But Australia's centre-right Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Ms Liu's party leader, said the new backbencher was the victim of a "smear" campaign with a "grubby undertone". Currently the seat is held by Julia Banks who won it as a Liberal MP in 2016. Experts believe it is a key link between the Chinese government and pro-Beijing nationalists based in other countries. xref
That's especially true in one Melbourne electorate, where the winner of a contest for a Lower House seat is guaranteed to make history. The seminar was jointly organised by several groups that form part of the United Front's broader network. reluctant to even give ethnic minorities a chance. The Australian Broadcasting Corp and broadsheet The Australian also ran reports about the alleged plot. Monica Tan, Greens candidate for Berowra. Major unions, big businesses fund race to win Town Hall keys. The relationship has under-pinned Australia's recent prosperity - 40% of Australia's exports go to China - but it is does have a darker side, according to James Laurenceson, from the Australia-China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney. Shes the first Chinese-Australian woman to become a member of federal parliament's lower chamber, the House of Representatives. Chinese spies sought to fund candidates for Australias centre-left Labor opposition party in an upcoming federal election but the plot was foiled by the national security agency, Australian media reported on Friday. Senior government colleagues have had to fend off suggestions Ms Liu was a "traitor". Why aren't her critics acknowledging that? She moved to Adelaide in South Australia when she was eight. The Transport Workers' Union's Victorian-Tasmanian branch donated $3600, while the MUA's Victorian branch donated $500 to the campaign. Ukrainians given sight back settle into new life, 'We've spent years preparing our Comic-Con costumes' Video'We've spent years preparing our Comic-Con costumes', 'I built a career from true crime and make-up', Whisky makers are turning their backs on peat, No faith in Russia, Germany scrambles for energy, Most of us don't clean our teeth in the right way, Why dark Japanese fairy tale Princess Mononoke was too much for Hollywood, Some street vendors say moonlight and dew are the magic ingredients.
Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching said Gladys Liu was "a walking time bomb" for the Liberal Party, and hinted that more revelations about her past would emerge. It is understood her opponents will argue that Lius campaign posters were designed to confuse voters into voting for her. Is China influencing Australian universities and politics?
"Gladys is a Chinese-born Australian. Listed below are the policies Yang has committed to implement in the Chisholm region if Labor is elected into the federal government. During the campaign, Cr Capp and other candidates resisted a push to have all donations disclosed in real time, saying she supported greater transparency in local government, but only a compulsory scheme would achieve it. "If Ms Liu was a white, blonde haired, blue eyed, Anglo-Celtic woman, rather than an Australian of ethnic Chinese background, would she be facing the treatment that she has had to tolerate in the last week?
;T=OPY~?'Bv{u !l |'jI 'Bv{ |'jI` 6IoIv')j[|roIvOS|rgII>9^OSI>9^;O4~OSy>9NG;K4~OS{i>9NE;K)X9Nv/m'+Gyh?,^ ib;K)X9Nv/l W?yh9Nv/l S{gr?,^ bt S{gr?,^ ibyH}9^/l S{i>9NyH9NE{grIv/m')Xi|rv?o')Xi|rv?o')Xicw')hic|r,~OWy>9NF>OSy>9CF~OWv?o'N(;G$~'(08v/o'^vm'N1{gehbN?!y?B}OSgo'> ?B}OSgo'> ?B}OgXOE{f}/>!GSg#O='> rl }}!}/>aGS4 R{g#Ojl } -Oy+OxvR?B G+N> . An ASIO spokesperson referred Reuters to a transcript of Burgesss speech and declined to comment further. Australia prides itself on its multiculturalism, but some political experts say it has always struggled to truly reflect that in the corridors of power. "I am a proud Australian, passionately committed to serving the people of Chisholm, and any suggestion contrary to this is deeply offensive.". Councillor Philip Le Liu contributed $95,465.76 to the campaign of lord mayor aspirant Nick Russian, whose preferences led to Cr Le Liu being elected. Together, they represent a wave of candidates that are beginning to better reflect one of the most multicultural societies in the world. Deakin University provides journalism units and degrees at undergraduate and post graduate level across its Melbourne and regional Victorian campuses. An analysis of these activities by Charles Sturt University public ethics professor Clive Hamilton a strident critic of foreign political interference in Australia has revealed both candidates have been honorary presidents of community groups in which other prominent members are connected to the CCP. Labors candidate for Chisholm Jennifer Yang.
", Asked if his views about foreign influence could deter Asians from entering politics, Professor Hamilton said: We need more Chinese Australians in parliament - there aren't enough. Ms Liu became an Australian citizen in 1992. This often leaves candidates seeking the Chinese-Australian vote no choice but to attend events and accept titles organised by Beijing's satellite groups. "Even though cities like Sydney and Melbourne are quite diverse that diversity is spread out over multiple federal electorates such that very few electorates have a critical mass of a given community which can mobilise behind one particular candidate and get that candidate behind one of the major parties,"Feo Snagovsky, from the Australian National Universitys School of Politics and International Relations said. Liu, a former speech pathologist, was born in Hong Kong, and migrated to Australia 30 years ago. This seat where we are is one of the most culturally diverse in the country where almost half of all of the people living here were born overseas, and about 20% are of Chinese descent.". The former journalist and teacher says shes proud of her Chinese heritage and some migrant voters have thanked her for putting herself forward as a candidate.
The Chinese Communist Party has sought to build ties to candidates in the upcoming federal election, including in a critical Victorian seat that will help determine the next government. There are seven other candidates running for the marginal seat. But it was detected and stopped by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO), the reports added, without giving details of the alleged plot such as timing or how it was thwarted. CGTN's correspondent Greg Navarro explains. Labor-aligned candidate Jennifer Yang was supported by the CFMEU to the tune of $195,000.Credit:Eamon Gallagher. She added that some Chinese associations had appointed her to honorary positions without her permission. It includes suburbs Box Hill, Burwood, Ashwood, Blackburn and parts of Chadstone, Forest Hill, Glen Waverly, Mount Waverly, Nunawading, Surrey Hills and Syndal.
Labors candidate, Taiwan-born Jennifer Yang said she'd be honoured to claim the title. Labor candidate for Chisholm Jennifer Yang (centre left), Senator Penny Wong (centre) and her father Francis Wong (centre right) pose for a photograph.
The difference here can be found outside of the polling station where Labor candidate Jennifer Yang and Liberal candidate Gladys Liu are making history. An early polling station in the Melbourne electorate of Chisholm looks like any other found across Australia. Someone like me with the heritage and the experience that I have, I bring a level of sophistication to that debate because I know the culture. 0000001372 00000 n The Labor opposition has called on Ms Liu to give a more detailed explanation in parliament. I've actually lived in the country, I understand the Chinese government, I understand the Chinese people and I understand Australia as well," she said.
Chisholm is also one of the most diverse electorates in Australia with about 19.7 per cent of Chisholm residents having Chinese ancestry, according to the most recent census in 2016. $8 billion Better Hospitals Fund which will deliver more hospital beds and healthcare workers.
By far the largest donor to Ms Yang's campaign was the Victorian-Tasmanian branch of the CFMEU, which donated $195,838 for printing and postage. "We are happy to see that the Chinese they step into the political society. 16 8 %%EOF The BBC's Phil Mercer reports from Sydney. One billion battery household installations by 2025. The Federal Election will be held on May 18.
FILE - Liberal Party candidate Gladys Liu (R) speaks with early voters in the May 18 election for the outer Melbourne electorate of Chisholm, in Melbourne, Australia, May 7, 2019. In 2017, a high-profile Labor senator, Sam Dastyari, was forced to quit in disgrace over his links to Mr Huang. And Yang says she hopes she and her opponent prompt more people from diverse backgrounds to follow the same path. Is Europe set for its worst wildfire season? As Australia increasingly debates China's influence on its society, a new MP is facing damaging questions over her past links to Beijing-associated groups. $2.3 billion investment to dramatically slash out-of-pocket costs for cancer patients. University student journalism from Australia, NZ and the Pacific. The marginal seat once held by Julia Banks is among the country's most linguistically and racially-diverse, with one-in-five voters in the inner-east Melbourne seat coming from Chinese heritage. The political assault on Ms Liu has been orchestrated by the opposition Labor Party. Victorian and Tasmanian unions have funnelled $200,000 to the failed campaign of Labor aligned-candidate for Melbourne Town Hall, Jennifer Yang. But the Liberal Party is also chasing the same record. So the good thing is it has trained me, got me to stay focused.. There were many, many attempts to bring me down through the media including ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp.), including many other media channels. Mr Reed attracted a $15,000 donation from the Electrical Trades Union as part of $52,564 in total donations for his campaign. 'rIDDEDDDDDDDBDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD_:utDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEy^DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDEZu C]ox,B68=qqho707T"""DDDDD^DDDDDDDDDDDDDE+}_,C[MzDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD_:v{Q|ujbMUI,p+$i6xgq-7pQx! 9QRG| k+#1""""""""/WH-l[^aI4jKZCZ@lbch$V)h.Gi$kb: !=$|V8 X,zDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD^rDDDDDDDB.9!-l Does that make her in cahoots with the Chinese government? The Chinese Communist Party would indeed like to rally the Chinese diaspora in Australia to support their cause," he told the BBC.
Ms Liu, who was born in Hong Kong and won a scholarship to study speech therapy in Melbourne in 1985, has insisted her past affiliations were innocent. The OCAO is an agency of the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Department, whose job it is to "manage relations" with influential groups and individuals outside of China. trailer Read about our approach to external linking. The reports come as national security looms as a major campaign issue in Australian elections due by May. When asked about her activities and connections, Ms Yang, a former local councillor and mayor, deferred all questions to the ALP's head office, whose spokeswoman declined to comment, other than to say: This is nonsense. Her parliamentary career has collided with growing anxiety in Australia over allegations of Chinese meddling in its domestic politics and cyber espionage. 0000000731 00000 n The Australian government declined to comment on the report, which cited five anonymous sources. hb```a``2b`d`2``c@ )FF" +3042I*f`5`p-R@c O
She later tried to set the record straight and clarify past memberships. So it didn't really bother me, but I did start to realise that people see me a little differently than I see myself in this role.". China's influence on Australia grows by the day; from migration to tourism, education, and trade. Liu said her election victory would bring greater diversity to Australian politics. Chisolm candidates Gladys Liu (front centre, black jacket) and Jennifer Yang (front centre, red jacket) at an event with the Australian Zheijang United Association. Chisholm Electorate: first Chinese-Australian woman in federal parliament's lower house. Others, however, dismiss the controversy as "xenophobic paranoia". Of course not," Mr Morrison said.
0000000652 00000 n %PDF-1.3 % "A lot of them are very excited because knowing the candidates who can speak, not only English but Mandarin and Cantonese, that's my first language, that makes it easier for some of them to communicate," she said. 0000000483 00000 n Gladys Liu has been heavily scrutinised by political opponents, and was reduced to tears last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Ms Liu is the victim of a "smear" campaign, Trump refuses to say election over after Capitol riot. As with previous debates about foreign influence in Australia, some have questioned whether Ms Liu's case is down to anti-China hysteria.
JENNIFER YANG AUSTRALIAN LABOR CANDIDATE "Really it isn't about why it has taken this long, it is better to say what can we achieve from this point onwards.". 16 0 obj <> endobj
One of the association's key figures was a member of the Australian Council for the Promotion of the Peaceful Reunification of China, a lobby group linked to billionaire political donor Huang Xiangmo. We will have more opportunities for working, for everything.". DDDDDPuS\Q~DYb2aeAfGKMY|`ekj2y|. She was born in Hong Kong, moved to Australia in the 1990s, and has worked as a speech pathologist and business owner. A disastrous interview on Australian television has done little to ease the pressure on the fledgling politician, who told Sky News Australia she couldn't remember her past links with various organisations and seemed uncertain when pressed on her attitudes to China. startxref "Some of China's behaviour is an unacceptable encroachment on Australian interests and sovereignty.
The plot was arranged by an unnamed businessman with strong Chinese connections who sought to fund candidates in the state of New South Wales in exchange for influence in public office, the reports said. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read about our approach to external linking. Last December, Ms Liu and Ms Yang were also special guests at a seminar in Box Hill for potential Chinese members of Australian political parties. $25 million for an upgrade to Box Hill Hospital. Philanthropist Baillieu Myer AC donated $4000. Mojo News has followed each candidateon the campaign trail, which at times was marred by controversy. Sign up today. "I have resigned from many organisations and I am in the process of auditing any organisations who may have added me as a member without my knowledge or consent," Ms Liu said in a statement. Also present at the fundraiser was a business association which backed a 2016 protest against The Hague's ruling against China in the dispute over sovereignty of the South China Sea. We are just a day away from history likely being made, with either a Liberal or Labor candidate becoming the first Chinese-born woman to be voted in to the lower house during the federal election. Former deputy lord mayor Arron Wood attracted $20,000 in donations from Highrise Carpentry, a firm working for Multiplex on the construction of the Southern Hemispheres tallest residential tower, Australia 108, in Southbank. Other donors included $10,000 from BTI Pty Ltd, which runs Sky Bus, $10,000 from progressive law fim Maurice Blackburn and $5000 from Friends of the ASU. Liu wasn't willing to talk with us on camera. $1 billion for Solar Systems to be put on Schools. Our Morning Update and Evening Update newsletters are written by Globe editors, giving you a concise summary of the days most important headlines. At issue here is whether these relationships were about networking and introductions to the rich and powerful for a woman who was a prolific fundraiser for the Liberal Party, or something more sinister. Australias most high-profile politician with Chinese ancestry is the Labor Senator Penny Wong. What political parties can and cant get away with during the election campaign, The Melbourne seat of Chisholm is poised to make history: Both candidates from the major parties are in a race to become the. Huang Xiangmo has strenuously denied the accusation. Chinese-Australian MP Makes History in Australia. The groupsseek to push the Communist Party's agenda throughout the Chinese diaspora. Because both women - Chinese-born migrants - are running against each other for a seat in the country's Lower House. "It's really important to have diversity and to have all kinds of views, all kinds of people representing Australians in parliament so I thought you know instead of just talking the talk, its time to walk the walk and I put my hand up," the 35-year-old said. 0000001189 00000 n Please try again later. Please try again later.
Lobbyists Spring Street Advisory - headed by Ken McAlpine, who was a chief of staff and policy advisor to the Bracks and Brumby state Labor governments - donated $5000 to the campaign. Gladys Liu vs Jennifer Yang. Placards outside a polling station for Labor Party candidate Jennifer Yang and Liberal Party candidate Gladys Liu who were standing in the 2018 election for the outer Melbourne electorate of Chisholm where one in five households speak either Mandarin or Cantonese. "I think it's about time our parliament reflects modern Australia, reflects the diversity of our country," she told SBS News. Yang says she is well away of the pressures that come with being labelled as an ethnic candidate.
Beijing ICP prepared NO.16065310-3, Australian Election: Chinese-born candidates aim to boost diversity in parliament. "There have been questions raised for some time about whether Ms Liu is a fit and proper person to be in the Australian parliament," said Labor's foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong.
D*scribe tried to contact Yang for comment on these policies but she was unavailable. endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream The first ever Chinese-Australian female federal MP is being accused of using dirty tactics, including misleading campaign material, in the May 18 poll. Were working to restore it. But their involvement with CCP-aligned organisations highlights the success of the Chinese government in monopolising local Australian Chinese community and political groups. $500 million to upgrade and expand emergency departments across Australia and slash ER waiting times.
Professor Hamilton argued the candidates' connections raised valid questions about Beijing's influence at a time when the Communist Party was actively encouraging trusted people around the world to join political parties and seek elected office - a policy known as huaren canzheng, or "ethnic Chinese political participation". The media reports were not worth refuting, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told reporters in Beijing. Yang, who was born in Taiwan and emigrated here in 2001, served as a local mayor.
Lius Melbourne constituency is one of Australias most marginal; she won by 1,100 votes. 50 per cent of energy that is sourced to be renewable by 2030. billionaire political donor Huang Xiangmo, controversial book Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia, Jason Yat-sen Li, called for Parliament to adopt targets for ethnic representation.
However, if there are questions about the allegiance of MPs, then it needs to be raised., China's activities in key marginal seat affect Labor, Liberal candidates. On Monday, the Reuters news agency reported that China was behind a cyber attack on Australia's parliament earlier this year.
<<6CE26461F52631449DB0B5AF047DEF4B>]/Prev 452738>> ", The Chinese-Australians making political history, Australia to tackle foreign interference in unis, 'I'm in Australia but I feel censored by Chinese students', Trump ignored pleas to condemn riot - hearing, Trump refuses to say election over after Capitol riot. 23 0 obj <>stream Her parents were manual workers in China, who moved to Hong Kong in the early 1960s.
", The make-up of Australia's constituency is fast evolving with a growing Chinese population, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which estimates there are now 1.2 million Australians with Chinese heritage. Cut Australians emissions by 43% by 2030. We should be very concerned if our open democratic processes are being exploited by an authoritarian foreign power to gain influence in our political system, said Professor Hamilton, the author of the controversial book Silent Invasion: China's Influence in Australia. An official corruption inquiry in Sydney is examining allegations a Chinese billionaire gave an illegal donation of A$100,000 (55,000; $70,000) in cash stuffed into a shopping bag to Labor's New South Wales branch. Chinese language documents have revealed the ALP's Jennifer Yang and the Liberal Party's Gladys Liu who are contesting the eastern Melbourne electorate of Chisholm have both attended events and been involved in groups backed by the Chinese government.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Labor candidate for Chisholm Jennifer Yang.Credit:AAP. JENNIFER YANG AUSTRALIAN LABOR CANDIDATE "As a first generation migrants, challenge and opportunity for so many other first generation are migrants here in Australia.". Listed below are the policies Yang and the Labor Party have committed to implement on the major issues in Australia if Labor is elected. The two largest donations to Cr Capp's campaign were from Pratt Holdings, which donated $25,000 and New Core Group Pty Ltd, which also donated $25,000. Ms Yang and Ms Liu have also been listed as honorary presidents of the Australian Jiangmen General Commercial Association and the United Chinese Commerce Association of Australia, whose fellow VIPs include a range of pro-Beijing figures. I understand the governments desperate for distractions at the moment but I say to them that national security is too important to engage in game-playing, he told reporters. $290 million to cut waste and boost recycling. "To be clear, no evidence has been presented that she tried to alter Australian government policy on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, much less that she was successful at doing so," he said.
Chisholm was the only seat the Liberals snatched from Labor at the 2016 election and is one of the electorates Scott Morrison must hold to remain in power. Despite this, there's only two of them are in parliament - Penny Wong in the Senate and Ian Goodenough in the House of Representatives.
Video, Trump refuses to say election over after Capitol riot, 'We've spent years preparing our Comic-Con costumes' Video, 'We've spent years preparing our Comic-Con costumes', 'China influence' book divisive in Australia debate, A taskforce is to investigate foreign interference in its universities, a cyber attack on Australia's parliament earlier this year, Russia 'looting' steel bound for Europe and UK, Russia about to run out of steam in Ukraine - MI6, Ex-policeman jailed for George Floyd killing role, US reports first polio case in nearly a decade, Chappelle show cancelled over joke controversy, Myanmars former soldiers admit to atrocities, New telescope catches dead suns smashing together.
In a speech on Wednesday, Burgess had made a general reference to multiple foreign countries seeking to interfere with Australian governments and referred to one puppeteer who had acted on behalf of an unnamed government to identify and bankroll candidates who would act, without their knowledge, in the interests of the foreign power. 2022 BBC.
Yes, I feel that there were a lot of nitty gritty, some minor things or even non-issues and some lies as well. H*T034R0 BsKkP`4T0263074V06130 br7r l
0000000016 00000 n Q Gladys Liu, who won the crucial multicultural seat of Chisholm in Victoria for the center-right government, denies any wrongdoing. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and Labor candidate for Chisholm Jennifer Yang. Mr Wood did not disclose the $20,000 donation to Hyperlocal News, telling The Age it came in after the donations disclosures had closed. Australia's parliament has always been very white. $24 million for Chisholm schools, including an $890,000 boost for Forest Hill. Prime Minister Scott Morrison with Liberal Candidate for Chisholm, Gladys Liu, at her campaign launch held at Box Hill Golf Club in Melbourne last month.
, Yang fights to go from Mayor to Member in Chisholm, https://www.aec.gov.au/election/vic/chisholm.htm, Anne Wicks : Derryn Hinchs Justice Party. If they do, the chess-loving Victorian MP could find herself boxed in and facing checkmate. The ruling conservative coalition is trailing in most polls and recently accused Labor of being the preferred party of China.
Photo supplied by the Australian Labor Party. Copyright 2018 CGTN.
But the Liberal Party refused to answer any questions about who had attended or donated at her many fundraising events. In November's council elections, Ms Yang who was backed by the industrial left of the ALP won 9.2 per cent of first-preference votes, coming sixth. Cr Capp, who won with 53.4 per cent of the vote after preferences, took donations totalling more than $316,000 in her race to reclaim the lord mayoralty. A Chinese intelligence service was behind the plot, said The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, citing unnamed security sources. Information on where you can vote if you are located in the electoral division of Chisholm can be accessed here: https://www.aec.gov.au/election/vic/chisholm.htm, Vandalism claims as Higgins goes to the polls, Apathy and long queues: as early voting opens in Deakin, the locals are frustrated, Deakinites more exercised about health economies than health of the economy, Liberal standing for her community with empathy from motherhood, Democracy in Colour asks voters to pledge against racism, Why husband and wife team are running as candidates for RUAP, Greens Sophia Sun says Australian government becoming more like China. Gladys Liu would have known her new job in Canberra would at times be brutal and expose her to unprecedented scrutiny. More than $1 billion in new environment programs, including $100 million for the Native Species Protection fund, $62 million for the Beaches and Coastlines Climate Adaption Plan, $50 million towards environmental law reform and a new Environment Protection Authority.
Since the Liberal leadership spill that took place in 2018, Banks decided she would not contest the seat of Chisholm and instead run as an Independent for the seat of Flinders.
Meanwhile, in the New South Wales seat of Berowra, Greens candidate Monica Tan said she was compelled to pursue politics after being frustrated by the, lack of Chinese-Australians, like herself, in federal parliament. Ms Yang, who unsuccessfully ran as Labor's candidate against Gladys Liu in the federal Victorian seat of Chisholm last year, narrowly lost to Lord Mayor Sally Capp in the 2018 Melbourne City Council byelection. The seat of Chisholm is an Australian Electoral Division located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne in Victoria. Source: SBS. We are just a day away from history likely being made, with either a Liberal or Labor candidate becoming the first Chinese-born woman to be voted in to the lower house during the federal election. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. But with Liberal-turned-independent MP Julia Banks now contesting senior Liberal Greg Hunt's seat in Flinders, whichever candidate wins Chisholm on Saturday will make history by becoming the first Chinese-Australian woman elected to Federal Parliament's lower house.
GREG NAVARRO MELBOURNE "The problem hasn't been a lack of ethnic voters. 'They ordered me to torture and kill innocent people'. "Just a month or so ago she voiced her support for the anti-government protesters in Hong Kong. Last month, for instance Labor's Senate candidates for NSW, Jason Yat-sen Li, called for Parliament to adopt targets for ethnic representation, saying Chinese Australians had been muzzled by allegations of foreign political interference out of fear of being labelled "a stooge for the Communist Party". 0000001051 00000 n Safe schools program implemented to reduce bullying of LGBTIQ students. Labor has yet to comment on the Adani coal mine situation in far North Queensland, and whether it will approve of it or not. There haven't been very many members elected from non-Anglo Australian backgrounds and I think it's especially low in comparison to other countries. In December, Pierre Yang, a Chinese-born Labor lawmaker in the Western Australian state parliament, was forced to tearfully deny press reports that suggested he had links to China's Communist Party. $200 million to upgrade TAFEs and waive upfront fees for more than 100,000 students. 0 That sum included $1500 from his own pocket. ][cXSk,o*aV~X>*:w>bV{1bU1bU)u~-Jv%_ oW aaU{6 W4_uIwjv+PUC 8DC 'i {} 2v_w'j%wy}O{} 2*Q'T''jy>o;U/}I|BvOwBy>'j|#N8 7;PwBy>/;PwBv/>j]|#N;Gw;PvBv/Bv/Bv/B.i~0.i~0'Nv;T}_>jK>'Bv} a'jK>/Bv~7O_'j'Bv>7_k?=!ydNu ! She was born in Malaysia to an Australian mother and a Malaysian father of Chinese origin.
Australia's Attorney-General Christian Porter said criticism of the Liberal MP - elected in the marginal Victorian seat of Chisholm in May - had been shameful.