All Trade-in Items Harlot of Desire Lilith All Game Editions (December 10, 2020) Heavenly Punisher Archangel Employee Course Correction All Gun Skills This is a fight against a new enemy: King Frost. Your reward will be more weapons in Sophia's Shop.
War-Hungry Horseman Eligor You need to get to Sapporo Tower, and the location you need to get to will be on the slopes while you are snowboarding down. Requests are sidequests in the world of Persona 5 Strikers. Enter Osaka Jail and reach the location marked on your map without raising the alarm or using checkpoints. Jail Monarchs Sub-zero in Sapporo Junk Collection, Part 1 Alternatively, you can use the nearby pillars to phantom dash and whittle down the shields if no one has Bless. The destination is Depths of the Abyss, close to the Checkpoint that was nearby when you fell into the level. Additionally, when it comes to the Junk Collection requests, if you have been collecting a lot of floating cubes anyway, it is likely you'll have enough already and can immediately hand this request back in. They are weak to Nuclear, which gives Makoto a chance to shine. Wandering Reviver Nebiros This is one of the harder Thief Challenges since the destination is far away and the enemies are tougher, unlike Panther's Thief Challenge. You will need to hit them with Fire as that is their only weakness. Your reward is an increased grocery selection in Sophia's Shop. NOTES: When it comes to showing Lavenza certain personas with specific skills, you can also use a card to teach that persona the skill you need if you happen to have one. Captain Kidd More accessories become available from Sophia's shop. You will find the Forgotten Desire in the Arboretum, just below the Powerful Enemy: Woman Who Brings Ruin and just before the building with the Mothmen. Fulfilling the requirements doesn't automatically complete the request, so be sure to go into the Request Menu and hand them in. You can find Shiisaa throughout the Okinawa Jail and specifically the Document Storage area. You have to find the Zunda Supreme Parfait, but it's not available normally. Velvet Room Requests are essentially sidequests and there are three trophies directly linked to this, "A Helping Hand" for completing your first request, "Those Who Heed the Call" for completing 50 requests, and "What are Friends For?" Prison Mail, Part 8 Use Ice on the Lamias and then defeat them (you do not have to use the corresponding elemental skill as the final hit; it just needs to be used). Defeat Akira the Hero in Osaka Jail again.
Your reward is an increased level cap for stat-boosting Bond skills. Move forward and Phantom Dash to the scaffolding ahead. In case you're not aware of what a phantom dash is, it is when you move to an object and find an enemy to target/dash to. All Dire Shadows Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper Your reward is Bond EXP, and later you can get an item from Morgana. Best Dishes Defeat Nightmare Dragon Ango EX in Sendai Jail. Show Lavenza a Queen Mab with Technical Adept. Defeat the more powerful version of the final boss in the Tree of Knowledge. Move to the edge of the platform close to the flying drone to find the path that you can shimmy across (by moving along the wall) to go further east. Go to the Fox Couple checkpoint and then head into the portal that opened behind the statue during the storyline. Avoid using Elec skills on Naga as they are immune to it. Since you need to use a phantom dash, you need to fight High Pixies where objects are available. High Pixies are found in West Garden and Hirose St. Best Weapons August 28th Requests
Check the questions of our users and the answers of our experts. It is located in the very last room of the Jail. Trapped in the Abyss Sophias Armor Shop The battle can be tough; Seth has a lot of durability and attack power.
From here on, it is just a matter of following the linear path while taking out the patrolling enemies on the way. Unlocks bond skill level cap for skills that boost Persona abilities. Move east to reach the large room where the target location is. Prison Mail, Part 7
Your reward will be more armor selections in Sophia's Shop.
Get 12 of these to complete the request. After taking out the shadows, walk to the edge to the east and shoot down the flying drone to engage it. You must purchase a watermelon from a shop in Okinawa, then defeat ten Jack Frost as Makoto in Sapporo Jail. It will be at the Arboretum, just after the snowboard slope and before the entrance to the Prison Keep.
Expect to spend some Persona Points if you haven't already done so. Equipment-related Some requests may appear a day or so earlier/later depending on your activities. How to Fuse Personas You will unlock more accessories in Sophia's Shop. Some requests are repeatable and can earn you varying rewards, whereas others can only be completed once. Head down south a second time and Phantom Dash to the cover point just before the group of shadows in the hallway. The Forgotten Desire can be found in the Shipping Railway Area. The destination can only be accessed by remaining on the hook, so once the request destination is in sight, stay on the hook and don't let go until you've been recorded as reaching it. Ambush any of the two shadows block the stairs to the west. Aoba to buy the Zunda Shake and Daifuku. News and Updates They can be found in Sapporo Tower and the Castle Front area. Take him out and get the item from the chest. This is just a repeat of the Sendai Jail boss fight. Love Soupreme Siegfried uses primarily physical skills like Vorpal Blade to damage the team. All Database Guides, Atlus P-Studio Return to Castle: Front Area in the Tokyo Jail after accepting this request and you will see a green checkpoint light. Additionally, requests involving Powerful Shadows will sometimes unlock immediately after you have completed the previous one. He is found in the Arboretum area, just travel to the checkpoint and snowboard down to the next area to find him. Do your best not to fail and ambush as often as you can. In the next area, go north to find two shadows patrolling. It will be on shipping containers that can only be reached by hooks, which should not be difficult to reach. Best Damage Types How to Beat the Reaper Your reward is a Resilient Scarf for Morgana (and only Morgana). We have a full guide on how to defeat him, Beastly Was-Sceptre (Required to fuse Seth), In Kyoto Jail, head to the area with the lantern on the eastern side of the map to find the. Before leaving you with the complete list, we want to warn you: You may receive Requests on slightly different days during your Persona 5 Strikers adventureso don't worry if they won't unlock when you imagine. Prison Mail, Part 3 Increases Safecracker bond skill level cap. Only 50 of these are essential to take the relevant trophy, but you will have to complete almost all of them to gain access. Intel Gathering Locations All Requests, Phantom Thieves August 11th Requests Defeat three Lilim by striking their weakness (Wind/Bless) in Sapporo Jail. Defeat ten High Pixie with a Phantom Move as Wolf in Sendai Jail. These can be found in the West Garden and Hirose St. areas of the Jail. Show Lavenza a Cu Chulainn with Concentrate. You will find these randomly after defeating enemies in Okinawa. Do not use quick travel Mara will use a lot of physical skills like Heat Wave (where it jumps to your location) and One-Shot Kill, which can actually "stain" your screen and make it harder to see if you're hit. This can be done in any Jail, but a Powerful Enemy should provide enough enemies for this request to be completed. Sophias Weapon Shop Take Back the Desire Inside Persona 5 Strikers, license plate title Atlus of which you can find our review at the following link, there are many requests. You will automatically get a majority of them as you play the game, but some have to be found by exploring the city you are currently in. From there, take the east path, and ambush the patrolling shadow ahead. Fuse a level 62 Mot with a level 60 Forneus and choose Nuke Amp as one of the skills to carry over. Are you sure your requests aren't capped out? We have been able to provide in 99% of times, the solutions that users were looking for when consulting our page. All Lock Keepers Buy Whole Watermelon All-Out Attacks As the path goes east, two more shadows will come into view on the lower area near a chest. Sapporo Jail
Sarasvati can learn Diarahan at Level 54.
From the starting location, move forward and Phantom Dash to the bus ahead. This quest just needs money. Inflicting Ailments The requests are organized by the location you will receive them in, not necessarily the Jail that they can be completed in. You will increase the level cap for the Extortionist Bond Skill. Dire Shadows Fuse Unicorn with a Shiisaa and transfer Zionga to complete this request. Ango Natsume False God Demiurge Thief Challenge Requests Sophia will add on an additional request (The Apothecary's Connection) which will give you the required item. Defeat Mad Rabbit Alice EX in Shibuya Jail. In Kirby's Dream Buffet, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Will Be Showing Some Skin. Prison Mail Requests However, it is weak to Wind and Nuclear. This is easier than it sounds as you will always have groups of Slimes (especially if you choose to engage Viscid Rotting Meat enemies who summon them). At Level 31, Setanta will learn Regenerate 1, which is the skill you need. Drop down east and then south. You can find these items in Jail of the Abyss. You can find the Lamia enemy in the Sendai Jail, in Aoba St. 1st Ward and Hirose St. Lamias are weak to Ice, so bring a Persona with Ice skills/Yusuke. Fuse a level 54 Norn with a level 48 Sarasvati and choose Diarahan as one of the skills to carry over. Your reward is a Divine Grace Skill Card. Do this for 20 Jack Frosts to complete the request. Jack Frost are found in Suzushino and Odori Park. Prison Mail, Part 1 Afterwards, go north past the checkpoint and you should come up to a platform overlooking two shadows and two mysterious boxes. Saving at checkpoints does not void the request, though using it to fast travel will. A Thiefs Challenge: Queen Trapped in Ruins Your reward is a level cap removed for Joker's Wild (increasing the likelihood of masks appearing). Once that's done, you've completed the request. Reaper Secret Boss Your reward is the Dragon Slayer Blade, which lets you fuse Siegfried. HP and SP Management It will also drain Fire. The Desire will look like an item box; this picture gets the exact location where it is (on the map as well). It is an opponent that can cover Ice, physical and ailment skills who is more than happy to dart around the battlefield using them at you. Fuse a level 59 Mot with a level 55 Nebiros and choose Concentrate as one of the skills to carry over. Pre-requisite: You must have accepted Love Soupreme and talked to the owner first. SEGA is either a registered trademark or a trademark of SEGA CORPORATION. Most requests will automatically be added to the menu for you to accept, but some are offered by your companions and you must speak with them on specific dates in order for the requests to appear, making many of them missable.
All rights reserved. Zenkichi Hasegawa (Wolf)
Mariko Hyodo Otherwise, make sure you actually accepted the quest like the user above said. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Thankfully, Hua Po can learn Amrita Drop through natural leveling. You can find these items in Osaka's Jail. All Cooking Ingredients Kuon Ichinose When playing Persona 5 Strikers, you will eventually unlock the Request system on the evening of August 2nd, which will allow you to undertake requests from the main menu or the Hideout menu to earn yourself some extra rewards, including items, raising bond levels, persona fusion items, and more. The Gyutan Ice-Cream is bought in the Arcade at the Japanese Sweets Shop. Enter Sapporo Jail and reach the location marked on your map without raising the alarm or using checkpoints. You can find Slimes in Sendai Station and Aoba St. 1st Ward.
Your opponent will be Siegfried.
War-Hungry Horseman Eligor You need to get to Sapporo Tower, and the location you need to get to will be on the slopes while you are snowboarding down. Requests are sidequests in the world of Persona 5 Strikers. Enter Osaka Jail and reach the location marked on your map without raising the alarm or using checkpoints. Jail Monarchs Sub-zero in Sapporo Junk Collection, Part 1 Alternatively, you can use the nearby pillars to phantom dash and whittle down the shields if no one has Bless. The destination is Depths of the Abyss, close to the Checkpoint that was nearby when you fell into the level. Additionally, when it comes to the Junk Collection requests, if you have been collecting a lot of floating cubes anyway, it is likely you'll have enough already and can immediately hand this request back in. They are weak to Nuclear, which gives Makoto a chance to shine. Wandering Reviver Nebiros This is one of the harder Thief Challenges since the destination is far away and the enemies are tougher, unlike Panther's Thief Challenge. You will need to hit them with Fire as that is their only weakness. Your reward is an increased grocery selection in Sophia's Shop. NOTES: When it comes to showing Lavenza certain personas with specific skills, you can also use a card to teach that persona the skill you need if you happen to have one. Captain Kidd More accessories become available from Sophia's shop. You will find the Forgotten Desire in the Arboretum, just below the Powerful Enemy: Woman Who Brings Ruin and just before the building with the Mothmen. Fulfilling the requirements doesn't automatically complete the request, so be sure to go into the Request Menu and hand them in. You can find Shiisaa throughout the Okinawa Jail and specifically the Document Storage area. You have to find the Zunda Supreme Parfait, but it's not available normally. Velvet Room Requests are essentially sidequests and there are three trophies directly linked to this, "A Helping Hand" for completing your first request, "Those Who Heed the Call" for completing 50 requests, and "What are Friends For?" Prison Mail, Part 8 Use Ice on the Lamias and then defeat them (you do not have to use the corresponding elemental skill as the final hit; it just needs to be used). Defeat Akira the Hero in Osaka Jail again.
Your reward is an increased level cap for stat-boosting Bond skills. Move forward and Phantom Dash to the scaffolding ahead. In case you're not aware of what a phantom dash is, it is when you move to an object and find an enemy to target/dash to. All Dire Shadows Sapporo Jail Lock Keeper Your reward is Bond EXP, and later you can get an item from Morgana. Best Dishes Defeat Nightmare Dragon Ango EX in Sendai Jail. Show Lavenza a Queen Mab with Technical Adept. Defeat the more powerful version of the final boss in the Tree of Knowledge. Move to the edge of the platform close to the flying drone to find the path that you can shimmy across (by moving along the wall) to go further east. Go to the Fox Couple checkpoint and then head into the portal that opened behind the statue during the storyline. Avoid using Elec skills on Naga as they are immune to it. Since you need to use a phantom dash, you need to fight High Pixies where objects are available. High Pixies are found in West Garden and Hirose St. Best Weapons August 28th Requests
Check the questions of our users and the answers of our experts. It is located in the very last room of the Jail. Trapped in the Abyss Sophias Armor Shop The battle can be tough; Seth has a lot of durability and attack power.
From here on, it is just a matter of following the linear path while taking out the patrolling enemies on the way. Unlocks bond skill level cap for skills that boost Persona abilities. Move east to reach the large room where the target location is. Prison Mail, Part 7
Your reward will be more armor selections in Sophia's Shop.
Get 12 of these to complete the request. After taking out the shadows, walk to the edge to the east and shoot down the flying drone to engage it. You must purchase a watermelon from a shop in Okinawa, then defeat ten Jack Frost as Makoto in Sapporo Jail. It will be at the Arboretum, just after the snowboard slope and before the entrance to the Prison Keep.
Expect to spend some Persona Points if you haven't already done so. Equipment-related Some requests may appear a day or so earlier/later depending on your activities. How to Fuse Personas You will unlock more accessories in Sophia's Shop. Some requests are repeatable and can earn you varying rewards, whereas others can only be completed once. Head down south a second time and Phantom Dash to the cover point just before the group of shadows in the hallway. The Forgotten Desire can be found in the Shipping Railway Area. The destination can only be accessed by remaining on the hook, so once the request destination is in sight, stay on the hook and don't let go until you've been recorded as reaching it. Ambush any of the two shadows block the stairs to the west. Aoba to buy the Zunda Shake and Daifuku. News and Updates They can be found in Sapporo Tower and the Castle Front area. Take him out and get the item from the chest. This is just a repeat of the Sendai Jail boss fight. Love Soupreme Siegfried uses primarily physical skills like Vorpal Blade to damage the team. All Database Guides, Atlus P-Studio Return to Castle: Front Area in the Tokyo Jail after accepting this request and you will see a green checkpoint light. Additionally, requests involving Powerful Shadows will sometimes unlock immediately after you have completed the previous one. He is found in the Arboretum area, just travel to the checkpoint and snowboard down to the next area to find him. Do your best not to fail and ambush as often as you can. In the next area, go north to find two shadows patrolling. It will be on shipping containers that can only be reached by hooks, which should not be difficult to reach. Best Damage Types How to Beat the Reaper Your reward is a Resilient Scarf for Morgana (and only Morgana). We have a full guide on how to defeat him, Beastly Was-Sceptre (Required to fuse Seth), In Kyoto Jail, head to the area with the lantern on the eastern side of the map to find the. Before leaving you with the complete list, we want to warn you: You may receive Requests on slightly different days during your Persona 5 Strikers adventureso don't worry if they won't unlock when you imagine. Prison Mail, Part 3 Increases Safecracker bond skill level cap. Only 50 of these are essential to take the relevant trophy, but you will have to complete almost all of them to gain access. Intel Gathering Locations All Requests, Phantom Thieves August 11th Requests Defeat three Lilim by striking their weakness (Wind/Bless) in Sapporo Jail. Defeat ten High Pixie with a Phantom Move as Wolf in Sendai Jail. These can be found in the West Garden and Hirose St. areas of the Jail. Show Lavenza a Cu Chulainn with Concentrate. You will find these randomly after defeating enemies in Okinawa. Do not use quick travel Mara will use a lot of physical skills like Heat Wave (where it jumps to your location) and One-Shot Kill, which can actually "stain" your screen and make it harder to see if you're hit. This can be done in any Jail, but a Powerful Enemy should provide enough enemies for this request to be completed. Sophias Weapon Shop Take Back the Desire Inside Persona 5 Strikers, license plate title Atlus of which you can find our review at the following link, there are many requests. You will automatically get a majority of them as you play the game, but some have to be found by exploring the city you are currently in. From there, take the east path, and ambush the patrolling shadow ahead. Fuse a level 62 Mot with a level 60 Forneus and choose Nuke Amp as one of the skills to carry over. Are you sure your requests aren't capped out? We have been able to provide in 99% of times, the solutions that users were looking for when consulting our page. All Lock Keepers Buy Whole Watermelon All-Out Attacks As the path goes east, two more shadows will come into view on the lower area near a chest. Sapporo Jail
Sarasvati can learn Diarahan at Level 54.
From the starting location, move forward and Phantom Dash to the bus ahead. This quest just needs money. Inflicting Ailments The requests are organized by the location you will receive them in, not necessarily the Jail that they can be completed in. You will increase the level cap for the Extortionist Bond Skill. Dire Shadows Fuse Unicorn with a Shiisaa and transfer Zionga to complete this request. Ango Natsume False God Demiurge Thief Challenge Requests Sophia will add on an additional request (The Apothecary's Connection) which will give you the required item. Defeat Mad Rabbit Alice EX in Shibuya Jail. In Kirby's Dream Buffet, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Will Be Showing Some Skin. Prison Mail Requests However, it is weak to Wind and Nuclear. This is easier than it sounds as you will always have groups of Slimes (especially if you choose to engage Viscid Rotting Meat enemies who summon them). At Level 31, Setanta will learn Regenerate 1, which is the skill you need. Drop down east and then south. You can find these items in Jail of the Abyss. You can find the Lamia enemy in the Sendai Jail, in Aoba St. 1st Ward and Hirose St. Lamias are weak to Ice, so bring a Persona with Ice skills/Yusuke. Fuse a level 54 Norn with a level 48 Sarasvati and choose Diarahan as one of the skills to carry over. Your reward is a Divine Grace Skill Card. Do this for 20 Jack Frosts to complete the request. Jack Frost are found in Suzushino and Odori Park. Prison Mail, Part 1 Afterwards, go north past the checkpoint and you should come up to a platform overlooking two shadows and two mysterious boxes. Saving at checkpoints does not void the request, though using it to fast travel will. A Thiefs Challenge: Queen Trapped in Ruins Your reward is a level cap removed for Joker's Wild (increasing the likelihood of masks appearing). Once that's done, you've completed the request. Reaper Secret Boss Your reward is the Dragon Slayer Blade, which lets you fuse Siegfried. HP and SP Management It will also drain Fire. The Desire will look like an item box; this picture gets the exact location where it is (on the map as well). It is an opponent that can cover Ice, physical and ailment skills who is more than happy to dart around the battlefield using them at you. Fuse a level 59 Mot with a level 55 Nebiros and choose Concentrate as one of the skills to carry over. Pre-requisite: You must have accepted Love Soupreme and talked to the owner first. SEGA is either a registered trademark or a trademark of SEGA CORPORATION. Most requests will automatically be added to the menu for you to accept, but some are offered by your companions and you must speak with them on specific dates in order for the requests to appear, making many of them missable.
All rights reserved. Zenkichi Hasegawa (Wolf)
Mariko Hyodo Otherwise, make sure you actually accepted the quest like the user above said. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Thankfully, Hua Po can learn Amrita Drop through natural leveling. You can find these items in Osaka's Jail. All Cooking Ingredients Kuon Ichinose When playing Persona 5 Strikers, you will eventually unlock the Request system on the evening of August 2nd, which will allow you to undertake requests from the main menu or the Hideout menu to earn yourself some extra rewards, including items, raising bond levels, persona fusion items, and more. The Gyutan Ice-Cream is bought in the Arcade at the Japanese Sweets Shop. Enter Sapporo Jail and reach the location marked on your map without raising the alarm or using checkpoints. You can find Slimes in Sendai Station and Aoba St. 1st Ward.
Your opponent will be Siegfried.