Emergency 7 Evacuations must be verified, approved, and arranged in advance by AIG Assist. 'Usual and Customary Charge' means those charges for necessary treatment and services that are reasonable for the treatment of cases of comparable severity and nature. YOU GET MONEY BACK. Cruise Travel Insurance is an optional product offered by some cruiseliners that gives flexibility to the guest to cancel the cruise any time prior to the sailing and get either a refund or a cruise credit if the cruise is cancelled for a covered reason. Canceling 14 days or less before your cruise means you will not get any money back except what you paid in taxes and fees.
Policy Exclusions The following exclusion applies to the Medical Expense/Emergency Assistance, Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation, Post-Departure Trip Interruption, and Travel Delay coverages: 1. Your Duties in the Event of a Loss You must provide with your claim submission: For Trip Cancellation and Interruption Claims: 1) all invoices, canceled checks and/or credit card statements documenting your payment(s) for the Trip and the travel protection plan; 2) all invoices, canceled checks and/or credit card statements documenting refund(s) received or due; 3) a completed claim form (including the Attending Physician's Statement and a signed Authorization for Release of Information, if applicable) and any other official documentation to substantiate the reason for the cancellation or interruption; and 4) any other written documentation which may be required by Windstar to substantiate the claim. 1. ), recommendations and ticketing, Golf course information, referrals, recommendations and tee times, Tracking and assisting with the return of lost or delayed baggage, 2022 AffordableTours.com All Rights Reserved. Cruise Vacation Protection With the CruiseCare Cancellation Penalty Waiver, if your plans go awry and you cancel - or interrupt - your cruise vacation (for specified reasons), Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises will waive the non-refundable cancellation provision of your cruise ticket contract and pay you IN CASH the value of the unused portion of your prepaid cruise vacation. 'Pre-Existing Condition' means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60 day period immediately prior to your effective date for which you or your Traveling Companion or Immediate Family Member scheduled or booked to travel with you: 1) received or received a recommendation for a diagnostic test, examination, or medical treatment; or 2) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. 'Trip Cost' means the cash, check, or credit card amounts actually paid for your Trip. One Call Travel Solutions 24-Hour WorldwideTravel Services Message Services - Windstar will transmit emergency messages to family, friends or business associates and let you know that the message has been received. Prices are subject to change without notice. Shop for luggage and travel accessories, car and bike safety accessories, clothing and gifts. For any reason whatsoever, your reservation may be cancelled with ease. The Disney Cruise Line Vacation Protection Plan is a package of benefits that help prepare you for the unexpected before, during, and even after their trip. An illness, accident, or unexpected situation can arise before or during any vacation. For item 1) above, the Sickness or Injury must: a) commence while your coverage is in effect under the policy; b) for item 2) above, commence while you are on your Trip and your coverage is in effect under the policy; and c) for both items 1) and 2) above, require the examination and treatment by a Physician at the time the Trip is interrupted or delayed; and d) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to delay your arrival on your Trip or to prevent you from continuing your Trip. CSA Travel Protection plans provide important insurance coverage, benefits and 24-hour emergency assistance services to take care of you while traveling and protect your hard-earned investment. Under no circumstances will any outstanding credit be available for use after the original twelve month period has ended.
Explore all the benefits that a CAA Membership provides. 'Air Carrier' means any air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers for hire. Windstar will also help you when airline or other travel tickets are lost or stolen. Guests insured under Silversea GuestCare or another travel insurance product and who have paid the 3 percent of Total Holiday Cost for the Reassurance Programme, must provide a copy of the denial letter received from their travel insurance provider in order to apply for the 100 percent Reassurance Cruise Credit. An unscheduled return by the same or like mode of transportation as originally scheduled is not a Medical Evacuation. 100%); there is no protection from cancellation fees within 3 working days prior to the commencement of the sail date, cruise tour or cruise plus, whichever is earliest. SECTION I TRAVEL PROTECTION COVERAGES UNDERWRITTEN BY VIRGINIA SURETY COMPANY, INC. PART B: MEDICAL PROTECTION EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND REPATRIATION OF REMAINS The Insurer will pay benefits for Covered Expenses if an Injury or Sickness commencing during the course of the Trip results in Your necessary Emergency Evacuation. Worldwide Emergency Assistance For services ranging from replacement of lost prescription medicine to referrals for local medical providers. 'Program Medical Advisors' means One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Inc. 'Scheduled Departure Date' means the date on which you are originally scheduled to leave on your Trip. BAGGAGE DELAY The Insurer will reimburse You, up to $500, for expenses of necessary personal effects needed while at a destination other than Your place of residence if Your checked baggage is delayed or misdirected by a Common Carrier for more than 24 hours from the time You arrived at the destination stated on Your ticket. Nurse Helpline - Registered nurses are available 24-Hours a day before and during your trip to provide general health information, clinical assessment, and health counseling to give you assistance in making appropriate healthcare decisions. Payment for the plan is due at time of purchase and is non-refundable. Below are some of your Voyage Protection inclusions: 24/7 CareFree Travel Assistance, Medical Assistance, Emergency Services, Within the U.S. and Canada: 1.877.303.5909 | Outside the U.S. and Canada, call collect: 1.516.342.4594. 3. a change in plans by you, an Immediate Family Member traveling with you, or Traveling Companion resulting from one of the following events which occurs while coverage is in effect under this Policy: a) being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to departure; b) being hijacked, quarantined (except as the result of an epidemic or pandemic), required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you, an Immediate Family Member traveling with you or a Traveling Companion is not 1) a party to the legal action, or 2) appearing as a law enforcement officer; c) your Home or workplace is made uninhabitable by vandalism, burglary, fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster; d) being called to the emergency service of government in the case of military, police or fire personnel to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster; e) a documented theft of passports or visas; f) a transfer of employment of 250 miles or more; g) a Terrorist Act which occurs in your departure city or in a city which is a scheduled destination for your Trip provided: 1) The Terrorist Act occurs within 30 days of the Scheduled Departure Date for your Trip; h) a cancellation of your Trip if your arrival on the Trip is delayed and causes you to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons covered under items #1 and #2 above. You may have coverage from other sources that already provides you with these benefits. Travel Document and Ticket Replacement - When important travel documents (such as passports and visas) are lost or stolen, Windstar will help you to secure replacements. 'Immediate Family Member' includes your or the Traveling Companion's spouse, child, spouse's child, son-daughter-in-law, parent(s), sibling(s), grandparent(s), grandchild, step-brother-sister, step-parent(s), parent(s)-in-law, brother-sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guardian, Care Giver, Domestic Partner, foster-child, or ward. Expenses for Special Transportation must be: a) recommended by the attending Physician; b) required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting You; and. These plans provide what is perhaps the most attractive combination of protection and flexibility available in cruising today. It's simple: Sign up your friends, family, and anyone to us and when they book you will receive an American Express gift card worth up to $200 in the mail for simply referring. *For NY Residents, Section I Travel Arrangement Protection is underwritten by Virginia Surety Company, Inc. AIG Assist can provide assistance in coordinating delivery or re-routing of misplaced luggage when checked with a Common Carrier. The plan's insurance coverage applies only during the covered trip. The per person, per cruise cost is listed with the cruise fares. The CruiseCare Vacation Protection is provided in addition to other applicable indemnity or insurance programs, where permitted by law and shall apply only after benefits have been paid.
In CA, CT, HI, NE, NH, PA, TN, and TX ,Policy/Certificate Form series TAHC5100 and TAHC5200. Baggage Delay Windstar will reimburse you, less any amount paid or payable from any other valid and collectible insurance or indemnity, up to the amount shown in the Schedule, for the cost of reasonable additional clothing and personal articles purchased by you, if your Baggage is delayed for 24 hours or more during your Trip. Brought to you by Celebrity Cruises. Only dental expenses incurred during Your Trip are covered. In addition, should you or your traveling companion need to cancel your cruise for any other reason, you may be eligible for cruise credits up to 75% of the non-refundable, prepaid cruise vacation cost. Your policy is available at www.tripmate.com. The price of CFW is 10% of the Cruise Fare & 10% of the Port Charges. Special Transportation includes, but is not limited to, air ambulances, land ambulances, and private motor vehicles. Only Holland America Line refunds 80-90% of eligible amounts paid, regardless of your reason for canceling, as long as you cancel more than 24 hours prior to departure (right up to departure with the Platinum Plan). TERM OF PROTECTION1. This program is not trip interruption insurance and only covers cancellation fees and passengers baggage while on the cruise, cruise tour or Cruise Plus. Optional Reassurance Programme must be added at the time of booking and must be paid for IN FULL at the time of deposit. If a Reassurance Cruise Credit is elected from 90 to 15 days prior to cruise departure, a credit will be issued (no money will be refunded) in the amount of total charges paid regardless of the normal applicable penalty percentage at the time of cancellation. We offer the same excellent protection for everyone, at the same cost. Payments made in the form of a certificate, voucher or discount are not Payments or Deposits as defined herein. PLEASE NOTE: Payment for the plan may not be accepted after the Trip cost has been paid in full. Doing so increases the credit value to 90%. Guests may purchase this comprehensive Travel Insurance from Travel Guard. Claims may also be reported online and claim forms downloaded at www.tripmate.com. In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects, you must: 1) immediately report the incident to the appropriate local authorities (i.e. Enhanced Cancellation Protection in the event you are forced to cancel for a non-covered reason (please read through the plan for additional details about NCL's cruise credit offer). If your bags are delayed or misdirected for more than 24 hours, the plan will reimburse you up to $500 for the purchase of necessary personal items. IN ALL OTHER STATES: BerkelyCareSM is a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. in all states other than CA, except: AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. in MN and OK and AIS Affinity Insurance Agency in NH and NY. Do you have a pre-existing medical condition? Premiums paid for Silversea's GuestCare or Reassurance Programme will not be included in the Reassurance Cruise Credit. The Insurer will not pay benefits in excess of the reasonable and customary charges commonly used by providers of medical care in the locality in which the care is furnished. The Insurer will pay benefits up to $10,000 (or up to $20,000 if You purchased our Platinum Travel Protection Plan) if You incur necessary Covered Medical Expenses as a result of an Injury, or up to $10,000 (or up to $20,000 if You purchased Platinum Travel Protection Plan) if You incur necessary Covered Medical Expenses as a result of Sickness. The Assist Card provides cover for unforeseen events that can occur including losing baggage, needing medical care, delays, and cancellations.
New York Residents: For residents of New York only, the Windstar Cruises TICP Cancel for Any Reason Waiver Benefits may be purchased separately without purchase of the Travel Protection Plan. There will be a combined maximum limit of $1,000 for the following: jewelry; watches; articles trimmed with, or made mostly of, fur; and cameras, video cameras, and their related equipment. In IL, IN, KS, LA, OR, OH, VT, WA, and WY, Policy Form #'s TAHC5100IPS and TAHC5200IPS.
For your convenience, Princess offers Princess Vacation Protection (formerly Princess Travel Care) as well as enhanced coverage - Princess Travel Care Gold for voyages prior to the Summer of 2009 and Princess Vacation Protection Platinum commencing with Summer 2009 cruises. Cruisecare Worldwide Emergency Program provided by On Call International. As an MGA we are acting on behalf of our carrier partner. The TICP Plus Plan is only available for U.S. and Canadian residents. In IL, IN, KS, LA, OR, OH, VT, WA and WY Policy Form #'s TAHC5100IPS and TAHC5200IPS. APB, EBI, Silver Sailings, and Venetian Society). For Medical Expense Claims: 1) all receipts, itemized bills and reports for medical and/or dental expenses claimed; 2) any requested information, including but not limited to, an explanation of benefits from any other applicable insurance; 3) a signed patient authorization to release any information Windstar requires to investigate your claim. IN ALL OTHER STATES: BerkelyCareSM is a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. in all states other than CA, except: AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. in MN and OK and AIS Affinity Insurance Agency in NH and NY.
Policy Exclusions The following exclusion applies to the Medical Expense/Emergency Assistance, Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation, Post-Departure Trip Interruption, and Travel Delay coverages: 1. Your Duties in the Event of a Loss You must provide with your claim submission: For Trip Cancellation and Interruption Claims: 1) all invoices, canceled checks and/or credit card statements documenting your payment(s) for the Trip and the travel protection plan; 2) all invoices, canceled checks and/or credit card statements documenting refund(s) received or due; 3) a completed claim form (including the Attending Physician's Statement and a signed Authorization for Release of Information, if applicable) and any other official documentation to substantiate the reason for the cancellation or interruption; and 4) any other written documentation which may be required by Windstar to substantiate the claim. 1. ), recommendations and ticketing, Golf course information, referrals, recommendations and tee times, Tracking and assisting with the return of lost or delayed baggage, 2022 AffordableTours.com All Rights Reserved. Cruise Vacation Protection With the CruiseCare Cancellation Penalty Waiver, if your plans go awry and you cancel - or interrupt - your cruise vacation (for specified reasons), Royal Caribbean and Celebrity Cruises will waive the non-refundable cancellation provision of your cruise ticket contract and pay you IN CASH the value of the unused portion of your prepaid cruise vacation. 'Pre-Existing Condition' means an illness, disease, or other condition during the 60 day period immediately prior to your effective date for which you or your Traveling Companion or Immediate Family Member scheduled or booked to travel with you: 1) received or received a recommendation for a diagnostic test, examination, or medical treatment; or 2) took or received a prescription for drugs or medicine. 'Trip Cost' means the cash, check, or credit card amounts actually paid for your Trip. One Call Travel Solutions 24-Hour WorldwideTravel Services Message Services - Windstar will transmit emergency messages to family, friends or business associates and let you know that the message has been received. Prices are subject to change without notice. Shop for luggage and travel accessories, car and bike safety accessories, clothing and gifts. For any reason whatsoever, your reservation may be cancelled with ease. The Disney Cruise Line Vacation Protection Plan is a package of benefits that help prepare you for the unexpected before, during, and even after their trip. An illness, accident, or unexpected situation can arise before or during any vacation. For item 1) above, the Sickness or Injury must: a) commence while your coverage is in effect under the policy; b) for item 2) above, commence while you are on your Trip and your coverage is in effect under the policy; and c) for both items 1) and 2) above, require the examination and treatment by a Physician at the time the Trip is interrupted or delayed; and d) in the written opinion of the treating Physician, be so disabling as to delay your arrival on your Trip or to prevent you from continuing your Trip. CSA Travel Protection plans provide important insurance coverage, benefits and 24-hour emergency assistance services to take care of you while traveling and protect your hard-earned investment. Under no circumstances will any outstanding credit be available for use after the original twelve month period has ended.
Explore all the benefits that a CAA Membership provides. 'Air Carrier' means any air conveyance operated under a license for the transportation of passengers for hire. Windstar will also help you when airline or other travel tickets are lost or stolen. Guests insured under Silversea GuestCare or another travel insurance product and who have paid the 3 percent of Total Holiday Cost for the Reassurance Programme, must provide a copy of the denial letter received from their travel insurance provider in order to apply for the 100 percent Reassurance Cruise Credit. An unscheduled return by the same or like mode of transportation as originally scheduled is not a Medical Evacuation. 100%); there is no protection from cancellation fees within 3 working days prior to the commencement of the sail date, cruise tour or cruise plus, whichever is earliest. SECTION I TRAVEL PROTECTION COVERAGES UNDERWRITTEN BY VIRGINIA SURETY COMPANY, INC. PART B: MEDICAL PROTECTION EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND REPATRIATION OF REMAINS The Insurer will pay benefits for Covered Expenses if an Injury or Sickness commencing during the course of the Trip results in Your necessary Emergency Evacuation. Worldwide Emergency Assistance For services ranging from replacement of lost prescription medicine to referrals for local medical providers. 'Program Medical Advisors' means One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Inc. 'Scheduled Departure Date' means the date on which you are originally scheduled to leave on your Trip. BAGGAGE DELAY The Insurer will reimburse You, up to $500, for expenses of necessary personal effects needed while at a destination other than Your place of residence if Your checked baggage is delayed or misdirected by a Common Carrier for more than 24 hours from the time You arrived at the destination stated on Your ticket. Nurse Helpline - Registered nurses are available 24-Hours a day before and during your trip to provide general health information, clinical assessment, and health counseling to give you assistance in making appropriate healthcare decisions. Payment for the plan is due at time of purchase and is non-refundable. Below are some of your Voyage Protection inclusions: 24/7 CareFree Travel Assistance, Medical Assistance, Emergency Services, Within the U.S. and Canada: 1.877.303.5909 | Outside the U.S. and Canada, call collect: 1.516.342.4594. 3. a change in plans by you, an Immediate Family Member traveling with you, or Traveling Companion resulting from one of the following events which occurs while coverage is in effect under this Policy: a) being directly involved in a documented traffic accident while en route to departure; b) being hijacked, quarantined (except as the result of an epidemic or pandemic), required to serve on a jury, or required by a court order to appear as a witness in a legal action, provided you, an Immediate Family Member traveling with you or a Traveling Companion is not 1) a party to the legal action, or 2) appearing as a law enforcement officer; c) your Home or workplace is made uninhabitable by vandalism, burglary, fire, flood, volcano, earthquake, hurricane or other natural disaster; d) being called to the emergency service of government in the case of military, police or fire personnel to provide aid or relief in the event of a natural disaster; e) a documented theft of passports or visas; f) a transfer of employment of 250 miles or more; g) a Terrorist Act which occurs in your departure city or in a city which is a scheduled destination for your Trip provided: 1) The Terrorist Act occurs within 30 days of the Scheduled Departure Date for your Trip; h) a cancellation of your Trip if your arrival on the Trip is delayed and causes you to lose 50% or more of the scheduled Trip duration due to the reasons covered under items #1 and #2 above. You may have coverage from other sources that already provides you with these benefits. Travel Document and Ticket Replacement - When important travel documents (such as passports and visas) are lost or stolen, Windstar will help you to secure replacements. 'Immediate Family Member' includes your or the Traveling Companion's spouse, child, spouse's child, son-daughter-in-law, parent(s), sibling(s), grandparent(s), grandchild, step-brother-sister, step-parent(s), parent(s)-in-law, brother-sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, guardian, Care Giver, Domestic Partner, foster-child, or ward. Expenses for Special Transportation must be: a) recommended by the attending Physician; b) required by the standard regulations of the conveyance transporting You; and. These plans provide what is perhaps the most attractive combination of protection and flexibility available in cruising today. It's simple: Sign up your friends, family, and anyone to us and when they book you will receive an American Express gift card worth up to $200 in the mail for simply referring. *For NY Residents, Section I Travel Arrangement Protection is underwritten by Virginia Surety Company, Inc. AIG Assist can provide assistance in coordinating delivery or re-routing of misplaced luggage when checked with a Common Carrier. The plan's insurance coverage applies only during the covered trip. The per person, per cruise cost is listed with the cruise fares. The CruiseCare Vacation Protection is provided in addition to other applicable indemnity or insurance programs, where permitted by law and shall apply only after benefits have been paid.
In CA, CT, HI, NE, NH, PA, TN, and TX ,Policy/Certificate Form series TAHC5100 and TAHC5200. Baggage Delay Windstar will reimburse you, less any amount paid or payable from any other valid and collectible insurance or indemnity, up to the amount shown in the Schedule, for the cost of reasonable additional clothing and personal articles purchased by you, if your Baggage is delayed for 24 hours or more during your Trip. Brought to you by Celebrity Cruises. Only dental expenses incurred during Your Trip are covered. In addition, should you or your traveling companion need to cancel your cruise for any other reason, you may be eligible for cruise credits up to 75% of the non-refundable, prepaid cruise vacation cost. Your policy is available at www.tripmate.com. The price of CFW is 10% of the Cruise Fare & 10% of the Port Charges. Special Transportation includes, but is not limited to, air ambulances, land ambulances, and private motor vehicles. Only Holland America Line refunds 80-90% of eligible amounts paid, regardless of your reason for canceling, as long as you cancel more than 24 hours prior to departure (right up to departure with the Platinum Plan). TERM OF PROTECTION1. This program is not trip interruption insurance and only covers cancellation fees and passengers baggage while on the cruise, cruise tour or Cruise Plus. Optional Reassurance Programme must be added at the time of booking and must be paid for IN FULL at the time of deposit. If a Reassurance Cruise Credit is elected from 90 to 15 days prior to cruise departure, a credit will be issued (no money will be refunded) in the amount of total charges paid regardless of the normal applicable penalty percentage at the time of cancellation. We offer the same excellent protection for everyone, at the same cost. Payments made in the form of a certificate, voucher or discount are not Payments or Deposits as defined herein. PLEASE NOTE: Payment for the plan may not be accepted after the Trip cost has been paid in full. Doing so increases the credit value to 90%. Guests may purchase this comprehensive Travel Insurance from Travel Guard. Claims may also be reported online and claim forms downloaded at www.tripmate.com. In case of loss, theft or damage to Baggage and Personal Effects, you must: 1) immediately report the incident to the appropriate local authorities (i.e. Enhanced Cancellation Protection in the event you are forced to cancel for a non-covered reason (please read through the plan for additional details about NCL's cruise credit offer). If your bags are delayed or misdirected for more than 24 hours, the plan will reimburse you up to $500 for the purchase of necessary personal items. IN ALL OTHER STATES: BerkelyCareSM is a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. in all states other than CA, except: AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. in MN and OK and AIS Affinity Insurance Agency in NH and NY. Do you have a pre-existing medical condition? Premiums paid for Silversea's GuestCare or Reassurance Programme will not be included in the Reassurance Cruise Credit. The Insurer will not pay benefits in excess of the reasonable and customary charges commonly used by providers of medical care in the locality in which the care is furnished. The Insurer will pay benefits up to $10,000 (or up to $20,000 if You purchased our Platinum Travel Protection Plan) if You incur necessary Covered Medical Expenses as a result of an Injury, or up to $10,000 (or up to $20,000 if You purchased Platinum Travel Protection Plan) if You incur necessary Covered Medical Expenses as a result of Sickness. The Assist Card provides cover for unforeseen events that can occur including losing baggage, needing medical care, delays, and cancellations.
New York Residents: For residents of New York only, the Windstar Cruises TICP Cancel for Any Reason Waiver Benefits may be purchased separately without purchase of the Travel Protection Plan. There will be a combined maximum limit of $1,000 for the following: jewelry; watches; articles trimmed with, or made mostly of, fur; and cameras, video cameras, and their related equipment. In IL, IN, KS, LA, OR, OH, VT, WA, and WY, Policy Form #'s TAHC5100IPS and TAHC5200IPS.
For your convenience, Princess offers Princess Vacation Protection (formerly Princess Travel Care) as well as enhanced coverage - Princess Travel Care Gold for voyages prior to the Summer of 2009 and Princess Vacation Protection Platinum commencing with Summer 2009 cruises. Cruisecare Worldwide Emergency Program provided by On Call International. As an MGA we are acting on behalf of our carrier partner. The TICP Plus Plan is only available for U.S. and Canadian residents. In IL, IN, KS, LA, OR, OH, VT, WA and WY Policy Form #'s TAHC5100IPS and TAHC5200IPS. APB, EBI, Silver Sailings, and Venetian Society). For Medical Expense Claims: 1) all receipts, itemized bills and reports for medical and/or dental expenses claimed; 2) any requested information, including but not limited to, an explanation of benefits from any other applicable insurance; 3) a signed patient authorization to release any information Windstar requires to investigate your claim. IN ALL OTHER STATES: BerkelyCareSM is a division of Affinity Insurance Services, Inc. in all states other than CA, except: AIS Affinity Insurance Agency, Inc. in MN and OK and AIS Affinity Insurance Agency in NH and NY.