Knight of the Month goes to David DeFrancisco for his commitment as a Knight to support our various Knights' events, including the Guatemala Mission trip last year (pictured) and even cleaning the fryers after our fish frys. Msgr.
Although Brother Al is a snowbird he is most active in our Council in the winter season. He serves as an usher and supports the Knights fundraising events.
Thomas Skindeleski In addition, Toni is an officer with the Columbiettes who support the Knights of Columbus charitable projects. Thanks to him and his wife for all of their help at the annual Flea Market. Council 13996 recognizes James McCormick as our Knight of the Month for his service to our council. Joe and Toni are enthusiastic supporters of a mission effort in Belle Glade Florida where they strive to provide clothing, toys, and shoes to the very poor children in the area. Robert Herrnreiter Family Jim frequently supports Knights fundraising functions and is available to serve where needed. committed to the success of Council #13996. Council #13996 recognizes Toni and Sir Knight Joe Mastrullo as our November Family of the Month for their untiring efforts to help the poor in our diocese. Bob is a long time active Knight and is on site to help with our many events. Jay Flood Jay and Linda Flood Family Bob Beck Frank is a long time active knight. Msgr.
Jay and Linda are Eucharistic Ministers.
David DeFrancisco Knight of the month for October was awarded to Msgr. George tirelessly works to make our functions successful using his cooking ambitions and skills. Neil O'Donnell Family
Bother Neil is co-managing the Knights of Columbus soccer challenge and the basketball challenge. We thank George for all of the long hours and hard work on our new hall. They have three children, all three attend SVF School. Christine is president of the Columbiettes and involved in many other parish events including festival activities. Bob is committed to the success of Council 13996. December Family of the Month is awarded to Robert and Christine Herrnreiter. The Skinners are active supporters of the Life Teen Group. Larry Zuccala Council #13996 recognizes Sir Knight George Staley as our November Knight of the Month. The Knights proudly recognize Brother Bob Beck II as our Knight of the Month for May 2016. ( George Staley
Frank and Amy are active Saint Vincent Ferrer parishioners.
Rusty is a Knight of Columbus and a gifted Deacon.
Rusty and Wanda were instrumental in preparing the candidates for Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation for the Easter Vigil Service.
David is a team player, always a positive attitude and a Knight who is committed to the success of this council. They are also very supportive of the many charitable activities the Knights sponsor, our Fish Dinners, Pancake Breakfasts and Night at the Races. December Knight of the Month is awarded to Christopher Paolini for his contribution to the Knights fund-raising efforts. Thomas Skindeleski. They continue to be instrumental in providing a wholesome Christian environment for the teens. He is a regular usher at the 11:30am Holy Mass. Wanda, Amy, Cindy and Wendy were instrumental to the success of the 50th Annual School Festival. We thank Jay for all his tireless work on our festival, fish frys and the new knight's hall. Copyright 2009 - 2022 LiST Interactive, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The words "UKnight Interactive" is the exclusive property of and a service mark registered by LiST Interactive, Ltd, and may not be used without written permission. January 2016 Family of the Month is awarded to the Frank Vilcnik family. Cheryl and Jerry Deneen Family Jay was important to the success of our recent festival. Council #13996 The Knights recognize Larry Zuccala as Knight of the Month for April 2016 participates in most of the business and officers meetings.
Steven Lankau We recognize Brother Steven Lankau, Knight of the Month for February, in recognition of his support of our fund raising efforts for charitable causes, his participation in monthly meetings, and all around support of why we are Knights. Thomas Roland Congratulations Tom for always being there to help in all of our events and for always challenging us to continue to support the our Catholic church and community.
Larry is St Vincent Ferrer The words "Knights of Columbus" and the Knights of Columbus emblem are the exclusive property of and trademarks registered by the Knights of Columbus, used herein with permission. Their daughters attend Saint John Paul II Academy in East Boca Raton, as sophomores. Larry is a past Al Paulson Joe co-administers the St. Vincent Ferrer Care Ministry. In addition, they are active parishioners and very supportive of St. Vincent Ferrer and the Capital Campaign. He is the Knights of Columbus Chaplain for the state of Florida, chaplain for our council #13996, and our pastor. March Family of the month is awarded to Knight Jim and Lisa Murphy because their lives embody the Christian message, of what the Knights are all about (to support widows and orphans) and they recognize that Jesus came to save the world not only those who live in Delray Beach. He is supportive of the school by working long hours on the annual Flea Market. They provide many behind the scenes contributions to St. Vincent Ferrer. Jim and Lisa Murphy Family
for his commitment to support our many charitable events. Tom is a regular participant at our business meetings. George can be counted on to respond to requests for help. Jay and his crew maintain the safety of our school children.
He strives to keep food costs under control. He is an active participant in our monthly meetings. Family of the Month for October was awarded to Bridget and Neil ODonnell. Christopher Paolini
The Knights recognize the Rusty and Wanda Skinner Family as the April 2016 Family of the Month. You are an example of Catholic marriage and family life to us all. Jack Harvell Family
The Knights of Columbus recognize Cheryl and Jerry Deneen as Family of the Month for February. James McCormick
The ODonnells are chairs of the general phase of the capital campaign. George Staley Joe Mastrullo Family Rusty and Wanda Skinner Family Site Developed and Managed by UKnight Interactive. Frank Vilcnik Family We appreciate his willingness to volunteer his professional and sales skills as well as his time and talent to improve and grow our council. Brother Knight Jay has been a key player for our Fish Fry, Pancake Breakfast, and Night at the Races events. Congratulations to Jack and his wife on 60 years of marriage!
The Knights recognize Jay and Linda Flood as our May 2016 Family of the Month. Jay and Linda Flood, center of photo, are accompanied by Joe and Toni Mastrullo, our 2016 Family of the Year. Photo was taken during 75th Anniversary Gala Celebration of St. Vincent Ferrer Church.
Delray Beach, FL US They play at some of the 5:00pm Sunday Holy Masses. Linda is helpful to everyone as the parish secretary. Christopher is noted for taking charge of the least desirable tasks during pancake breakfast events. Grand Knight, a one year trustee, our baked fish chef, and he actively Jerry shares his musical skills with the teen band called the Dash.

Thomas Skindeleski In addition, Toni is an officer with the Columbiettes who support the Knights of Columbus charitable projects. Thanks to him and his wife for all of their help at the annual Flea Market. Council 13996 recognizes James McCormick as our Knight of the Month for his service to our council. Joe and Toni are enthusiastic supporters of a mission effort in Belle Glade Florida where they strive to provide clothing, toys, and shoes to the very poor children in the area. Robert Herrnreiter Family Jim frequently supports Knights fundraising functions and is available to serve where needed. committed to the success of Council #13996. Council #13996 recognizes Toni and Sir Knight Joe Mastrullo as our November Family of the Month for their untiring efforts to help the poor in our diocese. Bob is a long time active Knight and is on site to help with our many events. Jay Flood Jay and Linda Flood Family Bob Beck Frank is a long time active knight. Msgr.
Jay and Linda are Eucharistic Ministers.
David DeFrancisco Knight of the month for October was awarded to Msgr. George tirelessly works to make our functions successful using his cooking ambitions and skills. Neil O'Donnell Family
Bother Neil is co-managing the Knights of Columbus soccer challenge and the basketball challenge. We thank George for all of the long hours and hard work on our new hall. They have three children, all three attend SVF School. Christine is president of the Columbiettes and involved in many other parish events including festival activities. Bob is committed to the success of Council 13996. December Family of the Month is awarded to Robert and Christine Herrnreiter. The Skinners are active supporters of the Life Teen Group. Larry Zuccala Council #13996 recognizes Sir Knight George Staley as our November Knight of the Month. The Knights proudly recognize Brother Bob Beck II as our Knight of the Month for May 2016. ( George Staley
Frank and Amy are active Saint Vincent Ferrer parishioners.

Rusty is a Knight of Columbus and a gifted Deacon.
Rusty and Wanda were instrumental in preparing the candidates for Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation for the Easter Vigil Service.
David is a team player, always a positive attitude and a Knight who is committed to the success of this council. They are also very supportive of the many charitable activities the Knights sponsor, our Fish Dinners, Pancake Breakfasts and Night at the Races. December Knight of the Month is awarded to Christopher Paolini for his contribution to the Knights fund-raising efforts. Thomas Skindeleski. They continue to be instrumental in providing a wholesome Christian environment for the teens. He is a regular usher at the 11:30am Holy Mass. Wanda, Amy, Cindy and Wendy were instrumental to the success of the 50th Annual School Festival. We thank Jay for all his tireless work on our festival, fish frys and the new knight's hall. Copyright 2009 - 2022 LiST Interactive, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. The words "UKnight Interactive" is the exclusive property of and a service mark registered by LiST Interactive, Ltd, and may not be used without written permission. January 2016 Family of the Month is awarded to the Frank Vilcnik family. Cheryl and Jerry Deneen Family Jay was important to the success of our recent festival. Council #13996 The Knights recognize Larry Zuccala as Knight of the Month for April 2016 participates in most of the business and officers meetings.
Steven Lankau We recognize Brother Steven Lankau, Knight of the Month for February, in recognition of his support of our fund raising efforts for charitable causes, his participation in monthly meetings, and all around support of why we are Knights. Thomas Roland Congratulations Tom for always being there to help in all of our events and for always challenging us to continue to support the our Catholic church and community.
Larry is St Vincent Ferrer The words "Knights of Columbus" and the Knights of Columbus emblem are the exclusive property of and trademarks registered by the Knights of Columbus, used herein with permission. Their daughters attend Saint John Paul II Academy in East Boca Raton, as sophomores. Larry is a past Al Paulson Joe co-administers the St. Vincent Ferrer Care Ministry. In addition, they are active parishioners and very supportive of St. Vincent Ferrer and the Capital Campaign. He is the Knights of Columbus Chaplain for the state of Florida, chaplain for our council #13996, and our pastor. March Family of the month is awarded to Knight Jim and Lisa Murphy because their lives embody the Christian message, of what the Knights are all about (to support widows and orphans) and they recognize that Jesus came to save the world not only those who live in Delray Beach. He is supportive of the school by working long hours on the annual Flea Market. They provide many behind the scenes contributions to St. Vincent Ferrer. Jim and Lisa Murphy Family
The ODonnells are chairs of the general phase of the capital campaign. George Staley Joe Mastrullo Family Rusty and Wanda Skinner Family Site Developed and Managed by UKnight Interactive. Frank Vilcnik Family We appreciate his willingness to volunteer his professional and sales skills as well as his time and talent to improve and grow our council. Brother Knight Jay has been a key player for our Fish Fry, Pancake Breakfast, and Night at the Races events. Congratulations to Jack and his wife on 60 years of marriage!
The Knights recognize Jay and Linda Flood as our May 2016 Family of the Month. Jay and Linda Flood, center of photo, are accompanied by Joe and Toni Mastrullo, our 2016 Family of the Year. Photo was taken during 75th Anniversary Gala Celebration of St. Vincent Ferrer Church.
Delray Beach, FL US They play at some of the 5:00pm Sunday Holy Masses. Linda is helpful to everyone as the parish secretary. Christopher is noted for taking charge of the least desirable tasks during pancake breakfast events. Grand Knight, a one year trustee, our baked fish chef, and he actively Jerry shares his musical skills with the teen band called the Dash.