Community Cats CouncilNorth
Please book at our Pierce or Snohomish County locations. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Many of these pets were euthanized because shelters simply do not have enough resources to care for them all. Spay.Neuter.Save NetworkNorth PhiladelphiaEmail FeralClinic@aol.comfor info or appt. No application, no income limit. Copyright 2022 MH Sub I, LLC dba iMatrix. Our intake process has been altered for the health and safety of all involved. Vaccinations are discounted at the time of surgery. Providing post-operative pain management is now the standard of care in veterinary medicine. In addition to the spay andneuter surgery, your pet package also includes the following services: Your pet must qualify and have surgery through our program in order to receive these additional services. This reduces inflammation and pain at the incision and accelerates the healing process. Our equipment and supplies are of the highest standard and are routinely sterilized ensuring the best outcome for your pet. Certificates can be purchased online. '/_layouts/15/itemexpiration.aspx'
This is not the true. Please see chart. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. We strongly urge this test for cats. Jefferson County Humane Society offers low-cost dental care services for both dogs and cats! Your PetBring your cat in a carrier (one cat per carrier) and your dog on a non-retractable leash. Spayed animals no longer feel the need to roam to look for a mate. Wednesday: 8:30-5:00
Note:This information was generously provided by the Animal Coalition of Delaware County (ACDC)and is subject to change at any time. + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'), 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401, Spay and Neuter Services | Anne Arundel County, MD (, A high-quality low-cost spay/neuter clinic (, Discount Spay and Neuter Services - Baltimore County (, Caroline County Humane Society (, Discount Spay & Neuter - Humane Society of Charles County (, Baywater Animal Rescue - Welcome to Baywater, Home - Frederick County Humane Society (, Fixes for Free in Kent County Grant | The Animal Care Shelter for Kent County (, Spay & Neuter Clinic | Worcester County Humane Society | No Kill Shelter, Anne Arundel County Animal Care and Control Division, SPCA/Humane Society of Prince George's County. We use dissolving sutures so no return visit is necessary.
This is an appointment request, not a guarantee. Tuesday: 8:30-5:00 The only way to stop this cycle is to have your pet spayed or neutered. Rescue and foster groups are currently not eligible for this program. You'll be sent home with detailed care instructions. FIV/FeLV Test: Recommended if your cat has never been tested. Neutered male cats and dogs are less likely to mark their territory with their urine. All reports are confidential. Note: Surgery prices INCLUDE pain medication and one laser therapy session for post-operative pain control. The ASPCA also serves the communities of Western North Carolina. Pennsylvania SPCAErie Ave.Philadelphia, PA215-426-7400On-site clinic, no application, no income limit. It is not recommended to spay a female dog while they are in their heat cycle. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. A cleaner house! Animal Welfare AssociationVoorhees, NJ856-424-2288, ext. SNAP, Inc. (Spay Neuter All Pets)302-838-6996 or 410-885-5783snapinc@yahoo.comCertificate program, no application, no income limit. If the pet does not meet this requirement then the client may bring the animal to the Neuter Scooter during Vaccine Clinic hours for a physical exam. A spayed or neutered cat enjoys an average increase of three to five years. You will receive an email confirming your payment was processed. To make an appointment for our spay/neuter services, you must meet the household income qualifications as set by HUD (Housing and Urban Development). All rights reserved. Before paying, be sure to schedule your appointment first. Wellness visits are from 10AM to 12PM and from 1PM to 3:30PM. a small, green tattoo near their incision (a universal sign of spay/neuter surgery). Microchip: $15
Your pet will receive a complete physical exam and the full Healthy Pet Package. Would you like to switch to the accessible version of this site? We are here for you and your pet! If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact: Starting July 1, 2022, cost for services and products are as follows: * A non-refundable deposit is collected at the time of scheduling. Pay for your appointment now. Copyright 2022 | Powered by InDigiMar, Inc. All projects have limited funding. Animal ShelterBlackwood, NJ856-401-1300Camden County residents ONLY. Detailed application and proof of income required. Dogs will be receive an oral post-operative pain medication to go home. Pasados Safe Havens mobile Spay Stations provide low-cost spay/neuter surgeries to income-qualified residents. Sunday: 10:00-4:00, 81 Talbott DriveWintersville, OH 43953(740) 792-4350, Monday: 8:00-5:00 We are committed to providing compassionate, quality care for your furry family members. Call today to schedule an appointment and feel good knowing that your patronage is helping to support programs for the homeless animals of Jefferson County! Through this partnership, pet owners can have local access to low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations and select preventative medications. Forgotten Cats, Inc.Willow Grove,, Humane League of Lancaster Co.Lancaster, PA717-393-6551 There are just too many animals born. The JCHS Clinic is not simply a building, it is a commitment and a center of compassion for the people and animals in our communities. Sheets Pet Clinic is pleased to offer laser therapy as an additional means of post-operative pain control. Se puede contactar con nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente de 9AM a 3PM lunes a viernes. Many people mistakenly believe that they have to be a resident of Jefferson County in order to take advantage of our low-cost services.
Flea Treatment: $10 Your pets teeth should be checked at least once a year by a veterinarian for early signs of a problem and to keep your pets mouth healthy. Thursday: 8:00-5:00 Males are less aggressive and will not actively seek out mates, thus decreasing the likelihood of your pet to wander off. The result is that they stay home and have less chance of being involved in traumatic accidents such as being hit by a car. Faithful FriendsGermay Dr.Wilmington, DE302-427-8514, ext. There is an additional charge for these treatments. All animals receive a complimentary nail trim at the time of surgery. The owner of the pet needs to drop off the pet in order to sign the proper consent and provide a medical history. It also reduces the risk of them getting various forms of cancer. Saturday: CLOSED Our four comprehensive programs target animal cruelty at its source, but this work is only possible because of your support. certain fraudulent activities and protect JavaScript is required to use content on this page. If your cat is pregnant, an additional fee of $10-30 will be applied. See below for a full explanation of why we require pain medication post-operatively and for more details on laser therapy for post-operative pain control. FIV/FeLV Test: $20 Exact pick up times will be assigned in the morning at drop-off but will not be before 3 p.m. If you are not able to report it to law enforcement, you can report it to Pasados Safe Haven hereor by calling (360) 793-9393 x201. Sterilized pets lead healthier, happier, and longer lives. Privacy Policy Legal Info, Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Find out more about our LA spay/neuter services, See the spay/neuter services we provide at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina, search the PetSmart Charities database to locate providers in your community. If you're unable to pick up your pet from the surgical center at the specified time, he or she will be transferred to our main location in Baldwin. Message and data rates may apply. We offer a weekly wellness clinic on Tuesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. During Pet Wellness Days your pet can receive: Reserve your spot for our nextPet Wellness Day by calling us at (740) 792-4350! We initiate the microchip registration for you so its simple to complete.
State resources. Spaying or neutering is one of the best things you can do for your pet, your family, and the community. The obvious health benefit of spaying your pet is the avoidance of health issues associated with pregnancy and recovery. +'?Tag=true&ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ Spay surgery also eliminates the heat cycle and associated mood swings and undesirable behaviors, messy spotting (in dogs) and the attraction of all available males to your yard. We recommend 4-6 months of age. Camden Co. Sign up with your email address to receive AFL news and updates. Saturday and Sunday8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We're working to provide you with a better experience, and want your feedback. See the spay/neuter services we provide at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina. It eliminates the chance of developing a serious and potentially fatal infection of the uterus experienced by many mature unspayed animals (pyometra). Copyright 2022Baltimore County Government. Cat Pain Injection (required, administered at clinic): $15 Animal Coalition of Delaware County (ACDC). 100Pottstown, PA610-970-4173On-site spay/neuter clinic. If your feral cat is pregnant, an additional fee of $10-30 will apply.
Appointments are required. Whether youve recently adopted a pet or youre considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions youll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. No application, no income limit. 200 Airpark DriveWintersville, OH 43953(740) 314-5583, Monday: 8:30-5:00 Clinic (546-5355), Norfolk SPCA Clinic (383-6620), and Virginia Beach SPCA Clinic (739-9306).
Feline Leukemia Vaccine (FeLV): Recommended depending on your cats lifestyle. Call the clinic for dental cleaning and surgery pricing. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'tag') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Spaying or neutering your pet will prevent them from having offspring, which will help with pet overpopulation. We accept credit and debit cards. Microchip: One-time fee for a lifetime of identification! We are currently serving Pierce and Snohomish Counties. They also have a much lower incidence of contracting contagious diseases, and get into fewer fights. Dedicated to animals in need in the Lansdowne Community. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement. Note: A complete rabies certificate is required for proof of prior vaccination and receipts or invoices are not considered proper verification of rabies vaccination.
You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Pets may be declined for surgery if they present an increased risk for complications from anesthesia. 12Low-cost and sliding scale (income-based) vet services. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Patients will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The Neuter Scooter is in Suffolk two days per week. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. Learn more about our project and give your feedback. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. Male dogs that are fixed are less likely to roam and find female dogs when they come into heat. All animals receive a complimentary nail trim at the time of surgery. Our client care team answer the phones from 9AM to 3PM Monday through Friday. Application and proof of income required,For NJ residents only. $50 per cat. If you live within the five boroughs of New York City, see the ASPCAs NYC spay/neuter services. Visit website for clinic locations & schedule. An additional charge of $24 - $96will be charged for animals that are pregnant, in heat, aggressive or that have cryptorchid (hidden) testicles.
You may also contact alocal animal shelteror veterinarian to ask about available spay/neuter services near you. Local pet owners kept our staff busy in 2021 providing high-quality low-cost veterinary care! In males, neutering decreases the chances of developing prostatic disease and hernias, and eliminates the chances of developing testicular cancer. There is no cost to update your microchip information and no annual fees. King County residents are welcome to make an appointment at either location. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' Suffolk Humane Society has joined forces with the Virginia Beach SPCA Neuter Scooter! No more carpet cleaning on account of that. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate Help lower the euthanasia rate by decreasing the amount of unwanted animals. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, A rabies vaccination is included in the feral cat spay/neuter fee. In Females, spaying decreases the incidence of breast cancer (the rate goes down to almost zero if the spaying is done before the first heat cycle!). They are also less likely to bite, as unneutered dogs are responsible for 60 to 80 percent of all dog bites. Surgical services areavailableat the following locations: Baltimore County Animal Services (BCAS) 13800 Manor Road Baldwin, Maryland21013 Get Directions, Dundalk Spay and Neuter Surgical Center 7702 Dunmanway Dundalk, Maryland 21222 Get Directions. If youre ready to spay or neuter your pet, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services near you. Females are generally in heat for 2-4 weeks. Click here for a full price list. Improve your pets health and life expectancy. The easiest way to access your appointmentinformation is via your confirmation email. Simple, right? There are medical and behavioral benefits of having your pet fixed. Delaware Humane AssociationWilmington, DE1-888-DHA-SPAYOn-site spay/neuter clinic in Wilmington. Call to schedule your appointment today! Ear Mite Treatment: $15 When your request has been accepted, you'll receive a confirmation email. Humane Society of Berks Co.Reading, PA610-921-2348, ext. Affordable Spay Neuter ClinicRte. Thursday: 8:30-5:00 Regardless of the type of dog you have, well try to work with you to get a spay/neuter or other assistance your pet needs affordably. Laser therapy is noninvasive and uses wavelengths of light to speed up metabolism at the cellular level. If your pet has a reducible umbilical hernia, it will be repaired at the time of surgery at an additional charge of $30-$80. You will be required to redeem your pet from the shelter.
The fee will be added to your bill. All rights reserved.The ASPCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Animals 7 years or older may need pre-surgical blood work and a pre-exam from our veterinarian. Some vaccines require boosters in 3-4 weeks, appointment required and exam fee will also be applied at time of booster. 6Cats onlyOn-site spay/neuter clinic in Wilmington. Males should be fixed before they are sexually mature in order to reduce their marking behavior and prevent them from successfully mating with any females. There will be a $12.00 Veterinary Exam Fee, per animal, associated with any service performed on the Neuter Scooter. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Pets must receive all services as part of this package. Your veterinarian can perform this routine procedure. Female dogs that are fixed will not go into heat. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Payment is required at time of scheduling. It is recommended to wait one month after her heat has passed. The email address used to make payment should be the same as the email used in the appointment request. Friday: 8:30-5:00 Ace of Spays, LLCMedford, NJ609-654-2921On-site spay/neuter clinic in Vineland and Hainesport, NJ. These guides will help you prepare for your pet's surgery and a healthy recovery. Forgotten Cats, Inc.Cats onlyOn-site spay/neuter clinics in Willow Grove, PA and Claymont, DE.Claymont: 302-429-0124Willow Grove: 215-219-8148No application, no income limit. Tuesday: 12:00-7:00 Fewer dogs, fewer attacks. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}', 'center:1;dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px;resizable:yes;status:no;location:no;menubar:no;help:no', function GotoPageAfterClose(pageid){if(pageid == 'hold') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Many participating vets in PA, MD, and DE. Feline Leukemia/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus/Heartworm testing (FeLV/FIV/HW, or the triple test) is discounted to $29 from $45 at the time of spay/neuter surgery. Saturday: 10:00-4:00 '/_layouts/15/hold.aspx' Please make sure you and your pet meet our eligibility requirements before submitting an appointment request. the appropriate anesthetic option that is the safest and best suited for your pet, administered by our skilled, licensed Veterinarians and Technicians. Weve grown and are continuing to add new services. Spaying or neutering is one of the most important things you can do for your pet. Distemper: Critical vaccine for young animals and those that have never been vaccinated. If your pet requires a service that is not listed give us a call. The need for these veterinary services was so great that in 2018 we purchased the old Red Cross building located at 81 Talbott Drive in Wintersville, OH and renovated it into a full service low-cost veterinary clinic. If you dont have prior medical records for your pet, thats okay. We know that animals have the same type of nervous system we do and feel pain from surgery just as we do.
105On-site spay/neuter clinic in Voorhees. There is an additional charge for these treatments. Feral cats are welcome, but must test negative for FeLV/FIV. The vaccine clinic will be 11am - 12pm, with a prompt close time at 12pm. Your appointment request will only be accepted if payment is also made at the time of the request. No application, no income limit. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. '/_layouts/15/Hold.aspx' It also reduces problems with territorial and sexual aggression, inappropriate urination (spraying) and other undesirable male behaviors. Neutering eliminates the risk for testicular cancer and decreases the risk of developing prostate disease. All pets are monitored throughout recovery. We recommend spaying them between 4-6 months of age. Prevent pet overpopulation and euthanasia of unwanted pets. If there is no project covering your areayet,weencourage you to contactyour local Animal Shelter or otherNon-profit Animal Welfare organizations who may know of low cost surgery options or other programsin your areathat you may qualify for;and urge them to submit a grant application during our next call for proposals!, A high-quality low-cost spay/neuter clinic (, Sunshine's Friends Cat & Dog Rescue - Home (, Discount Spay and Neuter Services - Baltimore County (, Free Spay/Neuter & Rabies Vaccine Program Baltimore Humane Society (, Caroline County Humane Society (, Paw Prints Animal Hospital in Waldorf, MD | Last Chance Animal Rescue, Baywater Animal Rescue - Welcome to Baywater, Fixes for Free in Kent County Grant | The Animal Care Shelter for Kent County (, Spaying & Neutering | Prince George's County, MD (, Animal Services | Queen Anne's County, MD - Official Website (, Homepage HSSC The Humane Society of Somerset County, Spay & Neuter Clinic | Worcester County Humane Society | No Kill Shelter, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential.

This is an appointment request, not a guarantee. Tuesday: 8:30-5:00 The only way to stop this cycle is to have your pet spayed or neutered. Rescue and foster groups are currently not eligible for this program. You'll be sent home with detailed care instructions. FIV/FeLV Test: Recommended if your cat has never been tested. Neutered male cats and dogs are less likely to mark their territory with their urine. All reports are confidential. Note: Surgery prices INCLUDE pain medication and one laser therapy session for post-operative pain control. The ASPCA also serves the communities of Western North Carolina. Pennsylvania SPCAErie Ave.Philadelphia, PA215-426-7400On-site clinic, no application, no income limit. It is not recommended to spay a female dog while they are in their heat cycle. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. A cleaner house! Animal Welfare AssociationVoorhees, NJ856-424-2288, ext. SNAP, Inc. (Spay Neuter All Pets)302-838-6996 or 410-885-5783snapinc@yahoo.comCertificate program, no application, no income limit. If the pet does not meet this requirement then the client may bring the animal to the Neuter Scooter during Vaccine Clinic hours for a physical exam. A spayed or neutered cat enjoys an average increase of three to five years. You will receive an email confirming your payment was processed. To make an appointment for our spay/neuter services, you must meet the household income qualifications as set by HUD (Housing and Urban Development). All rights reserved. Before paying, be sure to schedule your appointment first. Wellness visits are from 10AM to 12PM and from 1PM to 3:30PM. a small, green tattoo near their incision (a universal sign of spay/neuter surgery). Microchip: $15
Your pet will receive a complete physical exam and the full Healthy Pet Package. Would you like to switch to the accessible version of this site? We are here for you and your pet! If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact: Starting July 1, 2022, cost for services and products are as follows: * A non-refundable deposit is collected at the time of scheduling. Pay for your appointment now. Copyright 2022 | Powered by InDigiMar, Inc. All projects have limited funding. Animal ShelterBlackwood, NJ856-401-1300Camden County residents ONLY. Detailed application and proof of income required. Dogs will be receive an oral post-operative pain medication to go home. Pasados Safe Havens mobile Spay Stations provide low-cost spay/neuter surgeries to income-qualified residents. Sunday: 10:00-4:00, 81 Talbott DriveWintersville, OH 43953(740) 792-4350, Monday: 8:00-5:00 We are committed to providing compassionate, quality care for your furry family members. Call today to schedule an appointment and feel good knowing that your patronage is helping to support programs for the homeless animals of Jefferson County! Through this partnership, pet owners can have local access to low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, vaccinations and select preventative medications. Forgotten Cats, Inc.Willow Grove,, Humane League of Lancaster Co.Lancaster, PA717-393-6551 There are just too many animals born. The JCHS Clinic is not simply a building, it is a commitment and a center of compassion for the people and animals in our communities. Sheets Pet Clinic is pleased to offer laser therapy as an additional means of post-operative pain control. Se puede contactar con nuestro equipo de servicio al cliente de 9AM a 3PM lunes a viernes. Many people mistakenly believe that they have to be a resident of Jefferson County in order to take advantage of our low-cost services.
Flea Treatment: $10 Your pets teeth should be checked at least once a year by a veterinarian for early signs of a problem and to keep your pets mouth healthy. Thursday: 8:00-5:00 Males are less aggressive and will not actively seek out mates, thus decreasing the likelihood of your pet to wander off. The result is that they stay home and have less chance of being involved in traumatic accidents such as being hit by a car. Faithful FriendsGermay Dr.Wilmington, DE302-427-8514, ext. There is an additional charge for these treatments. All animals receive a complimentary nail trim at the time of surgery. The owner of the pet needs to drop off the pet in order to sign the proper consent and provide a medical history. It also reduces the risk of them getting various forms of cancer. Saturday: CLOSED Our four comprehensive programs target animal cruelty at its source, but this work is only possible because of your support. certain fraudulent activities and protect JavaScript is required to use content on this page. If your cat is pregnant, an additional fee of $10-30 will be applied. See below for a full explanation of why we require pain medication post-operatively and for more details on laser therapy for post-operative pain control. FIV/FeLV Test: $20 Exact pick up times will be assigned in the morning at drop-off but will not be before 3 p.m. If you are not able to report it to law enforcement, you can report it to Pasados Safe Haven hereor by calling (360) 793-9393 x201. Sterilized pets lead healthier, happier, and longer lives. Privacy Policy Legal Info, Underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Find out more about our LA spay/neuter services, See the spay/neuter services we provide at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina, search the PetSmart Charities database to locate providers in your community. If you're unable to pick up your pet from the surgical center at the specified time, he or she will be transferred to our main location in Baldwin. Message and data rates may apply. We offer a weekly wellness clinic on Tuesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. During Pet Wellness Days your pet can receive: Reserve your spot for our nextPet Wellness Day by calling us at (740) 792-4350! We initiate the microchip registration for you so its simple to complete.
State resources. Spaying or neutering is one of the best things you can do for your pet, your family, and the community. The obvious health benefit of spaying your pet is the avoidance of health issues associated with pregnancy and recovery. +'?Tag=true&ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;}}, null); javascript:SP.UI.ModalDialog.ShowPopupDialog('{SiteUrl}'+ Spay surgery also eliminates the heat cycle and associated mood swings and undesirable behaviors, messy spotting (in dogs) and the attraction of all available males to your yard. We recommend 4-6 months of age. Camden Co. Sign up with your email address to receive AFL news and updates. Saturday and Sunday8 a.m. to 5 p.m. We're working to provide you with a better experience, and want your feedback. See the spay/neuter services we provide at the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina. It eliminates the chance of developing a serious and potentially fatal infection of the uterus experienced by many mature unspayed animals (pyometra). Copyright 2022Baltimore County Government. Cat Pain Injection (required, administered at clinic): $15 Animal Coalition of Delaware County (ACDC). 100Pottstown, PA610-970-4173On-site spay/neuter clinic. If your feral cat is pregnant, an additional fee of $10-30 will apply.
Appointments are required. Whether youve recently adopted a pet or youre considering doing so, one of the most important health decisions youll make is to spay or neuter your cat or dog. No application, no income limit. 200 Airpark DriveWintersville, OH 43953(740) 314-5583, Monday: 8:30-5:00 Clinic (546-5355), Norfolk SPCA Clinic (383-6620), and Virginia Beach SPCA Clinic (739-9306).
Feline Leukemia Vaccine (FeLV): Recommended depending on your cats lifestyle. Call the clinic for dental cleaning and surgery pricing. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'tag') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Spaying or neutering your pet will prevent them from having offspring, which will help with pet overpopulation. We accept credit and debit cards. Microchip: One-time fee for a lifetime of identification! We are currently serving Pierce and Snohomish Counties. They also have a much lower incidence of contracting contagious diseases, and get into fewer fights. Dedicated to animals in need in the Lansdowne Community. Inclusion on this list does not imply endorsement. Note: A complete rabies certificate is required for proof of prior vaccination and receipts or invoices are not considered proper verification of rabies vaccination.
You will be redirected once the validation is complete. Pets may be declined for surgery if they present an increased risk for complications from anesthesia. 12Low-cost and sliding scale (income-based) vet services. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Patients will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The Neuter Scooter is in Suffolk two days per week. By providing my mobile number, I agree to receive 2-4 text messages per month from the ASPCA, which may include requests for charitable donations. Learn more about our project and give your feedback. Please enable cookies on your browser and try again. Male dogs that are fixed are less likely to roam and find female dogs when they come into heat. All animals receive a complimentary nail trim at the time of surgery. Our client care team answer the phones from 9AM to 3PM Monday through Friday. Application and proof of income required,For NJ residents only. $50 per cat. If you live within the five boroughs of New York City, see the ASPCAs NYC spay/neuter services. Visit website for clinic locations & schedule. An additional charge of $24 - $96will be charged for animals that are pregnant, in heat, aggressive or that have cryptorchid (hidden) testicles.
You may also contact alocal animal shelteror veterinarian to ask about available spay/neuter services near you. Local pet owners kept our staff busy in 2021 providing high-quality low-cost veterinary care! In males, neutering decreases the chances of developing prostatic disease and hernias, and eliminates the chances of developing testicular cancer. There is no cost to update your microchip information and no annual fees. King County residents are welcome to make an appointment at either location. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' Suffolk Humane Society has joined forces with the Virginia Beach SPCA Neuter Scooter! No more carpet cleaning on account of that. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate Help lower the euthanasia rate by decreasing the amount of unwanted animals. Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, A rabies vaccination is included in the feral cat spay/neuter fee. In Females, spaying decreases the incidence of breast cancer (the rate goes down to almost zero if the spaying is done before the first heat cycle!). They are also less likely to bite, as unneutered dogs are responsible for 60 to 80 percent of all dog bites. Surgical services areavailableat the following locations: Baltimore County Animal Services (BCAS) 13800 Manor Road Baldwin, Maryland21013 Get Directions, Dundalk Spay and Neuter Surgical Center 7702 Dunmanway Dundalk, Maryland 21222 Get Directions. If youre ready to spay or neuter your pet, you can find low-cost spay/neuter services near you. Females are generally in heat for 2-4 weeks. Click here for a full price list. Improve your pets health and life expectancy. The easiest way to access your appointmentinformation is via your confirmation email. Simple, right? There are medical and behavioral benefits of having your pet fixed. Delaware Humane AssociationWilmington, DE1-888-DHA-SPAYOn-site spay/neuter clinic in Wilmington. Call to schedule your appointment today! Ear Mite Treatment: $15 When your request has been accepted, you'll receive a confirmation email. Humane Society of Berks Co.Reading, PA610-921-2348, ext. Affordable Spay Neuter ClinicRte. Thursday: 8:30-5:00 Regardless of the type of dog you have, well try to work with you to get a spay/neuter or other assistance your pet needs affordably. Laser therapy is noninvasive and uses wavelengths of light to speed up metabolism at the cellular level. If your pet has a reducible umbilical hernia, it will be repaired at the time of surgery at an additional charge of $30-$80. You will be required to redeem your pet from the shelter.
The fee will be added to your bill. All rights reserved.The ASPCA is a 501(c)(3) non-for-profit organization. Animals 7 years or older may need pre-surgical blood work and a pre-exam from our veterinarian. Some vaccines require boosters in 3-4 weeks, appointment required and exam fee will also be applied at time of booster. 6Cats onlyOn-site spay/neuter clinic in Wilmington. Males should be fixed before they are sexually mature in order to reduce their marking behavior and prevent them from successfully mating with any females. There will be a $12.00 Veterinary Exam Fee, per animal, associated with any service performed on the Neuter Scooter. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
Pets must receive all services as part of this package. Your veterinarian can perform this routine procedure. Female dogs that are fixed will not go into heat. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}'); return false;} if(pageid == 'audit') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Payment is required at time of scheduling. It is recommended to wait one month after her heat has passed. The email address used to make payment should be the same as the email used in the appointment request. Friday: 8:30-5:00 Ace of Spays, LLCMedford, NJ609-654-2921On-site spay/neuter clinic in Vineland and Hainesport, NJ. These guides will help you prepare for your pet's surgery and a healthy recovery. Forgotten Cats, Inc.Cats onlyOn-site spay/neuter clinics in Willow Grove, PA and Claymont, DE.Claymont: 302-429-0124Willow Grove: 215-219-8148No application, no income limit. Tuesday: 12:00-7:00 Fewer dogs, fewer attacks. +'?ID={ItemId}&List={ListId}', 'center:1;dialogHeight:500px;dialogWidth:500px;resizable:yes;status:no;location:no;menubar:no;help:no', function GotoPageAfterClose(pageid){if(pageid == 'hold') {STSNavigate(unescape(decodeURI('{SiteUrl}'))+ Many participating vets in PA, MD, and DE. Feline Leukemia/Feline Immunodeficiency Virus/Heartworm testing (FeLV/FIV/HW, or the triple test) is discounted to $29 from $45 at the time of spay/neuter surgery. Saturday: 10:00-4:00 '/_layouts/15/hold.aspx' Please make sure you and your pet meet our eligibility requirements before submitting an appointment request. the appropriate anesthetic option that is the safest and best suited for your pet, administered by our skilled, licensed Veterinarians and Technicians. Weve grown and are continuing to add new services. Spaying or neutering is one of the most important things you can do for your pet. Distemper: Critical vaccine for young animals and those that have never been vaccinated. If your pet requires a service that is not listed give us a call. The need for these veterinary services was so great that in 2018 we purchased the old Red Cross building located at 81 Talbott Drive in Wintersville, OH and renovated it into a full service low-cost veterinary clinic. If you dont have prior medical records for your pet, thats okay. We know that animals have the same type of nervous system we do and feel pain from surgery just as we do.
105On-site spay/neuter clinic in Voorhees. There is an additional charge for these treatments. Feral cats are welcome, but must test negative for FeLV/FIV. The vaccine clinic will be 11am - 12pm, with a prompt close time at 12pm. Your appointment request will only be accepted if payment is also made at the time of the request. No application, no income limit. Please enable JavaScript on your browser and try again. '/_layouts/15/Hold.aspx' It also reduces problems with territorial and sexual aggression, inappropriate urination (spraying) and other undesirable male behaviors. Neutering eliminates the risk for testicular cancer and decreases the risk of developing prostate disease. All pets are monitored throughout recovery. We recommend spaying them between 4-6 months of age. Prevent pet overpopulation and euthanasia of unwanted pets. If there is no project covering your areayet,weencourage you to contactyour local Animal Shelter or otherNon-profit Animal Welfare organizations who may know of low cost surgery options or other programsin your areathat you may qualify for;and urge them to submit a grant application during our next call for proposals!, A high-quality low-cost spay/neuter clinic (, Sunshine's Friends Cat & Dog Rescue - Home (, Discount Spay and Neuter Services - Baltimore County (, Free Spay/Neuter & Rabies Vaccine Program Baltimore Humane Society (, Caroline County Humane Society (, Paw Prints Animal Hospital in Waldorf, MD | Last Chance Animal Rescue, Baywater Animal Rescue - Welcome to Baywater, Fixes for Free in Kent County Grant | The Animal Care Shelter for Kent County (, Spaying & Neutering | Prince George's County, MD (, Animal Services | Queen Anne's County, MD - Official Website (, Homepage HSSC The Humane Society of Somerset County, Spay & Neuter Clinic | Worcester County Humane Society | No Kill Shelter, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential.