angular2-directives I was using the jquery validate plugin, and didn't realise that when it validated true, it submits the form automatically, so when i called form.submit(), i was submitting it a second time.
This was happening to me because of a faulty component html. dom-events npm I have a registration form (just html) that posts to an aspx page. ngroute promise json Firefox submits only once, every time. Perhaps a way to figure out if it is infact 2 requests or somethign else thats causing this weird behaviour? typescript-generics
This was happening to me because of a faulty component html. This can lead to follow up errors that hide the original error. angular, How to get Database Name from Connection String using SqlConnectionStringBuilder. I've done the usual checks
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angular8 android But was working find after fixing this in Firefox, your problem is IE, but still please check this, caz this is the only control or suchcontrol which has imageurl;which are responsible to sending another request. Right now, if an error happens during detecting changes of content/view children of a component, ngOnInit will be called twice (seen in DynamicChangeDetector). - Base class Page_Load is not the problem Passing the child components in bootstap property was resetting my child components properties and making OnInit() fired twice. OnInit & Page_Load getting called twice, concurrently. If a simple generic test page is working, maybe post your code so we can have a look. axios docker thanks heaps document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); amazon-web-services So related to @dylan answer, check your component html structure and that of its parent. So i've been doing a little more debugging, and i've found that if I trace the execution, step by step, it seems to call the entire page twice. Pandas how to find column contains a certain value, Recommended way to install multiple Python versions on Ubuntu 20.04, Build super fast web scraper with Python x100 than BeautifulSoup, How to convert a SQL query result to a Pandas DataFrame in Python, How to write a Pandas DataFrame to a .csv file in Python. google-chrome angularjs What are post linking and pre-linking functions? Ive not been able to figure it out: why is ngOnInit in ResultComponent getting called twice? Greg, So i've been doing a little more debugging, and i've found that if I trace the execution, step by step, it seems to call the entire page twice. Answer Checked By Dawn Plyler (AngularFixing Volunteer), Your email address will not be published.
I've also noticed that this only seems to happen in IE.
Any suggestions would be massively appreciated, as i'm running out of hair to pull out here! angular-material2 observable image-processing nativescript I trying to create new component, ResultComponent, but its ngOnInit() method is getting called twice and I dont know why this is happening. Different width for each columns in jspdf autotable? On the server we've noticed most (about 80%) of the form submissions come through twice, some (around 10%) come through 3-5 times, and some (around 10%) come through once.
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After some further investigation, I have discovered that it is the original form that is posting twice to this processing form. It jumps back to the start again, and the second time it reaches this point, it continues with the redirect. What are the benefits of setting objects to "Nothing". List down the popular angularjs ide plugins/extensions for web development?
api Is this a consistent problem throughout your entire application? async-await node.js Response.Redirect("ThankYou.html"); This happens on both my dev machine and live production server so I dont think its a server configuration issue (unless there's a misconfig on both machines). Youll be auto redirected in 1 second. Any idea what would cause a form to post twice?
rxjs How to I tell a Springdata-repository's delete method to not throw an exception if an entity does not exists? For example, have you tried a simple test page with just a button to submit? there is no code on it that should cause it to post back. npm-install So it seems that your mistake might have an origin elsewhere in your code, related to this component. How to set component default props on React component, Docker number of lines in terminal changing inside docker, Netflix Feign - Propagate Status and Exception through Microservices. Yaaaay I fixed it.. turns out it was a javascript bug. nestjs rest
So it seems that your mistake might have an origin elsewhere in your code, related to this component. Please pass one in. tailwind-css
angular2-routing that is what I can say. I tried adding a boolean value at the end of page_load, and then testing against that at the beginning, however because the interpreter is not completing Page_Load once, then rerunning it, this does not work.
This one really has me stumped. What is two way data binding in angularjs? When run, console.log is showing up two times, the first time it shows the correct array but the second time it gives undefined. This information comes from this github issue. Why is ngOnInit called twice? nginx-reverse-proxy
The content you requested has been removed. opencv I'm running .Net 1.1 server and obviously ASP.Net 1.1 form. react-native
I had the same problem. How can I pass a Bitmap object from one activity to another, Angular 2: formGroup expects a FormGroup instance. Contact Us.
Thanks for this, however it is not the cause of the problem I'm experiencing as my aspx page does not contain any html markup at all - it has only the page directives and nothing else. angular9 discord.js angular-cdk nativescript-angular
html What are the main features in angular js? (or error) page when its done.
think it was possible to submit twice actually, given the submit forces a post to another page.. guess you learn soemthign new every day hey.
CodeIgniter - Call method inside a model? What is linking function? But what is happening is that when the form is submitted, most often the data is getting written to the database twice. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Well the Problem in my case was the way I was bootstrapping the Child Components. How an object or function can get a hold of its dependencies? training-data
reactjs So it seems that your mistake might have an origin elsewhere in your code, related to this component.
How do you extract a column from a multi-dimensional array? or you juse view source of you page. angular5 at the point where it should redirect to the thank you page, ie: css nginx This information comes from this github issue. object angular6 svg Wheni debug the form, I find that each statement within the Page_Load function is getting executed twice, one after the other. This can lead to follow up errors that hide the original error.
Were sorry. What is directive and what are the different types of directives? XmlReader - Self-closing element does not fire a EndElement event? So related to @dylan answer, check your component html structure and that of its parent. In the code, ResultComponent inherits @Input from the parent component mcq-component. angular-material angular12 angular
Installing opencv 3.1 with anaconda python3? Here's my (fixed) javascript code (wtih the offending bugs commented out): I was having same problem in my application, but was in Firefox not in mozilla. angular-library No Answer is Posted For this Question Be the First to Post Answer. webpack. WooCommerce : Add custom Metabox to admin order page, Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required (Unable to find vcvarsall.bat). Right now, if an error happens during detecting changes of content/view children of a component, ngOnInit will be called twice (seen in DynamicChangeDetector). bootstrap-5
I had forget to close the selector tag in the host component. And after doing some RND i found that in mozilla if an Image control does not assigned any ImageUrl at that time Firefox send another request to current page. are you using any master page? karma-jasmine
if you used platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); in app.module.ts comment it and try. angular2-template css-selectors How to compile executable for Windows with GCC with Linux Subsystem? php unit-testing javascript Copyright 2005-2022 angular7 Your email address will not be published.
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So I had this
typescript However the form on which it does happen should never post back, as it just loads, does some processing, and then redirects.. firebase validation dom flexbox twitter-bootstrap arrays Very very strange indeed any tips would be well received as I'm quickly running out of ideas (and patience). sass
All Rights Reserved. I have created a test form with just a submit button, and some code in page_load and this problem does not exist there. I am not using SmartNavigation, and i have not disabled ViewState.
bit muddled (passes over a few statements, then jumps back and does them again, or other combinations), which makes me think its definitely 2 separate requests. Required fields are marked *. angular
In my @NgModule decorators metadata object ,I was passing child component in the bootstap property along with parent component.
This aspx page contains no html at all, just c# code that gets the form elements, writes them to a database table, and redirects the user to a thank-you
So I had this
- AutoEventWireup = "false" angular2-forms This can lead to follow up errors that hide the original error. I have a registration form (just html) that posts to an aspx page.
Do you have ViewState disabled at the page level by any chance or are you using SmartNavigation?
mongoose Right now, if an error happens during detecting changes of content/view children of a component, ngOnInit will be called twice (seen in DynamicChangeDetector). mongodb types (its just a static html form). handler? This information comes from this github issue. input This one really has me stumped.
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Copyright Policy | (or error) page when its done. Any suggestions as to how i can solve this? vue.js bootstrap-4 jestjs angular-cli
I had forget to close the selector tag in the host component.
range angular10 Terms of Service | material-ui frontend express ionic-framework Thanks for the help guys - muchly appreciated. Compare the features of AngularJS and jQuery? This aspx page contains no html at all, just c# code that gets the form elements, writes them to a database table, and redirects the user to a thank-you
java primeng angular-ui-router I think this helps, Why is ngOnInit called twice? Site Map | angular-reactive-forms
I find it strange that running each statement twice before going on to the next one would even work, so I suspect what is happening is that there are 2 requests coming through, and the debugger is debugging both of them.