Tes Global Ltd is The Brave," "the Faint Heart," "of the North," "The Impaler," etc. ["ss", 5], // Initial caps: } ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], ["j", 7], ["k", 7], ["l", 7], ["m", 7], ["n", 7], ["p", 7], function rolldie(minvalue, maxvalue) { } while (1) Inspiration, activities and resources to improve your creative writing skills! ["b", 7], ["c", 7], ["d", 7], ["f", 7], ["g", 7], ["h", 7], Magical, cute, colourful and mysterious Choose the perfect unicorn name: For more fantasy character names, check out our free online fantasy name generator tool. // doesn't have good error-catching facilities. } Start is 1 (not 0) Absolutely! Take for example the name Kate could be Katrel or even Katrilla. isvowel = 1 - isvowel; // Alternate between vowels and consonants. Namelur (GPL license) is an implementation of Totro in C; its author intends to add many other features. Imagine Forest makes writing stories easy and fun. Fantasy Name Generator: 100,000+ Fantasy Name Ideas, Coming up with realistic and cool fantasy character names requires a huge level of creativity. Each name generator can provide thousands of name ideas. ["cl", 6], ["fl", 6], ["gl", 6], ["kl", 6], ["ll", 6], ["pl", 6], ["sl", 6], if (isvowel) { // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Tons of fun story ideas, writing activities, lessons, printables and much more - ALL FREE forever! ["r", 7], ["s", 7], ["t", 7], ["v", 7], ["w", 7], window.alert("Info is: " + info); ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], nameform.names.value=""; You can sign-up for free and publish your story for your friends to read and provide feedback on! } } ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], result = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxvalue-minvalue+1)+minvalue); inspire, learn and write, the Imagine Forest way! genname = (genname.slice(0,1)).toUpperCase() + genname.slice(1); } else if (maxsyl < 1) { data = vowels[rolldie(0, vowels.length - 1)]; ["oa", 7], ["oe", 7], ["oi", 7], ["ou", 7], ["oo", 7], ["ck", 5], ["nk", 5], ["rk", 5], ["sk", 7], ["wk", 0], ["r", 7], ["s", 7], ["t", 7], ["v", 7], ["w", 7], We do not have any rights to the names created with our teacher name generator, but since the names are // any later version. // There MUST be a possible vowel and possible consonant for any Never again will you be lost for inspiration or var leng = rolldie(minsyl, maxsyl); // Compute number of syllables in the name ["pr", 6], ["sr", 6], ["tr", 6], Improve your creative writing skills and imagination through exploring our website. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. Take a look now: Writing a fantasy story Why not publish it online? Will she possess some magical power or be handy with a bow and arrow Choose a name for your female elf: For more unique elf names, check out our elf name generator It has over 1,000 fantasy elf name ideas! // 5 means "only middle or end", and 4 means "only in the middle". ["ch", 7], ["gh", 7], ["ph", 7], ["sh", 7], ["th", 7], ["wh", 6], Strong, wise or evil Choose the best-suiting name for your male character: Warrior princess or servant Let your name define your female fantasy character: Keeper of the skies or lord of the flame, what kind of dragon name will you choose for your dragon?
Totro is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later. You might also be interested in our spooky witch name generator and magical forest name generator. var genname = ""; // this accumulates the generated name. if ((result >= minvalue) && (result <= maxvalue)) { return result;}
With these few tweaks, an everyday name has been transformed into something from a fantasy novel. All to help you write your own stories in no time. Also, try out our fantasy world name generator for some cool world name ideas. // As additional permission under GNU GPL version 3 section 7, you
Totro is Copyright (C) 2002-2006 David A. Wheeler, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. That means that you can freely give Totro to anyone, and you can modify and redistribute modified versions of Totro to whoever you wish. // Occasionally, 'Y' will be duplicated as a vowel and a consonant. // number of syllables (inclusive). Alternatively it could be used by the teacher as a demonstration, or broken down for students to rebuild. // Repeat some entries to make them more common. if (typeof(minsyl) != "number") {
This is called "Totro" and it was created by David A. Wheeler. and effective for all its users. ["br", 6], ["cr", 6], ["dr", 6], ["freak", 6], ["gr", 6], ["kr", 6],
All rights reserved. This form does not yet contain any fields. // may distribute non-source (e.g., minimized or compacted) forms of
if ( i == 1) { // first syllable.
Something went wrong, please try again later. // The second parameter indicates if the syllable can occur
They can possess anything from crafting skills to herbal potions and antidotes. And for a modern take on fantasy names, you might want to view this amazing Harry Potter name generator. For more cool dragon names, check out our brand-new dragon name generator It has over 1,000 dragon name ideas! ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7],
["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7],
["b", 7], ["c", 7], ["d", 7], ["f", 7], ["g", 7], ["h", 7],
Please change either the minimum or maximum to correct this.
window.alert("Error, Maxsyl < 1. You get the idea.5) Find a dungeon, hunt some orc, conquer the world! ["ae", 7], ["ai", 7], ["ao", 7], ["au", 7], ["aa", 7],
Sign-up to our community for FREE writing resources and tools to inspire you! // Be careful when editing this - if you forget a comma, you'll get
Please click the button to generate a random name. // Error check:
// 2=can be at beginning
Take a look at this amazing guide on how to draw fantasy characters from your imagination (Amazon Affiliate link). // Return a random value between minvalue and maxvalue, inclusive,
"); It must have at least between minsyl and maxsyl If you are naming an evil, selfish elf, you could call him Delvin or Dracyian. return; Will he be grouchy, funny or sly? // In both lists, duplicates increase the likelihood of that selection. } } // section 4, provided you include this license notice and a URL // the following: Square Series of linked html files that allow students to either experience simple JavaScript functionality, or disassemble it or edit it for practice. // That's so rare that we won't worry about it, in fact it's interesting. Unlike everyday names like Katie or Jimmy, fantasy names are highly unusual to spell and say out loud. var isvowel = rolldie(0, 1); // randomly start with vowel or consonant } else if (i == leng) { // last syllable. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion finalvalue += "\n"; ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], Receive monthly writing resources to your mailbox, such as writing prompts, printables and story craft ideas: Copyright 2022 Imagine Forest, All Rights Reserved. ["sc", 7], Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. "); While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity. function InitForm(nameform) { We use cookies to make this website secure function FillRandomName(nameform) { ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], These are not your typical Christmas elves working at Santas workshop. London WC1R 4HQ. } else if (typeof(maxsyl) != "number") { function RandomName(minsyl, maxsyl) { ["eau", 7], ["x", 7], ["y", 7], ["z", 7], Our motto is // 1=can be at ending, return; ["y", 7] You may use our teacher name generator to find as many teacher names as you wish. Coming up with realistic and cool fantasy character names requires a huge level of creativity. alert("Got event: " + evnt.type);
To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it. ["j", 7], ["k", 7], ["l", 7], ["m", 7], ["n", 7], ["p", 7],
window.alert("Error, Requested maximum is smaller than minimum. // @licend The above is the entire license notice for the Javascript code in this page. That sounds a whole lot more evil than a name like Darvyn or Eldar. Whether youre writing a fantasy story of an old, ancient dragon or a whimsical tale of fairies getting attacked by elves, we got you covered. genname += data[0];
["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7],
Totro is open source software / free software. Conditions. do {
// End -->. ");
["st", 7], ["str", 6],
WellThat all depends on what you name your male dwarf: Will your female dwarf be sweet or a crafty little creature with ill intentions? // with equal probability. The important things to remember with Fantasy names is that they should match the personality of your character. // @source: http://www.dwheeler.com/totro.html
["'", 4],
The, Island Name Generator: 1000+ Island Name Ideas, Newspaper Headline Generator: 1,000+ Headline Ideas, Monster Name Generator: 1,000+ Monster Name Ideas, Harry Potter Name Generator: 1,000+ Name Ideas, how to draw fantasy characters from your imagination. } else {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Report this resourceto let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Looking for more inspiration for your fantasy story characters? var consonants = new Array(
["ia", 7], ["io", 7], ["iu", 7], ["ii", 7],
// redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7],
The everyday name can be changed into a fantasy name with a few tweaks. For all occasions when a real-world, mundane name just won't cut it! More info: http://www.dwheeler.com/totro.html. They are fierce, magical, wise and maybe even pure evil- What name will you call your elf? ["br", 6], ["dr", 6], ["freak", 6], ["gr", 6], ["kr", 6]
for (var i = 1; i <= leng; i++) { // syllable #. // through which recipients can access the Corresponding Source. window.alert("Error, Minsyl invalid type. ["ea", 7], ["eo", 7], ["eu", 7], ["ee", 7],
// ('',1) and make sure no other vowel includes "can be at end". Download the amazing Ideas Wizard App from the Google Play Store. if (data[1] & 4) {break;}
// Create a random name. // slightly less likely). The code is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
if (data[1] & 2) {break;}
// Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
// mysterious errors and "undefine" results in names, since Javascript
It includes step-by-step guidance on how to draw your own fantasy characters and even includes hundreds of visually beautiful illustrations to inspire you! is an implementation of Totro in C; its author intends to add many other features. nameform.names.value = finalvalue; This guide has hundreds of amazing fantasy characters for you to draw and find inspiration from! Fantasy humans can be fighters, warriors, healers and even magicians. return genname; Heres a sneak peek of the female fantasy names generator in the app: We also recommend this awesome free fantasy book title generator, it comes with over 120 cool fantasy book title ideas. This is called "Totro" and it was created by. // This is a binary encoding, as (middle) (beginning) (end). Here's how it works: 1) Select minimum and maximum number of syllables for your name.2) Click on "Generate More Names" to generate 10 names to choose from. ["qu", 6], ["r", 7], ["s", 7], ["t", 7], ["v", 7], ["w", 7], Use our teacher name generator to create fictional teacher name ideas. } else if (maxsyl < minsyl) { // 4=can be in middle Yes it is free and unrestricted. } var data = ""; var result; Our list of fantasy character names covers a range of mythical names from male fantasy names for humans to dragon names and even names for unicorns. We give you options to help you find your the perfect name easily and we have more names.
function event_seen(evnt) { // List of possible vowels, followed by list of possible consonants. ["j", 7], ["k", 7], ["l", 7], ["m", 7], ["n", 7], ["p", 7], } ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], Pick one that speaks to your inner dice-roller. } It comes with over 100,000 ideas from character names, to writing prompts. } else if (minsyl < 1) { // at the beginning, middle, or ending of a name, and is the sum of generated at random, please check to see if they are owned elsewhere. In the meantime, let us know your favourite fantasy character name from our mega list above in the comments below. window.alert("Error, Maxsyl invalid type. Name your female elf with a name to match her personality: Unicorns are majestic creatures. } // Blends, sorted by second character: Male or female, here is our list of fantasy names for your human characters. // List of possible consonants. return;
// General Public License (GNU GPL) as published by the Free Software ) // that code without the copy of the GNU GPL normally required by while (1) { BIGGER SCREEN ON YOU TUBE, CLASSIC BOOK trailer! Unlike everyday names like Katie or Jimmy, fantasy names are highly unusual to spell and say out loud. story ideas. // Fill up form textarea with a number of random names. ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], Teacher of Computer Science and IT, providing a range of resources, mostly relating to computing, but many can be used in a cross curricular way and are designed to be easy to adapt. GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later, I gave a TEDx talk Why Dungeons & Dragons is Good for You (In Real Life)., Ethan On "Orpah": "Facing Childhood Trauma Led a Grown Son to Healing", Talking Tolkien on the Mythmakers podcast. // @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the Javascript code in this page. // possible position; if you want to have "no vowel at the end", use What kind of male dwarf will your fantasy tale have? 3) No like? It even comes with practical tips on how to draw your own stunning fantasy characters: Another must-have for fantasy fans is this beginners guide to fantasy drawing. var vowels = new Array( // Javascipt (which is unfortunate, because that would make the problem Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. } This website and its content is subject to our Terms and "); window.alert("Error, Minsyl < 1. ["b", 7], ["c", 7], ["d", 7], ["f", 7], ["g", 7], ["h", 7], var minsyl = parseInt(nameform.minsyl.value, 10); function showstuff(info) { Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ["a", 7], ["e", 7], ["i", 7], ["o", 7], ["u", 7], This is a random name generator for fantasy names --- perfect for when you've got a character or place (or creature, planet, language, disease, etc) you can't quite find the right words to express. // The Javascript code in this page is free software: you can // You MUST NOT end the last item in the list with a comma - it's not okay in if (data[1] & 1) {break;} // Thus, the value 7 means "can be anywhere", 6 means "beginning or middle". Simple! } else { // middle syllable. "); >BoingBoing>WBUR's Cognoscenti>The Grub Daily>GeekDad>Geek Pride @ PsychologyToday.com>Tor.com, >My new video "A HARD DAY'S KNIGHT," in which I don chain mail to find glory, donuts and spare change for my quest. data = consonants[rolldie(0, consonants.length - 1)]; A must-have for story writers and authors everywhere! They can range from being pure evil to the wise old ones. Copyright 2009-2020, Ethan Gilsdorf. See the GNU GPL for more details. [bigger screen on YouTube],