0000050993 00000 n 0000153013 00000 n 0000157318 00000 n 0000060235 00000 n
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The ISG focuses on the application of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). 0000156261 00000 n
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0000159744 00000 n 0000045995 00000 n 0000350419 00000 n 0000426624 00000 n 539 1317 0000134258 00000 n 0000052463 00000 n 0000048641 00000 n 0000070826 00000 n 0000054668 00000 n The GSC's mission is to drive success for KPMG's network of Audit practices through collaboration, innovation and technology. 0000337076 00000 n 0000130676 00000 n 0000407231 00000 n 0000071976 00000 n 0000055894 00000 n 0000057540 00000 n 0000075126 00000 n 0000049768 00000 n 0000074126 00000 n 0000142222 00000 n 0000161712 00000 n 0000082883 00000 n 0000179418 00000 n 0000156528 00000 n 0000367172 00000 n 0000125947 00000 n 0000366038 00000 n 0000148445 00000 n 0000119205 00000 n 0000051875 00000 n 0000405908 00000 n 0000417394 00000 n 0000075327 00000 n 0000076277 00000 n 0000071126 00000 n 0000114698 00000 n 0000065722 00000 n 0000057001 00000 n 0000356835 00000 n 0000055649 00000 n 0000051385 00000 n 0000376558 00000 n 0000049082 00000 n 0000373558 00000 n 0000072276 00000 n 0000343641 00000 n 0000069376 00000 n 0000054276 00000 n 0000045897 00000 n 0000385330 00000 n 0000049670 00000 n 0000075827 00000 n 0000121741 00000 n 0000336776 00000 n 0000359154 00000 n 0000353645 00000 n 0000048053 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %
0000378518 00000 n 0000068026 00000 n 0000148706 00000 n KPMG's Global IFRS Institute provides information and resources to help board and audit committee members, executives, management, stakeholders and government representatives gain insight and access thought leadership about the evolving global financial reporting framework. 0000071676 00000 n
0000141949 00000 n 0000387002 00000 n 0000370831 00000 n 0000388044 00000 n 0000073826 00000 n 0000120625 00000 n 0000424826 00000 n 0000152478 00000 n 0000338873 00000 n 0000362313 00000 n 0000072226 00000 n 0000072076 00000 n 0000055796 00000 n 0000063273 00000 n 0000347478 00000 n 0000377855 00000 n 0000057442 00000 n 0000370289 00000 n 0000369165 00000 n L*BqXA"MVh0]K|=GAFOnfB0fh{PWv )4oq{y+-4`14K wkJDw$='I"O_]3MJr$5~MpLY^i^g&s~1}VAx.S:WO8sT84<86VbD'b:pxI!n& A6 0QBmu"@1phAh kYZ 6"u-%U Mdb&ESH)uJJ\ts0"C/*R+b2] ~sGrV. 0000051973 00000 n 0000058177 00000 n 0000416361 00000 n 0000074426 00000 n 0000130130 00000 n 0000053100 00000 n 0000057197 00000 n 0000342156 00000 n 0000050405 00000 n 0000352479 00000 n 0000330718 00000 n 0000050748 00000 n 0000057295 00000 n 0000053149 00000 n 0000047710 00000 n All KPMG member firm partners and staff are required to take training covering compliance with laws, regulations and professional standards, anti-bribery and corruption, and reporting suspected or actual non-compliance. 0000166441 00000 n 0000055943 00000 n 0000048396 00000 n 0000058716 00000 n 0000362028 00000 n 0000048837 00000 n 0000170238 00000 n 0000397650 00000 n 3 0 obj 0000049964 00000 n 0000334061 00000 n 0000178851 00000 n 0000064546 00000 n 0000070326 00000 n 7 0 obj 0000060382 00000 n 0000283306 00000 n 0000157582 00000 n
endobj 0000074176 00000 n 0000073876 00000 n 0000157054 00000 n 0000113273 00000 n 0000162301 00000 n 0000067388 00000 n 0000135376 00000 n 0000048102 00000 n 0000076666 00000 n 0000060284 00000 n 0000138419 00000 n Senior partners of Global Board member firms are now held accountable to the Global Chairman and the GAQC for achieving the audit quality expectations of our stakeholders. 0000379339 00000 n 0000061656 00000 n 0000285225 00000 n 0000151407 00000 n 0000076916 00000 n 0000051924 00000 n 0000361740 00000 n 0000154370 00000 n 0000056237 00000 n 0000071076 00000 n 0000180548 00000 n 0000060137 00000 n 0000329473 00000 n 0000069126 00000 n <> 0000050307 00000 n 0000051042 00000 n 0000425586 00000 n 0000063322 00000 n 0000389910 00000 n 0000180266 00000 n 0000418164 00000 n 0000362601 00000 n 0000126524 00000 n 0000424314 00000 n Both of these are relevant to member firms that perform statutory audits and other assurance and related services engagements. 0000076177 00000 n 0000047367 00000 n 0000056090 00000 n 0000373830 00000 n 0000388674 00000 n 0000118648 00000 n 0000047759 00000 n 0000173729 00000 n 0000068076 00000 n 0000377096 00000 n 0000157845 00000 n 0000160557 00000 n Honest and candid communication with clients, including management and audit committees, is a key aspect of our reporting and quality service delivery. 0000072026 00000 n 0000060039 00000 n 0000139503 00000 n
0000128735 00000 n 0000066114 00000 n 0000064840 00000 n 0000047269 00000 n 0000072326 00000 n 0000060725 00000 n <> 0000072376 00000 n 0000285900 00000 n 0000171696 00000 n 0000100961 00000 n 0000158111 00000 n 0000339470 00000 n Provides feedback to international standard setters on proposed changes to standards and consultations. 0000385754 00000 n 0000052708 00000 n 0000146542 00000 n 0000418422 00000 n 0000385536 00000 n 0000379924 00000 n 0000137018 00000 n 0000127636 00000 n 0000286182 00000 n 0000355096 00000 n 0000048592 00000 n 0000377743 00000 n 0000050111 00000 n For more detail about our structure please visit https://home.kpmg/governance. 0000384524 00000 n 0000071526 00000 n Good practice management at a member firm level also plays a significant part in terms of real-time support for engagement teams, and strong support functions to help them carry out their tasks. 0000070226 00000 n 0000060578 00000 n 0000331327 00000 n 0000364324 00000 n 0000054325 00000 n 0000061607 00000 n 0000373016 00000 n 0000181970 00000 n 0000065477 00000 n 0000070576 00000 n 0000055453 00000 n 0000369450 00000 n 0000060333 00000 n The role of audit committees is key in supporting better quality auditing by managing the relationship between company and auditor and challenging what auditors do and how they do it. 0000147078 00000 n 0000327294 00000 n 0000373287 00000 n 0000065379 00000 n 0000163191 00000 n 0000350713 00000 n 0000071776 00000 n 0000424569 00000 n 0000375199 00000 n 0000046436 00000 n 0000057246 00000 n 0000045554 00000 n 0000169364 00000 n 0000062979 00000 n 0000346003 00000 n 0000171402 00000 n 0000046681 00000 n 0000066065 00000 n 0000068976 00000 n 0000072476 00000 n 0000069776 00000 n 0000076966 00000 n
Y$5ERj5h) 0000073626 00000 n Dkkl/wZ54y8vlTFj]eiDjVij/uM*:r@SLb ZbyE:HUbPelhLGY';?rKrCiOIzZH) 0000074376 00000 n 0000141117 00000 n We are investing more in growing our audit quality monitoring group that monitors both live and completed engagements independent of the firms, inspecting engagements and looking at the strength of their system of quality control. 0000062048 00000 n 0000070776 00000 n 0000144106 00000 n 0000050503 00000 n <> 0000179136 00000 n 0000351300 00000 n 0000070426 00000 n 0000336477 00000 n 0000066702 00000 n 0000422779 00000 n Get the latest KPMG thought leadership directly to your individual personalized dashboard. 0000328534 00000 n 0000073576 00000 n Find out how KPMG's expertise can help you and your company. 0000143836 00000 n 0000057344 00000 n 0000169655 00000 n 0000391552 00000 n We also do not tolerate bribery by third parties, including by member firm clients, suppliers or public officials. 0000412469 00000 n 0000153575 00000 n So when we talk about how we are striving to maintain and improve quality, as we do throughout this report, it is not some abstract aspiration. 0000122579 00000 n 0000397114 00000 n 0000075677 00000 n 0000060676 00000 n 0000046240 00000 n startxref 0000062636 00000 n 0000086773 00000 n 0000054423 00000 n 0000392630 00000 n 0000055306 00000 n 0000073976 00000 n 0000059892 00000 n 0000366606 00000 n $.' 0000132042 00000 n 0000062440 00000 n 0000069676 00000 n 0000121183 00000 n 0000048886 00000 n 0000147377 00000 n 0000081743 00000 n With three international locations, one in each region (Americas, EMA and ASPAC), the GSC Audit team is made up of professionals with backgrounds in audit, IT, data science, mathematics, statistics and more, from around the world, who bring diverse experiences and innovative ways of thinking to further evolve KPMG's audit capabilities. 0000384315 00000 n 0000069526 00000 n 0000116970 00000 n 0000112720 00000 n
0000406437 00000 n 0000367741 00000 n 0000059402 00000 n 0000065526 00000 n 0000349832 00000 n 0000063714 00000 n 0000073776 00000 n 0000061705 00000 n 0000398456 00000 n 0000166148 00000 n 0000374649 00000 n 0000060970 00000 n endobj 0000123441 00000 n 0000046093 00000 n 0000065036 00000 n endobj 0000334669 00000 n 0000402728 00000 n All KPMG partners and staff must maintain confidentiality of all client and former client information, and are required to complete training in confidentiality, information protection and data privacy on an annual basis. 0000054914 00000 n 0000069826 00000 n 0000380503 00000 n 0000070376 00000 n 0000330408 00000 n 0000355966 00000 n 0000048298 00000 n 0000058667 00000 n 0000331936 00000 n
0000067633 00000 n These policies and associated procedures are designed to assist member firms in complying with relevant professional standards, regulatory and legal requirements, and in issuing reports that are appropriate to the circumstances. 0000409606 00000 n No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis--vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.
0000068576 00000 n 0000168781 00000 n
0000052855 00000 n 0000068426 00000 n 0000077016 00000 n 0000063371 00000 n 0000136745 00000 n 0000068126 00000 n 0000068926 00000 n 0000074576 00000 n 0000329785 00000 n 0000376826 00000 n 0000071476 00000 n 0000139775 00000 n 0000183758 00000 n
0000372742 00000 n These are included in KPMG's Global Quality & Risk Management Manual (GQ&RM Manual) available to all KPMG partners and staff. 0000125669 00000 n 0000416100 00000 n 0000113553 00000 n 0000076227 00000 n 0000360019 00000 n Member firms and KPMG professionals achieve this through a combination of reports and presentations, attendance at audit committee or board meetings, and, when appropriate, ongoing discussions with management and members of the audit committee. Develops guidance on interpretation and application of international standards and, where appropriate, in response to quality issues emerging from review, to drive consistency across the network. 0000146811 00000 n 0000055845 00000 n 0000075176 00000 n 0000054619 00000 n 0000175454 00000 n 0000065575 00000 n 0000075477 00000 n 0000354224 00000 n 0000422011 00000 n 0000334368 00000 n
0000074026 00000 n 0000387635 00000 n stream 0000078647 00000 n 0000415582 00000 n 0000056678 00000 n 0000165556 00000 n I am delighted to have taken on the responsibility of establishing a Global Audit Quality Committee (GACQ) which I chair, which has taken responsibility for monitoring and driving improvements to audit quality across our international firm. 0000284260 00000 n 0000415063 00000 n 0000393690 00000 n 0000160016 00000 n 0000061901 00000 n 0000433679 00000 n 0000406172 00000 n As auditors we recognize our work is pivotal to addressing the key global challenge of our time: restoring public trust in institutions. 0000176316 00000 n 0000066849 00000 n
0000419443 00000 n 0000394108 00000 n 0000132346 00000 n 0000355387 00000 n 0000055992 00000 n 0000055110 00000 n 0000425076 00000 n 0000076377 00000 n 0000050846 00000 n 0000064056 00000 n 0000120069 00000 n
0000049621 00000 n 0000138694 00000 n ;%\qvAf8L-z@_+) 0000061411 00000 n 0000399255 00000 n 0000075577 00000 n 0000058814 00000 n 0000421753 00000 n *f8(*lULl*"z%q )W%^TEeUpP%k-V emW-^AH">.VifvPgZ]b5g['T. M-.A6oq|oF 0000380306 00000 n 0000068776 00000 n 0000357706 00000 n 0000404319 00000 n 0000075727 00000 n 0000069426 00000 n 0000405111 00000 n 0000052267 00000 n 0000141679 00000 n
0000410387 00000 n 0000148178 00000 n 0000054521 00000 n 0000075527 00000 n 0000071576 00000 n
0000154633 00000 n 0000072126 00000 n 0000050209 00000 n 0000140045 00000 n 0000338574 00000 n 0000068626 00000 n 0000158644 00000 n 0000045701 00000 n 0000057148 00000 n 0000066163 00000 n 0000395342 00000 n 0000113857 00000 n 0000170531 00000 n 0000065918 00000 n 0000067535 00000 n 0000115826 00000 n 0000059843 00000 n 0000072776 00000 n 0000066996 00000 n 0000133167 00000 n 0000402995 00000 n KPMG International Limited is a private English company limited by guarantee and does not provide services to clients. Alison Kitchen Chairman of the Global Audit Quality Committee of the Board KPMG Australia, "The leadership of senior partners and the accountability of audit leaders is fundamental to driving audit quality. 0000131221 00000 n 0000061264 00000 n 0000066212 00000 n 0000151941 00000 n At KPMG, audit quality is about consistent execution throughout the network in line with the requirements and intent of professional standards, and within a strong system of quality controls. 0000049033 00000 n 0000353064 00000 n 0000076866 00000 n 0000049866 00000 n 0000348949 00000 n 0000177998 00000 n 0000116664 00000 n 0000175166 00000 n 0000356544 00000 n 0000059108 00000 n 0000230108 00000 n 0000045848 00000 n 0000053296 00000 n 0000071026 00000 n 0000180833 00000 n 0000067437 00000 n 0000171988 00000 n 0000382655 00000 n 0000047465 00000 n 0000391767 00000 n A robust and consistent system of quality control is essential to performing high-quality services. 0000408818 00000 n 0000396847 00000 n 0000062832 00000 n 0000050944 00000 n
0000075226 00000 n 0000066555 00000 n 0000182536 00000 n 0000332849 00000 n
0000076716 00000 n 0000335878 00000 n JFIF Exif MM * Ducky P 7http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/ 0000048690 00000 n 0000049425 00000 n 0000057589 00000 n Being a good auditor means having an inquiring mind and the emotional intelligence to understand different people so they engage constructively with you. 0000064154 00000 n 0000058226 00000 n 0000131764 00000 n 0000067780 00000 n 0000356255 00000 n 0000064399 00000 n 0000381855 00000 n 0000154103 00000 n 0000357125 00000 n 0000073176 00000 n The challenge of aligning our best human qualities with sophisticated digital tools is one we should relish. 0000119483 00000 n 0000056433 00000 n We are seeing a new level of interest from stakeholders in audit quality, and we welcome that interest. 0000072826 00000 n 0000075627 00000 n 0000412990 00000 n 0000347184 00000 n 0000049131 00000 n 0000073726 00000 n 0000124833 00000 n 0000340968 00000 n 0000047024 00000 n 0000061999 00000 n 0000283979 00000 n 0000036112 00000 n 0000057393 00000 n 0000058618 00000 n 0000351006 00000 n 0000026636 00000 n 0000053443 00000 n 0000387835 00000 n 0000064350 00000 n 0000057491 00000 n 0000162596 00000 n 0000144943 00000 n 0000072976 00000 n 0000384927 00000 n 0000154895 00000 n 0000416877 00000 n 0000399790 00000 n 0000070726 00000 n 0000052806 00000 n 0000337376 00000 n These include the creation of the GAQC of the Global Board, comprising senior partners from the largest firms, and the appointment of a dedicated Global Head of Audit Quality who reports to the committee. 0000063175 00000 n
IFRS Institute. 0000071426 00000 n In addition, the GQ&RM Manual includes mandatory consultation requirements on certain matters such as client integrity. 0000129854 00000 n 0000382049 00000 n 0000061509 00000 n 0000381300 00000 n 0000066457 00000 n 0000114980 00000 n 0000064742 00000 n 0000392185 00000 n 0000062391 00000 n stream 0000066800 00000 n 0000035805 00000 n 0000128185 00000 n 0000343936 00000 n 0000409080 00000 n 0000358866 00000 n 0000058373 00000 n 0000411952 00000 n <]/Prev 1060201>> 0000343348 00000 n 0000164375 00000 n 0000390301 00000 n
0000116106 00000 n 0000348067 00000 n
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Member firm professional practice resource. 0000071176 00000 n
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Register now and set up your personalized dashboard around {tag_name} and all the other topics that interest you. 0000067045 00000 n
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0000066898 00000 n 0000409342 00000 n 0000143028 00000 n 0000400327 00000 n 0000344530 00000 n 0000166738 00000 n 0000051679 00000 n 0000062881 00000 n %PDF-1.5 KPMG policy prohibits involvement in any type of bribery even if such conduct is legal or permitted under applicable law or local practice. 0000178566 00000 n 0000076077 00000 n 0000069176 00000 n 0000437701 00000 n 0000047857 00000 n KPMG International entities provide no services to clients. 0000362887 00000 n 0000071376 00000 n 0000181403 00000 n 0000046730 00000 n 1855 0 obj <>stream 0000164078 00000 n X+"(_Gy[f6F p-5-|!kF\Z. 0000379545 00000 n %8Y?Cs&8A +m\ ["QKfDU_WP59Ce8_i>D,!e"5%IxQ:,|j/>2 % :JS|y The ACI operates in over 40 countries around the globe and provides audit committee members with authoritative guidance on matters of interest to audit committees as well as the opportunity to network with their peers during an extensive program of technical updates and awareness seminars. 0000160283 00000 n 0000054227 00000 n 0000073426 00000 n 0000440288 00000 n 0000074876 00000 n 0000151672 00000 n 0000062293 00000 n 0000055404 00000 n KPMG International requires member firms to have appropriate internal controls in place to mitigate the risk of involvement in bribery by the member firm and its partners and staff. 0000153834 00000 n 0000372466 00000 n 0000370016 00000 n 0000069026 00000 n 0000075076 00000 n 0000067584 00000 n 0000387205 00000 n 0000179701 00000 n 0000408291 00000 n 0000061313 00000 n
0000352185 00000 n 0000054767 00000 n 0000073226 00000 n 0000045652 00000 n 0000176602 00000 n 0000046044 00000 n 0000386790 00000 n 0000048200 00000 n hzTSiN/%t4 lPi%T:I(R^ IB Xu:=s.~{ "S PrC_") E? Wqi]}? 0000413248 00000 n 0000133712 00000 n 0000364036 00000 n 0000144408 00000 n 0000394801 00000 n 0000045750 00000 n 0000071276 00000 n 0000345121 00000 n
0000124553 00000 n 0000052218 00000 n Everyone is accountable for audit quality: from audit teams on the ground, to individual engagement partners, and through to the most senior ranks of KPMG member firms. 0000161122 00000 n 0000340668 00000 n 0000070076 00000 n 0000064938 00000 n 0000055208 00000 n 0000416621 00000 n 0000070276 00000 n 0000421241 00000 n 0000389089 00000 n 0000070676 00000 n 0000147644 00000 n 0000170820 00000 n 0000389492 00000 n 0000052071 00000 n 0000118085 00000 n 0000054865 00000 n 0000060480 00000 n 0000051581 00000 n The more we standardize the way we conduct our audits, and the more global consistency we build into our processes and technology, the more effective we'll be at meeting the high standards we've set for audit quality. 0000405376 00000 n 0000048151 00000 n 0000052561 00000 n 0000055012 00000 n 0000140314 00000 n 0000417133 00000 n 0000053198 00000 n 0000160832 00000 n 0000407763 00000 n 0000051777 00000 n
Member firms provide consultation support on auditing and technical accounting matters to their audit professionals through professional practice resources (referred to as Department of Professional Practice or DPP). 0000067731 00000 n 0000398723 00000 n 0000400594 00000 n 0000051630 00000 n
0000069876 00000 n 0000089226 00000 n 0000145741 00000 n 0000127909 00000 n 0000072726 00000 n 0000081227 00000 n 0000332548 00000 n 0000053590 00000 n 0000068876 00000 n
0000346297 00000 n 0000053688 00000 n 0000075026 00000 n 0000047416 00000 n 0000129011 00000 n 0000052169 00000 n 0000414805 00000 n 0000058079 00000 n 0000390510 00000 n 0000066947 00000 n
0000400059 00000 n 0000351596 00000 n 0000079136 00000 n 0000344234 00000 n 0000365467 00000 n
0000056482 00000 n 0000135074 00000 n 0000058471 00000 n 0000122859 00000 n 0000067094 00000 n 0000048347 00000 n 0000062342 00000 n 0000050454 00000 n 0000376290 00000 n 0000054816 00000 n 0000340071 00000 n 0000063763 00000 n 0000365183 00000 n 0000354806 00000 n 0000061068 00000 n 0000339771 00000 n % 0000070976 00000 n 0000437115 00000 n 0000371103 00000 n 0000057785 00000 n 0000083743 00000 n A most exciting aspect of this powerful new tech is how it frees our people to unleash the best of their human abilities. 0000056952 00000 n 0000056139 00000 n 0000411691 00000 n Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. endobj That's what we stand for, that's how we measure our people and measure our practices. 0000419701 00000 n 0000060627 00000 n 0000074776 00000 n 0000052953 00000 n 0000066506 00000 n 0000061215 00000 n 0000065869 00000 n 0000396578 00000 n
0000074076 00000 n 0000050699 00000 n 0000051728 00000 n 0000047661 00000 n 0000172865 00000 n 0000418679 00000 n 0000059647 00000 n 0000425841 00000 n 0000123720 00000 n 0000062195 00000 n 0000064448 00000 n 0000388883 00000 n 0000138116 00000 n 0000070926 00000 n 0000068376 00000 n 0000423807 00000 n Innovating and evolving our audit process, Innovating and evolving our audit processes, KPMG lnternational's position on bribery and corruption. 0000121463 00000 n 0000059941 00000 n
0000173154 00000 n 0000155965 00000 n 0000433385 00000 n
0000054129 00000 n 0000388459 00000 n 0000054031 00000 n 0000069276 00000 n 0000062930 00000 n 0000058961 00000 n 0000059500 00000 n 0000053933 00000 n
0000379742 00000 n 0000346591 00000 n 0000067486 00000 n 0000083430 00000 n 0000129578 00000 n
0000410647 00000 n 0000118926 00000 n xVn@}G"JQ$$U*EJZ>DyP)rT;1vsR8=Mt85~dxyLo/n8t1? 0000067192 00000 n 0000075427 00000 n 0000407497 00000 n 0000068226 00000 n 0000059696 00000 n 0000062587 00000 n 0000066016 00000 n 0000055159 00000 n 0000046828 00000 n 0000327636 00000 n 0000143572 00000 n 0000391343 00000 n 0000172278 00000 n 0000155162 00000 n 0000073526 00000 n 0000333456 00000 n 0000053786 00000 n 0000329161 00000 n 0000074976 00000 n HPhotoshop 3.0 8BIM Z %G 8BIM% x/4b4Xw C 0000150605 00000 n 0000145210 00000 n 0000144677 00000 n 0000065820 00000 n 0000049229 00000 n 0000056629 00000 n 0000047220 00000 n 0000055600 00000 n 0000065428 00000 n 0000343048 00000 n 0000117807 00000 n 0000076527 00000 n 0000100610 00000 n 0000055502 00000 n 0000049915 00000 n 0000118366 00000 n 0000330097 00000 n 0000070476 00000 n
4 0 obj 0000420980 00000 n 0000130402 00000 n 0000419191 00000 n 0000049474 00000 n 0000404583 00000 n 0000066261 00000 n 0000368025 00000 n 0000069626 00000 n 0000063910 00000 n 0000064987 00000 n 0000046926 00000 n ",#(7),01444'9=82. 0000404848 00000 n 0000050356 00000 n 0000047073 00000 n 0000063616 00000 n 0000063518 00000 n 0000140581 00000 n 0000155698 00000 n 0000403523 00000 n 0000437981 00000 n 0000063567 00000 n 0000053345 00000 n 0000115545 00000 n 0000050258 00000 n <> 0000055747 00000 n 0000394553 00000 n 0000051189 00000 n 0000426357 00000 n 0000075377 00000 n 0000401129 00000 n 0000422523 00000 n 0000053051 00000 n 0000067682 00000 n
0000158911 00000 n 0000053541 00000 n 0000344824 00000 n 0000060774 00000 n 0000066751 00000 n 0000067927 00000 n 0000046877 00000 n 0000055257 00000 n 0000060186 00000 n 0000283026 00000 n 0000045603 00000 n 0000410126 00000 n 0000380112 00000 n
0000072626 00000 n 0000068526 00000 n Technical auditing and accounting support is available to member firms through the Global Service Centre (GSC) and the International Standards Group (ISG) as well as the US Capital Markets Group for Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) foreign registrants. 0000053639 00000 n
0000049327 00000 n 0000062097 00000 n 0000381103 00000 n 0000035913 00000 n 0000046338 00000 n 0000075977 00000 n 0000061362 00000 n 0000058863 00000 n 0000046191 00000 n 0000148972 00000 n 0000412212 00000 n 0000135649 00000 n 0000371376 00000 n 0000058569 00000 n It provides the framework for success. 0000051826 00000 n 0000065183 00000 n 0000333151 00000 n 0000150045 00000 n KPMG has always been, at heart, an audit organization, and continuously improving audit quality is central to who we are. 0000142759 00000 n 0000056384 00000 n 0000064791 00000 n 0000335575 00000 n 0000124276 00000 n 0000401662 00000 n 0000146272 00000 n 0000045799 00000 n 0000047955 00000 n 0000081479 00000 n 0000389704 00000 n 0000127358 00000 n 0000159205 00000 n 0000046485 00000 n 0000070526 00000 n 0000119762 00000 n 0000182253 00000 n 0000076027 00000 n 0000050601 00000 n 0000395699 00000 n 0000071226 00000 n 0000065085 00000 n 0000398187 00000 n
0000381667 00000 n 0000056188 00000 n 0000230391 00000 n DPP also assists engagement teams where there are differences of opinion either within teams or with the engagement quality control (EQC) reviewer. 0000390104 00000 n 0000046632 00000 n 0000069226 00000 n 0000375746 00000 n 0000056335 00000 n 0000385954 00000 n 0000073076 00000 n 0000137296 00000 n 0000047171 00000 n
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