If I was going to try and abolish the senate I probably wouldnt tell it a long time in advance, quote------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------, how you assasinate the senate the senates family members. I managed to have great standing with the senate and managed to take about 50 provinces before starting the war. <<3. I think also having your faction leader physically far from Rome also helps ease their fears, but I'm not sure. The people popularity is harder to get, because the best way to get it is conquer and be a hero. http://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionLeader.JPG, http://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionHeir.JPG. Veteran Centurion is also a battle trait.
It doesn't even effect electability as far as I know. do you have to make your leader suicide to become an outlaw?if you do then how do you order him to suicide, How do u get popularity trait?btw: i also held about 50 provinces. He wouldn't destrot the Senate, that would be stupid. My policy is always one of cleansing: i sacked a city and i would exterminate the population to fill up my war chest. As to the subject, fighting Rome is fun. <<2. He just made it more or less irrelevant for about three years. The best advice you can get is to totally ignore the senate and ASAP try to assassinate Senate family members. the thing i want to clarify:1. It doesn't really matter what your intentions are. how do u avoid getting a trait of conqueror?>>Don't worry about the conqueror thing. You can't win without killing the senate anyway. How do gain some of the traits? It's programmed into the game, when you become to powerful, they hate you, then they outlaw you, then they try to kill you. He had no intention of ruling Rome without the senate, etc. This is because there is "no going back" of this trait, meaning it cannot be reversed.Here are my current guys:http://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionLeader.JPGhttp://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionHeir.JPGI think also having your faction leader physically far from Rome also helps ease their fears, but I'm not sure. And it was just a coincidence that he had his whole army right outside of Rome. MONKEYS RIDING FLIYING PIGS WILL DOMINATE THE WORLD ON 2007!- Axel nuget (me), Gaius Julius Ceasar had no intention of becoming a dictator. Also, he was dictator for three years before he declared himslef Dictator-for-Life and you aren't supposed to go over six months. It doesn't even effect electability as far as I know. That's why I always choose a faction heir when my leader is about 62, and I choose the youngest guy I can find who has some good "+popularity" traits. Why bother? This will get you banned ( be declared "Hostia"; Enemy of Rome ) by the senate and start the civil war. Don't worry about the conqueror thing. let me explain in detail, i choose the Julii. Don't bother with Senate standing traits and retinues, they don't matter much anyway. The people popularity is harder to get, because the best way to get it is conquer and be a hero.<<3. Rome Strategy DiscussionModerated by Terikel Grayhair, General Sajaru, Awesome Eagle. It's easy to offset the senate popularity penalty by doing senate missions. At the early stage i go for the cities that the senate has assigned me to (eg segasta). All rights reserved.v2.5.0. i tried to keep in line with senate policies in regard to other factions, but the rating did not seem to improve. He was an authoritarian ruker, a scumbag, an oppressive ruler, and an all around bad guy. Just let the Senate outlaw you and sack Rome. Copyright 19972022 HeavenGames LLC. Not much can be helped about the senate. http://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionLeader.JPGhttp://www.geocities.com/deadfrog_fl/FactionHeir.JPGI think also having your faction leader physically far from Rome also helps ease their fears, but I'm not sure. just to be picky, you cant know what he intended - only what was written or done. You can't. I have 60 provinces and the senate still love me to the max. It's easy to offset the senate popularity penalty by doing senate missions. Just accept it. No. There should be a nice spreadsheet on the traits/ancillaries, and you'll see about 10 or so traits and 8 ancillaries that have an effect on electability, senate popularity or people popularity. It will probably be your biggest challenge and your most epic battles. Gaius Julius Ceasar had no intention of becoming a dictator, and yet he was slain for being ambitious (of course, crossing the Rubicon would seem ambitious unless you knew that he was just trying to get to an election alive). i know that military tributes can be gained from staying with a army and fighting all the time, but what about others? Then I win many battles with him and before you know it, he's +40% senate popularity / +40% people popularity (for argument's sake). The best is something like RhetoricSkill, which begins as "Fluent Speaker". The best is something like RhetoricSkill, which begins as "Fluent Speaker".
does other member of the family need to have senate friendly traits as well?>>No. I think the +popularity with the senate traits I racked up help. That's a pretty huge declaration of intention if you ask me. and eventually i conquered Gaul, Spain, Carthage and etc. does other member of the family need to have senate friendly traits as well?>>No. i also went for the wonder city eg Alexandria. C:\Program Files\Activision\Rome - Total War\Data\export_descr_character_traits.txt. There isn't any competition. I meant our modern definition of dictator, not the Roman position. 2. how do u avoid getting a trait of conqueror? eventually, after a good 100 years, the senate rating started to fall, to the point where every second turn my leader was ordered to suicide. Beat the other Roman factions and you will have a good economy, good troops and - most important of all - a good time fighting the other factions as a unified Rome. The campaign just gets a bitboring after that. i also tried to give money and settlement to te senate with no effect. 3. does other member of the family need to have senate friendly traits as well? Hey everyone, this is my first time here nice to see u all. Try this site,http://www.geraldtan.com/rtw/There should be a nice spreadsheet on the traits/ancillaries, and you'll see about 10 or so traits and 8 ancillaries that have an effect on electability, senate popularity or people popularity.That's why I always choose a faction heir when my leader is about 62, and I choose the youngest guy I can find who has some good "+popularity" traits. This is because there is "no going back" of this trait, meaning it cannot be reversed. like veteran centorion? It doesn't even effect electability as far as I know. Then I win many battles with him and before you know it, he's +40% senate popularity / +40% people popularity (for argument's sake). He declared himself Dictator-for-Life. would anyone tell me how to get back in favour with the senate?