back to top, Resistance training or strength training is appropriate for the young player provided the guidelines recommended here are followed. Rest periods between sets and exercises: 2-3 minutes * Knee extension, * Narrow grip bench press Repetitions per set for abdominal exercises: 20 to 30 Which components of fitness does the rugby player use? * Calf raise Just be cautious of compounds movements since they have the potential of over fatiguing accessory muscles. This handy guide includes tips on how to warm up properly, perfect your form, and increase your strength. How much weight should you add? Step 3. Shoulder internal rotation
Initially, alternate the order of exercise between muscle groups. Strength training is key to improving your performance on the rugby field. Regular resistance training that aims to enhance muscle strength and power, Focus on exercises that replicate in-game movements, Introduce variation into your training every 4-6 weeks to promote muscular development, Support your training with required energy demands, Eat a variety of high-quality foods to avoid nutrient deficiencies, Consume high quality protein with each meal including breakfast, Whey protein is best pre and post training. Resistance: 8 to 10 RM So, it is very important for players to begin their match and training sessions well hydrated, and continue to drink regularly throughout. Our simple but highly effective training system will help you achieve your goals in no time. Well-structured strength & conditioning programmes contain exercises that resemble the movement patterns in rugby, to make you stronger and more powerful on the pitch. Phase 1 Preparatory Develop a solid foundation and build habits that will ensure you make progress throughout the programme. Number of sets: three Step 1. Reverse elbow curl or elbow curl Shoulder external rotation For example, the programme prescribes; Dumbbell Shoulder Press for 3 sets of between 8-12 repetitions. Always keep in mind the below guidelines for progressions: Dumbbells = Increase by 1 2.5kg (the increment will depend on your gyms dumbbells).
Use sound judgment, and monitor the training sessions as each player progresses to more advanced training programmes. The program can be used year-round to good effect, both off-season (three sessions per week) and in-season (two sessions per week). The same rule applies for forward pass or knocked on ball. Conditioning testing is important for rugby players who want to be quicker. Now that you have completed a few sessions and are happy with your starting weights you may be wondering when and how to progress?
This can be done by starting with general mobility drills, before progressing to the barbell. About Me Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1. 3. As well as drinking little and often throughout the day, players should drink approximately 200-400ml of water in the 1-2 hours before the start of their match or training session. The following programmes are examples of a progression of development from early pre-season through to the in-season. Carbohydrates are stored in our muscles and liver as glycogen. We have also provided you with suggested substitutions should you need to swap an exercise. You will have a set rest period on some exercises and in others, you will have to perform in a circuit fashion. Always set time in your diary for at least an hour to train. There are a lot of factors that go into increasing strength and muscle growth, and rest periods are one of them. It is a lot easier to finish a set feeling it was too light and increase it for the next set, rather than selecting a heavyweight and executing the exercise with poor technique or not completing the target sets and reps. Format: set-repetition Attack starts five meters away from goal line place another cone two meters out from goal line the defenders can not move out past this cone, attackers just have to run across the line to score they do not have to ground the ball, if an attacker is tagged (two-handed) the ball is passed back to the five meter line to start the next attack, attackers have two minutes to score as many points as possible, any time the ball is dropped, knocked on, passed forward that attacking raid is finished and the ball has to go back to the five meter line to go again. Perform 5 minutes at a low speed/intensity, gradually getting slightly quicker each minute. The lifter should perform no less than 8 repetitions per set using 8- to 10-RM resistance for advanced exercises. The smaller muscles will receive attention in this routine. Here we look at the rugby players diet plan and the training you need to build muscle, strength and body like big rugby players. conditioning (short duration-high intensity and long duration-medium intensity). It is important to ensure that an unloading week occurs every 6th week.
Avoiding excessive amounts of alcohol is also important to prevent poor recovery. However, with thought and careful planning a safe enjoyable and productive programme can be implemented. Follow this and you can not go wrong. In total, youll be doing 20 Squats. However, we encourage you to target other areas of rugby fitness on days you are not completing the rugby strength programme. The Iifter should perform no more than eight repetitions per set using 8- to 10-RM resistance for advanced exercises. The best method for achieving this goal is the use of modified anaerobic games. Single leg movements (squats, lunges, step ups), Loads of 75-95% of 1RM will result in increased maximum strength. Train hard and enjoy the results of a fitter start to next season. If you want to be a successful amateur player, you need a program that will get you stronger and will probably get you faster as a by-product. These factors ensure the safety of the trainees and prevent damage to equipment. Three training sessions per week with at least I day separating sessions. Bench press Italics indicate exercises that can be periodised for resistance within this training phase. Rugby players will train 1-3 times a day combining gym strength, team and individual pitch fitness, and mobility/recovery sessions throughout the week. If youre looking to get stronger for rugby, the Rugby Strength Workout Plan is the perfect place to start. There must at all times be supervision during these programmes and as the player may not be under your direct supervision (ie during the summer months) it is imperative that his programme is supervised by an experienced adult. This will allow the young player to overcome any initial effects of fatigue and it will ensure that he will not overtrain. Certain things need to be considered when addressing your diet plan as a rugby player diet to help build muscle mass and strength: A positive energy balance is essential for muscle hypertrophy. The programme outlined below is suitable for a 12-14 year old player only if the the young player has completed the general body weight and partner resistance programme as outlined above. Modified games not only train the metabolic systems, both aerobic and anaerobic, but also speed and acceleration, all the time while developing vision, spatial awareness and decision-making with the ball in hand. * Front squat back to top. The appropriate diet for a rugby player should include a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables each day to provide sufficient vitamins and minerals, but they may also take a multivitamin supplement because of the significant energy demands and stress placed on a rugby players body. So large amounts of high protein foods such as lean meat, fish, dairy, eggs and protein supplements. When the young player uses resistance training equipment, several factors concerning safety must be emphasized. After the first month, I would have you follow the plan outlined below. Thats why we have videos for every exercise in the exercise videos tab within your programme. Protein is essential for the accumulation of new muscle.
Complete a resetting session and one of option 1 or 2 per week with at least 1 day separating the sessions. A majority of the exercises in the plan are barbell and dumbbell focused because they are most easily accessible. Played with a soccer ball, normal soccer rules apply but if you can catch the ball on the full you then play on for three touches with normal touch football rules applying after the thirdtouch the ball is dropped and neither the defender or attacker involved in that last play are allowed to touch the ball. The player will require longer rests between sets. post-training, anxiety. This is another, if not more relevant pre-training journal Rugby is a physically demanding sport that requires players to have high levels of muscle mass and low fat levels in body. As you get closer to the distance, increase your speed until you are working maximally.
5. Doms are normal, especially in the first week of a new plan. * Narrow-grip bench press. Dumbbells usually increase in around 2kg increments. The final part of the warm-up should prepare you for a full-body training session. The following programme is suitable for weeks 1 through to 5. Increase the weight by 2.5-10kg and try again. The In-season period may be as long 30 weeks for some players. Resistance training does not have to involve the use of maximal or near-maximal resistances or loads. * Power snatch or snatch pull from knee or thigh level, Format: set-repetition Number of sets: two Email:, Services 2 sessions minimum will also be effective, just not to the degree of 3. Maximising Athlete Performance The lifter should increase resistances slowly and in small increments. If you want to get bigger, faster and stronger, we recommend taking this approach for at least the first week of Rugby Strength Workout Plan programme and for any rugby strength exercises you are unfamiliar with. Always ensure that the player is capable of lifting the load at least 8 times. * Seated row 2. Squat or leg press - vary between dumbells and barbell back to top. 2. Finally, you must individualize programme progression for each exercise. Resistance training is the most important stimulus for developing muscle size and strength. Hang pull * The total time will be between 25 and 55 minutes per session, * Dumbell exercises ( Lunge, arm curls) Rugby players can lose a lot of water and sodium through sweat during a match and training, so tracking sweat losses can accurately measure how much to drink to maintain hydration. You are not a professional, so you only want to train two or three times a week. This will run from late June to the end of August. Step 5. * Wrist curl Your diet should obey a food first approach. The second session during the week consists of an all-round strengthening routine. 8. Below is an example of a weekly training schedule using Rugby Strength Workout Plan: Below is an example of a weekly training schedule using Rugby Strength Workout Planalong with other training: If youre looking to boost your conditioning and overall training load for rugby, then Metabolic Conditioning circuits are a very useful tool. Some recreational and semi-pro rugby players may have higher levels of body fat than elite players. Logging your performance is key to ensuring that you have an understanding of what weights to select for the following week and to view your progress throughout the programme. 4. Nevertheless, in weight Iifting or power lifting the object is to lift as much as possible for one repetition of a particular competitive exercise. Rugby players will also need approx. I would start at around 1500 to 2400 metres initially for the total volume of the session and limit the volume over time to no more than 4000 metres.
The total time will be 30 to 70 minutes per session. Having high carbohydrate and protein foods and drinks such as a milkshake, protein shake or fruit smoothie, energy bars, sushi will all help kick start recovery.
Quite simply, you use the exercises that deliver the most effect for your time, these are all compound large muscle group exercises. The milestones checklist can be updated whenever you feel ready to attempt one of our 15 physical fitness milestones. If an advanced exercise is used, it should be performed at the beginning of the training session. Then calculate 75% of your weight for the one rep you achieved on the last set of week three and use this as your start weight for the first set of six for the re-start of the program in week one. All exercises should be completed with a slow controlled movement. Abdominal exercise
3. Normal touch rules apply, other than when a person makes a touch he has to sprint around his own goal posts before being eligible to be on D again, attacking team gets six touches, no kicking is allowed. Training for these sports consequently does require lifting maximal or near-maximal resistances. There is plenty of variety here to turn you into a stronger and faster player. Lunch is a key meal of the day to aid recovery from morning training and fuel afternoon/evening training sessions, especially for elite rugby players who will often train twice a day. Select one of the following depending on what your gym has available: Step 2. An energy surplus of approx. 9. Bench press
A good rule to follow is that if you can complete the same workout twice with the same load and have no technique breakdowns, then add 5% to the bar for the next workout. The session length is not defined in the program because it is a completely personal preference. Overhead press - with split leg support using bar only or broom
Milk is 80% casein, 20% whey, making it a great option before bed. These exercises include squats, Deadlifts, presses, and rows. Our guidance and coaching will help you set personal bests each and every week! The number of sets will increase to three and so the player will spend from 60-70 minutes completing this programme. If no, go to Step 6B. Video analysis is an often overlooked way of improving rugby performance.
As long as you stick to the following guidelines then you will ensure you minimise your risk of injury and maximise your results. Knee extension (using one leg at a time or both legs at once) Key rugby player workout for power and strength include: Rugby is a high-intensity sport, so during training sessions and match play, players will sweat a lot so they need a lot of fluid to stay hydrated. Log your progress in the box on the programme. Remember that the demands of the game are such that the player's balances are constantly being upset during the game. The player is encouraged to complete a resetting programme early in the week and then one other resistance programme later in the week. If an exercise is replaced, make sure that the muscles that it trains are used in other exercises so that proper muscular development is balanced. All muscles will be recruited during a rugby match to support each element of the game, particularly for the forwards when they compete for the ball in a scrum. Step 6B. Give these techniques a try. Continuing through for the duration of your off-season plan then, when your season commences, select a different workout and perform on a Monday and a Thursday throughout the season. 4. This routine is appropriate for assisting the player in his recovery and focuses on restoring the balance between the different muscle groups. Some names may be confusing or new to you. For optimal results, we recommend 3 sessions per week. The following resistance training programmes are suitable for the 15-18 year old player who has completed a minimum of two years of the above programmes. Hamstring curl Rugby players will eat 2-2.5g per kg body weight of protein each day. Core exercise(s). * Core exercises using physio ball, * Clean pull from the thigh or knee level. A 16- to 17-year-old may be able to perform the entire programme, whereas a 14- to 15-year-old may have to limit the exercise programme to three or four multijoint exercises and a few selected single-joint exercises in order to tolerate the workout. All right reserved. A combination of water and carbohydrate-electrolyte solutions such asNutrition Xs Hydrafuelwill better hydrate rugby players than water alone, plus providing the right combination of glucose & fructose carbohydrates. if it is an injury or physical limitation that is stopping you, then swap it out for an alternative exercise that you are familiar with, and that targets the same muscle group. Make sure you check the recommended rest time for each exercise and use a watch or timer to hold yourself accountable. Lifting Belt To help you brace during barbell back squats and deadlifts.
Forget the long workouts. 5. You must assign programmes that are appropriate for the player's age and experience. This guide contains everything you need to know about strength training specifically for rugby players including a free sample program that has worked wonders for our clients. Rugby players need more protein than the average athlete. Easy to digest protein, i.e., chicken or tuna, eggs, and avoiding red meat and processed and fried foods. The minimum amounts will lead to more consistent progress. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. back to top. Upright Row Lat pull-down - use machine The program is just three exercises each training day plus a core movement at completion (or start, it is up to you). Use additional or replacement exercises to make the programme more advanced and to provide variety. The player's age and resistance training experience will impact the programme. More protein intake will result in a positive net balance, where protein synthesis outweighs protein breakdown. Other: The lifter can choose half of the listed exercises and add one exercise per training session until all the listed exercises are performed. 8-12, this is a repetition window to stay within.
Breakfast options will include slow-release carbohydrate foods such as a large bowl of porridge with fruit and yogurt, plus some eggs. You should always add the minimum amount of weight you can, even if you think you can lift more. * Lat pull-down Following the pre-season 1 programme the young player should take a week break from formal training. Good nutrition will not make an average athlete in to a champion, but poor nutrition will prevent a good athlete from achieving their full potential! 0.5-1L of fluids per hour during training sessions and matches, especially in the summer when its hot. Other: The young player should move through the full range of motion for each exercise. Proper conditioning can take you from a guy taking up space on the bench to a leader on the team. Step 4. Advanced exercises include: * Power clean or clean pull from knee or thigh level A rugby strength workout plan is a great way to get in shape for the rugby season. With the Rugby Strength Workout Plan, we want to put you in charge and give you a framework to use so that you can achieve your goals safely and effectively. will better hydrate rugby players than water alone, plus providing the right combination of glucose & fructose carbohydrates. Bent-leg sit up - without partner assistance, * Two training sessions per week with at least 2 days separating sessions Warm-up using general exercise consisting of jogging or cycling or SAQ drills for about 5-10 minutes followed by a general stretching routine. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 8. Rugby is a high-intensity intermittent collision-based sport that requires high levels of aerobic and anaerobic fitness, muscle mass, and strength. 7. Chalk To help your grip with your deadlifts. Resistance training involves the individualised prescription and performance of exercises in an attempt to make a young player stronger and more powerful. Record the weight you lifted in your Progress Tracker. 8. Eggs are a great option. Abdominal exercise, 1. Repetitions per set for abdominal exercises: 20 to 30. Dinner will be a good recovery meal to replenish and repair muscles after a day of training. * Narrow-grip bench press. There should always be adult supervision of the programme and facility. 7. Knee extension
The risk of injuries from weight lifting in young players may not be as dramatic as perceived. Dehydration adversely affects performance by reducing speed, agility, endurance, and cognitive function. Forget the complicated split training programs.
Resetting session will take 20-30 minutes while the strength session will take 30 to 50 minutes. Heres whats coming up. Your Bolt-on Workouts are optional and can be found in one of the sheets at the bottom of your programme. Fats are widely stored in our bodies and are a good source of energy, however the body requires more oxygen to utilise one gram of fat compared to that needed for carbohydrates, making it a less efficient energy source during high intensity exercise, like rugby. Forwards will have higher body fat levels than backs, averaging 12-15% and 8-12%, respectively. 3. In addition, a general all-round development of upper and lower body should take place. Ensure the resistance or damper setting for the Ski-erg or Rower are at the highest level (Level 10). Not logging your sessions is where most rugby players tend to go wrong. Resistance: 8 to 15 RM Rugby players looking to get bigger, faster and stronger should begin their training sessions with a well-programmed warm-up. As a general rule, we recommend not doing more than 2 days of rugby strength training in a row to optimise your recovery. Required fields are marked *. 9. The Rugby Strength Workout Plan has been designed and battle-tested by our team of Sport Science and Strength & Conditioning experts specifically with rugby players in mind. 6. back to top. Recovery starts in the changing rooms. Leg press If an advanced exercise is used, it should be performed at the beginning of the training session. * Seated Row
It is key that rugby players write down the reps and weight they used for each set of each exercise. My top five modified games for rugby fitness are: Attackers have two extra players than defenders. Send in your video, which should be shot from the side. A resetting routine consists of dumbell and core stabilisation exercises and such a session is recommended on the day following a game.
Playing position, total body weight and body composition (muscle and fat mass), special dietary requirements, sleep quality, and appetite must all be considered. Protein is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of damaged tissues. By working several Muscle Groups at once, rugby players can build the strength and power they need to dominate on the rugby field. Lat pull-down
Met-cons are short, time-efficient workouts that will be progressed by increasing time, the number of exercises and the complexity of the exercises. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. These exercises include box jumps, medicine ball throws, and sprints. Is Resistance Training safe for the young player? 4. The post-match meal will continue to be a high carbohydrate and protein meal with additional vegetables/salad to get quality antioxidants to repair muscle and reduce inflammation. 6. Rugby players require a lot of energy to fuel their training each day. Danny Webber is a SENr registered practitioner, an ISAK certified Anthropometrist and a UK Anti-Doping accredited adviser. The lifter should move the weight under control at all times. Knee curl (using one leg at a time or both legs at once)
This is essential in ensuring a safe training environment for the young player. If you run over that, then you are probably over-stretching your rest periods meaning you need to lower volume (weight or reps). Perform the test, by pacing yourself at around 70% of your max speed. Before you increase the resistance of an exercise you should be at the top end of the rep range. Shoulder external rotation
This rugby-specific programme is designed to be completed at least 3 days per week. What should I do if cant do an exercise? However, it can be hard to know where to start and what exercises you should do. Two or three sessions per week of around 45-60 minutes would be an ideal way to maximize your fitness for rugby. Nutrition Coaching Your email address will not be published. 2. Therefore, a 3RM is the most you can lift and successfully perform 3 repetitions with proper form. This will act as a motivation booster as you progress through each phase of the programme. Bench press - using machine or light dumbells
Shoulder Press using dumbells and barbell
Supplements that are recommended to promote hypertrophy and prevent common nutrient deficiencies include: Carbohydrates are the major source of energy for rugby.
The player should perform no less than eight repetitions per set using an 8- to 10-RM resistance. If applying resistance becomes difficult, or if body weight exercises are too difficult or too easy to perform, have the lifter use resistance training equipment or modify the difficulty of the exercise. * Internal and external rotator cuff exercises using rubber bands and/or small dumbells
Shoulder internal rotation and shoulder external rotation
Book your FREE consultation to discuss your goals and how I can help you achieve them! Phone: 07735507033 Nutrition Xs Big Whey is an excellent option as it contains the optimal amount of protein with additional essential amino acids. Only then should he progress to the next level. The total duration of the session will be 45-60 minutes. Abdominal exercise
* Calf raise
6. The Rugby Strength Workout Plan coaches you through 4 Phases, with each one building on the last to ensure you keep making progress all year. This will effectively mean that period 2 will be 6 weeks in duration. Whenever you see rep ranges e.g.