[emailprotected], Jenni Glenn Gingery 0000132610 00000 n
[PubMed: 16298774], Hawrelak JA, Cattley T, Myers SP. Research indicates that ingesting certain essential oils may: Personally, Ive noticed my stomach feels much better after consuming certain essential oils with food. You can help people build nutrition and lifestyle habits that improve their physical and mental health, bolster their immunity, help them better manage stress, and get sustainable results. The others were in either oil: linalyl acetate, linalool, alpha-terpinene and gamma-terpinene. As you can see, a 35% increase above the averaged baseline. All rights reserved. 0000360398 00000 n
0000022472 00000 n
0000132543 00000 n
Evidence-Based Compl Alt Medic. It also known to address issues of insomnia and low libido during menopause. Thus, the public should be aware of these findings and consider all evidence before deciding to use essential oils. Download the audio recording here. Biotechnol. Akdogan M, Tamer MN, Cure E, Cure MC, Koroglu BK, Delibas N. Effect of spearmint (mentha spicata labiatae) teas on androgen levels in women with hirsutism. 2012;52(8):1325-1333. 0000359329 00000 n
But theyre enough at least for me to think its worth further investigation. 2015;22:43-49. The Effect of Inhalation of Aromatherapy Blend containing Lavender Essential Oil on Cesarean Postoperative Pain. Ive seen several case studies showing 25-35 percent increases in testosterone among hypogonadal (low-testosterone) men who ingested essential oil from blue spruce. I even did some self-experimentation. 0000226946 00000 n
Gastrointest Liver Physiol. Get life-changing resources delivered right to your inbox. 2022 Copyright Endocrine Society. 0000007705 00000 n
0000227480 00000 n
Peppermin Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs. In the current study, we evaluated the effects of spearmint oil on an animal model of PCOS. Ovaries were removed, fixed and sections of 5m thickness were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The number of primordial, primary, secondary, Graafian and atretic follicles, corpus lutea and cysts were counted in ovarian sections using a light microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). 0000360702 00000 n
For additional resources on endocrine-disrupting chemicals please see ourtopic pageandpolicy position pages.
Do you want to be notified if spots open up earlier? 0000022807 00000 n By providing your email and mobile number, you. Not scientists. Frankincense essential oil comes from resin of the boswellia tree. Nozhat F, Alaee S, Behzadi K, Azadi Chegini N. Evaluation of possible toxic effects of spearmint (mentha spicata) on the reproductive system, fertility and number of offspring in adult male rats. These are testosterone levels collected over 2 years and, as you can see, theyre pretty stable.
* Statistically significant differences between control and other groups, ** Significant differences between group II and control groups, Significant differences between group II and control, group III and group IV, Significant differences between group II and other groups, It is demonstrated that in PCOS condition, obesity, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia all correlate with a high level of oxidative stress, inducing a hyperandrogenemic environment in the ovary. (Personally, I found it to be really helpful for my occasional knee pain). 2010;2:66-69, Srivastava JK, Shankar E, Gupta S. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. 0000268894 00000 n In PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil or sesame oil, the number of ovarian cysts was significantly lower than in the PCOS-induced group (p< 0.001). Should you have any issues with your member's discount, please contact us at +6011 1668 3033. Br J Clin Psychol. Psychodynamic odor effects and their mechanisms.
Sellaro R, van Dijk WW, Paccani CR, et al. Plants grown outside their normal environment will not produce the right mix of constituents for therapeutic use. Rats were kept in temperature-controlled rooms with constant humidity and 12 hr/12 hr light/dark cycle, with free access to standard diet and water. Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oil of Citrus aurantium L. var. So I decided to take a deeper look. Instant effects of peppermint essential oil on the physiological parameters and exercise performance. Iran Red Crescent Med J. When were stressed, bummed out, or irritated, its much easier to reach for junk food and skip workouts, so I do feel strongly that inhaling essential oils throughout the day can help us make better basic lifestyle decisions. Some of the most common signs of hormonal imbalance are mood swings, insomnia and poor sleep quality, low libido, heavy or painful periods, fertility issues, weight gain and skin problems. It is confirmed that spearmint tea has antiandrogen properties and significantly decreases testosterone level and hirsutism in women with PCOS.3,4 It also has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties,5 but the effects of spearmint oil on PCOS have not been determined. Moran LJ, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Tomlinson L, Galletly C, Norman RJ. Effects of a Combination of Thyme and Oregano Essential Oils on TNBS-Induced Colitis in Mice. *, No thanks, I'll wait until September 20th. Heads up: The first time I took blue spruce oil, I dropped it in a capsule and swallowed it with a tall glass of water. Blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm and Serum concentrations of testosterone (Padtan Elm Company, Tehran, Iran), LH and FSH (Hangzhao Eastbiopharm Co., Ltd., Hangzhao, China) were measured with their specific kits. 2010;3(6):895-901, Wall G, Bryant GA, Bottenberg MM, et al. 0000011091 00000 n Since plant physiology is similar enough to our own, we can get therapeutic benefit from some of the oils constituents. Boswellia is highly touted in the supplement world for joint pain and arthritis. The oil is distilled from the flowers. Brain and odor: I. Alteration of human EEG by odor administration. Endocrine Society is a global community of physicians and scientists dedicated to accelerating scientific breakthroughs and improving patient health and well being. Colleen Williams Self-experiments (like this and this) are fun and really enlightening. Anesth Pain. (And probably a bunch of unknown ones). 2006;20(9):758-763, Hovth B, Mukhopadhyay P, Kechrid M, et al. Smelling lavender also increased feelings of interpersonal trust. In the end, I was back to normal deadlifts in half the time the surgeon said it would take. Nothing cures everything. For additional resources on endocrine-disrupting chemicals please see our, Senior Communications Manager, Public Relations, Director, Communications and Media Relations. The number of atretic follicles was significantly higher in the PCOS-induced group compared with the control group (p< 0.001), but in the two PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil, the number of atretic follicles decreased significantly in comparison to the PCOS-induced group (p=0.008 and p=0.011). Companies that own the patents do whatever studies they need to prove that their products work. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the 0000020691 00000 n 0000008301 00000 n Our society deems essential oils as safe, said study lead investigator J. Tyler Ramsey, a postbaccalaureate research fellow at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. In fact, I kicked myself for not looking into these natural products earlier. 0000247009 00000 n Tom knows everything there is to know about the current state of the science on essential oils. A hormonal imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a certain hormone. 2009;15(4):380-384, Haze S, Sakai K, Gozu Y. Unfortunately, well probably never see as many double-blind, placebo-controlled trials on essential oils as there are on pharmaceuticals or patented supplements. 0000135233 00000 n Results: Spearmint oil reduced body weight, testosterone level, ovarian cysts and atretic follicles and increased Graafian follicles in PCOS rats. Its also the most adulterated, as the demand far exceeds the supply. A new study lends further evidence to a suspected link between abnormal breast growth in young boyscalled prepubertal gynecomastiaand regular exposure to lavender or tea tree oil, by finding that key chemicals in these common plant-derived oils act as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. 0000409922 00000 n Lipids 1989;24(8);677679. help relieve occasional digestive distress; help relieve symptoms of digestive issues like gingivitis, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and dysbiosis; improved grip strength, vertical jump, and standing long jump, visual and auditory reaction time, and heart rate variability both five minutes and 60 minutes after use. 0000227954 00000 n Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system. Spearmint can be administered as a potential agent for treatment of PCOS, but further research is needed to examine the effects of this herbal plant on all parameters related to fertility. Sure, none of these data are part of a peer reviewed research project. xb```b` l@Q@/~X2:V-h` T. Forsch Komplementmed.
the stress response), including lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature; has been shown to lower cortisol levels; and/or, can stimulate alpha wave brain activity (which tends to happen when our brain is idling daydreaming or meditating). I know, I know. Once those are solid, essential oils might help you get that extra little bit of improvement. Ironically, some of the same people taking boswellia in supplement form still end up mocking the use of essential oils. 2013;4(1)72-78, Meamarbashi A, Rajabi A. help lower blood lactate levels during exercise. Lavender oil and tea tree oil pose potential environmental health concerns and should be investigated further, he said. 2012 doi:10.1155/2012/984203, Komori T, Matsumoto T, Motomura E, Shiroyama T. The Sleep-Enhancing Effect of Valerian Inhalation and Sleep-Shortening Effect of Lemon Inhalation.
For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. To do large-scale, repeatable studies on just one of the effects observed from this essential oil would be quite expensive. Based on the current state of the art, I can think of dozens of interesting research questions worth answering. The rehab team frequently commented about how quickly I was recovering (and how great I smelled). The NIEHS Division of Intramural Research funded this study through its support of Korach.
Carbohydrate metabolism increased, suggesting an increase in energy production in muscle tissue. Endocrinologists are at the core of solving the most pressing health problems of our time, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health, and hormone-related cancers. 2011;32(1):19-28, Meamarbashi A. 0000006422 00000 n 0000020871 00000 n 0000010681 00000 n Gattefoss R-M. Aromatherapy. JISSN. 0000004951 00000 n About 300 essential oils are available worldwide. [emailprotected]. Rose essential oil has long been known as an aphrodisiac and balances testosterone levels in the body, which is of great importance for both men and women. So take that for whats it worth. 0000008162 00000 n Some oils have a more pronounced effect on one person than they have on another.
Olfactory Influences on Mood and Autonomic, Endocrine, and Immune Function. The body weight, level of LH and FSH, testosterone and the number of primordial, primary, secondary, Graafian and atretic follicles and corpus lutea was not different among control and rats which received spearmint oil or sesame oil (p>0.05). official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Raut JS, Karuppayil SM. jQuery(document).ready(function(){ 0000359082 00000 n
Not because they dont work. The number of corpus lutea was significantly lower in the PCOS-induced group compared with control group (p=0.003), but it was insignificantly higher in the PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil in comparison to the PCOS-induced group (p>0.05). Mol Med Report. 2013. Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils (Kindle Locations 1177-1199). A few minutes later, I burped and it tasted like Id eaten a spruce tree. Researchers at the NIEHS, including Kenneth Korach, Ph.D., a co-investigator for the new study, previously found laboratory evidence that lavender and tea tree oil have estrogenic (estrogen-like) properties and anti-androgenic (testosterone inhibiting-like) activities, meaning they compete or hinder the hormones that control male characteristics, which could affect puberty and growth. Mature Wistar albino female rats were obtained from the animal house of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. The study protocol was approved by the Animal Ethical Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Not all essential oils are snake oil. Lavender reduced reaction time, which would be expected being since it is sedating. Victor VM, Rovira-Llopis S, Banuls C, Diaz-Morales N, Martinez de Maranon A, Rios-Navarro C. et al. We still must support our bodies with proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Thus, the public should be aware of these findings and consider all evidence before deciding to use essential oils. Heres my take on what the science and personal experimentation shows and where I remain cautious, even skeptical. Insulin resistance in pcos patients enhances oxidative stress and leukocyte adhesion: Role of myeloperoxidase. reduce feelings of stress or occasional anxiety. To give you some context, the first 4 measures are baseline. What follows is the best, most helpful, and most comprehensive essential oil article Ive seen to date.
0000061870 00000 n Want to listen instead of read?
PCOS induction was carried out by treating rats in groups II, III, IV and V daily with letrozole orally (1 mg/kg) for 28 days and confirmed by observation of persistent estrus phase and a high number of ovarian cysts in ovarian histological sections. Your first awesome email is on its way. Dr. Berardi decided to try this out onhimself. 0000008438 00000 n Hindawi Publishing Corporation: Mediators of Inflammation. Welcome to PN! Clin Pract. Read about our historyand how we continue to serve the endocrine community.
Essential Oil Inhalation on Blood Pressure and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Prehypertensive and Hypertensive Subjects. It is also used to promote restful sleep, which aids in hormone rebalancing. We know, because we tried them. Peppermint was also shown (in an animal study) to significantly stimulate hair growth. If you happen to be a university or grad student, consider researching essential oils. Phytother Res. jQuery("#references_link").click(function(){ Frontiers Psych. There were no Graafian follicles in the PCOS-induced group and in PCOS-induced groups that received the lower dose of spearmint (150 mg/kg) or sesame oil. Pan JX, Zhang JY, Ke ZH, Wang FF, Barry JA, Hardiman PJ. Of further concern, according to Ramsey, is that many of the chemicals they tested appear in at least 65 other essential oils. Essential oils are most known for their odor (hence the term aromatherapy). Free Radic Biol Med. 0000409604 00000 n The three most common methods for using essential oils are: Most pure essential oils can be used all three ways but be careful: Not all essential oils are pure. During this time I kept my diet, exercise program, and usual routine the same. Heres the real deal, including data from our very own (and very successful) self-experiments. To learn more about the Society and the field of endocrinology, visit our site at www.endocrine.org. Before
Sign up for occasional texts about special offers, too! Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Lipid Profile of Diabetic Male Rats Treated with Phenolic Compounds of Leaves Extracts from Mentha longifolia and Mentha spicata. N Amer J Psychol. My wife first brought some oils home and got pretty deep into researching and using them. By providing your email, you agree to our, *Required. jQuery("#references_holder").show(); Lavender fragrance essential oil and the quality of sleep in postpartum women. Geranium essential oil is derived by steam distillation of the leaves of Pelargonium graveolens, a plant species native to South Africa. The site is secure. North Atlantic Books. 0000011499 00000 n From the hundreds of chemicals that comprise lavender and tea tree oil, they selected for analysis eight components that are common and mandated for inclusion in the oils. 0000359781 00000 n Early health and medicine was trial, error, and observation. FOIA Gattefosss Aromatherapy. 0000006598 00000 n It goes without saying, but Im going to say it anyway: Medical problems should be dealt with under the advisement of a competent healthcare practitioner. Irritable bowel syndrome: A concise review of current treatment concepts. Heres his report.
Four of the tested chemicals appear in both oils: eucalyptol, 4-terpineol, dipentene/limonene and alpha-terpineol. Clary sage essential oil is well known for its use in womens health issues such as menstrual pain and menopause. 0000246666 00000 n 2006;31:731-737, Lorig TS, Schwartz GE. 0000009525 00000 n
A study on menstrual pain showed that women found more relief with clary sage essential oil as compared to the drug acetaminophen (1). A little later, I ruptured my distal bicep tendon deadlifting. Biochem. Our emotions have a significant effect on our decision making. Accessibility
At the same time, that doesnt preclude good science being done on essential oils. Studies have shown attenuation of testosterone in PCOS women after receiving spearmint teas.3,4. 0000409852 00000 n 1997;112:61 71. 0000022541 00000 n With as many as a few hundred constituents per plant, each offering a different health benefit, study designs can vary dramatically. Int J Neurosci. 2014;30(4):297-304, Olapour A, Behaeen K, Akhondzadeh R, et al. Yet theres intriguing scientific data suggesting that some of the potential benefits of essential oils might just be a reality. I would not, under any circumstance, recommend ingesting cheap, perfume-grade essential oil. 1993. 2006;290:G1131-G1137, Brooker DJ, Snape M, Johnson E, et al. This makes sense as LH (+78%) and FSH (50%) both increased pretty substantially. A randomized controlled trial. 0000311941 00000 n The new PMC design is here! London: C W Daniel Co Ltd, 1993. An endocrine-disrupting chemical is a chemical in the environment that interferes with hormones and their actions in the body. It also demonstrated an ability to decrease blood pressure and breathing rate, improve serotonin levels and other neuropeptides, further promoting a sense of calm (8). In the PCOS-induced group which received high doses of spearmint oil, no cysts were observed (Table 2). At the same time, I had and continue to have some concerns. From there, they can affect the autonomic nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Purified Mentha spicata essential oil was purchased from Barij Essence Pharmaceutical Company, Mashhad Ardehal, Kashan, Iran and according to the manufacturers data sheet contained 57.02% carvone, 24.63% limonene, 2.7% pulegone, 1.8% menthol and 0.34% cineole. Phone: (202)-971-3611 Though essential oils may help with certain symptoms or issues, they are not a replacement for medical therapy if that is what is advised from your healthcare practitioner. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers. As always, it usually takes science a little while to catch up. Churchill Livingstone; Philadelphia, PA: 2001. p. 128-150. Effect of oral supplementation of mint extract on muscle pain and blood lactate. 2008;33(3):328-339, Kim I-H, Kim C, Seong K, et al. 2008;72;(7):1944-1947, Snmez G, olak M, Snmez S, Schoenfeld B. After 8 weeks I repeated the same morning-fasted blood tests. When we talk about health benefits, were referring to high-quality, therapeutic essential oils, not the cheap stuff. Unfortunately, some research studies have used these sub-par oils, which yield sub-par results. Another study (5) found that aromatherapy with geranium essential oil was beneficial at stimulating secretion of salivary oestrogen showing that geranium essential oil might be of value for women experiencing reduced oestrogen and health-related symptoms caused by menopause and perimenopause. 3, 166169. Sure, you argue, small scale trials and simple case studies dont prove or disprove anything. protect the plant from environmental stressors such as heat. Although most pure essential oils can be ingested, there isnt always a good reason to do it. Theyre what give herbs, flowers, and fruits their distinctive scents. Humans might not have known pharmacology or been able to identify the constituents found in essential oils 3,000 years ago. They are released into the bloodstream to target the necessary organs when needed.
The rest are made simply to smell nice. -caryophyllene ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in a cannabinoid 2 receptor-dependent manner. and transmitted securely. Animal research shows that ingesting essential oils can aid in relieving symptoms from digestive issues such as colitis and intestinal dysbiosis. 0000269567 00000 n Hirsch, AR. 1998;96:217224. Methods: Female rats were treated as follows: Control, normal rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil; and PCOS-induced rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil. Received 2017 Jan 16; Revised 2017 Aug 14; Accepted 2017 Aug 15. 0000010568 00000 n 0000005227 00000 n 0000009828 00000 n 1988;16(3):281-284, Matsubara E, Fukagawa M, Okamoto T, et al. Over time, based on the research and my own experience, I became a believer. Cosmetics and Toiletries. However, they possess a diverse amount of chemicals and should be used with caution because some of these chemicals are potential endocrine disruptors.. For some examples, check out this less scientific anecdotal data from my own DIY experience: As we look to the future, we ought to pay attention to the past. For several thousand years, people all over the world have been extracting these oils using methods such as steam distillation, cold pressing, resin tapping, or absolute extraction. And a healthy dose of therapeutic essential oils. Daniel Company Limited, Saffron Walden, UK. An official website of the United States government. The 0000013185 00000 n Impact of lemongrass oil, an essential oil, on serum cholesterol.
But plants that essential oils come from are living things in the public domain and therefore cant be patented. 0000176528 00000 n Studies show that spearmint leaves decrease cholesteroland, in type II diabetes, decrease oxidative stress.9 Additionally, phenolic compounds of spearmint leaf extract significantly enhance the antioxidant defense system and reduce body weight and levels of glucose and cholesterol in diabetic male rats.10,11. Peppermint has been shown to relieve discomfort and occasional abdominal pain by relaxing the smooth muscle of the digestive tract. 0000222879 00000 n Keshavarz AM, Behboodi MZ, Taghizadeh Z, et al. Psychobiology. In:Michael I Weinbraub. *Required. Rev. 2014;20(27):8796-8806, Watanabe E, Kuchta K, Kimura M, et al. Grant P. Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. Essential oils are hydrophobic, meaning they rise to the top when mixed with water. If youd like some help with self-experimentation or exploring the research, we recommend doing it with the help of an experienced coach or healthcare practitioner. (For a full list of references, see the reference section at the end of this article). Al-Fartosi KG, Radi H, Al-Rekabi EA. Using in vitro, or test tube, experiments, the researchers applied these chemicals to human cancer cells to measure changes of estrogen receptor- and androgen receptor-target genes and transcriptional activity. C.W. 0000012768 00000 n 0000017422 00000 n Effects of Aroma Massage on Home Blood Pressure, Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Sleep Quality in Middle-Aged Women with Hypertension. The claims about essential oils that they can help with sleep, mood, hormone levels, and more can sound like scammy, woo-woo nonsense. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2013;10:15, Navarra M, Mannucci C, Delb M, Calapai G. Citrus bergamia essential oil: from basic research to clinical application. Evid-Based Compl Alt Medic. improved lung capacity and blood lactate after 10 days of daily ingestion. To demonstrate that this isnt an isolated thing, I recently saw a report where 3 hypogonadal men were given the same dose of blue spruce oil and this is what happened.
Do you want to be notified if spots open up earlier? 0000022807 00000 n By providing your email and mobile number, you. Not scientists. Frankincense essential oil comes from resin of the boswellia tree. Nozhat F, Alaee S, Behzadi K, Azadi Chegini N. Evaluation of possible toxic effects of spearmint (mentha spicata) on the reproductive system, fertility and number of offspring in adult male rats. These are testosterone levels collected over 2 years and, as you can see, theyre pretty stable.
* Statistically significant differences between control and other groups, ** Significant differences between group II and control groups, Significant differences between group II and control, group III and group IV, Significant differences between group II and other groups, It is demonstrated that in PCOS condition, obesity, insulin resistance and hyperglycemia all correlate with a high level of oxidative stress, inducing a hyperandrogenemic environment in the ovary. (Personally, I found it to be really helpful for my occasional knee pain). 2010;2:66-69, Srivastava JK, Shankar E, Gupta S. Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future. 0000268894 00000 n In PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil or sesame oil, the number of ovarian cysts was significantly lower than in the PCOS-induced group (p< 0.001). Should you have any issues with your member's discount, please contact us at +6011 1668 3033. Br J Clin Psychol. Psychodynamic odor effects and their mechanisms.
Sellaro R, van Dijk WW, Paccani CR, et al. Plants grown outside their normal environment will not produce the right mix of constituents for therapeutic use. Rats were kept in temperature-controlled rooms with constant humidity and 12 hr/12 hr light/dark cycle, with free access to standard diet and water. Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oil of Citrus aurantium L. var. So I decided to take a deeper look. Instant effects of peppermint essential oil on the physiological parameters and exercise performance. Iran Red Crescent Med J. When were stressed, bummed out, or irritated, its much easier to reach for junk food and skip workouts, so I do feel strongly that inhaling essential oils throughout the day can help us make better basic lifestyle decisions. Some of the most common signs of hormonal imbalance are mood swings, insomnia and poor sleep quality, low libido, heavy or painful periods, fertility issues, weight gain and skin problems. It is confirmed that spearmint tea has antiandrogen properties and significantly decreases testosterone level and hirsutism in women with PCOS.3,4 It also has antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties,5 but the effects of spearmint oil on PCOS have not been determined. Moran LJ, Noakes M, Clifton PM, Tomlinson L, Galletly C, Norman RJ. Effects of a Combination of Thyme and Oregano Essential Oils on TNBS-Induced Colitis in Mice. *, No thanks, I'll wait until September 20th. Heads up: The first time I took blue spruce oil, I dropped it in a capsule and swallowed it with a tall glass of water. Blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm and Serum concentrations of testosterone (Padtan Elm Company, Tehran, Iran), LH and FSH (Hangzhao Eastbiopharm Co., Ltd., Hangzhao, China) were measured with their specific kits. 2010;3(6):895-901, Wall G, Bryant GA, Bottenberg MM, et al. 0000011091 00000 n Since plant physiology is similar enough to our own, we can get therapeutic benefit from some of the oils constituents. Boswellia is highly touted in the supplement world for joint pain and arthritis. The oil is distilled from the flowers. Brain and odor: I. Alteration of human EEG by odor administration. Endocrine Society is a global community of physicians and scientists dedicated to accelerating scientific breakthroughs and improving patient health and well being. Colleen Williams Self-experiments (like this and this) are fun and really enlightening. Anesth Pain. (And probably a bunch of unknown ones). 2006;20(9):758-763, Hovth B, Mukhopadhyay P, Kechrid M, et al. Smelling lavender also increased feelings of interpersonal trust. In the end, I was back to normal deadlifts in half the time the surgeon said it would take. Nothing cures everything. For additional resources on endocrine-disrupting chemicals please see our, Senior Communications Manager, Public Relations, Director, Communications and Media Relations. The number of atretic follicles was significantly higher in the PCOS-induced group compared with the control group (p< 0.001), but in the two PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil, the number of atretic follicles decreased significantly in comparison to the PCOS-induced group (p=0.008 and p=0.011). Companies that own the patents do whatever studies they need to prove that their products work. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the 0000020691 00000 n 0000008301 00000 n Our society deems essential oils as safe, said study lead investigator J. Tyler Ramsey, a postbaccalaureate research fellow at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health. In fact, I kicked myself for not looking into these natural products earlier. 0000247009 00000 n Tom knows everything there is to know about the current state of the science on essential oils. A hormonal imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a certain hormone. 2009;15(4):380-384, Haze S, Sakai K, Gozu Y. Unfortunately, well probably never see as many double-blind, placebo-controlled trials on essential oils as there are on pharmaceuticals or patented supplements. 0000135233 00000 n Results: Spearmint oil reduced body weight, testosterone level, ovarian cysts and atretic follicles and increased Graafian follicles in PCOS rats. Its also the most adulterated, as the demand far exceeds the supply. A new study lends further evidence to a suspected link between abnormal breast growth in young boyscalled prepubertal gynecomastiaand regular exposure to lavender or tea tree oil, by finding that key chemicals in these common plant-derived oils act as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. 0000409922 00000 n Lipids 1989;24(8);677679. help relieve occasional digestive distress; help relieve symptoms of digestive issues like gingivitis, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and dysbiosis; improved grip strength, vertical jump, and standing long jump, visual and auditory reaction time, and heart rate variability both five minutes and 60 minutes after use. 0000227954 00000 n Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system. Spearmint can be administered as a potential agent for treatment of PCOS, but further research is needed to examine the effects of this herbal plant on all parameters related to fertility. Sure, none of these data are part of a peer reviewed research project. xb```b` l@Q@/~X2:V-h` T. Forsch Komplementmed.

For 100 years, the Endocrine Society has been at the forefront of hormone science and public health. To do large-scale, repeatable studies on just one of the effects observed from this essential oil would be quite expensive. Based on the current state of the art, I can think of dozens of interesting research questions worth answering. The rehab team frequently commented about how quickly I was recovering (and how great I smelled). The NIEHS Division of Intramural Research funded this study through its support of Korach.
Carbohydrate metabolism increased, suggesting an increase in energy production in muscle tissue. Endocrinologists are at the core of solving the most pressing health problems of our time, from diabetes and obesity to infertility, bone health, and hormone-related cancers. 2011;32(1):19-28, Meamarbashi A. 0000006422 00000 n 0000020871 00000 n 0000010681 00000 n Gattefoss R-M. Aromatherapy. JISSN. 0000004951 00000 n About 300 essential oils are available worldwide. [emailprotected]. Rose essential oil has long been known as an aphrodisiac and balances testosterone levels in the body, which is of great importance for both men and women. So take that for whats it worth. 0000008162 00000 n Some oils have a more pronounced effect on one person than they have on another.

Not because they dont work. The number of corpus lutea was significantly lower in the PCOS-induced group compared with control group (p=0.003), but it was insignificantly higher in the PCOS-induced groups that received spearmint oil in comparison to the PCOS-induced group (p>0.05). Mol Med Report. 2013. Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils (Kindle Locations 1177-1199). A few minutes later, I burped and it tasted like Id eaten a spruce tree. Researchers at the NIEHS, including Kenneth Korach, Ph.D., a co-investigator for the new study, previously found laboratory evidence that lavender and tea tree oil have estrogenic (estrogen-like) properties and anti-androgenic (testosterone inhibiting-like) activities, meaning they compete or hinder the hormones that control male characteristics, which could affect puberty and growth. Mature Wistar albino female rats were obtained from the animal house of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. The study protocol was approved by the Animal Ethical Committee of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Not all essential oils are snake oil. Lavender reduced reaction time, which would be expected being since it is sedating. Victor VM, Rovira-Llopis S, Banuls C, Diaz-Morales N, Martinez de Maranon A, Rios-Navarro C. et al. We still must support our bodies with proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Thus, the public should be aware of these findings and consider all evidence before deciding to use essential oils. Heres my take on what the science and personal experimentation shows and where I remain cautious, even skeptical. Insulin resistance in pcos patients enhances oxidative stress and leukocyte adhesion: Role of myeloperoxidase. reduce feelings of stress or occasional anxiety. To give you some context, the first 4 measures are baseline. What follows is the best, most helpful, and most comprehensive essential oil article Ive seen to date.
0000061870 00000 n Want to listen instead of read?
PCOS induction was carried out by treating rats in groups II, III, IV and V daily with letrozole orally (1 mg/kg) for 28 days and confirmed by observation of persistent estrus phase and a high number of ovarian cysts in ovarian histological sections. Your first awesome email is on its way. Dr. Berardi decided to try this out onhimself. 0000008438 00000 n Hindawi Publishing Corporation: Mediators of Inflammation. Welcome to PN! Clin Pract. Read about our historyand how we continue to serve the endocrine community.
Essential Oil Inhalation on Blood Pressure and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Prehypertensive and Hypertensive Subjects. It is also used to promote restful sleep, which aids in hormone rebalancing. We know, because we tried them. Peppermint was also shown (in an animal study) to significantly stimulate hair growth. If you happen to be a university or grad student, consider researching essential oils. Phytother Res. jQuery("#references_link").click(function(){ Frontiers Psych. There were no Graafian follicles in the PCOS-induced group and in PCOS-induced groups that received the lower dose of spearmint (150 mg/kg) or sesame oil. Pan JX, Zhang JY, Ke ZH, Wang FF, Barry JA, Hardiman PJ. Of further concern, according to Ramsey, is that many of the chemicals they tested appear in at least 65 other essential oils. Essential oils are most known for their odor (hence the term aromatherapy). Free Radic Biol Med. 0000409604 00000 n The three most common methods for using essential oils are: Most pure essential oils can be used all three ways but be careful: Not all essential oils are pure. During this time I kept my diet, exercise program, and usual routine the same. Heres the real deal, including data from our very own (and very successful) self-experiments. To learn more about the Society and the field of endocrinology, visit our site at www.endocrine.org. Before
Sign up for occasional texts about special offers, too! Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Lipid Profile of Diabetic Male Rats Treated with Phenolic Compounds of Leaves Extracts from Mentha longifolia and Mentha spicata. N Amer J Psychol. My wife first brought some oils home and got pretty deep into researching and using them. By providing your email, you agree to our, *Required. jQuery("#references_holder").show(); Lavender fragrance essential oil and the quality of sleep in postpartum women. Geranium essential oil is derived by steam distillation of the leaves of Pelargonium graveolens, a plant species native to South Africa. The site is secure. North Atlantic Books. 0000011499 00000 n From the hundreds of chemicals that comprise lavender and tea tree oil, they selected for analysis eight components that are common and mandated for inclusion in the oils. 0000359781 00000 n Early health and medicine was trial, error, and observation. FOIA Gattefosss Aromatherapy. 0000006598 00000 n It goes without saying, but Im going to say it anyway: Medical problems should be dealt with under the advisement of a competent healthcare practitioner. Irritable bowel syndrome: A concise review of current treatment concepts. Heres his report.
Four of the tested chemicals appear in both oils: eucalyptol, 4-terpineol, dipentene/limonene and alpha-terpineol. Clary sage essential oil is well known for its use in womens health issues such as menstrual pain and menopause. 0000246666 00000 n 2006;31:731-737, Lorig TS, Schwartz GE. 0000009525 00000 n
A study on menstrual pain showed that women found more relief with clary sage essential oil as compared to the drug acetaminophen (1). A little later, I ruptured my distal bicep tendon deadlifting. Biochem. Our emotions have a significant effect on our decision making. Accessibility
At the same time, that doesnt preclude good science being done on essential oils. Studies have shown attenuation of testosterone in PCOS women after receiving spearmint teas.3,4. 0000409852 00000 n 1997;112:61 71. 0000022541 00000 n With as many as a few hundred constituents per plant, each offering a different health benefit, study designs can vary dramatically. Int J Neurosci. 2014;30(4):297-304, Olapour A, Behaeen K, Akhondzadeh R, et al. Yet theres intriguing scientific data suggesting that some of the potential benefits of essential oils might just be a reality. I would not, under any circumstance, recommend ingesting cheap, perfume-grade essential oil. 1993. 2006;290:G1131-G1137, Brooker DJ, Snape M, Johnson E, et al. This makes sense as LH (+78%) and FSH (50%) both increased pretty substantially. A randomized controlled trial. 0000311941 00000 n The new PMC design is here! London: C W Daniel Co Ltd, 1993. An endocrine-disrupting chemical is a chemical in the environment that interferes with hormones and their actions in the body. It also demonstrated an ability to decrease blood pressure and breathing rate, improve serotonin levels and other neuropeptides, further promoting a sense of calm (8). In the PCOS-induced group which received high doses of spearmint oil, no cysts were observed (Table 2). At the same time, I had and continue to have some concerns. From there, they can affect the autonomic nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Purified Mentha spicata essential oil was purchased from Barij Essence Pharmaceutical Company, Mashhad Ardehal, Kashan, Iran and according to the manufacturers data sheet contained 57.02% carvone, 24.63% limonene, 2.7% pulegone, 1.8% menthol and 0.34% cineole. Phone: (202)-971-3611 Though essential oils may help with certain symptoms or issues, they are not a replacement for medical therapy if that is what is advised from your healthcare practitioner. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers. As always, it usually takes science a little while to catch up. Churchill Livingstone; Philadelphia, PA: 2001. p. 128-150. Effect of oral supplementation of mint extract on muscle pain and blood lactate. 2008;33(3):328-339, Kim I-H, Kim C, Seong K, et al. 2008;72;(7):1944-1947, Snmez G, olak M, Snmez S, Schoenfeld B. After 8 weeks I repeated the same morning-fasted blood tests. When we talk about health benefits, were referring to high-quality, therapeutic essential oils, not the cheap stuff. Unfortunately, some research studies have used these sub-par oils, which yield sub-par results. Another study (5) found that aromatherapy with geranium essential oil was beneficial at stimulating secretion of salivary oestrogen showing that geranium essential oil might be of value for women experiencing reduced oestrogen and health-related symptoms caused by menopause and perimenopause. 3, 166169. Sure, you argue, small scale trials and simple case studies dont prove or disprove anything. protect the plant from environmental stressors such as heat. Although most pure essential oils can be ingested, there isnt always a good reason to do it. Theyre what give herbs, flowers, and fruits their distinctive scents. Humans might not have known pharmacology or been able to identify the constituents found in essential oils 3,000 years ago. They are released into the bloodstream to target the necessary organs when needed.
The rest are made simply to smell nice. -caryophyllene ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in a cannabinoid 2 receptor-dependent manner. and transmitted securely. Animal research shows that ingesting essential oils can aid in relieving symptoms from digestive issues such as colitis and intestinal dysbiosis. 0000269567 00000 n Hirsch, AR. 1998;96:217224. Methods: Female rats were treated as follows: Control, normal rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil; and PCOS-induced rats which received 150 mg/kg spearmint oil or 300 mg/kg spearmint oil, or sesame oil. Received 2017 Jan 16; Revised 2017 Aug 14; Accepted 2017 Aug 15. 0000010568 00000 n 0000005227 00000 n 0000009828 00000 n 1988;16(3):281-284, Matsubara E, Fukagawa M, Okamoto T, et al. Over time, based on the research and my own experience, I became a believer. Cosmetics and Toiletries. However, they possess a diverse amount of chemicals and should be used with caution because some of these chemicals are potential endocrine disruptors.. For some examples, check out this less scientific anecdotal data from my own DIY experience: As we look to the future, we ought to pay attention to the past. For several thousand years, people all over the world have been extracting these oils using methods such as steam distillation, cold pressing, resin tapping, or absolute extraction. And a healthy dose of therapeutic essential oils. Daniel Company Limited, Saffron Walden, UK. An official website of the United States government. The 0000013185 00000 n Impact of lemongrass oil, an essential oil, on serum cholesterol.
But plants that essential oils come from are living things in the public domain and therefore cant be patented. 0000176528 00000 n Studies show that spearmint leaves decrease cholesteroland, in type II diabetes, decrease oxidative stress.9 Additionally, phenolic compounds of spearmint leaf extract significantly enhance the antioxidant defense system and reduce body weight and levels of glucose and cholesterol in diabetic male rats.10,11. Peppermint has been shown to relieve discomfort and occasional abdominal pain by relaxing the smooth muscle of the digestive tract. 0000222879 00000 n Keshavarz AM, Behboodi MZ, Taghizadeh Z, et al. Psychobiology. In:Michael I Weinbraub. *Required. Rev. 2014;20(27):8796-8806, Watanabe E, Kuchta K, Kimura M, et al. Grant P. Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti-androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. Essential oils are hydrophobic, meaning they rise to the top when mixed with water. If youd like some help with self-experimentation or exploring the research, we recommend doing it with the help of an experienced coach or healthcare practitioner. (For a full list of references, see the reference section at the end of this article). Al-Fartosi KG, Radi H, Al-Rekabi EA. Using in vitro, or test tube, experiments, the researchers applied these chemicals to human cancer cells to measure changes of estrogen receptor- and androgen receptor-target genes and transcriptional activity. C.W. 0000012768 00000 n 0000017422 00000 n Effects of Aroma Massage on Home Blood Pressure, Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Sleep Quality in Middle-Aged Women with Hypertension. The claims about essential oils that they can help with sleep, mood, hormone levels, and more can sound like scammy, woo-woo nonsense. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2013;10:15, Navarra M, Mannucci C, Delb M, Calapai G. Citrus bergamia essential oil: from basic research to clinical application. Evid-Based Compl Alt Medic. improved lung capacity and blood lactate after 10 days of daily ingestion. To demonstrate that this isnt an isolated thing, I recently saw a report where 3 hypogonadal men were given the same dose of blue spruce oil and this is what happened.