When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. A sentence dictation matching the form is arranged using rhyme. Hand out slips of paper to students. Go to YouTube and watch this short selection of famous film quotes to engage the class.
This article explains what reported speech is, why it's important for ESL students to learn, and provides 5 fun activities to engage your students in the learning process. Words recorded as having the same or different meanings are reported as speech pairwork dictations. Real or imagined reported speech How to Teach Reported Speech to Students | ThoughtCo. Do you remember losing your baby teeth as a child? Once students have understood the basic concept of stepping one step back into the past when reporting in the past, they can easily begin to make the minor changes in pronoun and time expression usage. | 22 Mar 2018, TJ Special 2020 Issue: Call for Proposals, TJ Special 2020 Issue: Call for Proposals: Social Justice, TJ Special 2021 Issue: Call for Proposals, TJ Special 2021 Issue: Call for Abstracts: Incidental and Informal Vocabulary Learning, TJ Special 2022 Issue: Call for Proposals, TESOL Journal Editor Search - Call for Applications, Individual Subscriptions to TESOL Quarterly, How to Get Copies of TESOL Quarterly Articles, Qualitative Research: Case Study Guidelines, Qualitative Research: Conversation Analysis Guidelines, Qualitative Research: (Critical) Ethnography Guidelines, Informed Consent Policy Statement and Release, Submit Features or Resources for TESOL Connections, TESOL Web Linking Policy for Outside Entities, Submission Guidelines for Authors of Book Proposals, Worldwide Affiliate Directory -- U.S. Affiliates, Worldwide Affiliate Directory -- Russian Affiliates, Worldwide Affiliate Directory -- Indian Affiliates, Dates & Locations for Past TESOL Conventions, Call for Proposals: Master's Student Forum, Technology Requirements for TESOL Online Courses, Registration Terms and Conditions for Online Courses, Register for an Online Course by Fax or Mail, Disclaimer for TESOL Certificate Programs, Requirements for Completion of TESOL Online Course, Academy 2012 California Registration Terms, Seven Steps for Separating Difference From Disability (C-1), Academic English Development Integrated With Math and Science Content (C-2), Reading In and Beyond the Classroom (C-4), 21st Century SkillsWhat Do Teachers Need to Know? Changing the point-of-view words (certain pronouns, determiners, and adverbs) is necessary to fit a new context. A superb activity and I will get plenty of use out of it!" how do you introduce direct and indirect speech to students? Anna told me she had gone to the shopping mall. He asked me whether I wanted a single or return, and the other students guess which person from the list was speaking. Has overheard an interesting conversation recently, 3. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. The Mediator is a classic ESL activity for learning and mastering reported speech. If they cannot think of any ideas, see the list below. Students report something from prompts such as those described above, and then the other students guess whether that was really said to them or whether it was just made up. Visual Explanations of Each English Tense, How to Teach the Present Continuous to ESL Students, Learn How to Use the Present Continuous Tense, Using Adverb Clauses with Time Expressions, Master Verb Tenses With This Sentence Structure Chart. Prepare cards with reported speech on one side and direct speech of the same sentence on the other. Students report something that was said to them or they heard that they had a strong emotional reaction to and the other students guess what their reaction was. Teaching students reported or indirect speech can be complicated by the all the changes that are required when moving from direct speech into reported speech. Can remember some good advice they received, 2. Make the verb more long then just shift the backshift. Go through the rules of the changes from direct speech to reported speech. Some mad cows escaped from your farms and are knocking down fences and terrorising people. After theyve finished chatting, go through the list of questions. Your GM crops keep blowing into my country. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. They are then to fight about things in their relationship. Anna told me her brother Tom had been to Paris twice that year. ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/how-to-teach-reported-speech-1212116. Wont she be able to call us from the cinema? When a verb is used in the writing it is recorded as a reporting phrase. Making both sides have complaints about the other and giving out roleplay cards can also help set up this activity well, as can having different groups of students working on different situations so that they cant listen into the neighbouring teams. This can also be used for non-conflict negotiations such as premarital contracts or price negotiations. Split the class into pairs. A more intellectually challenging version of pairwork dictation is giving students similar but not identical direct speech sentences on Student A and Student B sheets. This activity can be made more challenging by one of the students having their half of the dialogue in mixed up order. Did you believe in Santa Claus? HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. In English, the concept of reported speech refers to representingor reportingother peoples speech or our own words. 13. I am especially interested in obscure topics. Beare, Kenneth. This can also be done as Twenty Questions, e.g. Student A reports Do you feel happy? as He asked me whether I felt happy and Student B reports Are you feeling happy? as He asked me if I was feeling happy, and they decide together that the original sentences were different (without ever telling their partner exactly what is on their sheet). Start with simple examples in which changes are only made in tense. Thanks. Here is how you could create an indirect version of the direct speech example above: Similarly, you can report what someone wrote. would, would past perfectly). Give the students a list of people they have probably been spoken to by in their lives (e.g. For example: I won't go out tonight becomes He said he wouldnt go out tonight. Students award themselves a point for every correct sentence. When did we book the table at the restaurant? How to Teach Reported Speech. Tell them to ask one student a question per slip of paper and to vary who they ask. Once students have become comfortable with direct to indirect speech transformations, practice reporting through the use of interviews as in this reported speech lesson plan.As students become familiar with the reported speech, introduce a wider range of reporting verbs to help students move post "say" and "tell". And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next., Remember: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.. The use of activities to teach a reported speaker some manners. For example: You can even report what someone thought. Give your students the tools to help them master one of the trickier language tasks. Be sure to watch the video to get all the details! There is a matching dictation between the two pairs. Which occasion 8. gossip about someone famous, news about a politician, a reviewers opinion on someones acting or a colleague slagging off their boss, and the other students guess who was being spoken about.
Many thanks for the inspiration . The thing he ever said choosing to convert My brother said You look sad to Your brother said that you looked sad or Your brother (often) says that you look sad/ your brother once said that you always look sad depending on whether they think that is generally true or not. The water and air pollution from your leather factories is damaging tourism in my country. 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the quotation marks and comma, and insert 'that' after the word 'said'.