Plus many more useful items. Problems began when a truck jackknifed on Interstate 95, the main north-south highway along the East Coast, triggering a chain reaction as other cars lost control, state police said.
Nonperishable food, like beef jerky, granola bars or energy bars, is also recommended. Sign up to receive exclusive discounts and updates. A small blanket can serve many purposes for a stranded driver. As Lederman noted on TODAY, while stuck in the traffic snarl he "had a lot of gum, but not enough granola bars, which is what you really want in that situation.". Next, it is very important to ensure that your vehicle is in a safe place and to make yourself and your vehicle highly visible. Be sure to inform other drivers of the vehicle that the kit is available if they need it. Do not attempt to jump your car or open the radiator of a vehicle if you do not know exactly what you are doing! Be prepared for the slick road and the potential for being stuck in the elements with the AAA Winter Roadside Kit. Crews were working to tow the stopped trucks and to remove snow and ice while guiding stranded motorists to the nearest exits, transportation officials said. This does not account for unreported accidents and vehicle breakdowns that happen daily to unexpected drivers. These items might even save your life. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car. In case you are stranded, keep an emergency supply kit in your car with these automobile extras: Have a mechanic check the following on your car beforean emergency: Cat litter or sand (for better tire traction), Windshield wiper equipment and washer fluid level. Click image to download our ultimate car emergency kit checklist. Daniel Miller contributed to this story. 1 AAA Hard-Shell Foam Case1 First Aid Guide1 Pair Nitrile Gloves1 Sting Relief Pad6 Antiseptic Towelette15 3/8 X 1-1/2 Bandage20 3/4 X 3 Bandage1 2 X 2 Sterile Gauze Pad1 1/2 Adhesive Tape Roll3 AAA Batteries1 Emergency Whistle, 1 Roll Duct Tape 1 1/2" X 12'1 Utility Knife1 10 LED Headlamp1 Accident Forms & Guidelines1 AAA Membership Brochure1 Window-Mount Emergency Triangle1 Pen Style Tire Gauge1 Bungee Cord1 10' 8G Booster Cables1 Air Inflator. Hundreds of drivers have been stuck on Interstate 95 in the Fredericksburg area of Virginia since Monday morning following a period of heavy snow that swept across the region.
(). Day 2 of Steals & Deals has up to 69% off string lights, an indoor grill, more. So if you have been putting off making your own kit, just purchase one today for every vehicle you and your family own. Snacks are essential. The frightening scenario also serves as a reminder for drivers to be prepared in case of emergencies. 34 Piece First Aid Kit10 Plastic Bandages 3/4'' x 3''10 Plastic Bandages 3/8'' x 1 1/2''2 Gauze Pads 2'' x 2''3 Alcohol Wipes1 Butterfly Bandage10 Cotton Tips1 Carry Case, 1 14 in 1 Pocket Tool1 Work Gloves Leather Palm10 yds of Duct Tape1 Ice Scraper with Glove1 Flashlight w/ 2 D Alkaline Batteries1 Solar Blanket1 Adult Poncho1 Deluxe Sports Bag with Two End Pockets, One Front Pocket , Double Zipper Center Compartment & Shoulder Strap1 12 Hour Light Stick1 Pair of Hand Warmers, 1 High Visibility Yellow Highway Blanket1 Safety Vest - Neon mesh vest with reflective stripes.1 Distress Banner 36" x 15" "Emergency Help". A properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench and tripod jack, Tool kit and/or a multipurpose utility tool, Reflective triangles and brightly colored cloth to make your vehicle more visible, First aid kit with gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic ointment, aspirin, a blanket, nonlatex gloves, scissors, hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers and instant cold compress, Nonperishable, high-energy foods, such as unsalted nuts, dried fruits and hard candy, Reflective vest in case you need to walk to get help, Additional items for cold weather include a snow brush, shovel, windshield washer fluid, warm clothing, cat litter for traction and blankets, drivers expressed their frustrations with FOX5 DC, Watch: Gunman opens fire on car with 2 inside in Southwest Philadelphia, 3 killed after plane crashes into Napa County vineyard, January 6 hearing: Panel says Trump did 'everything' to overturn election, 'We forgive you': Family of woman, 2 kids struck in Philadelphia hit-and-run say they forgive driver, 76 Place: Philadelphia 76ers announce plan to develop new privately-funded arena in Center City, 'We won't accept that': Family seen in viral Sesame Place video speaks out, accuses park of discrimination, Pennsylvania officer shoots 15-foot snake that wrapped itself around man's neck, Caught on camera: Gunman opens fire on man at West Philadelphia grocery store, authorities say, Police: 15-year-old driving stolen car crashes into homes in Northeast Philadelphia, Philadelphia woman charged with murder of 3-year-old girl who was in her care, DA says. Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded.
Be prepared on the road with the Road Warrior Standard Roadside Emergency Kit. Scott Stump is a staff reporter and the writer of the daily newsletter This is TODAY. NBC correspondent details being stuck in traffic overnight due to winter storm, Winter safety tips for avoiding potentially hazardous situations, Drinking water/snacks for everyone in the car, including pets, Rags, paper towels or pre-moistened wipes, Basic set of tools along with duct tape and car emergency warning devices such as road flares or reflectors, Traction aid such as sand, salt or non-clumping cat litter. It is better to have a kit in your car, than to find yourself in an emergency situation and not have the essential tools or first aid supplies at your disposal. Something simple as a sturdy cardboard box might work but heavy-duty duffle bags or backpacks will keep your supplies well organized. 1 Backpack1 30 Minute 6" High Intensity Light Stick1 Tow Rope1 Auto Spot Light1 Jumper Cables1 37 piece First Aid Kit1 Flashlight2 D Batteries1 Fire Extinguisher1 Solar Blanket1 Waterproof Poncho, 1 Swiss Style Army Knife1 Flat Tire Fixer3 Drinking Water Pouches1 Pair Leather Gloves1 Whistle1 Duct Tape1 Utility Knife1 Emergency Instructions1 Help Sign3 Wet Naps1 Reflecting Triangle1 Self-Adhesive Distress Banner. It comes complete with a foldable shovel in case you need to dig your vehicle out of the snow, an ice scraper for clearing your windshields, extra clothing and hand warmers to help keep you warm, and an LED safety strobe to help warn other motorists you are on the side of the road. Check out our list of the best Winter Car Emergency Kits in 2021 here. Store your supplies in a durable and compact storage unit.
Drivers should also turn the engine off if it's clear that the traffic jam could be a long one. Tire wedges can be purchased at most auto parts stores. Vehicles can be very dangerous so if you are not mechanically inclined and not familiar with auto care it is always best to wait for a professional to assist you. Items you should have in your car include: Extra gloves, winter hats and coats or blankets are obviously more important in the winter in case you run into a situation like the people who had to stay overnight in their cars in freezing weather on Monday. Most cars have plenty of room to store a few small items that will make an unpredicted emergency less stressful. Don't be fooled into thinking it will never happen to you, it can and most likely will at some point! But by having an emergency kit in your car can make all of the difference. Bennett referenced a list compiled by AAA of what should be in your car emergency kit, while also providing some extra tips. Hundreds of drivers were stranded overnight after both directions of traffic on I-95 came to a standstill on Jan. 3 between Ruther Glen, Virginia, in Caroline County and exit 152 in Dumfries, Prince William County, the Virginia Department of Transportation said, after an accident and the winter weather kicked in. It includes really great essential items such as: jumper cables incase your battery dies, reflective safety triangle to warn other motorists you are on the side of the road, headlamp to help you see at night hands-free, a first aid kit for minor injuries, and an air inflator to help fill flat tires. As hours passed and night fell, drivers posted messages on social media about running out of fuel, food and water. Stay inside until a trained person removes the wire. Most of these items can be stored in a small shoebox-sized plastic container in your trunk, under your seat, or in your cargo area. "You want to keep them clear for first responders, tow trucks and emergency vehicles to get to the cause of the stoppage," Bennett said. Harsh winter road conditions can be extremely dangerous and lead to more accidents. You may need specific tools to help keep you safe. Tire wedges are necessary if you need to change a tire or inspect damage to your vehicle. If the emergency could affect the stability of the roadway avoid overpasses, bridges, power lines, signs and other hazards. Some drivers were stranded for at least 19 hours after a crash involving multiple vehicles brought traffic to a halt while more than a foot of snow fell in the region. Some of the highlighted items include: a fire exntiguisher which is always good to have in your vehicle, tow ropes, first aid kit, jumper cables, reflective triangle, and emergency water packs in case you find yourself stuck on the side of the road for an extended period of time. Whether you are stranded because of a flat tire, a traffic jam, or poor weather conditions, it is important to have a couple of nonperishable snacks handy. Be fully prepared in days, not weeks with Premium. If not, a pair of jumper cables will allow you to help another motorist in need. A nightmarish traffic jam that stranded some drivers for up to 19 hours in Virginia on Monday and Tuesday has brought attention to the need for drivers to have emergency kits in their cars. If you ever run out of gas, one of these containers will allow you to purchase just enough fuel to get your car to the nearest gas station.
Making your own car emergency kit can be easy. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are over 6,000,000 reported vehicle accidents each year in the United States. It was reported from Los Angeles. U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine was caught in the chaos, along with NBC News correspondent Josh Lederman, who described the scene on TODAY Tuesday after being stranded overnight for 10 hours in his car with his dog. Whether you choose to build your own from our list or you make it easy and purchase one of our amazing kits, we want you to be prepared. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Plan long trips carefully and listen to the radio or television for up-to-date weather forecasts and road conditions. If your car overheats, you will be able to use distilled water to cool your engine. The AAA Destination kit is great Basic or Starter kit. Mother nature has a way of reminding us of who is really in charge. "This could happen at any time," David Bennett, manager of repair systems for AAA, told TODAY. Having a well-stocked roadside emergency kit in your vehicle is crucial because you never know when you may experience a breakdown or even worse a car accident. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Now that you know the essential items to have in your car emergency kit, you can jumpstart your preparedness by investing in one our approved kits. A full tank will also keep the fuel line from freezing. Not a fun experience. An official website of the United States government.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. "You dont want to run it for an hour and not move," Bennett said. Think about the geographic area in which you live when considering what you might need in your emergency kit. Check out our article on How To Safely Jump Start a Car Battery for step by step details if you need a jump start. Take the time on an annual basis to examine the supplies in your car emergency kit. "You start asking yourself, 'Am I going to be here all night long? The traffic nightmare that unfolded in freezing temperatures along a 50-mile stretch of Interstate 95 in Virginia on Monday into Tuesday has highlighted the need for motorists to equip their vehicles with necessary supplies in case of a similar emergency. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The following is a list of items that should be stored in your vehicle to ensure that you will be prepared if you happen to become stranded while driving. Am I going to sleep in my car? It is almost inevitable that you will be stalled by a dead battery at some point. He described drivers turning off their cars and exiting their vehicles amid 26-degree temperatures as people ran low on food and water and automobiles ran out of gas. "You want to go ahead and shut it off and then start it up every half hour or hour to warm the inside of the cabin to make sure everybody is safe, but thats where the extra blankets, hats and gloves come in handy.". If you or a member of your family require specific medications, you may consider including them in your car kit. Be seen up to 1 mile away at night with these powerful and easy to use LED safety road flares. Especially when considering having medications available in the kit. 2022 Safety Kits Plus Powered by Shopify, Jump Starter - Portable Power Bank For Car Battery, Phones, & Computers, 1 30 Minute 6" High Intensity Light Stick, 3 Piece Fleece Set w/Cap, Gloves And Scarf, 1 Folding Snow Shovel - Chrome Plated, 37" three-piece shovel, 1 12' Jumper Cables - heavy-duty 6 gauge, 1 Deluxe Sports Bag with Two End Pockets, One Front Pocket , Double Zipper Center Compartment & Shoulder Strap, 1 High Visibility Yellow Highway Blanket, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Our Most Reliable Roadside Kits For Winter, Top 5 Most Useful First Aid Kits To Keep In Your Car, How To Safely Use A Portable Power Bank To Jump Your Car Battery. Keeping a gas can in the car with a few extra gallons in it is not recommended by AAA, but Bennett said that any motorists who choose to do so should use a container approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation. "A pileup on a freeway can happen in good weather, so thats why you should always be prepared.". Keeping emergency food and water with a 5 year shelf life in your kit is a great idea but alway make sure the items are not expired. Make sure that you can easily access your car emergency kit. Should I turn my car off?'". Six inches of water can cause a vehicle to lose control or possibly stall. It is as simple as purchasing all of the essential supplies and storing them in a durable bag in your vehicle. Are there potholes? Imagine yourself in the middle of the night, on a dark isolated road, no one in sight with a flat tire, out of gas or with a dead battery. These small gas containers can be purchases for only a few dollars and are compact enough to be easily stored in your trunk. It is best to always be prepared for the worst case scenarios. For example, if you live in an area that is prone to harsh winter conditions then you should definitely consider including items like blankets, extra warm clothing, hand warmers, a snow shovel, and an ice-scraper. He has been a regular contributor for since 2011, producing news stories and features across the trending, pop culture, sports, parents, pets, health, style, food and TMRW verticals. A foot of water will float many cars. You may want to have items specific to certain members of your family if they have individual needs. "I left about 11 p.m. last night to go help some family in Fredericksburg who lost power and little did I know on the way there, there would be a traffic jam," one driver said. This is a good time to put on your hi-visibility safety vest, lift the hood of your car and put on your emergency flashers. Some drivers expressed their frustrations with FOX5 DC explaining that they had feelings of hopelessness as they remained stranded in place overnight. AAA also recommends avoiding driving on the shoulders or medians of highways to try to get around the traffic jam. If it becomes hard to control the car, pull over, stop the car and set the parking brake. Each flare has 15 LED lights with 9 flashing modes to alert motorist of your presence on the side of the road. But the National Safety Council, a U.S. nonprofit safety advocate, has a more comprehensive list. IE 11 is not supported. This is a good time to replace any expired items or supplies that have been depleted. Be sure to choose a road sign that is reflective. Prepare today and you will be safe tomorrow and you will be glad you did if you ever find yourself in a roadside emergency. Set up your reflective triangles or warning signals to warn oncoming traffic. Install good winter tires and make sure they have enough tread, or any chains or studs required in your local area. It is a good idea if possible to contact someone and let them know your situation.If you cannot reach someone you know contact your roadside emergency service if you have one or call 911 if you do not. Official websites use .gov LockA locked padlock A few simple and inexpensive items will make any emergency situation much less stress. 1 Mayday Reflecting Triangle1 Folding Snow Shovel - Chrome Plated, 37" three-piece shovel1 12' Jumper Cables - heavy-duty 6 gauge1 Flat Tire Fixer1 Tow Rope - Tows up to 6500 lbs. If you do not have the time or motivation to create your own car emergency kit, then there are plenty of tried and true kits that are readily available for purchase.
Nonperishable food, like beef jerky, granola bars or energy bars, is also recommended. Sign up to receive exclusive discounts and updates. A small blanket can serve many purposes for a stranded driver. As Lederman noted on TODAY, while stuck in the traffic snarl he "had a lot of gum, but not enough granola bars, which is what you really want in that situation.". Next, it is very important to ensure that your vehicle is in a safe place and to make yourself and your vehicle highly visible. Be sure to inform other drivers of the vehicle that the kit is available if they need it. Do not attempt to jump your car or open the radiator of a vehicle if you do not know exactly what you are doing! Be prepared for the slick road and the potential for being stuck in the elements with the AAA Winter Roadside Kit. Crews were working to tow the stopped trucks and to remove snow and ice while guiding stranded motorists to the nearest exits, transportation officials said. This does not account for unreported accidents and vehicle breakdowns that happen daily to unexpected drivers. These items might even save your life. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car. In case you are stranded, keep an emergency supply kit in your car with these automobile extras: Have a mechanic check the following on your car beforean emergency: Cat litter or sand (for better tire traction), Windshield wiper equipment and washer fluid level. Click image to download our ultimate car emergency kit checklist. Daniel Miller contributed to this story. 1 AAA Hard-Shell Foam Case1 First Aid Guide1 Pair Nitrile Gloves1 Sting Relief Pad6 Antiseptic Towelette15 3/8 X 1-1/2 Bandage20 3/4 X 3 Bandage1 2 X 2 Sterile Gauze Pad1 1/2 Adhesive Tape Roll3 AAA Batteries1 Emergency Whistle, 1 Roll Duct Tape 1 1/2" X 12'1 Utility Knife1 10 LED Headlamp1 Accident Forms & Guidelines1 AAA Membership Brochure1 Window-Mount Emergency Triangle1 Pen Style Tire Gauge1 Bungee Cord1 10' 8G Booster Cables1 Air Inflator. Hundreds of drivers have been stuck on Interstate 95 in the Fredericksburg area of Virginia since Monday morning following a period of heavy snow that swept across the region.
(). Day 2 of Steals & Deals has up to 69% off string lights, an indoor grill, more. So if you have been putting off making your own kit, just purchase one today for every vehicle you and your family own. Snacks are essential. The frightening scenario also serves as a reminder for drivers to be prepared in case of emergencies. 34 Piece First Aid Kit10 Plastic Bandages 3/4'' x 3''10 Plastic Bandages 3/8'' x 1 1/2''2 Gauze Pads 2'' x 2''3 Alcohol Wipes1 Butterfly Bandage10 Cotton Tips1 Carry Case, 1 14 in 1 Pocket Tool1 Work Gloves Leather Palm10 yds of Duct Tape1 Ice Scraper with Glove1 Flashlight w/ 2 D Alkaline Batteries1 Solar Blanket1 Adult Poncho1 Deluxe Sports Bag with Two End Pockets, One Front Pocket , Double Zipper Center Compartment & Shoulder Strap1 12 Hour Light Stick1 Pair of Hand Warmers, 1 High Visibility Yellow Highway Blanket1 Safety Vest - Neon mesh vest with reflective stripes.1 Distress Banner 36" x 15" "Emergency Help". A properly inflated spare tire, wheel wrench and tripod jack, Tool kit and/or a multipurpose utility tool, Reflective triangles and brightly colored cloth to make your vehicle more visible, First aid kit with gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic ointment, aspirin, a blanket, nonlatex gloves, scissors, hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers and instant cold compress, Nonperishable, high-energy foods, such as unsalted nuts, dried fruits and hard candy, Reflective vest in case you need to walk to get help, Additional items for cold weather include a snow brush, shovel, windshield washer fluid, warm clothing, cat litter for traction and blankets, drivers expressed their frustrations with FOX5 DC, Watch: Gunman opens fire on car with 2 inside in Southwest Philadelphia, 3 killed after plane crashes into Napa County vineyard, January 6 hearing: Panel says Trump did 'everything' to overturn election, 'We forgive you': Family of woman, 2 kids struck in Philadelphia hit-and-run say they forgive driver, 76 Place: Philadelphia 76ers announce plan to develop new privately-funded arena in Center City, 'We won't accept that': Family seen in viral Sesame Place video speaks out, accuses park of discrimination, Pennsylvania officer shoots 15-foot snake that wrapped itself around man's neck, Caught on camera: Gunman opens fire on man at West Philadelphia grocery store, authorities say, Police: 15-year-old driving stolen car crashes into homes in Northeast Philadelphia, Philadelphia woman charged with murder of 3-year-old girl who was in her care, DA says. Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded.