If thou readest the first page, thou wilt enchant the sky, the earth, the abyss, the mountains, and the sea; thou wilt understand the language of the birds of the air, and thou wilt know what the creeping things of earth are saying, and thou wilt see the fishes from the darkest depths of the sea. But not all the magic in the Book, not that of any magician in
Egypt, could bring Merab back to life. 'Then said Pharaoh, "What is it that you desire?" As soon as his voice was still, the snakes and scorpions and crawling things were still also, for they were enchanted by means of the magical words of Nefer-ka-ptah, and they could not move. They brought him back to Koptos where I sat waiting for him, taking neither
food nor drink in my anxiety, but sitting stark and still like one who
is gone to the grave. [4], The fictional Book of Thoth appears in an ancient Egyptian short story from the Ptolemaic period, known as "Setne Khamwas and Naneferkaptah" or "Setne I". So once more he struck off its head. , Dimensions You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. He opened the Book and read the first page - and at once
he had power over the heavens and the earth, the abyss, the mountains
and the sea; he knew what the birds and the beasts and the fishes were
saying. He hastened home from the shrine
and told me all that he had learned. And there
he made a great sacrifice to Isis and Horus, and begged the priests of
the temple to tell him where Ahura and Merab lay buried. 'I will go with you and stand by your side through all dangers,' answered
Anherru. Unable to add item to List. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Complete Papyrus of Ani. But he offered a great reward to any who could
help him, and presently a very old man came tottering up to the temple
and said, 'If you are Setna the great scribe, come with me. 'Be it as you wish!' For without it life has no longer any meaning for me.'. He read the next page of spells, and saw the sun shining in the
sky, the moon and the stars, and knew their secrets - and he saw also
the gods themselves who are hidden from mortal sight. For if such another spell is
cast upon me, next time it will prove to be no dream. [6], The story reflects the Egyptian belief that the gods' knowledge is not meant for humans to possess.[7]. The Book of Toth is mentioned in Season 2 Episode 3 (Muninn) of American Gods, This article is about several ancient Egyptian books. And in it lay the bodies of Ahura and
But scarcely had we begun to move, when a sudden power seemed to seize our little boy Merab so that he was drawn into the river and sank out of sight. 'I ask only a little thing,' answered the Ka of Nefrekeptah. The book, written by Thoth, contains two spells, one of which allows the reader to understand the speech of animals, which allows the reader to perceive the gods themselves. [2], The church father Clement of Alexandria, in the sixth book of his work Stromata, mentions forty-two books used by Egyptian priests that he says contain "the whole philosophy of the Egyptians". V, The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Deluxe Slip-case Edition (Arcturus Silkbound Classics), The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt.
The "Book of Thoth" is mentioned in several stories by H. P. Lovecraft, most notably "Through the Gates of the Silver Key", where it is linked with Yog-Sothoth, an alien entity worshiped by sages and magicians. And there the priests and priestesses of Isis came to welcome
us and led us up to the Temple of Isis and Horus. Now Ahura was the wife of Nefer-ka-ptah, and their child was Merab; this was the name by which he was registered by the scribes in the House of Life. 'You know
that while my body lies here for you to see, the bodies of Ahura and Merab
rest in their tomb at Koptos. If it be such as a man may
perform, I will do it for you.'. Then Nefer-ka-ptah saw that the snake was immortal and could not be slain, but must be overcome by subtle means. Thus was the vengeance of Thoth fulfilled, but the Book remained with Nefer-ka-ptah.
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Digg This! In both the multi-player online battle arena Smite and Board Game Online, the Book of Thoth is a usable item. When Setna had made his way into the tomb, to the central chamber where
Nefrekeptah was laid to rest, he found the body of the prince lying wrapped
in its linen bands, still and awful in death. 'Then we made great lamentation, for our hearts were well nigh broken
at the death of Merab. All around the iron box
are twisted snakes and scorpions, and it is guarded by a serpent who cannot
be slain. ", 'Then said Nefrekeptah to the priest, "By the life of Pharaoh, tell me
what you would have me do for you, and I will do it - if only you will
tell me where the Book of Thoth is. If you want to discover how the first Egyptians built the colossal pyramids and the rise of the kings who ruled as gods, check out this book! and take me back to the place from which I came." Again Nefer-ka-ptah rushed upon it, and so hard did he strike that the head was flung far from the body, but at once the head and body came together again, each to each, and again the snake that no man could kill was alive and ready to fight. One hundred pieces of silver must be spent upon my burying. ', Then the Ka of Nefrekeptah rose from the body and laughed, saying, 'I
told you that you would return as a suppliant, bringing the Book of Thoth. While the other princes
spent their days in hunting or in leading their father's armies to guard
the distant parts of his empire, Setna was never so happy as when left
alone to study. ", "All around the
iron box are twisted snakes and scorpions, and it is guarded by a
serpent who cannot be slain. Know that
I am Setna, the priest of Ptah, son of Rameses the greatest Pharaoh of
all - and I come for the Book of Thoth which was yours in your days on
earth. Setna gazed fascinated at this lovely creature
with her golden girdle and head-dress of gold and colored jewels, who knelt
to make her offerings before the statue of Ptah. And when they looked for his body they could not find it. And the serpent that could not die was twined about
the box itself. It will bring you trouble even as it brought trouble
upon Nefrekeptah who lies here, and upon me, Ahura his wife, whose body
lies at Koptos on the edge of Eastern Thebes together with that of Merab
our son - whose Kas you see before you, dwelling with the husband and
father whom we loved so dearly. This Demotic text, known from more than forty fragmentary copies, consists of a dialogue between a person called "The-one-who-loves-knowledge" and a figure that Jasnow and Zauzich identify as Thoth. Ancient Egypt: The Egypt of Hatshepsut (First Great Female Pharaoh), Conversations in the House of Life: A New Translation of the Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth, The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians, Being the Equinox Volume III No. Among the subjects they cover are hymns, rituals, temple construction, astrology, geography, and medicine. I beg you to
let me take it in peace. Del.icio.us
Stumble Upon, All content and images Egyptian Myths, 1997-2014, All Rights Reserved
, "I come for the Book of Thoth which was yours in your days on earth. And straightway he took his brush and
wrote that Tabubua might cast his wife out to starve and slay his children
to feed the sacred cats of Bastet. For otherwise be sure that he will bring
sorrow and evil upon you, and at the last you will be forced to carry
it back as "a suppliant with a forked stick in your hand and a fire-pan
on your head.". We put back to shore at Koptos, and there his body
was embalmed and laid in a tomb as befitted him. ', When Setna had listened to all the tale told by the Ka of Ahura, he was
filled with awe. Soon he learned that she
was called Tabubua, and was the daughter of the high priest of the cat goddess
Bastet from the city of Bubastis to the north of Memphis - Bastet who was
the bride of the god Ptah of Memphis. Then Nefrekeptah cast out the sand and they raised the Book on it until
it stood upon a shoal above the level of the river. But do not think
that you are yet free of my vengeance. Nonetheless Nefrekeptah was able
to make his Ka speak to us and tell us what had caused his death. , Hardcover "Because thou readest these worthless writings," answered the priest. He read the second page and he saw the sun shining in the sky, with the full moon and the stars, and he saw the great shapes of the Gods themselves; and so strong was the magic that the fishes came up from the darkest depths of the sea. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. : When he fell, all the sailors of the royal barge and all the people walking on the river-bank raised a great cry, but they could not save him. ', But the Ka of Nefrekeptah answered, 'Be not sad: I will make Setna bring
back the Book of Thoth, and come as a suppliant to my tomb with a forked
stick in his hand and a fire-pan on his head.'. When you have read its first page you will be able to enchant the heaven
and the earth, the abyss, the mountains and the sea; and you shall know
what the birds and the beasts and the reptiles are saying. ", Then Nefer-ka-ptah sent a fleet messenger to fetch the money, and he paid one hundred pieces. But nevertheless the desire to have the Book of Thoth
was so strong upon him that he said, 'Give me that which lies upon the
dead breast of Nefrekeptah, or I will take it by force. 'Then, rejoicing that the priest's words had proved true, and the Book
of Thoth was his, he cast a spell upon the magic men, saying, "Workmen,
workmen, work for me and take me back to the place from which I came!" Read instantly on your browser with Kindle Cloud Reader. ", "Provide for my funeral," said the priest. The Kybalion. Come to
me, my love!'. One day, as he pored over the ancient books written on the two sides
of long rolls of papyrus, he came upon the story of another Pharaoh's
son several hundred years earlier who had been as great a scribe and as
wise a magician as he greater and wiser, indeed, for Nefrekeptah had read
the Book of Thoth by which a man might enchant both heaven and earth,
and know the language of the birds and beasts. Instead, he returned to his
own dwelling and spent all his time reading the Book of Thoth and studying
all the spells contained in it. And when Nefrekeptah by his magic arts had raised my body out
of the river, and my Ka had told him all, he turned back to Koptos and
had my body embalmed and laid in the tomb beside Merab. When he spoke to her of his love, she answered, 'Be joyful, my sweet
lord, for I am destined to be your bride. Written almost entirely in the Demotic script, the Book of Thoth is probably the product of scribes of the House of Life, the temple scriptorium. The Book of Thoth is often featured in fiction with Egyptian or supernatural themes. : Then at Pharaoh's
command they heaped sand over the low stone shrine where the entrance
to the tomb was hidden; and before long a sandstorm turned it into a great
mound, and then leveled it out so that never again could anyone find a
trace of the tomb where Nefrekeptah lay with Ahura and Merab and the Book
of Thoth, waiting for the Day of Awakening when Osiris shall return to
rule over the earth.
But scarcely had we begun to move, when a sudden power seemed to seize our little boy Merab so that he was drawn into the river and sank out of sight. 'I ask only a little thing,' answered the Ka of Nefrekeptah. The book, written by Thoth, contains two spells, one of which allows the reader to understand the speech of animals, which allows the reader to perceive the gods themselves. [2], The church father Clement of Alexandria, in the sixth book of his work Stromata, mentions forty-two books used by Egyptian priests that he says contain "the whole philosophy of the Egyptians". V, The Egyptian Book of the Dead: Deluxe Slip-case Edition (Arcturus Silkbound Classics), The Union of Isis and Thoth: Magic and Initiatory Practices of Ancient Egypt.