#6: Adjust your TVs other audio settings, #5: Ensure that the Sound Out setting is correct, Where Are LG TVs Made? You always want to make sure that your TV is running the latest software version. I know how tech works, and what to troubleshoot when it doesnt. Its a popular surround sound technology. In addition, always insert the cable properly and do not put extra pressure. So try Audio Out, followed by LG Sound Sync and finally, Internal TV Speaker + Audio Out. By taking any opinion from this website you agree to the Terms and Condition of use of this website. Step 2: Check the sound output settings on the TV are set to the appropriate speakers (internal speakers to play through the TV and external speakers to play through a separate speaker). Make sure you are holding the power button on your TV, and not your remote! Go to the Control Panel and then to Setting. Im Noor Alam, Founder of HowToFinders.com. arnel valera desquitado. Want to know more about this website and me? When I realized that the red button with the single white dot on the remote was the command, all was well for us! Model LG32LD90 2011 it is quite old now I guess but worked ok till now,I've tried all the audio connections, there's other inputs such as a Freeview TV box and a DVD player/media pc where I can get audio via some pc speakers but not through the TV speakers as all inputs use too, so disconnected everything checked one item at a time and no audio. I will share information with you on how to fix different old devices and how to find the best products. Follow these instructions to correct the settings; Before this, you need to make sure that your LG TV is connected to the computer. Depending on the model you have this may be on the right hand side, left hand side, or very bottom of the device. Then go down to All Settings (Advanced Settings) > General > Reset to Initial Settings. If so, just wondering if you somehow damaged the audio IC on the mainboard. Because it can damage the delicate parts of the HDMI port. To do this Press the Home/Start button on your remote, Select Settings, Choose All Settings, Select Sound. Youll have to redownload your favorite apps. Whew! Wow. I have had my LG smart tv for about three years now. First, disconnect these devices and try running a cold check on just the internal speakers of your TV. This is a neat hidden feature on LG TVs. The tv is the problem , bcuz I switched to the antenna settings and there's no sound either, I've tried most of the solutions on different sites, but none seems to work, maybe especially since I've seen none that really have the settings that my tv has. @randybacchus make sure that all your menu settings are properly set and that the sound did not accidentally get turned off. Because sometimes, the TVs OS may have bugs in it. Found this site after I got the audio back. Hi, if switch on my tv after about 10seconds the sound will go off. Its likely a problem with the TVs main board. Video was fine but sound was non existent. Hence, your LG TV will not deliver sound through HDMI. Next up is disabling the Adaptive Sound Control. However, if there is a long distance between your TV and the source then use a long one. Disconnect the HDMI cable joining your TV with the source. You can find a popular and inexpensive 6ft HDMI cable on Amazon. I tried everything. So if youve connected one to your TV, unplug it from the outlet. Hopefully you see the TV come back to life and start hearing the sound again. Or, if you have a spare HDMI or optical cable, use that instead. Did you connecting the dvd via Component video+ audio and not HDMI? That means all account settings will be removed, and any installed apps will be deleted! Awaiye Sulaimon. Terms LG TV Wont Turn Off or Keeps Turning On and Off Itself, LG TV HDMI to Laptop Not Working (Wont Connect/Detect/Display), LG TV Menu Not Working (Keeps Popping Up/Flashing/Wont Show). Most people just want a quick fix so they can continue watching their show or listen to music. With the above information in mind, here is a step-by-step reference guide for fixing the sound on your LG TV.
Occasionally this automatic process gets interrupted and your TV gets stuck running outdated software. If your TV finds updates, itll download and install them. If your LG TV sound is not working, try these fixes in this order: If none of these fixes work you might want to pull up your warranty and see if it is still valid, otherwise youre stuck buying a new TV. You should also make changes to other audio settings. 42LB5600-UZ.AUSDLJM. With a modified power cycle, youll also have to press the TVs power button.
Try pushing the cable in as far as it can go or wiggling the cable. So I just moved the cable to the other ports so I could continue watching with sound. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); LG TV Turns On But No Sound or Picture Solved, Fix LG TV Turns On But No Sound or Picture/Black Screen, LG TV no Sound Through External Speakers Solved, How To Reset Daikin Air Conditioner-Ultimate Solution, How To Reset AUX Air Conditioner-Best Solutions, Delonghi Portable Air Conditioner Not Evaporating Water-Ultimate Guide, My Air Conditioner Turn Off By Itself-Best Guide, Portable Air Conditioner Not Draining Water-Quick Guide. Or perhaps your LG remotes not working properly. If your sound has stopped suddenly while you are using your TV, it may be that one of the above issues has just occurred. Then, select the Sound Output. And its especially helpful in dealing with loud TV commercials. Step 4: Try the HDMI cable in a separate HDMI port. What particular Picture Setting youd need to adjust. Ifso try using it to see if it happens when listening with headphones in case the problem is with the TV speakers (if you're listening to them and not to external speakers - you didn't say, Jul 24, 2020 by If that doesnt work, use the joystick panel control on the TV to navigate to Menu > All Settings > General > Reset to Initial Settings. Log in. This is also a good idea to do on your other devices, such as your media player or computer. The problem started 4month ago when I switch on the tv after some minutes the sound will went off and I do leave on some hours later the sound will come up by its self again. So, you need to replace the HDMI cable. This is another fix thatll take more than half a minute. Another pretty easy potential fix is to unplug the power cord from the back of the TV. I hope you found what you were looking for! Heres how: This should instantly restore your TVs sound. Pressing the power button helps completely drain the TVs power. Its a technology for converting analog audio to digital. Thank-you, thank you! Moreover, live TV and other input sources also give sound. But you should also ensure that your LGs webOS is up to date. However, you can resolve this issue by doing some quick and easy tricks. Ive worked in tech for over a decade, and during that time Ive spent countless hours supporting some of the worlds most popular products. Request repair. Many things are impossible to do within 30 seconds. Hence, any issue including the sound is resolved. The sound for it recently stopped working yesterday feb 20th. Unplugged power cord from rear of TV, pointed remote, pressed and held power button for 15 seconds. The tv does not have headphone jack. It is not a complicated thing. You can do that by pressing the mute button 3 times. I can't find anything on the number you posted. Grab your remote. barry_tommy. Edit: I think it might have to do with my external audio system connected via HDMI ARC. This article told you very easy and simple methods to solve the sound issue on your LG TV.
turn the power to the "box" off and on and check for audio? You need to select your LG TV. I had the same issue I switched in on power button it worked, May 26, 2021 by So, it indicates that the problem exists in the HDMI, not in your LG TV. You can then use the keyboard to navigate and reset your TV. Try to straighten it if it is twisted or bent. Disconnect the one end that went into the TV. Modern TVs have multiple HDMI ports. You dont want this to be loose at all a tight connection is important to ensure the TV is getting stable power. Feb 21, 2020 by This is found in the Sound Out settings. There is a very simple method to test the functionality of your HDMI cable. Thank you so much for sharing. I unplugged hdmi 1 to clean up behind the telly. Can anyone help me solve this issue if you had it at one point with the same brand? Apple Mac: Apple Menu > System Preferences > Sound > Output, PC: Start Menu > Control Panel > Sounds > Playback. ), Sony TV No Sound (Just Do This ONE THING. Release the button and wait for about a minute. LG offer constant firmware updates, so it may be a simple case of updating your TV. I've spent the past 10 years working in technology, supporting some of the worlds most popular products. Some people have found that the sound does not work for external audio systems when connected to the HDMI ARC port. Youll find great help from my research and experience. At this point you should have fully resolved your sound issues but just in case you havent Ive included some additional steps worth trying before calling it quits. Ryan Scanlan. Afterconnecting your TV to the app, you can use your smart phone as a remote! Reattached power cord and powered on set. Sometimes its a simple case of the TV being muted or the volume being too low to hear. But do you know whats possible to accomplish in half a minute? This is always a last-ditch effort, butif you simply cannot get your LG TV sound to work, you should see if you have anactive warranty on your TV. Settings > General > Reset to Initial Settings > Confirm Reset > Enter Passcode > Confirm Reset. Hey, I'm Mike! So, you should check the software updates both on your LG TV and the connected device. Step 1: Secure any loose HDMI cable connections. Both to the back of the TV and the external audio device. If it works OK at least it proves the audio amp circuit is OK and that there is a problem with the audio signalling circuit which would most likely mean a mainboard replacement. Your LG TV should be selected in your PCs sound output settings. When you plug it back in make sure that the connection is snug! And the usual cause is a temporary malfunction of the TV. So its been sending out some random signals to your TV. And turn up the volume. This will soft reset the TV and fix the sound! Next, navigate to the Sound preferences. The easiest thing to do is to try each setting and see if your sound comes back. This is mainly for computers. This will help to drain any residual power left in the TV and allows the TV to soft reset itself. In this article, we will suggest to you some tested tips that will help you getting sound on your LG TV through HDMI. Repair guides and support for your LG TV. You forget to change audio settings. Thank you so much for posting this solution. You should buy a new one from a trusted brand. Best I can suggest since you said that you tried most of the solutions online is to use the audio troubleshooting flowchart from the service manual for your TV to hopefully find out what happened. a dvd player and check if it happens when using it. Another thing you could try is resetting the TVs factory settings. Related: Fix LG TV Black Screen with Sound. Press the TVs power button and hold for 30 seconds. I thought the port was the problem because when I plugged my HDMI cable to the other HDMI ports 2, 3 and 4, video and audio worked well and when I reverted back to the HDMI port 1, audio would be absent. If this is your experience, here are some possible causes. HDMI or Component video etc? Try using the TVs Volume Control button and not the remote and check if you can restore sound. Then a reset may solve the issue. You can check the HDMI port using a simple trick. If your TV is closer to the source, you should use a small cable. It may sound obvious. These may seem obvious, but its easy to forget these things with a new audio system. You can do it in two ways. Repairing a HDMI port costs between $100 and $300, whereas replacement will cost around $200-$350. And by checking the Allow automatic updates option, you wont need to look for updates constantly. Next, click on the Software Update and install the latest software version. The audio output may be off or the volume is muted. So try to plug your HDMI cable into another port. This issue commonly occurs when you connect your LG TV to a PC. Does the TV have an earphones jack? If so, you may want to check them as well. Related: LG TV Turns On But No Sound or Picture Solved. Now everything is fine! The factory reset should take about a minute or 2. Check your cable is not loose and that it is working correctly. If all that is properly setup and you do not have any sound, it is entirely possible that you are having issues with the amplifier IC on the main board. There are a number of factors that affect the normal performance of an LG TV. Another easy trick is to restart both your LG TV and the connected device. You can do this using the pathway mentioned above. And thats the Digital Sound Out. If your LG TV has no sound, you need to reset your TV. As with your TV, ensure that your external audio device isnt on mute. Edward Hill got it right for me. Or a computer or laptop. You can also try using their Text Message support or Live Agent chat. Insert the HDMI cable again and push it in the port until it is fixed firmly. If you have Bluetooth speakers, you will need to make sure you have paired them correctly to the TV as per the manufacturers instructions. If your LG TV is already up to date, it may be a new bug that LG do not know about. @randybacchus. But Why would it do this? What is the make and model number of the TV? If you are using external speakers, such as Bluetooth speakers, surround sound or a sound bar, you will need to change the Sound Out settings from the internal speakers to your external device.
If you cannot see your LG TV in the list, you may need to contact the computer manufacturer for support. If you are worried about your warranty, you can also access the warranty information from the above link after typing in your warranty information. Internal speakers delivered no sound all of a sudden. What is the source of the signal to the TV, antenna input or input from a "box" e.g. If still no good what is the source of the signal, a TV antenna or a box of some description e.g. Have a little bit of patience and make sure its been at least a minute before plugging it back in. I write out about what Ive learned while researching DIY projects and I enjoy sharing about my experiences while working on different projects. Plugin the HDMI cable into a different port on your LG TV or the source device. Turn off both your TV and the device connected via HDMI. Accessibility. For some reason most LG TVs eventually run into a similar problem of no sound / sound not working. Feb 23, 2022 by Taking the plug out, plug back in, hold down power button for around 15 seconds. ), Samsung TV Wont Turn On (You Should Try This Fix FIRST), Download the file and unzip it (right click, Extract All), On the root of the USB drive, create a folder and name it LG_DTV, Place the unzipped file into this folder (file type should be EPK), Unplug your TV from the wall and wait 60 seconds, Manually update your TV to the latest software version, Factory reset your TV with or without your remote, Reseat the power cord in the back of your TV.
If using HDMI try Component video + audio and check if it happens. If the signal is from an antenna or even a "box" of some sort, try a different signal source e.g. While this fix sounds obvious, unplugging your LG TV from the wall socket is the most common way to get the sound working again. Another possibility is that your speakers arent connected properly. Cut off the power supply to both devices. Sound is back with no issues so far.
If your external device is always close to your TV, such as in the TV cabinet, a 6ft cable should be fine. Only suggest this as Component video + audio is an analogue signal and not digital as is HDMI and co-ax input, therefore the digital signalling processor circuit on the mainboard in the TV is not used. You just need to ensure that you set it to PCM. However, if nothing works then you should consult a technician. The one common reason for the sound issue is a loose connection. If you used an HDMI, then the Sound Out setting should be HDMI ARC. Why does my LG TV suddenly have no sound? Is this a harbinger of what we're going to be putting up with on this LG set? You can generally find HDMI cables for under $20, depending on the length you require. The audio just went out abruptly and don't come on since, video is fine but there's no audio. Sometimes it might not be the HDMI cable causing the issues, but the LG TV or external speakers. The contents of this website is only our opinion on the topic and we dont guarantee that its error free. And if youre using an external audio device. And Bluetooth for Bluetooth devices.
Nothing was working n as soon as I did what you said it went right back on. Thank you! Often times you have a sound-bar, DVD player, etc, connected to your LG TV and the sound output needs to be adjusted accordingly. Edward Hill. You can update the software on your LG TV by the following method: The software installation removes the existing bugs and errors. Its still the same thing. There is the possibility that your HDMI cable is faulty. Follow each step until the sound starts to work again. Then power on, and hdmi 1 was back with audio. While unplugged, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.
Occasionally this automatic process gets interrupted and your TV gets stuck running outdated software. If your TV finds updates, itll download and install them. If your LG TV sound is not working, try these fixes in this order: If none of these fixes work you might want to pull up your warranty and see if it is still valid, otherwise youre stuck buying a new TV. You should also make changes to other audio settings. 42LB5600-UZ.AUSDLJM. With a modified power cycle, youll also have to press the TVs power button.

turn the power to the "box" off and on and check for audio? You need to select your LG TV. I had the same issue I switched in on power button it worked, May 26, 2021 by So, it indicates that the problem exists in the HDMI, not in your LG TV. You can then use the keyboard to navigate and reset your TV. Try to straighten it if it is twisted or bent. Disconnect the one end that went into the TV. Modern TVs have multiple HDMI ports. You dont want this to be loose at all a tight connection is important to ensure the TV is getting stable power. Feb 21, 2020 by This is found in the Sound Out settings. There is a very simple method to test the functionality of your HDMI cable. Thank you so much for sharing. I unplugged hdmi 1 to clean up behind the telly. Can anyone help me solve this issue if you had it at one point with the same brand? Apple Mac: Apple Menu > System Preferences > Sound > Output, PC: Start Menu > Control Panel > Sounds > Playback. ), Sony TV No Sound (Just Do This ONE THING. Release the button and wait for about a minute. LG offer constant firmware updates, so it may be a simple case of updating your TV. I've spent the past 10 years working in technology, supporting some of the worlds most popular products. Some people have found that the sound does not work for external audio systems when connected to the HDMI ARC port. Youll find great help from my research and experience. At this point you should have fully resolved your sound issues but just in case you havent Ive included some additional steps worth trying before calling it quits. Ryan Scanlan. Afterconnecting your TV to the app, you can use your smart phone as a remote! Reattached power cord and powered on set. Sometimes its a simple case of the TV being muted or the volume being too low to hear. But do you know whats possible to accomplish in half a minute? This is always a last-ditch effort, butif you simply cannot get your LG TV sound to work, you should see if you have anactive warranty on your TV. Settings > General > Reset to Initial Settings > Confirm Reset > Enter Passcode > Confirm Reset. Hey, I'm Mike! So, you should check the software updates both on your LG TV and the connected device. Step 1: Secure any loose HDMI cable connections. Both to the back of the TV and the external audio device. If it works OK at least it proves the audio amp circuit is OK and that there is a problem with the audio signalling circuit which would most likely mean a mainboard replacement. Your LG TV should be selected in your PCs sound output settings. When you plug it back in make sure that the connection is snug! And the usual cause is a temporary malfunction of the TV. So its been sending out some random signals to your TV. And turn up the volume. This will soft reset the TV and fix the sound! Next, navigate to the Sound preferences. The easiest thing to do is to try each setting and see if your sound comes back. This is mainly for computers. This will help to drain any residual power left in the TV and allows the TV to soft reset itself. In this article, we will suggest to you some tested tips that will help you getting sound on your LG TV through HDMI. Repair guides and support for your LG TV. You forget to change audio settings. Thank you so much for posting this solution. You should buy a new one from a trusted brand. Best I can suggest since you said that you tried most of the solutions online is to use the audio troubleshooting flowchart from the service manual for your TV to hopefully find out what happened. a dvd player and check if it happens when using it. Another thing you could try is resetting the TVs factory settings. Related: Fix LG TV Black Screen with Sound. Press the TVs power button and hold for 30 seconds. I thought the port was the problem because when I plugged my HDMI cable to the other HDMI ports 2, 3 and 4, video and audio worked well and when I reverted back to the HDMI port 1, audio would be absent. If this is your experience, here are some possible causes. HDMI or Component video etc? Try using the TVs Volume Control button and not the remote and check if you can restore sound. Then a reset may solve the issue. You can check the HDMI port using a simple trick. If your TV is closer to the source, you should use a small cable. It may sound obvious. These may seem obvious, but its easy to forget these things with a new audio system. You can do it in two ways. Repairing a HDMI port costs between $100 and $300, whereas replacement will cost around $200-$350. And by checking the Allow automatic updates option, you wont need to look for updates constantly. Next, click on the Software Update and install the latest software version. The audio output may be off or the volume is muted. So try to plug your HDMI cable into another port. This issue commonly occurs when you connect your LG TV to a PC. Does the TV have an earphones jack? If so, you may want to check them as well. Related: LG TV Turns On But No Sound or Picture Solved. Now everything is fine! The factory reset should take about a minute or 2. Check your cable is not loose and that it is working correctly. If all that is properly setup and you do not have any sound, it is entirely possible that you are having issues with the amplifier IC on the main board. There are a number of factors that affect the normal performance of an LG TV. Another easy trick is to restart both your LG TV and the connected device. You can do this using the pathway mentioned above. And thats the Digital Sound Out. If your LG TV has no sound, you need to reset your TV. As with your TV, ensure that your external audio device isnt on mute. Edward Hill got it right for me. Or a computer or laptop. You can also try using their Text Message support or Live Agent chat. Insert the HDMI cable again and push it in the port until it is fixed firmly. If you have Bluetooth speakers, you will need to make sure you have paired them correctly to the TV as per the manufacturers instructions. If your LG TV is already up to date, it may be a new bug that LG do not know about. @randybacchus. But Why would it do this? What is the make and model number of the TV? If you are using external speakers, such as Bluetooth speakers, surround sound or a sound bar, you will need to change the Sound Out settings from the internal speakers to your external device.
If you cannot see your LG TV in the list, you may need to contact the computer manufacturer for support. If you are worried about your warranty, you can also access the warranty information from the above link after typing in your warranty information. Internal speakers delivered no sound all of a sudden. What is the source of the signal to the TV, antenna input or input from a "box" e.g. If still no good what is the source of the signal, a TV antenna or a box of some description e.g. Have a little bit of patience and make sure its been at least a minute before plugging it back in. I write out about what Ive learned while researching DIY projects and I enjoy sharing about my experiences while working on different projects. Plugin the HDMI cable into a different port on your LG TV or the source device. Turn off both your TV and the device connected via HDMI. Accessibility. For some reason most LG TVs eventually run into a similar problem of no sound / sound not working. Feb 23, 2022 by Taking the plug out, plug back in, hold down power button for around 15 seconds. ), Samsung TV Wont Turn On (You Should Try This Fix FIRST), Download the file and unzip it (right click, Extract All), On the root of the USB drive, create a folder and name it LG_DTV, Place the unzipped file into this folder (file type should be EPK), Unplug your TV from the wall and wait 60 seconds, Manually update your TV to the latest software version, Factory reset your TV with or without your remote, Reseat the power cord in the back of your TV.
If using HDMI try Component video + audio and check if it happens. If the signal is from an antenna or even a "box" of some sort, try a different signal source e.g. While this fix sounds obvious, unplugging your LG TV from the wall socket is the most common way to get the sound working again. Another possibility is that your speakers arent connected properly. Cut off the power supply to both devices. Sound is back with no issues so far.
If your external device is always close to your TV, such as in the TV cabinet, a 6ft cable should be fine. Only suggest this as Component video + audio is an analogue signal and not digital as is HDMI and co-ax input, therefore the digital signalling processor circuit on the mainboard in the TV is not used. You just need to ensure that you set it to PCM. However, if nothing works then you should consult a technician. The one common reason for the sound issue is a loose connection. If you used an HDMI, then the Sound Out setting should be HDMI ARC. Why does my LG TV suddenly have no sound? Is this a harbinger of what we're going to be putting up with on this LG set? You can generally find HDMI cables for under $20, depending on the length you require. The audio just went out abruptly and don't come on since, video is fine but there's no audio. Sometimes it might not be the HDMI cable causing the issues, but the LG TV or external speakers. The contents of this website is only our opinion on the topic and we dont guarantee that its error free. And if youre using an external audio device. And Bluetooth for Bluetooth devices.
Nothing was working n as soon as I did what you said it went right back on. Thank you! Often times you have a sound-bar, DVD player, etc, connected to your LG TV and the sound output needs to be adjusted accordingly. Edward Hill. You can update the software on your LG TV by the following method: The software installation removes the existing bugs and errors. Its still the same thing. There is the possibility that your HDMI cable is faulty. Follow each step until the sound starts to work again. Then power on, and hdmi 1 was back with audio. While unplugged, press and hold the power button for 30 seconds.