All the data obtained remained true to its original form. Adoption Quarterly 7, 4977. Some parents see adolescents deviant behavior as an exaggerated way of rebelling and can be manageable in such times. Personality traits of openness to experience have no significant influence to deviant behavior (= 0.011; p = 0.173) as well as neuroticism (= 0.002; p = 0.831). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. *Correspondence: Angelo Reyes Dullas,;,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), Department of Psychology, College of Arts and Social Sciences, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines. Relationship of deviant behavior to personality traits, family satisfaction and age. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.04.027, Abrams, L., Simons-Morton, B., Haynie, D. L., and Chen, R. S. (2010). Written informed consent to participate in this study was provided by the participants legal guardian/next of kin. doi: 10.1007/s10964-010-9517-6. Zabriskie and Ward (2013) reported evidence of high internal consistency. The model of regression reveals that agreeableness explains greater elucidation in predicting deviant behavior. The consequences of divorce for adults and children: an update. Characteristics Adaptations refers to acquired characteristics as affected by conditions and their capacity to be influenced by external influences (Novikova, 2013). A. support team Lastly, the questionnaires that were used in this study were standardized, tested, and validated among famous researchers. According to John and Srivastava (1999), a highly agreeable person has characteristics of being sympathetic, kind, pleasing, friendly, cooperative, helpful, and trusting. The big five trait taxonomy: history, measurement, and theoretical perspective, in Handbook of personality: theory and research, eds L. A. Pervin and O. P. John (New York, NY: Guilford). Low levels of extraversion, which is introversion, showed uncomfortableness, shyness, unsociability, and reserved personality (Feist et al., 2013). Life satisfaction of adolescents in Hunan, China: Reliability and validity of Chinese brief multidimensional students life satisfaction scale (BMSLSS). The Deviant Behavior Variety Scale or DBVS (Sanches et al., 2016) consists of 19 items of a variety of deviant actions such as thefts, drug and alcohol drinking, and other risky behaviors among adolescents. doi: 10.5861/ijrsp.2018.3005. city. International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 4, 4760. Further, Amato (2012) specified that adolescents with broken families have an increasing tendency to experience difficulty with social communication, causing these individuals to turn to deviant acts. Mean of the deviant behavior and the family satisfaction in terms of family structure.
For family satisfaction, on the other hand, results showed that participants who reside within married households have a score of (M = 0.5.25, SD = 1.22), while participants who reside in broken families scored (M = 4.48, SD = 1.41). Copyright 2021 Dullas, Yncierto, Labiano and Marcelo. In the Philippine setting, Deviant behavior among youth is increasing which includes incidents like drugs, smoking, alcohol, vandalism, school dishonesty, and crimes such as rape, murder, theft, and juvenile delinquency. The current study was supported by previous studies (Bolton et al., 2010; Farhadi et al., 2012; Nurul et al., 2013; Aleksic and Vukovi, 2018) which clarify that there is an inverse correlation between agreeableness and deviant behavior. Thus, this paper aimed to look further into this domain and its relationship to deviant behavior. The study was conducted on 1500 participants ages 1219 years old from selected schools in Nueva Ecija. Development Psychology 45, 16951707. The researchers first introduced to the respondents their purpose before conducting the data. doi: 10.1016/s2212-5671(13)00233-5, Ochoa, M., Moreno-Aliaga, M., Martinez-Gonzalez, M., Martinez, J., and Marti, A. (2013), also supporting the current study, specified that highly agreeable people are possible to demonstrate lower deviant acts. Deviant Behavior 22, 323353. An introduction to the Five-Factor model and its applications. There was no use of deception nor manipulation of the data collected from respondents. In the Philippine context, frequencies of deviant behavior have grown more serious from a minor to severe form that can be seen in every region, and the alarmingly high crime rates have been widespread throughout the past years. On the other hand, Castillo (2017) stated that personality traits could be defined as the way an individuals mental world is set in a world that is stable and consistent over time. Also, personality traits of agreeableness possessed a highly significant negative correlation with deviant behavior (r = 0.119; p = 0.000), and a significant relationship with openness (r = 0.089; p = 0.002). On the other hand, in severe infractions, it resulted higher mean of male (M = 0.151; SD = 0.110) compared to female (M = 0.098; SD = 0.110). This also serves as a protector in negative life events such as emotional distress, risk behavior, violence, poor academic performance, and involvements in alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs (Cavanagh and Huston, 2008). Damron-Bell, J. On the other hand, participants with a high level of family satisfaction are less likely to engage in deviant acts. doi: 10.1016/j.avb.2012.11.022, Birhanu, A. M., Bisetegn, T. A., and Woldeyohannes, S. M. (2014).
There are only a few studies that exhibit adolescents personality traits and their association in engaging deviant behavior. Therefore, DBVS showed a high consistency across different situations or settings across the region. Stress in adoptive parents of adolescents. 0.010.25-weak negative relationship. Correspondingly, in collective cultures, pleasant relationships with others are considered more important compared to personal goals (Park et al., 2004). Adolescence; a Crucial Transitional Stage in Human Life. The effects of personality traits and behavioral characteristics on schooling, earnings, and career promotion 14-E-023. Based on empirical studies, satisfaction is all about conscious or cognitive evaluation of an individual and assessing their level of life satisfaction and quality of their life using factors such as family relationships, friends, school, based on an acceptable standard of satisfaction of living (Lewis et al., 2011). In a meta-analysis study exploring the differences of gender in deviance, a differentiation was made between females who thought the act was thrilling and risky were prone to engage deviant acts, and female who held morality against deviant acts and were less likely to engage. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness as Antecedents of Deviant Behavior in Workplace. Berne, S., Frisen, A., Schultze-krumbholz, A., Scheithauer, H., Naruskov, K., Luik, P., et al. Additional objectives of the current study are to look for the differences in terms of male and female scores on the Deviant Behavior and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Cavanagh, S. E., and Huston, A. C. (2008). The last table indicates the best predictor of deviant behavior.
While creating their own identity, adolescents may encounter several conflicts, such as learning wrong behavior from significant people and dealing with their problems in the wrong ways. Thus, researchers would like to know if personality traits have something to do with the engagement of adolescents into deviance. After conducting all data, the researchers filtered out the data. Path analysis of deviant behavior, age, family satisfaction, and personality traits. Exploring the relationship between personality factors and workplace deviant behavior among Pekanbaru city civil service. The relationship between big five personality traits, customer empowerment and customer satisfaction in the retail industry. Descriptive statistics of the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0438-0. here Filipino adolescents are the sample of the study, ages 1219 years old. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2007.02.004, Park, N., Peterson, C., and Seligman, M. (2004). American Journal of Business Education 9, 113118. Out of 1500 samples, 1227 met the criteria for the deviant behavior scale. The findings of these studies (Mathisen et al., 2011; Farhadi et al., 2012; Jia et al., 2013; Aleksic and Vukovi, 2018) discusses that conscientiousness has a significant negative relationship with deviant behavior which suggests that people with low conscientious personality traits participate more in variety of deviant acts.
Youn, L. S., and Fumio, O. In addition, Torrente and Vazsonyi (2012) defined deviance as a structure of behavior that is contrary to the accepted norms and appears as unbalanced mental processes, violating self-realization and evading their own moral behavior and identity control. Dullas, A. R., and Acoba, E. F. (2013). The timing of family instability and childrens social development. Neuroticism and its correlation to deviant behavior resulted in a low and weak significant relationship. Furthermore, individuals with high potential to be open to experiences are considered as willing to experience changes and new adventures in their lives (Jia et al., 2013). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. In this sense, females have a higher tendency to engage in MI while the male has a higher tendency to engage in severe infractions (U = 144968.500, p = 0.000). Table 2. However, it indicates that participants with a low level of agreeableness are more likely to engage in deviant acts, while participants who rate high on agreeableness are not prone. In the context of comparison between participants with married parents and participants with broken families and their engagement in deviant acts and level of family satisfaction, results indicated that participants with broken families engaged more often in severe and MI of deviant acts and have low levels of family satisfaction compared to participants with married parents. Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. 7, 1938. Based on the results, a highly significant and inverse relationship of openness to experience and deviant behavior were found. 12:645126. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645126. doi: 10.1037/a0017326. After clustering the high schools and colleges, selection from the list of schools was randomized for the equal opportunity of being selected. Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication. (2017). It consists of 19 items (minor and severe) of a variety of deviant action such as thefts, drug and alcohol consumption, verbal and physical aggression, possession of weapons, vandalism, truancy, lies and defiance of authority, and selling drugs among adolescents (Sanches et al., 2016). Further, some studies have called low agreeable people unconcerned with others, and therefore can be unfriendly and uncooperative, independent and have poor personal affections toward others (Bodankin and Tziner, 2009). Panuto: Sagutin ang mga sumusunod na katanungan ng oo o hindi. Table 3 also presents the comparison between males and females in terms of their satisfaction with family. Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) also worried about the alarming rise of Filipino children in conflict with the law. What a certain person has learned, an individuals acquired and specific skills, are characteristic adaptations. Descriptive and Inferential statistics such as Mean, sd, frequency, percentage, Regression analysis, Pearson-correlation, and Mann Whitney U test were used to analyze this study. In this part, the researchers studied the relationship of deviant behavior, family structure, family satisfaction, and personality traits. Front. +0.010.25-weak positive relationship. Results found that extroversion is not significantly correlated with deviant behavior.
Life satisfaction and student engagement in adolescents. The researchers used the Deviant Behavior Variety Scale (DBVS) by Sanches et al. Personality traits indicate how we cope with stressful experiences in our life (Feist et al., 2013). Personality traits have been indicated as one of the most significant predictors of individual outcomes and behaviors (Youn and Fumio, 2014; Abdullah and Marican, 2016; Forrester et al., 2016). doi: 10.1177/1548051813488208. Performance 24, 112. Predictors of childhood in a spanish case-control study. Big five (The five-factor model and the five factor theory), in The Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology, ed.
The Table 4 and Appendices represents family structure differences in terms of Deviant Behavior and Family Satisfaction. The research utilized correlation using Multiple Regression Analysis in exploring predictors of deviant behavior using the level of family satisfaction, personality traits, and socio demographic information (age and family structure). All of this plays a vital role that, if it cannot be prevented, can lead to a serious defiant act among teenagers (Feist et al., 2013). Model summary of regression of deviant behavior, personality traits and family satisfaction. This implies that respondents who participate more in deviant behaviors are found to be less satisfied with their family life, while respondents who participate less in deviant behavior are more satisfied in their family life. If this deviant behavior is not taken seriously, it might lead to some more serious acts such as anti-social behavior or crime. Junior of Occupational Health Psychology 15, 91103.
doi: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000e115. Thus, categorizing what is deviant is always based on how society views, takes, or describes deviant action. Factors associated with depressive symptoms among Filipino university students. 0.760.99-very strong negative relationship.
In terms of sex, female (628) has a higher frequency than male (599). If you have a problem obtaining your download, click doi: 10.1080/01494929.2013.768321, Zaky, E. A. Additionally, past literature proposed that personality influences social behavior and socialization, as well as social ethics. The power of the family. Results showed that female participants have higher tendency to engage in minor infractions of deviant acts, while males had a higher rate of participation in severe infractions of deviant acts. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 44, 4155. Journal of Economic Growth 15, 125. The effects of big-five personality traits on deviant behavior. The development of deviant behavior in adolescents: the influence of student characteristics and social climate. Thus, the major research objective is to find the determinant of deviant behavior among Filipino adolescents using variables such as personality traits, family structures, and level of family satisfaction. On the other hand, participants with married parents are also more satisfied with their family (Mean Rank = 681.76) than those with broken families (Mean Rank = 481.08). While traits refer to the ways of perceiving, thinking, and behaving toward the environment and oneself (Youn and Fumio, 2014). The researchers used a MannWhitney U test to determine if the difference is significant. After letting the researchers conduct for their purpose, the researchers then purposively selected respondents with an age range of 1219 years old. This is consistent with the studies of Farhadi et al. Another contradicting result that can be explored by future researchers. Further, involvements and experiences within the family are two of the most important sources of life satisfaction and negative emotions of the members of the family. (2013). Review of Management and Marketing 6, 610. Constructive deviance and personality: how do they interrelate. In previous years, high elevated patterns of reported deviant action among adolescents have become more serious. Below are the possible explanations to these findings. According to Damron-Bell (2011), identifying vices is motivated by the peer pressure, curiosity, and the idea of being mature.
Asian Social Science 8, 27. (Please check your downloads folder shortly for your download). Table 3. It is an important adaptation that consists of how an individual gains a sense of purpose and views their life (Feist et al., 2013). Perhaps, an adolescent who is satisfied in their family may be at a lower risk of engaging in deviant behavior. However, these chances are always a risk. Contrary to the studies of Jia et al. Krueger, R. F., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Silva, P. A., and McGee, R. (1996). doi: 10.1504/IJMP.2014.060541, Sharaievska, I., and Stodolska, M. (2016). Cyberbullying assessment instruments: a systematic review. Therefore, individuals with strong family relationships and high family satisfaction are not prone to engaging in risky behavior. This is another gray area in the study of extraversion and deviant behavior since conflicting results were found. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 107, 216227. 0.260.50-moderate negative relationship. Meanwhile, individuals with a high level of conscientiousness are viewed as well organized, good planners, achievement-oriented, have greater job satisfaction, and have positive social relationships (Vardi and Weitz, 2004). They were selected from first-year high school (grade 7) to first-year college in Nueva Ecija. In addition, the results implied that adolescents who rate high on this personality trait possessed a wide interest, were imaginative, intelligent, curious, inventive, clever, resourceful, and civilized (John and Srivastava, 1999). Extraversion measures the interpersonal interaction of individuals toward other people in the form of being outgoing or shy, as well as the capacity for joy (Castillo, 2017). (2016). To determine whether the personality traits and family satisfaction predict deviant behavior, five factors traits (with the exception of extroversion and conscientiousness since they do not possess the requirements of correlation in deviant behavior), as well as family satisfaction were regressed in Tables 6, 7. The results indicated that a variety of deviant behavior is observed among selected Filipino adolescents. Marriage and family review 49, 446463. support team who will be happy to help. Procedia Economics and Finance 7, 181187. J. The result indicated that females are more engaged in MI of a variety deviant acts compared to males, while the male respondents are more engaged in severe infractions of a variety of deviant acts compared to females. Lim et al. Additionally, low family satisfaction is also a contributor in deviant behavior among adolescents. The results showed that participants with married parents has lower scores (Mean Rank = 532.54) on Deviant Behavior measure than participants with broken families (Mean Rank = 770.56). Characteristic adaptation differs from culture to culture, and allows an individual to fit into their environment on an ongoing basis (McCrae and Costa, 1992). On the other hand, males who had peers who participated in deviant action were prone to deviant conducts (Piquero and Hickman, 2001). The current study used cluster sampling among the list of schools (high school and colleges) in Nueva Ecija from 19 high schools and 20 colleges and universities. (2007). Participants were also informed about the questionnaire, data protection was also applied, the data collected stayed anonymous, and strictly confidential data was obtained. This was supported by the study of Farhadi et al. Each item was expected to represent different kinds of infractions. The presentation of correlations of the different variables of the study using Path Analysis is provided in Figure 2. The DBVS has a high internal consistency (Cronbach = 0.829). The regression analysis using five factor traits and family satisfaction as predictors explained 16.6% of the variance in deviant behavior shown in Tables 6, 7 and Appendices. Parent-Adolescent communication and delinquency: a comparative study in Kolkota, India. (2013). Europes Journal of Psychology 8, 7494. Theories of personality. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2009.00631.x. Nkhata, M. J., and Mwale, M. (2016). Concept of Happiness Among Filipino Farmers: A Qualitative and Quantitative View. Personality and Individual Differences 49, 537541. Therefore, the deviant tendencies of adolescents are considered as characteristic adaptations since they possess the accountability to become one. Thus, the main goal of the study is to look for the possible predictors of deviant behavior, as well as its association among family satisfaction and personality traits. Additional objectives of the current study are to look for the differences in terms of male and female scores on the Deviant Behavior and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). (2010) and Nurul et al. BMC Public Health 14:1186. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1186. Moreover, there is a negative/inverse association between family satisfaction and deviant behavior. Im perfectly imperfect: Exploring the relationship between PERMA model of wellbeing with self-esteem among persons with disabilities. Amato, P. R. (2012). Additionally, published articles of Philippines crime and safety report (2017), the most particular among deviant acts of adolescents includes those behaviors that significantly affect other people in bad terms, such as committing crimes and breaking laws; rape, robbery, theft, murder, juvenile delinquency, and assault; in school; bullying, vandalism, addictions, and substance abuse. The result has very high significance at.000 alpha level (U = 144968.500, p = 0.000). With these, Apel and Kaukinen (2017) indicated that individuals who came from broken families may experience weakened bonds from parents as well siblings and have less time to spend on high-quality family activities and be at a high risk of engaging in deviant acts. Novikova, I. The questionnaire consists of three sections that include basic data such as the deviant behavior scale, family satisfaction scale, and personality traits inventory (see Appendix). Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 219, 1925. All ethical aspects were acquired in relation to participants safety. Using the 17 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by circling the appropriate number on the line following that item. (2009). With regards to family structure, participants with Married family has 809 (65.9%) while participants with separated parents are 417 (34.0%). doi: 10.5964/ejop.v81.299, Tolentino, M., and Dullas, A. R. (2015). Keywords: deviant behavior, family satisfaction, personality traits, Filipino adolescents, family structure, Citation: Dullas AR, Yncierto KD, Labiano MA and Marcelo JC (2021) Determinants of a Variety of Deviant Behaviors: An Analysis of Family Satisfaction, Personality Traits, and Their Relationship to Deviant Behaviors Among Filipino Adolescents. The relationship between supervisor personality, supervisors perceived stress and workplace bullying. Alesina, A., and Giuliano, P. (2010). Self-concept refers to knowledge and attitude about oneself, also part of characteristic adaptation. Connecting personality traits with deviant workplace behavior. Such that in Filipino culture, a collective culture, there is a higher consideration toward family satisfaction compared to personal goals. A tendency toward high agreeableness is much more likely to be considered as more cooperative, understanding, warm, sincere, well-mannered, naturally good, compassionate, friendly, and sympathetic; a tendency toward low agreeableness is more likely to be harsh, rude, cold, unsociable, insincere, and unsympathetic (Forrester et al., 2016). It has high reliability measures ( = 0.750.80) and high-test retest reliability ( = 0.800.90) (John and Srivastava, 1999). Family relationships and processes and their association with adolescents personalities and future outcomes have been the subject in a recent study (Nkhata and Mwale, 2016). Table 5 and Appendices shows a statistically significant correlation between the variables of the study. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Participation of youth in deviant behaviors maybe characterized by impulsiveness and recklessness of actions. An Investigation of the Contributing Factors to Adolescent Deviant Behaviors in Rural Community Day Secondary Schools with Respect to the Social and Environmental Aspects.

There are only a few studies that exhibit adolescents personality traits and their association in engaging deviant behavior. Therefore, DBVS showed a high consistency across different situations or settings across the region. Stress in adoptive parents of adolescents. 0.010.25-weak negative relationship. Correspondingly, in collective cultures, pleasant relationships with others are considered more important compared to personal goals (Park et al., 2004). Adolescence; a Crucial Transitional Stage in Human Life. The effects of personality traits and behavioral characteristics on schooling, earnings, and career promotion 14-E-023. Based on empirical studies, satisfaction is all about conscious or cognitive evaluation of an individual and assessing their level of life satisfaction and quality of their life using factors such as family relationships, friends, school, based on an acceptable standard of satisfaction of living (Lewis et al., 2011). In a meta-analysis study exploring the differences of gender in deviance, a differentiation was made between females who thought the act was thrilling and risky were prone to engage deviant acts, and female who held morality against deviant acts and were less likely to engage. Agreeableness and Conscientiousness as Antecedents of Deviant Behavior in Workplace. Berne, S., Frisen, A., Schultze-krumbholz, A., Scheithauer, H., Naruskov, K., Luik, P., et al. Additional objectives of the current study are to look for the differences in terms of male and female scores on the Deviant Behavior and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Cavanagh, S. E., and Huston, A. C. (2008). The last table indicates the best predictor of deviant behavior.
While creating their own identity, adolescents may encounter several conflicts, such as learning wrong behavior from significant people and dealing with their problems in the wrong ways. Thus, researchers would like to know if personality traits have something to do with the engagement of adolescents into deviance. After conducting all data, the researchers filtered out the data. Path analysis of deviant behavior, age, family satisfaction, and personality traits. Exploring the relationship between personality factors and workplace deviant behavior among Pekanbaru city civil service. The relationship between big five personality traits, customer empowerment and customer satisfaction in the retail industry. Descriptive statistics of the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants. doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0438-0. here Filipino adolescents are the sample of the study, ages 1219 years old. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2007.02.004, Park, N., Peterson, C., and Seligman, M. (2004). American Journal of Business Education 9, 113118. Out of 1500 samples, 1227 met the criteria for the deviant behavior scale. The findings of these studies (Mathisen et al., 2011; Farhadi et al., 2012; Jia et al., 2013; Aleksic and Vukovi, 2018) discusses that conscientiousness has a significant negative relationship with deviant behavior which suggests that people with low conscientious personality traits participate more in variety of deviant acts.
Youn, L. S., and Fumio, O. In addition, Torrente and Vazsonyi (2012) defined deviance as a structure of behavior that is contrary to the accepted norms and appears as unbalanced mental processes, violating self-realization and evading their own moral behavior and identity control. Dullas, A. R., and Acoba, E. F. (2013). The timing of family instability and childrens social development. Neuroticism and its correlation to deviant behavior resulted in a low and weak significant relationship. Furthermore, individuals with high potential to be open to experiences are considered as willing to experience changes and new adventures in their lives (Jia et al., 2013). We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. In this sense, females have a higher tendency to engage in MI while the male has a higher tendency to engage in severe infractions (U = 144968.500, p = 0.000). Table 2. However, it indicates that participants with a low level of agreeableness are more likely to engage in deviant acts, while participants who rate high on agreeableness are not prone. In the context of comparison between participants with married parents and participants with broken families and their engagement in deviant acts and level of family satisfaction, results indicated that participants with broken families engaged more often in severe and MI of deviant acts and have low levels of family satisfaction compared to participants with married parents. Here are a number of characteristics that may or may not apply to you. 7, 1938. Based on the results, a highly significant and inverse relationship of openness to experience and deviant behavior were found. 12:645126. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645126. doi: 10.1037/a0017326. After clustering the high schools and colleges, selection from the list of schools was randomized for the equal opportunity of being selected. Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. All authors listed have made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication. (2017). It consists of 19 items (minor and severe) of a variety of deviant action such as thefts, drug and alcohol consumption, verbal and physical aggression, possession of weapons, vandalism, truancy, lies and defiance of authority, and selling drugs among adolescents (Sanches et al., 2016). Further, some studies have called low agreeable people unconcerned with others, and therefore can be unfriendly and uncooperative, independent and have poor personal affections toward others (Bodankin and Tziner, 2009). Panuto: Sagutin ang mga sumusunod na katanungan ng oo o hindi. Table 3 also presents the comparison between males and females in terms of their satisfaction with family. Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) also worried about the alarming rise of Filipino children in conflict with the law. What a certain person has learned, an individuals acquired and specific skills, are characteristic adaptations. Descriptive and Inferential statistics such as Mean, sd, frequency, percentage, Regression analysis, Pearson-correlation, and Mann Whitney U test were used to analyze this study. In this part, the researchers studied the relationship of deviant behavior, family structure, family satisfaction, and personality traits. Front. +0.010.25-weak positive relationship. Results found that extroversion is not significantly correlated with deviant behavior.
Life satisfaction and student engagement in adolescents. The researchers used the Deviant Behavior Variety Scale (DBVS) by Sanches et al. Personality traits indicate how we cope with stressful experiences in our life (Feist et al., 2013). Personality traits have been indicated as one of the most significant predictors of individual outcomes and behaviors (Youn and Fumio, 2014; Abdullah and Marican, 2016; Forrester et al., 2016). doi: 10.1177/1548051813488208. Performance 24, 112. Predictors of childhood in a spanish case-control study. Big five (The five-factor model and the five factor theory), in The Encyclopedia of cross-cultural psychology, ed.
The Table 4 and Appendices represents family structure differences in terms of Deviant Behavior and Family Satisfaction. The research utilized correlation using Multiple Regression Analysis in exploring predictors of deviant behavior using the level of family satisfaction, personality traits, and socio demographic information (age and family structure). All of this plays a vital role that, if it cannot be prevented, can lead to a serious defiant act among teenagers (Feist et al., 2013). Model summary of regression of deviant behavior, personality traits and family satisfaction. This implies that respondents who participate more in deviant behaviors are found to be less satisfied with their family life, while respondents who participate less in deviant behavior are more satisfied in their family life. If this deviant behavior is not taken seriously, it might lead to some more serious acts such as anti-social behavior or crime. Junior of Occupational Health Psychology 15, 91103.
doi: 10.4172/2375-4494.1000e115. Thus, categorizing what is deviant is always based on how society views, takes, or describes deviant action. Factors associated with depressive symptoms among Filipino university students. 0.760.99-very strong negative relationship.
In terms of sex, female (628) has a higher frequency than male (599). If you have a problem obtaining your download, click doi: 10.1080/01494929.2013.768321, Zaky, E. A. Additionally, past literature proposed that personality influences social behavior and socialization, as well as social ethics. The power of the family. Results showed that female participants have higher tendency to engage in minor infractions of deviant acts, while males had a higher rate of participation in severe infractions of deviant acts. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 44, 4155. Journal of Economic Growth 15, 125. The effects of big-five personality traits on deviant behavior. The development of deviant behavior in adolescents: the influence of student characteristics and social climate. Thus, the major research objective is to find the determinant of deviant behavior among Filipino adolescents using variables such as personality traits, family structures, and level of family satisfaction. On the other hand, participants with married parents are also more satisfied with their family (Mean Rank = 681.76) than those with broken families (Mean Rank = 481.08). While traits refer to the ways of perceiving, thinking, and behaving toward the environment and oneself (Youn and Fumio, 2014). The researchers used a MannWhitney U test to determine if the difference is significant. After letting the researchers conduct for their purpose, the researchers then purposively selected respondents with an age range of 1219 years old. This is consistent with the studies of Farhadi et al. Another contradicting result that can be explored by future researchers. Further, involvements and experiences within the family are two of the most important sources of life satisfaction and negative emotions of the members of the family. (2013). Review of Management and Marketing 6, 610. Constructive deviance and personality: how do they interrelate. In previous years, high elevated patterns of reported deviant action among adolescents have become more serious. Below are the possible explanations to these findings. According to Damron-Bell (2011), identifying vices is motivated by the peer pressure, curiosity, and the idea of being mature.
Asian Social Science 8, 27. (Please check your downloads folder shortly for your download). Table 3. It is an important adaptation that consists of how an individual gains a sense of purpose and views their life (Feist et al., 2013). Perhaps, an adolescent who is satisfied in their family may be at a lower risk of engaging in deviant behavior. However, these chances are always a risk. Contrary to the studies of Jia et al. Krueger, R. F., Caspi, A., Moffitt, T. E., Silva, P. A., and McGee, R. (1996). doi: 10.1504/IJMP.2014.060541, Sharaievska, I., and Stodolska, M. (2016). Cyberbullying assessment instruments: a systematic review. Therefore, individuals with strong family relationships and high family satisfaction are not prone to engaging in risky behavior. This is another gray area in the study of extraversion and deviant behavior since conflicting results were found. Journal of Abnormal Psychology 107, 216227. 0.260.50-moderate negative relationship. Meanwhile, individuals with a high level of conscientiousness are viewed as well organized, good planners, achievement-oriented, have greater job satisfaction, and have positive social relationships (Vardi and Weitz, 2004). They were selected from first-year high school (grade 7) to first-year college in Nueva Ecija. In addition, the results implied that adolescents who rate high on this personality trait possessed a wide interest, were imaginative, intelligent, curious, inventive, clever, resourceful, and civilized (John and Srivastava, 1999). Extraversion measures the interpersonal interaction of individuals toward other people in the form of being outgoing or shy, as well as the capacity for joy (Castillo, 2017). (2016). To determine whether the personality traits and family satisfaction predict deviant behavior, five factors traits (with the exception of extroversion and conscientiousness since they do not possess the requirements of correlation in deviant behavior), as well as family satisfaction were regressed in Tables 6, 7. The results indicated that a variety of deviant behavior is observed among selected Filipino adolescents. Marriage and family review 49, 446463. support team who will be happy to help. Procedia Economics and Finance 7, 181187. J. The result indicated that females are more engaged in MI of a variety deviant acts compared to males, while the male respondents are more engaged in severe infractions of a variety of deviant acts compared to females. Lim et al. Additionally, low family satisfaction is also a contributor in deviant behavior among adolescents. The results showed that participants with married parents has lower scores (Mean Rank = 532.54) on Deviant Behavior measure than participants with broken families (Mean Rank = 770.56). Characteristic adaptation differs from culture to culture, and allows an individual to fit into their environment on an ongoing basis (McCrae and Costa, 1992). On the other hand, males who had peers who participated in deviant action were prone to deviant conducts (Piquero and Hickman, 2001). The current study used cluster sampling among the list of schools (high school and colleges) in Nueva Ecija from 19 high schools and 20 colleges and universities. (2007). Participants were also informed about the questionnaire, data protection was also applied, the data collected stayed anonymous, and strictly confidential data was obtained. This was supported by the study of Farhadi et al. Each item was expected to represent different kinds of infractions. The presentation of correlations of the different variables of the study using Path Analysis is provided in Figure 2. The DBVS has a high internal consistency (Cronbach = 0.829). The regression analysis using five factor traits and family satisfaction as predictors explained 16.6% of the variance in deviant behavior shown in Tables 6, 7 and Appendices. Parent-Adolescent communication and delinquency: a comparative study in Kolkota, India. (2013). Europes Journal of Psychology 8, 7494. Theories of personality. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2009.00631.x. Nkhata, M. J., and Mwale, M. (2016). Concept of Happiness Among Filipino Farmers: A Qualitative and Quantitative View. Personality and Individual Differences 49, 537541. Therefore, the deviant tendencies of adolescents are considered as characteristic adaptations since they possess the accountability to become one. Thus, the main goal of the study is to look for the possible predictors of deviant behavior, as well as its association among family satisfaction and personality traits. Additional objectives of the current study are to look for the differences in terms of male and female scores on the Deviant Behavior and Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). (2010) and Nurul et al. BMC Public Health 14:1186. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-1186. Moreover, there is a negative/inverse association between family satisfaction and deviant behavior. Im perfectly imperfect: Exploring the relationship between PERMA model of wellbeing with self-esteem among persons with disabilities. Amato, P. R. (2012). Additionally, published articles of Philippines crime and safety report (2017), the most particular among deviant acts of adolescents includes those behaviors that significantly affect other people in bad terms, such as committing crimes and breaking laws; rape, robbery, theft, murder, juvenile delinquency, and assault; in school; bullying, vandalism, addictions, and substance abuse. The result has very high significance at.000 alpha level (U = 144968.500, p = 0.000). With these, Apel and Kaukinen (2017) indicated that individuals who came from broken families may experience weakened bonds from parents as well siblings and have less time to spend on high-quality family activities and be at a high risk of engaging in deviant acts. Novikova, I. The questionnaire consists of three sections that include basic data such as the deviant behavior scale, family satisfaction scale, and personality traits inventory (see Appendix). Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 219, 1925. All ethical aspects were acquired in relation to participants safety. Using the 17 scale below, indicate your agreement with each item by circling the appropriate number on the line following that item. (2009). With regards to family structure, participants with Married family has 809 (65.9%) while participants with separated parents are 417 (34.0%). doi: 10.5964/ejop.v81.299, Tolentino, M., and Dullas, A. R. (2015). Keywords: deviant behavior, family satisfaction, personality traits, Filipino adolescents, family structure, Citation: Dullas AR, Yncierto KD, Labiano MA and Marcelo JC (2021) Determinants of a Variety of Deviant Behaviors: An Analysis of Family Satisfaction, Personality Traits, and Their Relationship to Deviant Behaviors Among Filipino Adolescents. The relationship between supervisor personality, supervisors perceived stress and workplace bullying. Alesina, A., and Giuliano, P. (2010). Self-concept refers to knowledge and attitude about oneself, also part of characteristic adaptation. Connecting personality traits with deviant workplace behavior. Such that in Filipino culture, a collective culture, there is a higher consideration toward family satisfaction compared to personal goals. A tendency toward high agreeableness is much more likely to be considered as more cooperative, understanding, warm, sincere, well-mannered, naturally good, compassionate, friendly, and sympathetic; a tendency toward low agreeableness is more likely to be harsh, rude, cold, unsociable, insincere, and unsympathetic (Forrester et al., 2016). It has high reliability measures ( = 0.750.80) and high-test retest reliability ( = 0.800.90) (John and Srivastava, 1999). Family relationships and processes and their association with adolescents personalities and future outcomes have been the subject in a recent study (Nkhata and Mwale, 2016). Table 5 and Appendices shows a statistically significant correlation between the variables of the study. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Participation of youth in deviant behaviors maybe characterized by impulsiveness and recklessness of actions. An Investigation of the Contributing Factors to Adolescent Deviant Behaviors in Rural Community Day Secondary Schools with Respect to the Social and Environmental Aspects.