One of the biggest highlights of the ceremony is being recognized by the platform party as your name is read aloud. NOTES: All dates and deadlines are subject to change and will be updated accordingly. NOTE: If your college processes and you are not in line, you will not process with your college and will not be seated with your college. For details about regalia, including orders, pickup, and more, contact the UF Bookstore directly: Please note, the commencement office cannot assist with regalia orders, they must go through the UF Bookstore. The name card provides your name information for individual recognition. Box 114000 Prospective students should contact the appropriate academic unit for admission application deadlines. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Stephanie McBrideDirector of CommencementsTigert HallPO Box 113175Gainesville, FL, Bachelor's, Master's & Specialist's Commencement, Bachelor's, Master's & Specialist's Degrees Commencement Ceremony #1, Arts; Design, Construction and Planning; Education; Health and Human Performance; Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering; Medicine; Nursing; Pharmacy; Public Health and Health Professions; Veterinary Medicine; Warrington College of Business, Bachelor's and Master's Degrees Commencement Ceremony #2, Agricultural and Life Sciences; Liberal Arts and Sciences; Journalism and Communications, Ceremony 10:00am-12pm, Processional at 9:30am. Stephanie McBrideDirector of CommencementsTigert HallPO Box 113175Gainesville, FL Please do not anticipate exact dates and times until the website has been updated. Specific dates and times of ceremonies for colleges and schools will be made available at once approved by the University Commencement Committee and as soon as plans are finalized. This time frame is also when we look at the honors status of our candidates (cum laude, etc.). ), Summer A & C late registration starts. Those who will be on the stage will enter the arena, including President Fuchs, deans of the colleges, etc. This PDF includes all graduate catalog information. College by college, youll be moved out of your line-up rooms and start to enter the arena floor to be seated. 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE POSTED CEREMONY TIME - Platform processional line. Drop Deadline (W assigned to individual course(s). Please complete the front and back of the cardin legible handwriting so our name readers and photographers can best use the information you provide. (Late fee assessed. Last day to drop or withdraw (all courses) for Summer B or Summer C via ONE.UF without failing grades, Final examinations are during regular class periods, Last day to drop a course and receive W on transcript for Summer B or Summer C via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, Last day to withdraw (all courses) without failing grades for Summer B or Summer C via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, Unofficial transcripts with grades and remarks are available via ONE.UF, Registration deadline (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 8/23/22), Late registration starts (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 8/24/22), November 23-26, Wednesday-Saturday, Thanksgiving, Last day to drop a course and receive a W on the transcript via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, December 10, Saturday, and 12-16, Monday-Friday. 20-30 MINUTES BEFORE THE POSTED CEREMONY TIME - Candidate processional line will start to move. Deadline for thesis and dissertation students to submit final pdf document for review by the Graduate School Editorial Office in order to qualify for degree award this term. Please note, due to printing deadlines, we gather names for the commencement program the week after the degree application deadline. Orders placed afterJune 22 will incur a late fee.Regalia pick-up is August 1-6. 90 MINUTES BEFORE THE POSTED CEREMONY TIME - Arrive at Gate 4 of the OConnell Center. Deadline for thesis and dissertation students to submit their final pdf document via GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System) for review by the Graduate School Editorial Office in order to qualify for degree award this term. Diplomas are ordered for allgraduates by the Office of the University Registrar at the end of the semester after grades have been posted. December 11, Saturday, and 13-17, Monday-Friday. Summer B/C degree application deadlineno exceptions will be granted after this date, Summer B Deadline for Graduate Student Records to review/approve S/U Option Application for courses with this grading scheme. The daily schedules below list all events planned for the weekend. (Late fee assessed.). Summer B deadline to drop or withdraw with no fee liability. Masters, Specialist's, and Bachelors Graduates: Bachelor's, Master's & Specialist's Commencement,,,, Prospective students should contact the appropriate academic unit for admission application deadlines. Forms should be submitted to the appropriate office by 5:00 p.m. unless indicated otherwise. All deadlines are effective at 5:00 p.m. on the last date unless indicated otherwise. There is no formal recessional.
Drops of individual courses must be approved by the students college). Bachelors degreecandidates-wear yourtassels on the right. No ceremony will last longer than two hours past the posted stage start time. Carry your hood, drapingit overyour left arm. Students graduating in a given semester must apply to graduate. Projected dates. No exceptions can be granted. 2 HOURS AFTER THE CEREMONY BEGINS(approx.). The deadlines for applications for the Summer 2022 semester can be found in the catalog of the Registrar's Office Approximately two weeks before graduation weekend, the full PDF of the program will be available online at Summer B deadline to withdraw all courses with 25% refund (W symbol assigned): Summer B residency reclassification deadline for receiving the request and all documents, Last day to submit successfully defended masters thesis via GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System) for intended review by the Graduate School Editorial Office. Doctoral candidates- wear your tassel on your left (you don't move your tassel during the ceremony, only undergraduates do that). If the box is not marked "yes" by the applicant, we cannot print the name of the candidate in the commencement program. Projected dates.
Families can begin entering theO'Connell Center90 minutes before the ceremony,entering through Gates 1 and 3. Division of Enrollment Management Drops of individual courses must be approved by the students college. Ceremony will officially start on the stage at the posted ceremony time, beginning with the National Anthem. In the application there is a box that asks the degree applicant whether UF has permission to print their name in the commencement program. ), Summer B late registration ends. No exceptions can be granted. (Late fee assessed. All seating will be completed 5 minutes prior to the posted ceremony time. Regalia ordering has begun. Please do not anticipate exact dates and times until the website has been updated. 1478 Union Road These keepsake programs have the names of all students graduating this semester. (Late fee assessed. ), Residency reclassification deadline for receiving requests and all documents, January 17, Monday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Deadline to withdraw all courses with 25% refund (W symbol assigned), Last day to submit Transmittal Letter and doctoral dissertation pdf documents via GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System) for review by Graduate School Editorial Office, Master's Thesis First Submission Deadline: Last day to submit successfully defended masters thesis for review by Graduate School Editorial Office, March 5-12, Saturday-Saturday, Spring Break. Phone: 352-392-2244; Fax: 352-846-1126. Unofficial transcripts with grades and remarks are available via ONE.UF. Gainesville, FL 32611-4000 Approximately2,800 candidates for undergraduate and professional degrees will be recognized and celebrated throughout graduation weekend!
Events will take place in the Stephen C. O'Connell Center this August. HINT: Due to large crowds leaving thearena at once, plan to give yourselves plenty of time and establish a meeting point. Check in at Gate 4wearing your cap and gown and carrying your name card (you get your name card when you pick up your regalia from the bookstore). The application for graduation can be found in a student's OneUF here: NOTE: It is appropriate for candidates and guests to stand at this time. To help you prepare for this special weekend, please read this page of important information, links, and deadlines. The Bull Gator or Heisman Trophy statues are where most people choose to meet. ), Summer B late registration starts. See commencement schedule for specific dates: Unofficial transcripts with grades and remarks available via ONE.UF, Last day for thesis and dissertation students to clear prior to the spring semester with the Graduate School Editorial Officevisit, Registration deadline (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 1/8/21. Candidates will receive two copies of the printed university commencement program when they pick up their regalia from the bookstore. ), Summer A & C deadline to drop or withdraw with no fee liability, Summer A deadline to withdraw (all courses) with 25% refund (W symbol assigned), Summer A Deadline for Graduate Student Records to review/approve S/U Option Application for courses with this grading scheme, Summer A & C residency reclassification deadline for receiving the request and all documents, Summer C deadline to withdraw all courses with 25% refund (W symbol assigned), Summer C Deadline for Graduate Student Records to review/approve S/U Option Application for courses with this grading scheme, Last day to submit Transmittal Letters and doctoral dissertation pdf documents via GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System) for initial review by Graduate School Editorial Office, Last day to drop or withdraw (all courses) via ONE.UF for Summer A without failing grades, Summer A final examinations during regular class periods, Last day to drop a course and receive W on transcript for Summer A term via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, Last day to withdraw (all courses) without failing grades for Summer A term via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, Final grades viewable via ONE.UF for Summer A courses (choose Student Self Service > My Online Services > Transcripts), Summer B Registration (Late registration fee assessed after 11:59 p.m., 6/25/21. Last day to withdraw (all courses) via ONE.UF without failing grades, Deadline for requesting transfer of credit (for summer degree candidates). The PDF will include all information unique to this page. We understand students may apply to graduate after the initial deadline, and that GPAs may fluctuate during the course of the semester, but due to the printing timeline, we must use this as our deadline.). Doctoral regalia must be returned by August8 at 6pm at the UF Bookstore. Select less-common locations to meet your party. If submitting a form to the Office of the University Registrar, use the Secure Upload Portal.More Info, All dates and deadlines may be subject to change.Previous Catalogs' Dates and Deadlines, Office of the University Registrar Candidates are responsible for correcting or updating their address as necessary. Last day for thesis and dissertation students to clear prior to the summer semester with the Graduate School Editorial Office, Summer A & C registration deadline (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 5/7/21. No exceptions can be granted. Academic honors designations in the program are also based on their GPAs atthatpoint in the semester. See, Registration deadline (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 8/19/19), Late registration starts (Late fee assessed for registrations occurring after 11:59 p.m., 8/19/19), Late registration ends (Late fee assessed), Deadline to withdraw with no fee liability, Residency reclassification deadline for receiving the request and all documents, Deadline for Graduate Student Records to review/approve S/U Option Application for courses with this grading scheme, Deadline to withdraw with 25% refund (W symbol assigned), Degree application deadline for degree award this term, Last day to submit Transmittal Letter and doctoral dissertation for initial review by Graduate School Editorial Office, Deadline to finalize all data (except Final Exam) in SIS (the Student Information System) for all degree applicants, Late degree application deadline for degree award this term, Last day to submit successfully defended masters thesis for review by Graduate School Editorial Office, Deadline for final exam milestone to be completed in SIS (the Student Information System) for thesis students, Deadline for thesis students to submit the UF Publishing Agreement in GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System), Deadline for final exam milestone to be completed in SIS (the Student Information System) for dissertation, non-thesis, project and project-in-lieu-of-thesis students, Deadline for ETD Signature Pages to be posted in GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System) for thesis and dissertation students, Deadline for doctoral dissertation students to submit the UF Publishing Agreement in GIMS (the Graduate Information Management System). NOTES: All dates and deadlines are subject to change and will be updated accordingly. Doctoral Graduates: Following the platform recessional, there will be a formal recessional led by the faculty marshals who led you in. Location: 1765 Stadium Road, Suite 170 Hub Gainesville, FL 32611. It takes approximately 8 weeks fordiplomas to arrive to the DIPLOMA MAILING ADDRESSafter the close of the semester. There will be no seat-saving permitted by candidates during the processional and seating. ), Late registration ends. If acandidate does not apply for graduation on time, we cannot guarantee their name will be included in the commencement program. Deadline for thesis and dissertation students to receive confirmation of Final Clearance status with the Graduate School Editorial Office to remain eligible for a degree award this term. Master's and Specialists degree candidates- wear your hood, wear your tassel on your left (you dont move your tassel during the ceremony, only undergraduates do that). S107L Criser Hall - P.O. Diplomas are mailed to the graduate's DIPLOMA MAILING ADDRESS as it appears in ONE.UF. This version can be viewed and/or downloaded at any time after it appears. You will receive your name card when you pick up your regalia from the bookstore. Drop Deadline (W assigned to individual course(s). Masters, Specialist's, and Bachelors Graduates:Following the platform recessional, you will exit the arena through the gates you entered. Student Affairs (DGSA), Deadline for requesting transfer of credit (for fall degree candidates), Last day for thesis and dissertation students to clear prior to the fall semester with the Graduate School Editorial Office. (please note this may not be a fully exhaustive list, as it reflects applications turned in by the application deadline. Centers, Institutes, and Other Research Facilities,,,,,,,,,, Division of Graduate Specific dates and times of ceremonies for colleges and schools will be made available at once approved by the University Commencement Committee and as soon as plans are finalized. Additional copies of the program will be available for purchase at the bookstore for $1; proceeds go to a scholarship fund for future first generation college students from low-income families. ), Summer A & C late registration ends. If you are an international student who may need assistance with the proper documents for family or friends to come to your ceremony, you should contact UFs International Center for assistance. Congratulations to our Gator graduates and guests! ), Last day to withdraw (all courses) without failing grades via ONE.UF, November 24-27, Wednesday-Saturday, Thanksgiving, Deadline for requesting transfer of credit (for spring degree candidates), Last day to drop a course and receive W on transcript via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser, Last day to withdraw (all courses) without failing grades via College petition to the Registrar, Room 222 Criser. (Late registration fee assessed.