The actual, After you have done this, you will need to add the, Tutto chiaro?
grazie per il tuo contributo. With andare, the action is incremental during time.,, Italian Gerund 8 uses of the Italian Gerundio, Copyright 2021- Learn Italian Go - 73 Church Street, Guilford, CT 06437, Italian indefinite articles Everything you need to know.
Note that when you use stare + Simple Gerund (both in the present or imperfect progressive) the subjects in the main and subordinate clause can be different. For instance: Mentre andavo al supermercato, Luca mi ha chiamata sul cellulareWhile I was going to the supermarket, Luca gave me a phone call. @Robert Rovinsky Salve Robert, grazie per i complimenti. dimagrito facendo molto sportHe lost weight by doing a lot of sport, Lavorando sodo, ha ottenuto una promozioneWorking hard (having worked hard), he got a promotion, Non avendo contanti, ho pagato con la carta di creditoNot having cash (because I didnt have cash), I paid by credit card. For instance: Note that all the verbs related to fare, for instance disfare (to undo) and rifare (to do again) follow the same pattern as the source verb, so youll get rifacendo and disfacendo. or lavori? See section 2 of this more recent post: Il gerundio e il verbo usato come sostantivo. = were you working? Verbs ending in ere and ire = endo e.g. Forming the simplegerundioof regular Italian verbs is really easy: you just add the suffixandoto the stem of-are verbs andthe suffix endoto the stem ofere andire verbs: Ascoltando, forse capiresti i suoi bisogniBy listening, perhaps youll understand his needs, dimagrita mangiando solo frutta e verdureShe lost weight by just eating fruit and vegetables, Crescendo, capirai cosa intendoGrowing up, youll understand what I mean. It's a very specific type of future that I like to call planned future. If you are at this level of Italian, join the Italian Evening Upper Intermediate 1 course! Disdicendo allultimo minuto, non avrete indietro i soldi della prenotazioneBy canceling at the last moment, you wont have the reservation deposit returned. have been online, so they have been very convenient, and I have been able to interact with students from around the world. 2022 Stefano Chiaromonte. Talking is not. e.g. The present continuous is not considered an official Italian tense, and when I was a child we were not allowed to use it in writing, we had to use the simple present instead. In this case, you can use both the Imperfect Indicative or the construction stare + Gerund: Mentre stavo studiando, Luca stava dormendoMentre studiavo, Luca dormivaWhile I was studying, Luca was sleeping.
As you can see in Italian you will have to use the future tense or the present tense if its made clear that the action is referring to the future. nel mio articolo ho cercato di spiegare il gerundio italiano, non il gerundio inglese, per cui nel presente continuato in italiano si usa il gerundio. S, sono daccordo che il gerundio italiano e quello inglese non corrispondono molto spesso, infatti per la settimana prossima ho gi programmato un articolo in cui descrivo le situazioni in cui in inglese si usa la finale -ing ma in italiano non si usa il gerundio. Thank you again, Serena. In today's article, we are going to discuss the use of present and present progressive in Italian starting from the English I am going. Andare + gerundio is used to express an action happening in an indefinite time: it started sometime in the past, its still going on and will probably continue in the future. The Gerundio Presente depends on the main verb and can express a Causal, Temporal, Modal, Concessive or Hypothetical relationship with the main clause. The compound tense is formed by the auxiliary verbs essere or avere conjugated in the Present Gerund + the past participle of the verb. I hope this makes sense! There is another use of the gerund: together with the verb andare(to go), it is used to express a progressive action, which develops during a period of time. Eating pleases me. As you can see, we have only one form for each verb. You can use the verb stare in the Indicative present tense, to express that something is happening in the moment when you are speaking. Alternatively you can go through all our online resourcesand enjoy some nice video tutorials. Per quanto riguarda il tuo esempio: Nei continuous tenses e present participle. For example: Sto andando a lavoro. The instructor was both warm and professional. On the other hand, the examples you give, e.g. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message in the. and start learning today to become a real Italiano, like me! If you want to learn more Italian grammar, have a look here. Those forms do not change accordingly to the subject. PHPSESSID, gdpr[allowed_cookies], gdpr[consent_types], euCookie, I have read and accepted the Privacy and cookie Policy, Present Tense in Spanish Verbos Con Diptongacin, Grammar Tip Imperfecto Tense in Spanish, Spanish Grammar Tip Absolute Superlative, Grammar Tip Relative Superlative in Spanish, Spanish Grammar tip The Simple Conditional, Grammar Tip Spanish Verbs With Prepositions, Grammar Tip | The Present Subjunctive in Spanish, El pretrito pluscuamperfecto Grammar Tip, Possessive Pronouns in Spanish | Grammar Tip, Spanish Imperfect Progressive Grammar Tip, Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish | Grammar Tip, Che conjunction and Che relative pronoun in Italian, Congiuntivo Impersonal Constructions in Italian, Congiuntivo Qualified Person Wanted in Italian, Congiuntivo Imperfetto in Italian Part One, Periodo Ipotetico Possibility in Italian, The Position of Qualifying Adjectives in Italian, Condizionale Passato Futuro Nel Passato, Stare plus gerundio in Italian Part One, Italian Lesson When I use to go to School. Yes, I agree with you: I was thinking = stavo pensando etc, is a verb form built with the gerund, not pure gerunds (passato continuato, to be more precise). cuocendo (cooking) from the verb cuocere (to cook), pulendo (cleaning) from the verb pulire (to clean). A presto! In fact, when there are different subjects, Italian speakers do not use gerundio. Heres how to form the present progressive with stare: Che stai facendo? Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You must accept our privacy and cookie policy, These cookies are used for navigation or for save user preferences. I decided to re-start my Italian studies recently and I'm very happy I chose to do so with Happy Languages. Except for irregular gerunds, forming the gerundio is very easy. I've signed up for the next one! Well be covering this in our next blog on the gerund this coming week. (you plural), stavi lavorando? P.S. week and we went at a good pace.
You remove the ending of the infinitive and then add the endings of gerundio that are: So the present progressive for the verb parlare would be: Now let's look at some other example sentences: Sto mangiando la pizza. Sto cenandoWhat are you doing?
Let's look at some other examples: Parto per gli Stati Uniti l'anno prossimo I am leaving for the United States next year. Luca and Gianni are playing with Legos. I am eating = present participle Similarly, all the verbs related to dire will follow the same rule. As you can see, in English you use the verb to be, but we use the verb stare instead. To use the gerund in the past we need the imperfect tense of the verb stare (to be/to stay). Ciao a tutti and welcome to a new article. Lucia Aiello is one of the co-founders of LearnItalianGo. From fundamentals in grammar to conversational and colloquial nuances, the classes were varied, intimate and a joy to be in. Portandogli il caff, sono cadutaWhile bringing him coffee, I fell down. Now that you know how to conjugate the gerundio, lets see all the cases where it is used. In this case, you're actually going to work now, maybe you are in the car driving there, or exiting your house to go to work. The Gerundio Presente is a simple tense and expresses an action which is simultaneous to that expressed by the main clause. However, this particular post was about the different uses of the gerund in Italian, and in section 3 of the article I also explained how to use the gerundio on its own in Italian. Walking does not. = what are you doing? Here I am using the present because although I am saying I am going in English, this is seen as a planned future. I corrected your mystified for you .
For instance, disdire (to cancel) and contraddire (to contradict) will become disdicendo and contraddicendo. This form is known as the past continuous: Giovanni stava riposando = Giovanni was resting, cosa stavate facendo? Avendoli visti cantare, posso dire che sono davvero braviHaving seen them singing, I can say theyre really good. Your explanation to use de continuos tense in italian with the verb stare is very useful. The Italiangerundiois a mood which is easy to recognize: it ends either with ando or endo. Talk to you later! = are you working? It's a very specific type of future that I like to call, So, the question is: when would we use the actual translation of I am going in Italian? So yes, I am using the present to express a future action, mindblowing, isn't it? Sto studiando per lesameWhat are you doing?
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Transparent Language, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Check out my, Online Italian course for beginners "Be Italiano". Thinking is a productive activity. Ti ho chiamato ma non mi hai rispostoWhat were you doing yesterday afternoon? Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Thinking is a productive activity. (note we always use the verb "mangiare" (to eat) in Italian when we are having food). My husband has been a student learning Italian with happy languages for a few years now. Quando sono tornata a casa ieri, i bambini stavano litigando di nuovoWhen I came back home yesterday, the children were fighting again. 3. Non sento cosa stai dicendo, la musica troppo altaI cant hear what youre saying, the music is too loud. For instance: Andando allaeroporto, mi accorsi che non avevo il passaportoWhile going to the airport, I realized I didnt have my passport. Lets now see how simple and compound gerundio are formed in Italian. (literally: you work? In today's article, we are going to discuss the use of present and present progressive in Italian starting from the English, Here I am using the present because although I am saying, However, this is no normal future! There are two forms of gerundio: simple gerund and compound gerund. The actual present progressive? Eating too much is not good = gerund. Rifacendo i conti, ho capito che avevo sbagliatoWhen doing the math again, I realized I did it wrong, Disfacendo la valigia, mi sono accorta di aver dimenticato lo spazzolinoWhile unpacking, I realized I forgot my toothbrush. Italian gerund is the Italian equivalent of English verbs that end in ing. Che stai leggendo ultimamente?What are you reading, lately? Nowadays the present continuous is interchangeable with the simple present to describe what is happening in this exact moment, e.g. In Italian il gerundio (the gerund) is characterised by the following endings: Verbs ending in are = ando e.g. e.g. Question: come si dice in italiano eating too much is not good? Of course, this doesnt detract at all from your excellent discussion of the gerund in Italian, for which I thank you very much. For instance: Andr in Italia lanno prossimo!Im going to Italy next year, Faccio una passeggiata questo pomeriggioIm taking a walk this afternoon. I learned something new each. Are you coming to Rome with us tomorrow? @Muriel Salve Muriel, : cosa state facendo or cosa fate? Lets read some examples to better understand it.
Let's start with the present and let's look at an example: Vado al mare questo weekend I am going to the beach this weekend (note we tend to use al mare vs in spiaggia). Studiando, si arriva lontanoBy studying (If you study), youll go a long way, Ascoltando i miei consigli, otterrai quello che vuoiBy listening (If you listen) to my advices, youll get what you want, Andando al supermercato, ho incontrato MarcoWhile going to the supermarket, I met Marco, Dicendo quelle parole, si rese conto che suonavano falseWhile saying those words, he realized they sounded fake, Pur non avendo fame, accettai di cenare con leiAlthough I was not hungry, I accepted to have dinner with her, Pur avendo sbagliato, non vuole riconoscere lerroreDespite having made a mistake, he doesnt want to admit it, Pur essendo stanco, devo finire di studiareDespite being tired, I need to finish studying. In this grammar tip we focus on the latter use.
Im having dinner, Il treno sta partendo, se non corriamo lo perderemoThe train is leaving, if we dont run, well miss it. When there is a pronoun, for instance in case of reflexive or pronominal verbs, or if there are direct objects or indirect objects pronouns, you simply put them at the end of the gerund verb, like this: Pettinandomi i capelli, ne ho trovato uno grigioWhile combing my hair, I found a grey one. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message in the contact section of my website. Well, it's very easy! Do not use the Italian gerund to express a future planned action like in English. Tutto chiaro? As you may have noticed, in all the sentences above the subject in the main clause and in the subordinate clause is always the same person. Its time to try and make more examples to practice! However, this is no normal future! Eating too much is not good = gerund. I'm taking Italian classes with Eleonora. ), stai lavorando? Learning the Italian language can be really fun! = what are you doing? I have been studying Italian and this verb conjugation has mystified me. For instance: Note that, with the auxiliary essere, the past participle must agree in gender and number with the subject of the verb, exactly like it happens for passato prossimo or any other compound verb. Present VS Present Progressive (stare + gerundio) in Italian, Do you want to take your Italian to the next level? Born and raised in Italy, she is a passionate Italian teacher and language enthusiast. Cosa speri di ottenere, contraddicendo sempre linsegnante?What do you hope to obtain, by always contradicting the teacher? Essendo stata malata, non andata a lavoro per una settimanaBeing sick (since she was sick) she didnt go to work for a week. Lets make some examples to clarify it: Il rumore andava crescendo mentre mi avvicinavo allappartamento dei viciniThe noise became louder and louder as I was approaching my neighbors apartment, Luca va raccontando a tutti storie inventateLuca is (going around) telling invented stories to everybody. As per him - great teachers, interesting syllabus and motivated students who all want to improve their language skills. Vuoi una fetta? I am going to work. For instance: to be sitting, to be lying. The Italian Gerund is mostly used to express the idea of contemporaneity between two actions, or to form the present progressive: Andando a lavoro, ho avuto un incidente con la macchinaWhile I was going to work, I had a car accident, Rientrando a casa, ho sentito puzza di fumoWhile I was entering home, I smelled smoke, Che stai facendo? (you plural), stai lavorando? Seguo con assidiuta il vostro sito e molto del materiale pubblicato mi e tornato utile per le mie lezioni. In these cases, The Italian uses the infinitive of the auxiliary + the past participle of the verb: Please note that the Imperfect Progressive cannot be used to express habitual actions in the past, like you would do with the Imperfect Indicative. = what were you doing? Some uses are similar to the English gerund, some are not. The courses. In general, this is an Indefinite Mood and is used in Progressive forms of the verb or in subordinate clauses. When stare is used as an auxiliary, the pronouns precede the auxiliary. For instance, in English the -ing form can follow other verbs other than stare or andare as we saw; however, the Italian gerundio has no such use. First, you need to conjugate the verb stare in the present, that is going to be the I am part of this tense. Thank you all. I think you will find that I was thinking and He was talking are verb forms, rather than pure gerunds, which are verb forms ending in -ing, used as nouns. Some irregular verbs do not follow this rule. For instance: Io stavo uscendo e tu stavi entrandoI was going out and you were coming in, Stavo andando a lavoro quando Francesca mi ha telefonatoI was going to work when Francesca called me, Mio fratello sta studiando e io sto guardando la tvMy brother is studying and I am watching TV. Let's see how it works! You have planned to go to the beach, you've made this decision a few days ago, you know where you're going and who you're going with. The Past Progressive is used to express an action in progress in the past. = are you working? In italiano il gerundio non mai preceduto dallarticolo. Do you want a slice? In Italian the Gerundio (Gerund) is a Mood composed by two tenses: Present and Past. Il gerundio e il verbo usato come sostantivo. Il gerundio (the gerund) refers to the use of a verb in its ing form. Another example is the English construction to be + verb in the -ing form. How would you say I am going in Italian? Emanuela has expertly taken us through the learning material at a comfortable pace and in an environment where you feel safe to make mistakes. For example I am writing, I was thinking, he is talking, etc. The teaching techniques are very efficient. Presente Continuato (Present Continuous). (you singular, informal), sto pulendo le finestre = Im cleaning the windows, le patate stanno cuocendo = the potatoes are cooking. Unfortunately in Italian, we can't translate these two concepts in the same way, but we have two different tenses to express these two different ideas. speaking ability and was able to go from knowing virtually no Spanish to holding and understanding basic conversations in the first couple of months. Before learning how to conjugate both regular and irregular verbs, lets see some examples. Sto scrivendo perche in inglese la desinenza -ing non e per forza gerundio. However, these two definitions can be tricky, as sometimes the so-called present gerund is used to talk about past sentences. So, the question is: when would we use the actual translation of I am going in Italian? Nei continuous tenses e present participle. Sometimes they are also called present and past gerund. Totally recommended. N.B. Also, stare can be used as an auxiliary for all action verbs, while andare can only accompany few of them, for instance: dire (to say), raccontare (to tell), crescere (to grow), diffondere (to spread). I have made a great progress in a short time. Like the English Present Continuous, the Present Progressive is used to talk aboutan action happening at the same time we are speaking. Ciao a tutti and welcome to a new article. ), sto pulendo le finestre or pulisco le finestre = Im cleaning the windows (literally: I clean the windows). We use our present progressive when we want to express the idea of an action that is happening right now, in this very moment. I became more confident in my.
I hope this makes sense! Talking is not. Normally you add the conjugation suffix to the infinitive root of the verb, after removing are, -ere or ire, but with the verbs bere (to drink), fare (to do) and dire (to say) you will add the suffix to the first person singular in the Present indicative. Before looking at some other examples, let's see real quick how to form the present progressive in Italian. Che fai stasera? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Avendo visto quel film, conosceva gi la tramaHaving seen that movie, she already knew the plot, Essendo partiti allimprovviso, non hanno avuto tempo di salutare nessunoHaving left suddenly, they didnt have the time to say goodbye to anyone, Avendo dormito fino a mezzogiorno, non ho sentito il telefono squillareHaving slept until noon, I didnt hear the phone ringing. Ci sentiamo dopo! And so on, and so on. Andare Conjugation Conjugate andare in all tenses. Learning Spanish with Clara was fun, challenging and great value. It's happening right now. Im studying for my exam. Luca e Gianni stanno giocando con i Lego. (you singular, informal), stavo pulendo le finestre = I was cleaning the windows, le patate stavano cuocendo = the potatoes were cooking. Very practical and professional. Eating pleases me are not applicable to the Italian gerund, because in these particular cases we would use the infinitive and not the gerund. I am eating = present participle Da piccolo andavo a scuola in biciclettaWhen I was young, I used to go to school by bike, Quando vivevo a Parigi, vedevo la Tour Eiffel ogni giornoWhen I was living in Paris, I used to see the Tour Eiffel every day. Vieni con noi a Roma domani? I loved my course with Happy Languages. I'd recommend the classes to others wanting to learn Italian. For instance: Congratulations! Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. Fantastic classes! I am having a pizza. What are you doing tonight? So how shall we use the Gerundio Presente in Italian? The gerund can be used on its own to express when or how something happens: ieri, tornando a casa, ho incontrato Maria = yesterday, when I was going back home, I met Maria, entrando in cucina ho sentito odore di bruciato = when I was entering the kitchen I smelt something burning, sbagliando simpara = one learns by making mistakes, leggendo attentamente mi sono accorta che mancava una parola = reading carefully I realised that a word was missing, volendo, potremmo fermarci a Milano = if we wanted , we could stop in Milan (literally: wanting to, we could stop in Milan), ripensandoci, sarebbe meglio partire presto = thinking about it again, it would be better to leave early. You still have to add ando or endo, but the root of the verb will change. The Italian gerundio is an indefinite mode, meaning that it does not provide any indications on the subject (io, tu, loro) of the action. Now lets look at the most common uses of il gerundio in Italian: 1. MA: come si dice in italiano eating too much is not good? Che stavi facendo ieri pomeriggio? However, you can also use stare in the Indicative Imperfect tense, to form the Past Progressive and talk about an action that was going on in the past. Let's conjugate the verb "stare" in the present: After you have done this, you will need to add the gerundio of the verb you are conjugating. When English uses the -ing form, Italian replaces it with a construction made with the verb + preposition (if needed) + the infinitive verb. (literally: what do you do? The gerund is used with the present tense of verb stare (to be/to stay) to form the present continuous: Giovanni sta riposando = Giovanni is resting, cosa state facendo?
Highly recommend.. In this article well learn how to conjugate it and everything you need to know to use the Italian gerund like a native speaker. Youve come at the end of this long guide and so far you have everything you need to start using the Italian gerundio confidently. P. IVA: 04296180716. Well, you could say both "vado" and "sto andando" depending on the context. mangiando (eating) from the verb mangiare (to eat). If you want to talk about something that happened in the past on a regular basis or talk about a habit, you must use the Indicative Imperfect tense. In combination with the verbstare (to stay), that works as an auxiliary, thesimple gerund canexpress the progression of an action in the same moment it is happening. Pretty much in English, you can use I am going for two reasons: if you're going somewhere right now, at this very moment, or if you will go somewhere, like if you're going to the beach next weekend. In Italian, gerundio is used differently from English. Stavate vedendo un film?Were you watching a movie? I called you but you didnt answer, Stavo dormendo, quando ha squillato il telefonoI was sleeping when the phone rang, Il cane stava passeggiando nel parcoThe dog was strolling around the park. In this case, you need to add pur (despite, although) in front of the gerund.

Note that when you use stare + Simple Gerund (both in the present or imperfect progressive) the subjects in the main and subordinate clause can be different. For instance: Mentre andavo al supermercato, Luca mi ha chiamata sul cellulareWhile I was going to the supermarket, Luca gave me a phone call. @Robert Rovinsky Salve Robert, grazie per i complimenti. dimagrito facendo molto sportHe lost weight by doing a lot of sport, Lavorando sodo, ha ottenuto una promozioneWorking hard (having worked hard), he got a promotion, Non avendo contanti, ho pagato con la carta di creditoNot having cash (because I didnt have cash), I paid by credit card. For instance: Note that all the verbs related to fare, for instance disfare (to undo) and rifare (to do again) follow the same pattern as the source verb, so youll get rifacendo and disfacendo. or lavori? See section 2 of this more recent post: Il gerundio e il verbo usato come sostantivo. = were you working? Verbs ending in ere and ire = endo e.g. Forming the simplegerundioof regular Italian verbs is really easy: you just add the suffixandoto the stem of-are verbs andthe suffix endoto the stem ofere andire verbs: Ascoltando, forse capiresti i suoi bisogniBy listening, perhaps youll understand his needs, dimagrita mangiando solo frutta e verdureShe lost weight by just eating fruit and vegetables, Crescendo, capirai cosa intendoGrowing up, youll understand what I mean. It's a very specific type of future that I like to call planned future. If you are at this level of Italian, join the Italian Evening Upper Intermediate 1 course! Disdicendo allultimo minuto, non avrete indietro i soldi della prenotazioneBy canceling at the last moment, you wont have the reservation deposit returned. have been online, so they have been very convenient, and I have been able to interact with students from around the world. 2022 Stefano Chiaromonte. Talking is not. e.g. The present continuous is not considered an official Italian tense, and when I was a child we were not allowed to use it in writing, we had to use the simple present instead. In this case, you can use both the Imperfect Indicative or the construction stare + Gerund: Mentre stavo studiando, Luca stava dormendoMentre studiavo, Luca dormivaWhile I was studying, Luca was sleeping.
As you can see in Italian you will have to use the future tense or the present tense if its made clear that the action is referring to the future. nel mio articolo ho cercato di spiegare il gerundio italiano, non il gerundio inglese, per cui nel presente continuato in italiano si usa il gerundio. S, sono daccordo che il gerundio italiano e quello inglese non corrispondono molto spesso, infatti per la settimana prossima ho gi programmato un articolo in cui descrivo le situazioni in cui in inglese si usa la finale -ing ma in italiano non si usa il gerundio. Thank you again, Serena. In today's article, we are going to discuss the use of present and present progressive in Italian starting from the English I am going. Andare + gerundio is used to express an action happening in an indefinite time: it started sometime in the past, its still going on and will probably continue in the future. The Gerundio Presente depends on the main verb and can express a Causal, Temporal, Modal, Concessive or Hypothetical relationship with the main clause. The compound tense is formed by the auxiliary verbs essere or avere conjugated in the Present Gerund + the past participle of the verb. I hope this makes sense! There is another use of the gerund: together with the verb andare(to go), it is used to express a progressive action, which develops during a period of time. Eating pleases me. As you can see, we have only one form for each verb. You can use the verb stare in the Indicative present tense, to express that something is happening in the moment when you are speaking. Alternatively you can go through all our online resourcesand enjoy some nice video tutorials. Per quanto riguarda il tuo esempio: Nei continuous tenses e present participle. For example: Sto andando a lavoro. The instructor was both warm and professional. On the other hand, the examples you give, e.g. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message in the. and start learning today to become a real Italiano, like me! If you want to learn more Italian grammar, have a look here. Those forms do not change accordingly to the subject. PHPSESSID, gdpr[allowed_cookies], gdpr[consent_types], euCookie, I have read and accepted the Privacy and cookie Policy, Present Tense in Spanish Verbos Con Diptongacin, Grammar Tip Imperfecto Tense in Spanish, Spanish Grammar Tip Absolute Superlative, Grammar Tip Relative Superlative in Spanish, Spanish Grammar tip The Simple Conditional, Grammar Tip Spanish Verbs With Prepositions, Grammar Tip | The Present Subjunctive in Spanish, El pretrito pluscuamperfecto Grammar Tip, Possessive Pronouns in Spanish | Grammar Tip, Spanish Imperfect Progressive Grammar Tip, Imperfect Subjunctive in Spanish | Grammar Tip, Che conjunction and Che relative pronoun in Italian, Congiuntivo Impersonal Constructions in Italian, Congiuntivo Qualified Person Wanted in Italian, Congiuntivo Imperfetto in Italian Part One, Periodo Ipotetico Possibility in Italian, The Position of Qualifying Adjectives in Italian, Condizionale Passato Futuro Nel Passato, Stare plus gerundio in Italian Part One, Italian Lesson When I use to go to School. Yes, I agree with you: I was thinking = stavo pensando etc, is a verb form built with the gerund, not pure gerunds (passato continuato, to be more precise). cuocendo (cooking) from the verb cuocere (to cook), pulendo (cleaning) from the verb pulire (to clean). A presto! In fact, when there are different subjects, Italian speakers do not use gerundio. Heres how to form the present progressive with stare: Che stai facendo? Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You must accept our privacy and cookie policy, These cookies are used for navigation or for save user preferences. I decided to re-start my Italian studies recently and I'm very happy I chose to do so with Happy Languages. Except for irregular gerunds, forming the gerundio is very easy. I've signed up for the next one! Well be covering this in our next blog on the gerund this coming week. (you plural), stavi lavorando? P.S. week and we went at a good pace.

Let's look at some other examples: Parto per gli Stati Uniti l'anno prossimo I am leaving for the United States next year. Luca and Gianni are playing with Legos. I am eating = present participle Similarly, all the verbs related to dire will follow the same rule. As you can see, in English you use the verb to be, but we use the verb stare instead. To use the gerund in the past we need the imperfect tense of the verb stare (to be/to stay). Ciao a tutti and welcome to a new article. Lucia Aiello is one of the co-founders of LearnItalianGo. From fundamentals in grammar to conversational and colloquial nuances, the classes were varied, intimate and a joy to be in. Portandogli il caff, sono cadutaWhile bringing him coffee, I fell down. Now that you know how to conjugate the gerundio, lets see all the cases where it is used. In this case, you're actually going to work now, maybe you are in the car driving there, or exiting your house to go to work. The Gerundio Presente is a simple tense and expresses an action which is simultaneous to that expressed by the main clause. However, this particular post was about the different uses of the gerund in Italian, and in section 3 of the article I also explained how to use the gerundio on its own in Italian. Walking does not. = what are you doing? Here I am using the present because although I am saying I am going in English, this is seen as a planned future. I corrected your mystified for you .
For instance, disdire (to cancel) and contraddire (to contradict) will become disdicendo and contraddicendo. This form is known as the past continuous: Giovanni stava riposando = Giovanni was resting, cosa stavate facendo? Avendoli visti cantare, posso dire che sono davvero braviHaving seen them singing, I can say theyre really good. Your explanation to use de continuos tense in italian with the verb stare is very useful. The Italiangerundiois a mood which is easy to recognize: it ends either with ando or endo. Talk to you later! = are you working? It's a very specific type of future that I like to call, So, the question is: when would we use the actual translation of I am going in Italian? So yes, I am using the present to express a future action, mindblowing, isn't it? Sto studiando per lesameWhat are you doing?

Let's start with the present and let's look at an example: Vado al mare questo weekend I am going to the beach this weekend (note we tend to use al mare vs in spiaggia). Studiando, si arriva lontanoBy studying (If you study), youll go a long way, Ascoltando i miei consigli, otterrai quello che vuoiBy listening (If you listen) to my advices, youll get what you want, Andando al supermercato, ho incontrato MarcoWhile going to the supermarket, I met Marco, Dicendo quelle parole, si rese conto che suonavano falseWhile saying those words, he realized they sounded fake, Pur non avendo fame, accettai di cenare con leiAlthough I was not hungry, I accepted to have dinner with her, Pur avendo sbagliato, non vuole riconoscere lerroreDespite having made a mistake, he doesnt want to admit it, Pur essendo stanco, devo finire di studiareDespite being tired, I need to finish studying. In this grammar tip we focus on the latter use.
Im having dinner, Il treno sta partendo, se non corriamo lo perderemoThe train is leaving, if we dont run, well miss it. When there is a pronoun, for instance in case of reflexive or pronominal verbs, or if there are direct objects or indirect objects pronouns, you simply put them at the end of the gerund verb, like this: Pettinandomi i capelli, ne ho trovato uno grigioWhile combing my hair, I found a grey one. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message in the contact section of my website. Well, it's very easy! Do not use the Italian gerund to express a future planned action like in English. Tutto chiaro? As you may have noticed, in all the sentences above the subject in the main clause and in the subordinate clause is always the same person. Its time to try and make more examples to practice! However, this is no normal future! Eating too much is not good = gerund. I'm taking Italian classes with Eleonora. ), stai lavorando? Learning the Italian language can be really fun! = what are you doing? I have been studying Italian and this verb conjugation has mystified me. For instance: Note that, with the auxiliary essere, the past participle must agree in gender and number with the subject of the verb, exactly like it happens for passato prossimo or any other compound verb. Present VS Present Progressive (stare + gerundio) in Italian, Do you want to take your Italian to the next level? Born and raised in Italy, she is a passionate Italian teacher and language enthusiast. Cosa speri di ottenere, contraddicendo sempre linsegnante?What do you hope to obtain, by always contradicting the teacher? Essendo stata malata, non andata a lavoro per una settimanaBeing sick (since she was sick) she didnt go to work for a week. Lets make some examples to clarify it: Il rumore andava crescendo mentre mi avvicinavo allappartamento dei viciniThe noise became louder and louder as I was approaching my neighbors apartment, Luca va raccontando a tutti storie inventateLuca is (going around) telling invented stories to everybody. As per him - great teachers, interesting syllabus and motivated students who all want to improve their language skills. Vuoi una fetta? I am going to work. For instance: to be sitting, to be lying. The Italian Gerund is mostly used to express the idea of contemporaneity between two actions, or to form the present progressive: Andando a lavoro, ho avuto un incidente con la macchinaWhile I was going to work, I had a car accident, Rientrando a casa, ho sentito puzza di fumoWhile I was entering home, I smelled smoke, Che stai facendo? (you plural), stai lavorando? Seguo con assidiuta il vostro sito e molto del materiale pubblicato mi e tornato utile per le mie lezioni. In these cases, The Italian uses the infinitive of the auxiliary + the past participle of the verb: Please note that the Imperfect Progressive cannot be used to express habitual actions in the past, like you would do with the Imperfect Indicative. = what were you doing? Some uses are similar to the English gerund, some are not. The courses. In general, this is an Indefinite Mood and is used in Progressive forms of the verb or in subordinate clauses. When stare is used as an auxiliary, the pronouns precede the auxiliary. For instance, in English the -ing form can follow other verbs other than stare or andare as we saw; however, the Italian gerundio has no such use. First, you need to conjugate the verb stare in the present, that is going to be the I am part of this tense. Thank you all. I think you will find that I was thinking and He was talking are verb forms, rather than pure gerunds, which are verb forms ending in -ing, used as nouns. Some irregular verbs do not follow this rule. For instance: Io stavo uscendo e tu stavi entrandoI was going out and you were coming in, Stavo andando a lavoro quando Francesca mi ha telefonatoI was going to work when Francesca called me, Mio fratello sta studiando e io sto guardando la tvMy brother is studying and I am watching TV. Let's see how it works! You have planned to go to the beach, you've made this decision a few days ago, you know where you're going and who you're going with. The Past Progressive is used to express an action in progress in the past. = are you working? In italiano il gerundio non mai preceduto dallarticolo. Do you want a slice? In Italian the Gerundio (Gerund) is a Mood composed by two tenses: Present and Past. Il gerundio e il verbo usato come sostantivo. Il gerundio (the gerund) refers to the use of a verb in its ing form. Another example is the English construction to be + verb in the -ing form. How would you say I am going in Italian? Emanuela has expertly taken us through the learning material at a comfortable pace and in an environment where you feel safe to make mistakes. For example I am writing, I was thinking, he is talking, etc. The teaching techniques are very efficient. Presente Continuato (Present Continuous). (you singular, informal), sto pulendo le finestre = Im cleaning the windows, le patate stanno cuocendo = the potatoes are cooking. Unfortunately in Italian, we can't translate these two concepts in the same way, but we have two different tenses to express these two different ideas. speaking ability and was able to go from knowing virtually no Spanish to holding and understanding basic conversations in the first couple of months. Before learning how to conjugate both regular and irregular verbs, lets see some examples. Sto scrivendo perche in inglese la desinenza -ing non e per forza gerundio. However, these two definitions can be tricky, as sometimes the so-called present gerund is used to talk about past sentences. So, the question is: when would we use the actual translation of I am going in Italian? Nei continuous tenses e present participle. Sometimes they are also called present and past gerund. Totally recommended. N.B. Also, stare can be used as an auxiliary for all action verbs, while andare can only accompany few of them, for instance: dire (to say), raccontare (to tell), crescere (to grow), diffondere (to spread). I have made a great progress in a short time. Like the English Present Continuous, the Present Progressive is used to talk aboutan action happening at the same time we are speaking. Ciao a tutti and welcome to a new article. ), sto pulendo le finestre or pulisco le finestre = Im cleaning the windows (literally: I clean the windows). We use our present progressive when we want to express the idea of an action that is happening right now, in this very moment. I became more confident in my.
I hope this makes sense! Talking is not. Normally you add the conjugation suffix to the infinitive root of the verb, after removing are, -ere or ire, but with the verbs bere (to drink), fare (to do) and dire (to say) you will add the suffix to the first person singular in the Present indicative. Before looking at some other examples, let's see real quick how to form the present progressive in Italian. Che fai stasera? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Avendo visto quel film, conosceva gi la tramaHaving seen that movie, she already knew the plot, Essendo partiti allimprovviso, non hanno avuto tempo di salutare nessunoHaving left suddenly, they didnt have the time to say goodbye to anyone, Avendo dormito fino a mezzogiorno, non ho sentito il telefono squillareHaving slept until noon, I didnt hear the phone ringing. Ci sentiamo dopo! And so on, and so on. Andare Conjugation Conjugate andare in all tenses. Learning Spanish with Clara was fun, challenging and great value. It's happening right now. Im studying for my exam. Luca e Gianni stanno giocando con i Lego. (you singular, informal), stavo pulendo le finestre = I was cleaning the windows, le patate stavano cuocendo = the potatoes were cooking. Very practical and professional. Eating pleases me are not applicable to the Italian gerund, because in these particular cases we would use the infinitive and not the gerund. I am eating = present participle Da piccolo andavo a scuola in biciclettaWhen I was young, I used to go to school by bike, Quando vivevo a Parigi, vedevo la Tour Eiffel ogni giornoWhen I was living in Paris, I used to see the Tour Eiffel every day. Vieni con noi a Roma domani? I loved my course with Happy Languages. I'd recommend the classes to others wanting to learn Italian. For instance: Congratulations! Build vocabulary, practice pronunciation, and more with Transparent Language Online. Fantastic classes! I am having a pizza. What are you doing tonight? So how shall we use the Gerundio Presente in Italian? The gerund can be used on its own to express when or how something happens: ieri, tornando a casa, ho incontrato Maria = yesterday, when I was going back home, I met Maria, entrando in cucina ho sentito odore di bruciato = when I was entering the kitchen I smelt something burning, sbagliando simpara = one learns by making mistakes, leggendo attentamente mi sono accorta che mancava una parola = reading carefully I realised that a word was missing, volendo, potremmo fermarci a Milano = if we wanted , we could stop in Milan (literally: wanting to, we could stop in Milan), ripensandoci, sarebbe meglio partire presto = thinking about it again, it would be better to leave early. You still have to add ando or endo, but the root of the verb will change. The Italian gerundio is an indefinite mode, meaning that it does not provide any indications on the subject (io, tu, loro) of the action. Now lets look at the most common uses of il gerundio in Italian: 1. MA: come si dice in italiano eating too much is not good? Che stavi facendo ieri pomeriggio? However, you can also use stare in the Indicative Imperfect tense, to form the Past Progressive and talk about an action that was going on in the past. Let's conjugate the verb "stare" in the present: After you have done this, you will need to add the gerundio of the verb you are conjugating. When English uses the -ing form, Italian replaces it with a construction made with the verb + preposition (if needed) + the infinitive verb. (literally: what do you do? The gerund is used with the present tense of verb stare (to be/to stay) to form the present continuous: Giovanni sta riposando = Giovanni is resting, cosa state facendo?
Highly recommend.. In this article well learn how to conjugate it and everything you need to know to use the Italian gerund like a native speaker. Youve come at the end of this long guide and so far you have everything you need to start using the Italian gerundio confidently. P. IVA: 04296180716. Well, you could say both "vado" and "sto andando" depending on the context. mangiando (eating) from the verb mangiare (to eat). If you want to talk about something that happened in the past on a regular basis or talk about a habit, you must use the Indicative Imperfect tense. In combination with the verbstare (to stay), that works as an auxiliary, thesimple gerund canexpress the progression of an action in the same moment it is happening. Pretty much in English, you can use I am going for two reasons: if you're going somewhere right now, at this very moment, or if you will go somewhere, like if you're going to the beach next weekend. In Italian, gerundio is used differently from English. Stavate vedendo un film?Were you watching a movie? I called you but you didnt answer, Stavo dormendo, quando ha squillato il telefonoI was sleeping when the phone rang, Il cane stava passeggiando nel parcoThe dog was strolling around the park. In this case, you need to add pur (despite, although) in front of the gerund.