Refusing to leave his friend behind, Beta skinned his face to protect his identity and took his shirt in order to honor him. Listening to what "Alpha" is telling him, Beta ventures inside a hotel. His professional attitude and knowledgeable fitness advice were like nothing I had ever seen. Mortally wounded, Beta imagines himself pulling the knives out and being embraced by the walkers while reminiscing on his life as a Whisperer. Beta is one of the few known characters to have killed a person before the apocalypse took place. She then cuts the Whisperer on his arm and leg and hands the knife to Beta. Noticing this, Beta is told by a walker to turn the horde which he does, giving the archers a harder target. At some point after the outbreak, Beta and his best friend took refuge in a survivor camp though it was eventually overrun by walkers, forcing the two to take refuge in an abandoned hospital. He displayed no signs of pain when he was stabbed in the chest with a shiv by. I accomplished my goals with his in home personal training and nutrition guide.His program was fun and interesting!
With the hospital surrounded, Beta hallucinates the horde telling him that they are ready and all turning to face him and chanting. My highest recommendation goes out to Jason. His work outs were fun and exciting.I actually wanted to go to the gym to workout with him. Enraged over the loss of Alpha, Beta throws a walker at Negan, knocking him to the ground, and prepares to kill the former Savior leader in revenge.
That night, Beta and a group of Whisperers arrive at one of their borders after hearing the yells of Negan. "You're changing the rules again," he says calmly. Beta returns with a punch of his own and Daryl stabs him in the chest before escaping into the trap door. After her demise, he became the de-facto leader of the group until his death. Beta refused to leave his best friend behind and Dee convinced him to skin his face off and wear it to continue hiding his identity (to which she and Lydia learned). Despite this, Lydia convinces Negan to help and as Beta starts to go after the girl as she begins leading the horde away, Negan calls out "hey, shithead." They both agree Henry can be useful and they need to find out if Lydia truly has feelings for him. Beta is the third major recurring secondary. Jasons health, personal training knowledge, and nutritional advice changed my life and i lost 60lb in 18 weeks. Beta and his people break in and quickly discover a trap meant to separate them from the dead. Suddenly, a satellite crashes through the sky and the herd starts to scatter. A while later, Beta takes Negan to walk among one of their herds in the woods as his final task. Beta is more than willing to kill anyone Alpha orders him to as well. Attention! The term "Beta" denotes the second most dominant role or position in a particular sphere or group. Last Appearance I was diagnosed with Diabetes years ago mostly due to my poor nutrition and lack of exercise. He often advises Alpha on critical matters, and she, in turn, often confides in him. Through working with Jason I have successfully overcome many of the negative effects of my disease. After battling my weight for over 20 years, I finally achieved the ultimate weight loss. He says they should return so they won't forget about them, but Alpha questions his loyalty towards her decisions. One of the Whisperers, Rufus, deduces that Negan killed her, and notes that this makes Beta the "Alpha" now. He begins to chant, and hallucinates the walkers doing so, too. He confronts and throws him to the ground before he can keep killing their walkers. Hi, my name is Amy. Beta then heads off to look for Alpha at their old camp. Beta proceeds to get the Whisperer bit as punishment. Death Episode In the woods, Beta grabs a sneaking Henry and tosses him in front of Alpha. In the past, a masked Beta lives inside an abandoned hospital after his camp was overrun. Dead I worked with him for 16 weeks and lost 48lbs. He is then devoured by walkers. In the woods, Beta uses his knives to remove the bark from the nearby trees in order to extract sap, which is being harvested by the Whisperers. He is so protective with his identity that he will even kill people if they find out. Sometime later, he watches as a woman and her daughter run inside to escape from the dead. Through his intense nutrition and training regimens.I highly recommend Jasons personal training program.
Beta continued to protect his identity strictly and always wears his mask, even in the safety of their camp. He is slashed in the gut with a melee weapon by. Hair He is one of seven characters to appear in both, He is also one of the three characters to appear in both. Beta appears to be missing several teeth, which he has replaced with metal dental prosthetics. After finally relenting, Beta takes Alpha's head off the pike and takes her with him. With a diverse variety of trainers that offer dedicated personal training, we are sure we have someone you will love taking advice from! Hi, Im Benny from Manhattan,NY. He then notices in anger as another Whisperer shares some of his food with Negan. I really couldnt believe the amount of experience and preparation used in his exercise program.Overall, Jasons personalized health and fitness helped me to achieve my up most goals in weight loss. His program was fun and interesting! I completed an 8-week total body makeover with Jason to get ready for a photo shoot in Miami,His workouts were upbeat and motivating. They both claim to be empty as Alpha wants. He approaches the injured Whisperer and slashes him on the back of his neck. In the aftermath of the battle, Beta searches for survivors to stab in the hearts to join Alpha's herd. Alpha continues the chant by saying "We take them all". The two size each other up and Beta forces Daryl's neck towards a blade, but he manages to punch him and break free. In the present, Frances starts crying in the middle of a herd, attracting the attention of the walkers. Upon entering, he finds a bar with a couple of dead survivors, musical instruments, and a note on the table saying "These 2 eyes see 1 truth". She lifts his mask to look at his face and chuckles, seemingly recognizing him.
With that, Beta continues forward with the horde. Beta is stabbed in the eyes by Daryl with his knives. They also have a special bond together having seen each other both at vulnerable moments in their life. At that moment, Daryl attacks, slashing Beta and then stabbing him through both eyes. "You just had to give me the girl," he growls at Daryl, telling him their deal is off. Later, Beta skins a walker head to use for Lydia's mask when Alpha is challenged by a couple of Whisperers for her leadership role. Beta likely shows no remorse for Henry's slaughter at the hands of Alpha though he does express anger at Daryl for not having handed Lydia over to him when he was after her and claims no one else from his group, including Henry, had to slaughtered. How do I stay fit? Prior to the outbreak, Beta was a professional and famous country musician known as "Half Moon". Before he can kill her, Mary tells him to stop or she'll kill herself, saying she knows Alpha wants her alive. Hi, My name is Niki. Negan apologizes and introduces himself, before explaining he has been a prisoner of Alexandria for eight years and is willing to reveal their secrets. Beta proceeds to graft a piece of Alpha's face to his mask. In "A Certain Doom", Daryl attacks Beta while he's trying to kill Negan, stabbing out both of Beta's eyes and directly causing his death at the hands of the Whisperers' horde. That night, Beta crawls out from a grave and unsheathes his double blades before walking stealthily through Alexandria to retrieve Gamma. He then patiently waits for Mary to reanimate. Beta later attempts to inquire what has happened to her but Alpha does not tell him and asks to be left alone. They keep me in shape and toned.He personalizes each work out to target different parts of my body such as arm, legs, core, and back. Despite this Beta respect's Alpha's decision nonetheless, though he claims to have no feelings towards Mary. In the past, Beta finds Dee wandering in his room and is mad at her for ignoring his previous warnings. With Beta and the Whisperers turning the horde back around, Daryl's group infiltrates the horde and starts assassinating the Whisperers one by one. Later that day, Beta forces Negan to do a series of tasks, like digging graves, skinning walkers, and help hunt a boar to prove his worthiness. Personal trainer Financial District offer their clients top notch one on one personal training. that night. Not only did I lose the weight but also I was able to keep it off. Beta is devastated by Alpha's death, to the point where, at first, he doesn't even seem to fully acknowledge it, as when a fellow Whisperer says he is the new "alpha", Beta is enraged and claims Alpha can still hear him. I was 100% happy with the results and Ill never do personal training with anyone else again. Beta's final defeat only came when he was focused solely on killing Negan in revenge and so let his guard down to outside attack by Daryl. Ive been a New york fitness model for over 10 years. Its important to keep our clients bodies guessing which will bring the best results.
Enraged by his remark, Beta claims that Alpha can still hear him, before commanding Rufus to take off his mask. Beta is skinning a new mask when Gamma returns from her mission to talk with Alpha. "I want to be alone," Alpha orders him as she weeps. Beta is seen leading the horde towards Oceanside, but suddenly stops as he senses that something is wrong. To honor her, he even adds a piece of her face to his mask, showing that she was one of the people he admired most in life, alongside his best friend.
In "Squeeze", Mary does not return from the border. Beta angrily states that he will kill her if she's the spy, but Alpha tells him not to, aiming to do it herself in front of the whole pack. He has very fast reflexes, as he effortlessly grabbed Henry's stick when the latter tried to hit him. Back in the past, Dee explains to Beta that she and her daughter don't mean harm. After some pondering, he puts it inside the record player. Brown (Graying) When his victims reanimate and the Alexandrians are forced to deal with the undead, Beta kills the guard stationed outside the building, enters the basement and opens the cell as Mary claims that Alpha lied about Alexandria. I worked out with Jason last summer and lost 42 lbs. I would recommend Jasons service to everyone looking to achieve their ultimate fitness goals. Beta doesn't want to leave his friend behind and she declares he won't have to, giving him a knife so he can peel his friend's face off. He is slashed under his arm and then has both of his eyes stabbed out by Daryl.
She jokingly decides to call him "B" and claims that makes her the "A". Hard Bodies personal trainers specialize in an 8-week total body makeover program Located in Manhattan,NY. With that, he finally puts Alpha down. His program was amazing as was his unique insight to fitness. This makes him one of five main characters in the TV Series to be recognized with a relative "celebrity" status prior to the apocalypse. Later the horde makes it way to Hilltop. Beta runs off before Alden can shoot him as well. Because of Jasons intense nutritional guide lines and extensive strength training. However, he overpowers her and slams her back against the cell door twice, killing her. Beta charges at him and throws a walker on him, then prepares to kill him in revenge for murdering Alpha. He served as the secondary antagonist for the second half of Season 9 and the majority of Season 10. They survived off the land by moving from place to place.
When Negan starts making jokes again, Beta tells him he'll never be one of them because he's too loud and egotistical. I was so thankful to find Jason! Later, as Daryl and the others leave the building, at the bottom of the elevator shaft, Beta rises in pain. His fitness routines are invigorating and fun. With Healthy lifestyle and a balance of proper exercise. A while later, Beta locates Mary, Alden, Kelly, and Adam, sending a small cluster of walkers at them. Unknown I have always dreamed of becoming a fitness icon. Behind the herd, Beta commands the Whisperers to launch the sap they collected earlier using makeshift catapults into the front lines, drenching most of the defenders as well as the Hilltop's walls. Status He promises he will and informs her that the enemy has crossed the border. My name is Derrick. His workouts are interesting and fun. Image GalleryRyan Hurst Gallery. Beta is currently the only major recurring secondary antagonist whose real name is not known. Instead, he smiled at the fact that it was happening. In the episode "We are the End of the World" focuses on how they met and how they got heir nicknames. When he keeps talking and making jokes, Beta puts his knives to Negan's throat and demands that he is too loud. I train with Jason to keep up my fitness model body. Sometime later, Alpha and her daughter Lydia arrived at the hospital to escape from walkers. While Beta is focused on Negan and lets his guard down, Daryl sneaks up on Beta and slashes him with a knife and then stabs Beta through both of his eyes. Suddenly, a small herd of walkers show up and begin eating the unmasked Whisperers as chaos unfolds in the camp. He appears to be a highly skilled tracker and strategic thinker as well which makes him a vital member of the Whisperers; with Lydia admitting to Daryl that he is the group's best. In his final moments after being mortally wounded by Daryl, Beta is shown to be completely accepting of his defeat and death. I would recommend Jason to anyone! He was the second-in-command of the Whisperers and the right-hand man of Alpha. "Beta", formerly known by the stage name "Half Moon" (real name unknown), is a main character and an antagonist, as well as a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. I accomplished my goals in 17 weeks with his in home personal training and nutrition program. After his mask was ripped by Mary, Beta fixed it with a piece of Alpha's skin. Beta asks the voice to show him the path, but it urges him to be patient and have faith in his strength. With Jasons help I finally dropped 47lbs and fast. Thanks to him I finally have the body I deserve. Shortly after, Beta escorts Mary back to the camp when they are ambushed by the Alexandrians, forcing him to flee into the woods. Sometime later that day, Beta notices Gamma didn't make it to the border and sends four scouts to help her in case she gets caught by the traitor.
With the hospital surrounded, Beta hallucinates the horde telling him that they are ready and all turning to face him and chanting. My highest recommendation goes out to Jason. His work outs were fun and exciting.I actually wanted to go to the gym to workout with him. Enraged over the loss of Alpha, Beta throws a walker at Negan, knocking him to the ground, and prepares to kill the former Savior leader in revenge.

Beta continued to protect his identity strictly and always wears his mask, even in the safety of their camp. He is slashed in the gut with a melee weapon by. Hair He is one of seven characters to appear in both, He is also one of the three characters to appear in both. Beta appears to be missing several teeth, which he has replaced with metal dental prosthetics. After finally relenting, Beta takes Alpha's head off the pike and takes her with him. With a diverse variety of trainers that offer dedicated personal training, we are sure we have someone you will love taking advice from! Hi, Im Benny from Manhattan,NY. He then notices in anger as another Whisperer shares some of his food with Negan. I really couldnt believe the amount of experience and preparation used in his exercise program.Overall, Jasons personalized health and fitness helped me to achieve my up most goals in weight loss. His program was fun and interesting! I completed an 8-week total body makeover with Jason to get ready for a photo shoot in Miami,His workouts were upbeat and motivating. They both claim to be empty as Alpha wants. He approaches the injured Whisperer and slashes him on the back of his neck. In the aftermath of the battle, Beta searches for survivors to stab in the hearts to join Alpha's herd. Alpha continues the chant by saying "We take them all". The two size each other up and Beta forces Daryl's neck towards a blade, but he manages to punch him and break free. In the present, Frances starts crying in the middle of a herd, attracting the attention of the walkers. Upon entering, he finds a bar with a couple of dead survivors, musical instruments, and a note on the table saying "These 2 eyes see 1 truth". She lifts his mask to look at his face and chuckles, seemingly recognizing him.
With that, Beta continues forward with the horde. Beta is stabbed in the eyes by Daryl with his knives. They also have a special bond together having seen each other both at vulnerable moments in their life. At that moment, Daryl attacks, slashing Beta and then stabbing him through both eyes. "You just had to give me the girl," he growls at Daryl, telling him their deal is off. Later, Beta skins a walker head to use for Lydia's mask when Alpha is challenged by a couple of Whisperers for her leadership role. Beta likely shows no remorse for Henry's slaughter at the hands of Alpha though he does express anger at Daryl for not having handed Lydia over to him when he was after her and claims no one else from his group, including Henry, had to slaughtered. How do I stay fit? Prior to the outbreak, Beta was a professional and famous country musician known as "Half Moon". Before he can kill her, Mary tells him to stop or she'll kill herself, saying she knows Alpha wants her alive. Hi, My name is Niki. Negan apologizes and introduces himself, before explaining he has been a prisoner of Alexandria for eight years and is willing to reveal their secrets. Beta proceeds to graft a piece of Alpha's face to his mask. In "A Certain Doom", Daryl attacks Beta while he's trying to kill Negan, stabbing out both of Beta's eyes and directly causing his death at the hands of the Whisperers' horde. That night, Beta crawls out from a grave and unsheathes his double blades before walking stealthily through Alexandria to retrieve Gamma. He then patiently waits for Mary to reanimate. Beta later attempts to inquire what has happened to her but Alpha does not tell him and asks to be left alone. They keep me in shape and toned.He personalizes each work out to target different parts of my body such as arm, legs, core, and back. Despite this Beta respect's Alpha's decision nonetheless, though he claims to have no feelings towards Mary. In the past, Beta finds Dee wandering in his room and is mad at her for ignoring his previous warnings. With Beta and the Whisperers turning the horde back around, Daryl's group infiltrates the horde and starts assassinating the Whisperers one by one. Later that day, Beta forces Negan to do a series of tasks, like digging graves, skinning walkers, and help hunt a boar to prove his worthiness. Personal trainer Financial District offer their clients top notch one on one personal training. that night. Not only did I lose the weight but also I was able to keep it off. Beta is devastated by Alpha's death, to the point where, at first, he doesn't even seem to fully acknowledge it, as when a fellow Whisperer says he is the new "alpha", Beta is enraged and claims Alpha can still hear him. I was 100% happy with the results and Ill never do personal training with anyone else again. Beta's final defeat only came when he was focused solely on killing Negan in revenge and so let his guard down to outside attack by Daryl. Ive been a New york fitness model for over 10 years. Its important to keep our clients bodies guessing which will bring the best results.

In "Squeeze", Mary does not return from the border. Beta angrily states that he will kill her if she's the spy, but Alpha tells him not to, aiming to do it herself in front of the whole pack. He has very fast reflexes, as he effortlessly grabbed Henry's stick when the latter tried to hit him. Back in the past, Dee explains to Beta that she and her daughter don't mean harm. After some pondering, he puts it inside the record player. Brown (Graying) When his victims reanimate and the Alexandrians are forced to deal with the undead, Beta kills the guard stationed outside the building, enters the basement and opens the cell as Mary claims that Alpha lied about Alexandria. I worked out with Jason last summer and lost 42 lbs. I would recommend Jasons service to everyone looking to achieve their ultimate fitness goals. Beta doesn't want to leave his friend behind and she declares he won't have to, giving him a knife so he can peel his friend's face off. He is slashed under his arm and then has both of his eyes stabbed out by Daryl.
She jokingly decides to call him "B" and claims that makes her the "A". Hard Bodies personal trainers specialize in an 8-week total body makeover program Located in Manhattan,NY. With that, he finally puts Alpha down. His program was amazing as was his unique insight to fitness. This makes him one of five main characters in the TV Series to be recognized with a relative "celebrity" status prior to the apocalypse. Later the horde makes it way to Hilltop. Beta runs off before Alden can shoot him as well. Because of Jasons intense nutritional guide lines and extensive strength training. However, he overpowers her and slams her back against the cell door twice, killing her. Beta charges at him and throws a walker on him, then prepares to kill him in revenge for murdering Alpha. He served as the secondary antagonist for the second half of Season 9 and the majority of Season 10. They survived off the land by moving from place to place.
When Negan starts making jokes again, Beta tells him he'll never be one of them because he's too loud and egotistical. I was so thankful to find Jason! Later, as Daryl and the others leave the building, at the bottom of the elevator shaft, Beta rises in pain. His fitness routines are invigorating and fun. With Healthy lifestyle and a balance of proper exercise. A while later, Beta locates Mary, Alden, Kelly, and Adam, sending a small cluster of walkers at them. Unknown I have always dreamed of becoming a fitness icon. Behind the herd, Beta commands the Whisperers to launch the sap they collected earlier using makeshift catapults into the front lines, drenching most of the defenders as well as the Hilltop's walls. Status He promises he will and informs her that the enemy has crossed the border. My name is Derrick. His workouts are interesting and fun. Image GalleryRyan Hurst Gallery. Beta is currently the only major recurring secondary antagonist whose real name is not known. Instead, he smiled at the fact that it was happening. In the episode "We are the End of the World" focuses on how they met and how they got heir nicknames. When he keeps talking and making jokes, Beta puts his knives to Negan's throat and demands that he is too loud. I train with Jason to keep up my fitness model body. Sometime later, Alpha and her daughter Lydia arrived at the hospital to escape from walkers. While Beta is focused on Negan and lets his guard down, Daryl sneaks up on Beta and slashes him with a knife and then stabs Beta through both of his eyes. Suddenly, a small herd of walkers show up and begin eating the unmasked Whisperers as chaos unfolds in the camp. He appears to be a highly skilled tracker and strategic thinker as well which makes him a vital member of the Whisperers; with Lydia admitting to Daryl that he is the group's best. In his final moments after being mortally wounded by Daryl, Beta is shown to be completely accepting of his defeat and death. I would recommend Jason to anyone! He was the second-in-command of the Whisperers and the right-hand man of Alpha. "Beta", formerly known by the stage name "Half Moon" (real name unknown), is a main character and an antagonist, as well as a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. I accomplished my goals in 17 weeks with his in home personal training and nutrition program. After his mask was ripped by Mary, Beta fixed it with a piece of Alpha's skin. Beta asks the voice to show him the path, but it urges him to be patient and have faith in his strength. With Jasons help I finally dropped 47lbs and fast. Thanks to him I finally have the body I deserve. Shortly after, Beta escorts Mary back to the camp when they are ambushed by the Alexandrians, forcing him to flee into the woods. Sometime later that day, Beta notices Gamma didn't make it to the border and sends four scouts to help her in case she gets caught by the traitor.