Today we'll look at 3 ways we can be 'in' the world without being 'of' the world. Darren Crowden offers some practical advice and 7 steps for unpacking the emotional baggage that's keeping you from taking your faith to the next level. What can wedo when we start feeling doubtful? The sermon today speaks of the characteristics in the first-century church. Loving ourselves means that we need to be right with God on a daily basis in order to fully love our brethren in the way that God loves us. What kind of father would you build if you could? There are three areas of management that the Christian must lead in if they are ever going to have the joy that God wants for them. Learn which were instituted for the church and which are from man, how to know the difference, and why we must be careful to worship in the way God desires us to. You bet it would! What is America reaping and how can we correct it? This is a series designed to generate an overwhelming obligation to share Christ with the people in our lives. Over the past few decades our culture has replaced the Creation Account with the religion of Evolution. Or are you allowing God to tell you who He is through His Son and His Word? This lesson discusses the finer details of the first impression. In part one we will cover some of the preliminary clarifications to better answer this. There is much to be learned for our Christian interactions in the opening nine verses of Philippians. In our zeal to spread God's word sometimes we feel so alone. Understanding these stages through a biblical perspective can help us avoid some of the pitfalls associated with grief. Or is the biblical version of creation right? Today Isaiah Krause takes a look at 'creation.'. What does it mean to be a child of God? Join us as we examine the former champions of the faith who ran as to win an everlasting crown. Today's sermon discusses an effective 5-part process for sharing the Gospel message with anyone. Isaiah Krause teaches the difference between God'sJustice, Mercy, and Grace. How did Jesus address this? This iswhat we commemorate every first day of the week when we are gathered together as Hiskingdom. There are many reasons why suffering is permitted and beneficial to us. ?Becoming All Things For All Men? You will now! Proverbs 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the people perish Will Camp Hill perish in 14 years? That fellowship is reserved for Christians and is only available through accepting the sacrifice of His Son. See if you can pass the test at the end. There are always brothers and sisters in need of restoration. Instead, strive to become a peacemaker for the congregation and God will always be pleased. Whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap (Gal. Today Grant Deitch expounds upon 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and how the members of the body are likened to the members of Christ's church. His warning was in regards to the things that they tolerated. Learn from Israel and Come Home to Gods Love Story! Thank you. How does one walk with God? 7 When Do We Have Justification by Faith? In light of the the new movie that is in the theaters, let us take the liberty to do that at this time. Jesus forewarned of the destruction of Jerusalem in Mt 24:3233 telling His followers to learn from theparable of the fig tree and recognize the signs. This morning we share a reading of the Book of Galatians (by several men) intermingled with song. They were the only church of the seven without a reprimand. The early Christians expected a lion but got a lamb instead. Isaiah Krause describes the wonderful Gift that God provided for us, the implications of that Gift, and how we ought to care for that Gift. This is the third part of a four part series concerning the compromises that Pharaoh wanted Moses to accept.
Isaiah Krause examines the use of the word "Lord" in biblical days and what great significance it has for us today. Find out how to be effective in this area - willing to give and with a cheerful heart. Most people will accumulate a few scars in their lifetime. The world has a way of teaching in the name of the Bible that which is not even in the Bible. How can we become modern-day Josiahs and save our nation? They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. It is an inspiring chapter in God's Love Story that teaches us how and why to be brave in times of adversity. And the angel said to her, "Dont be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Will you accept the challenge God has put before you to be a courageous leader in your home, the church, and in the community? But the promise comes with conditions that must be met in order for the Spirit to assure us of this victory in Jesus. Jason Allen applies some of Stephen Covey's time-testedideas in the light of scripture in regards to the office of deacons - as we install 4 new deacons today. See if your list has the same qualities. This will definately help for Lightmus Test Two is holding to the correct perspective of sin. What are sources of joy for Christians? What is truth? Are you being persecuted? Steve Cantrell talks about the difference between the faith of the world and a true faith that offers hope and a future in heaven. Can you picture how God might use you for His glory? What can we do to reverse the course of decline in America before we reach the point of no return? Paul was not yet finished with his discussion on fornication. Part Four, How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? Following the Great Commission to "GO and make disciples of all nations," Camp Hill launches a new evangelism tool for sharing God's Word with the community and the world. We must strive to have a jealous love for Him, loving Him with all our heart, soul and mind (Mt 22:37). There isone Mediator for us between the two and His name is Jesus. Are the burdens you bear too much to carry? (Video file only). We have a similar word in our modern day vocabulary called weirdo. Feb. 17, 1952 - Oct. 23, 2016. If they do not take it seriously, they will be subject to emasculation. This is the seventh part of the 7-part Generational Curse series, This is the sixth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series, This is the fifth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series, This is the fourth part of the 7-part Generational Curse series, This is the third part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series, This is the second part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series, This is the first part of the 7-part Generational Curse Series, When Christians Disagree - Sermon - 10-25-20, Praising God in Hard Times - Sermon - 10-11-20, Why I Missed My Family - Sermon - 10-04-20, What is Worship? Today we'll look at three ways the Apostle Paul shows how we can indeed be transformed into a daily sacrifice for the Lord. Thank you. What are you wrestling with in your life today? Jesus claims to have the power over the resurrection. Our words should be like 'apples of gold.'. There are forces out in the world trying to pull us away from God and His love for us. This lesson will test that theory. Were you ever given 'hand me downs' to wear? Everyone needs advice in their lives. In this lesson we will cover the implications surrounding citizenship - our priveleges, rights, and responsibilities. We will examine some of the ways that it is personal for us including our personal accountability toward God, personal sincerity to God, and the personal consequences from God. 10 Being Willing to Teach Justification by Faith, Romans Pt. What is our vision for the future?
What were the founding fathers thinking when this nation was founded? Because of their faithfulness and perseverance, God promised to protect them from persecution, "open doors" for them, and offered them the hope of an eternal prize. Paul's lesson asks you to inspect your faith foundation to see whether it is built upon the Rock of truth or some other foundation. Without the proper knowledge, their zeal was both misguided and invalidated. Much information has come out about the NSA spying on American citizens.
He has a plan for you too in His timeless Love Story. In this section of chapter fifteen we This lesson aims at keeping that process Biblical. It's a question that needs to be dealt with and all of us will have to face it one day. The phrase Separation of Church and State is not found in our original documents, yetwe find it mentioned among our people as if it were fact. Are traditions in the church good or bad? Do you ever feel like your life is pretty full and you have enough Jesus? Jacob shares how he preservered until he received a blessing. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He left some unfinished business behind for His disciples, His church to do. Everyone has 2 options in life whom they will serve. This is the second lesson of the series and deals with the obligation of Christians to be good managers of money. Come see what your life is like 'before and after' Jesus. The Ten NOT Commandments of Small Group Studies, The Benefits of Small Group Bible Studies, The Start of the Second Missionary Journey, Galatians Part 6: The Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians Part 5 Three Elements of a Good Appeal, What they really wanted for Valentine's Day, The 2011 Resolution That Will Make a Difference, Evolution Part 7: The Biological Challenges to Evolution, Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah pt twelve, Evolution Part 6: The Geological Challenges to Evolution, Evolution Part 5: The Astronomical Challenges of Evolution, Evolution Part 4: The Deception of Evolution, Evolution Part 3: The Evolution of Evolution, Evolution Part 2: The Theory of Evolution, Evolution Part 1: The Dangers of Evolution, The Management Skills of the Christian part 3, The Management Skills of the Christian part 2, Royal Lessons from the Kings part eleven -Jehoram, Ahab and Ahaziah: Every Bad Man has a Rotten Woman Behind Him, The Management Skills of the Christian part 1, Royal Lessons from the Kings part ten: Jehoshaphat -The Seeker of the Word of God King, The Five Principles of a Winning Gospel Presentation, Royal Lessons from the Kings part nine: Baasha, Elah and Zimri, Royal Lessons from the Kings part eight: Asa -the Bad Healthcare King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part seven: Jeroboam -The Dirty Politician, Royal Lessons from the Kings part six: Rehoboam -The Divisive King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part five: Solomon: The Take Heed Lest Ye Fall King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part four David: The Psalmist, Royal Lessons from the Kings part three David: The Repentant Sinner, Royal Lessons from the Kings part two David: The Mighty Man of Valor, Royal Lessons from the Kings part one SAUL, How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? The same pattern can be duplicated and identified in any place and in any time by Chrisitians everywhere so that God will be glorified by His people according to His instructions. Isaiah Krause walks us through the book of the prophet Amos today. They say you can't make a diamond without pressure. Christ's church is unique in name, identity, autonomy, doctrine, and purpose. 2), The Practices of Righteousness: Prayer (Pt. Is the new evolutionary version of how we got here correct? Expressions of Thankfulness to God from the Church Family at Camp Hill. Watch and see. This morning's talk focuses one of many scriptures that outlines the kind of people not found in heaven based onRevelation 21:6-8.
Part 1: How to identify and use the Love Languages of Marriage. 4:16-17 What does your future look like? Find out just what it can do for you today. The Corinthian Christians had a problem of divisiveness and Paul aimed to deal with it in ways that they could relate to. Part 2: Continue our look at sermon from the cross. Jeroboam had a chance to make a difference in the world, but became nothing more than a dirty politician. We win some and we lose some. Go and live Gods Love Story! The Jews trusted in their lineage; the Greeks, their works.
In lesson two we will cover the various reasons why it is so. Can you guess which one this sermon is about? How does theThe Doe of the Morning Psalm help us better understand the crucifixion? Today we'll look at the various methods that Jesus used to get His message out and how we can change the METHOD without changing the MESSAGE.
It is our job to spread the message of Christ to be effective in the spiritual war which is around us. He is our OMNI-EVERYTHING! He is in essence the OMNIGOD! Naturally this has upset many in the nation. Paul mentions three things that every good soldier of Christ needs. This lesson not only defines a retreat through the eyes of the Bible, but also through the experience of the Camp Hill Church Family.
This is the first lesson in the series on Philippians. Isaiah Krause speaks of us being lights in the world and the 11 qualities that those lights must possess. This is the fourth Lightmus Test that John reveals that the Christian should be focusing on to see whether or not they are walking in the light. This series will help with that. So where do we find it? Come and see first-hand as Saul walks you through his life in hopes that you'll learn from his mistakes. (Proverbs 27:17) As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. He describes each 'love' through the eyes of his work at Camp Hill before heading off to the New Road church in Waco. Doug Hamilton presents the first in his series of 40 Family Books, poetically based on books of the Bible. The Bible teaches that the wise person will seek out good counsel. The greatest investment that you could ever make for anotherTIME. David was a man after the heart of God and had many qualities that could be discussed. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. What does hope looks like, where does it come from, and most importantly, where can we get it? In the end, the only thing that matters is if we are a citizen of heaven or part of the dying world receiving the wrath of God. Pergamum held the seat of power and was the administrative city of Asia. The second part of this series focuses on the need for Education. Don Pownell brings a message and progress update today about the Helping Hands Project in Ghana. This lesson examines the true dangers of grumbling. Listen and see where you stand on this test this morning. He then challenges and encourages us to be memorial stones for each other and those around us seeking God. Today we discuss the plan that we need to make that vision a reality and how to work that plan. Find out how those Christians can be a role model for His church today. But the ones we are given from Jesus are a brand new, perfect fit, that will never fade or wear out. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. Three words that define us as Christians and changed the course of history forever. We can have confidence in our salvation, confidence in our God and confidence in our Savior! Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. This lesson helps us to have a better understanding of the world events, the origins of the unrest, and how we are to respond to them as Christians. Russell Pierce talks about the temptation of addiction in the church family and how we can offer hope to those members. What does the number really mean and symbolize? In any group there must be leaders and followers. Romans 12:9 is where Paul gives specific details on how not to be conformed to this world. Sometimes someone needs to say something about those culturally taboo items. We hope it will encourage you to study the book further. 14 - The Civil Relationship of the Christian, The Camp Hill Vision Pt.
Every day is a new start for the Christian, a clean slate. In what areas does a Christian grow? We in the Christian faith must understand that trials will come to us in this life. Tim Williams discusses why the church uses only a capella music and what a beautiful gift it can be to God and to each other. In this chapter he will place a Big Humbling Block before them so as to bring things into perspective. The Camp Hill church's mission statement is reviewed and the question for you to answer is, 'what is your role in the mission.' Most people do it everyday. Evaluating our hobbies and interests to determine whether or not they are Godly and how to use them in service to God. 5, The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. If you feel a calling to work in that area or want to develop your Spiritual Gift in that area, sign up! Without it, we are nothing more than a Christian in name only. Today we will take a deeper look into the reasons why nations fall. Find out 3 more ways to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 2 of this lesson on Discipleship. Imagine if everyone you knew would read through the Bible just one time. Continued from lesson one. A lesson about how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus. The text for the sermon is 1 Corinthians 10. Compare your list with the one offered today and see if you are on that list. Asa was one of five good rulers of the southern kingdom of Judah. Here we'll look at the Biblical steps of what should be called 're-fellowshipping', as its every intent is to keep a brother or sister from turning back to a world of sin. Ten Election-Proof Truths of the Christian. Will karma work in your favor or punish you? (There is no video recording available for this date. Romans Pt. In this last lesson, we will cover a topic that is extremely vital to our vision - Good Works. This lesson looks at some of the basic concepts to be taught to disciples to keep them and others in the Kingdom of God. He started out so great, but something happened to cause us to take heed in the life of Solomon. (Our apologies, we experienced some technical difficulties at 11 minutes 40 seconds. The Gospel message and His church may be 'after a pattern' but your presentation of the Gospel message doesn't have to be. What do we really know about adoption concerning the Bible? Paul already said that he was consistent in his teachings throughout the churches of Christ, for what he taught in one church was the same for all the churches of Christ (1 Cor 4:17 just as I teach everywhere in every church.). An encouraging word is offered by Tim Williams about how God uses our strengths and weaknesses to fit together, to build one another up, to work as one in His kingdom. There is a way of God and the way of the crooked and perverse generation. But there are three words from within all of the pages that will be focused upon in this lesson. In this text we find two more good examples that every Christian can follow. He's not there for your material goods though. Learn what is preventing you from having a 'walk on water' kind of faith today. He knew his days were numbered and sought to put in place a God-ordained structure to keep the churches strong once the apostolic age was over. This is the sermon only. Tim Williams discusses the history, importance, and future of the mission work in Ghana. See how God divinely works the telling of His salvation story throughout history. Insight into Mary annointing Jesus with perfume. If God was not those things, then He would not be God. The seven utterances of Jesus communicate: I) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Human (Luke 23:34) II) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Savior (Luke 23:43) III) The Family of Jesus (John 19:26-27) IV) The Forsaking of Jesus (Matt 27:46) V) The Fulfillment of Jesus (John 19:28) VI) The Faith of Jesus (Luke 23:46) VII) The Finality of Jesus (John 19:30). In this lesson we will focus on the Guidance of God through the words of the Psalmist. We will be covering the first half of chapter 6. Take a look at some Biblical examples today and learn how you can walk likewise. 9 Our Assurance of Being Justified by Faith, Romans Pt. GLS 27: The Launch of Love - Jesus' Public Ministry, GLS 25: God Cares for Us - The Book of Esther, GLS 23: He has a Timeless Love - The Book of Daniel, GLS 22: No Matter What, the Love Story is the Same - The Book of Micah, GLS Pt 21: Gods Love Story of Mercy - The Book of Jonah, GLS Pt 20: Without Suffering and Patience There Would Be No Love Story, GLS Pt 19: When God's Love Story Unravels, GLS Pt 18: Avoiding Division in Gods Love Story, GLS Pt 17: Take Care Lest Ye Fall From Gods Love Story, GLS Pt 16: The Emotional Side of Gods Love Story, GLS Part 15: God's Love Story is Personal, GLS Part 14: The Mighty Man of Valor and God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Pt 13) Saul - The Rejector of God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Pt 12) God's Love Story and Our Commitments to Others, God's Love Story (Pt 11) God's Love Story of Rescue, God's Love Story (Pt 10) The Battle Belongs to the Lord, God's Love Story (Part 9) Reminding Ourselves of God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Part 8) Trust and God's Love Go Hand in Hand, God's Love Story (Part 7): Restoring God's Love When It is Broken, God's Love Story (Part 6): Behold the Tabernacle Pattern of God's Love, God's Love Story (Part 5): He has a Jealous Love, God's Love Story (Part 4): Willing to See God Through Big Picture, God's Love Story (Part 3) - The Nature of a Promise, God's Love Story (Intro): Introduction to the Series, Evangelism Series 2013 (Part 6): Dead Man Walking, Part Five 2013 Evangelism Series: Samaritan Evangelism, Part Four 2013 Evangelism Series: An Evangelist called Legion, Part Three 2013 Evangelism Series: The Woman with the Alabaster Jar. Tim Williams waxes on The Power of Forgiveness and what a powerful tool it can be in reaching the world with the gospel. The truth is, that when you get to know Jesus better, you'll come to realize that you'll always need MORE Jesus in your life - you can never really have enough! This should help refute this. Learn why and how to bury the hatchet tonight. Jason Allen describes 3 ways we can evangelize effectively like Jesus did. Today we'll discuss the two sides to each of the three-dimensional realms. Will it change your life? Participate in the fellowship principle for God by doing your part so God can do His part. Find out more about it today. God warns them of the cost if they do not repent quickly and leaves them with an undeniable promise. Whenever the people of God are on the right path toward prosperity, the devil tries to knock us off track through grumbling. What tools has He given you to work with and are you using them - correctly and often? We are in a season where much of the world has the account of the birth of Christ on their minds, for that is a national tradition. Apply this lesson by living a merciful life to others and to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. God has a special purpose for the men in our culture. Find out more today. Today we'll look at 3 Judges who made an impact on Isaiah Krause and how God can use anyone to accomplish His greater purpose. Ken Kesse surprises us with a visit and we surprise him by having him speak on Sunday night and share his experiences and how God's Love Story is alive and well in Ghana. Today we learn about the rejection of Jephthah and how it shaped him into being a mighty warrior for God. Jesus explicitly taught that our relationship with our fellow man can influence our outcome with God, inhibiting our prayers and our forgiveness. 1 Paul's Greeting to the Romans, The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. They were sent out with the message of the Gospel and told to deliver it unto the world. Come, watch the plan unfold. God's Love Story must be viewed as the overall Big Picture. This is a glorious gift that gives us hope that our joy may be full (as John writes). 3, GLS 40: Crossing the Finish Line of God's Love Story (Revelation), GLS 36: God's Love Story Demands Good Leadership, GLS 35: God's Love Story Always Needs Follow-up, GLS 33: The Five Elements of God's Love Story of the Gospel, GLS 31: Bread & Wine: Important Symbols of God's Love Story, GLS 30: Our "God's Love Story" Responsibilities. Listen to Isaiah Krause extole the qualities of our perfect heavenly Father. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. There are many comparisons which can be made between Superman and Jesus. Why not you? Eddie Wright Jr. reminds us what is most important in life and the consequences of forgetting. Listen to these encouraging words against the backdrop of the Book of Revelation. What about all those promises that God made to Israel from the Old Testament? Charlie Dove takes a hard look at Darwinism and how it compares to Christianity. How does God use adversity in your life to shape and mold you into the perfect Christian? Looking back at how things were for the Camp Hill Church of Christ during 2008. Jesus's prophecies concerning the end of the age. Isaiah Krause challenges us to have a daily life and attitude of gratitude rather than just once per year. What is joy and why should the Christian be filled with it? Will you accept the challenge? We are at the close of the five-part series The Death of a Nation. Charli Yana delivers a message this morning about the fleeting days of this life and the eternal home we should be preparing for. This morning, Isaiah Krause discussing the various tastes in the Bible and how we can tasteThe Goodness of God. The church at Ephesus had done a lot of good deeds, however they were admonished that they had lost their first love. This is one of the big questions in the life of the Christian. Isaiah Krause asks you to look in the mirror and see if a Pharisee might be looking back at you. Find out exactly how to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 1 of this lesson on Discipleship. How does one develop an attitude of gratitude? Now is time to cover the rest of the Pattern of Prayer and also the great Precaution of Prayer. How the passover meal relates to the Lord's supper. Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah -King of Pride. The scripture states concerning Paul's house arrest in Acts 28:30 "And he stayed two full years in his own rented quarters and was welcoming all who came to him." Can we dishonor God by becoming a stumbling block to our brother? We must prove that we paid for something before walking out the door of Walmart. How we act in our liberalities can not only be a stumbling block to weaker Christians and Humbling Blocks to older Christians, but also Grumbling Blocks for all Christians. Your actions today will more than likely assure that Gods Love Story will be strong in their lives tomorrow.

What were the founding fathers thinking when this nation was founded? Because of their faithfulness and perseverance, God promised to protect them from persecution, "open doors" for them, and offered them the hope of an eternal prize. Paul's lesson asks you to inspect your faith foundation to see whether it is built upon the Rock of truth or some other foundation. Without the proper knowledge, their zeal was both misguided and invalidated. Much information has come out about the NSA spying on American citizens.
He has a plan for you too in His timeless Love Story. In this section of chapter fifteen we This lesson aims at keeping that process Biblical. It's a question that needs to be dealt with and all of us will have to face it one day. The phrase Separation of Church and State is not found in our original documents, yetwe find it mentioned among our people as if it were fact. Are traditions in the church good or bad? Do you ever feel like your life is pretty full and you have enough Jesus? Jacob shares how he preservered until he received a blessing. Before Jesus ascended into heaven He left some unfinished business behind for His disciples, His church to do. Everyone has 2 options in life whom they will serve. This is the second lesson of the series and deals with the obligation of Christians to be good managers of money. Come see what your life is like 'before and after' Jesus. The Ten NOT Commandments of Small Group Studies, The Benefits of Small Group Bible Studies, The Start of the Second Missionary Journey, Galatians Part 6: The Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians Part 5 Three Elements of a Good Appeal, What they really wanted for Valentine's Day, The 2011 Resolution That Will Make a Difference, Evolution Part 7: The Biological Challenges to Evolution, Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah pt twelve, Evolution Part 6: The Geological Challenges to Evolution, Evolution Part 5: The Astronomical Challenges of Evolution, Evolution Part 4: The Deception of Evolution, Evolution Part 3: The Evolution of Evolution, Evolution Part 2: The Theory of Evolution, Evolution Part 1: The Dangers of Evolution, The Management Skills of the Christian part 3, The Management Skills of the Christian part 2, Royal Lessons from the Kings part eleven -Jehoram, Ahab and Ahaziah: Every Bad Man has a Rotten Woman Behind Him, The Management Skills of the Christian part 1, Royal Lessons from the Kings part ten: Jehoshaphat -The Seeker of the Word of God King, The Five Principles of a Winning Gospel Presentation, Royal Lessons from the Kings part nine: Baasha, Elah and Zimri, Royal Lessons from the Kings part eight: Asa -the Bad Healthcare King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part seven: Jeroboam -The Dirty Politician, Royal Lessons from the Kings part six: Rehoboam -The Divisive King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part five: Solomon: The Take Heed Lest Ye Fall King, Royal Lessons from the Kings part four David: The Psalmist, Royal Lessons from the Kings part three David: The Repentant Sinner, Royal Lessons from the Kings part two David: The Mighty Man of Valor, Royal Lessons from the Kings part one SAUL, How Do I Know That I Am Walking in the Light? The same pattern can be duplicated and identified in any place and in any time by Chrisitians everywhere so that God will be glorified by His people according to His instructions. Isaiah Krause walks us through the book of the prophet Amos today. They say you can't make a diamond without pressure. Christ's church is unique in name, identity, autonomy, doctrine, and purpose. 2), The Practices of Righteousness: Prayer (Pt. Is the new evolutionary version of how we got here correct? Expressions of Thankfulness to God from the Church Family at Camp Hill. Watch and see. This morning's talk focuses one of many scriptures that outlines the kind of people not found in heaven based onRevelation 21:6-8.
Part 1: How to identify and use the Love Languages of Marriage. 4:16-17 What does your future look like? Find out just what it can do for you today. The Corinthian Christians had a problem of divisiveness and Paul aimed to deal with it in ways that they could relate to. Part 2: Continue our look at sermon from the cross. Jeroboam had a chance to make a difference in the world, but became nothing more than a dirty politician. We win some and we lose some. Go and live Gods Love Story! The Jews trusted in their lineage; the Greeks, their works.
In lesson two we will cover the various reasons why it is so. Can you guess which one this sermon is about? How does theThe Doe of the Morning Psalm help us better understand the crucifixion? Today we'll look at the various methods that Jesus used to get His message out and how we can change the METHOD without changing the MESSAGE.
It is our job to spread the message of Christ to be effective in the spiritual war which is around us. He is our OMNI-EVERYTHING! He is in essence the OMNIGOD! Naturally this has upset many in the nation. Paul mentions three things that every good soldier of Christ needs. This lesson not only defines a retreat through the eyes of the Bible, but also through the experience of the Camp Hill Church Family.
This is the first lesson in the series on Philippians. Isaiah Krause speaks of us being lights in the world and the 11 qualities that those lights must possess. This is the fourth Lightmus Test that John reveals that the Christian should be focusing on to see whether or not they are walking in the light. This series will help with that. So where do we find it? Come and see first-hand as Saul walks you through his life in hopes that you'll learn from his mistakes. (Proverbs 27:17) As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend. He describes each 'love' through the eyes of his work at Camp Hill before heading off to the New Road church in Waco. Doug Hamilton presents the first in his series of 40 Family Books, poetically based on books of the Bible. The Bible teaches that the wise person will seek out good counsel. The greatest investment that you could ever make for anotherTIME. David was a man after the heart of God and had many qualities that could be discussed. Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. What does hope looks like, where does it come from, and most importantly, where can we get it? In the end, the only thing that matters is if we are a citizen of heaven or part of the dying world receiving the wrath of God. Pergamum held the seat of power and was the administrative city of Asia. The second part of this series focuses on the need for Education. Don Pownell brings a message and progress update today about the Helping Hands Project in Ghana. This lesson examines the true dangers of grumbling. Listen and see where you stand on this test this morning. He then challenges and encourages us to be memorial stones for each other and those around us seeking God. Today we discuss the plan that we need to make that vision a reality and how to work that plan. Find out how those Christians can be a role model for His church today. But the ones we are given from Jesus are a brand new, perfect fit, that will never fade or wear out. *Note: These videos are not meant to replace home or other corporate worship services as we are commanded to do. Three words that define us as Christians and changed the course of history forever. We can have confidence in our salvation, confidence in our God and confidence in our Savior! Please enjoy and email us if there is any problem with the recording. This lesson helps us to have a better understanding of the world events, the origins of the unrest, and how we are to respond to them as Christians. Russell Pierce talks about the temptation of addiction in the church family and how we can offer hope to those members. What does the number really mean and symbolize? In any group there must be leaders and followers. Romans 12:9 is where Paul gives specific details on how not to be conformed to this world. Sometimes someone needs to say something about those culturally taboo items. We hope it will encourage you to study the book further. 14 - The Civil Relationship of the Christian, The Camp Hill Vision Pt.
Every day is a new start for the Christian, a clean slate. In what areas does a Christian grow? We in the Christian faith must understand that trials will come to us in this life. Tim Williams discusses why the church uses only a capella music and what a beautiful gift it can be to God and to each other. In this chapter he will place a Big Humbling Block before them so as to bring things into perspective. The Camp Hill church's mission statement is reviewed and the question for you to answer is, 'what is your role in the mission.' Most people do it everyday. Evaluating our hobbies and interests to determine whether or not they are Godly and how to use them in service to God. 5, The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. If you feel a calling to work in that area or want to develop your Spiritual Gift in that area, sign up! Without it, we are nothing more than a Christian in name only. Today we will take a deeper look into the reasons why nations fall. Find out 3 more ways to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 2 of this lesson on Discipleship. Imagine if everyone you knew would read through the Bible just one time. Continued from lesson one. A lesson about how the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus. The text for the sermon is 1 Corinthians 10. Compare your list with the one offered today and see if you are on that list. Asa was one of five good rulers of the southern kingdom of Judah. Here we'll look at the Biblical steps of what should be called 're-fellowshipping', as its every intent is to keep a brother or sister from turning back to a world of sin. Ten Election-Proof Truths of the Christian. Will karma work in your favor or punish you? (There is no video recording available for this date. Romans Pt. In this last lesson, we will cover a topic that is extremely vital to our vision - Good Works. This lesson looks at some of the basic concepts to be taught to disciples to keep them and others in the Kingdom of God. He started out so great, but something happened to cause us to take heed in the life of Solomon. (Our apologies, we experienced some technical difficulties at 11 minutes 40 seconds. The Gospel message and His church may be 'after a pattern' but your presentation of the Gospel message doesn't have to be. What do we really know about adoption concerning the Bible? Paul already said that he was consistent in his teachings throughout the churches of Christ, for what he taught in one church was the same for all the churches of Christ (1 Cor 4:17 just as I teach everywhere in every church.). An encouraging word is offered by Tim Williams about how God uses our strengths and weaknesses to fit together, to build one another up, to work as one in His kingdom. There is a way of God and the way of the crooked and perverse generation. But there are three words from within all of the pages that will be focused upon in this lesson. In this text we find two more good examples that every Christian can follow. He's not there for your material goods though. Learn what is preventing you from having a 'walk on water' kind of faith today. He knew his days were numbered and sought to put in place a God-ordained structure to keep the churches strong once the apostolic age was over. This is the sermon only. Tim Williams discusses the history, importance, and future of the mission work in Ghana. See how God divinely works the telling of His salvation story throughout history. Insight into Mary annointing Jesus with perfume. If God was not those things, then He would not be God. The seven utterances of Jesus communicate: I) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Human (Luke 23:34) II) The Forgiveness of Jesus as Savior (Luke 23:43) III) The Family of Jesus (John 19:26-27) IV) The Forsaking of Jesus (Matt 27:46) V) The Fulfillment of Jesus (John 19:28) VI) The Faith of Jesus (Luke 23:46) VII) The Finality of Jesus (John 19:30). In this lesson we will focus on the Guidance of God through the words of the Psalmist. We will be covering the first half of chapter 6. Take a look at some Biblical examples today and learn how you can walk likewise. 9 Our Assurance of Being Justified by Faith, Romans Pt. GLS 27: The Launch of Love - Jesus' Public Ministry, GLS 25: God Cares for Us - The Book of Esther, GLS 23: He has a Timeless Love - The Book of Daniel, GLS 22: No Matter What, the Love Story is the Same - The Book of Micah, GLS Pt 21: Gods Love Story of Mercy - The Book of Jonah, GLS Pt 20: Without Suffering and Patience There Would Be No Love Story, GLS Pt 19: When God's Love Story Unravels, GLS Pt 18: Avoiding Division in Gods Love Story, GLS Pt 17: Take Care Lest Ye Fall From Gods Love Story, GLS Pt 16: The Emotional Side of Gods Love Story, GLS Part 15: God's Love Story is Personal, GLS Part 14: The Mighty Man of Valor and God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Pt 13) Saul - The Rejector of God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Pt 12) God's Love Story and Our Commitments to Others, God's Love Story (Pt 11) God's Love Story of Rescue, God's Love Story (Pt 10) The Battle Belongs to the Lord, God's Love Story (Part 9) Reminding Ourselves of God's Love Story, God's Love Story (Part 8) Trust and God's Love Go Hand in Hand, God's Love Story (Part 7): Restoring God's Love When It is Broken, God's Love Story (Part 6): Behold the Tabernacle Pattern of God's Love, God's Love Story (Part 5): He has a Jealous Love, God's Love Story (Part 4): Willing to See God Through Big Picture, God's Love Story (Part 3) - The Nature of a Promise, God's Love Story (Intro): Introduction to the Series, Evangelism Series 2013 (Part 6): Dead Man Walking, Part Five 2013 Evangelism Series: Samaritan Evangelism, Part Four 2013 Evangelism Series: An Evangelist called Legion, Part Three 2013 Evangelism Series: The Woman with the Alabaster Jar. Tim Williams waxes on The Power of Forgiveness and what a powerful tool it can be in reaching the world with the gospel. The truth is, that when you get to know Jesus better, you'll come to realize that you'll always need MORE Jesus in your life - you can never really have enough! This should help refute this. Learn why and how to bury the hatchet tonight. Jason Allen describes 3 ways we can evangelize effectively like Jesus did. Today we'll discuss the two sides to each of the three-dimensional realms. Will it change your life? Participate in the fellowship principle for God by doing your part so God can do His part. Find out more about it today. God warns them of the cost if they do not repent quickly and leaves them with an undeniable promise. Whenever the people of God are on the right path toward prosperity, the devil tries to knock us off track through grumbling. What tools has He given you to work with and are you using them - correctly and often? We are in a season where much of the world has the account of the birth of Christ on their minds, for that is a national tradition. Apply this lesson by living a merciful life to others and to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. God has a special purpose for the men in our culture. Find out more today. Today we'll look at 3 Judges who made an impact on Isaiah Krause and how God can use anyone to accomplish His greater purpose. Ken Kesse surprises us with a visit and we surprise him by having him speak on Sunday night and share his experiences and how God's Love Story is alive and well in Ghana. Today we learn about the rejection of Jephthah and how it shaped him into being a mighty warrior for God. Jesus explicitly taught that our relationship with our fellow man can influence our outcome with God, inhibiting our prayers and our forgiveness. 1 Paul's Greeting to the Romans, The Crooked and Perverse Generation Pt. They were sent out with the message of the Gospel and told to deliver it unto the world. Come, watch the plan unfold. God's Love Story must be viewed as the overall Big Picture. This is a glorious gift that gives us hope that our joy may be full (as John writes). 3, GLS 40: Crossing the Finish Line of God's Love Story (Revelation), GLS 36: God's Love Story Demands Good Leadership, GLS 35: God's Love Story Always Needs Follow-up, GLS 33: The Five Elements of God's Love Story of the Gospel, GLS 31: Bread & Wine: Important Symbols of God's Love Story, GLS 30: Our "God's Love Story" Responsibilities. Listen to Isaiah Krause extole the qualities of our perfect heavenly Father. They are a matter of convenience for homebound or traveling members and guests who have no other access to a congregation. There are many comparisons which can be made between Superman and Jesus. Why not you? Eddie Wright Jr. reminds us what is most important in life and the consequences of forgetting. Listen to these encouraging words against the backdrop of the Book of Revelation. What about all those promises that God made to Israel from the Old Testament? Charlie Dove takes a hard look at Darwinism and how it compares to Christianity. How does God use adversity in your life to shape and mold you into the perfect Christian? Looking back at how things were for the Camp Hill Church of Christ during 2008. Jesus's prophecies concerning the end of the age. Isaiah Krause challenges us to have a daily life and attitude of gratitude rather than just once per year. What is joy and why should the Christian be filled with it? Will you accept the challenge? We are at the close of the five-part series The Death of a Nation. Charli Yana delivers a message this morning about the fleeting days of this life and the eternal home we should be preparing for. This morning, Isaiah Krause discussing the various tastes in the Bible and how we can tasteThe Goodness of God. The church at Ephesus had done a lot of good deeds, however they were admonished that they had lost their first love. This is one of the big questions in the life of the Christian. Isaiah Krause asks you to look in the mirror and see if a Pharisee might be looking back at you. Find out exactly how to fulfill the command of Christ in Part 1 of this lesson on Discipleship. How does one develop an attitude of gratitude? Now is time to cover the rest of the Pattern of Prayer and also the great Precaution of Prayer. How the passover meal relates to the Lord's supper. Royal Lessons from the Kings: Uzziah -King of Pride. The scripture states concerning Paul's house arrest in Acts 28:30 "And he stayed two full years in his own rented quarters and was welcoming all who came to him." Can we dishonor God by becoming a stumbling block to our brother? We must prove that we paid for something before walking out the door of Walmart. How we act in our liberalities can not only be a stumbling block to weaker Christians and Humbling Blocks to older Christians, but also Grumbling Blocks for all Christians. Your actions today will more than likely assure that Gods Love Story will be strong in their lives tomorrow.