I dont blame him, because being a referee is not easy, but I cant forgive him. Id like to talk about Zanetti, a very intelligent player, but also Simeone, (Youri) Djorkaeff, Zamorano. Roma a caccia del 4 posto, Ronaldo sullo scudetto: "Spero vinca la Lazio", Inter, Vieri: "Io e Ronaldo la coppia dei sogni. Once I was in Los Angeles and some fans stopped me to talk about that penalty. "Mi sembra di morire", Olympic Football Tournaments Atlanta 1996 - Men - Statistics - Players - Top goals, Confira todos os nmeros e gols de Ronaldo pela seleo brasileira, Moratti: "Cos il Brasile rovina Ronaldo", Ronaldo, doppietta e lacrime Il Brasile campione, Brasil x Romnia, na despedida de Ronaldo, Ronaldo, addio senza gol. There was Nicola Berti, who was at Interwith mebut never played that season.Thatexplainsthefeeling among us in that team, even the players who didnt play so much were very committed and motivated. "Nel 2009 al Corinthians", Ronaldo tornato. I am very proud of what I did in my career, but also of the good relationship I had with all my players, presidents and managers I worked with we are still friends nowadays.. Thank you Mister Simoni, allenatore gentiluomo. Inter, with the newly-crowned World Player of the Year Ronaldo up front, were a point behindand in theUEFA Cup final. During the press conference for the launch of Simonis autobiography (Simoni si nasce, Goal Book Edizioni), Massimo Moratti admitted he got it wrong in sacking the Inter coach in 1998. I thought we had a very strong team, Moratti said, which, in my opinion, wasnt playing well enough, but I underrated Simonis importance, and, in fact, the season was a nightmare after his sack.. We were just one point behind Juventus and that match was decisive: I am sure that we could have won that Scudetto and then I could have worked more than just one year and some months with Inter. I dont know if we would have won that league, but I am sure they didntallow us to compete, he says. Ronaldo sovrappeso, l'addio al calcio vicino, No retorno de Ronaldo, Timo bate o Vitria e ganha parabns da Fiel, Ronaldo torna al gol. After Ronaldo, he is the best player Ive ever worked with. Baggio always had some problems with his former trainers but not with me.
Gigi Simoni was the coach of Inter in 1998 when Ceccerani was at the centre of the mostfamous and discussed Juventus-Inter meeting in Italian football history. And I dont talk just about Inter fans, because wherever I go, I always find some football fans greeting me. CR7 innaturale, Mondiali 2014, Klose: mai nessuno come Miro, il pi grande di tutti i tempi, Hall of Fame, ecco i 4 vincitori della prima edizione, Ronaldo le bresilien elu meilleur avant centre de l'historire, Capello: "Ronaldo todava est un poco gordo, tiene que bajar de peso", Zico: Injuries prevented Ronaldo emulating Pele, Maradona a Ronaldo: Senza infortuni saresti stato il migliore della storia, Mourinho: "Ma quali CR7 e Messi, il migliore mai visto stato Ronaldo il Fenomeno", Ronaldo da tripletta, ieri nata Maria Alice, Spagna, il figlio di Mourinho debutta come portiere, Ronaldo verso il terzo divorzio. Calcio, Brasile; Ronaldo: mi ritiro nel 2011, Ronaldo torna ad esultare: segna e vince in Libertadores. If after 20 years we are still talking about that match, its clear that something wrong happened. All'anagrafe risulta nato il 22 settembre 1976, dato che la registrazione ufficiale fu effettuata solo quattro giorni dopo la sua nascita: Veltroni intervista Cannavaro: Scudetto al Napoli. Juve had taken an early lead throughAlessandro Del Piero, but the defining moment of the game came in the second half when, in the space of just 15 seconds, Ronaldo was denied a clear-cut penalty after a foulbyMark Iuliano before Juve broke down the other end and won a spot-kick of their own when Del Piero was taken out by Taribo West. Unfortunately, Baggio was injured quite often, but when he played, he showed all of his talent. He was a model for everybody in and outside the pitch. Ricattato da tre viados a Rio, Calcio: Ronaldo continuer recupero al Flamengo, Corinthians prepara 'Natal fenomenal': clube fecha com Ronaldo para 2009, Ronaldo torna a giocare. In an era of Serie A dominance, these were the two outstanding teams.
Ronaldo, of course, was not the onlyfuoriclassein that Inter team. Speaking at the book launch, Moratti praised Simoni for that togetherness he fostered, and in particular the way he handled Ronaldo after his transfer from Barcelona. Juve were top of the table and had booked their place in the Champions League final, with a young Alessandro Del Piero leading the line. "Non ce la faccio pi, mi ritiro", Ronaldo, addio e lacrime. Before coming to Inter, everybody warned me, Youll see, it is a nightmare over there. But, for me, it was like to be in heaven.. L'ho perdonato", Ronaldo, Fenomeno fragile "Non c' fretta, ma torner", Povero Ronaldo, che maledizione. Su rigore contestato, Emocionado, Ronaldo anuncia o fim de sua carreira, Ronaldo, addio in lacrime. Ronaldo capitano non piace ai "vecchi", Ecco l'Inter di Hodgson. And this is worth more than a Scudetto.. He was not a primadonna, but everybody knew he was special and that he could bring us to the top, so everybody supported him. In that year we felt a winning mentality, there was a happy atmosphere and the climate of a really great team, Moratti said. Quais os maiores artilheiros em uma nica partida? Simoniis more diplomatic, but the pain of that defeat in Turinclearly still remains. It could be even greater, I know, but not everything depended on us. That is not to say, however, that Ronaldo did not receive any special treatment. Ancelotti: "Lo rivedremo dopo la sosta", Ronaldo stato operato. By the way, it was an easy decision for me: if he was OK, he would have played.
Probably in my career I was too much of a gentleman. Being the coach of players like Ronaldo, (Javier) Zanetti, (Diego) Simeone, (Ivan) Zamorano and (Roberto) Baggio was worth more than being sacked. Imagine that, in Los Angeles. They understood that we did our best and that the sacking was unfair. Thats why I probably earned less than I deserved (he laughs). Rieducazione di nove mesi, Calcio, Ronaldo torna in Brasile: Penso a guarire, Ronaldo, scandalo a luci rosse. Ronaldo was our leader and we treated him as he deserved to be treated, Simoni says.
Ze Elias: Ronaldo told Mancini, Keep quiet, Ill give you my autograph after, Ivan Bam Bam Zamorano: A man so committed to No.9 he wore 1+8, He was a mix between Ronaldo and Zlatan A tribute to the great Adriano. There was not any kind of envy among the other players towards Ronaldo, also because he was so friendly: I never saw him blaming some team-mates for a bad pass, he always was in a positive mood.
I tifosi sono pazzi di lui, Ronaldo show: tripletta e assist per il Fenomeno, Ronaldo, frattura ad una mano: cinque settimane di stop. Questa pagina stata modificata per l'ultima volta il21 lug 2022 alle 22:27. Everyone was happy to play with him..
We are still very close friends, weve had dinner together in the past and well try to meet as soon as we can.. Un secolo di calcio in 10 avventure, Ronaldo Lus Nazrio de Lima - Goals in International Matches, Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo Sviluppo, Scarpa di bronzo della FIFA Confederations Cup, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ronaldo&oldid=128469075, Calciatori del F.C. I always said training that Inter team was the easiest experience of my career because it was full of wonderful champions but above all wonderful men. Many of those friends Moratti,AndreaPirlo,Giuseppe Bergomi, Zanetti andlots more were at the booklaunch. RIP to one of footballs great gentlemen. Brasileirao - Ronaldo sovrappeso: addio vicino? I never thought that all players should be managed in the same way if someone is special and Ronaldo was exceptional. In May 2020, Gigi Simoni sadly passed away. Which team has played the most times in a month? Ive always known that Moratti was wrong, that dismissal was inexplicable to me but also to the fans, so I was not sorry for that, because I was sure I did a great job. And his team-mates were glad to do thatbecause they knew to be part of a strong team with a genius on the top.. E Menezes chiama Pato e Ganso, Il Brasile ospita la Partita contro la povert, Ronaldo, futuro da consulente d'immagine? Ronaldo dopo la mano si fa una liposuzione! This article was originally published in January 2017. I never had any resentment against Moratti, I cant, Ill always thank him for giving me the opportunity to train a so strong team, Simoni says. That event will remain in Italian football history.. ButI am very proud to have done what I did always respecting the rules, never looking for shortcuts or without being managed by an agent. I never asked him to run, he just needed to train and play with the ball, someone else would have run for him. La 9ine tratta Neymar, Lucas e Kak, Ronaldo aceita cargo no Conselho de Administrao do COL. Aldo e Blatter elogiam, Ronaldo Fenmeno aceita cargo no Comit Organizador Local da Copa, Ronaldo investe nel calcio Usa e compra gli Strikers di Best, Ronaldo, pazza idea: "Tornare in campo? Ma il Milan vince grazie ad Ambrosini, Ronaldo non basta, l'Inter vince il derby, Milan, Ronaldo salta il mondiale per club. The psychological effectof losing to Juve was clear: Inter won only one of their remaining three Serie A games and ultimately finished five points behind Juve as theBianconeri claimedtheir 25th Scudetto. Il Fenomeno. And the following season when Iwentback to San Siro as Piacenzas coach, all Inter fans welcomed me with a standing ovation. I remember when I met Diego Pablo [Simeone] some years after in his house, he showed me a big book in which he wrote down all the strategies and training session of his former trainers. Buffon vale Maradona, Ronaldo: In his pomp, he was a footballing force close to unstoppable, Costacurta su Ronaldo: "Il pi grande, quante figuracce con lui", Ibrahimovic sui Ronaldo: Il migliore? Internazionale Milano, Calciatori dello S.C. Corinthians Paulista, Vincitori di medaglia di bronzo olimpica per il Brasile, Vincitori del FIFA World Player of the Year, Calciatori vincitori della Confederations Cup, Membri della Hall of Fame del calcio italiano, Pagine da aggiornare ai nuovi parametri del modulo Citazione, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti (soglia maggiore), Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorit, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Statistiche aggiornate al 31 dicembre 2020, Scarpa di bronzo della Confederations Cup: 1. Simoni is known in Italy asLallenatore gentiluomo, which means The gentleman coach, buthedoesnt like the nickname: You cant be always a gentleman in your life, otherwise youll never reach your target, even more in football. Its not a surprise he is one of the best coaches in the world now because he already was a coach on the pitch. That Inter was a very strong team, full of very good and clever players. Il Fenomeno non ancora, Ronaldo, ennesima rinascita. We had and we still have a good relationship and I am proud of that. Supercopa Libertadores Topscorers 1988-1997, Assista ao gol de placa de Ronaldo sobre o Boca Juniors, na Libertadores de 1994, Cuore Barcellona, Ronaldo ritrova la sua Ronaldinha, La Fifa ha deciso: Ronaldo costa all'Inter tre miliardi in pi, Acquisto pi costoso della storia: da mister 2 miliardi Savoldi a Zidane, fino a Neymar, Serie A, i bomber sono tornati: Dzeko, Immobile, Icardi, Belotti, Higuain e Mertens record, Inter, Zanetti fino al 2004. More than 60 years spent in (and for) football, leaving records and memories which will remain unforgettable. Can you name the top scorer for every Serie A season since 1990. Ronaldo il nome con cui Ronaldo Lus Nazrio de Lima principalmente noto al di fuori del. We had Ronaldo, who was fantastic, but Simoni managed to introduce him into a team without creating any sense of jealousy in the others. There were too many strange events that year, but it is not worth it to look back now. I have only two regrets: with two more great defenders, we could have been one of the best teams in the world; the other is that I nevermet (referee Piero) Ceccarini. Messi (2021), 1997-1998: il Pallone d'oro e la Coppa UEFA, 1998-2001: la fascia da capitano e i gravi infortuni, 2001-2002: lo scudetto perso all'ultima giornata, 2002-2003: il secondo Pallone d'oro, la Coppa Intercontinentale e la Liga, 2009: il campionato Paulista e la Coppa del Brasile, 1994-1998: l'esordio, il mondiale statunitense e l'affermazione, 1998-2002: il mondiale di Francia e la lunga assenza per infortuni, 2002-2006: il mondiale nippo-coreano vinto da protagonista e quello tedesco, 34 (34) se si comprendono anche le partite disputate nel, 52 (29) se si comprendono anche le partite disputate nel.
Gigi Simoni was the coach of Inter in 1998 when Ceccerani was at the centre of the mostfamous and discussed Juventus-Inter meeting in Italian football history. And I dont talk just about Inter fans, because wherever I go, I always find some football fans greeting me. CR7 innaturale, Mondiali 2014, Klose: mai nessuno come Miro, il pi grande di tutti i tempi, Hall of Fame, ecco i 4 vincitori della prima edizione, Ronaldo le bresilien elu meilleur avant centre de l'historire, Capello: "Ronaldo todava est un poco gordo, tiene que bajar de peso", Zico: Injuries prevented Ronaldo emulating Pele, Maradona a Ronaldo: Senza infortuni saresti stato il migliore della storia, Mourinho: "Ma quali CR7 e Messi, il migliore mai visto stato Ronaldo il Fenomeno", Ronaldo da tripletta, ieri nata Maria Alice, Spagna, il figlio di Mourinho debutta come portiere, Ronaldo verso il terzo divorzio. Calcio, Brasile; Ronaldo: mi ritiro nel 2011, Ronaldo torna ad esultare: segna e vince in Libertadores. If after 20 years we are still talking about that match, its clear that something wrong happened. All'anagrafe risulta nato il 22 settembre 1976, dato che la registrazione ufficiale fu effettuata solo quattro giorni dopo la sua nascita: Veltroni intervista Cannavaro: Scudetto al Napoli. Juve had taken an early lead throughAlessandro Del Piero, but the defining moment of the game came in the second half when, in the space of just 15 seconds, Ronaldo was denied a clear-cut penalty after a foulbyMark Iuliano before Juve broke down the other end and won a spot-kick of their own when Del Piero was taken out by Taribo West. Unfortunately, Baggio was injured quite often, but when he played, he showed all of his talent. He was a model for everybody in and outside the pitch. Ricattato da tre viados a Rio, Calcio: Ronaldo continuer recupero al Flamengo, Corinthians prepara 'Natal fenomenal': clube fecha com Ronaldo para 2009, Ronaldo torna a giocare. In an era of Serie A dominance, these were the two outstanding teams.

I tifosi sono pazzi di lui, Ronaldo show: tripletta e assist per il Fenomeno, Ronaldo, frattura ad una mano: cinque settimane di stop. Questa pagina stata modificata per l'ultima volta il21 lug 2022 alle 22:27. Everyone was happy to play with him..
We are still very close friends, weve had dinner together in the past and well try to meet as soon as we can.. Un secolo di calcio in 10 avventure, Ronaldo Lus Nazrio de Lima - Goals in International Matches, Programma delle Nazioni Unite per lo Sviluppo, Scarpa di bronzo della FIFA Confederations Cup, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ronaldo&oldid=128469075, Calciatori del F.C. I always said training that Inter team was the easiest experience of my career because it was full of wonderful champions but above all wonderful men. Many of those friends Moratti,AndreaPirlo,Giuseppe Bergomi, Zanetti andlots more were at the booklaunch. RIP to one of footballs great gentlemen. Brasileirao - Ronaldo sovrappeso: addio vicino? I never thought that all players should be managed in the same way if someone is special and Ronaldo was exceptional. In May 2020, Gigi Simoni sadly passed away. Which team has played the most times in a month? Ive always known that Moratti was wrong, that dismissal was inexplicable to me but also to the fans, so I was not sorry for that, because I was sure I did a great job. And his team-mates were glad to do thatbecause they knew to be part of a strong team with a genius on the top.. E Menezes chiama Pato e Ganso, Il Brasile ospita la Partita contro la povert, Ronaldo, futuro da consulente d'immagine? Ronaldo dopo la mano si fa una liposuzione! This article was originally published in January 2017. I never had any resentment against Moratti, I cant, Ill always thank him for giving me the opportunity to train a so strong team, Simoni says. That event will remain in Italian football history.. ButI am very proud to have done what I did always respecting the rules, never looking for shortcuts or without being managed by an agent. I never asked him to run, he just needed to train and play with the ball, someone else would have run for him. La 9ine tratta Neymar, Lucas e Kak, Ronaldo aceita cargo no Conselho de Administrao do COL. Aldo e Blatter elogiam, Ronaldo Fenmeno aceita cargo no Comit Organizador Local da Copa, Ronaldo investe nel calcio Usa e compra gli Strikers di Best, Ronaldo, pazza idea: "Tornare in campo? Ma il Milan vince grazie ad Ambrosini, Ronaldo non basta, l'Inter vince il derby, Milan, Ronaldo salta il mondiale per club. The psychological effectof losing to Juve was clear: Inter won only one of their remaining three Serie A games and ultimately finished five points behind Juve as theBianconeri claimedtheir 25th Scudetto. Il Fenomeno. And the following season when Iwentback to San Siro as Piacenzas coach, all Inter fans welcomed me with a standing ovation. I remember when I met Diego Pablo [Simeone] some years after in his house, he showed me a big book in which he wrote down all the strategies and training session of his former trainers. Buffon vale Maradona, Ronaldo: In his pomp, he was a footballing force close to unstoppable, Costacurta su Ronaldo: "Il pi grande, quante figuracce con lui", Ibrahimovic sui Ronaldo: Il migliore? Internazionale Milano, Calciatori dello S.C. Corinthians Paulista, Vincitori di medaglia di bronzo olimpica per il Brasile, Vincitori del FIFA World Player of the Year, Calciatori vincitori della Confederations Cup, Membri della Hall of Fame del calcio italiano, Pagine da aggiornare ai nuovi parametri del modulo Citazione, Voci con template Collegamenti esterni e molti collegamenti (soglia maggiore), Voci biografiche con codici di controllo di autorit, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo, Statistiche aggiornate al 31 dicembre 2020, Scarpa di bronzo della Confederations Cup: 1. Simoni is known in Italy asLallenatore gentiluomo, which means The gentleman coach, buthedoesnt like the nickname: You cant be always a gentleman in your life, otherwise youll never reach your target, even more in football. Its not a surprise he is one of the best coaches in the world now because he already was a coach on the pitch. That Inter was a very strong team, full of very good and clever players. Il Fenomeno non ancora, Ronaldo, ennesima rinascita. We had and we still have a good relationship and I am proud of that. Supercopa Libertadores Topscorers 1988-1997, Assista ao gol de placa de Ronaldo sobre o Boca Juniors, na Libertadores de 1994, Cuore Barcellona, Ronaldo ritrova la sua Ronaldinha, La Fifa ha deciso: Ronaldo costa all'Inter tre miliardi in pi, Acquisto pi costoso della storia: da mister 2 miliardi Savoldi a Zidane, fino a Neymar, Serie A, i bomber sono tornati: Dzeko, Immobile, Icardi, Belotti, Higuain e Mertens record, Inter, Zanetti fino al 2004. More than 60 years spent in (and for) football, leaving records and memories which will remain unforgettable. Can you name the top scorer for every Serie A season since 1990. Ronaldo il nome con cui Ronaldo Lus Nazrio de Lima principalmente noto al di fuori del. We had Ronaldo, who was fantastic, but Simoni managed to introduce him into a team without creating any sense of jealousy in the others. There were too many strange events that year, but it is not worth it to look back now. I have only two regrets: with two more great defenders, we could have been one of the best teams in the world; the other is that I nevermet (referee Piero) Ceccarini. Messi (2021), 1997-1998: il Pallone d'oro e la Coppa UEFA, 1998-2001: la fascia da capitano e i gravi infortuni, 2001-2002: lo scudetto perso all'ultima giornata, 2002-2003: il secondo Pallone d'oro, la Coppa Intercontinentale e la Liga, 2009: il campionato Paulista e la Coppa del Brasile, 1994-1998: l'esordio, il mondiale statunitense e l'affermazione, 1998-2002: il mondiale di Francia e la lunga assenza per infortuni, 2002-2006: il mondiale nippo-coreano vinto da protagonista e quello tedesco, 34 (34) se si comprendono anche le partite disputate nel, 52 (29) se si comprendono anche le partite disputate nel.