Starosta means "foreman or a leader". 46. This Polish surname has a biblical reference and refers to Saint Mark, the author of the second gospel of the New Testament. He is recognized as one of the Legends of Polish Sports. 19. Ostrowski meaning "water island or a water meadow." If you happen to be named Kowalski - congratulations, you get bonus points on the Polishness scale. This is a beautiful Polish surname. Grandmother Pashek but changed from Pazek. But that does not make us any less proud of the little suffixes whenever we can spot them in the closing credits of a Hollywood film (in fact, name spotting is one of the most peculiar Polish hobbies, along with mushroom hunting). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Janda (Hebrew origin) meaning "Yahweh is gracious". Popular Polish last names like these are beautiful. 45. Albin Dubanowski was a famous bishop and social activist of 'Krakw'. Prior to world war two my grandfather arrived from Poland at the age of fourteen while leaving family behind while reading up of family that went into that of concentration camps curious as to what happened in Europe and if their are any heirs within that of Europe. This Polish surname means Godfather or close pal.. As you can see, some of the names come in two variants - they are practically the same but the suffix depends on whether the person in question is a man (e.g. Polish names also have 'wicz' in them, which refers to being "son of" or "family of". Poland means people living in open fields. This Polish last name means crush or pulp. This occupational surname refers to someone who worked as a miller or flour dealer. Avid poetry readers must be familiar with this Polish surname. Alderman usually refers to a local Municipal Councillor. My wife's name is Beata.
Gorski meaning "a mountain." Marszalek means "a Marshall". The others (e.g.
21. Kawa means the bird "a jackdaw". Krzysztof Pitek is a professional soccer player playing in the German soccer league, Bundesliga, for the club Hertha BSC and for the Poland national team. This name has its origin in the Persian language and means treasure. I've been to the US. This is a cute Polish family name. Lawniczak means "an alderman". 83. That is a myth in genealogy; however, most people still believe it. This variety of Cheese is prevalent in Poland. This is another occupational Polish surname which means buttermilk. This is a topographic Polish surname that is given to residents who belong to the place Novice, meaning new. A little demeaning to assume an "English name", but oh well, when I gave "Jarek" I almost missed my order because they typed that in as "Jadic". This name is derived from the Greek word Philip, which means horse lover. *** PLEASE READ ***All store items are printed or manufactured at the time of purchase. These will give you some fun ideas on last names and help you narrow down your favourites! Polish names like these are cool. A typical conversation with a stranger would go: Ha, funny that you would lead with that.
This is a habitational surname for someone who hails from Adamy, a village in Poland.
I'd like to see a dude named John spin a five-minute conversation out of his name :), Mortimer? I'm not an expat, but when I were in UK for 2 months people didn't like my name in the Polish written form. This Polish surname means lock of hair and often means people with curly hair. Gorecki means "a mountain". 2010-2021 26. 86. Meaning: Someone from Adamy, a village in Poland Origin: Polish, Jewish, Ashkenazic, Meaning: Augustinus; exalted, majestic, or venerable Origin: Polish, Latin, Meaning: Son of Talmai or son of Furrows Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who belonged to the town of Bukowo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who grows hops (the plant used to brew beer) Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who belongs to the village of Czajkow or any other place with a name starting with the word Czajk Origin: Polis, Meaning: A crested Old World nonpasserine bird Origin: Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Meaning: Someone from Jankow Origin: Polish, Meaning: Maple; someone from Jawory Origin: Polish, Meaning: From the town of the goat Origin: Polish, Meaning: Flower; someone from Kwiatkow Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone from Majewo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Raspberry; someone from Malinow in Poland or Malinov in Ukraine Origin: Slavic, Meaning: Someone from Olszewo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Wise, just man; counsel, advice Origin: Polish, German, Meaning: Son of the rabbi Origin: Polish-Lithuanian Ashkenazi Jewish, Meaning: Rough, stiff Origin: Polish, German, Meaning: Someone from Rakowo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone from Radzie in Bialystok and Suwalki voivodeships. Are We Unintentionally Creating a Negative Impact on Our Children? Nikodem Janusz Popawski is a famous Polish theoretical physicist. Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. 5. My name is Jarosaw, in business while introducing myself I give the short version Jarek and after a a little tongue-twisting it goes well. Ireneusz Jele is a retired Polish soccer player who played as a right-winger and striker for the Poland National team. Also, it is not uncommon for people to call each other by their surnames only, both formally and informally, using them as nicknames, just like it happens in the English-speaking countries. This is Polish surname means a root vegetable which is similar to a carrot. 96. I am 1/2 polish my mothers maiden name was Ojczenasz the only ones that are left are 3 boys and that will be the end of the name here I would like to find any relatives that live in Poland or in any other country would like to find for my mom she always wondered if there were any she is 91 yrs old, Very very knowledgeable like this I really liked it they helped me understand a lot more about my polish nationality thank you, Did the last name Levandowski stem from Levandowski? We will offer you a replacement product at 50% off the original price. This Polish surname is very interesting and given to those families who have some bird-like attributes.
27. This is another occupational surname in Poland which is given to powerful families as the word means alderman or municipal councillor. Stanisaw Ostrowski was a Polish politician and the last Polish Mayor of Lwow. If you don't see a design for your state or location, contact us and we'll make it happen! This is a habitational name in Poland which means someone who lives close to the habitational tree. This is an occupational surname that is given to people who used to sell or work with mortar. From what I understand this name has never changed. 48. Not sure how true that is. Janusz Kamiski is an award-winning Polish director and cinematographer. 61. 8. Kowalczyk - This surname, also among the most popular one, is another variation of the name for a blacksmith. This name originates in Poland and is a common name that means blacksmith. In restaurants where they ask you for your name when you order I discovered it's easier to just give "Jay" or something. This is a polish surname with Slavic origin, meaning one from the place of the hops. Wojcik - This name is derived from a profession or status in a society of a chief of group of villages.
Lets take a look at some of the most popular Polish last names and what they stand for! These types of Eastern European last names are attractive. Well my last name is Budynek Go ahead and laugh. Below you will find a list of the ten most common surnames in Poland, as reported by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs in January 2020. It does not matter that you have never set foot in Poland or that your parents can not speak a word of this strange Slavic language. Poland is a vast country filled with millions of people with a million stories. This is one of the most common Polish last names. The name means a stag. I live in a 1 square mile town and many of the citizens of this town are 1s 5th generation Polish/Americans. Jagodzinska means "berries". There are surnames derived from first names, such as Piotrowski from Piotr (=Peter), Jankowski from Jan (=John). 64. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Polish last names beginning with K are elegant. Filipowski is a topographic surname that is given to people who originally belong to the town Fillipow. Dubanowski refers to those who were the original inhabitants of the town 'Dubinowo'. 49. Kaluza means "a puddle". Rutkowski refers to people who lived in the place 'Rutki' in Poland. 23. This name means somebody who belongs to the town called Dubica. If your last name ends in -ski, -cki or -dzki, then you must definitely be Polish. This is a beautiful Polish surname. NEW STEEL SIGNS Have you seen our new collection of steel signs? Marcin "Novy" Nowak is a Polish death metal musician who has been a part of numerous iconic bands Behemoth, Spinal Cord, Vader, Virgin Snatch, and Crucified Mortals. 73. This Polish last name denotes a person who is a newcomer to a district or somebody who is new to a particular profession. Slusarski meaning "locksmith." It is important to note that Polish surnames tend to change their suffix depending on the gender of the person bearing it: female variations will end with -ska, for example, while male end with -ski. Gomolka means a type of "round cheese". This is a beautiful Polish surname. Jaskolski means "a small swallow bird". Sebastian Kawa is a Polish glider pool who is a 13-time world champion. There is a beautiful meaning to this Polish surname derived from the word Ambrozy. This is another topographic surname that was derived from a Polish word and means a stone. 58. Check out some of the most popular Polish last names, along with their meanings and origins. 81. Nowak meaning "new". My maiden name was Zembrzuski and he was a Duke and owned a whole town wish I could learn more about him, hope you can help me. Polish family names like these are absolutely beautiful. When someone has to write down my last name, I sometimes joke and tell them to just write SMITH, and cite the general English translation from Kowalczyk, family of a blacksmith. 10. Just behind the Volga, it is also the second-longest river in entire Europe. This is an occupational surname which means fishermen. 88. Chmielewska refers to someone who engaged in growing hops, plants. It is a small bird. This is a habitational name which means somebody who belongs to the oak grove area. (Thats a lot of neighbors!) 63. This is a geographical surname that implies belonging to Kozlowo. Subscribe for parenting tips, family money advice, baby names and more. Its official name is the Republic of Poland and, within their culture, they value health, faith, adaptability, generosity, justice, nobility, tradition, stoicism, sentimentality, and optimism. This Polish name with Hebrew origin means fiery ones. I've introduced myself several times as "Andrew" instead of "Andrzej", just to avoid confusion. These are named after towns called 'Jaskolki'. This is also a topographic Polish surname which demarks people who live near the mountains. The Danube is one of the most prominent rivers in Europe. This name means hornbeam. However SUDOL is the most popular name here, second is Puzio. I know a Przemysaw! Whether to Announce Their Arrival or Not Was the Big Question? 100 Mexican Last Names or Surnames With Meanings, These Habits Are What Helped Me Keep My Breastmilk Supply Constant, How to Deal With Unsolicited Advice as a New Mom, 100 Strong and Powerful Last Names or Surnames, 5 Things About Breastfeeding No One Told Me About, Dancer Hand Breastfeeding Benefits and How to Do It, Fun and Interesting Facts About New Zealand for Kids, My Most Favourite Babyhug Product: An Activity Gym for Babies. Rog meaning "animal horn". This surname demarks people who originate from Czech Republic. 80. A common Pole usually has two or three names in total: a first name (of Slavic or Catholic origin), a middle name (usually of Catholic origin, so to give its bearer a patron saint to protect him) and, finally, a last name - like, for example, Anna Maria Krakowska. Other names come from trees: Winiewski, Wiszniewski, Winiowski and Winiowiecki from winia (cherry); Dbrowski from dbrowa (=oak forest). Tadeusz Slusarski was an Olympic gold medallist pole vaulter from Poland. Bronisaw Kasper Malinowski was a famous anthropologist. Poland is a country that has an interesting history to its name. A comment I frequently see on our Polish and Proud Facebook group, and one that I hear from numerous genealogy clients, is that their Polish surname was changed when their ancestors came to Ellis Island. The name means snowball tree. 43. Ready to learn more? This name means somebody who belongs to the town called Majewo or born in May. therefore I was surprised not to see either one mentioned. 25. This is another occupational surname in Poland. Zielinski -This name comes from the Polish word for the color green - zielony. 16. 36. This is a lovely family last name. ***We absolutely cannot guarantee shipment or arrival dates! This surname is a habitational Polish last name which is used to address people belonging to Kalinowa. 18. Interesting! My Dads name which I took when I was 13 is Wiater, before that my Moms name was Lukaszewski. This is a lovely Eastern European last name. This surname is used for distillery workers. Comments will be approved before showing up. Between the 15th and 17th centuries, most people had three names: a given name, a clan name, and a last name. In restaurants that call out names, what I will usually do is choose a different name every time, unless I know the staff. 37. The official English language subreddit for Poland and Polish news. 7. I heard it slightly changed when the came to the U.S. What is the origin of my original last name Aleksandrowicz. March 24, 2019 This is a great Polish surname. This is another interesting surname in Poland. Polish names like these are beautiful. This last name is associated with and refers to fishermen or fish sellers. Of something, of someone or of someplace. Henryk Grecki was a Polish composer of contemporary classical music. Here are 100 Polish last names that are meaningful! This surname is a topographical one which demarks the people who belong to the city called Krakow. This is a habitational surname that had been given to someone who hails from Kwiatkw, a place in Poland. Grzeskowiak (Latin origin) meaning "Gregorius". Sokolowski means "a falcon". This is a polish surname derived from the polish word kij that means stick. The name means blacksmith.
Polish surnames are known from the Middle Ages, but only 200 years ago did the inherited surnames become compulsory. This is a topographical surname that refers to people who belong to the place Kozlowo in Poland. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Piotrowski refers to someone whose name begins with 'Piotrow'. The most common Polish names Nowak, Nowakowski, Nowacki, and Nowicki are all variants meaning new, and Przybyszewski and Przybylski mean he who has arrived. Jan Beozek was a Polish polymath. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. 87. 59. This is another topographic Polish surname which means German and denotes people who have migrated from Germany. Sikora means "titmouse." Have you ever wondered how many people you share it with? z o.o. Jozef Kaluza was a Polish soccer player who later became a coach. As is true with naming in many cultures, though, trends and customs have seen several evolutions over time. Interesting article love reading the information. Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus. Then, between the end of the 17th century and mid-19th century, most of the population dropped their clan names, with the focus then placed on the family name; many of which remain. how about Trzeciak I have a lot of cousins who would like to know. This is an occupational polish name. So really, having a difficult name led me to having more fun with these restaurants. If not, maybe now is the right time to researchit! Punska grandfather. This is a Polish surname which is derived from the word must. Thanks, Ed. 13. The name Marshall refers to a military or government official of a very high rank. According to Polish, this surname means Russian. 4 min read. Lol. registry-is that more Russian than polish? You're fan of polish fantasy books i guess:P. I have a Polish friend whose name is Przemysaw. Some Polish surnames can be seen used widely as a first name too. This polish occupational name is derived from the Polish word kucharz. 89. This is a patronymic surname that implies son of Andrzej. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, Statistics Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. But It Was a Christmas Miracle! Last names can give you a glimpse of that. 77. 32. 11. This Polish surname is derived from a Polish word which means someone who is hairy or shaggy.. Kosmatka meaning "shaggy or hairy." Poland has a significantly high population and is the fifth most populous state of the European Union. On a more serious note, this might be a bit harder these days, but in the past people usually had their middle name to go by in case of problems. Youll also see Slavic names among Polish last names. Very interesting read. Jadic sounds like a Serbian name or something. 79. This is another interesting surname that means small nose and has its origin in both Polish and Czech language. Dubicki is named after a town called 'Dubica' in Poland. This Polish last name means grove or thicket. This is a common Polish last name. This is a polish surname with Latin origin, meaning merciful. It means immortal. Kumiega means "a godfather or a crony.". This habitational surname refers to someone who belongs to a mountain or hilly area. When I introduce myself verbally, people are usually curious about my name, and I'm always happy to explain the origin and spellingit's more of a conversation-starter than a hindrance. 94. This Polish last name has an interesting meaning. Would like to know where the surname Szulich originated, What does my last name mean. 47. Here is a list of Polish surnames that are cool and beautiful. This is another habitational Polish surname which means someone who belongs to the pine forest. Of course, not all of our surnames end in -skis and even some of the most famous Poles bore rather foreign-sounding names (Fryderyk Chopins father was of French descent, Marie Curie married a Frenchman, Pierre Curie). Niemec means "German". The name means cook. If your last name did not make it into the top 10, you can look it up in this database. Just about every name on this article mentions someone form here. First of all, how many of you have found your name to be a disadvantage in obtaining employment, the classroom or negotiating other similar social situations?
You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Jzef Emanuel Jankowski was a renowned professor of philosophy at Krakw University. Shop By StateAre you looking for something honoring your home state or city? This is a topographic Polish surname which implies the habitats of a town called Jankowo. Musial meaning "one who has to or one who had to.". I used to try to stick to "Milo" in the past, but to my surprise that caused just as much confusion, and once led to some guy named "Mario" getting my burger. Oskar Piotrowski is a Polish acrobat and a gymnast. To the Germans great dismay and confusion, the Pole says his name is Grzegorz Brzczyszczykiewicz. (You can view and hear the humorous results on YouTube at: Gwozdz means "a small metal nail". 54. Gniewek meaning "anger". This is a great Polish surname. 71. Here is a list of Polish last names that are fancy in sound and meaning. For people of different linguistic backgrounds, at first sight, they seem to be totally unpronounceable because of the complexity of the Polish language - in all honesty, it isnt the easiest language to learn. Id like to know the meaning or where the name came from. I'm particularly interested hearing about names like Wadysaw, Przemysaw, Zbigniew, Kazimierz or Wojciech. This Polish surname means a metal nail. 42. 24. Bukowski means "a beech". Kaminski - This last name derives from a Polish word for stone: kamien. Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Poplawski meaning "flowing water or flood". If you are interested in reading about Polish surnames, check these other articles too Lithuanian Baby Names and Czech Last Names. 44. 39. It was owned by a family by the name Piotrowski. It still remains one of the biggest clues that a name is Polish roughly 35 percent of the 1000 most popular Polish surnames have the -ski suffix. ***We work with multiple vendors across the United States; therefore, your purchase may arrive in separate packages, and each will have a different tracking number.Have you taken a moment to read about our products and process? 82. Copyright 2022 Kidadl Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Do you know the background of your own last time? The name implies someone who belongs to Czerwin, Poland. It's quite fun how people try to pronounce last names though :p. Another example is a relative goes by Jerzy but they all pronounce it Jersey like the state. This is another topographic surname in Poland which is given to families that originally belong to the village Dubinowo. There are many topographicsurnames in Polandand this is one of them. This is a cool Polish name. *. This Polish surname means puddle in the polish language. It also refers to someone from any of the various villages and towns named 'Majewo' in Poland. Gorka is derived from the name of several towns in Poland. This Polish name refers to duck in Polish. Geralt? All rights reserved. Krakowski is the name of a city called 'Krakow' in Poland. Great read, thanks very much! This is a beautiful Polish surname. 9. 78. Piatek means fifth in Polish. The word is derived from the Polish word chelb that means bread. Kozlowo in polish means he-goat. This is a habitational Polish surname that means someone who belongs to Nowakowa. 1. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor.
Gorski meaning "a mountain." Marszalek means "a Marshall". The others (e.g.

This is a habitational surname for someone who hails from Adamy, a village in Poland.
I'd like to see a dude named John spin a five-minute conversation out of his name :), Mortimer? I'm not an expat, but when I were in UK for 2 months people didn't like my name in the Polish written form. This Polish surname means lock of hair and often means people with curly hair. Gorecki means "a mountain". 2010-2021 26. 86. Meaning: Someone from Adamy, a village in Poland Origin: Polish, Jewish, Ashkenazic, Meaning: Augustinus; exalted, majestic, or venerable Origin: Polish, Latin, Meaning: Son of Talmai or son of Furrows Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who belonged to the town of Bukowo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who grows hops (the plant used to brew beer) Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone who belongs to the village of Czajkow or any other place with a name starting with the word Czajk Origin: Polis, Meaning: A crested Old World nonpasserine bird Origin: Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Meaning: Someone from Jankow Origin: Polish, Meaning: Maple; someone from Jawory Origin: Polish, Meaning: From the town of the goat Origin: Polish, Meaning: Flower; someone from Kwiatkow Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone from Majewo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Raspberry; someone from Malinow in Poland or Malinov in Ukraine Origin: Slavic, Meaning: Someone from Olszewo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Wise, just man; counsel, advice Origin: Polish, German, Meaning: Son of the rabbi Origin: Polish-Lithuanian Ashkenazi Jewish, Meaning: Rough, stiff Origin: Polish, German, Meaning: Someone from Rakowo Origin: Polish, Meaning: Someone from Radzie in Bialystok and Suwalki voivodeships. Are We Unintentionally Creating a Negative Impact on Our Children? Nikodem Janusz Popawski is a famous Polish theoretical physicist. Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. 5. My name is Jarosaw, in business while introducing myself I give the short version Jarek and after a a little tongue-twisting it goes well. Ireneusz Jele is a retired Polish soccer player who played as a right-winger and striker for the Poland National team. Also, it is not uncommon for people to call each other by their surnames only, both formally and informally, using them as nicknames, just like it happens in the English-speaking countries. This is Polish surname means a root vegetable which is similar to a carrot. 96. I am 1/2 polish my mothers maiden name was Ojczenasz the only ones that are left are 3 boys and that will be the end of the name here I would like to find any relatives that live in Poland or in any other country would like to find for my mom she always wondered if there were any she is 91 yrs old, Very very knowledgeable like this I really liked it they helped me understand a lot more about my polish nationality thank you, Did the last name Levandowski stem from Levandowski? We will offer you a replacement product at 50% off the original price. This Polish surname is very interesting and given to those families who have some bird-like attributes.
27. This is another occupational surname in Poland which is given to powerful families as the word means alderman or municipal councillor. Stanisaw Ostrowski was a Polish politician and the last Polish Mayor of Lwow. If you don't see a design for your state or location, contact us and we'll make it happen! This is a habitational name in Poland which means someone who lives close to the habitational tree. This is an occupational surname that is given to people who used to sell or work with mortar. From what I understand this name has never changed. 48. Not sure how true that is. Janusz Kamiski is an award-winning Polish director and cinematographer. 61. 8. Kowalczyk - This surname, also among the most popular one, is another variation of the name for a blacksmith. This name originates in Poland and is a common name that means blacksmith. In restaurants where they ask you for your name when you order I discovered it's easier to just give "Jay" or something. This is a polish surname with Slavic origin, meaning one from the place of the hops. Wojcik - This name is derived from a profession or status in a society of a chief of group of villages.
Lets take a look at some of the most popular Polish last names and what they stand for! These types of Eastern European last names are attractive. Well my last name is Budynek Go ahead and laugh. Below you will find a list of the ten most common surnames in Poland, as reported by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs in January 2020. It does not matter that you have never set foot in Poland or that your parents can not speak a word of this strange Slavic language. Poland is a vast country filled with millions of people with a million stories. This is one of the most common Polish last names. The name means a stag. I live in a 1 square mile town and many of the citizens of this town are 1s 5th generation Polish/Americans. Jagodzinska means "berries". There are surnames derived from first names, such as Piotrowski from Piotr (=Peter), Jankowski from Jan (=John). 64. The Kidadl Team is made up of people from different walks of life, from different families and backgrounds, each with unique experiences and nuggets of wisdom to share with you. Polish last names beginning with K are elegant. Filipowski is a topographic surname that is given to people who originally belong to the town Fillipow. Dubanowski refers to those who were the original inhabitants of the town 'Dubinowo'. 49. Kaluza means "a puddle". Rutkowski refers to people who lived in the place 'Rutki' in Poland. 23. This name means somebody who belongs to the town called Dubica. If your last name ends in -ski, -cki or -dzki, then you must definitely be Polish. This is a beautiful Polish surname. NEW STEEL SIGNS Have you seen our new collection of steel signs? Marcin "Novy" Nowak is a Polish death metal musician who has been a part of numerous iconic bands Behemoth, Spinal Cord, Vader, Virgin Snatch, and Crucified Mortals. 73. This Polish last name denotes a person who is a newcomer to a district or somebody who is new to a particular profession. Slusarski meaning "locksmith." It is important to note that Polish surnames tend to change their suffix depending on the gender of the person bearing it: female variations will end with -ska, for example, while male end with -ski. Gomolka means a type of "round cheese". This is a beautiful Polish surname. Jaskolski means "a small swallow bird". Sebastian Kawa is a Polish glider pool who is a 13-time world champion. There is a beautiful meaning to this Polish surname derived from the word Ambrozy. This is another topographic surname that was derived from a Polish word and means a stone. 58. Check out some of the most popular Polish last names, along with their meanings and origins. 81. Nowak meaning "new". My maiden name was Zembrzuski and he was a Duke and owned a whole town wish I could learn more about him, hope you can help me. Polish family names like these are absolutely beautiful. When someone has to write down my last name, I sometimes joke and tell them to just write SMITH, and cite the general English translation from Kowalczyk, family of a blacksmith. 10. Just behind the Volga, it is also the second-longest river in entire Europe. This is an occupational surname which means fishermen. 88. Chmielewska refers to someone who engaged in growing hops, plants. It is a small bird. This is a habitational name which means somebody who belongs to the oak grove area. (Thats a lot of neighbors!) 63. This is a geographical surname that implies belonging to Kozlowo. Subscribe for parenting tips, family money advice, baby names and more. Its official name is the Republic of Poland and, within their culture, they value health, faith, adaptability, generosity, justice, nobility, tradition, stoicism, sentimentality, and optimism. This Polish name with Hebrew origin means fiery ones. I've introduced myself several times as "Andrew" instead of "Andrzej", just to avoid confusion. These are named after towns called 'Jaskolki'. This is also a topographic Polish surname which demarks people who live near the mountains. The Danube is one of the most prominent rivers in Europe. This name means hornbeam. However SUDOL is the most popular name here, second is Puzio. I know a Przemysaw! Whether to Announce Their Arrival or Not Was the Big Question? 100 Mexican Last Names or Surnames With Meanings, These Habits Are What Helped Me Keep My Breastmilk Supply Constant, How to Deal With Unsolicited Advice as a New Mom, 100 Strong and Powerful Last Names or Surnames, 5 Things About Breastfeeding No One Told Me About, Dancer Hand Breastfeeding Benefits and How to Do It, Fun and Interesting Facts About New Zealand for Kids, My Most Favourite Babyhug Product: An Activity Gym for Babies. Rog meaning "animal horn". This surname demarks people who originate from Czech Republic. 80. A common Pole usually has two or three names in total: a first name (of Slavic or Catholic origin), a middle name (usually of Catholic origin, so to give its bearer a patron saint to protect him) and, finally, a last name - like, for example, Anna Maria Krakowska. Other names come from trees: Winiewski, Wiszniewski, Winiowski and Winiowiecki from winia (cherry); Dbrowski from dbrowa (=oak forest). Tadeusz Slusarski was an Olympic gold medallist pole vaulter from Poland. Bronisaw Kasper Malinowski was a famous anthropologist. Poland is a country that has an interesting history to its name. A comment I frequently see on our Polish and Proud Facebook group, and one that I hear from numerous genealogy clients, is that their Polish surname was changed when their ancestors came to Ellis Island. The name means snowball tree. 43. Ready to learn more? This name means somebody who belongs to the town called Majewo or born in May. therefore I was surprised not to see either one mentioned. 25. This is another occupational surname in Poland. Zielinski -This name comes from the Polish word for the color green - zielony. 16. 36. This is a lovely family last name. ***We absolutely cannot guarantee shipment or arrival dates! This surname is a habitational Polish last name which is used to address people belonging to Kalinowa. 18. Interesting! My Dads name which I took when I was 13 is Wiater, before that my Moms name was Lukaszewski. This is a lovely Eastern European last name. This surname is used for distillery workers. Comments will be approved before showing up. Between the 15th and 17th centuries, most people had three names: a given name, a clan name, and a last name. In restaurants that call out names, what I will usually do is choose a different name every time, unless I know the staff. 37. The official English language subreddit for Poland and Polish news. 7. I heard it slightly changed when the came to the U.S. What is the origin of my original last name Aleksandrowicz. March 24, 2019 This is a great Polish surname. This is another interesting surname in Poland. Polish names like these are beautiful. This last name is associated with and refers to fishermen or fish sellers. Of something, of someone or of someplace. Henryk Grecki was a Polish composer of contemporary classical music. Here are 100 Polish last names that are meaningful! This surname is a topographical one which demarks the people who belong to the city called Krakow. This is a habitational surname that had been given to someone who hails from Kwiatkw, a place in Poland. Grzeskowiak (Latin origin) meaning "Gregorius". Sokolowski means "a falcon". This is a polish surname derived from the polish word kij that means stick. The name means blacksmith.
Polish surnames are known from the Middle Ages, but only 200 years ago did the inherited surnames become compulsory. This is a topographical surname that refers to people who belong to the place Kozlowo in Poland. Kidadl is supported by you, the reader. Piotrowski refers to someone whose name begins with 'Piotrow'. The most common Polish names Nowak, Nowakowski, Nowacki, and Nowicki are all variants meaning new, and Przybyszewski and Przybylski mean he who has arrived. Jan Beozek was a Polish polymath. Your use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. 87. 59. This is another topographic Polish surname which means German and denotes people who have migrated from Germany. Sikora means "titmouse." Have you ever wondered how many people you share it with? z o.o. Jozef Kaluza was a Polish soccer player who later became a coach. As is true with naming in many cultures, though, trends and customs have seen several evolutions over time. Interesting article love reading the information. Influenza, commonly known as flu, is a viral infection caused by the influenza virus. Then, between the end of the 17th century and mid-19th century, most of the population dropped their clan names, with the focus then placed on the family name; many of which remain. how about Trzeciak I have a lot of cousins who would like to know. This is an occupational polish name. So really, having a difficult name led me to having more fun with these restaurants. If not, maybe now is the right time to researchit! Punska grandfather. This is a Polish surname which is derived from the word must. Thanks, Ed. 13. The name Marshall refers to a military or government official of a very high rank. According to Polish, this surname means Russian. 4 min read. Lol. registry-is that more Russian than polish? You're fan of polish fantasy books i guess:P. I have a Polish friend whose name is Przemysaw. Some Polish surnames can be seen used widely as a first name too. This polish occupational name is derived from the Polish word kucharz. 89. This is a patronymic surname that implies son of Andrzej. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary, Statistics Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. But It Was a Christmas Miracle! Last names can give you a glimpse of that. 77. 32. 11. This Polish surname is derived from a Polish word which means someone who is hairy or shaggy.. Kosmatka meaning "shaggy or hairy." Poland has a significantly high population and is the fifth most populous state of the European Union. On a more serious note, this might be a bit harder these days, but in the past people usually had their middle name to go by in case of problems. Youll also see Slavic names among Polish last names. Very interesting read. Jadic sounds like a Serbian name or something. 79. This is another interesting surname that means small nose and has its origin in both Polish and Czech language. Dubicki is named after a town called 'Dubica' in Poland. This Polish last name means grove or thicket. This is a common Polish last name. This is a polish surname with Latin origin, meaning merciful. It means immortal. Kumiega means "a godfather or a crony.". This habitational surname refers to someone who belongs to a mountain or hilly area. When I introduce myself verbally, people are usually curious about my name, and I'm always happy to explain the origin and spellingit's more of a conversation-starter than a hindrance. 94. This Polish last name has an interesting meaning. Would like to know where the surname Szulich originated, What does my last name mean. 47. Here is a list of Polish surnames that are cool and beautiful. This is another habitational Polish surname which means someone who belongs to the pine forest. Of course, not all of our surnames end in -skis and even some of the most famous Poles bore rather foreign-sounding names (Fryderyk Chopins father was of French descent, Marie Curie married a Frenchman, Pierre Curie). Niemec means "German". The name means cook. If your last name did not make it into the top 10, you can look it up in this database. Just about every name on this article mentions someone form here. First of all, how many of you have found your name to be a disadvantage in obtaining employment, the classroom or negotiating other similar social situations?
You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Jzef Emanuel Jankowski was a renowned professor of philosophy at Krakw University. Shop By StateAre you looking for something honoring your home state or city? This is a topographic Polish surname which implies the habitats of a town called Jankowo. Musial meaning "one who has to or one who had to.". I used to try to stick to "Milo" in the past, but to my surprise that caused just as much confusion, and once led to some guy named "Mario" getting my burger. Oskar Piotrowski is a Polish acrobat and a gymnast. To the Germans great dismay and confusion, the Pole says his name is Grzegorz Brzczyszczykiewicz. (You can view and hear the humorous results on YouTube at: Gwozdz means "a small metal nail". 54. Gniewek meaning "anger". This is a great Polish surname. 71. Here is a list of Polish last names that are fancy in sound and meaning. For people of different linguistic backgrounds, at first sight, they seem to be totally unpronounceable because of the complexity of the Polish language - in all honesty, it isnt the easiest language to learn. Id like to know the meaning or where the name came from. I'm particularly interested hearing about names like Wadysaw, Przemysaw, Zbigniew, Kazimierz or Wojciech. This Polish surname means a metal nail. 42. 24. Bukowski means "a beech". Kaminski - This last name derives from a Polish word for stone: kamien. Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. Poplawski meaning "flowing water or flood". If you are interested in reading about Polish surnames, check these other articles too Lithuanian Baby Names and Czech Last Names. 44. 39. It was owned by a family by the name Piotrowski. It still remains one of the biggest clues that a name is Polish roughly 35 percent of the 1000 most popular Polish surnames have the -ski suffix. ***We work with multiple vendors across the United States; therefore, your purchase may arrive in separate packages, and each will have a different tracking number.Have you taken a moment to read about our products and process? 82. Copyright 2022 Kidadl Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Do you know the background of your own last time? The name implies someone who belongs to Czerwin, Poland. It's quite fun how people try to pronounce last names though :p. Another example is a relative goes by Jerzy but they all pronounce it Jersey like the state. This is another topographic surname in Poland which is given to families that originally belong to the village Dubinowo. There are many topographicsurnames in Polandand this is one of them. This is a cool Polish name. *. This Polish surname means puddle in the polish language. It also refers to someone from any of the various villages and towns named 'Majewo' in Poland. Gorka is derived from the name of several towns in Poland. This Polish name refers to duck in Polish. Geralt? All rights reserved. Krakowski is the name of a city called 'Krakow' in Poland. Great read, thanks very much! This is a beautiful Polish surname. 9. 78. Piatek means fifth in Polish. The word is derived from the Polish word chelb that means bread. Kozlowo in polish means he-goat. This is a habitational Polish surname that means someone who belongs to Nowakowa. 1. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with your doctor.