Reference Festival and Selfridges London partner up for a show about the world-yet-to-come. The Oceanat Bergen Kunsthall uses these diverse relationships to the sea as a starting point for a large-scale exhibition with works by artists and designers, research projects, and an extensive events programme. San Francisco | California | USA
This exhibition, however, has a very specific approach, which becomes obvious when looking at the accompanying publication. And yes, roaches are underrepresented in this exhibition, but this quip addresses selection, whats wrong and right, representable or not, and this not only in terms of the museum but in terms of cultural identity altogether. Wenige Zentimeter vor der Vereinigung des radioaktiv verseuchten mit dem sicher anderweitig kontaminierten norwegischen Wassers wurde der feine Strom aufgefangen und das Wasser an den Ort zurckgetragen, von dem aus es losgeflossen war: einer Backsteinskulptur von Per Kirkeby.
1999 grndete er gemeinsam mit Katja Reichard und Jesco Fezer Pro qm als Buchhandlung zu Themen wie Politik, Pop, konomiekritik, Architektur, Kunst und Theorie. Flash Art uses cookies strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website, for its legitimate interest to enhance your online experience and to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means. It doesnt mention a single work in the show, and is anything but a glossy coffee-table book. Our inquisitiveness leads us to bigger questions, like: Is crime only defined by its evil twin justice? Are our rights and wrongs only norms to be probed?
Extinction meme via @angelicism01archive2 on Instagram. Bergen Cathedral is nearly 900 years old. Allen Ginsberg at a 1966 reading in New York City. features Not counting the continuing conflict which began in 2014, this latest invasion starting earlier this year sees not a clear end. New York Daily News Archive. A mid-point, as I am stripping down, taking stock, and finding a new place amongst the loss. (more), This past Friday marked the 100th day of Russias invasion of Ukraine. [Wenn Sie aktuelle Nachrichten aus Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt live auf Ihr Handy haben wollen, empfehlen wirIhnen unsere App, die Siehier fr Apple- und Android-Gerteherunterladen knnen.]. Installation view, documenta Halle, 2022, Kassel. So trotzen Berliner Kiezbuchlden der Coronakrise. Venue: Per Kirkeby sculpture Bergen, Thormhlens gate/Nygrdsgaten, Florida, Bergen Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Jul 16,2022 Saturday,October 2, 2pm filmmakers
Midtown | New York | USA ", To hold truth on your tongue or in your hand: An Interview with Rhea Dillon, The Rest is Yet to Be History: Gallery Weekend Beijing 2022 Roundup.
Es offenbart sich in der fantastischen maritimen Landschaft von Takako Yamaguchi und vielleicht noch in der Sound-Installation I sing of the sea, I am mermaid of the trees von Ayesha Hameed. Total Sold Value $2,701,823 Throughout the exhibition period, a dense program of public events, including talks, film screenings and workshops, will expand the topics of the exhibition discursively. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. documenta fifteen: Whose Side Are You on Anyway? Talk, Plattform: Sara R. Yazdani Ein Besuch. The exhibition functions as a starting point for a visit to the works in other locations, as a self-planned tour through some of the hidden aspects and areas of the city. Begehrlichkeiten sind also programmiert. (more), Ingel Vaikla is a visual artist and filmmaker from Estonia. This work visualizes models for deep-sea mining and posits the environmental risks of exploiting parts of the planet that are more difficult to reach than the moon, making them mankinds last remaining frontiers. Visit our second site Casa Isadora during the warm autumn days in Byparken, just in front of Bergen Kunsthall. Ihre kleinen Rmpfe sind aus Holz und fr die Vitrine gemacht, doch die Vorbilder fuhren oder fahren noch ber die Meere. The air, the aerosols, the bacteria, the viruses? Bergen htte es verdient.
Est. - Oct 30,2022.
Film screening and talk with Arjuna Neuman, Denise Ferreira Da Silva and VUMA (Sheila Feruzi and Christa Mako Teigen), Cooking Sections When [Salmon Salmon [Salmon] Situated on the Norwegian coast, halfway between the fishing grounds of Northern Norway and continental Europe, the city has developed as an international trading hub and today is one of the most important cities for the oil industries and maritime research. After graduating in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan, from 2014 he lived and worked in Milan, devoting himself exclusively to painting.
Jul 08, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022, Christie's Online Variety of exhibitions from international and Norwegian artists. Use this tool to build your own journey or choose from an exciting range of specially selected tours. Talk, Plattform: Liquid Commons Who Owns the Ocean? Oder dass ein nicht unwesentlicher Teil der Ausstellung im urbanen Raum stattfindet. Photography by Thor Brdreskift. WeChat. The current exhibition at Bergen Kunsthall aspires to tackle a subject of global significance: our dependence on a commons that is so big we underestimate it: the ocean. Opening Hours Caf: Privacy Policy Book presentationandconversation. Kitchen closes at 16:00, Members, children, KODE ticket holders free entry.Thursdays free from 17:00-20:00. Durch jenes Wasser, das der Knstler Wolfgang Tillmans auf den Fotos hinter den detailreichen Modellen zeigt: graublaue Massen, wie sie auch Bergen im Schutz der Fjorde prgen. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & Online The pavilion is one of the public artworks shown as part of the The Ocean. Saturday,August 28, 17pm Bergen Kunsthall is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the City of Bergen, and Vestland County.
Zwei Schiffe thronen in der Kunsthall Bergen. Situated on the Norwegian coast, halfway between the fishing grounds in Northern Norway and continental Europe, the city has developed as an international trading hub and is today one of the most important cities for the oil industries and maritime research. Als der dnische Knstler Bergen 1989 konstruierte, wird sie im Grnen gestanden haben. Eine historische Hafenstadt an der Nordsee mit Fischerei, internationalem Handel und einer der zentralen Orte, an dem die l-Industrie und maritime Forschung aufeinander treffen. Fragment: What we made by the sea
The dead roaches are not an official part of the Kunsthall exhibition, but a video by another collective, INTERPRT, is. In Berlin wre Kunsthallen-Chef Axel J. Wieder wohl kaum auf die Idee einer Ausstellung zum Thema The Ocean gekommen. Twitter PROFILES
ABOUT, ARTICLES Bryggen was built after the great fire in 1702 and is included on UNESCO's World Heritage, At the science centre VilVite, you can explore science and technology. Rafael Osona Auctions Its not a mistake, but an intervention by Andy Lock from the Bergen Art Academy, titled The Wrong Bodies (2020). Thus, issues like how slave trade profits contributed directly to the arts in seventeenth-century Bergen is a subject here.
Jetzt und zehn Jahre davor eine umfassende Darstellung der Verhltnisse von Kunstproduktion und Stadtentwicklung, kurz Gentrifizierung am Beispiel des New Yorker East Village und Berlin-Mitte. Thursday, September 16,6pm Sol Calero Pavillion Programme
Courtesy of the artist. With participating artists and guests, Ei Arakawa: Per Kirkeby & Iwaki Oceans Temporal Visit
Es geht um Ausbeutung und das Abwracken von Bohrplattformen, um Lachszucht und Visionen nachhaltiger Industrien. Over centuries, the city of Bergen has been largely defined by its relation to the sea. Heute ist der Ort von einem Parkplatz geprgt, Kirkebys reduzierte Architektur fungiert als Pissoir, drinnen steht ein sthlerner Einkaufswagen. With an anarchic hybrid sound swinging between uncontrolled chaos and meticulously arranged structures, Andi Toma and Jan St. Werner have created a unique musical idiom that nonetheless never settles into definite form (more), A striking new photographic voice engages with street portraiture to create dark, interior psychological spaces exploring the relationship between public and private lives. In the June edition of Spike x Liste Expedition Monthly Picks, the Berlin-based writer Olamiju Fajemisin pinches and zooms in on selected works by Srijon Chowdhuryand discovers ambiguous feelings.
The North Sea as a sustainable energy source? Fr seine Performance sammelte der Knstler Ei Arakawa verstrahltes Wasser in Fukushima und lie es nach Norwegen bringen. - Jan 02,2023, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mnchsberg Some of the projects are realized at offsite locations, in public space or in collaboration with partners from non-art contexts. Jahrhundert, das die Kommunikation zwischen Grobritannien und Indien revolutionierte. Aug 06, 2022, Sotheby's London Tuesday, September 21, 6pm Venue: Bergen Kunsthall
The future of the oceans has become one of the most pressing issues today due to intensification of human activities. Their memories became my memories.
MAINARTICLES But we dont stop there. The newspaper can be read here. Feel free to subscribe to additional content from the e-flux platform. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
Artists and designers present projects that map the field of conflicts connecting to the topic of the sea: as a border and a medium of relations, as a resource and a hazard, as a concrete reality and a field of imagination. In the first installment of her new column, Worn Out, Cara Schacter reviews Jesuss outfit alongside the latest European fashion shows. The projects are based on research and take on various formats, as sculptures and installations, printed projects, photographs, painting, interventions or performative work. organizations/mags Zugunsten der Briten, die so ihre Kronkolonie besser unter Kontrolle bekam. (more), Dario Maglionico was born in Naples in 1986. Cy Twombly was a North American artist who spent much of his career in Italy.
Dazu gehrt, dass die beiden historischen Schiffsmodelle aus dem benachbarten Museum fr Schifffahrt stammen. Twenty-seven artists relate their work to this topic without resorting to straightforward didactics even though it is important to see the show and realize that one needs to learn a few things. Friday, September 10Monday,September 13, and Wednesday,September 15 Aug 07, 2022, Art in House Auction House
Nettstedet vektlegger kritikk- og kommentarstoff, men bringer ogs nyheter, intervjuer, essays og reportasjer., Thirteen 2nd year students have spent 5 weeks in Balestrand by the Sognefjord to build LIVD, a new public social space by the water. With some of the artist projects taking place in public space, the exhibition takes the city as a topic, but also as an arena in which art can initiate public discussions. (more), MAINARTICLES
Instead, it is a hundred-page newspaper that compiles research and information about the ocean, in particular the North Sea off Bergen, put together by students and graduates of the Bergen School of Architecture (BAS). film + video And are they our only hope for a new aesthetic? ANNOUNCEMENTS
Another work dealing with visibility can be found in the beautiful Bergen Natural History Museum, home to an elaborate nineteenth-century natural history display (e.g., stuffed animals, whale bones, a mandrake). Welcome to the Itinerary Planner.
Photo: Thor Brdreskift, Installation view of Sol Calero, Casa Isadora (201821)in Byparken. St Mary`s church is the oldest existing building in Bergen.
Curators Liberty Adrien and Carina Bukuts are transforming the Portikus into a haven for experimental thinking. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. "Not even an early evening series on Austrian TV could have got away with that". Asad Raza, Diversion, 2022.
Kunsthall 3,14 question the present for the future, Join us for a fascinating museum tour to learn about Norways relationship with the sea over thousands of years, richly illustrated by beautiful. For his 2022 New Museum Residency, movement artist and researcher Ilya Vidrin investigates the labor and moral textures of intimate physical care through discussion, experimental workshops, and live performance. (In Norwegian only), Litt for ofte ender utstillingen med peke p viktige og interessante diskusjoner og deretter melde fra om sin posisjon, heller enn forske presentere diskusjonene fullt ut. It started as a church dedicated to Olav the Holy, Norways patron saint, around year 1150.
The picturesque Fish Market in Bergen is one of Norway's most visited outdoors markets. You are here: Home Things To Do Bergen Kunsthall. (more), By using the color blue, which for hundreds of years has been associated with melancholy and sadness-these images evoke this period in my life and how it affects those around me. Jun 30, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022, SFMOMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Zoom: Thinking Water Together with students at the Bergen Architectural School (BAS), Bergen Kunsthall produced an atlas of maritime industries. $36,300 - 55,700 Terms & conditions. Jul 16,2022 Photo: Nicolas Wefers.
Total Sold Value $2,060,335 New works include a monument for feminist evolution by Swiss artist Bea Schlingelhoff, a film installation about Svalbard by Susan Schuppli, and digital seascape sunrises driven by environmental data from Yuri Pattison. Is mortality hot for spring? exhibits + events Seit Jahrhunderten verbindet sich Bergens Bedeutung eng mit seiner geografische Lage. Fast jedenfalls. Landmark is our vibrant strand of live events that includes concerts and club nights. Erklrung fordert eine Skulptur im Eingangsbereich der Kunsthalle: Es handelt sich um die Rekonstruktion eines Salzkochers, einst typisches Requisit im Hafen, wo der Fisch nach dem Fang gleich gepkelt wurde. Once-present. Venue: Local FM radio and online stream (more). Av disse er informasjonskapslene som anses som ndvendige lagret i nettleseren din, da de trengs for at nettsiden skal fungere som normalt. The project has been published in Archdaily Photo: Elias Huse. HD video, 18 mins. Photo: Vera Lunde, Installation view of Bea Schlingelhoff, Bronze Sculpture Dedicated to The Descent of Woman(2021)in Mllendalselven. Some of the projects are realized at offsite locations, in public space or in collaboration with partners from non-art contexts. Saturday,August 28, 12pm USA. View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow.
Die Entwicklungen wiederholen sich, und Axel J. Wieder denkt schon mal darber nach, was das fr die Menschen hier bedeuten kann. The excerpt is from in a review of The Ocean utstillingen p Bergen Kunsthall written by Kristoffer Jul-Larsen on 23.09.21. Open exhibition with free admission, The Oceanartist talks Bergen Kunsthall is a centre for contemporary art and presents exhibitions and events by international artists.
$144,200 - 230,800 EXHIBITIONS Die Stelle sei ausgeschrieben gewesen, erzhlt er. In Autumn 2021, Bergen Kunsthall presents an international exhibition with 27 artists, research projects and an extensive events program focusing on the relationship of Bergen and the ocean. Talk, Serpent Rain (2016) Peace. Instituto de Artivismo Hannah Arendt, List of censored Artists, 2022. Eine Audio-App des Kollektivs VUMA, die Orte der Kolonialgeschichte gegenwrtig macht, gehrt ebenso dazu wie die Performance von Ei Arakawa zur Erffnung. In Spike #72, we the art worlds money launderers, tax evaders, forgers, and brutes on trial. Saturday,August 28, 5pm
The exhibition functions as a starting point for a visit to the works in other locations, as a self-planned tour through some of the hidden aspects and areas of the city. If this does not illuminate the concept of the commons, then what does? Bis 31. So far this includes ideas such as extracting rare minerals from the deep sea, cultivating and harvesting algae as a source of food, and developing of new sources of energy. Martin Clark, currently Artistic Director of the Tate St Ives in Cornwall, has been announced the new Director of Bergen, Throughout Bergen Kunsthall, sounds provide a sensory glossary to Emily Wardills Matt Black and Rat, her first exhibition in a, What did I bring back from my visit to this exhibition? The exhibition looks at oceans from a local perspective, starting from the city, its history and futurein which the ocean as a resource and infrastructure is deeply ingrained. The high-tech dissemination center takes You on a journey into the German occupiers ideological view and some of its brutal consequences. Venue: Online, Opening day Et viktig unntak i s mte er den imponerende avisen Vestland North Sea Blueprints som masterstudenter ved Bergen Arkitekthgskole har produsert til utstillingen, hvor ulike havnringer og infrastrukturer presenteres gjennom svrt forskjelligartede perspektiv., Kunstkritikk er Norges og Nordens ledende nettsted for samtidskunst. Performance, Zoom: Allan Sekula, Nol Burch The Forgotten Space, 2010
The exhibition is curated by Axel Wieder. The collective VUMA produces an audio app that guides visitors to sites of colonial history in Bergen. Film screening, Radio Hopes and Dreams presents:
It blends together. (more), To celebrate the centenary of Simon Hantas birth (19222008), Fondation Louis Vuitton is organising an unprecedented retrospective exhibition, in collaboration with the Hanta family, curated by Anne Baldassari. Martin Clark as new director of Bergen Kunsthall, Sensing Nature / Quand la nature ressent 17th MOMENTA Biennale de limage. (more), In the midst of chaos we hunt for dreams. These include seminal artworks dealing with oceanic themes, such as Allan Sekulas Fish Story and Elin Mr yen Visters soundworks from Rst. Collections ranging form the Age of antiquity and the Middle Ages right up to the present day. Est. A personal story of search and encounters, of escape and returning. To learn more about cookies please see Thursday, October 28, 6pm
Saturday,August 28, 2pm
RYNDOM Ryndom is an old Norwegian word which derives from the nynorsk ryne which means to try, to experience. Take the Floibanen funicular to the top of Mount Flyen! PROFILES Lange war sie einzigartig, ein Ort fr die Diskurse zur Zeit. ABOUT. It examines the long and oscillating legacy of relations with the sea within the surrounding province of Vestland, and takes as a starting point the contrast between descriptions of the North Sea as either an extremely industrialized body of water (think of fishing, oil extraction, shipping) or against the background of an optimistically envisioned blue economy. If the latter sounds like a seamans yarn, it may be: companies are currently drawing up scenarios to exploit the potential of deeper levels of the oceans, all under conditions of sustainability, of course! MondaySunday 11:0017:00 We organise a broad range of learning activities and debates that are open to everyone. When you step into this years diploma exhibition you wander through 32 different realities, which together accumulate an experiential ERASMUS+ Social and Environmental Impact Academy for Architects Monday 1st Friday 5th August 2022 What the workshop can offer: 5 days focussed on environmental impact orientated design at the school in Bergen Placing nature as our client for the planned redevelopment of the waterfront quay outside BAS Workshop guided by a dancer, biologist, artist, [], Bergen School of Architecture 2022 - All Rights Reserved. Vordergrndig jedenfalls, tatschlich handelt die akustische Arbeit vom ersten Unterwasserkabel aus dem spten 19. Public conversation. E and Imagen actually literary endeavors? prescriptions, PROFILES This history has left its traces, which the collective VUMA reflects on in guided walks around the city, accessible also by app. Instagram
Exhibition Histories: "Please Love Austria! Dafr stellte der japanisch-amerikanische Aktionsknstler verstrahltes Wasser aus Fukushima zur Verfgung und lie es mitten in der Stadt durch ein System von Rinnen ins nahe Meer flieen. To judge by its architectural style, it was probably built between 1130 and 1170. In her work she questions the relationship between architecture and its users, and the representation of architecture in camera based mediums.
Oceans are crucial providers of necessary and valuable resources and form a giant interconnected ecosystem.
Thursday, October 7,8pm Pragers works are in collections of National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Kunsthaus Zrich, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She studied photography in Estonian Academy of Fine Arts (BA) and film in Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent (MA).
Photo: Thor Brdreskift. - Jan 02,2023, MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art
172 Classon Avenue Installation view at Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 2021. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online When I went to the Kunsthall they had several rooms of repetitive conceptual art by Mari Slaatelid, and a retrospective on lesbian icon and dance critic Jill Johnston. The Ocean. With the suffix -dom, it means reality, the shared, the experienced or the observed. The Ocean Space course/students contribution to the exhibit is a research newspaper in a stack on the floor, available for Free for visitors, and a series of posters on the gallery wall.
Its not the first such exhibition: the current edition of the Helsinki Biennial is titled The Same Sea, and for years the Vienna-based TBA21 foundation has been running an exhibition program intensively focused on aspects of the ocean. Tuesday,October 12, 6pm, free In his paintings he often referred to historical or mythological figures, or included fragments of classical poetry. Salzburg | Austria The projects are based on research and take on various formats, as sculptures and installations, printed projects, photographs, painting, interventions or performative work. The collective aspires to create space for young people of color in the cultural, political, and media landscapes of Norway. culture + lifestyle [The Ocean, Kunsthall Bergen, Bergen. From catechism to flannel boards - Norways oldest school building. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Casa Isadora is a site-specific tropical pavilion by Venezuelan artist Sol Calero. Most probably the memory of falling asleep three times,, After the recent solo shows at the Kunsthalle Bern (2007) and the Klnischer Kunstverein (2006), Jutta Koether is going to. (more), Chantal Joffe brings a combination of insight and integrity, as well as psychological and emotional force, to the genre of figurative art. Wednesday,October 6, 8pm Still from Tabita Rezaire, Deep Down Tidal(2017). Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Founded in the 15th c., St. Georges was a hospital for lepers until the middle of the 20th c. The present day buildings date back to the 18th c. In the Museum Garden you will find many different flowers, perennials, shrubs and trees in a beautiful green botanical garden, right in the center of. art Attendingdocumenta 15, Geoffrey Mak witnessed the dismantling of the controversial antisemitic piece and discovered solidarity. Institutions, Facebook Thirteen books to read in the heat, recommended by an ex-bookseller. Installation view, Portikus, 2022, Frankfurt am Main.
He was fascinated by the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Venue: online ANNOUNCEMENTS
Many artists and designers are working on related questions of ecology, climate change and global geographies.
It does sound a bit too good to be true. Aug 07, 2022, Showplace Antique Center Tuesday, September 6, 6pm museums/galleries.
Thestreaming is kindly hosted Brooklyn, NY 11205 artists Total Sold Value $9,863,678
Bergen Kunsthall is one of Norways premier arenas for contemporary art. To use art as a tool to better understand and negotiate anew the current impact of ancient history and the symbolic visibility afforded to it is among its worthiest causes. If you open the wrong drawer, you will find it full of bug traps from the museums display cases. Online opening ceremony
Venue: Under Puddefjordsbroen, Mhlenpris An das Thema der unsichtbaren Infrastrukturen knpft auch Nina Canell mit ihren Kabelfragmenten an, die einen ins Innere dieser rtselhaft schnen Versorgungsadern mit ihren Metallkernen blicken lassen. The exhibition is supported by Bergesenstiftelsen, EGD, Fritt Ord, Grieg Foundation, Institut fr Auslandsbeziehungen, Kulturrdet, MRC Skaland Graphite AS, Pro Helvetia, Sparebanken Vest, Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank, The Henry Moore Foundation, Westfal-LarsensAlmennyttige Fond. Der neue Morgenlage-Newsletter: Jetzt gratis anmelden. So ist The Ocean auch blo marginal eine Ausstellung, die das romantische Potenzial des Meeres erkundet. Rogier van der Weyden, Crucifixion, 1443/5, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
Takk for en fin kveld.
Established initially as Bergens Kunstforening in 1838, the Kunsthall is based in an early functionalist building designed by the architect Ole Landmark in 1935, with gallery spaces, a caf, and a bookshop.
1999 grndete er gemeinsam mit Katja Reichard und Jesco Fezer Pro qm als Buchhandlung zu Themen wie Politik, Pop, konomiekritik, Architektur, Kunst und Theorie. Flash Art uses cookies strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website, for its legitimate interest to enhance your online experience and to enable or facilitate communication by electronic means. It doesnt mention a single work in the show, and is anything but a glossy coffee-table book. Our inquisitiveness leads us to bigger questions, like: Is crime only defined by its evil twin justice? Are our rights and wrongs only norms to be probed?
Extinction meme via @angelicism01archive2 on Instagram. Bergen Cathedral is nearly 900 years old. Allen Ginsberg at a 1966 reading in New York City. features Not counting the continuing conflict which began in 2014, this latest invasion starting earlier this year sees not a clear end. New York Daily News Archive. A mid-point, as I am stripping down, taking stock, and finding a new place amongst the loss. (more), This past Friday marked the 100th day of Russias invasion of Ukraine. [Wenn Sie aktuelle Nachrichten aus Berlin, Deutschland und der Welt live auf Ihr Handy haben wollen, empfehlen wirIhnen unsere App, die Siehier fr Apple- und Android-Gerteherunterladen knnen.]. Installation view, documenta Halle, 2022, Kassel. So trotzen Berliner Kiezbuchlden der Coronakrise. Venue: Per Kirkeby sculpture Bergen, Thormhlens gate/Nygrdsgaten, Florida, Bergen Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Jul 16,2022 Saturday,October 2, 2pm filmmakers
Midtown | New York | USA ", To hold truth on your tongue or in your hand: An Interview with Rhea Dillon, The Rest is Yet to Be History: Gallery Weekend Beijing 2022 Roundup.
Es offenbart sich in der fantastischen maritimen Landschaft von Takako Yamaguchi und vielleicht noch in der Sound-Installation I sing of the sea, I am mermaid of the trees von Ayesha Hameed. Total Sold Value $2,701,823 Throughout the exhibition period, a dense program of public events, including talks, film screenings and workshops, will expand the topics of the exhibition discursively. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. documenta fifteen: Whose Side Are You on Anyway? Talk, Plattform: Sara R. Yazdani Ein Besuch. The exhibition functions as a starting point for a visit to the works in other locations, as a self-planned tour through some of the hidden aspects and areas of the city. Begehrlichkeiten sind also programmiert. (more), Ingel Vaikla is a visual artist and filmmaker from Estonia. This work visualizes models for deep-sea mining and posits the environmental risks of exploiting parts of the planet that are more difficult to reach than the moon, making them mankinds last remaining frontiers. Visit our second site Casa Isadora during the warm autumn days in Byparken, just in front of Bergen Kunsthall. Ihre kleinen Rmpfe sind aus Holz und fr die Vitrine gemacht, doch die Vorbilder fuhren oder fahren noch ber die Meere. The air, the aerosols, the bacteria, the viruses? Bergen htte es verdient.
Est. - Oct 30,2022.
Film screening and talk with Arjuna Neuman, Denise Ferreira Da Silva and VUMA (Sheila Feruzi and Christa Mako Teigen), Cooking Sections When [Salmon Salmon [Salmon] Situated on the Norwegian coast, halfway between the fishing grounds of Northern Norway and continental Europe, the city has developed as an international trading hub and today is one of the most important cities for the oil industries and maritime research. After graduating in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan, from 2014 he lived and worked in Milan, devoting himself exclusively to painting.
Jul 08, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022, Christie's Online Variety of exhibitions from international and Norwegian artists. Use this tool to build your own journey or choose from an exciting range of specially selected tours. Talk, Plattform: Liquid Commons Who Owns the Ocean? Oder dass ein nicht unwesentlicher Teil der Ausstellung im urbanen Raum stattfindet. Photography by Thor Brdreskift. WeChat. The current exhibition at Bergen Kunsthall aspires to tackle a subject of global significance: our dependence on a commons that is so big we underestimate it: the ocean. Opening Hours Caf: Privacy Policy Book presentationandconversation. Kitchen closes at 16:00, Members, children, KODE ticket holders free entry.Thursdays free from 17:00-20:00. Durch jenes Wasser, das der Knstler Wolfgang Tillmans auf den Fotos hinter den detailreichen Modellen zeigt: graublaue Massen, wie sie auch Bergen im Schutz der Fjorde prgen. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & Online The pavilion is one of the public artworks shown as part of the The Ocean. Saturday,August 28, 17pm Bergen Kunsthall is supported by the Ministry of Culture, the City of Bergen, and Vestland County.

ABOUT, ARTICLES Bryggen was built after the great fire in 1702 and is included on UNESCO's World Heritage, At the science centre VilVite, you can explore science and technology. Rafael Osona Auctions Its not a mistake, but an intervention by Andy Lock from the Bergen Art Academy, titled The Wrong Bodies (2020). Thus, issues like how slave trade profits contributed directly to the arts in seventeenth-century Bergen is a subject here.
Jetzt und zehn Jahre davor eine umfassende Darstellung der Verhltnisse von Kunstproduktion und Stadtentwicklung, kurz Gentrifizierung am Beispiel des New Yorker East Village und Berlin-Mitte. Thursday, September 16,6pm Sol Calero Pavillion Programme
Courtesy of the artist. With participating artists and guests, Ei Arakawa: Per Kirkeby & Iwaki Oceans Temporal Visit
Es geht um Ausbeutung und das Abwracken von Bohrplattformen, um Lachszucht und Visionen nachhaltiger Industrien. Over centuries, the city of Bergen has been largely defined by its relation to the sea. Heute ist der Ort von einem Parkplatz geprgt, Kirkebys reduzierte Architektur fungiert als Pissoir, drinnen steht ein sthlerner Einkaufswagen. With an anarchic hybrid sound swinging between uncontrolled chaos and meticulously arranged structures, Andi Toma and Jan St. Werner have created a unique musical idiom that nonetheless never settles into definite form (more), A striking new photographic voice engages with street portraiture to create dark, interior psychological spaces exploring the relationship between public and private lives. In the June edition of Spike x Liste Expedition Monthly Picks, the Berlin-based writer Olamiju Fajemisin pinches and zooms in on selected works by Srijon Chowdhuryand discovers ambiguous feelings.
The North Sea as a sustainable energy source? Fr seine Performance sammelte der Knstler Ei Arakawa verstrahltes Wasser in Fukushima und lie es nach Norwegen bringen. - Jan 02,2023, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Mnchsberg Some of the projects are realized at offsite locations, in public space or in collaboration with partners from non-art contexts. Jahrhundert, das die Kommunikation zwischen Grobritannien und Indien revolutionierte. Aug 06, 2022, Sotheby's London Tuesday, September 21, 6pm Venue: Bergen Kunsthall
The future of the oceans has become one of the most pressing issues today due to intensification of human activities. Their memories became my memories.
MAINARTICLES But we dont stop there. The newspaper can be read here. Feel free to subscribe to additional content from the e-flux platform. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
Artists and designers present projects that map the field of conflicts connecting to the topic of the sea: as a border and a medium of relations, as a resource and a hazard, as a concrete reality and a field of imagination. In the first installment of her new column, Worn Out, Cara Schacter reviews Jesuss outfit alongside the latest European fashion shows. The projects are based on research and take on various formats, as sculptures and installations, printed projects, photographs, painting, interventions or performative work. organizations/mags Zugunsten der Briten, die so ihre Kronkolonie besser unter Kontrolle bekam. (more), Dario Maglionico was born in Naples in 1986. Cy Twombly was a North American artist who spent much of his career in Italy.
Dazu gehrt, dass die beiden historischen Schiffsmodelle aus dem benachbarten Museum fr Schifffahrt stammen. Twenty-seven artists relate their work to this topic without resorting to straightforward didactics even though it is important to see the show and realize that one needs to learn a few things. Friday, September 10Monday,September 13, and Wednesday,September 15 Aug 07, 2022, Art in House Auction House
Nettstedet vektlegger kritikk- og kommentarstoff, men bringer ogs nyheter, intervjuer, essays og reportasjer., Thirteen 2nd year students have spent 5 weeks in Balestrand by the Sognefjord to build LIVD, a new public social space by the water. With some of the artist projects taking place in public space, the exhibition takes the city as a topic, but also as an arena in which art can initiate public discussions. (more), MAINARTICLES
Instead, it is a hundred-page newspaper that compiles research and information about the ocean, in particular the North Sea off Bergen, put together by students and graduates of the Bergen School of Architecture (BAS). film + video And are they our only hope for a new aesthetic? ANNOUNCEMENTS

Photo: Thor Brdreskift, Installation view of Sol Calero, Casa Isadora (201821)in Byparken. St Mary`s church is the oldest existing building in Bergen.
Curators Liberty Adrien and Carina Bukuts are transforming the Portikus into a haven for experimental thinking. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. "Not even an early evening series on Austrian TV could have got away with that". Asad Raza, Diversion, 2022.
Kunsthall 3,14 question the present for the future, Join us for a fascinating museum tour to learn about Norways relationship with the sea over thousands of years, richly illustrated by beautiful. For his 2022 New Museum Residency, movement artist and researcher Ilya Vidrin investigates the labor and moral textures of intimate physical care through discussion, experimental workshops, and live performance. (In Norwegian only), Litt for ofte ender utstillingen med peke p viktige og interessante diskusjoner og deretter melde fra om sin posisjon, heller enn forske presentere diskusjonene fullt ut. It started as a church dedicated to Olav the Holy, Norways patron saint, around year 1150.
The picturesque Fish Market in Bergen is one of Norway's most visited outdoors markets. You are here: Home Things To Do Bergen Kunsthall. (more), By using the color blue, which for hundreds of years has been associated with melancholy and sadness-these images evoke this period in my life and how it affects those around me. Jun 30, 2022 - Jul 14, 2022, SFMOMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Zoom: Thinking Water Together with students at the Bergen Architectural School (BAS), Bergen Kunsthall produced an atlas of maritime industries. $36,300 - 55,700 Terms & conditions. Jul 16,2022 Photo: Nicolas Wefers.
Total Sold Value $2,060,335 New works include a monument for feminist evolution by Swiss artist Bea Schlingelhoff, a film installation about Svalbard by Susan Schuppli, and digital seascape sunrises driven by environmental data from Yuri Pattison. Is mortality hot for spring? exhibits + events Seit Jahrhunderten verbindet sich Bergens Bedeutung eng mit seiner geografische Lage. Fast jedenfalls. Landmark is our vibrant strand of live events that includes concerts and club nights. Erklrung fordert eine Skulptur im Eingangsbereich der Kunsthalle: Es handelt sich um die Rekonstruktion eines Salzkochers, einst typisches Requisit im Hafen, wo der Fisch nach dem Fang gleich gepkelt wurde. Once-present. Venue: Local FM radio and online stream (more). Av disse er informasjonskapslene som anses som ndvendige lagret i nettleseren din, da de trengs for at nettsiden skal fungere som normalt. The project has been published in Archdaily Photo: Elias Huse. HD video, 18 mins. Photo: Vera Lunde, Installation view of Bea Schlingelhoff, Bronze Sculpture Dedicated to The Descent of Woman(2021)in Mllendalselven. Some of the projects are realized at offsite locations, in public space or in collaboration with partners from non-art contexts. Saturday,August 28, 12pm USA. View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow.
Die Entwicklungen wiederholen sich, und Axel J. Wieder denkt schon mal darber nach, was das fr die Menschen hier bedeuten kann. The excerpt is from in a review of The Ocean utstillingen p Bergen Kunsthall written by Kristoffer Jul-Larsen on 23.09.21. Open exhibition with free admission, The Oceanartist talks Bergen Kunsthall is a centre for contemporary art and presents exhibitions and events by international artists.
$144,200 - 230,800 EXHIBITIONS Die Stelle sei ausgeschrieben gewesen, erzhlt er. In Autumn 2021, Bergen Kunsthall presents an international exhibition with 27 artists, research projects and an extensive events program focusing on the relationship of Bergen and the ocean. Talk, Serpent Rain (2016) Peace. Instituto de Artivismo Hannah Arendt, List of censored Artists, 2022. Eine Audio-App des Kollektivs VUMA, die Orte der Kolonialgeschichte gegenwrtig macht, gehrt ebenso dazu wie die Performance von Ei Arakawa zur Erffnung. In Spike #72, we the art worlds money launderers, tax evaders, forgers, and brutes on trial. Saturday,August 28, 5pm
The exhibition functions as a starting point for a visit to the works in other locations, as a self-planned tour through some of the hidden aspects and areas of the city. If this does not illuminate the concept of the commons, then what does? Bis 31. So far this includes ideas such as extracting rare minerals from the deep sea, cultivating and harvesting algae as a source of food, and developing of new sources of energy. Martin Clark, currently Artistic Director of the Tate St Ives in Cornwall, has been announced the new Director of Bergen, Throughout Bergen Kunsthall, sounds provide a sensory glossary to Emily Wardills Matt Black and Rat, her first exhibition in a, What did I bring back from my visit to this exhibition? The exhibition looks at oceans from a local perspective, starting from the city, its history and futurein which the ocean as a resource and infrastructure is deeply ingrained. The high-tech dissemination center takes You on a journey into the German occupiers ideological view and some of its brutal consequences. Venue: Online, Opening day Et viktig unntak i s mte er den imponerende avisen Vestland North Sea Blueprints som masterstudenter ved Bergen Arkitekthgskole har produsert til utstillingen, hvor ulike havnringer og infrastrukturer presenteres gjennom svrt forskjelligartede perspektiv., Kunstkritikk er Norges og Nordens ledende nettsted for samtidskunst. Performance, Zoom: Allan Sekula, Nol Burch The Forgotten Space, 2010
The exhibition is curated by Axel Wieder. The collective VUMA produces an audio app that guides visitors to sites of colonial history in Bergen. Film screening, Radio Hopes and Dreams presents:

Exhibition Histories: "Please Love Austria! Dafr stellte der japanisch-amerikanische Aktionsknstler verstrahltes Wasser aus Fukushima zur Verfgung und lie es mitten in der Stadt durch ein System von Rinnen ins nahe Meer flieen. To judge by its architectural style, it was probably built between 1130 and 1170. In her work she questions the relationship between architecture and its users, and the representation of architecture in camera based mediums.
Oceans are crucial providers of necessary and valuable resources and form a giant interconnected ecosystem.
Thursday, October 7,8pm Pragers works are in collections of National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, The Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, Kunsthaus Zrich, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, and San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. She studied photography in Estonian Academy of Fine Arts (BA) and film in Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Gent (MA).
Photo: Thor Brdreskift. - Jan 02,2023, MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art
172 Classon Avenue Installation view at Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 2021. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online When I went to the Kunsthall they had several rooms of repetitive conceptual art by Mari Slaatelid, and a retrospective on lesbian icon and dance critic Jill Johnston. The Ocean. With the suffix -dom, it means reality, the shared, the experienced or the observed. The Ocean Space course/students contribution to the exhibit is a research newspaper in a stack on the floor, available for Free for visitors, and a series of posters on the gallery wall.
Its not the first such exhibition: the current edition of the Helsinki Biennial is titled The Same Sea, and for years the Vienna-based TBA21 foundation has been running an exhibition program intensively focused on aspects of the ocean. Tuesday,October 12, 6pm, free In his paintings he often referred to historical or mythological figures, or included fragments of classical poetry. Salzburg | Austria The projects are based on research and take on various formats, as sculptures and installations, printed projects, photographs, painting, interventions or performative work. The collective aspires to create space for young people of color in the cultural, political, and media landscapes of Norway. culture + lifestyle [The Ocean, Kunsthall Bergen, Bergen. From catechism to flannel boards - Norways oldest school building. Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Casa Isadora is a site-specific tropical pavilion by Venezuelan artist Sol Calero. Most probably the memory of falling asleep three times,, After the recent solo shows at the Kunsthalle Bern (2007) and the Klnischer Kunstverein (2006), Jutta Koether is going to. (more), Chantal Joffe brings a combination of insight and integrity, as well as psychological and emotional force, to the genre of figurative art. Wednesday,October 6, 8pm Still from Tabita Rezaire, Deep Down Tidal(2017). Venue: Bergen Kunsthall & online Founded in the 15th c., St. Georges was a hospital for lepers until the middle of the 20th c. The present day buildings date back to the 18th c. In the Museum Garden you will find many different flowers, perennials, shrubs and trees in a beautiful green botanical garden, right in the center of. art Attendingdocumenta 15, Geoffrey Mak witnessed the dismantling of the controversial antisemitic piece and discovered solidarity. Institutions, Facebook Thirteen books to read in the heat, recommended by an ex-bookseller. Installation view, Portikus, 2022, Frankfurt am Main.
He was fascinated by the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome. Venue: online ANNOUNCEMENTS
Many artists and designers are working on related questions of ecology, climate change and global geographies.
It does sound a bit too good to be true. Aug 07, 2022, Showplace Antique Center Tuesday, September 6, 6pm museums/galleries.
Thestreaming is kindly hosted Brooklyn, NY 11205 artists Total Sold Value $9,863,678
Bergen Kunsthall is one of Norways premier arenas for contemporary art. To use art as a tool to better understand and negotiate anew the current impact of ancient history and the symbolic visibility afforded to it is among its worthiest causes. If you open the wrong drawer, you will find it full of bug traps from the museums display cases. Online opening ceremony
Venue: Under Puddefjordsbroen, Mhlenpris An das Thema der unsichtbaren Infrastrukturen knpft auch Nina Canell mit ihren Kabelfragmenten an, die einen ins Innere dieser rtselhaft schnen Versorgungsadern mit ihren Metallkernen blicken lassen. The exhibition is supported by Bergesenstiftelsen, EGD, Fritt Ord, Grieg Foundation, Institut fr Auslandsbeziehungen, Kulturrdet, MRC Skaland Graphite AS, Pro Helvetia, Sparebanken Vest, Sparebankstiftelsen SR-Bank, The Henry Moore Foundation, Westfal-LarsensAlmennyttige Fond. Der neue Morgenlage-Newsletter: Jetzt gratis anmelden. So ist The Ocean auch blo marginal eine Ausstellung, die das romantische Potenzial des Meeres erkundet. Rogier van der Weyden, Crucifixion, 1443/5, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
Takk for en fin kveld.
Established initially as Bergens Kunstforening in 1838, the Kunsthall is based in an early functionalist building designed by the architect Ole Landmark in 1935, with gallery spaces, a caf, and a bookshop.