Use in containers or garden beds and borders. However, they will grow best in a sheltered location with winter protection. Between waterings, both say to let the potting mix get slightly dry an inch down. They explain that as a result, lavender shouldnt be kept in a pot. If your lavender seems to struggle even by a south-facing window, you may need supplemental lighting. Fertilize lavender sparingly or as needed; you can use a vegan fertilizer like these ones. Flower colors: Deep purple. How Long Does It Take To Grow Lavender Indoors? Purchase healthy lavender plants for your garden, Bring them home and water them if you cant plant them immediately, Select a location for your lavender that receives full sun, Set the potted plants in different spots to decide where they look best, Provide consistent watering until the lavender becomes established. It will grow at a moderate pace, often adding a few inches to its size each year. As with most plants, your success in growing lavender will depend both on what kind of growing conditions you provide and which varieties you select to grow. Check My Guide For Tips, Only Do It If You Must (Or Have Enough Light). Some of the most popular include: Although lavender plants get regularly pruned simply by harvesting the flowers, a bit of spring pruning is recommended to keep your plant well-shaped and to encourage new growth. When green buds form near the base of these stems, cut the old wood back to the lowest emerging bud. Lavender can be grown in garden beds or in pots. This will help reduce the chance of developing root rot. It produces bi-colored purple and deep blue flowers on stems that fan out around the plant, so the form is not as tidy as some other cultivars. It can grow to a height of 27 inches and blooms from late spring to early summer. Water only when the plants are significantly dry and do not fertilize. Home > Gardening > Indoor Gardening > How To Care For Lavender Plants Indoors? If humidity is a problem, make sure you have plenty of space between your plants for airflow, and always plant your bushes in a sunny location. Protect lavender plants from harsh winter winds by planting them next to a stone or brick wall to provide additional heat and protection.
Both processes can be done relatively the samehere's how: Where outdoor planting is not practical, you can always grow your lavender in pots and move it around to follow the sun, or even bring it indoors for the winter. As lavender seeds are slow to germinate, purchasing seedling plants is the most reliable way to grow this plant. If your lavender doesnt thrive, its most likely due to overwatering, too much shade, and high humidity levels. Although the flowers are not especially fragrant, the light-green leaves are very aromatic. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Keep it weeded, too, because it doesn't do well in competition with weeds. Botanical name: L. stoechas Grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches with a similar spread. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Use sparingly; a little lavender flavor goes a long way. It produces a profusion of strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes that will bloom continuously from early to mid summer. Additionally, if you plan on transplanting your lavender outdoors in the spring, it should be compatible with your local climate. No matter what kind of soil, it's not recommended to mulch lavender plants, although a light topping of light colored pebbles is okay. This thinning will admit more light, awakening buds that are low on remaining old stems. If you live in an area where lavender suffers winter die-back, don't prune your plants until you see new green growth at the base of the plant. Instead of applying moisture-holding organic mulches, consider using rock or stone, especially in humid climates. You should also make sure that your lavender plants are getting at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily, which will result in the most productive blooming. Although lavender can tolerate a variety of growing conditions, this plant thrives best under warm, sunny conditions in well-drained soil. This variety grows 12 to 18 inches tall and blooms from early summer into fall. is a well-known and fragrant perennial plant with gray-green foliage, upright flower spikes, and a compact shrub form. For indoor lavender, its good to have: Click here for a shopping guide on indoor gardening supplies. Donna, in her YouTube video, also points out that a large, heavy container is hard to move. Height: 36 inches and larger
Add flower buds to preserves or fruit compotes to give them subtle spicy notes. Here Are The Factors That Affect Tractor Weight. Then, shorten half the old, gray stems roughly every other one to within a few inches of the base. Because of its Mediterranean origin, lavender loves blazing hot sun and dry soil. Growing lavender plants is an easy endeavor provided you give them what they need. A compact bushy form makes it an excellent choice for containers. Its best to only grow lavender indoors during the colder months, in order to protect it. Botanical name: L. intermedia If your winters are too harsh or your soil is heavy and dense, consider growing lavender in containers. - Holly Dietor, Glen Arm, Md. If you're having a difficult time getting your lavender plants to bloom, there are a few issues that could be to blame. A major reason lavender is so prized is that its flowers keep their fragrance once dried. Once you've planted your lavender, don't overwater! Since you havent pruned for a year or so, renovation will require several steps. Taller lavender varieties can be cut back by approximately one-third of their height, while lower growing varieties can either be pruned back by a couple of inches or cut down to new growth. Give it a deep drink every few days as it's getting established its first year. They will look great at first, but after a few years you may notice plants dying off randomly. Next year, you will have bushy lavender, which will need to be pruned only once. Find the woody part of the stem and go up about 2 inches to cut; do not cut into the woody base. Garden Tractor Vs Lawn Tractor: Whats The Difference? Create aromatic hedges or borders along fences and garden walls as shown in, Plant with drought-tolerant companions such as. HGTV explains that while roots soak up moisture, they cant reach it if theres excessive soil around them.
Lavender is a perennial that will last for several years under the right conditions. The buds are best harvested right before they fully open, when the essential oils are most potent. It grows to a height of 3 feet with heavily scented flowers and foliage. Native to the Mediterranean, lavender has been cultivated for thousands of years. Zones: 5-11 Its very important to choose the right container for lavender, as excess moisture can kill it. Learn more about Sweet Romance Lavender. Lavender plants prefer well-drained soil that is on the drier side, so if you're using a traditional potting mix, be sure to add in some sand for drainage. It has a heavenly fragrance you can enjoy mid-bloom this summer.
True to its name, Thumbelina Leigh is a dwarf English lavender ideal for containers, low borders, and rock gardens. 'Provence' is one of the tallest of the lavandin cultivars and gets its name from the area in southeastern France where it is commercially grown for the perfume industry. The most widely grown hardy types are English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia), the latter of which is a hybrid which has been bred to be more heat and cold tolerant. Even if you do everything right and your lavender plants appear happy, the genus is generally not long-lived and most lavender plants begin to decline in 10 years or less. If you live in an area with cold winters, you may have no choice but to bring your lavender indoors. Most hardy types bloom mid-summer and can handle cold climates up to about USDA zone 5. Sweet Romance, English lavender. Learn how your comment data is processed. Lavender plants can live upwards of 10 years, but they will experience a decrease in quality and growth as time goes on. However, when growing lavender inside, make sure that the plants receive plenty of light and warm temperatures. HGTV recommends using a terracotta pot, as its porousness can help control moisture. Lavandula x intermedia.
Zones: 8-11 HGTV recommends suspending standard fluorescent tube lights, 6 to 12 inches above your lavender. Bloom time: Mid to late summer Courtesy of photographer Doreen Wynja for Monrovia. HGTV says to fill the bottom of your container with one-to-two inches of limestone gravel and cover it with soilless potting mix blended with a tablespoon of lime. Generally, lavender plants take up to a year or more before they are ready for harvesting. For southern gardens in extremely hot, humid climates, Spanish and French lavenders are more tolerant of the moist conditions, but should be spaced apart to allow good air circulation. Lavender thrives in the pH range of 6.7 to 7.3, but it can tolerate a pH as low as 6. However, Garden Design says it needs at least eight hours. When you've noticed that roots are established, remove the plastic covering and place the pot back in a sunny location. Flower colors: Lavender, deep blue-purple, light pink, white. Pictured: Sweet Romance lavender from Proven Winners, Botanical name: L. dentata Interestingly, plenty of research has shown lavender does contain powerful phytochemicals with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Beyond its medicinal uses, lavender is a beautiful dried flower in bouquets or drawer sachets. Watering: Cowlitz also advises against overwatering. Keep reading to learn more about lavender plant care. In either case, a south-facing window is ideal if you live in the northern hemisphere, as it receives the most light. While the flowers have less aroma than English lavender, the fleshly leaves are more fragrant, with an intoxicating rosemary-like scent. Good drainage is critical for this fragrant mid- to late-summer bloomer. Cover the pot with plastic and place somewhere warm with ample filtered light. Ensure that your container has plenty of holes at its base for drainageroot rot is one of the few problems experienced by lavender plants. Click here for my guide to understanding grow lights. A: All lavenders should be pruned once a year to keep them low and full. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This type tends to do better in hot and humid climates, like the south. In winter, bring your container plants indoors and place them in a sunny window. Use a loose, soilless mix for planting, and remember that container-grown lavender will require more water than garden-grown plants. It produces an abundance of exceptionally large deep-violet flower spikes that stand well above the mounded silver-green foliage. N.p., n.d. If you have clay soil, plant it a few inches higher than ground level, and don't add anything like compost to the hole, which will hold onto too much water. In this article, Ill explain how to care for lavender plants indoors. This content is imported from {embed-name}. Its fine to grow it in a pot when its small, but you should plan to plant it in the ground eventually. An alkalineor especially chalkysoil will enhance your lavender's fragrance, while any pH below about 6.5 will likely cause lavender plants to be very short-lived. Lavender plants will tolerate many growing conditions, but they thrive best in warm, well-draining soil and full sun. Use fresh lavender to infuse teas, cocktails, and other beverages. If this is your issue, you can either relocate your plants or amend the soil with sand or gravel to aerate it and make it less nutrient-dense. Use as a border accent, in mass plantings, and in containers. (Remember, lavender doesn't like to stay soggy.) HGTV cautions that you should keep lavender away from drafts, hot or cold. Some hybrids come in other lovely pastel hues such as violet blue, rose, pale pink, white, and even yellow. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Contrary to the name, not all lavenders are purple. Discover the right plants for your garden. Give your lavender a long soak to promote root growth, short and frequent watering cycles result in unhealthy roots that may rot. in our weekly newsletter! You can also harvest it for fragrant floral arrangements, sachets, and potpourri. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Height: 2 to 3 feet Because of its low profile, you can use it as a tidy hedge plant around herb or perennial gardens or alongside walkways. This easy-care plant enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought. Bloom time: Early summer to fall And Thats How To Care For Lavender Plants Indoors, Down to Earth Organic Vegan Fertilizer Mix 3-2-2, 5 lb. Once established, lavender is very low-maintenance, but should be pruned annually. Copyright 2022. After two or three weeks, the plant can be transplanted outdoors or into a larger pot with standard potting soilcommercial potting soil has enough nutrients to nourish the plant without any more feeding. Lavender may grow more slowly indoors due to reduced sunlight. Use the sugar for baking and in desserts. Sprinkle fresh lavender on a salad as a garnish. Growing lavender is easy and rewarding. "Lavender." Learn more about how, when, & what to plant (plus more!)
This rare twice-blooming English lavender cultivar flowers in late spring and again in September, with a few flower spikes appearing in mid-summer. Known Source CORE Plus All Purpose Vegan Fertilizer, 7-2-2 (NPK), 2.25 lbs (1KG). Photo by: Pressebereich Dehner Garten-Center /
If you disturb the plants too soon in the season, they're unlikely to develop new growth. Snip off the dead parts right above where buds appear. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate of other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. It typically starts blooming a few weeks later than most English lavenders and features long spikes of highly fragrant flowers. HGTV explains that due to inadequate light, an indoor lavender plant may not grow as well as it could outdoors. Lavender plants are fairly trouble-free, but leaf spots and root rot can occur if the soil is too wet. Use chopped buds and leaves to flavor roast lamb, chicken, or rabbit. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! If you were to ask Ree Drummond about growing lavender in her garden, she'd describe it in two words, "it's glorious.". As lavender is native to arid regions, the plant will not tolerate moist or overly wet conditions, therefore, its important to consider location when growing lavender plants. But lavender also is simply stunning in gardens for edging walkways, in containers, and planted in mixed borders to attract pollinators and add color and fragrance. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio, National Public Radio, and numerous articles. 'Royal Velvet' English Lavender is a real showstopper, producing velvety, richly colored navy and purple flower spikes on tall 2 to 2.5 foot stems. In Zone 7 and colder, pruning should be done after flowering in the spring. How Much Does A Tractor Weigh? Through late fall and winter, daily temperatures should be 60 65 degrees F (15.6 18.3C) and nightly temperatures 45 50 degrees F (7.2 10C). Growing lavender plants indoors is no different from out in the garden. Justin Claibourn of Cowlitz Falls Lavender Company in Randle, Washington also recommends checking your soils pH: "If its too acidic you can kiss your lavender goodbye," he says. To extend the bloom season as well as the color palette, consider planting several varieties. According to Florida Today writer Sally Scalera, fertilizing lavender can make it less fragrant by making it produce fewer essential oils. It's not necessary to fertilize lavender because it tolerates poor soils. "As a large-scale grower, we typically irrigate twice a yearthats it," states Claibourn. Feed the plant once a week with a liquid plant fertilizer diluted to 25 percent strength. When you're growing a plant as prized for its blooms as lavender, try to do all you can to get it to flower profusely. They can be used raw in salads, added to soups and stews, used as a seasoning, baked into cookies, and brewed into tea. Flower colors: Light purple. Your growing medium matters as well. In Zones 8 and above, prune back after summer flowering. Use lavender along walkways and garden paths where you can enjoy their scent and where they can benefit from the heat reflected off the pavement. Expose the plant to at least three-to-four hours of direct sunlight daily. After that, they can handle extended periods of droughtin fact, too much water can lead to fungal disease and root rot. Garden Design recommends at least eight hours. Grows 24 to 30 inches tall and 48 to 54 inches wide. Additionally, you can plant lavender in a clay or terracotta pot to help wick moisture away from the soil and keep it from getting too wet.
Love plants? Lavender also can be made into a delicious simple syrup for lemonade, baked into scones, or used to decorate cupcakes with lavender frosting. Zones: 5-8 The reason: Lavender sets buds on new growth, so stimulating that process is a helpful signal to the plant that it should get growing. In milder climates, pruning should follow summer bloom.
Both processes can be done relatively the samehere's how: Where outdoor planting is not practical, you can always grow your lavender in pots and move it around to follow the sun, or even bring it indoors for the winter. As lavender seeds are slow to germinate, purchasing seedling plants is the most reliable way to grow this plant. If your lavender doesnt thrive, its most likely due to overwatering, too much shade, and high humidity levels. Although the flowers are not especially fragrant, the light-green leaves are very aromatic. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Keep it weeded, too, because it doesn't do well in competition with weeds. Botanical name: L. stoechas Grows to a height of 18 to 24 inches with a similar spread. American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Use sparingly; a little lavender flavor goes a long way. It produces a profusion of strongly fragrant, violet-blue flower spikes that will bloom continuously from early to mid summer. Additionally, if you plan on transplanting your lavender outdoors in the spring, it should be compatible with your local climate. No matter what kind of soil, it's not recommended to mulch lavender plants, although a light topping of light colored pebbles is okay. This thinning will admit more light, awakening buds that are low on remaining old stems. If you live in an area where lavender suffers winter die-back, don't prune your plants until you see new green growth at the base of the plant. Instead of applying moisture-holding organic mulches, consider using rock or stone, especially in humid climates. You should also make sure that your lavender plants are getting at least six to eight hours of sunlight daily, which will result in the most productive blooming. Although lavender can tolerate a variety of growing conditions, this plant thrives best under warm, sunny conditions in well-drained soil. This variety grows 12 to 18 inches tall and blooms from early summer into fall. is a well-known and fragrant perennial plant with gray-green foliage, upright flower spikes, and a compact shrub form. For indoor lavender, its good to have: Click here for a shopping guide on indoor gardening supplies. Donna, in her YouTube video, also points out that a large, heavy container is hard to move. Height: 36 inches and larger
Add flower buds to preserves or fruit compotes to give them subtle spicy notes. Here Are The Factors That Affect Tractor Weight. Then, shorten half the old, gray stems roughly every other one to within a few inches of the base. Because of its Mediterranean origin, lavender loves blazing hot sun and dry soil. Growing lavender plants is an easy endeavor provided you give them what they need. A compact bushy form makes it an excellent choice for containers. Its best to only grow lavender indoors during the colder months, in order to protect it. Botanical name: L. intermedia If your winters are too harsh or your soil is heavy and dense, consider growing lavender in containers. - Holly Dietor, Glen Arm, Md. If you're having a difficult time getting your lavender plants to bloom, there are a few issues that could be to blame. A major reason lavender is so prized is that its flowers keep their fragrance once dried. Once you've planted your lavender, don't overwater! Since you havent pruned for a year or so, renovation will require several steps. Taller lavender varieties can be cut back by approximately one-third of their height, while lower growing varieties can either be pruned back by a couple of inches or cut down to new growth. Give it a deep drink every few days as it's getting established its first year. They will look great at first, but after a few years you may notice plants dying off randomly. Next year, you will have bushy lavender, which will need to be pruned only once. Find the woody part of the stem and go up about 2 inches to cut; do not cut into the woody base. Garden Tractor Vs Lawn Tractor: Whats The Difference? Create aromatic hedges or borders along fences and garden walls as shown in, Plant with drought-tolerant companions such as. HGTV explains that while roots soak up moisture, they cant reach it if theres excessive soil around them.
Lavender is a perennial that will last for several years under the right conditions. The buds are best harvested right before they fully open, when the essential oils are most potent. It grows to a height of 3 feet with heavily scented flowers and foliage. Native to the Mediterranean, lavender has been cultivated for thousands of years. Zones: 5-11 Its very important to choose the right container for lavender, as excess moisture can kill it. Learn more about Sweet Romance Lavender. Lavender plants prefer well-drained soil that is on the drier side, so if you're using a traditional potting mix, be sure to add in some sand for drainage. It has a heavenly fragrance you can enjoy mid-bloom this summer.

Zones: 8-11 HGTV recommends suspending standard fluorescent tube lights, 6 to 12 inches above your lavender. Bloom time: Mid to late summer Courtesy of photographer Doreen Wynja for Monrovia. HGTV says to fill the bottom of your container with one-to-two inches of limestone gravel and cover it with soilless potting mix blended with a tablespoon of lime. Generally, lavender plants take up to a year or more before they are ready for harvesting. For southern gardens in extremely hot, humid climates, Spanish and French lavenders are more tolerant of the moist conditions, but should be spaced apart to allow good air circulation. Lavender thrives in the pH range of 6.7 to 7.3, but it can tolerate a pH as low as 6. However, Garden Design says it needs at least eight hours. When you've noticed that roots are established, remove the plastic covering and place the pot back in a sunny location. Flower colors: Lavender, deep blue-purple, light pink, white. Pictured: Sweet Romance lavender from Proven Winners, Botanical name: L. dentata Interestingly, plenty of research has shown lavender does contain powerful phytochemicals with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Beyond its medicinal uses, lavender is a beautiful dried flower in bouquets or drawer sachets. Watering: Cowlitz also advises against overwatering. Keep reading to learn more about lavender plant care. In either case, a south-facing window is ideal if you live in the northern hemisphere, as it receives the most light. While the flowers have less aroma than English lavender, the fleshly leaves are more fragrant, with an intoxicating rosemary-like scent. Good drainage is critical for this fragrant mid- to late-summer bloomer. Cover the pot with plastic and place somewhere warm with ample filtered light. Ensure that your container has plenty of holes at its base for drainageroot rot is one of the few problems experienced by lavender plants. Click here for my guide to understanding grow lights. A: All lavenders should be pruned once a year to keep them low and full. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This type tends to do better in hot and humid climates, like the south. In winter, bring your container plants indoors and place them in a sunny window. Use a loose, soilless mix for planting, and remember that container-grown lavender will require more water than garden-grown plants. It produces an abundance of exceptionally large deep-violet flower spikes that stand well above the mounded silver-green foliage. N.p., n.d. If you have clay soil, plant it a few inches higher than ground level, and don't add anything like compost to the hole, which will hold onto too much water. In this article, Ill explain how to care for lavender plants indoors. This content is imported from {embed-name}. Its fine to grow it in a pot when its small, but you should plan to plant it in the ground eventually. An alkalineor especially chalkysoil will enhance your lavender's fragrance, while any pH below about 6.5 will likely cause lavender plants to be very short-lived. Lavender plants will tolerate many growing conditions, but they thrive best in warm, well-draining soil and full sun. Use fresh lavender to infuse teas, cocktails, and other beverages. If this is your issue, you can either relocate your plants or amend the soil with sand or gravel to aerate it and make it less nutrient-dense. Use as a border accent, in mass plantings, and in containers. (Remember, lavender doesn't like to stay soggy.) HGTV cautions that you should keep lavender away from drafts, hot or cold. Some hybrids come in other lovely pastel hues such as violet blue, rose, pale pink, white, and even yellow. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Contrary to the name, not all lavenders are purple. Discover the right plants for your garden. Give your lavender a long soak to promote root growth, short and frequent watering cycles result in unhealthy roots that may rot. in our weekly newsletter! You can also harvest it for fragrant floral arrangements, sachets, and potpourri. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Height: 2 to 3 feet Because of its low profile, you can use it as a tidy hedge plant around herb or perennial gardens or alongside walkways. This easy-care plant enjoys hot, dry conditions, making it suitable for use in a variety of landscape settings and an excellent candidate for areas prone to drought. Bloom time: Early summer to fall And Thats How To Care For Lavender Plants Indoors, Down to Earth Organic Vegan Fertilizer Mix 3-2-2, 5 lb. Once established, lavender is very low-maintenance, but should be pruned annually. Copyright 2022. After two or three weeks, the plant can be transplanted outdoors or into a larger pot with standard potting soilcommercial potting soil has enough nutrients to nourish the plant without any more feeding. Lavender may grow more slowly indoors due to reduced sunlight. Use the sugar for baking and in desserts. Sprinkle fresh lavender on a salad as a garnish. Growing lavender is easy and rewarding. "Lavender." Learn more about how, when, & what to plant (plus more!)
This rare twice-blooming English lavender cultivar flowers in late spring and again in September, with a few flower spikes appearing in mid-summer. Known Source CORE Plus All Purpose Vegan Fertilizer, 7-2-2 (NPK), 2.25 lbs (1KG). Photo by: Pressebereich Dehner Garten-Center /
If you disturb the plants too soon in the season, they're unlikely to develop new growth. Snip off the dead parts right above where buds appear. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate of other programs, I earn from qualifying purchases. It typically starts blooming a few weeks later than most English lavenders and features long spikes of highly fragrant flowers. HGTV explains that due to inadequate light, an indoor lavender plant may not grow as well as it could outdoors. Lavender plants are fairly trouble-free, but leaf spots and root rot can occur if the soil is too wet. Use chopped buds and leaves to flavor roast lamb, chicken, or rabbit. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! If you were to ask Ree Drummond about growing lavender in her garden, she'd describe it in two words, "it's glorious.". As lavender is native to arid regions, the plant will not tolerate moist or overly wet conditions, therefore, its important to consider location when growing lavender plants. But lavender also is simply stunning in gardens for edging walkways, in containers, and planted in mixed borders to attract pollinators and add color and fragrance. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Marie's garden writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide and she has been interviewed for Martha Stewart Radio, National Public Radio, and numerous articles. 'Royal Velvet' English Lavender is a real showstopper, producing velvety, richly colored navy and purple flower spikes on tall 2 to 2.5 foot stems. In Zone 7 and colder, pruning should be done after flowering in the spring. How Much Does A Tractor Weigh? Through late fall and winter, daily temperatures should be 60 65 degrees F (15.6 18.3C) and nightly temperatures 45 50 degrees F (7.2 10C). Growing lavender plants indoors is no different from out in the garden. Justin Claibourn of Cowlitz Falls Lavender Company in Randle, Washington also recommends checking your soils pH: "If its too acidic you can kiss your lavender goodbye," he says. To extend the bloom season as well as the color palette, consider planting several varieties. According to Florida Today writer Sally Scalera, fertilizing lavender can make it less fragrant by making it produce fewer essential oils. It's not necessary to fertilize lavender because it tolerates poor soils. "As a large-scale grower, we typically irrigate twice a yearthats it," states Claibourn. Feed the plant once a week with a liquid plant fertilizer diluted to 25 percent strength. When you're growing a plant as prized for its blooms as lavender, try to do all you can to get it to flower profusely. They can be used raw in salads, added to soups and stews, used as a seasoning, baked into cookies, and brewed into tea. Flower colors: Light purple. Your growing medium matters as well. In Zones 8 and above, prune back after summer flowering. Use lavender along walkways and garden paths where you can enjoy their scent and where they can benefit from the heat reflected off the pavement. Expose the plant to at least three-to-four hours of direct sunlight daily. After that, they can handle extended periods of droughtin fact, too much water can lead to fungal disease and root rot. Garden Design recommends at least eight hours. Grows 24 to 30 inches tall and 48 to 54 inches wide. Additionally, you can plant lavender in a clay or terracotta pot to help wick moisture away from the soil and keep it from getting too wet.
Love plants? Lavender also can be made into a delicious simple syrup for lemonade, baked into scones, or used to decorate cupcakes with lavender frosting. Zones: 5-8 The reason: Lavender sets buds on new growth, so stimulating that process is a helpful signal to the plant that it should get growing. In milder climates, pruning should follow summer bloom.