Und die Gruppen waren auch leer. Keine Wunschlisten, keine Wartezeiten, keine Vertragsbindung, kein Abo. Auch auf iPhones befindet sich das Backup in den Whatsapp-Einstellungen unter "Chats Chat-Backup". Es sah aus als htte es im ersten moment funktioniert. iPhones wiederum knnen generell keine Whatsapp-Sicherungen ausGoogleDrive wiederherstellen. Lets begin with the comparison table of the 3 methods. Wenn Sie Whatsapp von It is trusted by users all over the world and downloaded for 5,372,347 times. You wont need to enter the verification code once it is sent by text because.
It is user-friendly for beginners and it is. Install WhatsApp on your target Android and perform its initial setup while entering the same phone number. If you achieve these requirements, we will introduce how to use Google drive to transfer WhatsApp from one android device to another. Now, lets take a look at some features of Mobitrix, the ideal solution. Install WhatsApp on the new device and complete the installing process, including phone number validation. Auch, wenn Sie auf ein Android zu iOS Upgrading your phone can be great, but sometimes its a bit tricky to transfer all of your data with an app like WhatsApp. Also es waren nur Gruppen ohne Inhalt am ende auf dem iPhone.
Moreover, all attachments and files will also be transferred in their original situation. As youll see, the process is simple, and it can be done using an SD Card and Google Drive. Supports over 6000+ Android devices. Copyright 2011-2022 Mobitrix Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Sie auf dieser bersichtsseite finden. Whatsapp sollte auf dem neuen Gert schon eigene Ordner angelegt haben, vor allem die Ordner Databases und "Media". WhatsApp does this daily, but to ensure you have an updated backup, you have to create one yourself. You can create a local WhatsApp backup, transfer it to the SD card, then put that SD card into your new phone. Es hat super schnell und wirklich reibungslos geklappt!!!! Tatschlich aber soll es demnchst deutlich leichter werden, seine Whatsapp-Inhalte von Android auf iOS zu bertragen. It supports all devices based on the Android system and all the versions of Android, including Samsung S20, Huawei P40, LG, OnePlus, HTC, etc. And if you only have a Google Drive backup, you can still restore it on your iPhone. Gnstige Micro-SD-Karte bei Amazon ansehen. If you wish to overcome that and perform a direct device-to-device WhatsApp transfer, then take the assistance of MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer. Dadurch knnen personenbezogene Daten an Youtube.com und andere Drittanbieter bermittelt werden. }); Wir erklren, wie Sie Whatsapp-Chats auf ein neues Android-Smartphone oder iPhone bertragen. ), so wird das bertragen des Whatsapp-Chats noch etwas aufwndiger. If you only use the internal storage or internal SD card, you will need to move the /sdcard/WhatsApp/ folder from the old phone to the same folder on your new phone. Ein guter Gaming-PC muss keine Unsummen kosten.
Step 2: To install WhatsApp on your new phone, you need to check the specifications of SD card on the old device. Transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android with 1 Click! 21Personen fanden diese Bewertung hilfreich, https://mobiletrans.wondershare.com/app/wondershare-wutsapper.html, FLAT/RM 901 9/F FINANCE BUILDING 254 DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL HK, Bewertungen und Rezensionen sind verifiziert, WhatsTool Tech: Toolkit for Business & WhatsApp, Mehr von WONDERSHARE TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED, FamiSafe Jr-Bildschirmzeit & Family Locator, Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Entwickler Angaben zur Weitergabe von Daten machen, Weitere Informationen dazu, wie Entwickler Angaben zur Datenerhebung machen. Ich bitte um dringende Hilfe.. Hallo, es tut uns sehr leid, dass Sie ein Problem mit Wutsapper haben. einer alten auf eine neue Telefonnummer umziehen wollen
Home How To How To Transfer WhatsApp Data From Android To Android In Two Ways. Die ausfhrliche Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung finden Sie hier: An dieser Stelle hat die Redaktion einen zum Inhalt des Artikels passenden externen Inhalt von Youtube.com platziert. 5. How To Transfer WhatsApp Data From Android To Android In Two Ways, How To Transfer WhatsApp From Android To Android. Beim WSV gibt es beispielsweise bis zu 300 Direktabzug auf ausgewhlte Microsoft Surface Gerte, wie z.B. These cards allow you to have additional storage, as well as transfer data from one device to another. Whatsapp-Chats auf neues Smartphone mit unverndertem OS bertragen, Von iOS zu Android migrieren und Whatsapp bertragen, Mit SD-Karten Whatsapp auf neues Android-Smartphone bertragen.
Die Daten werden hierbei in die Apple-eigene iCloud hochgeladen. Wichtig: Immer ein Whatsapp-Backup anlegen. Problematischer wird die bernahme, wenn Sie von iOS zu Android wechseln. How To Transfer WhatsApp From Android To Android Wrap Up, PCTattleTale Review: Everything You Want To Know About This Spy App, How To Upload Photos To Google Drive From iPhone: Do It Manually Or Automatically, How To Add Another Language To Keyboard iPhone: Try These Two Methods, 7 Ways Showing How To Fix Software Update Failed On iOS, How To Do WhatsApp Mute And What Happens When You Do, How To Install Spyware On iPhone Remotely and Android: 3 Methods, How To Read Text Messages From Another Phone Without Them Knowing. Here is how to do that. If you are already using WhatsApp on it, then you need to reinstall it. If you havent set it to back up to an account, then. Although it is compatible with Android, it does not support to transfer WhatsApp messages from iPhone. Vielen Dank. Make sure that your new Android is also linked to the same Google account beforehand. Firstly, launch WhatsApp on your old phone and go to its Settings > Chats > Chat Backup. .
And if youve got an iPhone, you dont have to worry because Ive got a great guide on how to transfer WhatsApp from Android to iPhone. Aber es waren NUR die gruppen da. Next, install WhatsApp, begin the verification process, and restore your messages using the backup on Google Drive. 1. Back up WhatsApp data and restore it selectively to an Android. von iOS zu Android
Heres how to use an SD card to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android: Open the WhatsApp app on your phone and tap the three vertical dots on the upper right-hand corner of the screen, then select Settings from the dropdown menu. oder von Keine Daten werden mit Drittunternehmen oder -organisationen geteilt, Daten werden bei der bertragung verschlsselt. Behalten Sie dagegen Ihr Smartphone und wechseln nur die Telefonnummer, dann ist der Aufwand berschaubar. Hey everyone, can anyone help me how can I transfer my WhatsApp chats backup from Huawei to new Samsung S21? Next, enter your phone number to verify your account. Developed by Wondershare, it lets us directly transfer WhatsApp chats and attachments between Android and Android, iPhone and iPhone, and even iPhone and Android. dem Surface Laptop Go i5. Das Verzeichnis finden Sie im Speicher in den meisten Fllen unter "Android - Media - com.whatsapp - WhatsApp". Aktuell bentigen Sie fr den reibungslosen Whatsapp-Umzug von iOS zu Android eine Drittanbieter-Anwendung. To learn how to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to Android via Google Drive backup, follow these steps: A lot of people also get a new number while switching from one device to another. Preis-Tipp fr Kreative fr nur 719 Euro: 16-Zoll-Laptop mit Nvidia RTX 3050 Ti, Ryzen 5 5600H (6 Kerne, 3,3 bis 4,2 GHz) und 16 GB RAM. In diesem Fall stecken Sie eine Speicherkarte in den Port und kopieren das Whatsapp-Verzeichnis vom alten Smartphone auf die SD-Karte. 3. So far, the most natural and most effective solution to transfer WhatsApp messages from Android to Android is using Mobitrix WhatsApp Transfer. Bei Android-Gerten befindet sich das Backup dann in Google Drive, bei iPhones in der iCloud. Im sure that this guide on how to transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone would have certainly helped you. The notification will appear on your window that shows the transfer process has been done. ): Man braucht ein USB-C auf lightning-Kabel (bei den neueren iPhone-Modellen liegt das der Verpackung bei) und man wird erst nachdem man sich beim alten Gert auf WhatsApp abgemeldet hat, aufgefordert, 25 zu bezahlen, um fortfahren zu knnen! To start with, go to WhatsApp on your previous device and visit its Settings by tapping on the hamburger (three dots) icon on the top. Transfer WhatsApp data between Android phone and iPhone with few clicks. Under the Accounts option, make sure that you are logged in to your Google account. Besttigen Sie dies mit einem Tipp auf "Wiederherstellen", dann sucht Whatsapp automatisch nach dem Backup in Ihrer Cloud und stellt alle Chats samt Medien wieder her, wenn Sie diese auch gesichert haben. While setting up your WhatsApp account, you can just restore the existing backup. This is a recent query posted by a concerned Android user on an interactive forum. Tips & Tricks to Get More Out of LINE, Kik, Viber and WeChat. , dabei aber dem Betriebssystem (Android oder iOS) treu bleiben.
Backup and restore other apps like WeChat, Line, Kik, and Viber. Download-Netzwerk und Alternative zum WWW. Wir wrden gerne helfen, bentigen aber weitere Informationen. Attach your new SIM to your existing Android device and make sure that you can receive texts on it. Copyright Das heit keine persnlichen chats. Im PC-WELT Preisvergleich finden Sie viele Versionen des aktuellen Microsoft Betriebssystems zu super gnstigen Preisen! TechUntold.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Afterward, WhatsApp will automatically check your phone for a backup. Lets us change the registered number on WhatsApp. An SD card (Secure Digital Card) is a common form of external storage used for a variety of devices, such as phones, tablets, digital cameras, and more. Thomas Joos, Die Sicherung von Whatsapp-Chats nehmen Sie in den Whatsapp-Einstellungen vor. Truth to be told numerous other users also wish to know how to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to Android as well. Die besten Deals mit hohen Rabatte bei Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones, Wearables und vielem mehr im offiziellen Huawei Store. Step 1: Download Mobitrix WhatsApp Transfer on the computer, then install it and run the program. Wollen Sie keine Daten bernehmen, aber Ihren aktuellen Whatsapp-Account auf einem neuen Smartphone mit neuer Nummer weiterverwenden, geht das auch. To learn how to restore WhatsApp messages on new Android by changing its number, follow these steps: Thats a wrap, everyone! However, since youll be switching phones, you can opt to do a manual backup to Google Drive alone. Heres how to move WhatsApp from Android to Android. Wer hufiger und vor allem alle Daten bertragen muss, kann sich eine kostenpflichtige Lizenz auf der Seite des Herstellers holen. Ich habe diese App verwendet, weil ich auch von Android (S9+) auf iOS (13 Pro Max) umgestiegen bin. Standardmig bernimmt Whatsapp keine Chats auf ein neues Smartphone. Step 2: Connect two android devices to the computer with the USB cable and wait for the program checking the machines. Make sure that the backup is moved or the device is connected to the same Google account. Just connect both your phones to the computer and open the former device. Transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone with a single click. Wondershare. You can use it to store, share, and back up files. The, To back up your WhatsApp to Google Drive, the process is similar to creating a local backup, like you did in the previous section. For this step, you should use the same phone number as the old machine. Das klappt sogar bei einem Wechsel von Android zu iOS oder umgekehrt. If you have any backup issues, I have some solutions here. $(function() { Schlieen Sie Ihr Smartphone an einen PC an, finden Sie den Datenspeicher aus Android im Windows-Explorer (Android - Media - com.whatsapp - WhatsApp). We've rounded up our top tricks to getting the most out of your new Android. Can someone tell me how to transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone? iPhone: Fr Android ist der Wechsel der Telefonnummer genauso einfach, nur die Men-Abfolge ist etwas anders. WhatsApp hidden features 2022: 20 tricks for both Android and iPhone users, Takes the backup on the local device storage that is later moved. Simply wait for a few minutes as MobileTrans would move the WhatsApp chats and attachments from your old to new Android device. Now that your WhatsApp has been backed up to Google Drive, you can easily restore it to your new phone. Different from using google drive backup, this method can ensure that the messages will not lose. Die ausfhrliche Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung finden Sie hier: Whatsapp von iOS auf Android bertragen: So geht's. A one-time generated code will be sent to the new phone number that you need to enter to verify the switch. But, for this way, you should ensure that Google play service and Google drive are installed on both of the old and new Android devices, and you need to have a google account with enough space to backup. Step 3: Open WhatsApp on your new device and tap on restore when the notification appears on your screen, then all the chat history on the old machine will be synced to new mobile. The application will automatically detect the presence of the WhatsApp backup on Google Drive and would inform you. Mobitrix is dedicated to providing cost-effective, high-quality products to enhance the Moving data is quite simple if the transfer occurs in the same platforms like Android to Android. Ich habe auch alles Schritt fr Schritt nach den anweisungen gemacht. Just click restore and wait for it to be finished. 3. Installieren Sie Whatsapp auf dem neuen Smartphone, ohne die App zu starten.
Windows 10 Home fr 35,99. Google Drive is Googles default cloud storage service. Once the backup is complete, open the file manager on your phone. 4. The application will automatically detect the local backup and would let you restore it. Install the application and launch the MobileTrans on your computer. Da Whatsapp bei der Sicherung von Daten auf iOS-Gerten mit iCloud arbeitet und bei Android-Gerten mitGoogleDrive, mssen Sie hier eine Schnittstelle zum Datenaustausch finden. Log into Google drive with the same Google account on the new mobile. Dieses Men finden Sie auf einem Mobitrix LockAway- Unlock iPhone Passcode, Mobitrix LockAway- Bypass iCloud Activation Lock, Mobitrix for WhatsApp enables to backup WhatsApp messages on Android device. Now its time to restore the backup from the SD card. Open WhatsApp on the old device, go to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup > Backup and select to create a backup in Google Drive. WhatsApp is a great messaging service, and its good to know you can take your WhatsApp chats with you even when you switch phones. Now, tap on the Backup button to take an immediate backup. authorsPlugin.initOpenClick(); Transfer data fast and secure without overwriting data.
Kopieren Sie den Ordner Whatsapp vom Smartphone auf den Rechner. Wenn Sie Whatsapp auf Ihrem neuen Smartphone installieren, egal ob Android-Handy oder iPhone, fragt der Messenger whrend der Einrichtung, ob Sie Ihren Chatverlauf wiederherstellen mchten. To do this, you can try either of its inbuilt options or any other third-party solution. Am besten sichern Sie Ihre Chats auf dem alten Handy in der Cloud, um sie auf das neue Smartphone zu bertragen. Step 3: Now, click the Transfer on the window to start the process of transferring WhatsApp messages from the old Android device to the new one. Then, log in to the same Google Drive on your new phone. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Screenshot der Fehlermeldung und der Protokolldatei beifgen. | Wir erklren alle Varianten. Bei Lizengo gibt es neue Download-Software zu unschlagbaren Preisen z.B. unter Einstellungen - Account - Nummer ndern. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. smartphone user experience.
Die Datenschutz- und Sicherheitspraktiken knnen je nach Verwendung, Region und Alter des Nutzers variieren. Transfer and backup WhatsApp data between phone and PC. Die ausfhrliche Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung finden Sie hier: Whatsapp von Android auf iOS bertragen: So geht's. Was man allerdings beachten muss (! If you simply want to know how to move WhatsApp to your SD card, Ive got you covered. Once the switch has been made, just go to your WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Chat Backup and take a backup on Google Drive or the local storage. In the end, mount the SIM on the new Android device and install WhatsApp on it. Though, this method will only work if you are using the same phone number on both devices. In diesem Fall mssen Sie zunchst Ihr neues Smartphone in Betrieb nehmen, sodass Sie SMS empfangen knnen, und eine Verbindung zum Internet haben. 4. Also, you need to first change the number on your old phone and later use the same SIM on the new device. Wutsapper WhatsApp bertragen ermglicht die einfachste und effektivste WhatsApp Daten bertragung. A veteran journalist, dedicated in reporting latest smartphone technology innovations. Turn your iTunes to a powerful media manager with a few simple tips. Sollte Ihr Handy keinen Dateimanager ab Werk installiert haben, knnen Sie einen aus dem Now, browse the local storage (or the SD card) of your device and locate the recent backup under the WhatsApp folder. Though, make sure that both the numbers should be active to make this switch in advance. Just like the local storage, you can also maintain a copy of your WhatsApp backup on Google Drive as well. Directly transfers WhatsApp data from one device to another. It is also compatible with numerous other apps and would let you switch to your new phone with no data loss. Bei dem Vorgang wird ein Chat-Archiv erstellt, das auf Wunsch auch die Medien enthlt, also Bilder und Videos. Wechseln Sie aber nicht nur das Handy, sondern auch noch das System ( Ideally, WhatsApp automatically takes a backup of its chats on the local storage every day. How can I transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android without Google Drive? Sie bentigen dazu aktuell das Tool There is no need to install three-party tools. Kopieren Sie das aktuelle Backup aus dem gleichnamigen Ordner, den Sie vorher vom alten Smartphone auf den PC bertragen, auf das neue Gert. Google Play Store herunterladen wie den Astro Dateimanager Discover a new thing that makes us love iPad/iPod even more. A list of cool tips that you should know when switching to new iPhone. Transfer messages, photos, videos and more from phone to phone, phone to computer and vice versa. Mithilfe Wutsapper drfen Sie jetzt WhatsApp/ WhatsApp Business vollstndig von Android auf iOS und umkehrt ohne PC bertragen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an unseren technischen Support, indem Sie im Men auf Feedback tippen.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After when the backup has been saved on Google Drive, remove WhatsApp from your device and install it on the target phone instead. Ich war wirklich verzweifelt weil es nirgendwo funktioniert hat meine WhatsApp Chats mit auf das IPhone zu nehmen Auch wenn es etwas zu teuer war (ich finde 10 wren besser) bin ich einfach nur froh das alles echt so reibungslos geklappt hat!!!! , das Follow, To back up WhatsApp to Google Drive, you need to add a Google Account to back it up. Top WhatsApp hacks to turn you into a messaging master. Installieren Sie anschlieend Whatsapp auf dem neuen Smartphone und kopieren den Whatsapp-Ordner, vor allem den Ordner Databases und "Media", von der SD-Karte in den Speicher des neuen Smartphones an dieselbe Stelle wie auf dem alten Handy. Ich kann die App nur empfehlen wenn man keinen Stress haben will und einfach alles reibungslos laufen soll!!
2. Die Entwicklung ist in vollem Gange, hier finden Sie den aktuellen Stand: Whatsapp: Chatverlauf von Android zu iOS umziehen Entwicklung kommt voran. And Restore backups easily. I have got a new Samsung Galaxy S22, but cant seem to move my WhatsApp data from my old S8. After that, open WhatsApp on your old device and go to its Settings > Accounts > Change Number. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate of other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. Seit kurzem kann man Whatsapp auch bequem am PC nutzen gerade fr lngere Chat-Sitzungen ist das sehr praktisch. Launch WhatsApp and restore the existing backup to it the usual way. You only need to use the WhatsApp backup system to move data from an Android device to another one. They include the following; Google drive can also be used to transfer WhatsApp data between different Android devices. Now, click on the Start Transfer button to directly move your WhatsApp data. document.querySelector('#copyright-year').outerHTML = new Date().getFullYear() Step 1: Open WhatsApp on the old device, then click the option on the side of the main screen. Transfer data safely without cloud storage. Next, you need to set the time for the backups to Google Drive. In this way, you can easily transfer your WhatsApp data to the new device while changing your number. After that, all the WhatsApp chatting messages on the old Android phone will appear on your new Android phone. Also, share this article with anyone you know who may want to learn how to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android. It can also backup and restore WhatsApp data.
Now head to Settings > Chats and Calls > Chats Backup to initiate a backup of all the WhatsApp messages on your device. Wollen Sie von Android zu iOS wechseln, ist die bertragung der Daten einfacher. Der Chat wird als Zip-Datei erstellt und kann auf verschiedenen Wegen geteilt werden, zum Beispiel wiederum per Whatsapp oder als Sicherung in Dateien. All Rights Reserved, How to Transfer WhatsApp From Android to Android, How to Transfer WhatsApp Photos From Android Phone to PC, How to Transfer WhatsApp From iPhone to iPhone, Prevent Someone from Adding You to WhatsApp Group, How to Transfer Photos from Android Phone to Computer, How to Transfer WhatsApp Photos From Android to PC, How to Reduce Cellular Data Usage on iPhone, How to Check Computer Specs in Windows 10, How to Remove Bloatware From Windows 10 PC, How to Create Local Account in Windows 11, Mac vs PC Comparison: Should You Buy Mac or PC, Kindle E-Reader Comparison | Which Kindle to Buy. Jetzt kostenlos testen! Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail.
Great! It can be daily, weekly, monthly, or any custom choice. Dont forget to comment below, letting me know how your transfer went. Click on the Restore button and wait as your WhatsApp chats and attachments would be extracted. Are you switching from an old Android phone to a new one and want to take your WhatsApp with you? Go to its Chats > Chat Backup feature and tap on the Backup button to take an immediate backup of your data. From its home, launch the option to "WhatsApp Transfer". All rights reserved. A Complete Guide to Help You Transfer Data to Samsung Phones! Copy this file and move it to the local storages WhatsApp > Databases folder of your new Android device. The application will automatically detect the local WhatsApp backup stored on the device and will inform you. If not, just tap on it and sign in to your Google account. iPhone Therefore, you can just copy the local backup file and move it to your new Android device. 2.
Die bertragung ist nicht mehr eine lstige Sache. Ansonsten bin ich sehr froh, dass alles schnell funktioniert hat und Schritt fr Schritt erklrt wurde. takes a backup of its chats on the local storage, How to Create a WhatsApp Business Account, How to Download WhatsApp: A Tutorial Guide, Best 4 WhatsApp Bulk Senders for WhatsApp Business Users. This makes it one of the best ways to back up WhatsApp and restore it on a new device. First, back up your WhatsApp to Google Drive on your current device. Whatsapp speichert die Chats in Ihrem verknpften Google Drive. Android-Smartphone: Then find the WhatsApp/Database folder and copy the files that are created most recently. You can choose to include or exclude videos in the backup from here. Whatsapp stellt dafr eigens den Men-Punkt Nummer ndern bereit. Explore your Samsung device and never miss out on anything useful. Using working cables, connect your new and old Android devices to the system and let MobileTrans detect them. Takes the backup of WhatsApp data on Google Drive and later restores it, Allows us to change the linked phone number and later take a backup, Can backup and restore other social apps too. Therefore, there are several ways can help you to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android. Dieser erscheint, wenn man den Chat nach links schiebt und "Archivieren auswhlt. Furthermore, under the Backup to Google Drive feature, you can set a frequency for automatic backup.
It is user-friendly for beginners and it is. Install WhatsApp on your target Android and perform its initial setup while entering the same phone number. If you achieve these requirements, we will introduce how to use Google drive to transfer WhatsApp from one android device to another. Now, lets take a look at some features of Mobitrix, the ideal solution. Install WhatsApp on the new device and complete the installing process, including phone number validation. Auch, wenn Sie auf ein Android zu iOS Upgrading your phone can be great, but sometimes its a bit tricky to transfer all of your data with an app like WhatsApp. Also es waren nur Gruppen ohne Inhalt am ende auf dem iPhone.
Moreover, all attachments and files will also be transferred in their original situation. As youll see, the process is simple, and it can be done using an SD Card and Google Drive. Supports over 6000+ Android devices. Copyright 2011-2022 Mobitrix Technology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Sie auf dieser bersichtsseite finden. Whatsapp sollte auf dem neuen Gert schon eigene Ordner angelegt haben, vor allem die Ordner Databases und "Media". WhatsApp does this daily, but to ensure you have an updated backup, you have to create one yourself. You can create a local WhatsApp backup, transfer it to the SD card, then put that SD card into your new phone. Es hat super schnell und wirklich reibungslos geklappt!!!! Tatschlich aber soll es demnchst deutlich leichter werden, seine Whatsapp-Inhalte von Android auf iOS zu bertragen. It supports all devices based on the Android system and all the versions of Android, including Samsung S20, Huawei P40, LG, OnePlus, HTC, etc. And if you only have a Google Drive backup, you can still restore it on your iPhone. Gnstige Micro-SD-Karte bei Amazon ansehen. If you wish to overcome that and perform a direct device-to-device WhatsApp transfer, then take the assistance of MobileTrans - WhatsApp Transfer. Dadurch knnen personenbezogene Daten an Youtube.com und andere Drittanbieter bermittelt werden. }); Wir erklren, wie Sie Whatsapp-Chats auf ein neues Android-Smartphone oder iPhone bertragen. ), so wird das bertragen des Whatsapp-Chats noch etwas aufwndiger. If you only use the internal storage or internal SD card, you will need to move the /sdcard/WhatsApp/ folder from the old phone to the same folder on your new phone. Ein guter Gaming-PC muss keine Unsummen kosten.

Die Daten werden hierbei in die Apple-eigene iCloud hochgeladen. Wichtig: Immer ein Whatsapp-Backup anlegen. Problematischer wird die bernahme, wenn Sie von iOS zu Android wechseln. How To Transfer WhatsApp From Android To Android Wrap Up, PCTattleTale Review: Everything You Want To Know About This Spy App, How To Upload Photos To Google Drive From iPhone: Do It Manually Or Automatically, How To Add Another Language To Keyboard iPhone: Try These Two Methods, 7 Ways Showing How To Fix Software Update Failed On iOS, How To Do WhatsApp Mute And What Happens When You Do, How To Install Spyware On iPhone Remotely and Android: 3 Methods, How To Read Text Messages From Another Phone Without Them Knowing. Here is how to do that. If you are already using WhatsApp on it, then you need to reinstall it. If you havent set it to back up to an account, then. Although it is compatible with Android, it does not support to transfer WhatsApp messages from iPhone. Vielen Dank. Make sure that your new Android is also linked to the same Google account beforehand. Firstly, launch WhatsApp on your old phone and go to its Settings > Chats > Chat Backup. .

Heres how to use an SD card to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android: Open the WhatsApp app on your phone and tap the three vertical dots on the upper right-hand corner of the screen, then select Settings from the dropdown menu. oder von Keine Daten werden mit Drittunternehmen oder -organisationen geteilt, Daten werden bei der bertragung verschlsselt. Behalten Sie dagegen Ihr Smartphone und wechseln nur die Telefonnummer, dann ist der Aufwand berschaubar. Hey everyone, can anyone help me how can I transfer my WhatsApp chats backup from Huawei to new Samsung S21? Next, enter your phone number to verify your account. Developed by Wondershare, it lets us directly transfer WhatsApp chats and attachments between Android and Android, iPhone and iPhone, and even iPhone and Android. dem Surface Laptop Go i5. Das Verzeichnis finden Sie im Speicher in den meisten Fllen unter "Android - Media - com.whatsapp - WhatsApp". Aktuell bentigen Sie fr den reibungslosen Whatsapp-Umzug von iOS zu Android eine Drittanbieter-Anwendung. To learn how to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to Android via Google Drive backup, follow these steps: A lot of people also get a new number while switching from one device to another. Preis-Tipp fr Kreative fr nur 719 Euro: 16-Zoll-Laptop mit Nvidia RTX 3050 Ti, Ryzen 5 5600H (6 Kerne, 3,3 bis 4,2 GHz) und 16 GB RAM. In diesem Fall stecken Sie eine Speicherkarte in den Port und kopieren das Whatsapp-Verzeichnis vom alten Smartphone auf die SD-Karte. 3. So far, the most natural and most effective solution to transfer WhatsApp messages from Android to Android is using Mobitrix WhatsApp Transfer. Bei Android-Gerten befindet sich das Backup dann in Google Drive, bei iPhones in der iCloud. Im sure that this guide on how to transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone would have certainly helped you. The notification will appear on your window that shows the transfer process has been done. ): Man braucht ein USB-C auf lightning-Kabel (bei den neueren iPhone-Modellen liegt das der Verpackung bei) und man wird erst nachdem man sich beim alten Gert auf WhatsApp abgemeldet hat, aufgefordert, 25 zu bezahlen, um fortfahren zu knnen! To start with, go to WhatsApp on your previous device and visit its Settings by tapping on the hamburger (three dots) icon on the top. Transfer WhatsApp data between Android phone and iPhone with few clicks. Under the Accounts option, make sure that you are logged in to your Google account. Besttigen Sie dies mit einem Tipp auf "Wiederherstellen", dann sucht Whatsapp automatisch nach dem Backup in Ihrer Cloud und stellt alle Chats samt Medien wieder her, wenn Sie diese auch gesichert haben. While setting up your WhatsApp account, you can just restore the existing backup. This is a recent query posted by a concerned Android user on an interactive forum. Tips & Tricks to Get More Out of LINE, Kik, Viber and WeChat. , dabei aber dem Betriebssystem (Android oder iOS) treu bleiben.
Backup and restore other apps like WeChat, Line, Kik, and Viber. Download-Netzwerk und Alternative zum WWW. Wir wrden gerne helfen, bentigen aber weitere Informationen. Attach your new SIM to your existing Android device and make sure that you can receive texts on it. Copyright Das heit keine persnlichen chats. Im PC-WELT Preisvergleich finden Sie viele Versionen des aktuellen Microsoft Betriebssystems zu super gnstigen Preisen! TechUntold.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Afterward, WhatsApp will automatically check your phone for a backup. Lets us change the registered number on WhatsApp. An SD card (Secure Digital Card) is a common form of external storage used for a variety of devices, such as phones, tablets, digital cameras, and more. Thomas Joos, Die Sicherung von Whatsapp-Chats nehmen Sie in den Whatsapp-Einstellungen vor. Truth to be told numerous other users also wish to know how to transfer WhatsApp data from Android to Android as well. Die besten Deals mit hohen Rabatte bei Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones, Wearables und vielem mehr im offiziellen Huawei Store. Step 1: Download Mobitrix WhatsApp Transfer on the computer, then install it and run the program. Wollen Sie keine Daten bernehmen, aber Ihren aktuellen Whatsapp-Account auf einem neuen Smartphone mit neuer Nummer weiterverwenden, geht das auch. To learn how to restore WhatsApp messages on new Android by changing its number, follow these steps: Thats a wrap, everyone! However, since youll be switching phones, you can opt to do a manual backup to Google Drive alone. Heres how to move WhatsApp from Android to Android. Wer hufiger und vor allem alle Daten bertragen muss, kann sich eine kostenpflichtige Lizenz auf der Seite des Herstellers holen. Ich habe diese App verwendet, weil ich auch von Android (S9+) auf iOS (13 Pro Max) umgestiegen bin. Standardmig bernimmt Whatsapp keine Chats auf ein neues Smartphone. Step 2: Connect two android devices to the computer with the USB cable and wait for the program checking the machines. Make sure that the backup is moved or the device is connected to the same Google account. Just connect both your phones to the computer and open the former device. Transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone with a single click. Wondershare. You can use it to store, share, and back up files. The, To back up your WhatsApp to Google Drive, the process is similar to creating a local backup, like you did in the previous section. For this step, you should use the same phone number as the old machine. Das klappt sogar bei einem Wechsel von Android zu iOS oder umgekehrt. If you have any backup issues, I have some solutions here. $(function() { Schlieen Sie Ihr Smartphone an einen PC an, finden Sie den Datenspeicher aus Android im Windows-Explorer (Android - Media - com.whatsapp - WhatsApp). We've rounded up our top tricks to getting the most out of your new Android. Can someone tell me how to transfer WhatsApp to a new Android phone? iPhone: Fr Android ist der Wechsel der Telefonnummer genauso einfach, nur die Men-Abfolge ist etwas anders. WhatsApp hidden features 2022: 20 tricks for both Android and iPhone users, Takes the backup on the local device storage that is later moved. Simply wait for a few minutes as MobileTrans would move the WhatsApp chats and attachments from your old to new Android device. Now that your WhatsApp has been backed up to Google Drive, you can easily restore it to your new phone. Different from using google drive backup, this method can ensure that the messages will not lose. Die ausfhrliche Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung finden Sie hier: Whatsapp von iOS auf Android bertragen: So geht's. A one-time generated code will be sent to the new phone number that you need to enter to verify the switch. But, for this way, you should ensure that Google play service and Google drive are installed on both of the old and new Android devices, and you need to have a google account with enough space to backup. Step 3: Open WhatsApp on your new device and tap on restore when the notification appears on your screen, then all the chat history on the old machine will be synced to new mobile. The application will automatically detect the presence of the WhatsApp backup on Google Drive and would inform you. Mobitrix is dedicated to providing cost-effective, high-quality products to enhance the Moving data is quite simple if the transfer occurs in the same platforms like Android to Android. Ich habe auch alles Schritt fr Schritt nach den anweisungen gemacht. Just click restore and wait for it to be finished. 3. Installieren Sie Whatsapp auf dem neuen Smartphone, ohne die App zu starten.
Windows 10 Home fr 35,99. Google Drive is Googles default cloud storage service. Once the backup is complete, open the file manager on your phone. 4. The application will automatically detect the local backup and would let you restore it. Install the application and launch the MobileTrans on your computer. Da Whatsapp bei der Sicherung von Daten auf iOS-Gerten mit iCloud arbeitet und bei Android-Gerten mitGoogleDrive, mssen Sie hier eine Schnittstelle zum Datenaustausch finden. Log into Google drive with the same Google account on the new mobile. Dieses Men finden Sie auf einem Mobitrix LockAway- Unlock iPhone Passcode, Mobitrix LockAway- Bypass iCloud Activation Lock, Mobitrix for WhatsApp enables to backup WhatsApp messages on Android device. Now its time to restore the backup from the SD card. Open WhatsApp on the old device, go to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup > Backup and select to create a backup in Google Drive. WhatsApp is a great messaging service, and its good to know you can take your WhatsApp chats with you even when you switch phones. Now, tap on the Backup button to take an immediate backup. authorsPlugin.initOpenClick(); Transfer data fast and secure without overwriting data.
Kopieren Sie den Ordner Whatsapp vom Smartphone auf den Rechner. Wenn Sie Whatsapp auf Ihrem neuen Smartphone installieren, egal ob Android-Handy oder iPhone, fragt der Messenger whrend der Einrichtung, ob Sie Ihren Chatverlauf wiederherstellen mchten. To do this, you can try either of its inbuilt options or any other third-party solution. Am besten sichern Sie Ihre Chats auf dem alten Handy in der Cloud, um sie auf das neue Smartphone zu bertragen. Step 3: Now, click the Transfer on the window to start the process of transferring WhatsApp messages from the old Android device to the new one. Then, log in to the same Google Drive on your new phone. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie einen Screenshot der Fehlermeldung und der Protokolldatei beifgen. | Wir erklren alle Varianten. Bei Lizengo gibt es neue Download-Software zu unschlagbaren Preisen z.B. unter Einstellungen - Account - Nummer ndern. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. smartphone user experience.
Die Datenschutz- und Sicherheitspraktiken knnen je nach Verwendung, Region und Alter des Nutzers variieren. Transfer and backup WhatsApp data between phone and PC. Die ausfhrliche Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung finden Sie hier: Whatsapp von Android auf iOS bertragen: So geht's. Was man allerdings beachten muss (! If you simply want to know how to move WhatsApp to your SD card, Ive got you covered. Once the switch has been made, just go to your WhatsApp Settings > Chats > Chat Backup and take a backup on Google Drive or the local storage. In the end, mount the SIM on the new Android device and install WhatsApp on it. Though, this method will only work if you are using the same phone number on both devices. In diesem Fall mssen Sie zunchst Ihr neues Smartphone in Betrieb nehmen, sodass Sie SMS empfangen knnen, und eine Verbindung zum Internet haben. 4. Also, you need to first change the number on your old phone and later use the same SIM on the new device. Wutsapper WhatsApp bertragen ermglicht die einfachste und effektivste WhatsApp Daten bertragung. A veteran journalist, dedicated in reporting latest smartphone technology innovations. Turn your iTunes to a powerful media manager with a few simple tips. Sollte Ihr Handy keinen Dateimanager ab Werk installiert haben, knnen Sie einen aus dem Now, browse the local storage (or the SD card) of your device and locate the recent backup under the WhatsApp folder. Though, make sure that both the numbers should be active to make this switch in advance. Just like the local storage, you can also maintain a copy of your WhatsApp backup on Google Drive as well. Directly transfers WhatsApp data from one device to another. It is also compatible with numerous other apps and would let you switch to your new phone with no data loss. Bei dem Vorgang wird ein Chat-Archiv erstellt, das auf Wunsch auch die Medien enthlt, also Bilder und Videos. Wechseln Sie aber nicht nur das Handy, sondern auch noch das System ( Ideally, WhatsApp automatically takes a backup of its chats on the local storage every day. How can I transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android without Google Drive? Sie bentigen dazu aktuell das Tool There is no need to install three-party tools. Kopieren Sie das aktuelle Backup aus dem gleichnamigen Ordner, den Sie vorher vom alten Smartphone auf den PC bertragen, auf das neue Gert. Google Play Store herunterladen wie den Astro Dateimanager Discover a new thing that makes us love iPad/iPod even more. A list of cool tips that you should know when switching to new iPhone. Transfer messages, photos, videos and more from phone to phone, phone to computer and vice versa. Mithilfe Wutsapper drfen Sie jetzt WhatsApp/ WhatsApp Business vollstndig von Android auf iOS und umkehrt ohne PC bertragen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an unseren technischen Support, indem Sie im Men auf Feedback tippen.
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. After when the backup has been saved on Google Drive, remove WhatsApp from your device and install it on the target phone instead. Ich war wirklich verzweifelt weil es nirgendwo funktioniert hat meine WhatsApp Chats mit auf das IPhone zu nehmen Auch wenn es etwas zu teuer war (ich finde 10 wren besser) bin ich einfach nur froh das alles echt so reibungslos geklappt hat!!!! , das Follow, To back up WhatsApp to Google Drive, you need to add a Google Account to back it up. Top WhatsApp hacks to turn you into a messaging master. Installieren Sie anschlieend Whatsapp auf dem neuen Smartphone und kopieren den Whatsapp-Ordner, vor allem den Ordner Databases und "Media", von der SD-Karte in den Speicher des neuen Smartphones an dieselbe Stelle wie auf dem alten Handy. Ich kann die App nur empfehlen wenn man keinen Stress haben will und einfach alles reibungslos laufen soll!!
2. Die Entwicklung ist in vollem Gange, hier finden Sie den aktuellen Stand: Whatsapp: Chatverlauf von Android zu iOS umziehen Entwicklung kommt voran. And Restore backups easily. I have got a new Samsung Galaxy S22, but cant seem to move my WhatsApp data from my old S8. After that, open WhatsApp on your old device and go to its Settings > Accounts > Change Number. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate of other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. Seit kurzem kann man Whatsapp auch bequem am PC nutzen gerade fr lngere Chat-Sitzungen ist das sehr praktisch. Launch WhatsApp and restore the existing backup to it the usual way. You only need to use the WhatsApp backup system to move data from an Android device to another one. They include the following; Google drive can also be used to transfer WhatsApp data between different Android devices. Now, click on the Start Transfer button to directly move your WhatsApp data. document.querySelector('#copyright-year').outerHTML = new Date().getFullYear() Step 1: Open WhatsApp on the old device, then click the option on the side of the main screen. Transfer data safely without cloud storage. Next, you need to set the time for the backups to Google Drive. In this way, you can easily transfer your WhatsApp data to the new device while changing your number. After that, all the WhatsApp chatting messages on the old Android phone will appear on your new Android phone. Also, share this article with anyone you know who may want to learn how to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android. It can also backup and restore WhatsApp data.
Now head to Settings > Chats and Calls > Chats Backup to initiate a backup of all the WhatsApp messages on your device. Wollen Sie von Android zu iOS wechseln, ist die bertragung der Daten einfacher. Der Chat wird als Zip-Datei erstellt und kann auf verschiedenen Wegen geteilt werden, zum Beispiel wiederum per Whatsapp oder als Sicherung in Dateien. All Rights Reserved, How to Transfer WhatsApp From Android to Android, How to Transfer WhatsApp Photos From Android Phone to PC, How to Transfer WhatsApp From iPhone to iPhone, Prevent Someone from Adding You to WhatsApp Group, How to Transfer Photos from Android Phone to Computer, How to Transfer WhatsApp Photos From Android to PC, How to Reduce Cellular Data Usage on iPhone, How to Check Computer Specs in Windows 10, How to Remove Bloatware From Windows 10 PC, How to Create Local Account in Windows 11, Mac vs PC Comparison: Should You Buy Mac or PC, Kindle E-Reader Comparison | Which Kindle to Buy. Jetzt kostenlos testen! Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail.
Great! It can be daily, weekly, monthly, or any custom choice. Dont forget to comment below, letting me know how your transfer went. Click on the Restore button and wait as your WhatsApp chats and attachments would be extracted. Are you switching from an old Android phone to a new one and want to take your WhatsApp with you? Go to its Chats > Chat Backup feature and tap on the Backup button to take an immediate backup of your data. From its home, launch the option to "WhatsApp Transfer". All rights reserved. A Complete Guide to Help You Transfer Data to Samsung Phones! Copy this file and move it to the local storages WhatsApp > Databases folder of your new Android device. The application will automatically detect the local WhatsApp backup stored on the device and will inform you. If not, just tap on it and sign in to your Google account. iPhone Therefore, you can just copy the local backup file and move it to your new Android device. 2.
Die bertragung ist nicht mehr eine lstige Sache. Ansonsten bin ich sehr froh, dass alles schnell funktioniert hat und Schritt fr Schritt erklrt wurde. takes a backup of its chats on the local storage, How to Create a WhatsApp Business Account, How to Download WhatsApp: A Tutorial Guide, Best 4 WhatsApp Bulk Senders for WhatsApp Business Users. This makes it one of the best ways to back up WhatsApp and restore it on a new device. First, back up your WhatsApp to Google Drive on your current device. Whatsapp speichert die Chats in Ihrem verknpften Google Drive. Android-Smartphone: Then find the WhatsApp/Database folder and copy the files that are created most recently. You can choose to include or exclude videos in the backup from here. Whatsapp stellt dafr eigens den Men-Punkt Nummer ndern bereit. Explore your Samsung device and never miss out on anything useful. Using working cables, connect your new and old Android devices to the system and let MobileTrans detect them. Takes the backup of WhatsApp data on Google Drive and later restores it, Allows us to change the linked phone number and later take a backup, Can backup and restore other social apps too. Therefore, there are several ways can help you to transfer WhatsApp from Android to Android. Dieser erscheint, wenn man den Chat nach links schiebt und "Archivieren auswhlt. Furthermore, under the Backup to Google Drive feature, you can set a frequency for automatic backup.