It is important that the person receiving viaticum be conscious of what is going on so please do not wait until the last minute to call upon us. finalizing music choices. The 9:00 a.m. is also available upon request. While popular, secular music may warm the hearts of those who are left behind, it must never replace sacred music. The Staff and Parishioners of SMM are here to help you as you present your loved one for a Catholic funeral. When cremation of the body is chosen, the Church still prefers that the body be cremated after the Funeral, thus allowing for the presence of the body at the Funeral Mass. For confidential, pastoral care, please contact the parish office. Every effort must be made to accompany the funeral rites with appropriate hymns, responses, and acclamations. 7:00 a.m. Communion Service FUNERAL PLANNING GUIDES (Please click on title to view document). The death of a loved one is an especially sensitive time for families and friends. The Resurrection Choir will be present to foster the full and active participation of the assembly in the Funeral Mass. Just call us at the parish office (781-326-1071) to arrange for a visit. In particular, if bag pipes are requested they may be played outside the church, in the funeral home, at the cemetery after the service, or at the wake meal. Nothing contrary to the views of the Catholic Church should ever be presented. The Rite of Christian Funerals allows great involvement for the family in choosing appropriate readings from Sacred Scripture and the various prayers and hymns used for the celebration of a funeral as well as various types of involvement by family and friends in the celebration itself. preparing a brief biography of the deceased, The Parish Funeral coordinator then contacts the family spokesperson to arrange a funeral Mass planning meeting at the parish. To understand a little more about how the Church can help provide for you at this time, you may find the article below meaningful: Solace and Strength in the Sorrow of Miscarriage.
Please bring them with you to the meeting with our funeral coordinator, who is here to assist you. In the Diocese of Greensburg Pastors and Parochial Vicars, for pastoral reasons, may permit the funeral liturgy to be celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains. Depending on availability, the parish hospitality room, across from the parish offices, may be available for your familys use. Please contact the Parish Office at (920) 729-4560 for more information. Pastoral care is available for you and funeral and burial rites are available for your child. PLEASE NOTE - Catholics should never retain the cremated remains in their homes, places of work, or any other personal space. We will be happy to meet with you and your family to help plan the funeral Mass for your deceased loved ones. Parish fax: (630) 369-1493, 1450 Green Trails Drive There are several times when the parish community is involved with you. If a family member has been cremated and the cremains have never had a proper burial, we can assist you with this process as well. If you want to have two readings before the Gospel, the first one is to be from the Old Testament and the second from the New Testament. For further details and assistance please contact theParish Office. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. It is recommended that you choose someone who regularly serves as a lector in his or her parish or has some public speaking experience. When death occurs:Again, whether in the home, the hospital, or a nursing home, we are here to pray for our deceased brother or sister in Christ and to walk this path with you. This is normally held at 4:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. ), Parish office: (630) 369-0777 As Catholics we believe the human body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and should be reverently honored in death. Whenever a family chooses cremation over traditional burial, families should be made aware of the preference to honor the body during the funeral Mass before cremation. A worthy vessel must carry the cremated remains of the deceased to the place of internment. As a result a number of burial practices have been embraced by some Catholics which are not permitted according to the "Order of Christian Funerals." The Parish works with the family and the Funeral Director in planning the details of the funeral. (Current COVID-19 restrictions may affect the above information. We gather in worship and prayer to form a vibrant and welcoming community. The Family Remarks should be limited to three to five (3-5) minutes. We want to help you find healing and comfort.
The burial of the body or cremains should take place in a reasonable time after death has occurred. Weekdays: Permission to cremate and to celebrate the funeral liturgy in the presence of cremated remains was intended to be granted on a case by case basis. The Word proclaimed is God's way of speaking to us and can never be replaced by conventional wisdom or poetry. For information on our two parish cemeteries, please CLICK HERE. The longstanding practice of burying the body of the deceased in a grave or tomb continues to be encouraged as a sign of Christian faith.". If a loved one has died a while ago but never received a Catholic funeral or Memorial Mass, please contact us. Our sympathy, prayers, and community support are with you at this time. On March 21, 1997, the Holy See granted permission to the U.S. Latin-rite bishops to allow the celebration of the funeral liturgy in the presence of cremated remains. These readings are to be chosen from The Order of Christian Funerals. The General Intercessions are taken from The Order of Christian Funerals, but there may be an addition of one or two personal petitions to the prescribed set if approved by the priest prior to the day of the funeral. The prayer of the Church is seen as a timely way to say farewell and to offer prayers for the immortal soul of the deceased. We want to be there for you and your family. Thank you for considering St. Margaret Mary to help plan your loved ones or your own funeral preparation needs. The Church earnestly recommends that the pious custom of burial be retained; but it does not forbid cremation, unless this is chosen for reasons which are contrary to Christian teaching" (Canon 1176.2.3). This site uses cookies to enhance your experience. If the family wishes to use additional readings that are not contained within The Order of Christian Funerals, they can do so at the conclusion of the Vigil for the Deceased, at the conclusion of the Rite of Committal, or during the funeral meal. This can include visits for the celebration of the sacrament of the sick, for the sacrament of reconciliation, and for the reception of Holy Communion. Please speak with the funeral director or the priest or deacon who will be celebrating the funeral about any questions you may have. The meeting begins with a prayer for the deceased and the grieving family, followed by: Therefore "the Church clearly prefers and urges that the body of the deceased be present for its funeral rites Thus, the Roman Catholic Church's reverence and care for the body grows out of reverence and concerns for the person whom the Church now commends to the care of God.
If the final disposition of the cremated remains does not take place according to the teaching of the Church with reverence and in a sacred place, the remains will not be permitted to be brought into the Church for the Funeral Liturgy. The Church calls each member of Christ's Body priest, deacon, and layperson to participate in the ministry of consolation: to care for the dying, to pray for the dead, to comfort those who mourn The community's principal involvement in the ministry of consolation is expressed in its active participation in the celebration of the funeral rites, particularly the vigil for the deceased, the funeral liturgy, and the rite of committal.. The cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium. Please know, as well, that your privacy is always maintained. This can be at home, in the hospital, or in a nursing home. A Roman Catholic ChurchA Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg, St. Margaret Mary Church, 3055 Leechburg Rd, Lower Burrell, PA, 15068. We invite you to call us to arrange a meeting, or, if distance prevents that, a phone conversation. 12:00 Noon Mass, Saturday: 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.or by appointment, 7813 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40222, A group of parishioners will meet you at the funeral home on the day before the funeral to conduct a prayer service, led by a Deacon or a Leader of Prayer. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. They will then be in touch with the Church to set up a date and time for the Funeral Mass. If remarks are made at one of the above listed times, then the content of the remarks should be about the deceased and need to be respectfully presented.
The final reception of Holy Communion known as "viaticum" or "food for the journey" is understood to be our "last rite." We invite you to read this guide in order to help you make your choices and complete the forms at the end. St. Margaret Mary Parish is a spiritual home to our Catholic Family rooted in faith. This practice was never intended to be viewed as an "equally" good alternative to the traditional funeral rites of the Church which entail the burial of the body intact. Photographs and other mementos may be used at the vigil, in the narthex (entrance to the Church), and at the cemetery, but are not appropriate at the Mass. The Church requires that the cremated remains be buried or placed in a recognized area of reverence for the dead. There is no charge for this. 2022 Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Community. The loss of a family member or friend is a very difficult time for those left behind who are presented with many different choices. The responsorial psalm is sung. The Parish Funeral Coordinator then prepares and sends copies of the scripture and prayer selections to the family to forward to the respective readers, along with any other necessary details, via email to the family prior to the funeral. Other selections are welcome, if appropriate, and may be discussed with the Director of Liturgy/Music or Parish Staff Representative. Filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we offer support, growth, and guidancewith love and respect. Lectors:You are welcome to ask a family member or friend who is a baptized Catholic to proclaim the First Reading, Second Reading and Prayers of the Faithful at the funeral. Click here to be redirected to the Resources for Planning a Funeral Mass. The Gospel is generally selected by the Presider, however, if the family has a request for theGospel, thatshould be mentioned to him. Oftentimes the person who is dying may wish to make known his or her preferences for the funeral mass. Once you have reviewed these guidelines, click here to be redirected to the Resources for Planning a Funeral Mass, including the Funeral/Memorial Mass Planning Form as well as music and reading options. Please refer to our Privacy Policy if you have any questions. The practice of scattering ashes over the sea, on the ground, or from the air is not permitted for Catholics and is not considered to be the reverent disposition of the cremated remains. Parish Office, 502-426-1588 Our call is to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be a beacon of light and hope for our world by modelling ourlives on Gospel values. During this meeting we will walk you through the planning process and assist you in selecting readings as well as music for the liturgy. In order to help in funeral planning and allow you to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church, please review the following principles regarding Cremation in the Catholic Church. When a child dies through miscarriage or stillbirth, families can be grief stricken and not know where to turn with their grief. The Funeral Mass is the central liturgical celebration for the deceased. It is never an inconvenience to us to do this. Your funeral director will normally make contact with the Parish on your behalf to determine the date and time of the funeral. Choice of Readings:You and your family are more than welcome to choose the biblical readings to be proclaimed at the funeral. To delay the Rites of Christian Burial simply for convenience is inappropriate. Arranging for the day and time of the funeral:You can begin the funeral arrangements either by contacting us directly (781-326-1071) or by first contacting the funeral director who will then contact the parish. Funeral Masses take place at 11:00am Monday Saturday, except on major holidays, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Burial of cremated remains at sea should observe all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. The first reading is taken from the Old Testament and the second is selected from the New Testament options. The Director of Worship/Music will contact the family members (by telephone or meet in person, if desired) to discuss the liturgy itself. The cremated remains of the deceased must be given the same respect as a body is given during the Rite of Committal. The remarks should be personal. Naperville, IL 60540. The Christian community reaffirms in sign and symbol, word and gesture that through baptism we share in Christs death and resurrection, and we look forward to the day when we will be raised up and united in Gods kingdom of light and peace. In addition, the family is encouraged to assist the parish ministers in planning the funeral rites: in the choice of readings from the prescribed scriptural texts and in the selection of music appropriate for the rites. We can help you honor them with a Memorial Mass. Enter your email address to subscribe to parish news and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ministry to the sick and dying:Along with the clergy and staff of the parish, many of our parishioners are trained to minister to those who are homebound or sick. Readings are provided in The Order of Christian Funerals to give grieving families an opportunity to hear God speak to them in their fears and in their sorrows, offering hope in the midst of their pain. As Christians, the body of thedeceasedsupportsour belief that we are destined for future glory at the resurrection of the dead. All Rights Reserved. Additional readings from Sacred Scripture, secular writings, poetry, book excerpts, etc., should not normally be used at this time. When circumstances require it, however, cremation and committal may take place even before the Funeral liturgy. Priests or deacons in good standing, who have been granted faculties by the Diocese of Greensburg may celebrate, concelebrate, or preach at a funeral at SMM.
However, Adult Funeral Servers from the parish community will be present and could minister as Servers, Lectors, Communion Ministers, or assist in any way possible, as needed. In the celebration of the funeral rites, family and/or friends of the deceased may serve as gift bearers, readers, singers, and, if they are already commissioned to do so at SMMParish, as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This affords family members an opportunity to be together, share some food and memories, and to experience the care and concern of the parish community. Two readings may be selected for use during the Funeral Liturgy. Sacred music is an integral part of the celebration of the funeral liturgy. The Christian community reaffirms in sign and symbol, word and gesture that through baptism we share in Christs death and resurrection, and we look forward to the day when we will be raised up and united in Gods kingdom of light and peace. Powered by . In this guide you will find an overview of the rites, steps, and references. If you desire that no one know what may or may not be happening with you or your loved ones besides those you wish to tell, we will always abide by your wishes and keep confidentiality. They are available to answer any questions you may have regarding the Church guidelines for Funeral Rites. Please click here to read more information from our Funeral Mass Liturgy Preparation Information Booklet. We hope this booklet will make your planning a little easier. If the presentation of a poem or other scriptural or literary piece is desired, it is suggested that this piece might be presented after the formal service at the Cemetery, at the wake meal, included in the "Thank You" notes, or even handed out to the congregation at the end of the services. Whether your loved one has just died, is near to death, or whether you want to prepare ahead of time for your own or a family members funeral, we are here to assist you in the process. We will be happy to meet with you and your family to help plan the funeral Mass for your deceased loved ones. The cremated remains may be buried at sea as long as they are intact and placed in a worthy vessel that will carry the remains to the bottom of the sea bed. We normally celebrate the funeral Mass at 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Please call us so that we can celebrate the last rites of the Church with you. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, even after months or years of their passing, and would like to receive pastoral care,please contact us. RE office: (630) 369-0833 As mentioned above, most of the usual rites which are celebrated in the presence of the body of the deceased may also be celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains. It is not meant to take the place of talking with SMM staff. When someone has died, we turn to the Lord in prayer to both give thanks for their life and to grieve. In order to allow for a moment of personal sharing, a family member or a friend may speak in remembrance of the deceased. Thus the Funeral Liturgy of the Catholic Church is not the personal prayer of the family of the deceased. At SMM Church, the Pastor will determine what is appropriate in each given situation. Pastoral Care Coordinator, Denise Ruiz Extension 126. Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Family members and friends are invited to share in the various liturgical ministries at Mass. The usual process would be for the family to contact the Funeral Home. The primary symbols of the Roman Catholic Funeral Liturgy are retained even when the funeral liturgy is celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains. In most circumstances, someone from the parish will contact a family member about preparing a meal for the immediate family which is to be held after the burial rite. Neither should Catholics divide and share the cremated remains of the deceased.
The speaker needs to be mindful that the setting is to be reverent, and only content which is appropriate to that setting should be presented. They may not be used as accompaniment for the Liturgy.
In your time of loss and grieving, the staff of St. Margaret Mary Parish want to pray for the deceased and help his or her family. The cremains must be buried or entombed. Please note this is our daily Mass. No recorded music of any kind is to be used during any of the three formal parts of the "Order of Christian Funerals." The normal pattern for a funeral includes the following: This video displayed here explains the purpose of the Catholic Funeral. choosingScripture readings, Privacy Policy. In recent years Catholic funeral practices have been impacted by the increasing popularity of cremation as a means of providing for the final disposition of the body. The family may also choose to have a pre-Mass wake in the narthex of the Church for one hour preceding the funeral Mass in lieu of, or in addition to, the funeral home visitation. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12-Noon & 5:00 p.m. Please reach out to us at the Parish office at 724-335-2336 or by email This is something with which our staff can help. Readings may be accessed from the USCCB website here. Please contact the, For information on our two parish cemeteries, please, For information regarding existing cemetery lots, contact. As the death of a loved one occurs or draws near, there may be questions you have concerning how to make sure your family member or friend is prayed for and buried within the Catholic Church. We hope the following information is helpful to you. Guidelines for the Order of Christian Funeralsat St. Margaret Mary Parish. Director of Liturgy & Music, Dr. Holly Smith-Brooks Extension 125 Ministry as death draws near:As you or your loved one draws closer to death, we want to be there and pray with you. selecting family or friends who will fill ministerial rolls, The parish church is available for a funeral Mass Mondays through Saturdays. The Director of Music will assist and guide the family in appropriate musical selections for the Liturgy. During this meeting we will walk you through the planning process and assist you in selecting readings as well as music for the liturgy. making decisions on options available, Included in this booklet are suggested readings and music selections. Except in extraordinary circumstances this should not be the case. The funeral home or the family calls the parish secretary at 630-369-0777 with the contact information regarding a death. Well-meaning friends and family may not understand your needs at this time. 8:15 a.m. Mass Kindly keep in mind these guidelines: The remarks may be made at the funeral home during the viewing, at the Vigil service, during the parting prayers prior to bringing the body to church, at the Mass following Holy Communion, at the cemetery during the prayers of commendation, or at the mercy meal (if there is one) following the service. The Order of Christian Funerals is divided into three sequential rites which should occur at every Funeral: In these three sequential rites the Church offers to those who are mourning a way to prepare themselves spiritually and emotionally, to say their goodbyes. It is important to allow sufficient time before the Funeral for making all the necessary decisions. The cremains may be carried in procession and/or placed on a table where the casket normally would be. You can listen to a sampling of musical selections here. The Parish will work with you in planning the details of the Funeral itself. The Funeral Liturgy is an official, public prayer of the Church for the immortal soul of the deceased and for the consolation of those loved ones left behind. We put this guide together in order to assist you in your understanding and planning the Funeral Rites. More and more Catholics are eliminating one or more of these three rites.

The final reception of Holy Communion known as "viaticum" or "food for the journey" is understood to be our "last rite." We invite you to read this guide in order to help you make your choices and complete the forms at the end. St. Margaret Mary Parish is a spiritual home to our Catholic Family rooted in faith. This practice was never intended to be viewed as an "equally" good alternative to the traditional funeral rites of the Church which entail the burial of the body intact. Photographs and other mementos may be used at the vigil, in the narthex (entrance to the Church), and at the cemetery, but are not appropriate at the Mass. The Church requires that the cremated remains be buried or placed in a recognized area of reverence for the dead. There is no charge for this. 2022 Saint Margaret Mary Catholic Community. The loss of a family member or friend is a very difficult time for those left behind who are presented with many different choices. The responsorial psalm is sung. The Parish Funeral Coordinator then prepares and sends copies of the scripture and prayer selections to the family to forward to the respective readers, along with any other necessary details, via email to the family prior to the funeral. Other selections are welcome, if appropriate, and may be discussed with the Director of Liturgy/Music or Parish Staff Representative. Filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we offer support, growth, and guidancewith love and respect. Lectors:You are welcome to ask a family member or friend who is a baptized Catholic to proclaim the First Reading, Second Reading and Prayers of the Faithful at the funeral. Click here to be redirected to the Resources for Planning a Funeral Mass. The Gospel is generally selected by the Presider, however, if the family has a request for theGospel, thatshould be mentioned to him. Oftentimes the person who is dying may wish to make known his or her preferences for the funeral mass. Once you have reviewed these guidelines, click here to be redirected to the Resources for Planning a Funeral Mass, including the Funeral/Memorial Mass Planning Form as well as music and reading options. Please refer to our Privacy Policy if you have any questions. The practice of scattering ashes over the sea, on the ground, or from the air is not permitted for Catholics and is not considered to be the reverent disposition of the cremated remains. Parish Office, 502-426-1588 Our call is to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and to be a beacon of light and hope for our world by modelling ourlives on Gospel values. During this meeting we will walk you through the planning process and assist you in selecting readings as well as music for the liturgy. In order to help in funeral planning and allow you to follow the teachings of the Catholic Church, please review the following principles regarding Cremation in the Catholic Church. When a child dies through miscarriage or stillbirth, families can be grief stricken and not know where to turn with their grief. The Funeral Mass is the central liturgical celebration for the deceased. It is never an inconvenience to us to do this. Your funeral director will normally make contact with the Parish on your behalf to determine the date and time of the funeral. Choice of Readings:You and your family are more than welcome to choose the biblical readings to be proclaimed at the funeral. To delay the Rites of Christian Burial simply for convenience is inappropriate. Arranging for the day and time of the funeral:You can begin the funeral arrangements either by contacting us directly (781-326-1071) or by first contacting the funeral director who will then contact the parish. Funeral Masses take place at 11:00am Monday Saturday, except on major holidays, Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Burial of cremated remains at sea should observe all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. The first reading is taken from the Old Testament and the second is selected from the New Testament options. The Director of Worship/Music will contact the family members (by telephone or meet in person, if desired) to discuss the liturgy itself. The cremated remains of the deceased must be given the same respect as a body is given during the Rite of Committal. The remarks should be personal. Naperville, IL 60540. The Christian community reaffirms in sign and symbol, word and gesture that through baptism we share in Christs death and resurrection, and we look forward to the day when we will be raised up and united in Gods kingdom of light and peace. In addition, the family is encouraged to assist the parish ministers in planning the funeral rites: in the choice of readings from the prescribed scriptural texts and in the selection of music appropriate for the rites. We can help you honor them with a Memorial Mass. Enter your email address to subscribe to parish news and receive notifications of new posts by email. Ministry to the sick and dying:Along with the clergy and staff of the parish, many of our parishioners are trained to minister to those who are homebound or sick. Readings are provided in The Order of Christian Funerals to give grieving families an opportunity to hear God speak to them in their fears and in their sorrows, offering hope in the midst of their pain. As Christians, the body of thedeceasedsupportsour belief that we are destined for future glory at the resurrection of the dead. All Rights Reserved. Additional readings from Sacred Scripture, secular writings, poetry, book excerpts, etc., should not normally be used at this time. When circumstances require it, however, cremation and committal may take place even before the Funeral liturgy. Priests or deacons in good standing, who have been granted faculties by the Diocese of Greensburg may celebrate, concelebrate, or preach at a funeral at SMM.
However, Adult Funeral Servers from the parish community will be present and could minister as Servers, Lectors, Communion Ministers, or assist in any way possible, as needed. In the celebration of the funeral rites, family and/or friends of the deceased may serve as gift bearers, readers, singers, and, if they are already commissioned to do so at SMMParish, as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This affords family members an opportunity to be together, share some food and memories, and to experience the care and concern of the parish community. Two readings may be selected for use during the Funeral Liturgy. Sacred music is an integral part of the celebration of the funeral liturgy. The Christian community reaffirms in sign and symbol, word and gesture that through baptism we share in Christs death and resurrection, and we look forward to the day when we will be raised up and united in Gods kingdom of light and peace. Powered by . In this guide you will find an overview of the rites, steps, and references. If you desire that no one know what may or may not be happening with you or your loved ones besides those you wish to tell, we will always abide by your wishes and keep confidentiality. They are available to answer any questions you may have regarding the Church guidelines for Funeral Rites. Please click here to read more information from our Funeral Mass Liturgy Preparation Information Booklet. We hope this booklet will make your planning a little easier. If the presentation of a poem or other scriptural or literary piece is desired, it is suggested that this piece might be presented after the formal service at the Cemetery, at the wake meal, included in the "Thank You" notes, or even handed out to the congregation at the end of the services. Whether your loved one has just died, is near to death, or whether you want to prepare ahead of time for your own or a family members funeral, we are here to assist you in the process. We will be happy to meet with you and your family to help plan the funeral Mass for your deceased loved ones. The cremated remains may be buried at sea as long as they are intact and placed in a worthy vessel that will carry the remains to the bottom of the sea bed. We normally celebrate the funeral Mass at 10:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. Please call us so that we can celebrate the last rites of the Church with you. If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, even after months or years of their passing, and would like to receive pastoral care,please contact us. RE office: (630) 369-0833 As mentioned above, most of the usual rites which are celebrated in the presence of the body of the deceased may also be celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains. It is not meant to take the place of talking with SMM staff. When someone has died, we turn to the Lord in prayer to both give thanks for their life and to grieve. In order to allow for a moment of personal sharing, a family member or a friend may speak in remembrance of the deceased. Thus the Funeral Liturgy of the Catholic Church is not the personal prayer of the family of the deceased. At SMM Church, the Pastor will determine what is appropriate in each given situation. Pastoral Care Coordinator, Denise Ruiz Extension 126. Saturday: 8:15 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Family members and friends are invited to share in the various liturgical ministries at Mass. The usual process would be for the family to contact the Funeral Home. The primary symbols of the Roman Catholic Funeral Liturgy are retained even when the funeral liturgy is celebrated in the presence of the cremated remains. In most circumstances, someone from the parish will contact a family member about preparing a meal for the immediate family which is to be held after the burial rite. Neither should Catholics divide and share the cremated remains of the deceased.
The speaker needs to be mindful that the setting is to be reverent, and only content which is appropriate to that setting should be presented. They may not be used as accompaniment for the Liturgy.
In your time of loss and grieving, the staff of St. Margaret Mary Parish want to pray for the deceased and help his or her family. The cremains must be buried or entombed. Please note this is our daily Mass. No recorded music of any kind is to be used during any of the three formal parts of the "Order of Christian Funerals." The normal pattern for a funeral includes the following: This video displayed here explains the purpose of the Catholic Funeral. choosingScripture readings, Privacy Policy. In recent years Catholic funeral practices have been impacted by the increasing popularity of cremation as a means of providing for the final disposition of the body. The family may also choose to have a pre-Mass wake in the narthex of the Church for one hour preceding the funeral Mass in lieu of, or in addition to, the funeral home visitation. Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12-Noon & 5:00 p.m. Please reach out to us at the Parish office at 724-335-2336 or by email This is something with which our staff can help. Readings may be accessed from the USCCB website here. Please contact the, For information on our two parish cemeteries, please, For information regarding existing cemetery lots, contact. As the death of a loved one occurs or draws near, there may be questions you have concerning how to make sure your family member or friend is prayed for and buried within the Catholic Church. We hope the following information is helpful to you. Guidelines for the Order of Christian Funeralsat St. Margaret Mary Parish. Director of Liturgy & Music, Dr. Holly Smith-Brooks Extension 125 Ministry as death draws near:As you or your loved one draws closer to death, we want to be there and pray with you. selecting family or friends who will fill ministerial rolls, The parish church is available for a funeral Mass Mondays through Saturdays. The Director of Music will assist and guide the family in appropriate musical selections for the Liturgy. During this meeting we will walk you through the planning process and assist you in selecting readings as well as music for the liturgy. making decisions on options available, Included in this booklet are suggested readings and music selections. Except in extraordinary circumstances this should not be the case. The funeral home or the family calls the parish secretary at 630-369-0777 with the contact information regarding a death. Well-meaning friends and family may not understand your needs at this time. 8:15 a.m. Mass Kindly keep in mind these guidelines: The remarks may be made at the funeral home during the viewing, at the Vigil service, during the parting prayers prior to bringing the body to church, at the Mass following Holy Communion, at the cemetery during the prayers of commendation, or at the mercy meal (if there is one) following the service. The Order of Christian Funerals is divided into three sequential rites which should occur at every Funeral: In these three sequential rites the Church offers to those who are mourning a way to prepare themselves spiritually and emotionally, to say their goodbyes. It is important to allow sufficient time before the Funeral for making all the necessary decisions. The cremains may be carried in procession and/or placed on a table where the casket normally would be. You can listen to a sampling of musical selections here. The Parish will work with you in planning the details of the Funeral itself. The Funeral Liturgy is an official, public prayer of the Church for the immortal soul of the deceased and for the consolation of those loved ones left behind. We put this guide together in order to assist you in your understanding and planning the Funeral Rites. More and more Catholics are eliminating one or more of these three rites.