He has hospitalized all 50,000 of the people he's attacked. I have not forgotten about utapri!! However. Lots of people are unfamiliar with veteran seiyuus. I did a few small touch ups to the coloring but the lineart is the same from February (which explains why my anatomy here isn't where it is now (^^*)) I forget how much i like listening to Lost Alice (both the song and the audio drama) and I'm sad i didn't get to cosplay as Lost Alice Natsuki for Anime expo due to the pandemic but someday i will! But anyway, hope you enjoy~! Somewhat easy~, Find out which boy from Uta no prince sama belongs to you (Otoya, Masato, Natsuki, Tokiya, Ren, Syo, Cecil, and Satsuki.) Join thousands of other users in fan casting your favorite stories. Prior to meeting Syo, Natsuki used to live in France until he was five years old. God damn it Kebab please just give me a satsuki UR card in shining live istg Im going to start crying, Anon asked: Matchup please (From Free! Click here. Other times, though, when he is able to get away, Satsuki is a musical genius and composes amazing music whenever he gets the chance. Satsuki is solitary and doesn't usually like being around people. Jerry Jewell was suggested to play Natsuki Shinomiya in Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast) by victoriaromero. If you feel down about it, hes there to lift you up. He has provided voices for a number of Engl Uta no Prince-sama characters voiced by an English Dub voice actors that they haven't dubbed in English yet. Once on again though, Natsuki has no memory of being Satsuki, or what he did while being his other half. (, Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Movie: Mugen Train (, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.: Reawakened (, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Prisma Phantasm (, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya: Vow In The Snow (, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia (, Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space (, The Heroic Legend of Arslan: Dust Storm Dance (, Food Wars! From the way you interact with all the animals, how you gush about your pets and what cute thing they do, down to all the cute things you yourself enjoy; youre too adorable. Fan casting? UTAPRI QUIZ! At least now this image can match with my natsuki one I hope you guys still like it. Cecil : Im so thankful that you were born into this world. #we had the sad bops playing for this one LMAO, #i kept it to just these three so i could use both images for all of them. and J. Michael Tatum. Both you and I started making content because we live our seiyuus! Assemble your dream cast! I had not touched this since march and i got too lazy to fix the lineart. Love ye <3. Im so glad I got to know you. Masato: I hope this new year of your life is full of happy memories.
I don't know him but when I was searching pictures of him he does indeed look very gentle? I truly mean it when I say it. Get ready for a hug attack, because Natsuki is going to give you one! Questions and pictures are from the first Quiz no Prince Sama, a quiz game show starring the seiyuu's for STARISH with questions from the anime. Who will be your man~? Finally got around to finishing syo for this Au where he is prince Philip. I sing. I apologize in advance if it is bad and this is focused on Starish, no Quartet Night or Heavens for they will be placed on another quiz perhaps. In his youth, he was in love with his teacher and composed a song, titled "Satsuki" for her. Explore Tumblr blogs with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience. Camus, #To me it feels weird because of the nature and vibe of Kiyaan is COMPLETELY different to Natsukis? However, because he is also Natsuki, he has taken a liking to Haruka. Apologies for the boarders on the sides of the first image. Full version of With Ding Dong from Shinomiya Natsukis Maji Love Starish Tours Idol Song CD! Confessions Blog about Seiyuus! Do you love movies? Youre just so adorable to him! 62 question SLIDES but only 30 contain actual questions. Ren: I hope you can smile and be happy for eternity. Please keep creating content , It's just hard for me to get into Fandoms lol. Will hold you and have you in his lap all the time and get ready for a nonstop stream of compliments and sweet words because he tells you them every day. Eric Vale, He is a tall, young man with blond hair that is wavy with one lock curling upwards on the top of his head. However, she stole his composition and used it to make herself famous.
Shokugeki no Soma: The Dish of Friendship and Bonds (, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (. See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role. One day when Natsuki was 7 and Syo was 5, Natsuki chased Syo up a tower, trying to catch him; most likely in order to dress him up or something to that extent. 5,4 tall, loud and friendly. I hope I'm using the right images because like I sad I'm not familiar with a lot of seiyuus outside of utapri yet ^~^; First of all this is the onky image I could find with a bunch of seiyuus in it, It's form Aonis 50th celebration. Youre the cutest thing ever to him! Years ago, he used to play the violin and participated in many violin competitions with Syo in their youth. Hell call you every cute pet name in the book and will cuddle you every chance he gets. I cry easily. Hey~ Since I can post much due to other reasons this quiz will have to do. Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast) has 18 roles, including and Uta no Prince sama) ? He enjoys cooking, but is oblivious to the fact that everything he makes is disastrous, often making his unwilling taste testers (most of the time Syo) faint or choke in disgust. Here are a few more to browse. Credits On BTVA: 146 Roles from 134 Titles, Natsuki Hanae is a Japanese voice actor known for voicing. Best & Worst of Martin Scorsese's Filmography, Batman: Gotham Crusaders season 1 episode 7, Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast). INCLUDES: Roleplay. Its your smile that gives me the strength I need. I don't know a lot of them and you don't know lot of newever ones. I hope youll stay with me forever, I had free time so i drew natsuki and syo as pompompurin and my melody! His feelings of anger and despair towards this eventually caused the creation of his other self, Satsuki. His Satsuki personality manifests itself whenever Natsuki's glasses are removed. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart. The two climbed to the top and Syo accidentally fell out of the tower window trying to escape and nearly fell to his death, but Natsuki grabbed him just in time. Also fun fact i drew this back when i was a coward to come up with better poses so i used an Ai card from shining live as a pose reference and i spent WAY too much time trying to make it look exact rather than to my own style, that was my mistake and I've improved since then( ). Fill in the missing lyrics~ I might do a Quartet Night and Heavens edition, or maybe all in one. Fill in the STARISH Lyric || Uta No Prince Sama. I can't believe its been almost a year since I've last worked on this drawing. Im also a little insecure about my chubbiness, bc I have been bullied because of it. Please like / reblog if saving , I love Natsuki and Reiji, but somehow they still ended up my least favored boys in their respective groups, even though they have my fave solos. Questions are from Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love 1000%. Doki Doki De Kowaresou 1000% LOVE! Thank you for everything! (Boys and Girls alike can take this quiz!) That's fine! Natsuki: Im so happy I get to celebrate your special day with you. Results contain information on your prince as well as some insight on you Enjoy , Ever wondered who from STRISH would be your boyfriend? Ready to move onto another story? victoriaromero made this fan casting suggestion on April 27, 2022. #but i can do other characters if youd like. Has this person been officially cast for this role? Also I know like one guy he has voiced so I can agree on his voice, Sorry this is late I just found time to make it, Mamo is the perfect man and you cannot change my mind. myCast is the place for you! This way, Satsuki is supposed to work as a body guard for Natsuki. Ngl at the start i didnt like natsuki because I felt he didnt go along with the other amazing roles that kiiyan has had in the past but I came to love him . 0 comments on Jerry Jewell as Natsuki Shinomiya in Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast). I will include people like Syo and Nanami in here just so you know. has been suggested by fans for 41 roles on myCast, including Edward Tanaka in Sonic X (2023). So, this is for everyone including guys. *Third ever quiz~*. and Tokiya Ichinose. I hope you all like it! Jerry Jewell I love pets, animals and cute stuff. Well now you can find out! Syo then realized how high up he was and scrambled back up in to the tower saying he's scared; the whole ordeal caused Syo to develop a fear of heights, but the two didn't remember this until Shining Saotome brought the memory up through hypnosis on Syo. it's my first quiz so please please please PLEASE don't judge. To me it feels weird because of the nature and vibe of Kiyaan is COMPLETELY different to Natsukis? With his above average strength, it is almost always a disaster to have him around. EDIT: I DID EDIT IT AND I MAY GO BACK AND DO A LITTLE STORY WITH IT TOMORROW~. send an ice cream flavor + a character!! Loves your chubby stature because it makes you so much cuter in his eyes and he sees nothing wrong with your size. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. All i had left was the background (). You need to know the UtaPri games for this quiz too not just the anime! Take 30 seconds to create a completely free profile, which will allow you to: Jerry Jewell was born on July 30, 1976 in McAlester, Oklahoma. He suffers a split personality problem called "Gemini syndrome" and his other side goes by the name Satsuki, who has increased strength and whose personality is the dark side of Natsuki's. He has an extreme fondness for cute and small things, leading him to take an immediate liking towards Nanami Haruka, calling her a fairy and states that she resembles his dog, Elizabeth. Doesnt want you to be insecure about your chubby stature. Join the community. So you could be a really big help for the community you know! For the ice cream ask thing (if you are still doing them) could you please do Neapolitan for Natsuki? I didn't size my canvas correctly when i first started it and i didn't feel like filling in the rest (><)/*. .:+*Idk why but it feels weird that cute Natsuki from Utapri and badass Chuuya from Bungo Stray Dogs have the same seiyuu ;-;*+:. Masato Hijirikawa, Take this quiz and your question will be solved~ Must be because its the day you came into the world. What do you think? , Birthday Messages from Uta Pri : Shining Live ( Starish Version ), Otoya: Todays a really special day huh?
Shokugeki no Soma: The Dish of Friendship and Bonds (, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (. See below to cast your vote, or click here to see all fan casting suggestions for this role. One day when Natsuki was 7 and Syo was 5, Natsuki chased Syo up a tower, trying to catch him; most likely in order to dress him up or something to that extent. 5,4 tall, loud and friendly. I hope I'm using the right images because like I sad I'm not familiar with a lot of seiyuus outside of utapri yet ^~^; First of all this is the onky image I could find with a bunch of seiyuus in it, It's form Aonis 50th celebration. Youre the cutest thing ever to him! Years ago, he used to play the violin and participated in many violin competitions with Syo in their youth. Hell call you every cute pet name in the book and will cuddle you every chance he gets. I cry easily. Hey~ Since I can post much due to other reasons this quiz will have to do. Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast) has 18 roles, including and Uta no Prince sama) ? He enjoys cooking, but is oblivious to the fact that everything he makes is disastrous, often making his unwilling taste testers (most of the time Syo) faint or choke in disgust. Here are a few more to browse. Credits On BTVA: 146 Roles from 134 Titles, Natsuki Hanae is a Japanese voice actor known for voicing. Best & Worst of Martin Scorsese's Filmography, Batman: Gotham Crusaders season 1 episode 7, Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast). INCLUDES: Roleplay. Its your smile that gives me the strength I need. I don't know a lot of them and you don't know lot of newever ones. I hope youll stay with me forever, I had free time so i drew natsuki and syo as pompompurin and my melody! His feelings of anger and despair towards this eventually caused the creation of his other self, Satsuki. His Satsuki personality manifests itself whenever Natsuki's glasses are removed. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart. The two climbed to the top and Syo accidentally fell out of the tower window trying to escape and nearly fell to his death, but Natsuki grabbed him just in time. Also fun fact i drew this back when i was a coward to come up with better poses so i used an Ai card from shining live as a pose reference and i spent WAY too much time trying to make it look exact rather than to my own style, that was my mistake and I've improved since then( ). Fill in the missing lyrics~ I might do a Quartet Night and Heavens edition, or maybe all in one. Fill in the STARISH Lyric || Uta No Prince Sama. I can't believe its been almost a year since I've last worked on this drawing. Im also a little insecure about my chubbiness, bc I have been bullied because of it. Please like / reblog if saving , I love Natsuki and Reiji, but somehow they still ended up my least favored boys in their respective groups, even though they have my fave solos. Questions are from Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love 1000%. Doki Doki De Kowaresou 1000% LOVE! Thank you for everything! (Boys and Girls alike can take this quiz!) That's fine! Natsuki: Im so happy I get to celebrate your special day with you. Results contain information on your prince as well as some insight on you Enjoy , Ever wondered who from STRISH would be your boyfriend? Ready to move onto another story? victoriaromero made this fan casting suggestion on April 27, 2022. #but i can do other characters if youd like. Has this person been officially cast for this role? Also I know like one guy he has voiced so I can agree on his voice, Sorry this is late I just found time to make it, Mamo is the perfect man and you cannot change my mind. myCast is the place for you! This way, Satsuki is supposed to work as a body guard for Natsuki. Ngl at the start i didnt like natsuki because I felt he didnt go along with the other amazing roles that kiiyan has had in the past but I came to love him . 0 comments on Jerry Jewell as Natsuki Shinomiya in Uta no Prince-sama: Maji Love 1000% and 2000% (English Dub Cast). I will include people like Syo and Nanami in here just so you know. has been suggested by fans for 41 roles on myCast, including Edward Tanaka in Sonic X (2023). So, this is for everyone including guys. *Third ever quiz~*. and Tokiya Ichinose. I hope you all like it! Jerry Jewell I love pets, animals and cute stuff. Well now you can find out! Syo then realized how high up he was and scrambled back up in to the tower saying he's scared; the whole ordeal caused Syo to develop a fear of heights, but the two didn't remember this until Shining Saotome brought the memory up through hypnosis on Syo. it's my first quiz so please please please PLEASE don't judge. To me it feels weird because of the nature and vibe of Kiyaan is COMPLETELY different to Natsukis? With his above average strength, it is almost always a disaster to have him around. EDIT: I DID EDIT IT AND I MAY GO BACK AND DO A LITTLE STORY WITH IT TOMORROW~. send an ice cream flavor + a character!! Loves your chubby stature because it makes you so much cuter in his eyes and he sees nothing wrong with your size. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. All i had left was the background (). You need to know the UtaPri games for this quiz too not just the anime! Take 30 seconds to create a completely free profile, which will allow you to: Jerry Jewell was born on July 30, 1976 in McAlester, Oklahoma. He suffers a split personality problem called "Gemini syndrome" and his other side goes by the name Satsuki, who has increased strength and whose personality is the dark side of Natsuki's. He has an extreme fondness for cute and small things, leading him to take an immediate liking towards Nanami Haruka, calling her a fairy and states that she resembles his dog, Elizabeth. Doesnt want you to be insecure about your chubby stature. Join the community. So you could be a really big help for the community you know! For the ice cream ask thing (if you are still doing them) could you please do Neapolitan for Natsuki? I didn't size my canvas correctly when i first started it and i didn't feel like filling in the rest (><)/*. .:+*Idk why but it feels weird that cute Natsuki from Utapri and badass Chuuya from Bungo Stray Dogs have the same seiyuu ;-;*+:. Masato Hijirikawa, Take this quiz and your question will be solved~ Must be because its the day you came into the world. What do you think? , Birthday Messages from Uta Pri : Shining Live ( Starish Version ), Otoya: Todays a really special day huh?