babel transform-class-properties

But with Babels Class Properties Transform plugin, you no longer have to follow these rules, and instead can do something like this: In this version, the name and breed properties as well as the getBreed() method will live on the instance, whereas before getBreed() was on the prototype. babel-plugin-proposal-async-generator-functions, babel-plugin-proposal-export-default-from, babel-plugin-proposal-export-namespace-from, babel-plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators, babel-plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator, babel-plugin-proposal-optional-catch-binding, babel-plugin-proposal-partial-application, babel-plugin-proposal-unicode-property-regex, babel-plugin-syntax-export-namespace-from, babel-plugin-syntax-logical-assignment-operators, babel-plugin-syntax-nullish-coalescing-operator, babel-plugin-syntax-optional-catch-binding, babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator, babel-plugin-transform-block-scoped-functions, babel-plugin-transform-computed-properties, babel-plugin-transform-exponentiation-operator, babel-plugin-transform-member-expression-literals, babel-plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex, babel-plugin-transform-object-set-prototype-of-to-assign, babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread, babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements, babel-plugin-transform-react-display-name, babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements, babel-plugin-transform-shorthand-properties. There is, thanks to Babels Class Properties Transform plugin. If youve ever written a React app, you may have seen something along the lines of: And what a drag it is to have to individually bind the this context to each of them just so they can be passed down as props and invoked somewhere further down the component tree. Not, a TypeError saying cannot read property state of undefined, just a nice little message from our cute and cuddly cat.

Im so cute and cuddly!. At a recent talk given by @krainboltgreene, I was introduced to the Babel React Optimize preset, which basically parses your React code and implements a bunch of ways to optimize it (without you having to lift a finger). How many times have you looked at a piece of code like the one above and thought to yourself, Theres gotta be a better way, Well, guess what? Now, all we need is our Cat component. The Class Properties Transform is just one of many Babel plugins you can use to leverage the power of bleeding-edge JavaScript features. by using the = assignment operator). Why is React better than vanilla JavaScript?

All your other components can then be written as stateless functional components (aka presentational or dumb components that are strictly concerned with rendering JSX). So how does this tie into React and not having to bind the this context to every handler I want to pass down as a prop? (If you havent read my post about ES6 arrow functions, I recommend that you check it out to better understand where they should and shouldnt be used.). So with that said, we can now refactor our Cat class to look like this: and BOOM! What is React? Since all this component does is render JSX, well go ahead and write it as a stateless functional component: And now, when we click on a cat, our alert shows up as expected. If you havent already incorporated Babel into your developer workflow, play around with their suite of presets/plugins and see how it can help you write better, more modern code. This pattern makes use of container components (aka smart components) at various levels of the app to handle your business logic. The SWC CLI is designed to be a drop-in replacement for Babel: This table outlines the differences between SWC and Babel. Today were going to explore a neat little Babel trick thatll help you clean up your React code in a big way. *If you have this many handlers inside one component, you probably want to rethink how youre designing your component hierarchy. Learn on the go with our new app. Thanks to a whole host of Babel presets and plugins, we can now write the JavaScript of tomorrow, today. It just uses the value of its enclosing context, which in this case points to the CatContainer. Babel is a powerful tool for writing next generation JavaScript. Any properties you want on an instance of an object created with a class need to be defined inside of the special constructor method, whereas any other methods defined in the class like the getBreed() method in the example above will live on that instances prototype. Notice how Im writing the showMessage() handler as an arrow function, and therefore dont need to bind the this context to it inside of my constructor. This component will handle rendering our individual Cat components as well as our business logic (ie. Developers no longer need to wait for recently added features to get adopted by browsers or for promising new features to go through the lengthy TC39 process, where each proposal must get approved to move through various stages before finally getting added to the next ECMAScript spec. How many times have you forgotten to do this tedious task and gotten an error message saying this.setState is not a function? alerting the user of the message). React Hooks: dont let useState surprise you! In conjunction with a state management library like Redux, this is a powerful way of writing maintainable code with a strong separation of concerns. *******************************************************************. import React, { Component } from 'react'; export default class CatContainer extends Component {,',','. JavaScript is evolving and tools like Babel are an essential tool for keeping up with the rapid rate of change. So lets imagine were building a simple React app that renders a bunch of cats, and when a user clicks on a cat, it will show an alert with a static message saying, Hi there!

Building a GitHub Repo Explorer with React and Elasticsearch, How to connect spring application with MySql Database, 22 Javascript shorthands that will save your time. The this context inside of the getBreed() method will always point to the appropriate instance of the Cat class. You could try implementing the container pattern, like Im doing in the cat app example above. In this post, well go over a particularly useful Babel plugin for your React apps and how you can use it to write cleaner, more concise code. Another one I always throw into my .babelrc file for good measure is the Object Spread Rest Transform (especially if Im using Redux and writing lots of logic to reduce an old state object into a new state). According to the documentation, this plugin will transform class properties in such a way that you can define class properties using property initializer syntax (ie. The first thing well need to do is create a container component where well store all the state well need (in this case, just an array of image urls and a string containing our static message). Its widely used to compile code written with newer and experimental JavaScript features (as well as JSX in React apps) into syntax browsers can understand. SWC's compilation is intended to support all ECMAScript features. Love podcasts or audiobooks? Node, Babel, Webpack, and the infinite list of libraries: JavaScript fatigue. And since arrow functions do not create their own this and use the value of the enclosing context instead, you no longer have to slavishly bind the this context to every method you define inside your React component. Well, because the = assignment operator wont throw a syntax error anymore, what this allows you to do is write methods inside of an ES6 class using fat arrow notation. In JavaScript, current class syntax only allows for you to define methods inside of a class, nothing else.