An awful lot of work has gone into making the Olympic House, in the words of IOC president Thomas Bach, one of the most sustainable buildings in the world from an ecological standpoint. Not bean bags and ping pong tables. Kim Herforth Nielsen, co-founder and principal of 3XN, explains: The essence of the Olympic movement and its values served as the basis of inspiration for the design. The inner layer features an integrated sunscreen, which enables the outer later to maintain its fully glazed and transparent appearance. Sustainable work environment The new IOC headquarters will be aone of the most energy efficient glass buildings and aims to achieve the highest sustainable development standards.Solar panels on the roof (and out of sight) will produce an amount of electricity equivalent to the consumption of 60 Swiss households.
The Olympic Movement seeks to build a better world through sport. We wanted to go local as much as we could, she says, adding that smaller companies without the required skillset and certification were brought up to speed so that there wasnt a barrier to entry. 0000068650 00000 n Paint with a low concentration of volatile organic compounds was sourced from the organisations sustainability partner, Dow Solutions, which is also helping to offset the carbon emissions generated through the buildings construction, and through ongoing energy use. An exception here is Bachs own office on the more formal top floor, a corner office decorated with an Olympic flag and photographs of the president alongside global luminaries; among them, the Pope. The HQ is designed around three key values/objectives: movement, flexibility and sustainability.
The IOC decided in 2014 to move ahead with the consolidation of its head office; and 3XN was selected for this task through a multi-stage, international architecture competition certified by the International Union of Architects and led by a jury of renowned architects. At every stage we had to go around the table and leverage the thinking capabilities of all the group to find solutions. trailer <]/Prev 1379174/XRefStm 1928>> startxref 0 %%EOF 237 0 obj <>stream Previously spread across four locations in Lausanne, our 500 employees are now united at a single site, improving our operational efficiency and evolving the way we work together, while also providing a welcoming meeting place for the entire Olympic Movement. Royal commitment HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco, chairperson of the IOC Sustainability and Legacy Commission, said: The new Olympic House combines symbolism, functionality and sustainability. | Terms of Use, Going green with the Olympics at the new Olympic House, recently certified Olympic House in Lausanne, Switzerland, has several credits that lead to LEED certification dedicated to it, The LEED Platinum-certified Olympic House. More and more, companies, organizations and teams across the sports industry are turning to sustainability and green building as a valuable way to cut operating costs, improve facility and building performance, reduce carbon and waste footprints, and educate fans on the importance of sustainability. As there is a highway close to the buildings north side, the double faade also provides noise reduction for the interiors.
0000028506 00000 n What makes Olympic House so sustainable? Your email address will not be published. Whats behind the surprising growth of one Antarctic ice sheet?
We want to lead by example in the entire Olympic world, explains IOC president Thomas Bach. We wanted to show what it means for a sports organisation to be sustainable, and that its possible to be sustainable.. 0000005594 00000 n A total of 95% of the former IOC headquarters was reused or recycled, following the circular economy principles.
0000003501 00000 n Weve been working on staircases as a means of interaction, explains Kim Herforth Nielsen, founder and creative director of 3XN.
The IOC is turning its sustainability commitments into action at the Olympic House, and the building is intended to serve as an inspiration for the entire Olympic Movement and a lasting symbol of its sustainability strategy.
The materials were carefully chosen with the intention of limiting pollutant emissions and ensuring the best indoor air quality for the users comfort. In our view, these ambitious achievements take our commitment to sustainability to a new level and recognise the pledge we made to focus on sustainable solutions throughout the Olympic House project - from the very beginning of the original architecture competition all the way through to construction, furnishing and building operations. With just 14 columns, each 15 centimeters in diameter, the space is extremely flexible, with movable partitions that allow for ample customization.. A transparent double glass faade is the hallmark of the design for Olympic House. The positioning of the Headquarters on the east side, combined with the dense grove of trees to the west, results in a reinterpretation of classical symmetry using the Chteau as the central axis. 3XNs central belief that architecture shapes behavior was a primary consideration while conceiving of the new IOC Headquarters. 0000056131 00000 n
The LEED rating system recognizes the importance of air quality andhas several credits that lead to LEED certification dedicated to it, including environmental tobacco smoke control, minimum indoor air quality performance and an indoor air quality assessment. To achieve symbolism, functionality and sustainability none of us had the solution beforehand, says Sallois, with Nielsen and RBS Groups Nora Trentini nodding in agreement.
The European Pr More, A project collaboration between Josep Ferrando Architecture and Gallego Arquitectura, the El Roser S More, In Amsterdam, this project by Beyond Spaces turns four monumental halls into a spacious, light, and More, Inspired by Mies van der Rohes 50 x 50 house and the hilltop villas of Palladio, Casa Rotonda More, A home and studio of the writer Juan Ramn Silva Ferrada, Blasn by BURR Studio forms More, Mumbai, built on what was once an archipelago of seven islands in the Arabian Sea, has developed ove More, Retro armchairs build on past styles to offer new ideas for comfortable, ergonomic and visually appe More, 2019 / International Olympic Committee (IOC) / MORK, Adam - All rights reserved. Credit: 2019 International Olympic Committee (IOC) / Adam Mrk, That said, Olympic Houses sustainability credentials it is LEED Platinum-certified are impressive. The Unity Staircase, which references Baron Pierre de Coubertins Olympic Rings, soars the full height of the building and connects all floors through a central atrium.
The glass construction becomes a metaphor for the IOCs desire for organizational transparency, reflecting the overall structural changes initiated by the Olympic Agenda 2020. The new building, called Olympic House, aims to bring the IOC administration under one roof. 0000256678 00000 n 0000003756 00000 n Entering through glass security gates, the interior impression is reminiscent of Foster + Partners recent Bloomberg London building, another project replete with high-tech sustainability gadgets. 0000006611 00000 n Olympic House was awarded three high level sustainability certifications that are well recognized both internationally (the LEED standard) and nationally (the Minergie and SNBS standards). Natural light.
The benefits are mainly a reduction in road traffic (less pollution for those living nearby, plus reduced energy and carbon footprint), natural resource savings and the space saved in rubbish dumps. Compared to standard new office buildings, the headquarters uses only 35% of the energy. Architecture of Tomorrow: Future Cities as Imagined by Architects Today, Cemented in Style: Seoul Takes Concrete in Exciting New Directions, Designing for the psychological benefits of play produces more inclusive spaces that benefit cities. This commitment included embracing the concept of circular economy, with over 95 per cent of the former administrative buildings being reused or recycled. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate is the highest recognition level of the international LEED green building rating system, and Olympic House scored 93 points on the scale. The objective of getting workplace wellbeing right, says Marie Sallois who oversaw the development of the headquarters as the IOCs director of corporate development, brand and sustainability was the rationale for trying to achieve the latest versions of the sustainability standard the facility has obtained. It symbolises the principles of unity and peace that drive the Olympic Movement and is also an important part of the transformative journey undertaken by the IOC in the five years since the adoption of Olympic Agenda 2020, as we move towards greater transparency and collaboration. 0000011079 00000 n Copyright 2020 Architizer, Inc. All rights reserved. The sloped, green roof covering the projecting ground floor of the building pays respect to the surrounding park. According to a survey conducted by HR consultant Future Workplace, more than a third of workers felt they werent being exposed to enough natural light in their offices. As it was not possible to conserve the existing administrative buildings, a careful deconstruction and selective demolition was made of the old buildings. It was also guaranteed that the former building be reused and recycled to make room for the new one. It is designed around five key objectives that translate the Olympic Movements principles into built form: movement, transparency, flexibility, sustainability, and collaboration. 0000107831 00000 n And sometimes, you have to develop it with them.. Clusters of desks are also able to decide on temperature and light to meet their comfort via local control panels. These floors are also characterised by a transparency and lack of spatial hierarchy: directors offices are also transparent, creating open internal views across floor plates. As an organisation, one of our biggest investments in this commitment so far has been the construction of Olympic House - the new IOC headquarters that were inaugurated in June this year. There have been a lot of studies to show that natural light has an effect on wellbeing, Sallois says during a press conference and guided tour at the new facility. Its costly. 0000056061 00000 n High-quality indoor environments help protect the health and comfort of building occupants, enhance employee productivity and decrease absenteeism. She is also in charge of the implementation of the IOC Sustainability Suategy and the IOC Legacy Strategic Approach, which are core to the Olympic Movement's strategic roadmap, Olympic Agenda 2020. Solar panels placed to underline the roof design contribute to the buildings electricity supply. This electricity will allow the building to be self-sufficient in terms of its heating, ventilation, cooling and hot water systems. We have taken this responsibility very seriously and believe that, by sharing the knowledge and expertise we have gained from this endeavour, it can offer a valuable example to others. Designed to reflect the IOC's overarching mission to make the world a better place through sport, Olympic House is one of the most sustainable buildings in the world and an enduring testament to our ambition to become a role model in sustainability. 0000003369 00000 n
Following the principles of active design, the oak staircase and its periphery define the central area for social activity and movement, promoting a sense of community. Designing for the psychological benefits of play produces more inclusive spaces that benefit cities If anything, its focus on employee wellness and subsequent benefits (e.g. With the inauguration of its new headquarters in June 2020, the International Olympic Committee has underlined its commitment to sustainability. %PDF-1.4 % By optimizing the faade to floor plate ratio and creating a fully glazed faade from floor to ceiling, 3XNs design draws daylight deep into the building.
Comprising a straight inner layer and a curving, faceted outer layer, the result is a dynamic form that evokes the movement of an Olympic athlete. 0000124253 00000 n More specifically, the house is decked out with solar panels and heat pumps, which use water from Lake Geneva to provide renewable energy. Poor indoor air has been proven to significantly dent employee productivity. Climate change and the establishment of floating cities. In sports, movement leads to optimized performance; likewise, the formal manipulations of the building envelope have a direct effect on the buildings functioning. Special efforts were also made in regard to energy management, with the rooftop solar panels producing an amount of electricity equivalent to the yearly consumption of 60 Swiss households, reducing dependence on the grid, and enhanced insulation, smart building features and LED lighting meaning that Olympic House won't use any more energy than our previous headquarters, despite being three times the size. But Olympic House is more than just a building or another office block. The building is cooled by water from Lake Geneva, operates a rainwater collection system and its roof is covered in solar panels. 0000017381 00000 n Ahead of its official inauguration on 23 June, the Lausanne-based office has been awarded three sustainability standards LEED Platinum, the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard and Minergie P (for energy efficiency) in part due to its keen focus on workplace wellbeing. The site itself is located in the heart of Parc Louis Bourget, a popular lakeside public space in Lausanne where a campsite sits adjacent to the new building. 186 52 Through the green roof, terraces and fitness center, the building and natural environment is rich with the opportunity for employees to participate in sport and leisure activities in order to energize themselves throughout the day. The Unity Staircase a series of five circular, oak staircases recalling the Olympic rings forms the spatial centerpiece. 0000004675 00000 n The dynamic, undulating flow of the faade appears differently from all angles, conveying the energy of an athlete in motion.
It symbolises the principles of unity and peace that drive the Olympic Movement.Marie Sallois, Director of Corporate and Sustainable Development, IOC. Credit: 2019 International Olympic Committee (IOC) / Adam Mrk. Discover content from our architecture and design magazines, Subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter. Climate change and the EU loom over Sunday's Swiss elections, Venice asks tourists to refill water bottles, not buy new ones, Doggy sun cream and no walks: How to keep your pets cool in a heatwave. Through innovative features, the buildings environmental footprint is minimized without compromising the quality of the working environment. The International Olympic Committee has a new headquarters in Lausanne, thanks to 3XN. 3XN Architects have released new visuals along with a set of construction photos showing the process of the new home of the International Olympic Committee. Want to see your project featured like this? Strategies that LEED promotes include using low-emitting materials with no VOCs, establishing minimum standards for indoor air quality as per ASHRAE 62.1-2010, naturally ventilating spaces, monitoring outdoor air intake flow and prohibiting smoking inside a building. It is important for us to set an example and to back up our words with action. More than that, it can have a hugely detrimental affect on peoples health. The link with Lake Geneva symbolises the IOCs intrinsic connection with Lausanne and the wider region. 0000028241 00000 n Olympic House, the new headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has received three of the most rigorous sustainable building certifications. - Jan Ammundsen, Senior Partner and Head of Design at 3XN Architects. 0000068918 00000 n But that has proven to be very successful because we were able to choose the right set of people..
0000070685 00000 n
We were also the first international headquarters, and just the second building overall, to obtain the highest level of the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard, and received the Swiss standard for energy-efficient buildings - Minergie P. Olympic House is the first building to receive all three of these certifications, and the first in Switzerland to achieve LEED v4 Platinum. The new IOC headquarters directly contributes to the local economy surrounding it, with 80% of the investment in construction being spent locally.
Were witnessing sports and sustainability two incredible fields that both place a tremendous priority on human health and wellbeing coming together to plan for a more prosperous future. But this week, it was announced that the house has received a prestigious award, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum certificate. In a move to be respectful to the park, as Nielsen puts it, a sloped and undulating ground-floor roof draws greenery on to the building where plants mingle with a working terrace. Alongside the Olympic Museum, various departments of the IOC were located in a smattering of offices, now replaced by a single cathedral: the newly christened Olympic House by 3XN Architects.
And historically, the Olympic Movement has committed to green building, certifying several IOC facilities to LEED, including the Olympic House Madrid, the Beijing and Vancouver Olympic Villages, and the U.S. Olympic Committee Headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO.
0000011816 00000 n Experts explain what's going on, How batteries will supercharge the renewable revolution, Farmers in northern Italy could run out of water before end of July. This project has contributed to the development of local competencies, Sallois adds. This commitment to sustainability is on full display at therecently certified Olympic House in Lausanne, Switzerland. Enhanced circulation will serve as a catalyst for collaboration and solidarity among the workforce. The International Olympic Committee (IOC)is a leader in sustainability in the international sporting industry. 0000004219 00000 n Change My Mind. The staircase is a visual expression of the unity and collaboration between the IOC staff and stakeholders.
Following the principles of active design, the oak staircase and its periphery define the central area for social activity and movement.
Olympic House is also a unique example of innovative collaboration between many different stakeholders, including some of the IOCs commercial partners (Dow, Toyota and Panasonic), sustainability certification bodies, local authorities, suppliers and academics, as well as the IOC staff. We have four PhDs at the office looking into architecture and environments and to see how different environments affect peoples behaviour. Believe it or not, its the number one attribute employees crave in an office environment. Its about how they feel in there, how they work in there and how they enjoy it. This is felt from the first floor upwards, where different departments are organised in neighbourhoods with impressive access to outside views and natural light, facilitated by the curved floor plan and central skylight. Started in 2012, the new Olympic head office was always intended to be an investment in sustainability, both in terms of construction operations and energy efficiency. The newly released photographs show the circular staircase, which echoes the Olympic rings, as well as sinuous faade structure rising at the construction site in Lausanne, Switzerland. We gave them the executive board room and got them to test all the materials in the building. increased productivity, recruitment and retention) may be even more compelling that its environmental focus for many International Federations and sports organisations. The design allows the daily work and movements of the IOC staff to be visible through the transparent facade, reflecting the fair play and openness of the IOC, says Jan Ammundsen, partner and head of design at 3XN. In case you didnt know, the Olympic House, located in the Swiss region of Lausanne, is the official headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
As a result of these initiatives and various collaborations, more than 95 percent of the materials used in the IOCs former administrative buildings have been recycled, reused or upgraded in Olympic House. The systematic arrangement of the technical and electrical elements enables an agile working environment, dedicated to a highly mobile workforce that adapts to strategic and organizational changes. 0000007543 00000 n
hb```b````c`7`f@ af0a`a{)\+k'X3*@29wv(vYUUiI,|&s>(TpM@aZcn l&5n=|:Vb'}F@ZX93.=;F~=Y@Z|2F|a Architects Should Stop Using Concrete. Recent research suggests that the IOC has invested wisely. The interior A hallmark of 3XNs design, the facade pays tribute to the Olympic spirit by emulating the graceful movements of an athlete.
The architectural legacy of the Olympics is, however, barely acknowledged at Olympic House, despite the Games significant and often contentious contribution to international stadium architecture with notable examples in Beijing (2008), Montreal (1976) and Mexico City (1968). The aim for the design has been to minimize the environmental footprint while not compromising the quality of the working environment. At the heart of this is natural light. 0000045790 00000 n A total of 80% of the investment in the building which is in the Louis Bourget public park, home to the 18th-century castle Chateau de Vidy in Lausanne was spent on local contractors.
Following the IOCs brief, Olympic House is formed around five key objectives: Movement, transparency, flexibility, sustainability and collaboration each of which translates the Olympic movements core principles into built form. Its simple to say it, but its more complex when LEED is asking for every single square metre, where you spend more than one hour, to have two good quality views.. 0000107870 00000 n
A hallmark of 3XNs design, the faade pays tribute to the Olympic spirit by emulating the graceful movements of an athlete. - Building & Decor.
Complementing the buildings natural sunlight capabilities is its flagship feature: a unity staircase modelled on the five Olympic rings. The resultant design respects both the Chteaus legacy and the park setting, establishing seamless transitions between the green public space and Olympic House. When you go to market and ask for (products like) this, very few companies are able to demonstrate that they have the product to match your requirements. With offices that can be easily moved through the open spaces, workspaces can be easily modified according to the ever-changing needs of the IOC staff, encouraging internal collaboration. The shores of Lake Geneva are a protected area, and therefore 3XN, working with the IOC, approached the project with the intent to achieve the highest level of integration within the surrounding environment. The roof hosts 1,000 square meters of photovoltaic solar panels that bring in 10% of the buildings electricity.Rainwater is diverted to a 300-cubic-meter retention basin, and then used for watering green areas, toilet flushing and car washes. Working with similar organisations to achieve sustainability goals, Organising a climate neutral World Championships. This is done in a building that is geared to further the mission of international cooperation, transparency and sustainability, and has received three of the most rigorous sustainable building certifications. 0000069250 00000 n The result is probably the worlds most sustainable office building, as Olympic House has already received LEED Platinum and obtained the highest score ever given (93 0f 100), Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard Platinum and Minergie P.To achieve this, an ambitious approach was developed. The official inauguration will take place on Olympic Day, June 23. (do not tick this box if you are on a public computer), Tarkett helps London Waste and Recycling Board close the loop. Sallois explains that almost 100% of the Olympic Houses power comes from renewable energy sources. Olympic House serves as a bridge between the roots of the IOC in Lausanne and the vision of the organization for a sustainable future. Olympic House is LEED Platinum certified, the highest certification level from LEED. That is what we have endeavoured to do with Olympic House by aiming for three of the most demanding sustainable building certifications. The buildings transparency symbolizes the openness of the IOC as an organization and provides stunning views of the lake beyond. Exhibition spaces, a cafeteria and meeting rooms are also arranged around the central staircase, promoting a sense of community for the 500 regular users. As well as pushing sustainability boundaries, Olympic House allows us to bring together all our staff under one roof. 0000012490 00000 n By achieving unmatched levels of sustainability, Olympic House also demonstrates how the IOC is turning its commitments into action, serving as an inspiration for the Olympic Movement and sport as a whole. The staircase falls below the central skylight and encourages employees to walk and converse with each other. A vegetated plinth discreetly blends in with the landscape, minimizing the impact of the buildings footprint.
The four-storey building, which reads from the outside as a glass cube with pinched, concave facades, replaces another IOC office, 95% of whose materials have been reused for Olympic House. 90% of babies at risk from toxic chemicals in nappies, study finds, Is the heatwave due to climate change? A number of tests were carried out by a specialist laboratory to find the mixture for the recycled concrete that would meet the mechanical needs of the civil engineer. 0000070029 00000 n 0000071184 00000 n Compared with a normal construction, the Olympic House is expected to use 35% less energy by contrast. 0000005337 00000 n 0000123152 00000 n And we noticed that staircases affect people if you put it in the centre and make it special with daylight on it, people will like it and use it.. This is where the industry isnt ready, adds Sallois. Designed by SAP Garden architect 3XN, the new IOC headquarters has been built with large glass facades and a 13-metre central skylight to maximise the use of natural light in the building. In fact, it is anticipated that Olympic House will deliver a 35 per cent reduction in energy consumption, while our water-saving features and use of rainwater also mean Olympic House's consumption of the municipal supply should be 60 per cent less than a conventional building.
The Olympic Movement seeks to build a better world through sport. We wanted to go local as much as we could, she says, adding that smaller companies without the required skillset and certification were brought up to speed so that there wasnt a barrier to entry. 0000068650 00000 n Paint with a low concentration of volatile organic compounds was sourced from the organisations sustainability partner, Dow Solutions, which is also helping to offset the carbon emissions generated through the buildings construction, and through ongoing energy use. An exception here is Bachs own office on the more formal top floor, a corner office decorated with an Olympic flag and photographs of the president alongside global luminaries; among them, the Pope. The HQ is designed around three key values/objectives: movement, flexibility and sustainability.
The IOC decided in 2014 to move ahead with the consolidation of its head office; and 3XN was selected for this task through a multi-stage, international architecture competition certified by the International Union of Architects and led by a jury of renowned architects. At every stage we had to go around the table and leverage the thinking capabilities of all the group to find solutions. trailer <]/Prev 1379174/XRefStm 1928>> startxref 0 %%EOF 237 0 obj <>stream Previously spread across four locations in Lausanne, our 500 employees are now united at a single site, improving our operational efficiency and evolving the way we work together, while also providing a welcoming meeting place for the entire Olympic Movement. Royal commitment HRH Prince Albert II of Monaco, chairperson of the IOC Sustainability and Legacy Commission, said: The new Olympic House combines symbolism, functionality and sustainability. | Terms of Use, Going green with the Olympics at the new Olympic House, recently certified Olympic House in Lausanne, Switzerland, has several credits that lead to LEED certification dedicated to it, The LEED Platinum-certified Olympic House. More and more, companies, organizations and teams across the sports industry are turning to sustainability and green building as a valuable way to cut operating costs, improve facility and building performance, reduce carbon and waste footprints, and educate fans on the importance of sustainability. As there is a highway close to the buildings north side, the double faade also provides noise reduction for the interiors.
0000028506 00000 n What makes Olympic House so sustainable? Your email address will not be published. Whats behind the surprising growth of one Antarctic ice sheet?
We want to lead by example in the entire Olympic world, explains IOC president Thomas Bach. We wanted to show what it means for a sports organisation to be sustainable, and that its possible to be sustainable.. 0000005594 00000 n A total of 95% of the former IOC headquarters was reused or recycled, following the circular economy principles.
0000003501 00000 n Weve been working on staircases as a means of interaction, explains Kim Herforth Nielsen, founder and creative director of 3XN.
The IOC is turning its sustainability commitments into action at the Olympic House, and the building is intended to serve as an inspiration for the entire Olympic Movement and a lasting symbol of its sustainability strategy.

The LEED rating system recognizes the importance of air quality andhas several credits that lead to LEED certification dedicated to it, including environmental tobacco smoke control, minimum indoor air quality performance and an indoor air quality assessment. To achieve symbolism, functionality and sustainability none of us had the solution beforehand, says Sallois, with Nielsen and RBS Groups Nora Trentini nodding in agreement.

The glass construction becomes a metaphor for the IOCs desire for organizational transparency, reflecting the overall structural changes initiated by the Olympic Agenda 2020. The new building, called Olympic House, aims to bring the IOC administration under one roof. 0000256678 00000 n 0000003756 00000 n Entering through glass security gates, the interior impression is reminiscent of Foster + Partners recent Bloomberg London building, another project replete with high-tech sustainability gadgets. 0000006611 00000 n Olympic House was awarded three high level sustainability certifications that are well recognized both internationally (the LEED standard) and nationally (the Minergie and SNBS standards). Natural light.
The benefits are mainly a reduction in road traffic (less pollution for those living nearby, plus reduced energy and carbon footprint), natural resource savings and the space saved in rubbish dumps. Compared to standard new office buildings, the headquarters uses only 35% of the energy. Architecture of Tomorrow: Future Cities as Imagined by Architects Today, Cemented in Style: Seoul Takes Concrete in Exciting New Directions, Designing for the psychological benefits of play produces more inclusive spaces that benefit cities. This commitment included embracing the concept of circular economy, with over 95 per cent of the former administrative buildings being reused or recycled. The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate is the highest recognition level of the international LEED green building rating system, and Olympic House scored 93 points on the scale. The objective of getting workplace wellbeing right, says Marie Sallois who oversaw the development of the headquarters as the IOCs director of corporate development, brand and sustainability was the rationale for trying to achieve the latest versions of the sustainability standard the facility has obtained. It symbolises the principles of unity and peace that drive the Olympic Movement and is also an important part of the transformative journey undertaken by the IOC in the five years since the adoption of Olympic Agenda 2020, as we move towards greater transparency and collaboration. 0000011079 00000 n Copyright 2020 Architizer, Inc. All rights reserved. The sloped, green roof covering the projecting ground floor of the building pays respect to the surrounding park. According to a survey conducted by HR consultant Future Workplace, more than a third of workers felt they werent being exposed to enough natural light in their offices. As it was not possible to conserve the existing administrative buildings, a careful deconstruction and selective demolition was made of the old buildings. It was also guaranteed that the former building be reused and recycled to make room for the new one. It is designed around five key objectives that translate the Olympic Movements principles into built form: movement, transparency, flexibility, sustainability, and collaboration. 0000107831 00000 n And sometimes, you have to develop it with them.. Clusters of desks are also able to decide on temperature and light to meet their comfort via local control panels. These floors are also characterised by a transparency and lack of spatial hierarchy: directors offices are also transparent, creating open internal views across floor plates. As an organisation, one of our biggest investments in this commitment so far has been the construction of Olympic House - the new IOC headquarters that were inaugurated in June this year. There have been a lot of studies to show that natural light has an effect on wellbeing, Sallois says during a press conference and guided tour at the new facility. Its costly. 0000056061 00000 n High-quality indoor environments help protect the health and comfort of building occupants, enhance employee productivity and decrease absenteeism. She is also in charge of the implementation of the IOC Sustainability Suategy and the IOC Legacy Strategic Approach, which are core to the Olympic Movement's strategic roadmap, Olympic Agenda 2020. Solar panels placed to underline the roof design contribute to the buildings electricity supply. This electricity will allow the building to be self-sufficient in terms of its heating, ventilation, cooling and hot water systems. We have taken this responsibility very seriously and believe that, by sharing the knowledge and expertise we have gained from this endeavour, it can offer a valuable example to others. Designed to reflect the IOC's overarching mission to make the world a better place through sport, Olympic House is one of the most sustainable buildings in the world and an enduring testament to our ambition to become a role model in sustainability. 0000003369 00000 n
Following the principles of active design, the oak staircase and its periphery define the central area for social activity and movement, promoting a sense of community. Designing for the psychological benefits of play produces more inclusive spaces that benefit cities If anything, its focus on employee wellness and subsequent benefits (e.g. With the inauguration of its new headquarters in June 2020, the International Olympic Committee has underlined its commitment to sustainability. %PDF-1.4 % By optimizing the faade to floor plate ratio and creating a fully glazed faade from floor to ceiling, 3XNs design draws daylight deep into the building.
Comprising a straight inner layer and a curving, faceted outer layer, the result is a dynamic form that evokes the movement of an Olympic athlete. 0000124253 00000 n More specifically, the house is decked out with solar panels and heat pumps, which use water from Lake Geneva to provide renewable energy. Poor indoor air has been proven to significantly dent employee productivity. Climate change and the establishment of floating cities. In sports, movement leads to optimized performance; likewise, the formal manipulations of the building envelope have a direct effect on the buildings functioning. Special efforts were also made in regard to energy management, with the rooftop solar panels producing an amount of electricity equivalent to the yearly consumption of 60 Swiss households, reducing dependence on the grid, and enhanced insulation, smart building features and LED lighting meaning that Olympic House won't use any more energy than our previous headquarters, despite being three times the size. But Olympic House is more than just a building or another office block. The building is cooled by water from Lake Geneva, operates a rainwater collection system and its roof is covered in solar panels. 0000017381 00000 n Ahead of its official inauguration on 23 June, the Lausanne-based office has been awarded three sustainability standards LEED Platinum, the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard and Minergie P (for energy efficiency) in part due to its keen focus on workplace wellbeing. The site itself is located in the heart of Parc Louis Bourget, a popular lakeside public space in Lausanne where a campsite sits adjacent to the new building. 186 52 Through the green roof, terraces and fitness center, the building and natural environment is rich with the opportunity for employees to participate in sport and leisure activities in order to energize themselves throughout the day. The Unity Staircase a series of five circular, oak staircases recalling the Olympic rings forms the spatial centerpiece. 0000004675 00000 n The dynamic, undulating flow of the faade appears differently from all angles, conveying the energy of an athlete in motion.
It symbolises the principles of unity and peace that drive the Olympic Movement.Marie Sallois, Director of Corporate and Sustainable Development, IOC. Credit: 2019 International Olympic Committee (IOC) / Adam Mrk. Discover content from our architecture and design magazines, Subscribe to our free weekly email newsletter. Climate change and the EU loom over Sunday's Swiss elections, Venice asks tourists to refill water bottles, not buy new ones, Doggy sun cream and no walks: How to keep your pets cool in a heatwave. Through innovative features, the buildings environmental footprint is minimized without compromising the quality of the working environment. The International Olympic Committee has a new headquarters in Lausanne, thanks to 3XN. 3XN Architects have released new visuals along with a set of construction photos showing the process of the new home of the International Olympic Committee. Want to see your project featured like this? Strategies that LEED promotes include using low-emitting materials with no VOCs, establishing minimum standards for indoor air quality as per ASHRAE 62.1-2010, naturally ventilating spaces, monitoring outdoor air intake flow and prohibiting smoking inside a building. It is important for us to set an example and to back up our words with action. More than that, it can have a hugely detrimental affect on peoples health. The link with Lake Geneva symbolises the IOCs intrinsic connection with Lausanne and the wider region. 0000028241 00000 n Olympic House, the new headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), has received three of the most rigorous sustainable building certifications. - Jan Ammundsen, Senior Partner and Head of Design at 3XN Architects. 0000068918 00000 n But that has proven to be very successful because we were able to choose the right set of people..
0000070685 00000 n
We were also the first international headquarters, and just the second building overall, to obtain the highest level of the Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard, and received the Swiss standard for energy-efficient buildings - Minergie P. Olympic House is the first building to receive all three of these certifications, and the first in Switzerland to achieve LEED v4 Platinum. The new IOC headquarters directly contributes to the local economy surrounding it, with 80% of the investment in construction being spent locally.
Were witnessing sports and sustainability two incredible fields that both place a tremendous priority on human health and wellbeing coming together to plan for a more prosperous future. But this week, it was announced that the house has received a prestigious award, the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) platinum certificate. In a move to be respectful to the park, as Nielsen puts it, a sloped and undulating ground-floor roof draws greenery on to the building where plants mingle with a working terrace. Alongside the Olympic Museum, various departments of the IOC were located in a smattering of offices, now replaced by a single cathedral: the newly christened Olympic House by 3XN Architects.
And historically, the Olympic Movement has committed to green building, certifying several IOC facilities to LEED, including the Olympic House Madrid, the Beijing and Vancouver Olympic Villages, and the U.S. Olympic Committee Headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO.
0000011816 00000 n Experts explain what's going on, How batteries will supercharge the renewable revolution, Farmers in northern Italy could run out of water before end of July. This project has contributed to the development of local competencies, Sallois adds. This commitment to sustainability is on full display at therecently certified Olympic House in Lausanne, Switzerland. Enhanced circulation will serve as a catalyst for collaboration and solidarity among the workforce. The International Olympic Committee (IOC)is a leader in sustainability in the international sporting industry. 0000004219 00000 n Change My Mind. The staircase is a visual expression of the unity and collaboration between the IOC staff and stakeholders.
Following the principles of active design, the oak staircase and its periphery define the central area for social activity and movement.
Olympic House is also a unique example of innovative collaboration between many different stakeholders, including some of the IOCs commercial partners (Dow, Toyota and Panasonic), sustainability certification bodies, local authorities, suppliers and academics, as well as the IOC staff. We have four PhDs at the office looking into architecture and environments and to see how different environments affect peoples behaviour. Believe it or not, its the number one attribute employees crave in an office environment. Its about how they feel in there, how they work in there and how they enjoy it. This is felt from the first floor upwards, where different departments are organised in neighbourhoods with impressive access to outside views and natural light, facilitated by the curved floor plan and central skylight. Started in 2012, the new Olympic head office was always intended to be an investment in sustainability, both in terms of construction operations and energy efficiency. The newly released photographs show the circular staircase, which echoes the Olympic rings, as well as sinuous faade structure rising at the construction site in Lausanne, Switzerland. We gave them the executive board room and got them to test all the materials in the building. increased productivity, recruitment and retention) may be even more compelling that its environmental focus for many International Federations and sports organisations. The design allows the daily work and movements of the IOC staff to be visible through the transparent facade, reflecting the fair play and openness of the IOC, says Jan Ammundsen, partner and head of design at 3XN. In case you didnt know, the Olympic House, located in the Swiss region of Lausanne, is the official headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).
As a result of these initiatives and various collaborations, more than 95 percent of the materials used in the IOCs former administrative buildings have been recycled, reused or upgraded in Olympic House. The systematic arrangement of the technical and electrical elements enables an agile working environment, dedicated to a highly mobile workforce that adapts to strategic and organizational changes. 0000007543 00000 n

The architectural legacy of the Olympics is, however, barely acknowledged at Olympic House, despite the Games significant and often contentious contribution to international stadium architecture with notable examples in Beijing (2008), Montreal (1976) and Mexico City (1968). The aim for the design has been to minimize the environmental footprint while not compromising the quality of the working environment. At the heart of this is natural light. 0000045790 00000 n A total of 80% of the investment in the building which is in the Louis Bourget public park, home to the 18th-century castle Chateau de Vidy in Lausanne was spent on local contractors.
Following the IOCs brief, Olympic House is formed around five key objectives: Movement, transparency, flexibility, sustainability and collaboration each of which translates the Olympic movements core principles into built form. Its simple to say it, but its more complex when LEED is asking for every single square metre, where you spend more than one hour, to have two good quality views.. 0000107870 00000 n
A hallmark of 3XNs design, the faade pays tribute to the Olympic spirit by emulating the graceful movements of an athlete. - Building & Decor.
Complementing the buildings natural sunlight capabilities is its flagship feature: a unity staircase modelled on the five Olympic rings. The resultant design respects both the Chteaus legacy and the park setting, establishing seamless transitions between the green public space and Olympic House. When you go to market and ask for (products like) this, very few companies are able to demonstrate that they have the product to match your requirements. With offices that can be easily moved through the open spaces, workspaces can be easily modified according to the ever-changing needs of the IOC staff, encouraging internal collaboration. The shores of Lake Geneva are a protected area, and therefore 3XN, working with the IOC, approached the project with the intent to achieve the highest level of integration within the surrounding environment. The roof hosts 1,000 square meters of photovoltaic solar panels that bring in 10% of the buildings electricity.Rainwater is diverted to a 300-cubic-meter retention basin, and then used for watering green areas, toilet flushing and car washes. Working with similar organisations to achieve sustainability goals, Organising a climate neutral World Championships. This is done in a building that is geared to further the mission of international cooperation, transparency and sustainability, and has received three of the most rigorous sustainable building certifications. 0000069250 00000 n The result is probably the worlds most sustainable office building, as Olympic House has already received LEED Platinum and obtained the highest score ever given (93 0f 100), Swiss Sustainable Construction Standard Platinum and Minergie P.To achieve this, an ambitious approach was developed. The official inauguration will take place on Olympic Day, June 23. (do not tick this box if you are on a public computer), Tarkett helps London Waste and Recycling Board close the loop. Sallois explains that almost 100% of the Olympic Houses power comes from renewable energy sources. Olympic House serves as a bridge between the roots of the IOC in Lausanne and the vision of the organization for a sustainable future. Olympic House is LEED Platinum certified, the highest certification level from LEED. That is what we have endeavoured to do with Olympic House by aiming for three of the most demanding sustainable building certifications. The buildings transparency symbolizes the openness of the IOC as an organization and provides stunning views of the lake beyond. Exhibition spaces, a cafeteria and meeting rooms are also arranged around the central staircase, promoting a sense of community for the 500 regular users. As well as pushing sustainability boundaries, Olympic House allows us to bring together all our staff under one roof. 0000012490 00000 n By achieving unmatched levels of sustainability, Olympic House also demonstrates how the IOC is turning its commitments into action, serving as an inspiration for the Olympic Movement and sport as a whole. The staircase falls below the central skylight and encourages employees to walk and converse with each other. A vegetated plinth discreetly blends in with the landscape, minimizing the impact of the buildings footprint.
The four-storey building, which reads from the outside as a glass cube with pinched, concave facades, replaces another IOC office, 95% of whose materials have been reused for Olympic House. 90% of babies at risk from toxic chemicals in nappies, study finds, Is the heatwave due to climate change? A number of tests were carried out by a specialist laboratory to find the mixture for the recycled concrete that would meet the mechanical needs of the civil engineer. 0000070029 00000 n 0000071184 00000 n Compared with a normal construction, the Olympic House is expected to use 35% less energy by contrast. 0000005337 00000 n 0000123152 00000 n And we noticed that staircases affect people if you put it in the centre and make it special with daylight on it, people will like it and use it.. This is where the industry isnt ready, adds Sallois. Designed by SAP Garden architect 3XN, the new IOC headquarters has been built with large glass facades and a 13-metre central skylight to maximise the use of natural light in the building. In fact, it is anticipated that Olympic House will deliver a 35 per cent reduction in energy consumption, while our water-saving features and use of rainwater also mean Olympic House's consumption of the municipal supply should be 60 per cent less than a conventional building.