angular load service dynamically

Below the toolbar, the shows the view for the current route. Why does hashing a password result in different hashes, each time? You can find the full source code at the corresponding GitHub Repository. Before we get started, we need an angular project to work on. Actually, this approach is quite convenient to use. You can have any image as long as it's a square. There is only one problem: We are changing the view (by adding a child component) but angular thinks it is already done with the view-part. Except that we now don't want to place our component inside the HTML-Body but in a certain place in our DialogComponent. Since all the dynamic components have some data, we need to update the DynamicComponent interface to reflect this shared property that all the components will implement. .task-list { width: 80%; margin: auto; } We covered a lot in this post, tried out a new API, and explored some cool concepts. That's why the hook is called AFTERViewInit. We save your email address, your name and your profile picture on our servers when you sing in. Your email address will not be published. main { That means, that it is not used in any angular template. The result of the dialog can then be received by subscribing to the afterClosed-observable of the DialogRef when openeing the dilaog itself: In this tutorial, you have learned how you can utilize dynamic components to create a flexible and reusable dialog system. Your email address will not be published. We are passing in the injector we requested in the constructor. Identifying a novel about floating islands, dragons, airships and a mysterious machine. Your routes array will look like the code snippet below.


It holds a loadChildren function that returns a Promise. For that, we are creating a method called "removeDialogComponentFromBody". Open src/app/message.ts and replace the contents with the following code. It works, but is it the best solution? At the end, we will come up with a dialog system that is quite similar to the one provided by angular material. Well update the template of those components in a bit. This service is using the type of the component to look up the factory. See Create an Angular App for more information. Data Imbalance: what would be an ideal number(ratio) of newly added class's data? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. {{task}} The toolbar now displays your name, and youll see a rotation of dynamically created components based on a user claim from your ID token. Update the component to the following. Of course, our DialogComponent does not know what to do with that type, yet. Assume an existing Angular application or at least a component (AppComponent) needs to be extended by an existing component (DynamicComponent), which should be loaded lazy, async at runtime. Read more in our Privacy Policy. Making the story short, we'll reduce the main bundle size by loading only the components we need. If you take a look at src/app/profile/profile.service.ts, you'll notice I'm referencing a GuestProfileComponent, and a ClientProfileComponent.
This promise, once resolved, returns a Component. We do so in the onDialogClicked method. We simply request the DilaogRef via dependency injection in the constructor and then use it to close it when a button triggers the "onClose"-method. We also have message data to pass into the components, although the dynamic components cant support the input property. You now have a directory named dynamic-components with a working application skeleton. Let's create the GuestProfileComponent. I want to clarify, I have used the ngIf strategy in applications that have been in production for years. You can add many more properties to that class. But before we can do that, we need to define a class that describes that object. Now you see your name when you log in to the application. Open src/app/home/home.component.ts, which is your welcome landing page. Well have a lot of small components in this application, so inline templates and styles will allow us to minimize the number of files to touch. We will create a class called DialogRef which has a property called afterClosed which is an observable. Create a file src/app/profile/profile-host.directive.ts: This is just a trick to make it easier to get the ViewContainerRef we're looking for. `, ` Each kind of user has different actions that they can perform. scala angularjs lift By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Using the from function from rxjs, I'm able to transform the promise into an observable. Now that we are able to add the dialog to the DOM, all we need to do to open the dialog is to call our method. Furthermore, we need to request a bunch of stuff via dependency injection. Also, we need to request the CompoentFactoryResolver to our constructor. And create a container reference to the associated Angular component. Your code will look like the following. Also, the component has to know which type of component it will has to create later. Just think of loading captcha, promotion, or advertisement components. Yes, just like the ComponentLoader interface.
Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. To learn, visit If you want to check out your work by running the application, youll need to manually type in the route for the Protected module as part of the URL. The Okta CLI will create an OIDC Single-Page App in your Okta Org. You will need them in the following steps. The dynamically and manually created component can be destroyed using the stored component reference. Her background is primarily working on enterprise software platforms, and she is a fan of all things TypeScript and JavaScript. For example, we probably want to pass it some data. Go to src/app/app.component.html, remove all its content, and put this instead: Then, go to src/app/app.component.scss, and include this: Now, the only thing we cannot forget to do is add ProfileComponent, and ProfileHostDirective, to the AppModule declarations array. We need to load the dynamic components and rotate the components to display. Now we need to alter the DialogService to use the custom injector. Doesn't that sound crazy? When we created the dynamic components earlier, they all implemented the same base interface, DynamicComponent. Notice its also available through a claim.
`, ` Was there a Russian safe haven city for politicians and scientists? It will also add a trusted origin for http://localhost:4200. Now, let's create another service named ProfileService that will use the AppService to load the respective component. Well be blazing through some basics to focus on working through the dynamic components and user profile information. Well hard-code the list of components to show for now, but later well add a service and add in the logic for handling the user claim value. To actually load the child-component, we are going to create a new method called "loadChildComponent". Run the following command with preset values to add the Angular Material v13 library and affirm that you will proceed with the installation. How should I deal with coworkers not respecting my blocking off time in my calendar for work? Now on to the container component. Besides the lazy-loaded component, you will need to inject and use some service implementations inside our component. We may receive a commission for purchases made through this link. This thing controls which classes are available via dependency injection. Now create a file src/app/profile/profile.component.ts: All we are doing here is creating a simple ng-template in which we attach the ProfileHostDirective, so we can use the ViewChild decorator, and get the viewContainerRef. OnInit we are getting the viewContainerRef, and using the isLoggedIn$ observable from ProfileService to know everytime the isLoggedIn state changes. img { width: 40%; } We need a service that emulates a server response to return messages. Because of that, it is possible to close the dialog from our example.component. There are many ways to achieve this. In this post, I describe how to set up your own Home Assistant with hassio.Before getting started you have to find an appropriate Hardware Environment to deploy hassio. How to dynamically inject a service from a lazy loaded module in Angular 9+ without components? Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Lets talk through the loadComponent method in a little more detail. Create a file in src/app/profile/profile.service.ts: This service is way easier to understand. Also, the "appendDialogComponentToBody" now has to take a DialogConfig as a parameter, as well as the open method. Update the component to the following. Open each dynamic component file, Clawesome, Pawesome, and Smiley, and implement the DynamicComponent interface to the class. For this, we'll need three files; a template, a stylesheet, and a typescript file. Modeling a special case of conservation of flow. To do so, well read the claims values of the authenticated user and pass in the department to the getMessages method. I looked into InjectionToken as another option but it wants a generic definition which again requires import of the LazyService. menu Off-topic comments may be removed.

My favorite work app

Update the inline template and styles code to look like the following. Then, it calls the forChild method from AppService with the ViewContainerRef we just cleaned, and for the ComponentLoader, it has a ternary expression that determines which Component to load. Now let's create the stylesheet in src/app/profile/guest-profile/guest-profile.component.scss: And finally, the typescript file in src/app/profile/guest-profile/guest-profile.component.ts: That's great! Importing a Component from a lazy-loaded Module into another lazy-loaded Module, Angular, exposing components in lazy-loaded module, Seperating page components from feature components in lazy-loaded module, Angular 6 display components of a lazy loaded module, Angular Material dialog in lazy loaded module, Angular - Lazy loaded module cannot be loaded. When using just in time compilation (JIT) you may need to take additional steps. Let's do something different this time. Scientific writing: attributing actions to inanimate objects. This Dot Labs proudly partners with enterprises interested in transforming their digital assets, upskilling their teams, and finding novel avenues for advanced integration. Start by creating three components: a Home component that contains the applications default view, a Menu component to handle logging in, and a Profile component to display your name after authentication by running the following code. At least when using ahead of time compilation (AOT). Your inputs should look like the image below. Theres one more property to add. In this tutorial, we are going to generate a new angular-cli project. Instead, the component is instantiated and placed in the application at runtime. Managing the correct view only by using *ngIf becomes difficult. Now, let's create the stylesheet in src/app/profile/client-profile/client-profile.component.scss: And finally, the typescript file in src/app/profile/client-profile/client-profile.component.ts: Now, all we have to do is update the AppComponent. Next, we will use the custom injector to register our config-object. Copy the following class code and replace your DepartmentComponent class code. Then, I'm mapping this component into a factory, and finally I will inject the component, and return the instance. It looks like this: Let's say that we have this application, with which users can log in and perform some actions. Here is the code from the component doing the lazy load of the service. This components data has an URL to an image and string content. Well assign a department to the user and create a claim that pulls in the department value. The ViewContainerRef is a pointer to an element in which we are going to insert the newly instantiated component. .dashboard { } If you are new to Angular, check out the following fantastic resources and guides first: The Angular CLI automates creating Angular apps quickly. I am attempting to access an instance of a service from a lazy loaded module from within a component. It's time to have fun. The problem is that including LazyService in the current component will defeat the purpose of lazy loading and the get() method seems to want a type only creating a chicken in egg problem for this approach. h2 { margin: 3rem; } Lets add the code to see how flexible dynamic components are. Angular has the mechanics to load components at runtime so you can dynamically display content. Users of department 1 shouldnt see the messages for department 2 by inspecting the network response. To make it easier, I decided to work on a use case that I know. Notice, that the component does implement the AfterViewInit and OnDestroy interfaces, as we will the hooks later. I added text, an illustration, and styles like below for my tastes. For the claim, navigate to Security > API and select your Authorization Server to edit in the Okta dashboard. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Open srcs/app/app.module.ts and create an OktaAuth instance by adding the following before the NgModule and replacing the placeholders with the Issuer and Client ID from earlier.