmanship and character in all sports activities. LAEF is the trusted partner through which the community engages with the Los Alamitos Unified School District to measurably improve student achievement results. Have you ever wanted to go on an expedition to find the skeleton of giant T-Rex or make your own dinosaur fossils and eggs and then crack them open to see whats inside? Julie is an upper grade teacher at Rossmoor Elementary School who has been teaching for over 20 years. Nalani has been coaching for over 20 years. She has been a USA Gymnastics professional member and a certified compulsory judge.. Jasmine finished her teaching credential at CSULB in December 2021. In this class, students will acquire basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that will allow them to engage in basic and daily conversations in Spanish. Our goal is to encourage, support and help equip each student as they seek that purpose and develop their skills to fulfill Gods plan for their lives. She will be graduating this May with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Disability Studies. Dave graduated from CSULB with a BA in Human Development and a MA in Education. She took this opportunity to get involved with students with disabilities and is currently an Instructional Assistant in Special Education at LAHS. This fall, her son will begin his junior year at UCLA as a history major and looks forward to being a high school teacher in the near future.
Not only does he love to cook and eat, but he also loves learning about all things food, including its history and evolution, its diversity, and the way it profoundly influences our daily lives. In addition, students will come to understand how comics began while learning different events in history and science in which they have been used. The class will cover the primary events, trends and influences of food production and consumption in North America (with a focus on California) from the 1600s through the modern era. They will participate in various writing activities with an emphasis on sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. She cooked in Spain and Rome while completing her undergraduate work; and traveled extensively throughout Italy, Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii and Europe. The compassion and wholeheartedness she has toward educating children is a huge component as to why she wants to become an elementary school teacher. LAEF offers opportunities for quality enrichment programs, both those typically offered during the school year and courses that encourage students to expand their interests, while still reinforcing reading and often incorporating math skills. SEI also offers courses for high school graduation credit on-campus at LAHS and online. Jerry is the founder of Red Zone Threat Management and travels nationally and internationally teaching seminars to members of the DEA, Local Law Enforcement, and civilians on the topic of personal protection. Melodie graduated from Hope International University in Fullerton with a B.A. The Summer Enrichment Institute (SEI) offers fun, engaging and educational courses designed to keep our LAUSD students entertained during the summerand your children (students entering Kindergarten through 12th grade) will absolutely love it! (Pro Care Connect)
She has also won championships in girls basketball/soccer in 2017 and volleyball in 2018. Students meet at a designated spot and are accompanied on the bus by an adult supervisor to locations. Of course she couldnt stay away from California for too long so she is back here for the summer. If youre an Incoming 6th grader, this class will help ease the transition into middle school. character choice, word choice, and the purpose in which they write. She received her bachelors degree in Liberal Studies with a minor in education in 2021.
My child was excited to share what she learned and thought the class was fun. And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so that in everything he might have the supremacy. He is also the Head Coach of Girls Volleyball. Students will learn how to use, create, and save a word document and a PowerPoint presentation. Sonya has been teaching voice, musical theater, and dance for the past eleven years.
In her spare time she enjoys cooking with her family, creating cheese plates, caring for a baby California desert tortoise and Zucca the puppy (Italian for squash). Jasmine is a substitute teacher at Savanna School District and Los Alamitos School District. After working in television news and law enforcement, Hilary decided her real passion was teaching. She received her masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Colorado Christian University.
Students will encounter daily activities that will prepare them for first grade success. Students will participate in C.G.I.
She joined Plaza Production One team in September 2006. Cheer-leading teaches teamwork. She hopes to continue to get involved in the Los Alamitos School District as she is an alumni from Weaver Elementary, McAuliffe Middle School, and Los Alamitos High School.Yesenia Quezada is confident that her educational background at Chapman University has well prepared her for the next step into her career as a school teacher. She is professional and highly trained in a wide array of artistic mediums. This was a life changing experience for her because it was then she realized she wanted to become a teacher. Jasmine is proficient in communication with teachers and students.
Students will do daily stretches and a warm up activity. Next, they will get into a sports lesson including skills, drills, and game play. Cool down stretches to conclude the day.. She spent 15 years working with teachers on professional development and implementing digital resources in their classroom. For the past year, Emily has been an Intervention Counselor working with students from McAuliffe, Oak, and Los Alamitos High School. Emily has a long history with Los Alamitos Unified as she and her husband attended school in Los Al, her mother taught at McGaugh and her three children attend school in Los Alamitos Unified. Emily has worked with Los Al graduates this year to adjust to online college, register for classes, declare majors, and helped them navigate financial aid and transfer guidelines. !, It was a privilege to join SEI as an educator this last summer, because it was a chance to teach subjects that I love and are close to my heart: Jump Start First Grade and Poetry. Brianne makes instant connections with her students through creative art activities. This class is a sure fire approach to assist all students in this very essential piece of their education success. We have attended Hopkinson, Lee and this year, virtual classes. This is the fastest and most reliable way to be considered for any of our positions. She earned her Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal State Long Beach, and an Ed Specialist Credential from the Orange County Department of Education with English Language Learner and Autism Authorization. Children will make snacks and small dishes using fresh produce from local farmers markets and from garden harvests.
Youth experience a variety of activities aimed at strengthening their learning, character and physical health. 2020 LAEF4KIDS.ORG | All Rights Reserved. Madison is currently a Reading Intervention Teacher at Los Alamitos Elementary School. Spanish students will be exposed to a Spanish language program that engages children to learn through creative activities. It will also increase students ability to become beginners at computer programming. Devin is a motivated educator that has just completed the multiple subject teaching credential program at the California State University of Long Beach. Hilary McGilton is starting her 5th year teaching. She is a teacher in Colorado where shes taught 2nd and 4TH grade. Hilary grew up in Rossmoor; attending Rossmoor Elementary, Oak Middle School and Los Alamitos High School. This is a class for those that are hands-on and interested in modeling and art-making. If you love experimenting thenWelcome to the Laboratory! "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man," Luke 2:52. Jasmine has shown an enormous passion for teaching and will be a great asset to becoming part of the team. ", I learned a lot in my art class at SEI. Monik began dancing at the age of 8 in church. Lesli Ayers is happy to be back for her 12th year teaching SEI for LAEF! It satisfies the Health requirement for a high school diploma. The mission of Mighty Oaks Enrichment Center is to provide fun, hands on,supplemental classes to assist families in the home education of their children. Thank you LAEF, we are so grateful to you all for putting together these amazing programs. Please note that each Jumpstart Class is the same in Session 1 and Session 2. She grew up in Long beach and went to schools in Long beach. The course will be completed in sixteen hours. They will also learn language basics such as introductions, colors, animals, and daily activities.. He coaches girls basketball, and is currently working towards earning a masters degree from Concordia University in Education Administration. While attending Los Alamitos High, she accidentally discovered her passion for teaching through an ROP program for preschool teacher assistants.
Using their hands as their voices and their smiles as their emotions, she found her passion for teaching.
Michele has camp counselor experience from the CSULB 49er camp. If you have previously applied to a position on our website, input your e-mail address and password below to login. They are a water polo family and that is what she does most weekends. This summer she will begin the Graduate Program at Chapman University to complete her credentials and MA in Teaching with Elementary Education Emphasis. Join the adventure in Creepy, Crawly, Science. He is currently the head freshman/sophomore basketball coach at Garden Grove High School.
Students will learn how to keep class schedules, upcoming assignments and assessments organized. Jasmine shows compassion towards her students and she is hardworking. Or that wasps make nests out of paper and that a grasshopper breathes out of holes on the sides of his belly? She recently earned her single subject teaching credential in Science. BONUS: mini-unit in cursive writing (to help students read cursive writing and acquire an appropriate signature). The class will cover the primary events, trends and influences of food production and consumption in North America (with a focus on California) from the 1600s through the modern era. ", "The Rights/Wrong class was very informative and my daughter really enjoyed it! Dave teaches PE and Health at LAHS.
2:8-10), The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God Who leads us and guides us into all truths. Young students will have the opportunity to be creative and explore multiple techniques for art expressions. She has also been named All GSAC for her college conference!
This will help students in writing, reading, speaking, and communicating. Chef Ollie will teach children about California food history, agriculture, gardening, cooking and safe food preparation. Children will be required to wear a properly-fitted (family-provided) face mask and practice social distancing while indoors. ", "As a first time kinder mom, I found the class to be a great tool to ensure my son was ready for kinder. Students will encounter daily activities, games, music and movement that will prepare them for TK success. Students will be exposed to the Soundabet phonics program and will engage in developmentally appropriate math activities like counting, number recognition and more! (Weekly fee = $100), Refer a friend who enrolls and receive a free ROC ED summer packet (t-shirt, personalized water bottle, backpack, and one reusable face mask), a $25 value, REGISTRATION FORMS: The best part was doing all the art projects. The ability to work with other people to achieve a goal is an aspect of cheer-leading that carries over into your non-cheer life.
Then join us in Dig It! These skills will be applied while participating in drills and lead-up games. (Eph. math problems with varying number sets and participate in Writers Workshop where they will learn to write, revise, edit and publish their own stories. Students will learn concepts of science that are present in their everyday lives. She is majoring in Liberal Studies in hopes of becoming a Kindergarten teacher! How will my child get to/from SEI? Complete the enrollment form below to be added to this list. Our condensed sessions still allow plenty of time for family summer fun and travel. Michelle is the head coach for the volleyball, basketball and soccer teams. (I John 5:4-7), All men have sinned which makes necessary a rebirth through confession and belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. Ollie is a fully credentialed and highly qualified classroom teacher. She is a proud graduate of Long Beach State and a proud parent of a Los Alamitos High School Graduate. Free to Be Me Performance Academy provides quality performance training in a positive, enthusiastic, nurturing, and embracing environment. She is thrilled to be working with LAEF this summer!. She is a triplet and the youngest of six children. This French class will be using the comprehensive input method. We really love having classes on a virtual platform. Cheer is a sport involving the performance of organized cheering, chanting, and dancing. Youll learn about chemical reactions, acids, bases, the scientific method- everything from brain surgery to rocket science. She is extremely excited to begin teaching with LAEF this summer! Each job description includes a link for applying and submitting your resume to us online.
Students in this upbeat class will learn vocal technique, basic music theory, as well as how to perform a song. We want to provide an environment where students will gain a love for learning. Ollie is excited about teaching for LAEF again this summer! This will help students in writing, reading, speaking, and communicating. Growing up, Sara spent a lot of time at schools helping her Aunt, a teacher. What are the Summer Enrichment Institute policies and procedures? Since she is a collegiate athlete she knows what it takes to get to play college soccer! As a LAHS alumni, the Los Alamitos School District has opened a number of doors for her, and she hopes one day it will help her open the door to my own classroom.
She is learning to apply her imagination and creativity through painting and drawing.
Chloe, a senior at Biola University in La Mirada, CA is from Lemoore, CA.
When she isnt studying you can find her at Disneyland (pre covid) or with her dog, Mr. Sy.. The focus will be technique when passing (bumping), setting, serving, and hitting (spiking)! Students will be learning about different art styles and mediums, and experiment with a wide range of art materials. 2.6 months of math skills are lost over the summer, 2 months of reading skills are lost over the summer, An average of 4-6 weeks of school in the fall is spent re-learning old material, 2 months of subject-focused learning is all it takes to improve specific learning skills. It was so much fun., LAEF is doing great things! (Google form). Children will be required to wear a properly-fitted (family-provided) face mask and practice social distancing while indoors. Michelle prides herself on instilling the importance of good sportsmanship and character in all sports activities. LAEF is the trusted partner through which the community engages with the Los Alamitos Unified School District to measurably improve student achievement results. Have you ever wanted to go on an expedition to find the skeleton of giant T-Rex or make your own dinosaur fossils and eggs and then crack them open to see whats inside? Julie is an upper grade teacher at Rossmoor Elementary School who has been teaching for over 20 years. Nalani has been coaching for over 20 years. She has been a USA Gymnastics professional member and a certified compulsory judge.. Jasmine finished her teaching credential at CSULB in December 2021. In this class, students will acquire basic vocabulary and grammatical structures that will allow them to engage in basic and daily conversations in Spanish. Our goal is to encourage, support and help equip each student as they seek that purpose and develop their skills to fulfill Gods plan for their lives. She will be graduating this May with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Disability Studies. Dave graduated from CSULB with a BA in Human Development and a MA in Education. She took this opportunity to get involved with students with disabilities and is currently an Instructional Assistant in Special Education at LAHS. This fall, her son will begin his junior year at UCLA as a history major and looks forward to being a high school teacher in the near future.
Not only does he love to cook and eat, but he also loves learning about all things food, including its history and evolution, its diversity, and the way it profoundly influences our daily lives. In addition, students will come to understand how comics began while learning different events in history and science in which they have been used. The class will cover the primary events, trends and influences of food production and consumption in North America (with a focus on California) from the 1600s through the modern era. They will participate in various writing activities with an emphasis on sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. She cooked in Spain and Rome while completing her undergraduate work; and traveled extensively throughout Italy, Costa Rica, Mexico, Hawaii and Europe. The compassion and wholeheartedness she has toward educating children is a huge component as to why she wants to become an elementary school teacher. LAEF offers opportunities for quality enrichment programs, both those typically offered during the school year and courses that encourage students to expand their interests, while still reinforcing reading and often incorporating math skills. SEI also offers courses for high school graduation credit on-campus at LAHS and online. Jerry is the founder of Red Zone Threat Management and travels nationally and internationally teaching seminars to members of the DEA, Local Law Enforcement, and civilians on the topic of personal protection. Melodie graduated from Hope International University in Fullerton with a B.A. The Summer Enrichment Institute (SEI) offers fun, engaging and educational courses designed to keep our LAUSD students entertained during the summerand your children (students entering Kindergarten through 12th grade) will absolutely love it! (Pro Care Connect)
She has also won championships in girls basketball/soccer in 2017 and volleyball in 2018. Students meet at a designated spot and are accompanied on the bus by an adult supervisor to locations. Of course she couldnt stay away from California for too long so she is back here for the summer. If youre an Incoming 6th grader, this class will help ease the transition into middle school. character choice, word choice, and the purpose in which they write. She received her bachelors degree in Liberal Studies with a minor in education in 2021.