Due to the absence of measurable circadian rhythms in Tb and activity in LL and DD, we propose that the central circadian system of Svalbard ptarmigan either uncouples from its output, or dampens in rhythmicity, when there is no periodic environmental synchronization (Bloch et al., 2013).
Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where Pliny, Pindar and Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of complete happiness. Activity rhythm in high arctic svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus).
(1986). Explore the globe with a swipe of your finger. We make it easy to collect and publish everything about art, manage collections, and buy, sell and promote artworks. Behav. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. Ambient temperature was kept between 3 and 7C throughout the experiment, which is within the thermo-neutral zone of physically mature Svalbard ptarmigan (Mortensen and Blix, 1986). Nature 343, 536540. The place of incision, i.e., ventrocaudal from the sternum, was located, plucked of feathers and disinfected with 2% iodine (ref. Please subscribe now at https://bit.ly/2DwW4BZ Whilst brainstorming ideas for new videos I often look over old maps to look for any specific curiosities and until now Ive never really paid much attention to the North Pole, but why on 16th century maps of the world do we see a very specific land formation north of Greenland, in exactly the position on the North Pole?I tried to find all the maps that feature this formation and so far I have counted seven, the most famous being the various incarnations of the Gerardus Mercator map of the 16th century.This mysterious landmass ties in with the Greek mythological account of the Hyperboreans, a race of giants who lived beyond the North Wind. Find out more about what data we collect and use at, Quick search helps finding an artist, picture, user or article and prompts your previous searches, Login to use Arthive functionality to the maximum, Register to use Arthive functionality to the maximum, This action is only available to registered users. J. Biol.
DA, AN, and GW: formal analysis, investigation, and visualization. Naturwissenschaften 94, 183194. The birds were placed into their home cages as soon as they could stand unaided. The ancient poet Callimachus described the Arimaspi as having fair hair,[40] but it is disputed whether the Arimaspi were Hyperboreans.
Biol. "[46][47] Dugin long demonstrated a belief in "Hyperboreans" having published The Hyperborean Theory (1992). AN, DH, and GW: resources. Copyright 2021 Appenroth, Nord, Hazlerigg and Wagner. Am. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1516442113, Steiger, S. S., Valcu, M., Spoelstra, K., Helm, B., Wikelski, M., and Kempenaers, B. Circadian rhythms have evolved to maintain behavioral, physiological, and metabolic synchrony with these ambient cycles, and to anticipate changing conditions within a day. Institute of Biosciences, University of So Paulo, Brazil, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States. The circadian rhythm of body temperature. [41] According to Herodianus, the Arimaspi were close in appearance to the Hyperboreans, making the inference that the Hyperboreans had fair hair being potentially valid. [39] However, Aelius Herodianus, a grammarian in the 3rd century, wrote that the mythical Arimaspi were identical to the Hyperboreans in physical appearance (De Prosodia Catholica, 1. Rhythms of mammalian body temperature can sustain peripheral circadian clocks. doi: 10.1177/0748730410397645, Darlington, T. K., Wager-Smith, K., Ceriani, M. F., Staknis, D., Gekakis, N., Steeves, T. D., et al.
Was it home to the hyperboreans? Later Roman and Greek sources continued to change the location of the Riphean mountains, the home of Boreas, as well as Hyperborea, supposedly located beyond them. Visit traditional homes around the globe in Street View and discover how the definition of home can both change and remain the same. Figure 4.
A circadian pacemaker in free-living chipmunks: essential for survival? (A-C) Tb was plotted actogram-like between 40 and 42C for representative birds from each group (bird IDs A: SP3, B: LP/LL11, C: DD3). These master clocks entrain to the environmental cycle primarily through the light-dark signal (Pittendrigh, 1960) and impose rhythmicity onto peripheral tissue, e.g., by circulating hormones such as melatonin produced in the pineal gland (Pevet and Challet, 2011). As the reindeer is the only deer species of which females bear antlers, this would suggest an arctic or subarctic region. A. Sanmark, F. Iversen, N. Mehler, S. Semple (Eds.) doi: 10.1111/j.1600-079X.2007.00476.x, Swade, R. H., and Pittendrigh, C. S. (1967). The data correspond to the measurement in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure S4 and are displayed as mean 95% CI. This layer shows the distribution of Laminaria hyperborea and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock. [65], Mythical northern area in Greek mythology, Hyperborea in radical Russian nationalist and neo-Nazi imagery. He quoted Pindar and added "Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death our life, our happiness. Specifically, the birds were anesthetized with a 4% isoflurane air mix (Ref. 17, 813. No. doi: 10.1242/jeb.171124, Nord, A., and Folkow, L. P. (2019). AN was supported by the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 18). [56] Their ideas were popularized by Russian nationalists. They can, therefore, utilize the benefits of a circadian system during times of a rhythmic environment but are able to escape its restrictions in constant photic conditions. Consecutive days are also plotted from top to bottom (y-axis).
Burnt Mounds: Transforming Spaces and Places in Bronze Age Shetland. Rhythms 35, 180194. in their sacred blood; far from labor and battle they live. In this sense, Washington Irving, in elaborating on the Astor Expedition in the Pacific Northwest, described how: While the fiery and magnificent Spaniard, inflamed with the mania for gold, has extended his discoveries and conquests over those brilliant countries scorched by the ardent sun of the tropics, the adroit and buoyant Frenchman, and the cool and calculating Briton, have pursued the less splendid, but no less lucrative, traffic in furs amidst the hyperborean regions of the Canadas, until they have advanced even within the Arctic Circle.[51]. sent 100 applications as a man and a woman. DA, DH, and GW were supported by grants from the Troms Research Foundation (TFS2016DH) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0030/2015) to DH. Catastrophic demise of Hyperborea / Atland / Frisland on October 24, 2194 BC, Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 1, discovery west of Eire, 7117 BC: Destruction by tsunami of the land bridge from Ireland to Scotland across the North Channel of the Irish Sea, Sinking of Atlantis by Marduk in 9577 BC, Part 4: Destruction from the flood, 7117 BC Tsunami from the Gulf of Mexico destroyed America, Mu and coastal Europe, The place-name element blstar in the North Atlantic area, Other Shores: Insularity, Materiality and the Making (and Unmaking) of 'Europe'. J. Mammal.
J. Comp. Hyperborea was identified with Britain first by Hecataeus of Abdera in the 4th century BC, as in a preserved fragment by Diodorus Siculus: In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. Sci. Svalbard ptarmigan exhibit rhythmic activity during the short periods of light-dark cycles, but become arrhythmic during the polar day and polar night (Stokkan et al., 1986; Reierth and Stokkan, 1998).
Temperature as a universal resetting cue for mammalian circadian oscillators. Figure 3. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
II, (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), 7. This range covered the full range of core Tb shown by Svalbard ptarmigan over the course of the year (Nord and Folkow, 2018).
Follow clues and track her down! And the resumes were identical. According to Herodotus, offerings from the Hyperboreans came to Scythia packed with straw, and they were passed from tribe to tribe until they arrived at Dodona and from them to other Greek peoples until they to came to Apollo's temple on Delos. Immerse yourself in new cultures and test your knowledge of the world. doi: 10.1126/science.280.5369.1599, DeCoursey, P. J., and Krulas, J. R. (1998). The constant darkness (DD) group was directly transferred from L:D 6:18 into DD. 16:20200257. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0257. The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet). (1999). doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(01)00586-8, Daan, S., Spoelstra, K., Albrecht, U., Schmutz, I., Daan, M., Daan, B., et al. In LL and DD, the difference between maximal and minimal Tb within a 24-h period was attenuated and our periodogram analysis suggests weakened circadian control over Tb rhythms under these constant photic conditions. It is possible that Svalbard ptarmigan (and other birds) use Tb in the same manner to ensure synchronized physiology in the short periods of light-dark cycles in-between the long stretches of polar day and polar night. -P., Huffeldt, N. P., Pedersen, S. H., et al. Environmental conditions alter behavioural organization and rhythmicity of a large Arctic ruminant across the annual cycle. In this way, Friedrich Nietzsche referred to his sympathetic readers as Hyperboreans in The Antichrist (written 1888, published 1895): "Let us look each other in the face. However, all these sources agreed these were all in the far north of Greece or southern Europe. no. The iButtons recorded hourly Tb for the durations outlined online.2 Specifically, in the SP-group, the Tb of seven birds was recorded for 48 days (except for bird SP2 which was measured for 30 days). We also plotted Tb and activity as mean SD 24-h profiles for the SP and LP/LL group under LP. Open 8:bio043497. Circadian performance of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)-lesioned antelope ground squirrels in a desert enclosure. Calibration was performed in 5C increments between 35 and 45C. J. Biol. The calibrated iButtons were implanted into the abdominal cavity under gas anesthesia. Anticipatory rise in Tb based on segmental regression breakpoints. No. Modern scholars consider the Hyperborean myth to be an amalgam of ideas from ancient utopianism, "edge of the earth" stories, the cult of Apollo, and exaggerated reports of phenomena in northern Europe (e.g. In order to characterize the Tb rhythm in a truly Arctic bird and explore its possible circadian control, we implanted abdominal temperature loggers into captive Svalbard ptarmigan and recorded Tb and activity under short photoperiod (SP), long photoperiod (LP), in constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD; Figure 1C). Biol.
4 h (Figure 2E) of which subsequent peaks in the periodogram could be subharmonics to the fundamental ultradian period. In maps based on reference points and descriptions given by Strabo,[22] Hyperborea, shown variously as a peninsula or island, is located beyond what is now France, and stretches further northsouth than eastwest. Pindar, a contemporary of Herodotus, described the otherworldly perfection of the Hyperboreans: Never the Muse is absent Birds under SP and LP displayed Tb amplitudes of 2.52 0.15C and 2.27 0.12C, respectively (estimate SE by mixed model analysis), while birds under LL and DD showed smaller differences between peak and nadir (p < 0.001 by mixed model analysis) with 1.46 0.12C and 1.30 0.19C, respectively. Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 7 responses for interview. Actograms illustrate rhythmicity or the lack of it. Representative double-plotted actograms for body temperature (Tb) and activity. Some scholars have identified this temple with Stonehenge. The muscle tissue was sutured with an absorbable 2-0 Polysorb string (Ref. I'd send it out with my real name, then a few days later (or few days before) with a female name. 113, 686691. Front. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. [45], Unaware of the explanation offered by modern science (i.e. The above mentioned studies indicate that adaptation to life in the high Arctic has had profound effects on the circadian system. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0435, Keywords: Arctic, chronobiology, circadian rhythm, heterothermy, photoperiod, thermoregulation, Svalbard ptarmigan, Citation: Appenroth D, Nord A, Hazlerigg DG and Wagner GC (2021) Body Temperature and Activity Rhythms Under Different Photoperiods in High Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). 61, 8392. Physiol. Circadian control of body temperature. In 2018, not-for-profit mapping and technology specialists gathered in California to learn about Google's mapping tools and share a passion for planetary change. doi: 10.1126/science.1195262, Cabanac, A., and Guillemette, M. (2001). (C,D) Mean normalized activity SD over the course of 24 h (midnight to midnight) in SP (61 24-h recordings from three birds) and LP (27 24-h recordings from three birds). [10] Herodotus assumed that Hyperborea lay somewhere in Northeast Asia. To prevent this, the Hyperboreans began to bring the gifts to their borders and ask their neighbours to deliver them to the next country and so on until they arrived to Delos. Proc.
16 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.633866, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.633866/full#supplementary-material, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Hourly means of Tb (red) and activity (black) 5 h before and 1 h after the light-on signal, given in Zeitgeber time (ZT). Genet. Rhythmicity in these actograms was tested by calculating 2-periodograms (Sokolove and Bushell, 1978) for 10 consecutive days for each bird in each light treatment. Theseus visited the Hyperboreans and Pindar transferred Perseus' encounter with Medusa there from its traditional site in Libya, to the dissatisfaction of his Alexandrian editors.[34].
Activity was recorded as counts per minute and normalized from 0 to 1 for each individual bird prior to analysis and plotting. (A,B) Mean SD Tb over the course of 24 h (01:00 to midnight) in SP (based on 222 24-h recordings from five birds) and LP (based on 184 24-h recordings from eight birds).
Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans, where Pliny, Pindar and Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived to the age of one thousand and enjoyed lives of complete happiness. Activity rhythm in high arctic svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus hyperboreus).
(1986). Explore the globe with a swipe of your finger. We make it easy to collect and publish everything about art, manage collections, and buy, sell and promote artworks. Behav. The datasets presented in this study can be found in online repositories. Ambient temperature was kept between 3 and 7C throughout the experiment, which is within the thermo-neutral zone of physically mature Svalbard ptarmigan (Mortensen and Blix, 1986). Nature 343, 536540. The place of incision, i.e., ventrocaudal from the sternum, was located, plucked of feathers and disinfected with 2% iodine (ref. Please subscribe now at https://bit.ly/2DwW4BZ Whilst brainstorming ideas for new videos I often look over old maps to look for any specific curiosities and until now Ive never really paid much attention to the North Pole, but why on 16th century maps of the world do we see a very specific land formation north of Greenland, in exactly the position on the North Pole?I tried to find all the maps that feature this formation and so far I have counted seven, the most famous being the various incarnations of the Gerardus Mercator map of the 16th century.This mysterious landmass ties in with the Greek mythological account of the Hyperboreans, a race of giants who lived beyond the North Wind. Find out more about what data we collect and use at, Quick search helps finding an artist, picture, user or article and prompts your previous searches, Login to use Arthive functionality to the maximum, Register to use Arthive functionality to the maximum, This action is only available to registered users. J. Biol.
DA, AN, and GW: formal analysis, investigation, and visualization. Naturwissenschaften 94, 183194. The birds were placed into their home cages as soon as they could stand unaided. The ancient poet Callimachus described the Arimaspi as having fair hair,[40] but it is disputed whether the Arimaspi were Hyperboreans.
Biol. "[46][47] Dugin long demonstrated a belief in "Hyperboreans" having published The Hyperborean Theory (1992). AN, DH, and GW: resources. Copyright 2021 Appenroth, Nord, Hazlerigg and Wagner. Am. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1516442113, Steiger, S. S., Valcu, M., Spoelstra, K., Helm, B., Wikelski, M., and Kempenaers, B. Circadian rhythms have evolved to maintain behavioral, physiological, and metabolic synchrony with these ambient cycles, and to anticipate changing conditions within a day. Institute of Biosciences, University of So Paulo, Brazil, University of Alaska Fairbanks, United States. The circadian rhythm of body temperature. [41] According to Herodianus, the Arimaspi were close in appearance to the Hyperboreans, making the inference that the Hyperboreans had fair hair being potentially valid. [39] However, Aelius Herodianus, a grammarian in the 3rd century, wrote that the mythical Arimaspi were identical to the Hyperboreans in physical appearance (De Prosodia Catholica, 1. Rhythms of mammalian body temperature can sustain peripheral circadian clocks. doi: 10.1177/0748730410397645, Darlington, T. K., Wager-Smith, K., Ceriani, M. F., Staknis, D., Gekakis, N., Steeves, T. D., et al.
Was it home to the hyperboreans? Later Roman and Greek sources continued to change the location of the Riphean mountains, the home of Boreas, as well as Hyperborea, supposedly located beyond them. Visit traditional homes around the globe in Street View and discover how the definition of home can both change and remain the same. Figure 4.
A circadian pacemaker in free-living chipmunks: essential for survival? (A-C) Tb was plotted actogram-like between 40 and 42C for representative birds from each group (bird IDs A: SP3, B: LP/LL11, C: DD3). These master clocks entrain to the environmental cycle primarily through the light-dark signal (Pittendrigh, 1960) and impose rhythmicity onto peripheral tissue, e.g., by circulating hormones such as melatonin produced in the pineal gland (Pevet and Challet, 2011). As the reindeer is the only deer species of which females bear antlers, this would suggest an arctic or subarctic region. A. Sanmark, F. Iversen, N. Mehler, S. Semple (Eds.) doi: 10.1111/j.1600-079X.2007.00476.x, Swade, R. H., and Pittendrigh, C. S. (1967). The data correspond to the measurement in Figure 4 and Supplementary Figure S4 and are displayed as mean 95% CI. This layer shows the distribution of Laminaria hyperborea and foliose red seaweeds on moderately exposed infralittoral rock. [65], Mythical northern area in Greek mythology, Hyperborea in radical Russian nationalist and neo-Nazi imagery. He quoted Pindar and added "Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death our life, our happiness. Specifically, the birds were anesthetized with a 4% isoflurane air mix (Ref. 17, 813. No. doi: 10.1242/jeb.171124, Nord, A., and Folkow, L. P. (2019). AN was supported by the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 18). [56] Their ideas were popularized by Russian nationalists. They can, therefore, utilize the benefits of a circadian system during times of a rhythmic environment but are able to escape its restrictions in constant photic conditions. Consecutive days are also plotted from top to bottom (y-axis).
Burnt Mounds: Transforming Spaces and Places in Bronze Age Shetland. Rhythms 35, 180194. in their sacred blood; far from labor and battle they live. In this sense, Washington Irving, in elaborating on the Astor Expedition in the Pacific Northwest, described how: While the fiery and magnificent Spaniard, inflamed with the mania for gold, has extended his discoveries and conquests over those brilliant countries scorched by the ardent sun of the tropics, the adroit and buoyant Frenchman, and the cool and calculating Briton, have pursued the less splendid, but no less lucrative, traffic in furs amidst the hyperborean regions of the Canadas, until they have advanced even within the Arctic Circle.[51]. sent 100 applications as a man and a woman. DA, DH, and GW were supported by grants from the Troms Research Foundation (TFS2016DH) and the Human Frontiers Science Program (RGP0030/2015) to DH. Catastrophic demise of Hyperborea / Atland / Frisland on October 24, 2194 BC, Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 1, discovery west of Eire, 7117 BC: Destruction by tsunami of the land bridge from Ireland to Scotland across the North Channel of the Irish Sea, Sinking of Atlantis by Marduk in 9577 BC, Part 4: Destruction from the flood, 7117 BC Tsunami from the Gulf of Mexico destroyed America, Mu and coastal Europe, The place-name element blstar in the North Atlantic area, Other Shores: Insularity, Materiality and the Making (and Unmaking) of 'Europe'. J. Mammal.
J. Comp. Hyperborea was identified with Britain first by Hecataeus of Abdera in the 4th century BC, as in a preserved fragment by Diodorus Siculus: In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there lies in the ocean an island no smaller than Sicily. Sci. Svalbard ptarmigan exhibit rhythmic activity during the short periods of light-dark cycles, but become arrhythmic during the polar day and polar night (Stokkan et al., 1986; Reierth and Stokkan, 1998).
Temperature as a universal resetting cue for mammalian circadian oscillators. Figure 3. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link.
II, (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House, 1993), 7. This range covered the full range of core Tb shown by Svalbard ptarmigan over the course of the year (Nord and Folkow, 2018).
Follow clues and track her down! And the resumes were identical. According to Herodotus, offerings from the Hyperboreans came to Scythia packed with straw, and they were passed from tribe to tribe until they arrived at Dodona and from them to other Greek peoples until they to came to Apollo's temple on Delos. Immerse yourself in new cultures and test your knowledge of the world. doi: 10.1126/science.280.5369.1599, DeCoursey, P. J., and Krulas, J. R. (1998). The constant darkness (DD) group was directly transferred from L:D 6:18 into DD. 16:20200257. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2020.0257. The animal study was reviewed and approved by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet). (1999). doi: 10.1016/S0031-9384(01)00586-8, Daan, S., Spoelstra, K., Albrecht, U., Schmutz, I., Daan, M., Daan, B., et al. In LL and DD, the difference between maximal and minimal Tb within a 24-h period was attenuated and our periodogram analysis suggests weakened circadian control over Tb rhythms under these constant photic conditions. It is possible that Svalbard ptarmigan (and other birds) use Tb in the same manner to ensure synchronized physiology in the short periods of light-dark cycles in-between the long stretches of polar day and polar night. -P., Huffeldt, N. P., Pedersen, S. H., et al. Environmental conditions alter behavioural organization and rhythmicity of a large Arctic ruminant across the annual cycle. In this way, Friedrich Nietzsche referred to his sympathetic readers as Hyperboreans in The Antichrist (written 1888, published 1895): "Let us look each other in the face. However, all these sources agreed these were all in the far north of Greece or southern Europe. no. The iButtons recorded hourly Tb for the durations outlined online.2 Specifically, in the SP-group, the Tb of seven birds was recorded for 48 days (except for bird SP2 which was measured for 30 days). We also plotted Tb and activity as mean SD 24-h profiles for the SP and LP/LL group under LP. Open 8:bio043497. Circadian performance of suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN)-lesioned antelope ground squirrels in a desert enclosure. Calibration was performed in 5C increments between 35 and 45C. J. Biol. The calibrated iButtons were implanted into the abdominal cavity under gas anesthesia. Anticipatory rise in Tb based on segmental regression breakpoints. No. Modern scholars consider the Hyperborean myth to be an amalgam of ideas from ancient utopianism, "edge of the earth" stories, the cult of Apollo, and exaggerated reports of phenomena in northern Europe (e.g. In order to characterize the Tb rhythm in a truly Arctic bird and explore its possible circadian control, we implanted abdominal temperature loggers into captive Svalbard ptarmigan and recorded Tb and activity under short photoperiod (SP), long photoperiod (LP), in constant light (LL) and constant darkness (DD; Figure 1C). Biol.
4 h (Figure 2E) of which subsequent peaks in the periodogram could be subharmonics to the fundamental ultradian period. In maps based on reference points and descriptions given by Strabo,[22] Hyperborea, shown variously as a peninsula or island, is located beyond what is now France, and stretches further northsouth than eastwest. Pindar, a contemporary of Herodotus, described the otherworldly perfection of the Hyperboreans: Never the Muse is absent Birds under SP and LP displayed Tb amplitudes of 2.52 0.15C and 2.27 0.12C, respectively (estimate SE by mixed model analysis), while birds under LL and DD showed smaller differences between peak and nadir (p < 0.001 by mixed model analysis) with 1.46 0.12C and 1.30 0.19C, respectively. Out of 100, my applications with a male name got 7 responses for interview. Actograms illustrate rhythmicity or the lack of it. Representative double-plotted actograms for body temperature (Tb) and activity. Some scholars have identified this temple with Stonehenge. The muscle tissue was sutured with an absorbable 2-0 Polysorb string (Ref. I'd send it out with my real name, then a few days later (or few days before) with a female name. 113, 686691. Front. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. [45], Unaware of the explanation offered by modern science (i.e. The above mentioned studies indicate that adaptation to life in the high Arctic has had profound effects on the circadian system. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2011.0435, Keywords: Arctic, chronobiology, circadian rhythm, heterothermy, photoperiod, thermoregulation, Svalbard ptarmigan, Citation: Appenroth D, Nord A, Hazlerigg DG and Wagner GC (2021) Body Temperature and Activity Rhythms Under Different Photoperiods in High Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). 61, 8392. Physiol. Circadian control of body temperature. In 2018, not-for-profit mapping and technology specialists gathered in California to learn about Google's mapping tools and share a passion for planetary change. doi: 10.1126/science.1195262, Cabanac, A., and Guillemette, M. (2001). (C,D) Mean normalized activity SD over the course of 24 h (midnight to midnight) in SP (61 24-h recordings from three birds) and LP (27 24-h recordings from three birds). [10] Herodotus assumed that Hyperborea lay somewhere in Northeast Asia. To prevent this, the Hyperboreans began to bring the gifts to their borders and ask their neighbours to deliver them to the next country and so on until they arrived to Delos. Proc.
16 Articles, This article is part of the Research Topic, https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.633866, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.633866/full#supplementary-material, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). Hourly means of Tb (red) and activity (black) 5 h before and 1 h after the light-on signal, given in Zeitgeber time (ZT). Genet. Rhythmicity in these actograms was tested by calculating 2-periodograms (Sokolove and Bushell, 1978) for 10 consecutive days for each bird in each light treatment. Theseus visited the Hyperboreans and Pindar transferred Perseus' encounter with Medusa there from its traditional site in Libya, to the dissatisfaction of his Alexandrian editors.[34].
Activity was recorded as counts per minute and normalized from 0 to 1 for each individual bird prior to analysis and plotting. (A,B) Mean SD Tb over the course of 24 h (01:00 to midnight) in SP (based on 222 24-h recordings from five birds) and LP (based on 184 24-h recordings from eight birds).