priorities of displaced youth in mozambique

This has further compounded the economic difficulties in the region and tension within communities., TV SURDO: Improving Inclusive Information and Advocacy. Approximately 63% of men aged 15-49 are circumcised (up from 51% in 2009), although there is significant variation across the nations 11 provinces, with low circumcision rates and high HIV prevalence observed in the southern and central regions of the country. Agriculture is the backbone of Mozambiques economy with more than 80% of the population employed in this sector, 90% of those being women. Over the past several years, USAID/Mozambique has managed development assistance activities designed to achieve a wide-ranging set of results in the areas of health; agriculture, environment, and business; education; and democracy, human rights, and governance.

It also aligns with three of the Banks High five priorities; Improve the Quality of Life of Africans, Industrialize Africa, and Feed Africa.

Few girls finish primary school (46%), even fewer finish secondary school (22%), and 56% of women are illiterate (upwards of 70% in rural areas). Mozambique has made remarkable progress expanding access to primary education. Only 16 percent of the countrys 36 million hectares of arable land is currently under cultivation. The number of people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) has increased from 914,000 in 2016 to approximately 1,600,000 in 2021, and new policies to strengthen the human resource capacity in the health sector, including shifting HIV care and treatment functions to clinical officers and nurses, were introduced. The project's beneficiaries are refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, and their host communities in Nampula and Cabo Delgado provinces, particularly women and youth. Additionally, over 90% of Mozambicans live over a one hour walk from a primary health care center. Viable Sweet Potato Technologies in Africa (VISTA). Mozambique Smallholder Farmer Production and Productivity Activity (MSFPPA). Sofala Province has one of the highest HIV prevalence rates in the country at 16.3% and the highest early sexual debut (< 15 years old) rate in Africa at 28%. As a result, less than 5% of students demonstrate the desired grade-level reading proficiency by grade 3.

Integrated HIV Prevention and Health Services for Key and Priority Populations (PASSOS), According to UNAIDS (2014), as many as 30 percent of newly HIV-infected people in Mozambique are female sex workers (FSW), their customers, or their regular partners. Despite some recent progress at the facility level, significant gaps remain in terms of access to quality diagnosis, treatment and care. The NSR is also home to 40,000 people, who depend on its natural resources for their livelihoods. During the last 35 years there were 75 declared disasters in Mozambique consisting of 13 drought events, 25 floods, 14 tropical cyclones and 23 epidemics (Instituto Nacional de Gestao de Calamidades, 2016). An additional challenge is making sure the results of these important tests are returned to health care providers and patients so that the patients care is properly managed. ?~y.E&D^"+?FZdFu oV"? Wildlife crime is threatening both the black and white rhino and elephant populations in the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation area (GLTFCA), a transboundary area bordering Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Since only 1 in 10 Mozambican children speak Portuguese at home, providing bilingual education in early grades is critical to improving reading. Combined, these factors result in weak performance and eventually failure. Mozambiques agricultural sector comprises an overwhelming majority of smallholder farmers. Expanding finance for viable water service providers to enable investment in improved service for safe and affordable water supply.Beyond the urban core of Maputo and other larger urban centers, where water supply is the responsibility of the Water Supply Asset and Investment Fund (FIPAG), Mozambique has active local private water service providers known as Fornecedores Privados de Agua or FPAs, distinguished by the fact that they are many and operate small to medium sized piped networks. By building local capacity to plan, finance, and implement solutions to Mozambiques development challenges, USAID will help ensure the sustainability of development initiatives and will broaden the partner base for future initiatives., The U.S. Bureau of the Census has an existing Interagency Agreement with USAID at the global level to provide technical assistance to National Statistical Organizations in the preparation, implementation, analysis and dissemination of national population and housing censuses.. Malaria is considered the most important public health problem in Mozambique. Neonatal complications or infection, malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and HIV/AIDS account for more than 80 percent of all deaths of children under five in the country, with malnutrition as a contributing factor in 35 percent of children deaths. , Strengthening Family and Community Support to Orphans and Vulnerable Children Program, FCC Fora Comunidade e s Crianas, With over 60% of Mozambicans living below or just above the poverty line, regular shocks leave most of the population at risk of becoming poor or sinking deeper into poverty. It accounts for nearly one third of all deaths and 42% of deaths in children less than five years old. We are disturbed by the targeting of children in this conflict, and horrific reports of grave violations against children including killing and maiming, abduction, recruitment and use, and sexual violence especially against adolescent girls. However, as in much of the developing world, the major causes of under-five deaths are pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Further, even where demand exists, low-capacity and poorly functioning systems fail to deliver a supply of high-quality inputs and services to the rural farmer.

UNHCR Representative in Mozambique Samuel Chakwera said: It is key to provide solutions for refugees, asylum-seekers and IDPs and do so in a way that also benefits the communities that host them. mBBbSqoq6. The country is largely dependent on agriculture (mostly subsistence-based with small family farms) and is vulnerable to drought and natural disasters. This means investing in more diverse livelihood opportunities and the capacity to address shared challenges.. Palladium and its partners support Mozambican partners and stakeholders to improve the enabling environment for HIV, Family Planning and Reproductive Health (FP/RH), and maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH) and the Palladium/Health Policy Project (HPP), 2010 2015 collaborated with USAID and the Mozambican Ministry of Health (MISAU) on a program that supported costing of Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) programs., Demographic and Health Survey Support (DHS-8), The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program is USAIDs primary implementation mechanism for demographic and health data collection. Cabo Delgado, Mozambiques northernmost province, has enormous economic potential, including a coastline attractive to tourism and natural gas reserves that could make it a leading natural gas exporter. Only slightly more than one-third of students have obtained a basic level of reading, writing and math prior to leaving school. Yet its 3.2 million residents are faced with high youth unemployment, poor access to education, especially for young women, and high rates of early marriage and gender-based violence. The water services coverage rate in small towns is at around 20 percent, 14 percent with hand pumps and 6 percent piped water, often neither functioning. Delayed testing and results often mean delayed care and treatment. The situation in Cabo Delgado province, Northern Mozambique has seriously deteriorated over the past 12 months, with the escalation of armed conflict and attacks on villages and district capital towns, leading to significant civilian casualties and grave violations against children. Many young orphans are obligated to live with distant family members, work to generate income and, sometimes, abandon their studies. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) offers a promising pathway to sustainable intensification of agriculture and increased farm productivity, income and resilience for smallholder farming families. In addition to having religious significance, MC often serves as a rite of passage to adulthood and is performed as part of adolescent initiation rites. Latest figures indicate that HIV/AIDS prevalence in Mozambique is 13%, with 29% prevalence among orphans aged 15-17, and almost 40,000 AIDS related deaths in 2015. Contudo, a capacidade dos SPS e DPS em todas as provncias em geral, no suficientemente elevada para implementar na ntegra as intervenes sanitrias necessrias para comunicar dados adequados, ou para desenvolver planos estratgicos. USAID agriculture focused programs use a value chain approach to strengthen the agribusiness sector through improved linkages between smallholder farmers and large commercial agribusinesses, processors, and traders. Medicines, Technologies and Pharmaceutical Services (MTAPS).

Mozambique has made important progress in strengthening its pharmaceutical systems and improving access to life-saving medicines including antiretroviral therapy in recent years. . USAIDs family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) program aims to: 1) increase access to a wide range of modern contraceptive methods and high quality services for postpartum women, HIV positive women and adolescents, high parity women, and post-abortion care women at both community and facility levels; 2) increase demand for modern contraceptive methods and high quality FP/RH services; 3) strengthen social behavior change communication interventions; and, 4) strengthen FP/RH systems in strategic planning, human resources, financial systems, commodities, and supply chain management. As a result, the Mozambican Ministry of Agriculture and Food security (MASA), in partnership with FAO, would like to build its capacity to improve service delivery to farmers to counter the climatic and pest/disease challenges facing them. IFPP will focus on young people and smart integration of FP into other services., Support to the National Council to Combat HIV/AIDS (CNCS G2G).

Many studies have found strong associations between aflatoxin exposure and stunted fetal, infant, and child growth, thus providing evidence for the first criterion for causality. Streptococcus pneumoniae is the leading cause of bacterial pneumonia and a major cause of meningitis, sepsis, and ear infections among children in developing countries. Data generated by these surveys enables countries to identify and prioritize development targets, monitor progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and measure the impact of programming at the population level., Integrated Family Planning Program (IFPP), High fertility rates present a serious health threat in Mozambique, with the total fertility rate varying from 4 to 8 with an average of 6 children per woman (DHS 2011). Recent gains in these rates have been seen since USAID VMMC began in 2019, but more work is needed to reach the goal of 80 percent of the target population.

Corn-Soy Blend plus (CSB+) is the supplementary food used for treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) in the areas of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, support of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC), and support to people living with HIV/AIDS. In 2018, there were over 1,800 FPAs across the country with the majority concentrated in the greater Maputo area (58%).

Reducing child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) will enhance girls freedoms and life options, keep them connected to and supported by their families and peers, and break cycles of poverty.

The disease accounts for nearly 30 percent of all deaths and is especially lethal for children under five. Buzi, Dondo, Nhamatanda and Caia districts all have high population, poverty and orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) rates, with at least one-fifth of residents classified as OVC. The project will be implemented by the global refugee agency UNHCR, collaborating with the Government of Mozambique. Many of the smaller local private companies are well-positioned to do this work, but currently lack the technical and management expertise to effectively take on this critical function. The health supply chain in particular has struggled to keep up with the growing and increasingly complex demands of the health system. The Ministry of Health, CMAM (Center for Drugs and Medical Supplies), and the Provincial Health Directorate (DPS) in Zambezia are central to the work. Additionally, in this complex context, with short and long-term risks and underlying causes of the crisis, we believe that a humanitarian-development-peace nexus approach could help to address the roots of conflict, reduce vulnerabilities, and promote gender equality. Often these are the most vulnerable populations. Besides infrastructure shortages, there is a lack in human resources capability to execute full technical competence and quality management., Global Health Supply Chain - Procurement and Supply Management (PSM), Mozambiques health system has improved over the last several decades, but the gains are not enough to effectively manage the significant health challenges facing the country. We are particularly concerned at the risks facing displaced girls related to their exposure to gender-based violence and sexual exploitation, as well as their lack of access to reproductive health services, and private, safe, and clean hygiene spaces. Malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis continue to have serious impacts on the health of the country. The supply chain also lacks end-to-end visibility in the logistics management information systems (LMIS). Nearly 12 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa have lost one or both parents to AIDS. Other technical partners include Bollor Transport & Logistics, ThinkWell and Nichols Group LLC. Women and persons with disabilities face particular difficulties, including gender biases and accessibility issues.. Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism and Services (MMEMS). All these diseases are both preventable and treatable. Cabo Delgado, Mozambiques northernmost province, has enormous economic potential including natural gas reserves that could make it a leading natural gas exporter and a coastline attractive to tourism. Despite significant investments by the Government of Mozambique, USAID, and other donors, cases continue to increase, even accounting for improved reporting. While all youth need to develop key skills and behaviors to help them transition successfully into adulthood, youth who have experienced trauma and who lack supportive parenting to help them transition into productive, healthy and engaged adults benefit from additional supports such as having positive relationships and adult role models. Countries where property rights are perceived as insecure are less attractive for investors and more reliant on donor funding. IMaP will achieve this goal through three objectives:. Mozambicans, especially in the high-transmission north and center, continue to be stricken with malaria. However, Mozambique ranks 135th (out of 190 countries) in the World Banks 2019 Doing Business Report and is not keeping pace with other countries in implementing reforms. Three randomized clinical trials showed that male circumcision (MC) reduces female to male HIV transmission by approximately 60%. An estimated 826,000 children less than 5 years of age die of pneumococcal disease worldwide each year and most of these children live in developing countries. By bolstering co-management, law enforcement, and community-based natural resources management, the recent conservation successes - such as zero elephants poached since May 2018 - can be expanded to include similar successes in fire management, stopping illegal resource extraction and other direct threats to biodiversity and natural capital in the long term. Malnutrition is an underlying cause in almost half of child deaths and a persistent barrier to economic growth, with countries in Africa and Asia losing up to 11% of their gross domestic product each year because of malnutrition. Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) has historically been a priority for the Mozambique Ministry of Health (MOH), however the VMMC program has consistently not met goals particularly among males 15-29. Preventing, Testing, Treating, and Tracking Malaria, The Mozambique Integrated Malaria Program (IMaP) is a five-year USAID-funded project implemented by Chemonics International that will contribute to reducing malaria mortality, morbidity, and parasitemia in four high malaria burden provinces (Cabo Delgado, Nampula, Tete, and Zambzia). In its efforts to provide quality health services to its citizens, the Government of Mozambique and USAID are partnering with VillageReach to design and implement a streamlined and effective last mile supply chain system. Despite gains made in scaling up access to Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART), Mozambique has not yet achieved epidemic control. Agricultural development is the key to reducing poverty. Micronutrient deficiencies are widespread: 69 percent of children under 5 are anemic, and 74 percent of children under 5 are vitamin A deficient, with negative impacts on growth, immunity and development. Addressing the needs of displaced girls and young women must be at the heart of the UNSG's Action Agenda for Internal Displacement. USAID OLIPIHANA (Support Each Other) in Cabo Delgado. There is also a high unmet need for family planning (FP) with 46% of women that express a desire to limit or space pregnancy not using any form of contraception. Community-based HIV Services for The Southern Region- N'WETI. The prevalence of HIV in Mozambique is 12% among adults 15 to 49 years old with substantial variation in regional prevalence rates ranging from 25% to 3.7%. Yet, despite recent decades of investments in food security and nutrition, the prevalence of malnutrition remains high and its social and economic effects continue to hinder Mozambiques progress., USAID Local Empowerment to Advance Development (USAID LEAD), Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a significant role in providing quality social services to citizens in every country. IMASIDA data indicate that Mozambique is still challenged by a generalized HIV epidemic.

This popup will be triggered by a user clicking something on the page. Extreme poverty and the HIV/AIDS epidemic have contributed to the precarious status of women and girls in the country. USAID Advancing Nutrition This contributes to limiting access to care for people in need.

CSA is not new to Mozambique, but uptake has been slow due to various demand- and supply-side challenges. The abundance and diversity of wildlife, decimated by decades of civil strife and poaching, has been restored alongside ecotourism and community infrastructure.

In an area roughly the size of Switzerland, the NSR harbors the largest intact miombo woodland and some of Mozambiques most significant population of lions, elephants, leopards, and wild dogs. The lack of access to financial capital for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and to competitive financial services tailored to agricultural production and agri-businesses act as barriers to overcoming these challenges. Laboratory infrastructure did not allow microbiological tests to be performed due to the inability to create sterile testing areas; which subsequently limits the ability of laboratories to perform common tests for injectables and other medicines requiring microbiological tests, of which there is great public health concern.