Note the comments in the file. As you can see, here we are merely updating the Camera position during the rendering's animate phase, like we could for any object in the scene. Unfortunately, this is not something you can fix on app level since _hovered is a private variable. privacy statement. Once we find an object that has a region property, well update the text in the div, make it visible and position (using the html standard coordinates) it close to our cursor: and update our js file with the following now complete block: We now want to make a little line graph on the side showing us how the brain activity changes over time for any given brain region. The cursor will cast a shadow onto our objects. Well just quickly have to go back and let the actual sphere objects know which brain region they represent. In that function, well update the x and y coordinate of our vector. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Every time the mouse moves, well want to execute a function well call onMouseMove.
It computes everything we might want to know about the where our shadow is in 3D space: distance to the camera, position in space, and the object were pointing at. That means if you position the mouse over a 3D object and then deactivate DragControls, the internal onDocumentMouseMove() event handler is not called anymore and thus unable to update the cursor's style. THREE.Vector2 creates a 2D vector. This gives us values between 0 and 1 that well then have to transform into the right range. Create the HTML file index.html and paste this code into it. This could just as easily be the X and Z coordinates, or a point along a path, or something completely different not even related to the mouse's position at all.
A nice and relatively easy way to make graphs is using plotly. Now imagine parallel rays of light shining through the window. Hence, fixing the cursor state when the controls are activated needs to be done on app level. The intersectObjects method asks us to pick which object or objects were interested in. But now if I switch on DragControls and cursor is on the object it not change, only after it go away from object and come back again or I move this object. The most important method, and the one well use to find our what were poining at is called intersectObject.
@Mugen87 Thank you, I added We could also print out the material, or more directly its colour: To do something thats a bit more useful for our purposes, we can print out the brain region were pointing at. @Mugen87 it seems nothing cnahged. You can use this: grab the plot div: var plot = document.getElementById(detail-plot); While our rendering function was taking 3D objects and projecting them onto a 2D screen, our raycaster is doing the exact opposite.
This reads the position of the mouse within the client window, and then slides the camera around as if it were following the mouse on the window. Using this, Make sure each sphere knows of the data its representing (similar to how it knows about the brain region). DragControls.activate() could also check if _hovered is not null and then update the cursor's style. Since you can only get the current mouse position via an event, it's not possible to add this code to DragControls.activate(). @Dragon3DGraff As a workaround, you can use the above apporach to reset the style in your app after calling DragControls.deactivate(). Next we want to set up the raycaster using THREE.Raycaster. Curiously, according to html-standards, event.clientY starts at the top of the page with 0. Which means it needs to know the cursors position mouse as well as our viewing direction, which coincides with where the camera is sitting. Sign in it's seems works properly. You can see it on video. However, just calling onDocumentMouseMove() does not work since event data are required. This HTML/JavaScript file can be run from this site. We could consider to add the following line of code to DragControls.deactivate() in order to ensure a style reset. Here are some tips to get started: Congratulations! to your account, I made changing of manipulate mode by keys. you can see it in video, you can try it here We only need to be careful to just print this out if there is indeed an object in the path, otherwise well get an error. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: If you call DragControls.deactivate(), the controls will remove all its event listeners. Similar to how we made a tooltip, plotly needs a div to hook into. To do that, well make an invisible div. "d" switches on drag mode. Lets start with the mouse coordinates. Have a question about this project? This code moves the camera on its x and y positions making it appear that an object is chasing the mouse cursor. Quickly find where we set up the spheres and attach another property: Now that our spheres know which region they belong to, we can print it out in the console: or we could create a little tooltip to display the name. Well pass that in as the argument scene.children. We can use the .setFromCamera method to set up our raycaster. Get monthly updates about new articles, cheatsheets, and tricks. Dowload the three.min.js file here:, How to set the background image to cover the scene without stretching it using Three.js, How to create transparency using Portable Network Graphics (PNG) images in Three.js, How to make a mesh object appear to follow the mouse cursor by moving the camera in Three.js, How to make mesh objects appear to watch the moving mouse cursor in Three.js, How to access individual objects on the canvas used by Three.js. @Dragon3DGraff Can you fix the issue by using the following code in your app right after calling activate()? Isabell and Rob, 'visibility: hidden; position: absolute; color: white; font-family:sans-serif', Learn how to interact with the page using a, project these coordinates throuhg our 3D space onto our objects, Something went wrong with the position of the inferior temporal cortex! We can get the coordinate of our mouse using event.clientX and event.clientY and dividing it by the extent of our window in x and y direction (window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight). We need to: We do this by setting up a raycaster object. @Mugen87 it works properly, thank you! ( = 'pointer'; in sourse three.js) The logic in onDocumentMouseMove() has to be executed at least once in order to know whether the cursor is over a 3D object or not. Have you computed proper values for coordX and coordY? I don't think just adding this code is sufficient. In order to react with a 3D scene using our 2D display, we have to use a trick. Here is what the scene should look like now that weve finished the course: Please let us know if liked this course, share with us, if its helped you make something, or give us feedback on what we could do better. Just checking _hovered is not sufficient. Already on GitHub? Here's an example of a custom camera controller. To keep track of movement, we use the mousemove event and update our vectors coordinates. If drag mode is on and cursor on dragable object when I switch off drag mode and move cursor from object it don't change to "auto" and stay "pointer" `taScene.dragControls.deactivate(); = 'auto';` I put = 'pointer'; right after checking if ( _intersections.length > 0 ) { However, you need a reference to the DOM element you have initially passed to the controls. In our case, we want to know about every object in the scene. Similarly, the x-coordinate needs to be between -1 and 1 (left to right, same as event.clientX). In this case, we are simply re-positioning the camera at a point offset from it's original X and Y coordinates. You signed in with another tab or window. It is concerned with telling us which 3D object we are pointing at in 2D.
What we have to do now is to get the raycaster to tell us where the shadow of our cursor falls. The last thing we need do in order to be able to interact with our scene in a meaningful way is to print out which object our ray intersects with. The raycaster is ready to go now. Think of our 2D cursor as being on the glass surface of our window into the scene. ThreeJS and the raycaster treat the bottom of the window as y=-1 and the top as y=1. Its important to note that this works not only for the closest object were pointing at, but that we can also get information about any object thats behind it at that same direction. We need to create a vector with x and y coordinates that keeps track of out cursors position whenever we move it. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. domElement is the element you have passed into the ctor of DragControls. And since we want to keep it up to date whenever we move the mouse, well modify it within the function we just wrote. Fixing DragControls.activate() is actually more complicated than I thought. @Mugen87 I tried to fix in DragControls Instead of displaying the graph when we move the mouse over a sphere, we want to do this when the user clicks on a sphere. The even listener needs to run at least once so DragControls can update its internal state. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and This modified text is an extract of the original, Custom Camera Control - Mouse-based Sliding, Render Loops for Animation: Dynamically updating objects. First, lets look at the firsts objects position thats in our way. They represent the current mouse coordiantes.