These terms apply to all lessons, classes, courses, and options offered by iD Tech (hereinafter referred to individually as Program or collectively Programs). The possibilities are endless, but oftentimes for kids, there is no set road map to those possibilities. In a way, the Bay Area already has our kids in training for STEM-related jobs of the future. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA).XII. Leaving the program or residence hall without permission and appropriate supervision is a violation of our conduct policy. RIT - Animation & Software Engineering, Instructor at:
Ages 5-16. or call us with questions at (650) 638-0500. I acknowledge that I have read the MITnet Rules of Use ( and understand my obligations as a user of MIT computer services and technology and as a participant in iD Tech programs. "duration": "PT7M14S" The program may decide to pass along damage expenses to the student. No specific outcomes are promised or guaranteed. The skills I honed at iD Tech ledme to become an engineer at Amazon then Airbnb.". At our discretion, we may include or offer third-party websites, products, and services on iD Sites & Services. Therefore, students may interact and/or room with a student that is within this age range including 18 or 19 years old. Land lines are being phased out of residence halls due to the prevailing use of cell phones by our students. BCA provides a smooth on-ramp for beginners, and deep explorations for advanced programmers. This authorization is given in advance of any required care to empower a representative or other official of Caltech or iD Tech Camp to give consent for such treatment as the physician may deem advisable. Please Note: We are sorry, but there are no refunds or reduction in fees for days missed due to illness, absence, last-minute vacations/trips, change in family circumstances during camp sessions, suspension or dismissal. This Release is made on the undersigned date by and between the undersigned (or if a child under 18 years of age, on behalf of the child by the child's parent or legal guardian) and the Town of Westlake/Westlake Academy. Our camps are designed to engage and challenge students. Refer a family who has never attended a Celsius camp before and receive either a credit of $75 off a future camp or a refund of $30 per referral that signs up and pays for a 2022 Summer Camp. Nonetheless, I assume all related risks, both known or unknown to me, of my participation in this Activity, including travel to, from and during the Activity. stimulating challenges for all. Thousands of students from 20 countries have joined our camps. Your participant's use of the social networking sites with which iD Tech is affiliated, their services, and/or Content and Member Submissions, is at your sole risk and discretion and iD Tech hereby disclaims any and all liability to you or any third party relating thereto. I agree that I have read through, understand, and agree that I and my student will be held to the Code of Conduct set forth below. For over 17 years, Destination Science has been committed to developing an intrinsic love of learning in children. Students who endanger themselves or others, or who continue to commit violations after having been warned, will be sent home. If you are the parent or guardian of a child user, please advise your child of the risks of posting personal information on this iD Sites & Services or any other site.VII. If the identification is lost, a replacement may be obtained at the front desk or from a staff member. For your security, your credit card security number is not stored in our system. We reserve the right to monitor the content of the forums and chat rooms. YoungWonks ~ Pleasanton and On-Line YoungWonks is a WASC Accredited Coding and Engineering program for kids and teens, well known for teaching from beginner to advanced Computer Science. All program participants, students, must abide by our rules and regulations regardless of age.
We use these technologies to keep track of how you are using our iD Sites & Services and to remember certain pieces of general information. We introduce campers to the captivating world of STEM so they can explore programs centered around robotics, antigravity laws and more. Come have a blast with BrainVyne! Students taking four or more SAT preparatory lessons are eligible to receive a $100 refund upon demonstrating a 100 point increase to their SAT test scores as compared to a prior PSAT or SAT. ON BEHALF OF MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD, I, THE PARENT/GUARDIAN, IN EXCHANGE FOR THE RIGHT OF MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD TO PARTICIPATE IN ID TECH PROGRAM(S), HEREBY RELEASE INTERNALDRIVE, INC., ITS OWNERS, AGENTS, PARTNERS, FACILITY PROVIDERS AND EMPLOYEES FROM LIABILITY (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED UPON NEGLIGENCE) FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES OR INJURIES TO MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD OR DAMAGE OF ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY.
The program is neither sponsored, controlled, nor supervised by MIT and is under the sole sponsorship and supervision of the program organizer, iD Tech Camps. iD Tech reserves the right to take action to remove any content deemed inappropriate by the sites or by iD Tech standards. I hereby certify and agree that my child/student has my approval to participate in the iD Tech program (hereinafter "the Activity") to be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. Most science camps utilize fun learning activities and frequent play or socialization breaks to strike a balance between academics and summer fun. Protecting the privacy of children is paramount. But, besides the growth and innovation sweeping by us in Silicon Valley and the rest of the Bay Area, kids need a way to approach learning that they understand and that does serve to spark their interest. ], It is my responsibility and choice to obtain any required or recommended immunizations suggested by these agencies for the Participant in a timely manner prior to the Participant's participation with the Group. Governing Law and Venue. Call 1-888-709-8324 or +1 408-871-3700 (international), Monday through Friday
5am-6pm Pacific Time
Transferring sessions is subject to availability.
Some programs may use wristbands. We may limit your ability to make changes (such as registering for a different course or changing attendance dates) and/or cancel a Program. Students learn Holographic AR coding, STEM, AI, 3D modeling, 2D/3D game development, animation, design thinking, Space Exploration, Nature Exploration, digital art and more. Construction and Scope of Agreement. Advanced payments (prior to start of camp) for all Extended Care are $15 per hour, or $75 per week for all 5 days of either AM or PM care.
For Zelle payments, please use our email address (Hello at CelsiusandBeyond dot com). Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct or engaging in actions or attitudes that seem to be harmful to the atmosphere, other participants, or staff, in the opinion of iD Tech can lead to removal from a Program or Program(s). To this end, the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. Sensitive data is encrypted on our iD Sites & Services and when stored on the servers.XIV. For Safety and Security reasons, iD Tech will video record every session. SMU - Masters in Game Design, "The spirit of innovation and creativity I felt around my students while teaching Unity led me toward my career as a professional game designer. By agreeing to a payment plan or Subscription, you are authorizing iD Tech to auto charge the credit card on file as agreed at the time of purchase and as set out on the My Account billing page. I also acknowledge that upon staff observation of my student during the Advising Session, they may determine that the program is not a suitable and/or productive environment for my student. Except when legally required, we are not able to provide copies of videos. By the end, students can show off their skills by competing in our Autonomous Racing Tournament and take their robots home! The possibilities are endless, but oftentimes for kids, there is no set road map to those possibilities. Berkeley Coding Academy ~ Berkeley Berkeley Coding Academy teaches Python Programming, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning to students ages 12-14, 15-18. Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the sites in which iD Tech has created a forum ("Group"). YoungWonks students have won national and international level technology competitions, gotten into leading tech internships like NASA and Johns Hopkins, and been admitted to leading tech universities like MIT. In return for My Child's participation in the Activity: I fully and forever RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS and COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, including its governing board, officers, employees, students, agents and volunteers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, or injuries, including death, that may be sustained while participating in this activity, including but not limited to travel to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. For 23years, our family company has ensured the highest standards for our staff: The hottest software and hardware Identification is required. I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. Participant understands and agrees that the Event and any related activities may be dangerous, may involve travel, and that neither the Event nor Stanford can guarantee the safety of Participant. At Camp Galileo, pre-K rising 10th graders engage in hands-on, STEAM-based learning that helps them create a bright future. In return for My Child's participation in the Activity: I fully and forever RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS and COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Washington University in St. Louis, including its governing board, officers, employees, students, agents and volunteers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, or injuries, including death, that may be sustained while participating in this activity, including but not limited to travel to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. I allow Participant to participate in this Activity. Counselors will assist students with urgent telephone needs. Destination Science currently offers in-person STEM camps. We will not individually provide the information your child provided.IX. Held at select campus locations Weeklong. On behalf of your participant(s), you agree they will not give their social networking information to an iD Tech staff member. Early morning extended care from 8am to 9am. Here, they are making new friends and forging imaginative partnerships, they are awakened by traditions that help inform our past and our future, and they are stretching the borders of that uncertain roadmap with diverse activities that call on their creativity, their teamwork, their physical energy, and their interpersonal compassion. The room must be left in the same condition as it was during move in. Participant Release and Indemnification Agreement. For your convenience, you may have us bill you or you can pay for your orders by credit card. From helping children learn counting and patterns to advanced applications in computer programming and engineering, LEGOs are one of STEMs greatest assets. Participant is a voluntary participant in this Event. Great instructors, small classes! Please reference the Terms and Conditions for a specific Program (linked above) for the rules and restrictions for changes and cancellations for that Program.VII. Changes to a class start date, subject, or time can be made either through your My Account, or by calling Customer Service at least 72 hours prior to the start date of the class. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. You agree that you and your participant will not use the social networking sites to offer, display, distribute, transmit, route, provide connections to, or store any material that infringes copyrighted works, trademarks, or service marks or otherwise violates or promotes the violation of the intellectual property rights of any third party.
Discount is calculated automatically by the system. We do not knowingly permit anyone under 13 years of age to provide us with personal information without obtaining a parent's or guardians verifiable consent, except where: If we receive the verifiable consent of a child's parent or guardian to collect, use, and/or disclose the child's information, we will only collect, use, and disclose the information as described in this privacy statement. Payment Plan and Subscription payments are due in the amounts and on the dates established and set forth during the registration process and on the My Account billing page. I Agree that iD Tech has the right to refuse service. We havein-personcamp locations throughout the Bay Area/Northern California, including: Destination Science offers kids 5 to 11 the chance to experience science like never before. "uploadDate": "2013-10-23",
Participant agrees to be solely responsible for payment in full of all costs of medical or emergency care she/he may receive. use this service, or materials provided as part of this service for illegal or immoral activity; share session information with third-parties, without permission from instructor; display pornography or any inappropriate material (including sexual content, inappropriate violence, racism, bullying, etc.) No changes can be made within 24 hours of the lesson start time. Before you provide additional information to third party providers, we encourage you to review their privacy policies and information collection practices.3. We were chosen as a Best Tech Camp, Best Day Camp, and Best LEGO Camp from. Certificates/vouchers are valid until the specified expiration date, without exception. It is my express intent that this agreement shall bind the members of my family, my heirs and assigns. Inc. All rights reserved. Questions should be addressed to Reservations are not confirmed without payment received. The camp is neither sponsored, controlled, nor supervised by Davidson College, but rather is under the sole sponsorship and supervision of the camp owner, iD Tech Camps. Name of the Program Located between San Jose and San Francisco, this location is a convenient, inspiring option for Bay Area and out-of-town students. We also use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol on your account information and registration pages to protect sensitive personal information.
We use these technologies to keep track of how you are using our iD Sites & Services and to remember certain pieces of general information. We introduce campers to the captivating world of STEM so they can explore programs centered around robotics, antigravity laws and more. Come have a blast with BrainVyne! Students taking four or more SAT preparatory lessons are eligible to receive a $100 refund upon demonstrating a 100 point increase to their SAT test scores as compared to a prior PSAT or SAT. ON BEHALF OF MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD, I, THE PARENT/GUARDIAN, IN EXCHANGE FOR THE RIGHT OF MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD TO PARTICIPATE IN ID TECH PROGRAM(S), HEREBY RELEASE INTERNALDRIVE, INC., ITS OWNERS, AGENTS, PARTNERS, FACILITY PROVIDERS AND EMPLOYEES FROM LIABILITY (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED UPON NEGLIGENCE) FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES OR INJURIES TO MY SON/DAUGHTER/WARD OR DAMAGE OF ANY PERSONAL PROPERTY.
Some programs may use wristbands. We may limit your ability to make changes (such as registering for a different course or changing attendance dates) and/or cancel a Program. Students learn Holographic AR coding, STEM, AI, 3D modeling, 2D/3D game development, animation, design thinking, Space Exploration, Nature Exploration, digital art and more. Construction and Scope of Agreement. Advanced payments (prior to start of camp) for all Extended Care are $15 per hour, or $75 per week for all 5 days of either AM or PM care.
For Zelle payments, please use our email address (Hello at CelsiusandBeyond dot com). Failure to comply with this Code of Conduct or engaging in actions or attitudes that seem to be harmful to the atmosphere, other participants, or staff, in the opinion of iD Tech can lead to removal from a Program or Program(s). To this end, the provisions of this Agreement are declared severable. Sensitive data is encrypted on our iD Sites & Services and when stored on the servers.XIV. For Safety and Security reasons, iD Tech will video record every session. SMU - Masters in Game Design, "The spirit of innovation and creativity I felt around my students while teaching Unity led me toward my career as a professional game designer. By agreeing to a payment plan or Subscription, you are authorizing iD Tech to auto charge the credit card on file as agreed at the time of purchase and as set out on the My Account billing page. I also acknowledge that upon staff observation of my student during the Advising Session, they may determine that the program is not a suitable and/or productive environment for my student. Except when legally required, we are not able to provide copies of videos. By the end, students can show off their skills by competing in our Autonomous Racing Tournament and take their robots home! The possibilities are endless, but oftentimes for kids, there is no set road map to those possibilities. Berkeley Coding Academy ~ Berkeley Berkeley Coding Academy teaches Python Programming, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning to students ages 12-14, 15-18. Please read the following Terms and Conditions carefully, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the sites in which iD Tech has created a forum ("Group"). YoungWonks students have won national and international level technology competitions, gotten into leading tech internships like NASA and Johns Hopkins, and been admitted to leading tech universities like MIT. In return for My Child's participation in the Activity: I fully and forever RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS and COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, including its governing board, officers, employees, students, agents and volunteers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, or injuries, including death, that may be sustained while participating in this activity, including but not limited to travel to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. For 23years, our family company has ensured the highest standards for our staff: The hottest software and hardware Identification is required. I have read this document, and I am signing it freely. Participant understands and agrees that the Event and any related activities may be dangerous, may involve travel, and that neither the Event nor Stanford can guarantee the safety of Participant. At Camp Galileo, pre-K rising 10th graders engage in hands-on, STEAM-based learning that helps them create a bright future. In return for My Child's participation in the Activity: I fully and forever RELEASE, WAIVE, DISCHARGE, ACQUIT, INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS and COVENANT NOT TO SUE, Washington University in St. Louis, including its governing board, officers, employees, students, agents and volunteers (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") from any and all liabilities, claims, or injuries, including death, that may be sustained while participating in this activity, including but not limited to travel to, from, and for the activity, or while on premises owned or controlled by Releasees. I allow Participant to participate in this Activity. Counselors will assist students with urgent telephone needs. Destination Science currently offers in-person STEM camps. We will not individually provide the information your child provided.IX. Held at select campus locations Weeklong. On behalf of your participant(s), you agree they will not give their social networking information to an iD Tech staff member. Early morning extended care from 8am to 9am. Here, they are making new friends and forging imaginative partnerships, they are awakened by traditions that help inform our past and our future, and they are stretching the borders of that uncertain roadmap with diverse activities that call on their creativity, their teamwork, their physical energy, and their interpersonal compassion. The room must be left in the same condition as it was during move in. Participant Release and Indemnification Agreement. For your convenience, you may have us bill you or you can pay for your orders by credit card. From helping children learn counting and patterns to advanced applications in computer programming and engineering, LEGOs are one of STEMs greatest assets. Participant is a voluntary participant in this Event. Great instructors, small classes! Please reference the Terms and Conditions for a specific Program (linked above) for the rules and restrictions for changes and cancellations for that Program.VII. Changes to a class start date, subject, or time can be made either through your My Account, or by calling Customer Service at least 72 hours prior to the start date of the class. This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. You agree that you and your participant will not use the social networking sites to offer, display, distribute, transmit, route, provide connections to, or store any material that infringes copyrighted works, trademarks, or service marks or otherwise violates or promotes the violation of the intellectual property rights of any third party.
Discount is calculated automatically by the system. We do not knowingly permit anyone under 13 years of age to provide us with personal information without obtaining a parent's or guardians verifiable consent, except where: If we receive the verifiable consent of a child's parent or guardian to collect, use, and/or disclose the child's information, we will only collect, use, and disclose the information as described in this privacy statement. Payment Plan and Subscription payments are due in the amounts and on the dates established and set forth during the registration process and on the My Account billing page. I Agree that iD Tech has the right to refuse service. We havein-personcamp locations throughout the Bay Area/Northern California, including: Destination Science offers kids 5 to 11 the chance to experience science like never before. "uploadDate": "2013-10-23",
Participant agrees to be solely responsible for payment in full of all costs of medical or emergency care she/he may receive. use this service, or materials provided as part of this service for illegal or immoral activity; share session information with third-parties, without permission from instructor; display pornography or any inappropriate material (including sexual content, inappropriate violence, racism, bullying, etc.) No changes can be made within 24 hours of the lesson start time. Before you provide additional information to third party providers, we encourage you to review their privacy policies and information collection practices.3. We were chosen as a Best Tech Camp, Best Day Camp, and Best LEGO Camp from. Certificates/vouchers are valid until the specified expiration date, without exception. It is my express intent that this agreement shall bind the members of my family, my heirs and assigns. Inc. All rights reserved. Questions should be addressed to Reservations are not confirmed without payment received. The camp is neither sponsored, controlled, nor supervised by Davidson College, but rather is under the sole sponsorship and supervision of the camp owner, iD Tech Camps. Name of the Program Located between San Jose and San Francisco, this location is a convenient, inspiring option for Bay Area and out-of-town students. We also use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol on your account information and registration pages to protect sensitive personal information.