My education prepared me for the books I wrote. Do your best and move on. 0000014916 00000 n 0000032085 00000 n
0000036724 00000 n
I started working for the mother company, Starpower as an adjudicator in 2001. I am most proud of the latter, as it includes tons of information young dancers and their parents should know getting into the dance world in any capacity. For instance, dancers audition for a spot on Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines! Required fields are marked *. I find it to be a great honor to work with them, and I know the company cares very much for dancers. Essentially, all my mistakes and young dumb years helped make this book good. Spotlight Musical Theatre Cabaret Galawas the first Jagged Little Pill,the Grammy and TonyAward-winningBroadwaymusicalinspiredbyAlanis Morissettesground-breakingalbumofthesamename, will triumphantly return toTheatre Royal Sydneyfrom 9 For thousands of Regent Seven Seas Cruises crew members, the return to sail was Dance Informa is the industry's online dance magazine and news service. People are often hired or chosen based on their type. Star Dance Alliance is an alliance of top international dance competitions committed to bringing the greatest dance competition experience. Not only is Starpower Talent included in this alliance, they are the largest member. It just happens. We hope y, Happy Thanksgiving from the Believe family to your, Due to overwhelming response, we will be offering, Believe is looking for highly motivated individual. VDF is an incredible tool for dancers to take their training and dance lives to the next level and I am 100 percent about leveling up and making it happen as a dancer., My visit to VDF will include a master class workshop, possible Professional Seminar based on my book Are You Ready for the Next Step? and plenty of Exhibit time. If one doesnt know how much money dance jobs make, how to get jobs, or what to expect, it is a great read. Sounds dumb, right? Even if you feel you have much to learn, or if you feel you arent the best. 0000022293 00000 n
No one wants to help a snob. Sounds dumb, right? %%EOF
Because the Star Dance Alliance was created by a dancer, master teacher and studio owner, I feel we are always trying to help dancers and teachers in the best ways possible. I absolutely love playing various roles, and that creates a balance in and of itself. I loved having the balance of being a professional dancer but also communicating with young dancers. I started working for the mother company, Starpower as an adjudicator in 2001. 0000019259 00000 n
There are so many factors taken into consideration when it comes to decision-making at auditions. For example, my collegiate training, which could be comparable to full-time program training, was used in teaching and choreography. Because the Star Dance Alliance was created by a dancer, master teacher and studio owner, I feel we are always trying to help dancers and teachers in the best ways possible. 0000056346 00000 n 0000061338 00000 n My visit to VDF will include a master class workshop, possible Professional Seminar based on my book Are You Ready for the Next Step? and plenty of Exhibit time. Do not compare yourself to others. My favourite jobs always include working with young dancers. #3. I would also love to create more online tools and videos that aide young dancers. 0000048152 00000 n
This performance is in front of over 3,000 people and televised worldwide! Now, that sounds incredibly self-serving to be kind for your own benefit. I also want dance studio and dance school owners to create the best programs possible, each with their unique essence. 2022 - Hotels4Teams. I get to work on the creative side with my teaching and choreography, but I also get to look at the organisation as a whole and try to make it even better for dancers and studio owners alike. 0000025035 00000 n 0000009956 00000 n If you dont know how to manage money, maintain a professional demeanor as well as your physicality, and be easy to work with, you will be the good old One Hit Wonder. *For updated tournament information, please visit Starpower. I know first hand that a dancers professional life is limited in years as a performer, and I want dancers to get gigs! 0000026437 00000 n From partnerships with AMDA, invites to week-long dance intensives, and tickets to the World Dance Championships, this company proves career development always comes first. For your chance to win these career evolving awards, check out the end of the article for a list of competitions arranged by month. ", Like to become a Festival Partner orExhibitor? Here, Wolins shares her experiences and insights with Dance Informa. 0000088709 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % They run into the less popular kids down the road in powerful positions and get passed up for jobs. stream Take yourself seriously. Power Pak also recognizes that everybody needs a break from the grind, so they set aside time for fun activities in all 3 cities they visit. Today it is one of the largest talent competitions, traveling to over 70 cities. I would love to see more and more beautiful Australian dancers continue in the industry in any capacity, and especially get jobs as dancers. Photo from 'Dance: Are You Ready for the Next Step? To find hotel rooms for your gym or parents closest to where your team is playing in ANY city, visit Dance should make your heart happy. Both entities maintain many aspects of dance and are complementary. 0000088804 00000 n They provide warm up and rehearsal areas, professional staging, lighting, and sound systems, and live feeds for online viewing. 0000013657 00000 n As implied in the name, this championship event brings the best talent ever seen from countries all over the globe. I loved having the balance of being a professional dancer but also communicating with young dancers. 0000032005 00000 n Starpower is continually looking throughout the Australian dance community for industry leaders and young performers to represent Australian at the World Dance Championship and World Dance Pageant in America. By Kathryn Boland of Dance Informa. This competition is an event dancers prepare for all year and is an essential component of Starpower Talents National Championships. The major goal is to create more specific environments for young dancers and studio owners to expand and flourish. One can be an incredible dancer and book one tour or one amazing gig. And what helps you to balance it all? They also award $160,000 in scholarships at every National Championship event. 0000012142 00000 n But if you get burnt out, find a way to remember why you love to dance. The SDA has a partnership with the casting team, and because I have known some of the casting team for years as professional in NYC, I am able to work with this esteemed panel. I love the studios as well as how the dancers train in full-time programs. I teach for Wild and Starpower Ultimate Dance Workshop, I choreograph, teach and give seminars at the Power Pak summer dance camps and set numerous opening number acts, I co-direct the World Dance Pageant in NYC, and I sometimes host events like the World Dance Championships and the Battle of the Stars. 0000002734 00000 n %PDF-1.3 If you dont know how to manage money, maintain a professional demeanor as well as your physicality, and be easy to work with, you will be the good old One Hit Wonder. - Sitemap, Win your invite to Starpower Talents Power Pak Dance Intensive, Wakefield, now in her 90s, was founder and director of Wakefield School of Dance for 35 years. 0000000016 00000 n Gig life as a dancer would find me having contracts that lasted a year, a few months, a few weeks or for a night.
0 Needless to say rehearsals are seen as a requirement. As years progressed, he opened his own studio and became a master teacher. You as an applicant or person auditioning do not ever fully know the casting scenario. 0000020306 00000 n Here is another example of where long time friendships, credibility and integrity in the industry come into play. #2.
', Dancing leads one to travel certainly across stages, through studios, and across cities and towns. This is a good time to mention to anyone reading that every single thing a young dancer or professional learns goes into a bag of tricks and can be utilized later. Essentially, all my mistakes and young dumb years helped make this book good.. It ends up being a small world. 0000029287 00000 n My education prepared me for the books I wrote. I can feel a third book brewing.. If you want to play in the big leagues, you have to work like you are in the big leagues. Like Wakefield, Gary Pate grew up in the performing arts community. Its not going to end well. Its certainly led Jill Wolins of, to that. Its a waste of time and energy. Dance should make your heart happy.
Aside from Battle of the Stars, Power Pak offers scholarship and audition opportunities. ", "Starpower has many exciting events in Australia with opportunities for dancers to perform and showcase their incredible talents for their friends and families, along with an elite panel of judges at every event. <<599C6B7965F0DC4895144DA2F4742C52>]/Prev 395934>>
I currently consider myself fortunate to play numerous roles at the Star Dance Alliance. Dancers can qualify and earn scholarships to attend the Power Pak, World Dance Championship, and World Dance Pageant. 0000021474 00000 n
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In addition to awarding students with scholarships, Starpower Talent also gives Golden Tickets to the World Dance Championship. This non-profit organization arranges entertainment and shows for people serving in the military. Hand chosen dancers from across the nation learn all styles of dance from master teachers, at a fast pace. Be kind. I have so many ideas, and I will take them one at a time. I want to continue to create environments in the SDA to help young adults be ready not only for their best dance lives, but for their best lives in general. The Star Dance Alliance and Starpower International are gaining a presence in Australia, and I absolutely love Australian dancers and how they train. It will be my third trip to Australia in less than a year, and I look forward to many more..
0000048737 00000 n
As they say, Youre always a star at Starpower.. My public relations training at the Rockettes and live TV/film work as a dancer for jobs prepared me for hosting both live and on camera. Last but not least, their Battle of Stars Competition is broadcast all over the WORLD, giving performers incredible exposure. 3 0 obj Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Sydney Coliseum Theatre, Sydney. Are you ready to Bring It?!?!? 29 0 obj
Email The SDA also now includes Star Travel, a travel agency dedicated not only to shipping staff and faculty around the world for SDA productions, but also to making group travel easier for dance studios around the globe. I teach for Wild and Starpower Ultimate Dance Workshop, I choreograph, teach and give seminars at the Power Pak summer dance camps and set numerous opening number acts, I co-direct the World Dance Pageant in NYC, and I sometimes host events like the World Dance Championships and the Battle of the Stars. Young dancers need to train like athletes, maintain and nourish their creativity, but also understand the demands of the practical world. This week-long intensive is designed to show dancers what it is like in a professional dance company. Featuring fabulous venues, professional stage and sound, knowledgeable judges and an event experience like no other. 0000048442 00000 n
For those who do not know what the SDA is, it is a group of dance related companies including large internationals dance competitions such as Starpower International, Nexstar, Revolution, Believe, Imagine, and DreamMaker, the workshop conventions Wild Dance Intensive and Starpower International Ultimate Dance Workshop, the World Dance Pageant, Power Pak summer dance camp, and The World Dance Championships. Gig life as a dancer would find me having contracts that lasted a year, a few months, a few weeks or for a night. You never know who will end up in positions of power 10 years down the road. I also still teach and give seminars for Dance Masters of America, a membership required, educational based organisation in the states. They even have a whopping 7 National Championships in cities like Las Vegas, NV and Atlantic City, NJ. Wolins has travelled to Australia several times, for one, and will soon be returning to teach and present at VDF in Melbourne this April. Where to from here what are your longer-term plans and goals? 0000060583 00000 n
And thats really the awesome part! I also still teach and give seminars for Dance Masters of America, a membership required, educational based organisation in the states. Star Dance Alliance also happens to be partners with the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, which has campuses in New York and Los Angeles, CA. There are so many factors taken into consideration when it comes to decision-making at auditions. hb```b``+g` cc`ax0,kn^p3 lALQvu7i.|1/~p.dlkY9O\hM7z9;e$Y|9. 0000046338 00000 n
It will be my third trip to Australia in less than a year, and I look forward to many more. Live your life, love your dance. So what are you waiting for? Its not going to end well. I contribute to a number of art and entertainment industry based sources. I have enjoyed helping launch most of the competitions in their first year of tours. Subscribe for free to keep informed! I know first hand that a dancers professional life is limited in years as a performer, and I want dancers to get gigs! Their Championships offer master classes and auditions with some of the top performers and teachers in the nation. As they grow they give students more and more opportunities to progress their art form. "Starpower is excited to be a part of the Victorian Dance Festival to share our passion for dance even further around the world. 0000060926 00000 n
0000046189 00000 n
To dance with and meet Jill at VDF, visit What are your top tips for dancers? The business and industry can easily suck the love from your dancing, so dont let it. Experiences I thought nothing of surely came into play in my later years.. In her spare time between teaching and choreographing she worked with the United Service Organization.
Or any job interview really. My public relations training at the Rockettes and live TV/film work as a dancer for jobs prepared me for hosting both live and on camera. Winning a competition like this gives unimaginable confidence to studios, knowing they succeeded on a global scale. The dance industry includes many types of jobs, including technical positions, casting positions, creative teams and even business/admin positions. 0000088322 00000 n #4. How did that develop? I completely sound like your mother, but I have seen people get cliquey around the dancers who excel or who win competitions. Do your best and move on. Lastly, I will continue to write. A few tips for serious dancers, people who loves dance, or really anyone who wants to succeed are: 0000056311 00000 n Like to become a Festival Partner orExhibitor? SDA and VDF love dance on all levels. All rights reserved. SDA and VDF love dance on all levels. No seriously, work hard. Young dancers need to train like athletes, maintain and nourish their creativity, but also understand the demands of the practical world.