Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide reliable electric service to its members at the lowest possible cost. The Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation was energized at this site on September 12, 1939, sending electric power flowing into 75 homes and businesses in rural areas of Escambia, Conecuh, Monroe and Baldwin Counties for the first time. Exactly 5 of these customers are industrial properties, 1,909 are commercial customers and 20,120 are residential accounts. }); $(this).next().slideToggle(); The supplier does not have ownership in any power facilities and all of the megawatt hours that they sell to their consumers must be purchased from other suppliers. You can contact them directly by phone at 844-867-8989. doxo processes payments for all Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) services, including Electric and others. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative residential electric rates are highest in January and the highest average bill is in August.
Nearby Brewton office of the Cooperative. Click on the link in that email All rights reserved. Get Solar for as low as $79/mo - $0 down + flexible financing. } $('#sendusstars_message_chars_left').html(chars_left); // Full-div href: View Displays }); Date : }); FINDENERGY is a comparison and research website that does not directly offer any energy related products.;
Industry groups comprise multiple related services. }); Options for reaching Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) customer service. var store_chambers = [{"name":"Monroeville-Monroe County Marketplace ","number":52,"email":"","phone":"(251) 743-2879","sponsor_url":"http:\/\/\/","locale":"en_US"}]; var chars_left = max_length - $(this).val().length;
margin-bottom: 10px; On the most recent reports the supplier reported a total of 22,034 customers receiving their services. // Full-div href: View Categories $('.box_header').css("border-color",accent_color); Wholesale power purchases made up 100.00% of the total electricity sourced . $(".community_app_association").click(function() { }); // Full-div href: Special offers // Stop cursor if they pass 140 chars. } else { If you are unhappy please include your phone number. Learn doxo users have associated this company with these services. var root_dir=""; about GuideStar Pro. margin-bottom: 20px; $("#community_app_directory").click(function() { doxo is not an affiliate of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). If it is your nonprofit, add a problem overview. document.location.href=root_dir + '/greet_assoc.php?association=' + store_chambers[0].number To provide electric utility service to cooperative members. Sign in. protect users' payments. The average residential electricity rate for customers of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is approximately 11.70 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 12.30% lower than the average state price of 13.34 cents and 14.40% less than the US average of 13.67.
border: 1px inset #df7e2e; Learn more Our data and tools help professionals prospect for nonprofits, research opportunities, benchmark their clients, and enrich existing information. $("#place_order").click(function() { document.location.href=sponsor_url; // Go to the correct chamber Go Solar for as low as $0 down and $79/mo.
doxo is a secure all-in-one service to organize all your provider accounts in a single app, The organizing directors were Ben L. Martin, Jack McGowin, H. W. Pruett, A. M. Coley, C. B. Moore, E. M. Amos and Alvin Mixon. Sign in or create an account to view Form(s) 990 for 2020, 2019 and 2018. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's energy loss due to business operations. $("#sponsor_url").click(function() { $("#community_app_directories").append("
There are 5 counties that receive at least some electricity coverage by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative including Alabama. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative currently averages a loss of roughly 4.37% of the aggregate electricity they generate. url=$(this).attr("url"); .accent { } document.location.href=root_dir + '/greet_assoc.php?association=' + $(this).attr("association"); Try a low commitment monthly plan today. e.stopPropagation(); If it is your nonprofit, add geographic service areas to create a map on your profile. about doxo This data is not always in agreement with annually released government data due to differences in calculation methods and time periods. font-color: red; background-color: #df7e2e; doxo enables secure bill payment on your behalf and is not an affiliate of or endorsed by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). No endorsement has been given nor is implied. document.location.href='tel:' + store_phone Thank you very much. Already have a GuideStar Account? Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. How can I contact Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) about my bill? Corporation attorney was Thomas McMillan. and how we Where can I find my bill? Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's Average residential price per kWh, Average monthly electricity bill for Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's residential customers, % of Provider's Residential Sales in State. enabling reliable payment delivery to thousands of billers. if (store_chambers.length == 1) { I forgot my account balance. Always verify you can get service from the provider. See something wrong? Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? $("#sendusstars_message").keyup(function() { }); No endorsement has been given nor is implied. This organization has no recorded board members. }); In fact, less than one out of 25 local farms had electricity at that time. Manager was Joe Larkins. padding-bottom: 20px; } Please check your inbox in order to proceed. document.location.href=url_inside360tour; Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? var sponsor_url= ""; $('.accent').css("background-color",accent_color); Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. width: 228px; Additionally, this data is compiled using known ownership relationships between power plants and electricity providers, while some of these relationships remain unknown. // Full-div href: Special offers .error { }); The largest county served by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is Baldwin County, but the company also operates in in 5 counties in the state. $(".box_content").hide(); $("#view_displays").click(function() { Free mobile app available on Google Play & Apple App Store, Never miss a due date with reminders and scheduled payments, Pay thousands of billers directly from your phone. Area view looking north on U.S. Highway 29/31. // Open this box A verification email has been sent to you. } // Adjust the colors of the boxes Their total revenue from electricity related activities was $50,059,000. #header_image img { Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees, Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics, Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools, Compare nonprofit financials to similar organizations, Revenue and expense data for the current fiscal year, CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information, *with the ability to download the data for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative has received a rank of 749th best out of 3508 suppliers who report energy loss in the US and 25th best out of 60 in Alabama. var store_chamber="52"; 2. linked bank account. text-align: center; Currently, the average monthly bundled electric bill for customers of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is $121.44. $("#box_call").click(function() { var accent_color="#FF8724"; 3. Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Photographed By Mark Hilton, June 14, 2015, 1. Customers that follow Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) most often also follow: Pay your Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bill. and who do the programs serve? $("#community_app_directory").after(""); }); document.location.href=root_dir + '/catalogpal.php?search_show_coupons=1&store=' + store_number * City coverage generated based on government data. (Don't see an email in your inbox? .fs-1 {font-size:40px;}
$("#community_app_directories").hide(); var url_inside360tour= "/catalogpal.php?action=inside360&store=7536"; The state average bundled bill is $150.41 and the national average is $150.41. The Cooperative was organized under an Executive Order signed by President F. D. Roosevelt on May 11, 1935. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is one of 5 companies in the state who offer net metering to their consumers. Utilizing 3,380 miles of electric distribution lines, Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, Inc. provided 483,680,610 Kilowatt-Hours of electric energy to approximately 15,900 residential, commercial, and industrial members located in South Alabama. about GuideStar Pro. These 12 month periods may vary from provider to provider and from power plant to power plant, as some entities are required to report on a rolling monthly basis others report on an annual basis. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's CEO is Vince Johnson. What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, Energy loss is always a reality when dealing with electricity transmission. } else { IP : In 1936, most of the area that today comprises Southern Pine was without electricity. More Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) FAQs. } $(".box_header").click(function(e) { // Full-div href: community app directory .box_content {
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. It is in Brewton in Escambia County Alabama. doxo is used by these customers to manage and pay their Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bills all in one place. cursor: pointer; How can I pay my Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bill? store_chambers.forEach(function(item) { Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is an electricity cooperative. . to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! Electricity companies must regularly report the total number of customers signed up for their services to government agencies. $("#special_offers").click(function() { $("#url_inside360tour").click(function() { A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Register now. // Hide all boxes. General information about Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) customers added this company profile to the doxo Directory. // Full-div href: Special offers } Exactly 483,620 megawatt hours were acquired by way of the wholesale market. This historical marker was erected in 1986 by the Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation.. doxo is not an affiliate of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). $(document).ready(function() { padding-bottom: 0.5em; padding-top: 0.5em; All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, and are used by FINDENERGY only to describe products and services offered by each respective trademark holder. These averages allow us to compare and contrast the grid efficiencies of the suppliers who operate throughout the United States. // Add click through Payments are free with a Coastal Gateway Regional Economic Development Alliance, Monroeville Monroe County Economic Development Auth, Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative (CHELCO), Baldwin County Electric Membership Corporation, Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation, Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative (CHEC), Private Foundation Excise Taxes on Undistributed Income, Gifts from Private Foundations to Donor Advised Funds, Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets, General Manager and Chief Executive Officer and Economic Development and Key Accounts. Disclaimer: The data displayed on this page may be incomplete or incorrect. .box_header { doxo users have indicated this company does business in these areas.
Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card or debit card, with Apple Pay, or with your bank account.
Nearby Brewton office of the Cooperative. Click on the link in that email All rights reserved. Get Solar for as low as $79/mo - $0 down + flexible financing. } $('#sendusstars_message_chars_left').html(chars_left); // Full-div href: View Displays }); Date : }); FINDENERGY is a comparison and research website that does not directly offer any energy related products.;
Industry groups comprise multiple related services. }); Options for reaching Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) customer service. var store_chambers = [{"name":"Monroeville-Monroe County Marketplace ","number":52,"email":"","phone":"(251) 743-2879","sponsor_url":"http:\/\/\/","locale":"en_US"}]; var chars_left = max_length - $(this).val().length;

border: 1px inset #df7e2e; Learn more Our data and tools help professionals prospect for nonprofits, research opportunities, benchmark their clients, and enrich existing information. $("#place_order").click(function() { document.location.href=sponsor_url; // Go to the correct chamber Go Solar for as low as $0 down and $79/mo.
doxo is a secure all-in-one service to organize all your provider accounts in a single app, The organizing directors were Ben L. Martin, Jack McGowin, H. W. Pruett, A. M. Coley, C. B. Moore, E. M. Amos and Alvin Mixon. Sign in or create an account to view Form(s) 990 for 2020, 2019 and 2018. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's energy loss due to business operations. $("#sponsor_url").click(function() { $("#community_app_directories").append("
" + + "
"); Learn More Suggest an update. // Full-div href: Place Order (show items with a price) Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation Marker, Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation. When adding Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) to their Bills & Accounts List, doxo Users indicate the types of services they receive from Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL), which determines the service and industry group shown in this profile of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). // $(".box_content").slideUp(); Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's current average bundled electricity rate is 11.70 cents per kilowatt hour (/kWh), compared to the average state bundled rate of 13.34 cents and the average national rate of 13.67 cents. // Multiple chambers. } document.location.href=root_dir + '/catalogpal.php?action=display_search&priced_only=1&store=' + store_number }); // Full-div href: Call font-size: 1.3em; Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is a nonprofit organization that exists to provide reliable electric service to its members at the lowest possible cost. var store_number="7536"; Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? Net metering makes solar panel purchases more economically feasible as it gives the ability for individuals to sell electricity into the grid. Logos and other trademarks within this site are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 2021 - 2022 Find Energy LLC. The Cooperative's name was changed to Southern Pine Electric Cooperative on September 25, 1940. . The people, governance practices, and partners that make the organization tick. Though local leaders had long pleaded with utilities to run electric lines throughout the area, those utilities did not think such action was financially feasible. // Add char counter on the Send Us Stars modal }); }); document.location.href=root_dir + '/catalogpal.php?action_2=show_store_categories&store=' + store_number Common questions, curated and answered by doxo, about paying Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bills. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative provides electricity to 12 cities. // Only one chamber so we will go directly to it. Utilizing 3,400 miles of electric distribution lines, Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, Inc. provided 462,386,215 Kilowatt-Hours of electric energy to approximately 15,900 residential, commercial, and industrial members located in South Alabama. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's customer service phone number is (251) 867-5415. } Need to display a chooser. There are 5 counties that receive at least some electricity coverage by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative including Alabama. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative currently averages a loss of roughly 4.37% of the aggregate electricity they generate. url=$(this).attr("url"); .accent { } document.location.href=root_dir + '/greet_assoc.php?association=' + $(this).attr("association"); Try a low commitment monthly plan today. e.stopPropagation(); If it is your nonprofit, add geographic service areas to create a map on your profile. about doxo This data is not always in agreement with annually released government data due to differences in calculation methods and time periods. font-color: red; background-color: #df7e2e; doxo enables secure bill payment on your behalf and is not an affiliate of or endorsed by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). No endorsement has been given nor is implied. document.location.href='tel:' + store_phone Thank you very much. Already have a GuideStar Account? Cause IQ is a website that helps companies grow, maintain, and serve their nonprofit clients, and helps nonprofits find additional foundation funding. How can I contact Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) about my bill? Corporation attorney was Thomas McMillan. and how we Where can I find my bill? Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's Average residential price per kWh, Average monthly electricity bill for Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's residential customers, % of Provider's Residential Sales in State. enabling reliable payment delivery to thousands of billers. if (store_chambers.length == 1) { I forgot my account balance. Always verify you can get service from the provider. See something wrong? Need the ability to download nonprofit data and more advanced search options? $("#sendusstars_message").keyup(function() { }); No endorsement has been given nor is implied. This organization has no recorded board members. }); In fact, less than one out of 25 local farms had electricity at that time. Manager was Joe Larkins. padding-bottom: 20px; } Please check your inbox in order to proceed. document.location.href=url_inside360tour; Want to see how you can enhance your nonprofit research and unlock more insights? var sponsor_url= ""; $('.accent').css("background-color",accent_color); Help us get you more of the nonprofit information you need, including: An email has been sent to the address you provided. width: 228px; Additionally, this data is compiled using known ownership relationships between power plants and electricity providers, while some of these relationships remain unknown. // Full-div href: Special offers .error { }); The largest county served by Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is Baldwin County, but the company also operates in in 5 counties in the state. $(".box_content").hide(); $("#view_displays").click(function() { Free mobile app available on Google Play & Apple App Store, Never miss a due date with reminders and scheduled payments, Pay thousands of billers directly from your phone. Area view looking north on U.S. Highway 29/31. // Open this box A verification email has been sent to you. } // Adjust the colors of the boxes Their total revenue from electricity related activities was $50,059,000. #header_image img { Officers, directors, trustees, and key employees, Analyze a variety of pre-calculated financial metrics, Access beautifully interactive analysis and comparison tools, Compare nonprofit financials to similar organizations, Revenue and expense data for the current fiscal year, CEO, Board Chair, and Board of Directors information, *with the ability to download the data for 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative has received a rank of 749th best out of 3508 suppliers who report energy loss in the US and 25th best out of 60 in Alabama. var store_chamber="52"; 2. linked bank account. text-align: center; Currently, the average monthly bundled electric bill for customers of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is $121.44. $("#box_call").click(function() { var accent_color="#FF8724"; 3. Bite-Size Bits of Local, National, and Global History, Photographed By Mark Hilton, June 14, 2015, 1. Customers that follow Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) most often also follow: Pay your Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bill. and who do the programs serve? $("#community_app_directory").after(""); }); document.location.href=root_dir + '/catalogpal.php?search_show_coupons=1&store=' + store_number * City coverage generated based on government data. (Don't see an email in your inbox? .fs-1 {font-size:40px;}
$("#community_app_directories").hide(); var url_inside360tour= "/catalogpal.php?action=inside360&store=7536"; The state average bundled bill is $150.41 and the national average is $150.41. The Cooperative was organized under an Executive Order signed by President F. D. Roosevelt on May 11, 1935. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is one of 5 companies in the state who offer net metering to their consumers. Utilizing 3,380 miles of electric distribution lines, Southern Pine Electric Cooperative, Inc. provided 483,680,610 Kilowatt-Hours of electric energy to approximately 15,900 residential, commercial, and industrial members located in South Alabama. about GuideStar Pro. These 12 month periods may vary from provider to provider and from power plant to power plant, as some entities are required to report on a rolling monthly basis others report on an annual basis. Southern Pine Electric Cooperative's CEO is Vince Johnson. What are the organization's current programs, how do they measure success, Energy loss is always a reality when dealing with electricity transmission. } else { IP : In 1936, most of the area that today comprises Southern Pine was without electricity. More Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) FAQs. } $(".box_header").click(function(e) { // Full-div href: community app directory .box_content {
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990 or 990-EZ. It is in Brewton in Escambia County Alabama. doxo is used by these customers to manage and pay their Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bills all in one place. cursor: pointer; How can I pay my Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) bill? store_chambers.forEach(function(item) { Southern Pine Electric Cooperative is an electricity cooperative. . to get more GuideStar Nonprofit Profile data today! Electricity companies must regularly report the total number of customers signed up for their services to government agencies. $("#special_offers").click(function() { $("#url_inside360tour").click(function() { A GuideStar Pro report containing the following information is available for this organization: This information is only available for subscribers and in Premium reports. Register now. // Hide all boxes. General information about Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL) customers added this company profile to the doxo Directory. // Full-div href: Special offers } Exactly 483,620 megawatt hours were acquired by way of the wholesale market. This historical marker was erected in 1986 by the Southern Pine Electric Membership Corporation.. doxo is not an affiliate of Southern Pine Electric Cooperative (AL). $(document).ready(function() { padding-bottom: 0.5em; padding-top: 0.5em; All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners, and are used by FINDENERGY only to describe products and services offered by each respective trademark holder. These averages allow us to compare and contrast the grid efficiencies of the suppliers who operate throughout the United States. // Add click through Payments are free with a Coastal Gateway Regional Economic Development Alliance, Monroeville Monroe County Economic Development Auth, Choctawhatchee Electric Cooperative (CHELCO), Baldwin County Electric Membership Corporation, Little Ocmulgee Electric Membership Corporation, Cookson Hills Electric Cooperative (CHEC), Private Foundation Excise Taxes on Undistributed Income, Gifts from Private Foundations to Donor Advised Funds, Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets, General Manager and Chief Executive Officer and Economic Development and Key Accounts. Disclaimer: The data displayed on this page may be incomplete or incorrect. .box_header { doxo users have indicated this company does business in these areas.
Pay with your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card or debit card, with Apple Pay, or with your bank account.